« Jocko Podcast

216: Why You Should Do The Best You Can and Never Give Up. The Memory Endures, by Reg Curtis

2020-02-12 | 🔗

0:00:00 - Opening 

0:02:24 - The Memory Endures, by Reg Curtis--Analysis.

3:15:35 - Final thoughts and take-aways.

3:29:16 - How to stay on THE PATH.

3:48:07 - Closing Gratitude.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is John Podcast number two, sixteen without controls in me, the Jackal willing good evening echo good evening in attack most hearing in defence, most coming in endurance, most steadfast. They performed a feat of arms which will be remembered and recounted as long as the virtues of courage. And resolution have the power to move the hearts of men and that right there is Winston Churchill speaking in honour of the british first airborne evasion at him, and he was actually making that statement on September. Twenty second nineteen, forty four
which the battle was not actually even over yet, and we did cover that fateful battle on podcast. Ninety four from the book called met at our NAM by Geoffrey Power.
And it's just that it's it's an incredible book and an account of the british airborne division in that battle, where they lost almost seventy five percent of its strength and from that point on was for all practical purposes purposes out of the war. So who were these men that that made? This stand where we saw one when we covered Jeffrey pals book, but obviously there were thousands more each one, a hero and also each one, a human being
and I recently got a book in the mail that someone sent me the book was written by one such man, one such human being. The book is called the memory indoors and it was written by a man named Ridge Curtis. So let's go to this book and meat and learn and honour a hero of a human being. Chapter, one called prelude to war. As a youth I carried out milk, I carried out a milk. In the early morning and anew paper round in the evening earning four shillings a week which helped towards the cost of the special care,
being I needed as a choir boy at Saint Augustine Church near Grove Park Railway station when I left school in nineteen thirty four at the age of fourteen, I got a job at Elliot brothers and electrical and mechanical engineers firm in Louis him recycled, five miles to and from work Monday to salary and learn quick We, under the watchful eye of the charge, hand how to operate a milling machine centre, leaf, hydraulic press and finally, working as a capstan setter operator I had to. Read that part, because you know you always hear about the old man who had to go five miles to work and five mile home until both ways you there you go home. Reggie Curtis was doing it after three years I was beginning to set a mother ways like fourteen years old at this time, just a kind of f. Why so
after three years, I was beginning to settle in for a long term job when it A series of small strikes put the damper on my enthusiasm, the persistent industrial action prompted my decision to join the army where such strikes will not tolerate it. You try to get the impression. This is our guy right here, Is there an strikes? Whatever he's is where? Where? Where can I go? Where that's not gonna happen? Oh, I know the army my father been the Royal Army service CORE, and my grandfather was the chairman of the Royal British Legion, so the army seemed natural enough. In my family I was encouraged by uncle Fred himself, a regimental sergeant major. I chose the foot guards
because, after a short term of service, I would be acceptable to the city of London police. In those days you had to be at least five and five feet: ten and a half inches taller to be a policeman. I was already six wanted and still growing. I presented myself to the guards recruiting office in one and enlisted with the first or grenadier regiment of the foot guards and flowing forward a little bit. There was. There was one corporal autocracy now he's gone through the boot scenario, there was one corporal Tucker, my squat instructor, who took great delight in marching us on to the frozen parade ground with Resist then, put us on a charge. If we slipped up so you not only received a sore rump but also got extra aid as punishment. Another point Mr Marsh's toward a large puddle and then give the order to mark time.
Come on these higher. He would shout from a safe distance scrutinising each man in turn and looking for any signs of cracking, we were just numbers at catarrh him, though, to this day I say it did me no harm, as instilled a self discipline that has served me well through life. That's what you're gonna get you. Are you now we're talking earlier about? Basically my face? Basically look. I'm not gonna show that this is not fund market issue. And you are saying that you learn. If you Can, if you say, look no factor right, no factor. I got it This hard thing, no factor not pay, thanks for me to get mentally all fired, Mono does no factor and you weren't overtime that saying no factor keeping it in your head. Actually, you get better at it
and all of a sudden, hard things you just. I was going to do it from its can it that's one of the things that this type of military training does, and even he said, look this stuff that this guy's gonna go through. Is a thousand times harder than doing mark time March on the parade ground for an hour Thousands of times are infinitely harder, but there's little lesson that he heard and policies british right and the Brits with stiff upper lip. That's that's like a whole culture, at least used to be cuz. The cultures change a lot in Britain, but this war your culture of pay the there ITALY early. If you think about it, the stiff upper lip, which is a we're just gonna, go, do that's. That's the no factor culture of hay. Get some to do. Gorgon go. Do it watch this with this is England? What would we got? We got? We got some hard fourscore, no factor stiff upper lip move forward.
Fast forward a little bit he so he get eat like one of his first jobs is a sort of guarding the the royal family and so he does. Some of that and then move. Onto kind of the regular army go back to work soon. Enough I left the glamour of Windsor and the comfort of Victoria barracks behind. It was sent to pure bright in Surrey. Where Every guardsmen goes for fieldwork craft and firing on the open range. It was my duty to be able to handle and fire a gun in preparation to protect king and country in an emergency, but trust my luck to a phone have fallen foul of bad whether it was not really my cup of tea, to prostrate myself on a wet and win, strap flying range with a sergeant breathing down my neck, whispering words of encouragement and added. Supply of rainwater running over me in torrents from
ground sheet cape? This is this. Not the way you'd here, a U S, marine describe of being on the range and rainy day as such as a british way of explaining this and then continues on. It must have done some good, as I made first class shot, though, for what purpose I was not yet sure so what the supposed world war want? six nineteen, thirty nine, when he must have citizen or maybe Are you maybe thirty? It actually has very seven nineteen. Thirty seven. He joined the army, so others You know world war. One was what twenty years in the past That was a war to end all wars. Sure there's a guy in Germany that my beginning uppity but- He's saying: hey, look, I'm not a learner uses gone, but not really. We need not do this for continue on fast Warner? in early in nineteen thirty nine, I was transferred to the home of the british Army an outer shot in Hampshire, I'll.
We forget the atmosphere of the night of the tattoo which tattoos like a word for a parade, basically when our battalion marched on dressed in Navy. Who trousers with red piping, doubtless out, seem out I'd out seem of each trouser leg. Long sleeved white waiter, tight jackets with brass buttons and the guards PETE Cap with red band around the crown, carry, without a word of command, our drill display lasted for twenty minutes, the finale being the only time a command was given the battalion, will advance in review order by the entire by the centre. Quick March. Four hundred and fifty men moved as one, We. How had that once again, when you just think about human beings right psychologically in that moment, look you're a cog in the wheel at all you are you-
porn on the chess board at all. You are but- and he any says it like that, feeling that you get of being a part of something that's literally, bigger than you are hey, I'm just on just a guy out here to uniform, but there's four hundred fifty Ellis moving as one and there's some part of human instinct that likes to be a part of that tribe. Continue on in August, some mysterious goings on began unusual apparatus in the form of digging equipment. Both power in hand operated appeared along with you'll barrels and mountains of little sacks, which turned out to be sandbags. Lorries loaded lorries loaded with sand would dump their contents at very this point, and instead of the usual Joe parades and kit inspections, we found ourselves of filling these bags with sand and building barriers. I thought
be some sort of giant exercise and had no idea that it was in preparation for real enemy being confined to the barracks. With his own shops and theatre. We didn't mixed with the public, so knew very little about matters of of national importance in in those days servicemen was not allowed to discuss politics and we will report on charge if caught attending political meaning. Guess are completely, I say something about, even when I joined the Navy and we go on a ship. We had no idea. What's goin on there's no internet. Yet and we had no idea what was going on in the outside world and even even living on base. I mean you at least wouldn't. Even when I join you had cable news right, you knew the CNN was on and your wife CNN and your knowing. Let's go around the world. There is no CNN. There's no tv, there's nothing. So guys are completely isolated. Their living there got the all the stars are going to our own, based the theatres on base, so there's living on base.
