Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from The Royal Path of Life by T.L. Haines and L.W. Yaggy.
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Podcast Excerpt: An old philosopher once bade his scholars to consider what the best thing to possess was. One student said that there was nothing better than a liberal and contented disposition. Another said a good companion was the best thing in the world. A third said a good neighbor was the best thing a person could desire; and a fourth said the ability to foresee things to come - that is, to be wise.
But at last a student named Joshua said....
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I welcome our sunday talks and exclusive series them
Dreams of the inspirational living podcast phrase talk.
Is at an and adapted from the royal path of life.
T, o higgins and l w yogi, and all
Philosopher once bade his scholars to consider what the best thing to possess was one students
There was nothing better than a
limb, rolling, contented disposition and others
A good companion was the best thing in the world
Reed said a good neighbour was the best thing a person could desire and affords
the ability to foresee things to come,
that is to be wise, but at last
the student named joshua said a good heart was better than them all true
said, the old teacher you have,
comprehended. In two words, all the rest have said for the
person that has a good heart, we'll be contented
and a good companion.
and a good neighbour
be wise.
Every man and woman should always consider that a good heart is the best possession. Having this will prove
You, too not only do good
but it will encompass many virtues MIKE.
also to you, is to seize every opportunity of contributing to the good of others sometime
The smile will do it more off
a kind word. A look of sympathy.
Organ and knowledge of obligation, some
times a little help to a burden shoulder
Heavy we'll will be an order. Some
I'm a word or two of good counsel,
seasonable when gentle admonition and then
larry times a suggestion of advantage to be gained and how to secure it will be
received with lasting gratitude.
In the us, every instance of kindness done well
acknowledged or not open
a little wellspring of happiness in your own brass, the flow of
which may be made permanent by habit influences to appear.
In what flavour is to fruit or fragrance
The flower
is not develop, string thought
determine character, but it
the measure of your interior richness and worth and as the blossom
cannot tell what becomes of the oder witches wafted away from it by every wind.
So no individual knows the limit of land influence which,
constantly and imperceptibly escapes from their daily life,
ngos out far
beyond mere conscious knowledge,.
There are noxious weeds and fragrance laden flowers in the world of the mind.
in the world of matter truly
Star they who walk away of life with a generous heart,
filling all the air about them with the aroma, which is so suddenly tat still from kindly be helpful, were and unselfish actions.
One drop of water helps to swell the ocean spargo.
I helps to give life to the world
You are a single individual, passing them
The crowd you
hardly noticed.
You have a drop of sport
We feel that may be fell through eternity sand
drop in motion
give wings to spar
behold the results. It major
and the world.
None are too small to feeble too poor to be of use.
earlier, send act
Is no a trifle if we were
upon marble will
and surely perish. If we were,
upon brass
time will face it. If we build
temples, they will
slowly crumble in the dust, but if we were,
appalling immortal mines.
if we view them with high principles in callings, as children of god,
we engraved on those tablets, something which note
I'm kind of face,
which will brighton to all eternity
He would show yourself to be a woman or a man in the truest and noblest sense,
though not where people are carving monuments of marble, fain go now.
dwellings of the rich go not to the point.
Alice's of the kings and queens
could the halls of marrying men and pleasure.
go rather to those who need your help.
whenever that help may be, which you can provide.
You were true wealth, hereafter areas, the good you do in this world to your fellow men and women.
When you die, some people will say what
Kind of welfare property have they left behind, but the aim
Those who examine you will ask,
What are the good deeds you have sent before your arrival.
Every one of us may in some way or other assist, storing, struck some of
Our fellow creatures for them
of the human race is poor and needy and
We have a mutual dependence on one another.
there is nobody who cannot do some good.
Everybody is bound to do diligently. All the good they can
is by no means enough to be rightly behaved to be serious.
Son, religious in our closets. We must be useful to
and take care that, while we all red numberless benefits from society,
society also may be the better for every one of us. It is false
faulty and indolent humility that makes peoples
still and do nothing.
because they will not believe that they are capable of doing much for
everybody can do something.
Everybody can set a good example.
too many or to a few, every
I can, in some degree encourage virtue in character.
Everybody has some one or other whom they can advise warring struck
worrying some way, help to guy through life. Those who were too,
poor to gave arms in
it gave their time less trouble. Their assistance
the same, preparing or forwarding the gifts of others. Knocker johnson use
Say they who wait to do a great deal of good at once
we'll never do any good.
is done. My degrees, however,
Small, the benefits that follow individual attempts to do good agree
deal may be accomplished by perseverance
even in the midst of discouragement, send disappointments
if it is made up of little things, it is but
Once in an age that occasion is offered for doing a great deed, true greatness,
same thing being grade in little things.
however, railroads bill by one?
shovel of dirt after another, one
double full at a time
We should be willing to do a little good at a time.
and never way to do a great deal of good at once.
If we would do much good in the world? Will you
be willing to do good in little things. Little lax
after another,
setting a good example all the time we must do the first good thing. We can
and then the next and the next
keep on doing good
there is no other greatness when to make some nook of this world a little more fruitful better?
more worthy of admiration. To me, some human
it's a little wiser, stronger happier, the fur
then paramount any move, any religion is not the point
air for another world, but to make the best of this world or more correctly stated
to make this world better. Why
Is there any happier
is to be good
and do the most good we can now in here.
Oh bothers to me and do the same. It is to see
with all our might the highest welfare of the world? We live in,
and the realisation of its ideal greatness
nobleness and blessedness almost come
Building thought is that having beyond will,
be a place of white robes and golden harps, but a play
He's for living, loving and doing there,
is pleasure in contemplating good
is greater pleasure in receiving good,
The greatest pleasure of all
he's in doing good, which envelops the rest.
I laboring always to do good,
you will make your life comfortable your death happy.
accounts glorious.
So remember, being
simply good be good for something.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-24.