Listen to episode 823 of the Inspirational Living Podcast: The Strength & Poise to Handle Any Situation. Edited and adapted from Making the Grade by C.V. Mosby.
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Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: Every person is the pilot on their ship down the River of Time. You must steer carefully and be at the wheel constantly. Indecision, impatience, cowardice means loss of control, and then you are on the rocks. Perfect balance, careful judgment, and an understanding of values gives one poise and enables the voyage to be made without mishap. Training for poise is one of the great businesses of life.
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Welcome to the Inspirational Living Podcast. Today's reading was edited and adapted from
The Grade by C.V. Mosby published in 1917.
Balance is necessary in all things. Nature demands it.
And preserves an equilibrium. Get out of balance.
And you are in danger of a fall. A well ordered and successful life consists of being able to preserve your poise
in tune and harmony with nature. Confusion is caused by a loss of mental balance and failure
Comes to a life that is not well poised. It is amusing to see so much energy wasted upon things over which we have no control.
Complaining about the weather. This is the hottest day ever.
Is hurled at you again and again on a summer morning by some fuming, fussy neurotic. back.
Glance at the thermometer would convince anyone that the temperature is pretty normal. I am dead tired.
Utterly worn out, worked to death, is said repeatedly day after day.
By people who are perfectly normal in every way except for a lack of poise. Haze. Extravagant statements.
Does nothing but burn up your gasoline.
Still all the time but your engine is running at top speed.
An engine needs a governor. Without it, the engine's value is nil. Instead of serving us, it destroys.
Same is true of life. Lack of poise. Lack of...
Perfect control of our emotions, lack of order and equanimity, and life becomes chaos. Nothing is accomplished.
All the energy and efforts needed in climbing, in making the grades, are burned.
While we stand still. A parent laughs at a child's tantrum but this may be
Until gyration is burning a path of destruction across that child's mind, that will cause
Misery, suffering and failure. Anger burns up a million tons of human energy and
but ashes that blight and wither every object that they may touch. What a pity
Restrain is not featured more and more in the home, in the schoolroom, and in the office.
Of trade and commerce. A man or woman who is composed under all conditions
Is the bulwark of civilization.
Could have prevented all wars and was in the ranks of the legal profession.
The members of which fatten themselves upon the fights and bickering of their fellow-citizens. It was a dream come true.
Would also help the mental health of the nation and reduce the epidemic of psychiatric drugs. Chronic nervousness.
Send irritability, excess fear and worry, insomnia, all are okay.
Caused by a lack of poise. What a pleasure it is to meet an individual of perfect poise, not a prude.
But a man or woman that understands life and the laws of living. Calm, courageous, hopeful, patient, determined.
Never losing sight of the goal. The person with poise.
Moves on. They live one day at a time and try to make it.
Every minute of the present count. No time is spent in idle romancing on what the future may bring and the past with its mistakes and its sorrows is forgotten. Right now the contact point with the past and the future is there
Concern and they make the present a golden moment of opportunity.
A visual is headed straight toward the goal of success.
Be halted, but such an interruption will be only temporary.
Business in life will go on and they will get to the top.
Every man or woman is the pilot on his or her ship down the river of time. You must steer carefully.
And be at the wheel constantly. Indecision. Impatience. Cowardship.
This means a loss of control and you are on the rocks. Perfect balance, careful judgment.
And an understanding of values gives one poise and enables the voyage to be made without mishap. Training for poise is a great way to learn how to be a good boy.
One of the great businesses of life. In this as in everything else that is worthwhile, eternal
Vigilance is the price of success. You cannot maintain poise and neglect your training.
Any more than an athlete can keep in physical condition and neglect exercise.
Poise can be attained and kept. Its maintenance means much and it
Is of inestimable value in making the grade. There are fixed and definite principles of ethics that also must be followed. directed, without proper regard being given to the rules governing balance and resistance, will fall...
To the ground. A machine that is constructed without due consideration being paid to the laws governing mechanics will not be used.
Do the work intended for it by its designer and a life that is built without consideration being paid to the fixed and immutable laws of truth and honesty will fail. You cannot
Cut corners when building your human machine and then expect it to stand out.
Under the grilling test of life's endurance race. You must build foursquare. You must give service plus. you
Modern civilization means an artificial life. And artificialness means sham.
And sham is dishonesty. Into the warp and woof of most people's lives, there creeps
Something that is not just square, that does not ring just true.
You don't have to be a deadbeat to be dishonest. You can cut corners in your business life in a thousand ways and not violate them.
Any statutory law but every time you cut a corner and shade your fellow citizen in a transaction
You violate one of the laws of success and you pay the price thereby.
Who filches in hours time is doing the greatest injury to themselves. The
tries to add an extra dividend to their earnings by ringing it from the lives of their employees
Is hurting no one so much as themselves. They may add to their bank account.
They lose in fineness and character those things that soar in value far above the worth of gold. A high sense of honor must be cultivated.
Ethics is the result of reason's rule and transcends brutal force. Forget this principle.
...bought out this light, and civilization is nothing but a veneer, is nothing but a veneer.
But a pawn with which the brutally strong can play at will. Honesty protects the weak against aggression.
It subdues the animal instincts. It respects human rights.
Of whether those rights are backed up with bustling bayonets and big guns. It is the cordon of defense
thrown about the week. It is more than a scrap of paper. The training
For honesty in life is like the making of a superb machine. You must build...
Carefully and in harmony with truth. The more care and attention you give to it, the finer the product.
There is not enough emphasis given in our schools to ethics. There is not enough at-
paid to it in our homes. Honor should be impressed upon the life of a child from its babyhood. Not fear but honor and an example of honor should be set before it.
And an atmosphere of honor should surround it in the home. How can we expect children to be...
Be foursquare with the world when they see their fathers and mothers do unethical things.
Things in their contact with fellow citizens. And let it be known that a child's mind is quick to grasp the false, much quicker
they are given credit for being able to do and they do not forget and
Depression made on a child's mind lives for all eternity. Like stain upon the snow.
It remains until life melts and fades away. Many a vicious life is started from the beginning.
Impressions made in childhood and many a wreck machine is due entirely to poor workmanship during the making. You cannot
to build false and run a winner's race. The great laboratory of the human soul tests all things.
And by these tests, one stands or falls. Nature sets a good...
Example. She always rings true, and what we give to nature she enjoys.
In turn gives back to us. Give the world loyal, loving,
worthwhile honest service and you will be rewarded in proportion to what you give. Jesus gave utterance to a basic truth when he said
Give and it shall be given unto you. Give the world the best you have in an honest effort to serve your work, your family, and
and the world will give back to you in kind.
You pour muddy water into a pitcher. You will pour muddy water out again.
And you will be slighted. Give and you will be given unto.
Is not a thing of chance. Success or failure is not accidental.
There is no such thing as luck. The road to achievement is well charted.
Trodden by countless feet, but it is straight and narrow when permits of no shortcuts.
Build every day like the Egyptians built their pyramids. Cut and polish every stone.
Give your best to the world and the world will give back her best to you.
Water into your pitcher of life and the pitcher will return clear water to you. Build Honestly.
Your machine will run true to form and will carry you up and safely over the grades of life.
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Transcript generated on 2024-05-19.