Pay no minor, what's goin on overseas, what is put on charge means get in trouble Generally, I just in general, like he'd, gotten problem since I like. You know cause is varying levels of video trying to end it covers any. I'm glad you brought it up, because its use throughout kind of the book is, there's? U can get put on charge for all kinds of zero, just a general term that means being inch maybe writ not written, may be sent to the brig for a little time, whatever, but you know you got put on charge and no court martial not only this, but could be you keep it Yeah, if you well could be do you like, if you did really bad! You just Gub Gub Euro III is getting it put on charge. Arca hey I got it is any level of trouble is when I perceived it is maybe a Britain very personal, let us know if I'm wrong continue on.
On the third of September war was declared with Germany and I realized when all the sandbagging was for within he's my battalion mobilized. Reservists were called up and along with thousands of other troops. Two weeks later, two weeks later, we were in France. I think I was quite on perturbed at the possibility of getting killed? After all, I was a soldier trained to kill someone Should I have any qualms. You know it's not about this and I am in putting into practice if world war, one which was now twenty years pine sight, was so insanely savage and Yet this guy still regicide girl. You know what cool. A word about it killed I'm a soldier and you think about the casualties in world war. One had you
had to beat. It shows you. It shows you how quickly we can forget right what war is because if you witness a day on the battlefield in world war. One there's no way. I wanted to do any of that ever again whatever you're twenty years old, you more your cracked shot with that rifle don't go, get some continue on the Ford positions. We oh yeah, and by and by the way, I'm just jumping past hey they get there and, by the way, like I said they get to France two weeks later. This isn't like hey we're due to prolong preparation. No We're declaring war on the third and insects. The thirty September were declared war, and then, in September, two weeks later, on the ground in France. Ready gets up. Before positions so now they they start moving forward
from France. In the four positions we took over deserted village called tromp born about six miles from the german border, as it was snowing, are fighting patrol decided to make use of sheets to create so there in these in these two areas that are pretty much abandoned Instead of going into houses in finding stuff as it was snowing, are fighting patrol decided to make use of sheets to create sets of camouflage gear. White suits overdue, tat and coverings for rifles hunting around I found a sewing machine in that we might as well do things the easy way as in patrol we didn't fire a shot there is more a matter of listening and night reconnaissance in our white outfits carrying only rifles in law and limited other gear. We traveled more comfortably than we had previously, which I skipped over the part whether basically doing long long movements to get into position. On one night reconnaissance. We became overconfident, don't let that happen.
And one of our lads knocked up against the enemy wire. It was a still bright moonlight night. We were no man's land to seventy five feet from the forward german positions. There talking about stopped abruptly, as luck would have it. We were crawling, so we froze hugging round for an hour without moving on another occasion, we're on our way back to base when from and by the way that one day they make it out on another occasion, we're on our way back to base when from the direction of a bend in the road fifty yards away. We saw group of figures we were about to miles from our lives and knew that no other patrols we're out. So these men must be the aim our patrol leader gave the signal the lie. Still we were strata each side of the road in semi open ground, but fortunately the night was not too bright. The group by ten men in all space, six to eight feet apart they were well armed, but war no white suits keeping them
in view and moving only our eyes. We lay unnoticed. If we had been spotted, they would have had the advantage because of their automatic weapons and also the fact that day as they passed down our center, we could not have fired on them. For fear of hitting our own men Never separate your forces, which it's hard when you're walking out a road, because when you walk not erode you're gonna be honest, was called a staggered file, which means you got on either side of the road right which generally, try to stay off the roads, anyways, but sometimes road is the smartest placed moved. You can make a bunch of noise moving through the brush and get on that road remove really quietly. So it's from that can happen, but then, when they see the enemy, they all get off the road whatsoever. Where to get off the road is on their side that Europe, and what does that mean? you're on both sides, the road now the enemy walks in between you and you start shooting the enemy you're actually shooting each other. So we have to be cognisant of that which these guys were
continuing on when I can into contact with two Germans and innocent nothing about this, but the first one is book is not very long, but the other thing, it's that's crazy and british and no factor and stiff upper lip is he'll. Hell described the most insane things that were factually crazy as like in three sentences of what an just really matter of fact Eudoxia. Although there are times where he definitely add some color, but That's the way he has just just kind of matter fact very british about the whole thing. When I came in contact with the two Germans. For the first time myself, I gave them five rounds. A rapid fired, arrange a fifty yards as they edge towards me under the cover garden walls and forensic. They were The and anger I didn't see it. You Germans anymore, so maybe they were lucky shots, guardsmen, Bateman and Elms old, past and shouted for me to come on, and we
tenured into open country make your way over to a bridge and halting roughly after roughly a thousand yards where we took up defensive positions. Air activity was increasingly tremendous measures met, one or nines were machine running at low level and its strafed. Our troops coming over the bridge. Only a few minutes after I crossed theirs. These these talking about these, and I I just never really thought about it. This much detail, but he talks about, These are the enemy aircraft coming in at low level and stripping them all the time, and if you have a measure. Schmidt they're just really be ass looking aircraft and What are the german aircraft? They just were I mean all the aircraft back dead right I mean you got spit fires, you got corsairs, you got mustangs gotta, pee thirty. Like me, you got awesome, looking aircraft that and if you, Imagine this too. At that time,
Those were the most technologically advanced things right, so they didn't look. They look old right. They look like swing fighter from starts right. That's what you were saying you are seeing this magical machine that was just And now this thing is pointing at you at o, at an altitude of like three hundred to four hundred feet and just dumping machine gun rounds. You and can you imagine the noise that they make with those big giant engines? I mean yeah we talked about that a lot in these books and that's kind of first encounter that he brings it up. The other thing that scared me about. It is that sort of random. You know it's almost like mortar fire, because the aircraft calm down. If its pointed, you degrees in that direction. Your fine, if points two degrees near direction, your dad and the rounds are hitting you added spacing of six
it or whatever, when they get their ground Sophie in between those two x ray you're, totally fine or you get hidden face or in the head and your dead. So there this element of chance going on as well I never like a net like that element of chance. Continuing on leaving the area travelling mainly on foot encountering fewer few enemy on the ground, but experiencing continuous shelling and bombing from the air. We came to a stop by the river. Scott near the city of torn. I six miles from the french border here, we went into our attack, during which a very well expertise Commander lieutenant the Duke of Northumberland was killed lance. Corporal Harry, nickels and guardsmen NASH were ordered to fly. Doubts and bothersome machine gun ass, six hundred yards from our position that british right you're going scribe machine gun now says bothersome
The section I was in gave cover fire. What? What? What is it all about? Yeah, that's called cover move fundamental to our left. They pick their way with caution, nickels and a light machine gun under each arm. Nick with a light machine gun under each arm. It see them anymore, but they must have completed the mission because there were because the fire ceased after awhile, let's Corporal Nicholls was posted Missy presumed killed but later reported as being alive and enemy hands. He was awarded the Victoria. Ass for this action in the semi. Built up area on the river the Germans afforded very good target practice. For me, I found that I just could not miss but we were all getting weary through lack of sleep and proper food. No one can live off scraps or from scavenging for long without feeling the worse for it, and enemy. Numbers were increasing tenfold or so it seemed renewing on, we came to another stop
the last time I took part in a coordinated, a talk with the third battalion Gretta dear guards. We went into a bayonet charge. I say again: we went into a bayonet charge at court to cure Setting off, I felt very scared, scared and all sorts of things went through my mind like what hell am I doing here. I join the army to become a policeman one, a laugh. The muck was flying fast bullets whining and splatter. And I crouched lower to dodge them all. I went with the rest. My sixteen inch Enfield Bayonet Blade fixed in protruding at the ready, ready, ready,
for what the only thing I'd ever stuck with a ban. It was a sack domey. Then I saw them in the swirling smoke human beings, not sacks real Germans, Blimey. I trudged on wrenching my ankle in a pot hole on and on until the order rang out charge charge. I began to double now with me. Bayonet thrust at full on guard those figures growing, bigger and bigger until they were just a few yards away among the din and yells of pain. There were dead body. From both sides littering my approach. I was a foot from the two German, When suddenly they both drop their rifles and Very high chattering, something about comrade. I was so bloody amazed and relieved that I said come on then I'll. Take you prisoner, which is just that paragraph for me too,
