« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

The Secret to Getting What You Want From Life

2023-10-19 | 🔗

Listen to episode 841 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Secret to Getting What You Want From Life. Edited and adapted from the writings of Gardner Hunting.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Why not have what you want? Have you settled down with a notion that you can't get it? Are you accepting a disappointment as something you must suffer through? Do you look at the thing that you really desire as being far beyond your reach?

Well, before you give it all up as hopeless, won't you just hear me out a little way to see if ....


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Before we get started today, I'd like to remind you to visit our sponsor hello fresh. Why? Because, even if you have a jam, packed schedule, may make whipping up a home cooked dinner, actually doable low fresh as quick and easy options that include fifteen minute meals, that's less time than it takes to get delivery low fresh, does all the shopping and meal planning for you, greedy and survive at your doorstep, pre portion and ready to cook long way, step by step recipe cards with pictures. How easy is that? Well, from my experience really easy, they are soy. Glazed, chicken, shrimp, fajitas and old school deli. Burger were a breeze to make and tasted better than the usual takeout ready to see why hello, fresh is
America's number one meal kit go to hello, fresh dot com, slash fifty living twenty three and use color. Fifty living twenty three for fifty percent off, plus free shipping. Now solo, fresh dot com, slash fifty living twenty three and use go fifty living twenty three for fifty percent off plus free shipping. Thank you I welcome the inspirational living part cast mrs reding was agitated and adapted from working with god.
My gardener hunting published in nineteen thirty four. Why not have what you want? Have you settled down with a notion that you can get it are you setting new disappointment as something you must suffer through? Do you look at the thing that you really desire as me, Far beyond your reach. You carry around with. You are hardy because you Think your hearts desire is finally in forever denied. You be Look on yourself is being down and now with no chance to get back to you, You are too poor to buy the things you like real, the things you need have you done
something, nay, you think has brought a penalty upon you, sickness poverty law, so freedom grief well before you give it all up as hopeless won't. You hear me out a little way to see. If you were a kid is as bad as you think it is not trying to sell you anything or do teach you anything or persuade you with anything but just one issue. with you, the ideas that change the life of a man who used to thing Yes, you do who thought he had a good reason to think so, but who is well now. He was mistaken that Is not hopeless at all. And who believes that what helped him may help somebody else who is under a cloud similar to the one night he once lived under,
these things. You want most. or now, within our reach, it has been said that, if a person, were to offer one hundred dollar gold pieces for a along the street At five dollars each there would be few myers because nearly everybody will lead to the conclusion that the seller was a fraud. You study the real reason why instinctively people feel that way We find in the very secret of success in getting what you want. You have heard it. a thousand times now. You can't get something for nothing you may or may not think that you believe this to be true, but it is true Whether you believe it or not,. And everybody deep down in their inner nature knows it is true.
that's why we're shy of any promise lamp promises to much? That's why You are probably sceptical about the promise of what I am sharing with you today, but This idea get a foothold in your mind. If it is a long and I cannot get something for nothing, then it must the truth of this law, as it is of all genuine laws that it works. both ways, It's true, then I cannot give any thing with getting something for ever think of that. Have you ever been surprised to find that when you liked- or this like a man or a woman, now person we sure, to return the feeling you had or gave to them. Have you ever noticed when an airline does then enables it to take in money used trains,
rotation than is needed. My people. Have you ever wondered why Henry forwarding John d rockefeller became so rich one rose, you may think of them. You should see The world gave them money, because they gave something to the world the one good low priced car, the other good oil at a reasonable price. What does it do. When store do before it gets regular customers it gives service kurt. see good will where deal accommodation and so forth, to a community which brings in the trade as the direct, an inevitable result? What An employee do before they get wages or a salary. Give a day's work or a weeks or months.
what gives them a raise? giving a little more and then they are paid for nothing else. what does a farmer do before they get a crop vague the sea to the ground, and wandering care how In order to restore a writer win fame. By giving the world of work alone or some great literature. how do I win a friend my giving a person friendship? in no other way, sometimes peoples Maybe you are one of them just now: laborer p, woohoo, who get something for nothing who gave, Nothing for what they receive. Did you ever study. Such cases were doing Take somebody else's word for it as who's. The worse new in such matters, who get something for nothing
