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The Magic Mirror of Your Life | Sunday Talks

2023-12-02 | 🔗

Listen to a sample episode of Our Sunday Talks, edited and adapted from You Can, But Will You? By Orison Swett Marden.

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Podcast Excerpt: “There is a legend of a wonderful magic mirror which people used to journey from all parts of the world to look into. This mirror was supposed to give them back a picture of themselves as they really were, not as they (or as their friends or enemies) thought they were.

Once upon a time, a person who looked into the magic mirror...”


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As leaves turn and evening school, find warmth in rivers, c b, t t collection each tee from wild strawberry tim. A solid chai is a symphony of flavors meticulously crafted with thirty five milligrams of c b d artes offer a natural retreat, savoured the quality that river stands for seamless blend of nature's gifts and wellness. This fall let every cup from river.
enhance your moments of tranquillity and reflection, welcomed our sunday talk from exclusive serious for the programmes of the inspirational living, conquer greystock was agitated and adapt and from you can, but will you buy orison swerve morning published in eighteen? Twenty. The er there is a legend of a wonderful magic mirror which people will use to journey from all parts of the world. To look into. This mirror was supposed to give them back a picture of them,
fell was, as they really were, not as they arise. Your friends were enemies thought they were once upon a time, a person who looked into the magic mere A man who is extremely moderate standing do to depreciate himself, who never thought there. would do anything worthy of notice in the world was much amazed to see a sight of himself which he never before even guess that therein, the magic mere clear Lee outlined within his own figure was that of another being strong shellfish, like a radiant picture of manhood, which none of the weaknesses, none of the defects, none of the deficiencies, none of the inferiority, Which he had always invested in himself.
A high nor within the reflection of his own face, she had always thought. Homely he's the mere another face without blemish or lines weakness, but bearing a strange resemblance to his own ass, he gazed in amazement The image of the whole man came out of the background plainer and plainer until we realise that it must be that of his other sell his hire possible so which had been waiting for him for years. It was the reflection. superb man. The creator intended him to be the man it was possible for him to become instead of the week, insignificant man. He had always pictured himself to be. The man was so impressed by the vision he saw in the magic mere that it never after left. Him
and he was continually trying to model himself by it. The more he tried to measure up to its standard by strengthening his weak points, correcting his faults and improving his personal appearance in every possible way. The clearer grew his mental picture of that other self of which he had caught a glimpse until it became to him as a living companion. Finally, the image of the perfect man he so constantly held in mind began materialise to take the place of the timid, shrinking, self depreciating man he had hitherto been and within a few years, his whole appearance, his mental maker. He's bearing in manner every thing about him and undergone a complete transformation. In fact, he had become
The grander man, the magic mere had revealed to him, not only that, but in those few years he had vans more in his line of work, made a greater success than he had ever dream. He would and even then he said he was just beginning to measure up to his possibility. Is someone told you that to get a look into a magic near one which would reveal view the possible man or woman that you can be? Instead of, week individual. You have consider yourself to be would you not be willing to do everything in your power to obtain such a privilege, perhaps you'd? I know that this is just what a modern spiritual philosophy of life, a new conception of europe, closer connection with the creator will do for you.
It will give you a glimpse of your other larger south, your higher cell, The man or woman you were intended to be, but which perhaps unfavourable conditions race, belief sore hereditary trades have so far kept you from discover it will reveal to you not only the possible man or woman beating beneath the smaller one. You have picture yourself to be, but also the things you can accomplish. It will not reflect the little things you have done so far but the greater things you were intended to do this new philosophy,
He of life is even better than the magic mirror of the legend, for it does not reflect the person who has disappointed you. The person who has not lived up to early promises, the person who has wrecked your ambitions. It does not reflect the weak, inefficient person, the one full of fear, who has no faith in themselves, the individual of small picayune achievement. It is a mental exercise, which enables you to appear in the very depths of your being to see the great within of yourself. With all your own mind, well all your potencies and possibilities easier undeveloped. It shows you what you are capable of doing builds up your faith in yourself, and help to bring out the best vat is in you to make yourself.
the ideal man or woman, you long to be the most the whole thing in the world is to make people believe in their own. Bigness to take stock in their own leading ability if we had a larger conception of our possibilities, a larger faith in ourselves, even those who are considered successful could accomplish infinitely more than they do, and if we only better understood our divinity. We would have this larger faith. We are crippled by the old orthodox ideal of our inferiority, but there is no inferiority about the person god who made the inferiority Hannah sees what we put into ourselves, what god made is perfect the trouble is that most of us are about a burlesque of the person that guy
patterned and intended and these issues, because we have no faith in ourselves. No knowledge of our divine possibilities. All inferiority all failure is the result of ignorance or the how real cells in our kinship, with god, A harvard graduates who s been out of college for years recently told me that, because we lack of self confidence She is never mean much more than ten dollars an hour. A graduate of Princeton told me that, except for a brief period, He has never been able to work as anything other than a waiter bartender. Both of these people are fully equipped physically and mentally. To do big things to make life a great success. But they are failures because they do not dare to assume responsibility there.
Committee, in their lack of faith in themselves, has destroyed their efficiency, their education there physical well being and natural ability are lost. As far as material results are concerned,. because of their low estimate of themselves until the reverse. This, by getting glimpse of their divinity. They are says children of god. There is first will likely remains far off the magic. Year of the new spiritual philosophy of life, makes us see ourselves as sons and daughters of god with almost limitless power inherited from the creator. It teaches us that self depreciation is a crime that you were made me a conqueror, not a slave six
not a failure into assert your god given birth, rhino, divine power and rise to the height of your possibilities, not to think below them, as so many of us do is like the harvard and princeton graduate you are in an inferior position, discourage and humiliated, because you are making no progress, this new philosophy of inspirational living will help you as nothing else. Can it help you to bring out the person you long to be that for or grander individual of the creators plan that is beating beneath the young, successful or a mediocre man or woman you have been here help you to realise and to develop the possibilities of the person who has been responsible,
for your inferior jobs in the past, the person who has so this, appointed your ambition. This week, mental picture of yourself, which you have held in your mind, so long, is the person you will be until you get a larger vision of yourself until you improve europe, Opinion and your mental pattern of yourself until you exchange that inferior pattern for your ideal, your model of what you long to be and what you can and should be. In other words, so long as you, old in mine and effective fear model of yourself. That person will continue to disappoint you. If you want to cry, to get out of the road of inferiority you have made for yourself. You must
I have nothing more to do with the person who has never measured up to their possibilities, who has continually forty were ambition and disappointing you in the past. You must quit their, send forever and enlarge and improve your mental model of yourself and then stride with all your mind, to measure up to that model that which is of supreme importance to you The thing that should concern you most is not your smaller meaner self, not your discourage disappointed. But your larger, stronger, more sublime self. look into the magic near of your own soul, where gods purpose in creating new is written, and you will see in
since there are not the little narrow, weak, ineffective person, your fears and mistakes of made at the magnetic an individual god had in mind when he made you think speak walk act live. Is this person would and then, will be working in harmony with rather than against your maker. Then you will see, filled with divine plan for your life instead of forcing it. You will be a success celebrate the holidays. Arizona state are whether it's a cool, I did a low desert plain. So in the high country, packing
clearly in the army and spinning christmas in the parks. Just don't forget the presence, arizona state parks have something for everyone, this quality These fine in arizona state partner you by visiting a z, state heart, start com and happy holidays from arizona, state parks and trails
Transcript generated on 2023-12-04.