through cause, I'm thinking when I see those Germans, you know what I'm doing, I'm shooting them right. I'm not going continue with the bayonet charge right, I'm not expect you to these guys prisoner, kids. My battalion was now bad, be caught up and he used the term caught up, meaning shot up, meaning boot wounded, injured, he's that throughout the book, with numbers well below effective fighting power, and we were ordered to attach cells to any unit and make our way to Dunkirk. Though no reason was- given, and here I was stuck with two german prisoners. The journey was nerve, wracking, with hordes of refugee jamming the road and making military transport movement almost impossible, Lori's guns and french, eight hundred and thirty nine hot pocket tanks were often seen abandoned in ditches, rendered immobile, but clearly not by enemy action. What would going on
where we throw in the towel Joey seen all these abandoned vehicles and there being destroyed I friendly forces only because we what the enemy to get hold of our tanks and he's trying to figure out what he went on it. Obviously, anyone who that knows anything about history knows under heading four Dunkirk to leave The route was an absolute shambles with material, civilian gear, costly, getting estranged rumors were plentiful. Now such the story that lead Leopold, third of joy of Belgium and his army were capitulating towns all over were falling into enemy hands. French general Jerome had been taken prisoner, to pile on the agony. The Germans not lit up on their bombing or machine gunning, one bit in their slaughter of refugees was unnecessary and sickening to see we did what we could in the way of tending to civilian wounded, using their own clothing or bedding,
bandages, while they're dead were either left covered laughter covered with something to hide their torn bodies and agonized faces even cattle grazing into fields had not escaped the bullets Craig and lay bloated through lack of milking or Blown apart by shell fire, the carnage spread for a good two miles, after seeing those poor, wretched civilian, so caught up my occasional wounded soldier, The occasional wounded soldier did not seem quite so bad. My two german prisoners appeared to be as disgusted by all of this, as I was an ear and see through this book, the impression that he gets of the German as you can see that there is definitely a wide range of of Germans. That they encounter obviously some completely hostile, but there's some clearly our not or are not totally engaged in the nazi attitude
at this point. This is very interesting to hear, as he interacts with people throughout it continue on. We reach the outskirts of Dunkirk to find a mass build up of french and british soldiers with transport tanks and artillery pieces jeering. The roads, like a London rush hour, next five days were a mixture of hell, hunger and fatigue, and I think it was only thanks to the fatigue good. I overcame the hell and the hunger. I know, was five days because I put a neck in my rifle butt each morning when Ralph by this visiting stickers and measurements, so they get by Did they get machine gun every morning during daylight, the Where did beach master a british officer mustard officers nuncio from all regiments and brief than to organise parties of men to tender it bury the dead and sky which for ammunition and food. I found it most peaceful, removing tens of Bali Beef and sk, it remains from corpses, but at least I still have my life. The beach was litter
with abandoned lorries and trucks as well army staff, cars with wheels missing indoors hanging off as a war wandered around going about my task among these mutilated forms that were once care free, young men. I remember thinking that I must be dreaming. I was brought back to reality sharply by the appeal of two enemy fighter planes which preceded distribute even more death and panic. I dived over warps and slid down a sand dune. Staring eyes of the corpse saying to me: get your head down an hour, Sup after five days on the beaches. It was relieved to find that was finally my turn to get into the snake like line of troops readying for departure. As I, closer to the vast mass of a ship, a minesweeper heaving the mucky. Looking swell, I could see its multi barreled act, comporting skyward in ready
for any stupor fighters or attack or fighter attack, operator seeming oblivious to our presence. One was stating the sky was binoculars. The water with by now was well and truly up to my neck, and I still at fifty feet to go. I clung but both hands and pushed on the man behind gave me a shove water kept laughing over my nose into my eyes, gulping, choking and spitting out the. Endless mouthfuls of oily foul tasting salt water. I was now quite submerged the last mighty effort I launched the direction of the boat still grasp yet the rope I could not have been I have been more than a minute, but I was water, but it felt like a lifetime clinging on tight to rope. At my left hand with my right I grow for the rope mesh hanging down the side of the ship and with great exultation found and grabbed it. I managed to pull myself up up up
and up the ship rocking and heaving with each vibration of the exporting bombs, which were arriving much too close for my liking to find these on board a ship in their getting bogged strafed Flopping, down exhausted. I was soon asleep, though. Inevitably we had a visit visit from a messerschmidt than this one we violently as its bullets danced along the ship's deck causing law pieces of wood splinters dispute over everyone, these it, MR as much damage as the bullets to some unfortunate recipients, I dozed off again and slept like a log until we docked in England, so ended my participation with more than three hundred thousand others in operation, dynamo, better known as the history better. History has the miracle of Dunkirk. So that's the way you kick things off with your with your war and
I forget the time that pass, and I know that the time it seemed to pass was very quick. The way I just read it skipping a bunch of stuff, but it was like two hundred days that he was on the ground. This was no hey I was there for we know they were. There are moved forward, fighting drawn back on attack back and forth this whole time, and- and you know that could be the vote just that experience right. There could be a whole book. It unto itself right. That's how that's how low red courtesies. You know he was literally extracted. Ah of Dunkirk. After this tire her campaign falls apart and covers it and twenty pages, not even twenty pages Cadiz warmed up So he gets home and he says
followed two weeks of leave that I enjoyed more than ever before, the sheer ecstasy of white sheets and pint after pint of beautiful beer days of roughing in France- seem soon seemed very long ago. Can you gotta think how hard it's I got when you're going through basic seal? Turning what they do? Is they how weak he'd been awake for like two or three days, and then they go hey. They come up with this big story and they tell you that oh you're gonna If we ve kept you, we were too hard on you guys what we ask that the community so just told us we got gotta. We put you guys to sleep for eight hours, so go warm dry clothes on and will come back to. You guys wake you up in eight hours at your course. You believe it back in the day. We believe, because we know any better known Davis any heads up. There was no in four Intel network providing information I wasn't
Wasn't like the movies about the stuff right, so we just got out that seems kind of crazy, but ok and then you get address nice, warm close, your I'll drive, you go even go literally get in your bed and then, as soon as you fall asleep, like twenty minutes goes by and here and there, with machine guns and boards in their wake. You up So when you think about that's, that's retaining right as a tiny, tiny little thing when you, appeared to what's goin on here? This guy goes to France starving, like Who did it dead everywhere? Fear gets to England goes on leave for two weeks: white sheets. You know beer good, and then you know to you, you know what can happen to you know back then, when you, when they did that you are in with how weak the immediate okay so,
before there was before there is like a network rang the- and you said you believed it when they say. Oh witchery was era party you might like, or as far as part of the reason why he believed it is because, like they are pushing you pray, hard at any point where you like hey. I wonder therefore, too hard at Yale. Actually, I thought what you're going to say is was their part of my mom, and this would have been out said? Yes, for their part of my mind, was like this is too good to be true, this having that's your built, that, why would say: bigger part of my mind was saying that, but I kind of like all seems like a girl like that there, How does this red button and before that, though, like at any point where they like, I know, he'll or were you or whoever being like. I know how we supposed to be hard, but like this is kind of excessive. Like you, I know datum on which to judge it dear
You know it's going to be hard and y'all talking to a guy that quit buds and I don't even like. Why did you quit and he said cuz it sucked and I said Well- did You know that was going to suck when you went there, I mean that's where you're going y'all know it sucks, go watch it a video, you know, and it's like it's going to be it's going to suck to be cold to me. What had to be miserable the yeah, it's gonna fuck like that part, but the new colleague egos, sometimes in your brain anyway, to go beyond sucked in into like whether be dangerous. I never following having legal hours. I call this is this is just the training in any event, that make sense that you could go to when they say I hears it, our asleep or whatever you could go to want. This might be too good to be true year s arms. I will use in his you're sure that there's guys like hell, it's right, yeah man we're highway through our and in those guys that when they get to it, it comes may get dragged dated mentally devastated. That's why I want the best things model.