son, who finds annoy well in their backyard, loophole, then, who marries a rich spouse minor whose animals upon gold, the city, in who wins a lottery? The thief who takes a purse? the contents of a bank loan, this swindler, who cheats the one on their property, the real estate, who sells worthless lots for big braces There's who destroy the old will forge a new one. So that all the property comes to them. They counterfeiter Who makes hundred dollar bills out of mere paper in ink. To all or any of these get something for nothing. The thing they did often it looks so but the more you watch the individuals who do these things, the more you I see that the law works with them. Joe
states it works with you and me. it is a genuine law. Just It truly is the law of gravitation is law and I cannot break it. Neither can you neither can anybody else. Did you ever know a gambler? Who got rich and stayed rich. Did you ever know a burglar who add anything left after they were finally caught. Did. You ever know a spouse who married for money and was happy. Did you ever know, anybody who denies squandered the money lay one in a lottery? If you we'll let go of the rumours and fabulous stories about riches coming the people for nothing. get right down and investigate. You will be surprised. What success in business meda? I mean any success.
seen any business, some people will say hard work but that is not always true heart, work alone will not ensure success. You probably know plenty of persons who have worked hard, but I've got an almost nothing, for it is honesty, make success Not necessarily those dishonesty pay, no Terribly upsetting, isn't he It all meant neither crookedness nor honesty succeeds well, that's where you and I have been making no mistake. We swim like pendulums from one extreme to the other. First, we ve tried succeed by one method, then maybe other wing crookedness fails people preach honesty when honest fails, Lou, preachers, tsar, dumbfounded inside
in turn bitterly back to crookedness. What is the reason. Simply that neither mere dishonesty nor a mere honesty pays. nor a mere laziness. Nor mere hard work. Nothing relief he's by obedience to law human law but guns or natures law, ground station is one of god's laws. Isn't it who uses of the law of gravitation, make any difference whether you are a good or bad, honest or dishonest, crooked or st saying or centre right sure poor fatter were lean black or white? It does not The law of gravitation works for you, infallibly invariably inflexibly eternally our lives of who or what you are,
uses the laws governing the burning of gasoline to drive a car, who uses the laws of friction, stop a car who uses the laws of electricity knowledge. Supply make any difference whether one is handsome more homely whether you are Freckle nor a pallid weather use mercury, drink or swear over, go to church or steel. Laura, kill or love. It does not a murderer, can drive a car or stopping a class can ride in an airplane Instead of fire up, each year or more on can explode dynamite. No Nora criminal will burn a hand on a hot stove Good or bad or vicious laws, work alike for all and everything works under law. Some.
Law is seen to be greater than others too include others to transcend others. For instance, the law is controlling the airplane, seeing new, enable it to break the law of gravitation, arose, Fourthly, you know these simple: enable us to counteract low force of gravitation. Likewise, the laws of radio release those from the conditions to we have found ourselves eliminated by governing laws. The laws of sound transmission Studying these things, I can see as soon as I begin working by any law, I begin to benefit by it, in no other law. Can stop me because all the laws of nature fit together. Work together, help one another They never work against one another.
The law of gravitation helps me to use the airplane It holds me down against the air If it did not, I mean flow. Of the world in this space airplane and all and other things that would happen when I start my car. The laws governing the action of the engine seem to overcome the laws of inertia and friction, but no law is broken, for inertia. There would be no momentum if it weren't for friction. I clutch, would not grip tyres will not take hold of the road I do not break laws, I use them. Now a law that works at all always works. You say, conditions affect laws. No,
Phone, for instance, only obscures the light of the stars to my eyes. Those stars still shy. Stand interferes with the radio only as it obscures the broadcasting. For me, the bronze hosting, is Larry just the same law. Always works anywhere everywhere wind forever too. To make for the medical law, in new york or kansas city in paris or tokyo in the cathedral, lower the prison, in the home or in the die on thought mars, to day orient caesar's time Now we're in eternity this law than I cannot get something for nothing and that, therefore, I cannot give without receiving is law, then it works with
the same infallibility and continuity is all other laws, No dear friends, who I am where I am. I try way color, my hair is mine characterise this law works? For me, just saying it is we call on the law of giving in receiving and it can be stated this way. When I give out comes back to me, multiplied always they come back, is like the yield from the sea. Now, if you agree so far, no, see where this has led you it is lenny. You recognise that you were where you are today, because of What you have given out. you are getting it back multiply just Is I am getting mine, but what else does it me?
It also means that what you start giving out now is- so going to start. Coming back to you, you can change this. crowd. You are reaping, but there's One way to do it, you can change We see, you are planting change this. Thing you are giving out, I did it work. and nobody can stop it. Nothing can stop. No circumstance, no apparent him. No apparent misfortune. Bad luck, No enemy, noble, the who has it in for you. What you gave out comes back to you. You begin giving out begin coming back to you. any man, woman or child kindred, inform their life by transforming the thing they give. Thou stop now think that over
what are you giving the.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-20.