Listen to episode 833 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Proven Way to Truth, Success & Happiness. Edited and adapted from A Way of Life by Sir William Osler.
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Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: I simply wish to point out a path in which the wayfaring soul, though a fool, cannot err. Not a system to be worked out painfully, only to be discarded; not a formal scheme; simply a habit as easy or as hard to adopt as any other habit, good or bad. For life IS a habit: a succession of actions that become more or less automatic.
This great truth, which lies at the basis of all actions, is the keystone of the teaching of .....
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi. This is David will fall upon. I saw a schedule seem to get alot busier. We often don't have time to whip up a wholesome home cooked meal, but with hello, fresh is quick and easy recipes and fifteen minute meals. You can get a tasty dinner on the table last time that it takes to get take out all delivery and the top it off with low fresh. You know you're getting top notch produce, since it travels from the farm to your door and less than seven days, I'm in sampling their quick and easy recipes, and can tell you that there is room for heaters solely as chicken in old school delhi, burger, we're, fantastic
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The the inspirational living pancakes,
reading was added it and adapted from a way of life. The nineteen thirteen address do
sterling silver yale university deliver
Www. Will you mostly accounting professor johns hopkins hospital? Every person has a philosophy of life
in word, worryin de one, then ozma
were found themselves. Unconsciously, among the very best,
You may not know of its existence with the very worst they may. Private themselves is some kind of paragon as loose philosophy grows with our growth through.
You can be taught to the young informal lectures. Why, then you should I trouble you.
because I have a message that may be helpful. It is now philosophical nor
Is it strictly moral or religious.
In india and in a way it is all three it is we all this and the freshest, the simplest and most useful
so simple. Now some of you may turn away disappointed. My messages bundle were away an expression of the experience of a plain may
whose life has never been worried by any philosophy higher than that of a farmer or a shepherd. I simply wish to point out a path in which, though way fearing soul, no fool cannot air, not a system to be worked out painfully only two meters
guarded nano formal scheme. Simply a habit is easy or is hard to adopt, is any other having good or bad for life is having a success.
of actions that become more or less on a mad. This great true, which lies at the basis of all.
shins muscular were meant, is the keystone of the
Do you know of aristotle? Formation of habits was the basis of moral excellence. He writes, you know
were haben serve any kind, can the result of actions of the same kind, and so what we have to do is to give a certain character to these particular actions.
Lift seven months old, maybe to their feet and see them
come belong their nose do the same
twelve months and they walk
at two years they run
muscles and the nervous system have acquired the habit one trial after another one failure after another has given the child power weakened
liberally train parts of our money to perform complicated actions with an airing accuracy, for example, watch the musician playing a difficult peace. There nimble fingers move over the instrument as if automatically, but in truth it is the gradual acquisition of our power and skill achieve my long practice,
At the expense of many mistakes, the same gray law reaches through our mental, immoral states, character, which politics so both is in blue tarts words, long standing,
now. The way like I'm promoting is also a habit. One meal choir
Julie. My long in steady reputation is the practices
living for the day. Only for the days
work alone
keeping your life in tight compartments
I hear you say that it is an easy thing to say, but not so much to do perhaps, but I have come to this philosophy not,
simply intellectually. Through my own lived experience as a man who has filled chairs,
For universities, as written a successful book and has been asked to lecture at yale,
I am sought by many to have brains of a special quality.
and whenever a few of my intimate friends really know the truth about me that my brains are of a most mediocre character
what about your professorships and accomplishments? You ass.
well. Those are just habits. Oh,
of life and outcome of the days were vital importance, of which I wish to impress upon you with all of those for assent. My command.
how can you just seen once remarked that people's lives are influenced not by and send him planning of print?