There is a lot of people that don't get out of their bed right. They don't get out of their bed because as soon as you get out you're going straight to the services and people don't like that man I mean you can hear seals talk about it, guys can get scarred from liking the ocean for years for years, they didn't wanna go no water, they say they want to do it cost because it because ages, they use it as an instrument of torture. Me out of here, you know, like I served in all good. You know when you get some sort of how back to them let's call it like local ard type activities, and then we get this. In August, I received a telegram telling me that my home in South one had been hit by a sea mine, and I was given Local guard type activities give this in August, I received a telegram telling me that my home in South London had been hit by a sea mine, and I was given compassionate leave to return
the hell was a sea mine, doing inland. It must be a mistake. I thought. However, apparently there was such a thing which came down attached to a parachute, so that but the Nazis were doing it so each he gets a little leave to go and check things out, and so, He goes, and here we used in finding his home upon reaching Grove Park. As I turned into Fairfield Road, I mean we saw that our house had received a direct hit. There is now just a heap of debris where, once it stood, half a dozen houses and dozens more were badly damaged. The local air, p warden, told me that not one person has been killed because everyone had taken to their Anderson, arrayed shelters. My parents were both okay and staying with some friends a mile up the road. It was a sham is your home destroyed. But after all I seen in France, I think I must have become immune to any real emotions, and then this happens in October.
As a result of a directive sent out by our Prime Minister Winston Churchill, we received a letter which was read out to us by the regimental surgeon major volunteers. He shouted for a new type. Fighting soldier are required. He glanced over the top of the paper. Beady eyes registering some amusement soldiers. He carried on. To be trained as commandos and parachute exists. Now I know that you would not wish to design the regiment, but anyone wishing to volunteer one p
forward March glaring, as he did so. He took three stealthy steps towards us. Well, you all chicken, then there was not a titter nor even a hesitant shuffle, meaning ever was standing fast. I fought back to the days in France, I thought of carnage of the british prisoners of war, the war, a regiment herded into a field just outside Dunkirk and machine gun to death by the waffle. S ass, I thought of my home being blown to smithereens and how the Germans were blocking my ambition to become a lunch policemen I took a paste forward before it was too late, and some time passes as they try to get everything organised and in it
continues on. I was to join number two commando later renamed the Eleventh Special AIR Service Battalion and still later, the First Parachute Battalion in Britain. At that time there was little or no knowledge of the techniques of parachuting, so everything had to be fought out very carefully no special types: a parachute for jumping from aircraft and notion the boy aircraft the whole lot had to be devised, developed and tested all too often with fatal casualties or severe injuries. Just learning how to conduct parachute operations from scratch, so they start their training and the training is is really really hard, as, as you can imagine, here we go now we settled down to some real soldiering and I actually begin to enjoy the tests thrust upon us. I didn't realize it for
We were being used as human guinea pigs, trying out new methods of roughing it and of delivering a soldier to the place of battle for everyone for everyone. It was a taste test of strength. Involve gots, sheer cunning and a determination to win some conditions were abominable, but my conscious told me that this was a challenge I must rise to and again. This is when you got someone, that's a learning through repetition how to take pain and suffering, and do it in a way that is no factor so jumping forward here through some training that they go through an and all the training is just think it. It's a guinea pigs right, the treaties as guinea pigs they're just crazy things these guys and then they do there
where's parachute jump gets done without within the next week or seven jumps had been achieved and we cannot wait to see those blue wings on the right arm of the battles, battle, dress, blouse, one matter, even brought his sewing, get along with him and sat down in a corner of the hangar to get them on before anyone else. It was odd to see a man walking around in within Shaw in Manchester with their wing. Winged shoulders slightly forward of the rest of their bodies, civilian and other non Para soldiers were asking who were these blocks with the wings? Some sort of secret unit tat S a little bit a unit, right right. This is why dichotomy of leadership when leaf and safe disobeyed, big Jacko, in what sort patches This is one of those things that you don't have to think in the back of my head, like the if you're going to, if that makes you hold
just a little. But I did you get that unit pride. Continuing on. We were training both as parachute us and also for the specialised work of the commando, which meant that a lot of to work had to be put into achieve the very best end result above all, above all, it was emphasised. It was emphatically stressed that we should never accept defeat even when up against overwhelming odds, and we were taught to persevere to the end and to be able to endure great, if not impossible, fatigue sound familiar. That's what we do. That's what we do in the military.
Taught to persevere to the end, and I guess that's so much that is so much of that what do we know? You're taught to do that because you do it, because when you go to seal training or whatever no class. That says: ok when you get tired, think about this local. It says that no class, it says when you, feel, like you want to quit, then you should think about this. You should say this now, if, if you're That's where your head is that and you want to quit. Doesnt they Don T do anything to stop it. What what you learn the way you're is by oh to get through this. That's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get through this Of course, we have to learn a little bit about hand to hand combat we practice not only the use of the knife, but also how to best avoid one. When used against us,
chinese experts taught us Judo and Norma Combat with IRAN. Full and fixed bay, and that we would be flung at you. Or sorry a rifle with fixed bayonet would be flung it you by the instructor who'd you come on lunge. It me I launched hesitatingly for the first time come on long shanks, lunch you will get anywhere near me right made. I thought you asked for it I took a really good lunch, but this man was an old hand like lightning he buried my blow and before I knew it, I was fond of my back minus the rifle. It was the same with the fighting knife and quite a few of us now caught at the end of the day is training, those we're razor sharp discount real world, in April of nineteen forty one we were visited by Winston Churchill, accompanied by Sir Arthur, bear it and major General Sir Hastings,
is me, and he goes the extra guidance marking to tell the whole story. But there is one point where we are Read, has a little very shy, Conversation with with Winston Churchill and basically heat the register receiver on a decision. With a hand to hand, combat display and heads of getting through when I hear toss, I'm imagining and an when he's dawn and ease we're getting up off the ground and in Winston Churchill, looks at a man says I did you really try loud and and rage looks adamant says what are you How think sir? And then he said Winston Churchill person lives. Gave a big granted waddled off looking delighted, so that's pretty awesome interaction.
Winston Churchill, who, by the way we haven't we haven't even we haven't even started to get into the Winston Churchill seen here on the pond cast, but you know it's covered, you know it's coming in and that will be on sure many bought gas and this is a little glimpse, into the future. Continuing on bypassing usual military procedure of various unorthodox methods in the use of small arms explosives were adopted, an official eyes were shut so long at the end of July, and result was achieved. One such stunts with the withdrawal, Safety pin from a hand grenade release the arm which we call the spoon. Release the arm, which in turn would fire the for second fuse deprived grenade, making it really live, hold it for a second and then throw quickly. The object being to make sure the enemy, I have no time to throw back any refusing this dangerous venture would be subject to a variety of
our names. Luckily we, no cash deserves all and what makes that scariest so grenade. A for second fuse when you pop we holding something that what are they called the arm it actually fits into the web of your hand this this. This piece of like light aluminum, and you when you put it in a web of your hand and you hold a grenade- that thing is stuck in place now you then you next thing you do to pull the pin. Those were the pins in there that org does go anywhere because its spring loaded as soon as you pull the pin there is tension on the spring, this ready to make that spoon or fly off and that's what arms it to blow up in four seconds. The problem is that the fuses are perfect So, depending on the few that you get could be, could be three seconds could be six seconds could before seconds like exposed.
