Listen to episode 839 of the Inspirational Living podcast: Love is the Secret Power of the Universe. Edited and adapted from Man Limitless by Floyd B. Wilson.
Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: My studies in psychology and philosophy, regarding the unfolding of the human being, have led to many experiments, proving the attractive power of Love to bring about one’s desires, hence I select this for a theme, as I feel it has been proven to be the secret force of the Universal — the light on the path to the attainment of every longing of the human heart.
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inspirational, living podcast. Today's reading was edited and adapted from
man limitless floyd, be wilson, published in nineteen o five.
Love in one form or another is the motive power of the universe is the force that moves men, women and nations towards advance.
for the achievement of ambitions for the fulfilment
A ideals love reaches
vienna and desire and yet awakens desire. It blends in a leg, with aspiration the mental with the spiritual
and gives the incentive to guard him prolong life in
order that we may grass more of it
Hallowed in mistake, meaning it is universal
found through throughout nature. We see the plan sending its roots down, do secure, nourishment and then having converted this into sustenance. Carry it upward to assist growth in the sunlight, reaches,
where needs to give full expression to its development in beauty seeming in itself.
New way to enjoy itself most when demonstrating vigorous lie, is not this but plants, expression of love
its silent purpose to attain its own. Then, in the mystery of unfolding.
In animal life. We note a broader development, one that extends to the point
acting carrying in helping of its own kind. It reaches out off
into the weekend suffering through almost a human feeling
and more than that, it recognises the expression of love from others and rewards it by
showing love in return. My purpose, however, deals with you and I and whether we can learn something of the creative power of love
in its part in helping us to attain our ideals to live terrorists, spirit
follow emerson made love one of his subjects for an essay, but he wrote
only from a human point of view of romantic relationship. Sang courtship, this field of emotion, vast as it is, is, but the reflection of one phase of the power of love can now to comprehend the vastness of love. It's mystic force its far reaching attract
of power in directing guiding and sustaining us through the labyrinth of life's experiences when beeder peers seek rid of existence to solve the problem of human purpose and the grass balder possibilities within us. My study
in psychology in philosophy regarding the unfolding of the human being have
too many experiments proving the attractive power
love to bring about ones, desires and say, select this for a theme, as I feel
has been proven to be the secret for of the universal
on the path to the attainment of every longing of the human heart from the earliest days,
of intelligence in humanity.
the moment we as children begin the group ideas together to form a thought. We face two opposing sides
right and wrong light in darkness, truth and falsehood honouring shame, success and failure loving hate with wider experience in life. These opposing sides multiply to Lee reach myriads
one word signifying the end user. The other rates opposite youth, however, is an optimist. It is we experienced one who suggests danger and brings to use consciousness. The possibility of
feed. Does this suggestion from an older one? Well meant, though it be help or route tarred. Our development
who is near guy and who can catch most intelligently, the whispers of infinity, youth or adulthood. Experiences are groundless
But father time only gives the lessons leaving us to draw conclusions. How often have we failed to draw them
I have heard able women and men who have one great success say that their judgment did not lead to these
they had one they declared wearily least expected it their judgment hand,
more than half the time, youth acting
from desire, love impulse is those rights.
In doing so, perhaps about half the time? Is there then a philosophy that can help to guide us salute weak
direct effort that no energy be wasted and low price be one.
unhesitatingly? I answer this question in the affirmative, but one cannot master the philosophy without discipline. In addition, we must also be true to ourselves
optimism alone. Will now we now now it's will come to all
have gone only so far as to say, I believe, a phase
founded on believe, will often waiver. Therefore, let us be honest with ourselves and convert belief in two knowledge by proof.
Until we do this, we are only weak followers of those who actually do now.
others only indomitable when a whole Supream control and a old superman control
It fills our minds so completely clear.
Is no room for hate or doubt such love is so strong and absolute
But it will enter into no compromise were bargain. There can be nothing commercial in its nature. It
none offered give with any proviso as to receiving in return. For example, let us look at the life of joan of arc. She heard
strange voices calling her to action and in service, so france in her beloved king, there was
question in her mind of the worthy new sore unworldliness of the king. In her simple way, she revered him did not least most unselfish and magnanimous love of that poor on schooled, shepherdess open. The pathway
infinite force and bring its messengers in touch with her, so there
by their magnetic powers. She evolved in
will warrior leader whose presence on the battlefield assured victory. Yes, I believe so, my years of studying human achievement, I have found that we ourselves
seriously you're subconsciously, open the way to receive the aid of the universe, the infinite force, god himself, if you prefer to use that word, does not make this
election. We create our own guides in our own devils, our role
environment in our own limitations desire lifted in too intense longing
and crystallized into absolute unquenchable. Love is the magnetic force
brings to our raid what some termed divine spirits, what others call the infinite vibrations of heaven
and one others more orthodox call, god joan of arc
among her heard in the fields, fell pain than before.
A nation was crushing out of existence, her native land, to her simple, my this was outrageous robbery. Hurricane was also to her, the god of france in the
ancient religion that bound her. There was a love when reverence for alters relic sends saints. She did not know her king and book crudely, her country, yet Sheila limbo with disaster and war.
is love, was intensify and grew. Do desire to be of service to both king country. She was without ambition, so love could vibrate only in a single throbbing von selfish devotion. This, I argue, was the attractive forest she sent out to the spiritual round which answered her in the form of clairvoyance and safety in battle
Such is not the case with most of us. We may cherish and intense desire that broadens in the love and attracts the infinite power to us. But when manpower comes in him, similar response,
Abilities to be assumed in our undertaking, we pale at the thought of carrying them out, thereby causing fear to arrest our progress.
And success left abandon only have one. I have are
you'd over and over again with people who have declared that they put their best thoughts and best efforts forward only to have failed in accomplishing their goal. Underclothes questioning.
I have found that their desire was born mingled with doubts or fears, thereby create
in Ottawa opposition one must realise.
Within your own thought is loafers lack. Carries you to success as well as the
housing factor that may turn even success have won in the failure.
Yourself alone rests solely the responsibility, as always that semi unethical
The tale of that money is far from Paradise is
human desire to thrill of the responsibilities of one's blunders, shortcomings and failures on others. It is through genuine foolhardy. Love that we overcome model
position new fears and doubts that around
In our thoughts after a decision has been made and no work commenced, love you so potent when it rises supreme that doubts and fears artists spell by its radiance
Love will rise supreme if your resolve is born of desire
in whatever way to help others.
In the daily round of the petty duties of life. Our attention is good
annually being arrested by those who shall love for their work, be what it may.
whether that love was called evaded or grew out of
simply undertaking that tasks willingly need not be question, lay who so
work are working on the right plain reach. Success be a great or small when one brings comfort or happiness to or not
by doing what is regarded as arduous work and is so filled with the field
inspired in another others, breast that you rejoicing
the work and lose sight of its arduousness, then
has love shown itself triumphant
love rises. Back Van is bound up with a noble desire completely in
wine therein. So we cannot be the throne
One marches forward to victory and your whole pathway,
use luminous with lie.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-13.