I'm in aiding personality, but by the first book, which they read some early conversation which they have her some accident, which excited their passion, enthusiasm,
In my case, we secured in the summer of eighteen. Seventy one when I was
Attending medical school in montreal much worried about the future
picked up a volume of carlisle nano page I open there was this familiar sentence
our main businesses, not to see what lies dimly at the distance, but to do what lies clearly at had come in, please send two men home and
was the starting point of a happy man is enabled me to utilise too the for the single talent entrusted to me.
workers in the vineyard of life. We are high
or by the day. Only for this day are we to
as for our daily bread- and we are expressly bidden- do take no thought for the morrow
To the modern world these commands,
you seem a little miss the goal or new aging stimuli,
I do aspiration not to action. However,
I am prepared to urge a literal acceptance of this said lying a way of life having a strong.
The meat meet the demands of the day.
I remember one standing on the bridge of a great ocean liner filing through
the sea, at twenty five knots.
She is alive, said the captain in every plate, o huge
its with brain and nerves, an immense stomach, a wonderful harden lungs in her splendid system of locomotion.
You say that moment no signal sounded
and all over. The ship, though watertight compartments, were closed. That is our chief factor for safety. Continued the captain, water, tight compartments.
No each one of you is a much more marvellous creation than that great ocean liner
down on a much longer boy, when I urge is like you so
Learn to control your machinery as to live with day tight compartments as the most certain way
to ensure safety on your voice,
the bridge and see that at least the great bald head
during working order. Kutcher button, then here
and every level of your life
the iron door, shutting out the pass the daddy yesterday
ouch. Another ring clothes off with a mental curtain, though few
the unborn tomorrow.
Then you were saying: C4 today shut off the past, let the past maria stan
we see the same so hard to do. I know the pass haunts us like a shadow
In this regard, it is not easy
His blue, wise of your grandmother, weak chain of your grandfather,
a mental and moral counterparts in your maker generation.
Vain ancestors,
brooding over the mysteries in tragedies of life man.
Are you morbidly sensitive, but you can shut out no yesterday,
with a little conscious effort. Yes, they are there all right,
working daily in us
So why are we liberals and our stomachs in the past? You need some kind:
His action in our lives should
bother us as little as they do
petty annoyances
the real and fancied slight lou, trivial mistakes, the disappointments, the sins loose, sorrow even then
Bury them deep in the oblivion of each night,
I hear you say, but it isn't
it's been that to so many of us. The ghosts of the past appear in pry open the eyelids each one presenting us in a sorrow, a deep regret. I understand I truly
You said it was a vaccine against all no more than thoughts left in your system, miley infections of yesterday I offer a way of life, as george herbert says, undress your soul at night, not by self examination.
But by shedding as you do, your garments, the daily sins,
either of omission or of commission
and you will wake up a free so
the new life to look back
except on rare occasions. Whores start taking is to risk the fate of lots. Wife, many a purse,
lose handicap. Meyer, cursing combination of retro and introspection mistakes of yesterday-
paralyzing the efforts of today the worries of new paths near their distress
in the worm, regret allowed the king.
The very heart of their life.
however, to die daily.
through the manner of the saint Paul in
The resurrection of a new person
on new women or men who makes each day
And level like the law,
of tomorrow, is added to them
out of yesterday. Hurried today makes Lou strongest person followed her shut off the future as tightly as loop,
ass. We snow winner g on principle. Dreams are visions. No,
Castles in the air with which has the old song, so truly says: hearts are broken and heads are turn.
Who can tell what a day may bring for, though, with some certainty,
proverb, a person may carry it secret in law,
Of their hand, make pilgrimage to haiti's with you
things you're all the magic circle
for the right then ask piracy. Is the question
I have had the answer from his own lips moved future is today.
There is no tomorrow, the neighbours
salvation is now the life of the present lived earnestly intently
fellow, were looking thought.
is indeed our only insurance for the future. Let them
limit of your horizon, be a twenty four hour circle. Look Heaven word if you wish, and never to the horizon
For that way, danger lies, truth is not their happiness is not their certainty is,
there? It is rather low falsehoods, lou frauds waggeries. We do see each generation.
back in from the horizon.
Lower those who are not content to look for the truth and happiness that tumble out today at their feet.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-22.