Is there are possibilities, two seconds? Yes, there is so when you could we call it cooking it after you cook off that dog. Made there, is a possibility that it goes off. But if you dont cook it off at all and you throw it. The enemy could draw back expressing its force extra where their choices they can either jump on They can dive aware than grab a throwback if they think you ever could get back. The best thing to get it out of their member T Fred we use getting grenade tossing fights with the Japanese. So As this training is going on also, we have to remember. There's the mental fortitude part there's the tactical training, but we can't ever forget just physic physically being hard to keep on top form. We had plenty of.
School training, Cross country runs Compass, marches and night exercises discipline was self imposed, And any need to impose it by a superior was frowned upon ass. That's what we want We don't want it, we don't have to impose discipline brought about and we should try to contact the thought that if you have to impose despite some job and you what's wrong. Your leadership is wrong, because, if you're leading correctly, the troops will put discipline on themselves, they will. They will acquire self discipline because they understand why important, psychological and physical resistance were driven to the utmost until men could take their limit and even more but was never enough. We were marched, counter, marched and marched again in fair weather and, in fact, live ammunition fired at close range, actually helped. I found myself so preoccupied with making sure did not get hit that I became
oblivious to fatigue and plodded on at the end, days training our stretch out on the hangar for absolutely shags on passing. Sorry, Sid Oxley might be. Me and say something like not bad lad, not bad, do better to mar away, gets stuffed, was the usual quiet reply as I slipped a well earned cigarette between my lips and drew hard, so there's a pretty good of this training in there and again all this training was they just created. This they just created this was new, were like were making up and props one thing when I get the course of my entire life. There's like a couple more, in time where three, this made an impression on me and one of them things that made an impression on me as a little kid was, I had
he's toy soldiers. I had a lot of toy soldiers, but the british commandos from World war. Two they had little ladders, they had little grappling hooks, they had boats. And they had been ease right. You don't talk about when you're a little way, you're, not a business. I know I've been easy. Ok we're here! You know when you see a stereotypical like let's say up a robber in a movie and their sneaking around and their wearing black beating. I think that all from the british commandos. So for me, when I thought, like those little, There is little soldiers that I had with black beans and rubber rafts that look like Zodiac. They also caught at a little kayak form to interest and I think all seeing those things. I was always
onto the maritime component of special operations. Interesting, hey! I want to be at the close of what close thing. I can be to a british commando as these guys and weird thing is, I mean, that's that's what these guys do? They, in fact- and I didn't say this ridge, Reggie Curtis, didn't know how to swim. That's why I was so scared and he didn't he doesn't say it until we later in the book. That's why I was so scared, Dunkirk, that's why, talk about how is underwater there's nothing. You can do about staying around the world because it does not a swim, Amy waded out. But yeah yeah, the british commandos, which I'm sure broke off from the parish. You guys, but that's kind of a major, a major influence honour whatever for six year old kid. I don't remember any, although he and I guess all of them into the toy soldiers
element you're you just like the regular big green tore soldiers from black to the grocery store, yea argument for sure I have Andrea Joe, I graduated from Wayne Green Army men to legit little soldiers that came from different units, and I had all these different units- and I knew what kind of gear they had with him. I had the Africa core right than not the Nazi Africa. Or again, the ones that stand out were the ones that have like look a little with ever. After four guys work can instead of greed. The brisk man was great for my head paratroopers o had there is very little army men. Maurizio met there smaller than the regular argument, smaller yeah, they were small, they were. I think I think nomenclature is one thirty. Second, I think they're really small they were, you know, half an inch tall, maybe maybe three quarters of an tall
so I that bottom platform tat little bottom platform. Said a battle scenes. You know out in the yard, in play by play the way things were unfolding. Could the approach you indeed like you on the regular arguments and set the guy who's crawling. Low Kroger like he would be flying something in my earlier scenario, could you could be in that flying position? Well, I had that. I had the monoplanes rouse at a teacher, nay Mister, Mc Gurgurk in high school, and he had little army. He had little planes AL throughout his room. Classroom hanging model little monoplane lot of I had model planes to because it was, All trying to make on make this battle scenario, and the weird thing is the weird thing is about this stuff is,
like ok, if my son, let's face it, if my son has army soldiers, we kind of expect that just to be normal right, like hey, of course, by the time that kid was born here is that you know what to do with There's some instinct. You will think even you, you are like back in Hawaii right, there is. No. I mean your mom wasn't saying: hair really want you to be interested in military stuff right, and yet you green army soldiers is and even though some of them could fly, which is a little bit unrealistic, some of them still low crawling right, some of were engaging in battle against other soldiers were so you have an instinct for war, yes baked and I think most Just like I talked earlier about the instinct. Like hey, I'm part of something bigger than me which is about, awful thing about a right that a beautiful thing like I am part of this group that I'm I'm subordinate to this group. The powerful
and it has to be counted correctly. Can you dont want to be someone that gives brainwashed and joint call right? The the bog want Sri Raj niece called Sir right. I don't want to be that person that year. That is weird now that you mention that, like it wouldn't call, instinct, for I think cuz, it's it's so it's I consider like GI, Joes, okay, ok I'll, say the scenario. So we we had a weird my didn't build their house and in he he use one of the people. But are also when we're digging the cesspool, its likeness septic tanks, septic tank. I guess it's like a huge hole, Hooper deep anyway, they put the cap on it. Ok, concrete cap on it broke down and they fill it in and then, but as it remains, is still a big hole like the size of a jacuzzi about that, but it's a dirt whole weird,
it looks like a dog in jacuzzi indoor I'm not sure what this is, because we have this just the way it sorted itself I saw, sounds like a foxhole, yet call it, but for them it rain acquiring pretty much every day, let us at least storming but enough to put a little shallow puddle item of that in mud so we're in a muddy terrain scenario: gee I jus their wise, so That hills without either over the hill. We got the valleys than the euro. The waters Mary at the bottom: in oh yeah, it was like battles going on the whole time we light stuff on fire and your dad was no military experience and that your mom was no military experience. Your neighbors, father was D day. I do know that I can reality day. Right, salute
but I had no idea this point, obviously, but unless we you're doing it shows good guys, verses, bad guys, killing like you could bring about going to heart the Diego's like you, you could Blamore with fire congressmen, barium and other stuff, irrelevant ceremony, since that I regard the daytime catch dramatic there and it's not like someone like hold on a little and how much? How much did you How many warm movies had you seen on tv? Even remember I don't remember, but you know you could. This is what, like eighties will say: nineteen easily eighteen going on eighteen men, a watch not like religiously first, nothing, we're Talkin instinct. That's the bombing I mean MASH was on. I don't think I ever want to smash this morning. How many, though, that's not like a butt yeah. It is kind of a comedy if you, if you
set shorts actually in many ways there, some pretty heavy episodes of mashed through actually, could I remember watching it when I was a kid and it there? Definitely I remember watching them illegal or watch that show sometimes and governance expecting a laugh, but than some other would be super heavy because they would. Occasionally inject war, ass, right and yeah, so so I think, there's just an instinct that people can have at some level. And I think obviously just like instinctive being something bigger self? That's an instinct that people can have at different levels right, not everyone's. A ten in Haiti to be part of a group that bigger the meal not ever Not everyone is, in fact I would say. Maybe don't even want to be a ten. Could then you're just looking for a call to join right next no you're buying a guy rolls Royce Region, What you gonna watch out for rights without looking to do that same thing.
