« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

The Most Important Element of Success in Life

2022-08-22 | 🔗

Listen to episode 708 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Most Important Element of Success in Life. Edited and adapted from The Power of Mental Demand by Herbert Edward Law.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is no element so important to a successful business or a successful life as enthusiasm. Yet it is an element often not thoroughly understood, or very accurately measured. It is rarely given the degree of importance to which it is entitled. Indeed, it is often neglected altogether.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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inspirational living pod curs. Today's reading was agitated and adapted from the power of mental domain by herbert edward law. Abolition in nineteen sixteen. There is no elements so important to a successful business or a successful life as in louisiana Yet it is now a man often not thoroughly understood or a very accurately measured. It is
Early given the degree of importance to which it is entitled- indeed, it is often neglected altogether. Enthusiasm is faith in action. He puts your beliefs to the test. The enthusiasts believes that nothing can be done. They have their faith to believe that it ought to be done and they have the enthusiasm to do it to the unthinking person. Enthusiasm is but little foam on d
least turd waters. In truth, it is those striving of low water. Is them selves? It is the very life of effort it is to ever work. Fire is to call what steam is to the engine. What alight infuses to charge of dynamite, vital force which brings action in these areas and gives us our goal to your eye late to your countenance spring inaction, yours step certain tee to your reference enforcing vigour, to your movements. It gives care durham, vitality to your desires. It is the difference between wish and determination between the inanimate body in the
living. Acting. A human being enthusiasm is the inspiration of effort, the power that bring success. It is the inward power through which the artist conceives an ideal and reaches The power that enables the actor to live in their part, it is the irresistible force which sweeps sway, in carries you when you hear a grain piece of music or a wonderful saw or a great speech. It is the genius of life it is about which makes the difference between the animate living moving acting accomplishing forces,
life in the dead forces of nature, which have no movement of their role, which have no spirit which have no life difference between spiritless work and enthusiastic work. Is the difference between failure ran success. It is the difference between working without aim and determination, and working with faith, purpose and vigour. The monotonous in differing spiritless talk that fails to convince fails me. because it lacks faith, sincerity and purpose. It is enthusiasm that convinces and inspires us to action like forgets, like in gender is enthusiasm. It is as positive as the law of gravitation is as far reaching as the human mind as
oh no, forceful, as the imagination king can see. It is a power which carries every thing before it. It is enthusiasm directed to useful lens, supported by worthy purposes, an carried by a strong and normal intent, which has accomplished that is great in art, science, religions, and even business, and no prosaic duties of life which may in fact as noble and grand new tsar, rather achievements enthusiasts, as ms uninspiring, in sustaining power, no great thing has been accomplished with fatty in every great thing, but represents the noble enthusiasm of some lofty soul, the steam engine, the ocean cables, the airplane, the inner stay highways and every human triumphed,
The forces of nature is a monument to the patient, persistent overcoming enthusiasm of some individual or a set of people, the freedom, democracy, the progress of the world all bear tribute to enthusiasm enthusiasts faith, inaction, driving sustaining in accomplishing power of fidelity to truth, and one self is the defining trade of every great here they history now in myers, it was in museum that enabled socrates to die. Like a philosopher, zero, stir, to live as a great teacher confucius who, in implant enduring ideals in the lives of an ancient people, enthusiasm generates a deep seated imports.
means resolution in confidence in one's ability to carry the task on to success. It means low possession of an element which attracts and holds everything that aids and strength The purpose and sir Leon universally as magnetic attractions, where the law of gravitation enthusiasm means lurk in which which is every day added to empty, becomes a larger with every succeeding our and every added saw it is the element that either makes or breaks one's fortune by the thoughtless person enthusiasm. some time, sneered at as a hobby, but, as a famous educator once said,
I believe in making a hobby of every thing. I go for that means. Success no person ever rose very high was not animated by enthusiasm. No achievement that is bound up. The great efforts of an individual has ever been free from it. In these he has always an element which fears and nothing which grows stronger with every difficulty which expands with every achievement which is never a rest which accepts one single achievement as but this stepping stone to one another ran larger one. It is a powerful irresistible force which finds gratification only in achieving meant to have enthusiastically. You must love
you're, a business. You must be in hard in harmony with your undertaking. You must leave in its broad reach. You must have faith in its greatness and you must realise that your power in the world is subject to someone's control and there's. Someone should be yourself. What is? Will these already have done if that will behind the resolution, the earnestness of purpose, the intensity of faith, which constitutes enthusiasm, a fire that burns brightly and never lowers its flame illuminating all berries, noble the influence, seven physiognomies limited, no can know what a measurable fields the influence of a single enthusiast, can spread
being almost divine the power of enthusiasm is an almost superhuman power if it is based on sound earliest principles that are strongly entrenched, ill command, the confidence, trust and support of worthy and forest full of people everywhere. When we speak of enthusiasm, it is not something indefinite, intangible and impossible to measure. It is a definite indescribable force of tested and measured strength,
stolen, sally, practical principles, the force whose influence can be made to reach to the accomplishment of any desire girl. On the other hand, enthusiasm without solid purpose is, as forcefully says, imperfectly confine steam. Enthusiasm should lead to their thoroughness. That carefulness, which per facts, It is the power to achieve not merely to make our tempts alright enthusiasms, how strong material for their basis they have achieved because they have been sound because they have been thorough because they have been true.
It is a frequent wish of young people that they lived in the romantic and adventurous pass instead of little prosaic present when battles were to be fought and victory at arms to be one when some great noble, cause now achieved, needed leaders and fighters, but were oppressed. Really is no more prosaic member past except to prosaic mines. The present has causes than knee brave soldiers. Endowing leaders, not less noble than those of the past greatness is the result of a spontaneous acquisition of power. It is their generating were within one self. It is keeping constantly lighted now fire of enthusiasm which carries you over the disheartening days in all the difficulties, the
enthusiasm, which makes you search with every dawning day, some better understanding of yourself, some stronger, closer abler control new shape. Although forces within you ever it's between a well trained, powerful, mind and the one that accomplishes nothing in the world is the difference between their enthusiasm and their development. We are apt to look too much to influences beyond. Power is external to us and too little to the things which are within ourselves bound up within us. There is a genius and power for achievement, the depth and extent of which depends entirely upon us and.
were effort, it depends upon, while we will, which means that every resolution, like every promise, oughta be made good by our performance. is now being near dreamers, idling away. The grand opportunities of life. Let us in men and women of action of resolution. Let us be achievers. Let us realise that the world is an open up, to unity, and that there is no limitation upon us but which we place on ourselves that they, who have the courage to say I will can be both captain of their sole, a master of their faith and that to be the master oneself and one's faith means. We.
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Transcript generated on 2022-08-26.