« Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success & Happiness

You are the Master of Your Fate

2022-12-13 | 🔗

Listen to episode 741 of the Inspirational Living podcast: We are the Master of Ourselves and Fate. Adapted from the book Concentration: The Key to Constructive Thought by C. W. Kyle.

Inspirational Podcast Excerpt: The axiom, ''As you thinketh in your heart so you are,” is the most startling truth ever uttered about humankind. What an amazing statement it is — for it reveals that we are possessed of the power to create and rule ourselves and our environment by the choice and mastership of our thoughts!

The wonderful fascination of this saying lies in the all-embracing statement which it so directly makes. It covers every possible action we take, and clearly states that we are capable of exercising unlimited powers.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Welcome to the Inspirational Living Podcast. Been edited and adapted from Concentration the key to constructive thought by C.W. Kyle published in 1910. the axiom as you thinketh in your heart so you are is the most startling truth ever Uttered about humankind. What an amazing statement it is, for it reveals that we are possessed of the to create and rule ourselves in our environment by the choice and mastery of our thoughts wonderful fascinating
Of this saying lies in the all-embracing statement which it so directly makes. It covers every possible action we take and clearly states that we are capable of exercising unlimited powers. Way we will. We cannot escape from the finality of this decree. The beauty of The saying is that it is true, just as it is written. You are a world within yourself, and you are a world within yourself. You are master of yourself. It matters not how well or ill you may exercise your powers of mastery. You are the unquestioned Thinker of your own thoughts, which are the tools of your trade. You are the master craftsman of your own designs, and you will build constructively or destructively
As you will. You can make yourself sicker well, richer, Poor, strong or feeble, sorrowful or joyous, by the character of the thoughts you think. We are compelled to work out our own destiny, but not alone. We have an infallible inner guide. Aye, the whole universe is in league to assist us in the construction of our ideals. Minds of all ages have agreed that the proper study of humankind is humanity itself, and however searching... And profound may have been our study of nature in the past. The search for truth has driven Further investigation toward the innermost heart and consciousness of woman and man.
Of you are the secrets of God, when you shall come to know yourself to know yourself. Know the relationship which exists between yourself and others, with the universe and with the infinite. You are less than a person. Of life will have been learned. Truly it has taken humanity a long wearisome journey to discover that the source of life, the perpetual fountain of health and wealth, of happiness and of peace. For which we have so earnestly and vainly sought in every other place, has all the wildlings securely hidden within our own heart. Could do no more for you than he already has done. May you in his own image endow you with life, love, and intelligence.
Localized center of his own divine consciousness, giving you faculties and power... Which are godlike in their nature, and all masterful in their creative power. He is placed in the heart of you, the magic jewel of thought by which you may trace the successive steps which life is taking. Climb from its first clothing in matter to its highest expression in consciousness. Now that you find yourself so equipped. There is nothing for you to do other than learn how to develop, educate, and train yourself for the doing of your life. Of whatsoever work you may desire to do. Does this statement seem strange? It ought not to seem strange to any one, for it states but the simple truth of that which every person is now doing, and that
which we have always done. The mastery of matter is no greater achievement. Than the mastery of self. For matter is in the last analysis, but the soul's outward account of itself. And this but reaffirms the truth of the same, as you thinketh in heart so you are not only are you the ruler of your own mind the divine Think of your own thoughts, but there is an ultimate and unlimited substance out of which you may and do. Create whatsoever you will when working with the universal law of life. There is no impulse, impression, thought or... Suggestion of any nature that comes to you that you are not found.
Nature of your being to regard or disregard. It is this freedom to accept or reject the thoughts that come to you, that crowns you with the regal power of self-image. Mastery. Remember that there is no thought without form. Every human work, building machines, or structure of any nature, first took form in the human mind. Everything is a replica of a mental image. The earth, the plants, the birds, the animals, women and men, are all projections Of the mental concepts and formations held in the Mind of God. All that is perceived and… conceived in the mind, is first formed from this immaterial substance.
We were made in the image of God, a replica of Him, which includes everything potentially. When we come to understand this truth, we will, by the very power of constructive thinking. Thought, free our mind of doubt and fear, and become so at one with the great powers of life that . . . Our body will become what it was intended to be. A perfect instrument for the expression of health, happiness, and peace. And its energy devoted to usefulness. Ideation is creation. That is the highest concept, the ultimate word of
Philosophy is in harmony with all we know, and it confirms and illumines the how and the where that demonstrate the truth of the saying, As you thinketh in your heart, so you are. The source of truth. Truth is within you and nowhere else for you. Questionably, there are many honest doubters of this, but all honest doubt is a sure prophecy. The next. From their ranks must come the teachers of the future. However there are many others who fill the seats of the scornful, people who are ever
Ready due to cry anything new because it implies an inability on their part in not having discovered it themselves. They are not to blame though, for I believe that everyone does the best that they know. We can take stock in knowing that many people now realize that clear, positive thinking is the first step forward. In securing bodily health and happiness. That peace of mind is a necessary forerunner of physical health. That health and happiness arise from the harmonious working of our minds and bodies, resulting from the unobstructed flow of the infinite life through us. If you desire a strong, healthy, and healthy life, you will be able to live a healthy life through us. Body you must learn how to keep your mind strong and healthy which is enough
small matter. To expect to enjoy good health and happiness, to acquire success While the mind is in the turmoil caused by selfish and pessimistic thoughts or choked with weak and useless ones. Would be like polluting the fountain and expecting the waters of the stream to remain pure and uncontaminated. Your body is a vital, throbbing center of intelligence, and it must be fed with healthy, positive things. Thoughts in order to keep it aglow with the flame of radiant life. The thinker are responsible for the alertness, the awareness, the harmony in health, which your thoughts express too in.
And through every cell of your body. If it is not uplifting and healthy at the moment, you can make it so by thinking constructively, holding a picture of yourself. Health and strength clearly in your mind. Your thoughts do greatly impact your state of health. We can and do think ourselves into states of ill health to a far greater Than we are aware of. Primarily, there is no other force that enters into the matter. Well, that's all for now. We come to know and realize, even in a general way, the strength of our body. And the use of our bodies, the forms and expressions of nature, the trees, plants, flowers. Fruits in the animal kingdom as well as that of Earth itself.
That it is a living, moving organism, keeping time to the constant flow of the cosmic life. We are impressed with the thought that all things of the material world are the agents through which the universal mind, the ultimate reality or God, is expressed. Pressing on nimittim power. When we see perfect order. We are inevitably driven to conclude that the perfect unity of all that is must be the only Reality else harmony and peace are fragments of disordered dreams We come to realize that we are within, and not apart from, the great cosmic sweep of life's all-inclusiveness. We are thrilled with the awakened sense of the infinite power to which we have been.
Access, because we come to know that we are a part of it, and never were, nor could we have been separated from it. Amid this infinite ocean of life we find ourselves possessed of the Is within their own consciousness.
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Transcript generated on 2024-05-27.