The warlike instinct right. There's some people at a pretty high up on that. I believe our pre pre high up on that because I don't remember wanting to do other things right so like when I thought of. My future as a child, the was be a soldier like that's what I remember be a command. That's what I remember so it's you know it Something that and I'm sure, there's a bunch of other you'll, like other fatherly instinct right or a motherly instinct or here's another interesting some people like to travel right. So we will want to move around a lot and we want to stay home, there's a different levels of instincts that people have. So we want to settle down and hold what you got. Some people don't want to do that at all, so people have various instincts. I would say that what they did in this training is. Home the instincts of people did have and get rid of people. It didn't have enough of the instinct for war and you
once again talk about no training there now, teaching you anything there, just getting rid of people that don't have the right instinct here, can't yeah that's what are really doing their job each anything you learn only because you learn from your experience, but it's not an active teaching protocol gather through its own. Do what do you think? I do think that that's like good, like that and, of course, a month Is it the best way cuz? Who knows the best way, but is that kind of the best way to do it? Cuz, it kind of seems like it could be the best way to do it like it's. Definitely, it's definitely you're not going to get me. Well, not you're, going to minimize the amount of stray voltage. Don't you kind of want to work with someone that has it a higher instinct for Having been someone, it's gotta be coaxed and train. Exactly them say it's. What it sees as right seems like it's a pretty good thing to me: It's almost languages. You rather have on your football team, someone that
I think about this thing about you're the who's the Percinet brings. People onto the team sought the coach, but like the GM so, let's a year in control of a football team and you're gonna, this thing, as far as you can as you're only job you the guy that you get that you have to in a bunch to get him to be of the run fast. Fourth, via fast forty, when a guy that comes out of the gate and he's kind of already there, lives is the no brainer. Of course. Now there are outliers that I You want this guy that was slow, but he's such a hard working grinder that he's going to excel anyways like I want back and guess what seal training does that if you're a gazelle, you're really great athlete it doesnt test you as much as the guy that greater but the guidance a really great effort has a little bit more value out of the gate than the guy. Two grinder once you show up shot the team, though you want the guy to grind or more than you want the guided to good athlete. Yes, almost like it's all sorts,
it that's not guaranteed every tankers are some guys that were freakin great athletes anyway. Just incredible, so don't don't take that one wrong, but necessarily a guide two great athlete verses, that is just a has, can got through it, probably I would lean towards the guy that can got through it because he has a level of grit you're, not face a poet bar out on the battlefield. Right: you're, not you don't you know it's not there and they them. Make sense. I mean it's all kind in the same bucket, really what we like these are just attributes rates were, has leaf, put it he'll, say buds, just screening process too, to weed out people who we don't think have the characteristics to be successful on the battlefield to that which is very eloquent way of putting it eloquence, those characteristics Necessarily who can do the most pull up? It's not that because look if you're doing like there's a minimum norms
obviously like you have to do as far as the minimum is so minimum to like get to bed. The minimalist so minimum it should be disqualifying if you can actually only do that. Many are not getting the anyone pulse. What about something like ten right, tiny! It's ridiculous heirs so. Just like, I said it's like a wreath of minimum: sort of it. So who cares if you can do fifty? Who cares really we care about others yeah. Well, there's a well rounded component right and an that's. What makes that's the thing that makes the seal training hard as you can't just be a fast runner. You can't just be a fast swimmer. You can't just be strong opera body. You can't just be comfortable in the water. You can't just be durable, you gotta be all those things and
its hard. Is they contrary to each other right because being able to run fourteen miles is one type of person. That's gonna be really good at that being able to get through. The obstacle course is another person that has a lot of upper body. Strength of person has a lot of interest in Fresno, and then you add in hey. You need to be able to pick up your buddy and sprint with them over there that's explosive ness, so we want this really kind of middle of the road on a bunch of different things, well, rounded, as was to someone I just really good at one particular thing and there's all kinds of people that show up at a great athletes in one category and it doesn't work for. Yes, that add the attribute of all the attributes that tribute about guy hooking got through stuff sort, a list of all the attributes. If not that I so let's say that. So the main one. Then. Yes, yes,
what the guy, who that comes. Naturally to rather the guy who might their teaching, may falter later. I want that to be part of you make sense part of you in man. What a good colleagues have. That's the thing. That's that's the thing people look. We! Everyone gets a certain amount of talent. You can decide to work hard you can decide to work hard now. Now there are people that say that work ethic is a town right. I get that concept. I think the reason it appears to be that way is because you get people that work so hard that you think of that the account of theirs right to have this talent that you're gonna work so hard. I don't I well! I think that you have, while you do, you have way more influence over that talent than you You over here explosive strength, ramming infinitely more you can't.
I don't know the other similar genetics expert, but I don't know that there is gene or a series of genes that gives you work ethic. The earthy, I would say the answer's. No, I mean not night all around me. We could check with Bro science like Schools on that one year, those, but there I bet you know what they are breaking down this genetic stuff. There can have some fun stuff about people. That's gonna, be really interesting in some of it will be time, I'm your Morocco and SAM Harris. You know it you, you, every decision that you make a kind of pre planned freewill, but. You, don't I'm sure salmon I'll have a chance to sit down If he has the courage to to step up the plates and gave a real conversation with me, but but I'm I bet, as this stuff gets uncovered, they will find that there is a propensity railroad like penalty, for focus
I guess that's what hard work is kind of is just hey. Look at let like when I was going to college, and I would get too I outdo once and start five, english classes, the dumbest thing I've ever done. I would be so with reading over the week within a week would come and I'd have to read five classes worth of reading and that was when I would be like ok, I would have to like Turnus, which in my head just go full on sit there and read for tat, hours and reading member remember when I was reading so. That was a switch. It was like. Oh- and I remember thinking myself. I be talking to other people that had one english class and eighty I'd say. They did you do the reading. Can you tell me what happened and I beg you of course I did the reading and they do. I cannot sit down agreed for that lock and I d like now
a. U dont care, be lack discipline see. Maybe I've got a little propensity to be able to turn or maybe just to force a will? Look I wanted. In a in this class. Why? Because because I don't want these instructors looking at me, think They got some mommy. Now you don't got anything on me. I'll read this material and I'll know it you, but the end all that it all that right there is it just so everyone realises I'm not crazy. That's your game, vacation benches. Forgive me my head to make things one to me things challenging right I'll do that with anything all day, long Newgate guess, I'm gonna do I'm gonna have a good time with it makes We're gonna have a good diamond. I'm fine! So when you hear me Watch some Larry Bird and he was This he's famous for talking trash to all the other players and but he worked so hard. He was also famous for his work ethic me, but
I think there's a little bit of gamification right when you go, I'm going to do this to you, I'm going to do it like you would come down. The court beat any retailer like he'd, say here comes three who wants it mean common trying guard me. I've been here three border and he would do it you know, there's a little bit a game of vacation people respond. Well that so that's me when I was going to college as a twenty year old man by the way I'm not target. I was an eighty year old kid all worried about How I looked in one party, where worried about you that I was in their win and in order when I made it into a game for myself. Oh you think you're gonna ask me you think come up with a question on this reading material that you gave me that I'm not gonna know the answer to watch this so that we have actually been attention. You paid attention. What's going on as a What do I do care, doesn't really matter, I'm in the Navy anyways. Who cares what I get for a grade, blah blah blah blah? I could make those excuses all day. You can only take the easy path. If you want to its always there
he's got a member leads downhill and if you take the righteous path well, then you can move in the right direction near but still seems like you got all those methods will say: like from you know, like you, weren't born with that you know, think about it seems like rose, you got. Yes, it does It seems like a choice that I make why It seems also like where, where you like, what learned along the way one I had at what roulette lessons got reinforced the Euro since got reinforced for me. If I don't work hard I'll lose that lessons are reinforced me over and over and over again. If I don't work all lose. If I work hard, I can do better I may not win, but I can do better and I'll take them else. If your attitude is like, if you Dude is only I'm gonna win back. That's why I'm here.
