« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

The Unseen Elements of Success & Greatness

2023-02-14 | 🔗

Listen to episode 760 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Unseen Elements of Success & Greatness. Edited and adapted from Levels of Living by Henry Frederick Cope.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: There is an old mystical saying that the things which are not seen are essential to all success. We are blind if we can see only with our eyes, and we only are sensible when we know that there are many things beyond our senses. Practical people consider all the factors to every problem, and things are not less real to them because they might be intangible.


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Welcome to the Inspirational Living podcast. Enjoy our podcast. You can help us out by leaving a positive review at the iTunes store. Thank you. Today's reading was edited and adapted from... Levels of a Living. Everyday ideals by Henry Frederick Cope published in 1908. If we can see only with our eyes. We only are sensible when we know that there are many things beyond our senses.
People consider all the factors to every problem, and things are not less real to them because They might be intangible. The unseen things are imminent to us always. Things not yet pigeonholed by our science nor catalogued by our philosophies. You can dissect the— A daisy and enumerate its parts, but you never know a daisy until you have seen the unseen things thereof, until you have felt the subtle appeal of its beauty. The danger is that in our hard work day lives we shall forget the reality of the unseen. We shall get to thinking that gold. Steel, land, and money are the only real things. It is to measure everyone by their possessions of tangible things.
How easy to make these Archie fen in life, To slight the real prizes, the unsightly. Wealth that lies so close at hand, or already possessed. While we rush and strive for the rainbow of riches. In us we know that we alone are rich, when we have wisdom, love, and patience; when we possess friends, create kindly things. And live a life where simple joys abound. A person is welcome. The world. That you may hold for your own all the days of your life and fewer still are. Are those you may grasp with pleasure when the hands are falling helpless by your side.
But many are the riches you may hold forever in the things of the unseen. Through the fields penniless and yet be far richer than their owner. For you the birds sing, for you the flowers bloom, to your eyes there are beauties in the blue beyond all words. And all the loveliness of the fair land lifts your heart within you. The Earth and its glories are given to those who have eyes to see. Is the eye to see the unseen that indeed gives wealth to the seen. The values we assign depend on our vision. Appreciation does not prevent possession. It makes the possession actual. And the vision of the realities behind things keeps us from a sense of destiny.
When all things are taken from us. The inventors who have enriched the world. Endured derision for seeing things which, at the time, were invisible to others. Is that it is the unspiritual world that makes the least progress in material things. The women and men of faith and vision are back of all human advance. They have endurance, patience, and strength. The sense of another world where motives are rightly measured, the sense of a great cloud of... Possibility invisible to the eyes of others, the sense of reward in service itself, rewards in them. Tangible yet most real. These all enable one to push on, to toil.
To endure. Then long afterwards, the dull weary world sees and understands. Every highway runs the refreshing brook where you may drink often if you will. Drinking, lift up your head. It's little song we scarcely hear in the rush of our business. We forget even though our throats be parched with the dust of our petty affairs. Yet it Is ever there, cool and refreshing. This world of-- spirits and ideals. In this technological age, it may seem like Following ways to stop and think of sacrifice, courage, and love. But I feel only sorrow for those who never see the light of heaven in another's tear, nor hear the brush of the sun.
Of angel wings when men and women fly to their neighbor's aid. Time in your busy life to turn aside to drink of the brook of human affection to Deep into the eyes of friendship to sympathize, to comfort, to taste this Strange sweet and bitter cup of our common fellowship! Then is your heart going dry and thirsty, and be . . . Becoming a whitened road that knows no wells nor springs. However there is something in us that calls for drafts at deeper streams than these, foolish and unlearned we may be. Ignorant of the wise conclusions of philosophers who have looked into these things. Through the ages, been drinking eagerly at the waters of eternity.
Person there is a thirst after the deep, immeasurable things divine. Nature of the person, the greater their necessity of drinking often there. The consciousness The great life that embraces all life, the sense of its nearness to us all. Has been a perennial refreshment to all great hearts. To bring our lives into touch with the infinite is to... Take down its limitations, break its barriers, and give it a sense of infinitude to lift heads in vision of the divinity of our lives and of every life. Of things is hungry for the life that is more than things, the life of the Spirit.
That is why so many love do sing of heaven and dream of a fair world peopled by strange and glorious celestial ones. Heaven is nearer than we think, Like the brook by the way, The life of the Spirit flows. Those beside this life, happy they are who drink of its waters. Who already enter into eternity, who find strength for this life's way. And work by their contact with the life that is life indeed. There are many ways to get out of this world. Are two ways of viewing the oncoming years as burdens or as opportunities. Fear or with expectation. The days ahead may loom up as a series of unwelcome tasks. Be unwillingly done, or as so many invitations to attempt and achieve great things. The difference between the
These two points of view marks the difference between merely enduring your life and living. Finding life that endures. A wise preacher of long ago caught sight of one of these distinctions through to the roots of things. He said that the sign of old age is when a person is a Afraid of that which is high, When courage and ambition have gone. Old age and decrepitude have entered in no matter whether you are 18 or 80. They alone have youth. They alone have life before them. Who can still tell? Catch the vision of the ideal, of that which is high. Up their eyes beyond the horizon of practicalities and precedents and see the
The things not yet realized. There are times when we must dream dreams and see visions. On noble purposes or die, so far as the inner spirit and all that makes real living is concerned. Cherish as the spark of life. Aspiration to have and do and be the best. Yes there were. There will be times when you are tempted to enter into the cold considerations that will at deadening your aspirations for how easy it is to submit to the temptation to be content with the condition. That involves neither toil nor pain, and how hard it is to realize that this is an invitation to death. Replace that temptation with the thrill... Of the passion to do some great thing, to give to the world some worthy service.
Do so is to keep the heart young, to defy time, to conquer the years. The coming days shall bend the back with their burdens, or shall nerve and strengthen your life. Depend on whether they have cares or joys in them, but on whether they find you responsive to the call of noble things. Can afford to let a pure and lofty impulse die, nor for fear of failure or of ridicule Afraid or ashamed of their ideals. Living is more than a dull feeding at tables or troughs, more than shelter and sleep. It is growing, climbing, becoming, finding higher levels and seeing yet higher than ever before.
Nor is this all there is. The Spirit of Greatness also finds ample play in daily duties. Success of the year thus does not depend on whether you can do things that shall amaze others today or may be. Make your name known forever, but upon weather into all the things you do. Lowly humdrum commonplace as they may seem to be. Duties of home, shop, or office, there shall enter the great and high motive. What we all need, the high vision of the lowly things, the knowledge that the least piece of work is an essential part of the service to the whole universe. Nor authority nor wage, that makes the work higher low.
The spirit of the service, and the part it plays in the world's great business of perfecting humanity. Like to ward off old age, then cherish vitality and give value to your days. That are above, the life that serves some worthy end. We are young as long as our heart leaps responsive to a noble call.
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Transcript generated on 2024-05-25.