You're, not gonna, win every time. Let me tell you what your attitude can be. I might not work. Every time, but I'm gonna get you respect. You were when you get done. Beating me When you get down beating me and you shake my hand, you're gonna mean it because you you had your it. I'm going to push you at a minimum. That's what's up, so, if you beat me and by the way I hold it against me, when you beat me, I respect if you pay me, I know you work I know you got, I don't you got after, which is co, and I don't I don't have any thanks whatsoever. It's good actually because I know that this guy- or chord with me, and I know I gotta work even harder, so good for you. So that's that comes that's learned. That's me learning as a kid. Oh, I wasn't you did this anymore either. Look back my life now like I was great soccer I never play soccer outside the Socrates and other
it's a running round. Robin was audible whatever going to camp whatever. I didn't. I didn't care enough, it didn't within understand, The first thing that I got while I got very focused in the seal teams reinstall teams, because you're gonna get high calibre people, not all but you got some people, the top of the bulk of that are frequent bad asses and if you're it. For me So what are these incredible athletes? You? Don't I finish your team one Armitage trifling! This would probably ten What's your Timor, a premature good guys, we're sitting one there with some guys in that, what does your team one that were total athletic studs? I mean who infinitely better than me and every category of athleticism. You know, and I knew it ok if, to hang with. These guys are going to have to work really really hard. Just to hang with just a hang were not to beat him just to hang them
so that idea gets reinforced overtime. Ok, if I dont work hard, I'll be at the bottom of the barrel in and then, what it boils down to if I'm at the bottom the barrel, how much by helping the team, because if I am a farmer- if I'm a detriment to the team, now. What am I doing with my life right? I do not want to be a detriment to the team. I want to be a positive and even though it may not be the best guy in the balloon, I might not be the strongest the fastest the best shot, whatever those things are a farm third or fourth, the fifth and some of those categories ok. Well, now, I'm a benefit to the team. Now I can help which what it all boils down to what it all boils down to is like you know, you can make an excuse for yourself and live with it a little bit right, but you can't make an excuse for the team, meaning pay,
look even in extreme case. Well, you know, if I'm not, that great of a shot in the enemy gets a shot off quicker than me. Oh well, I'm gonna die. That's that's that's the job. God that's the joys of your whatever, but if just play that out one step further. If I don't get the shot off this guy I'll have the chest she. What am I bodies? That's do you needed? people around downrange. You need a few more needed. Better and faster, faster on your reloads, fascinating draw. Fosters I pictured afternoon you get better cuz, let your teammates down so when that's what's really driving you, that's powerful that's more powerful than I just want to be the best. I don't want to just be the best, because you can. Yourself, a little slack in there. But when you look at it you say: oh, I don't want to let my teammates down their counting on me that will make you stay up later. That will make you wake up earlier. That will drive you too.
I'd be better and that lessons that lesson on me got reinforced over and over again, and if I didn't work hard then I wouldn't I failed something in buds called poor competency, and I shall I to fail at right angles goes. There shouldn't availed it and the he's not going to say I should have failed. It was because I was comparable. The water I'd done all the water stuff kind of first time, every time meaning tying in lifesaving, like I was good, I felt really comfortable and when I failed it, I was sort of. I was deeply d appointed that I failed it, and I was hyper, worry that maybe I'm not gonna, make it through this training, and so we mean a couple, the other guys that failed. We spent the entire weakened in the deep tank, which is, though, a little a little box You fill with water to clean stuff in, and I don't even know why they instantly
Let us use died here. I have no idea why this was not safe and maybe Still I don't really remember, but we got in this diptych tank and we we did poor comp to each other for hours and which ripped the stuff often rip you repeated cost each other what do the procedures so many times when I went to retake poor carpet was it was easy it was easy one on which we take it on Monday, so What what lesson got reinforced? I need to prepare more. I need to work harder. I need to the extra distance, or else I can fail Another little reinforcement. I told you this one before they'll be run in your training, they fail run. I fail to run and seal training because I paced myself and said: well, you know wholesalers. And I didn't have anything to save. What I need to do is wrong as hard as I could do so I failed the wrong when I placed myself run. What did I do without when they said Oh, I ran ass fast ass. I could for the entire thing.
Could you not allowed aware watch so you have no idea what the time you use, and so you think about that think about when you're cruising on IRAN verses when you're running his arms. Again, it's hard tell where that crews levels that Am I run, and am I run in a six minute mile from cruising. Am I run into six thirty or my running, a seven twenty? It can be hard to judge especially when your sore like your your body sore. So if you did, if you did five hundred eight count body builders at three o clock in the morning you go out and you run you run your pace you might like you run faster than you really are So what I learned from that I fail to run and now what it have to do, I realize I can never let off again ever so there's an little lesson. Reinforced over and over and over again to leave it up to chant, don't leave it up to chance, do do the work and that's the way. That's how you develop these things. Told me. No one told me what I just said. I
Maybe I wish somebody's would have and the reason I say- maybe just maybe you still don't learn at their summit- you have to actually go through some the only thing is going teachers, experts and in even come like these you went through these things where the environment sort of provided these lessons, no matter how, like overt or covert there are like provided to you through the invite, like you not like a like a farmer, some delay to someone who's sort of grew just working hard as a way of life. You put him in of another environment, we're working hard will show itself or whatever their lowering Ricardo yeah, because the environment sort of provided that it whatever so yes that makes sense and obviously we can count every of your life in here's, where this king for Romania's, obviously, but it seems like the work ethic and indeed able to like she'll fortitude like mentally everything's at whatever seems like that's an environmental thing fully yeah is
and that's why Red Curtis was biking, five miles, work and five miles home everyday month Monday through Saturday. Yes, days a week get some up. It was with a pill both ways, so that is what they learn in this training. Some of these things that we just talked about. And and again the book details these things really well, but we're gonna jump ahead right now to a chapter five accrues to North Africa on the ship. I bordered, after endless trudging, a long narrow passage ways and up and down the steep stairs gangways, I was directed to an area below the waterline after the ship soon after casting off. We learned that we are heading for Algiers from where we would take part combined operation by Great Britain and the United States Code name operations. That's legit! You get on the ship to leave. You even know where you're going to use going to go, get some. You yeah! That's what you know. You know you know you're going to go, get some. Moving forward here there there are,
the ground. I can't hate to skip these ports. Does the book you gotta get yet and I'll talk about how to get it again, but is not on I'm a book. We were informed that our objective was an enemy emergency, airstrip close to a place called Suke L Arba in Tunisia, along the way we were attacked by to anyone or nights, but these were system we shot down by our escorts or spit fires, but thankfully Americans eating a rule about smoking on aircraft? I managed to feel more relaxed by puffing through half a dozen cigarettes, so now they're going for the jump by the way they're going to jump into this thing to this emergency extra It was a three hour journey in very hot and timid heat and we sat in the plane sweating, like pigs, singing songs and cracking jokes to try and hide our feelings.
He said well lofty, that's his nickname. He brings up a couple of well off. You won't be long now see you in Heaven. You must be joking mate. I replied. Tersely he's got to be a damn good jerry to catch up, me, then the order was bellowed out act, and stations it made me shiver hook up, I was swimming, sweating like hell and fellow built, felt a bit week at the knees. I wondered out loud sort of reception. Are we going to get what Mate Crabtree asked? Oh nothing! I muttered I hooked up my line with shaky fingers managing to endure ten minutes of standing while the plane came to into drop us at the airfield out in the wild seventy miles from Tunis. So the reason I put that part of their is just letting everybody know, especially you young troopers out there
You won't hold why you're gonna be scared, and even this guy, that is just a fundamental bad ass across the board, is shaken fingers. He swept profusely. He's scared by the way. He's, hiding it best of its his keys stifling that emotion You are the masters piercing voice cut through the sound of the aircraft stand. The door I swallowed hard and prepared for the exit when he Vertigo ringing in my ears, I became a changed man. It suddenly felt so much cooler being whisked about the air. All around me were hundreds of parachutes, we're finally dropping an action there. You go so need to be scared. Once you get me action your settled down and ok. So now this is the land they move. How they get into a situation. We
a machine gun costly one minute we were in putting buses and the next taking cover once with Pat Dolan and Chunky I dash for safety across an open ground and slid into a hundred feet since, the hollow a hundred feet from a dirt road. As three small specks of Mr Schmidt's came diving straight forest from four thousand feet I lay on, stomach looking at the aircraft through my came net scarf as they came in fast much closer now and three of them open fire one concentrating on the road transport, the other on our men scrambling for cover on each side of the road bullets. Ass. The ground ten feet from us kicking up found the dust bloody help, that was close, said chunky. They circled and key in, for another run, time really lonely about fifty feet from the ground. A couple of our ACCA guns. Let fly Jerry, let rip and mock, seemed to be flying everywhere, mainly rock hunters and dust as one aircraft clattered by. I saw quite plainly the pie.
With a white scarf around his neck. You fuck. Fool, you might have killed us, someone shouted and then a bell bellowing, laugh amazingly, Ah, that's raving normal seriously hurt and only two of our because we're rendered unserviceable ass time went on things continued to hot up And the buses were soon abandoned in favour of foot slagging. So again, this is like a horrifying thing to think about. These measures met one oh nine, coming down and straining you with machine gun, this pushing forward a little bit in the book there. Another situation, then they turned towards us. Three stupid die farmers approaching us it about five thousand feet. The sky was clear. Visibility was good. It was most weird, not knowing whether they were interested in us or just passing, they were interested in us all right. The leading pilot made half a role and knows
on the preliminary commencing. That odds irish stupid dive angle of eighty five degrees as it. Why nearer? I could see the evil go. When shape so clearly it seemed to me approaching me head on, and it was- and I was at my wits end as to what I should get out and run for it or stay safely put, but possibly perish before I could make up my mind us off for black dots moving away from the aircraft. They were bombs, seemingly aimed directly at me, their dissent, accompanied by a high pitched scream I gripped my smock embraced myself. The sides of my slit trench took shook and a shower of freshly Doug Soil cascade of my face, partly filling the trench Christ. That's close I thought allowed the delta two speakers came in to repeat treatment. There seem to be a never ending secession of bombs. Finally, vibrating around then the drone- aircraft drifted away, as and as black smoke below slowly skyward voice.
Gender ring out his men sought to sought reassurance that others we're ok trunk Was there on the edge of my trench? Asked me if I was all right putting on a bridge, front I said I was, and I was, except for a little excretion. But then getting away with nothing more than a wet pants after that lot did not hurt my pride. I didn't tell the others, though, so that bombs, dropped right on top of em pissed. His pants no factor happened to be alive Continue on we'd only been in this is again skipping we'd only been in Tunisia for a few days and our bag of enemy killed. Her captured was fast, increasing, together with quite an assortment of armoured cars, motorbikes and weapons. They give to some gunfights. I found myself going on Volunteer burial party for men, known to be lost,
or killed in action, or any debtor wounded Perez. That's a parachute guys, the Arabs could be the biggest menace, as some of them would think nothing of stripping a corpse of its clothing and then just leaving it If a ring would not come off the finger with ease the finger might be set, to achieve their greedy and at times it was reported I wondered if both sides were mutilated by these scum and here's out on these are basically like a little burial party. After some of these battles had taken place. We came upon two more Paris, one lying by a large rock, a jagged caught with dried blood right across his temple. The other just a few yards away. Looking a bloated blue green I'd seen dead soldiers before usually just after being killed, but this retrieving of privates papers of private pay.
In dog tags from dead. Men was not in my book of training and I was lost for a moment. Wondering if I was alone in this nightmare and then there's a there's, a paltry with my minister with him, and he says. Tawdry broke the silence by inquiring any most mean voice now who have we here? We buried those two side by side and then he goes forward here. Things were beginning to hot up now and we found ourselves taking part in some large scale, skirmishes with an enemy who is not to take it all lying down here. Caught up, you didn't, say, heat up. He said that throughout the book. Some that's why I pray for a little extra expression on it. So people don't think that I was missed, misreading it, but he says things are beginning to hot up now, maybe we'll bring that back
and here we go fast forward a little, but I was just taking a position with the mortar when the ceo went, went round, filings pistol in the open sides, lots of the tanks in calling for the crews to come out. So here's the seal and theirs tanks. Some enemy tanks in disguise approached them with the pistol on reach the third tank shots were fired back then he fell clutching his chest, followed by his adjutant captain MILES White Lock, who is hidden face. Amid the general din of battle, I was too busy to get trying to get Doug into He saw them make out exactly what had happened, but soon learned that the ceo, severely wounded and major Pearson was now to take over command. It was a great blow to me at this time also to hear the death of my old friend Stanley Womble us I was horrified by
From sight and enormous brute of a pig munching away at a dead german soldier, it seemed naked somehow come across the wine in this farm, got filthy, drunk and was eating everything such scenes became horribly familiar, but my stomach gradually grew accustomed to them. Are Christmas day, one thousand nine hundred and forty two I watch the rainfall as I tried to make myself a little more comfortable and I slit trench range down my neck. My hands were wet and cold. If I had had a cigarette, I would have enjoyed it. My feet had been cut we went for God knows how long and I was beginning to feel a tiny bit, round off when good news, we are being withdrawn for arrest off, we went to suit El Camino
where I thoroughly enjoyed the luxury of a mobile bath unit, deal housing and refitting. It was heaven, but we soon return returned to the grind once more. So again, I picked out some highlights of the first kind of action that they had but you you have to get the book to kind of follow along exactly what they ve been through, but they ve been through really tough fighting in and finally, they get the up. They get. The term dig at the word that the critic little break, which they do but you know, like I said earlier: it's it's a little break. Its not big, and just like I talked to The times where you get a little reprieve from the car wet miserable, but then yes, to go back in and that's what you have to do, and these guys do that.
Going on here between the two that end up in this spot between the two towns as a hill called General Mark Man sore the commanding height to thee. Pont do Tunis road, it's two thousand feet above sea level, five miles round the base and has an easier finding Mean Eagle forty five degrees, also known by us as he'll six forty eight. It was occupied by crack german Africa core and alpine troops, and it is our job to take it at all costs. I thought this word would be a tough nut to crack, but the men were determined to win. Through this through, but the men were determined to win through and shift the enemy once and for all, checked her arms and ammunition and collected forty eight hours rations. So there's this dominant high ground that they need to take
and it's got there after core? Who I talked about earlier- he's got the alpine troops. These are These are really good. Germany and this point early in the war. No. This is when this is when the german army, the job military was really really good. I'm Later in the war, they were still good, but they knew they suffered mash of casualties. They started having like little Yo Yo, troops inexperienced troop Hitler, youth, no kids- that were fourteen years old out on the front lines getting after it. This early in the war. These are experienced. Troops in all of these are the troops that were This is where the prussian routes of military genius are showing through in these troops in this is it. This is this is these are tough tough and is a tough enemy. So going on here, started off. It quite a long way over ruffinly uneven ground before we halted at the base of an ugly massive looking kill the usual
advanced bombardment that preceded most attacks was not forthcoming on this occasion, as we won to maintain the element of surprise this time, Jerry be first to rock the boat. We waited the base of the hill, the sky, now and again, because bright with german night lights, which fired heavenward me, The whole area quite luminous everyone from until they fell to earth and safety returned once more the form of semi darkness. In this waiting game. I found my thoughts string back to England. What I could do for a couple fights pints of english beer is not till four o clock in them. Next morning, we ventured carefully toward forward through the undergrowth, appoint tumor german nitrites, then, to more then still more places. Illuminated like daylight, they must have got Many of us are smelt us we could,
determine the nationality of a soldier from at fifty feet. If the wind was favourable, so probably they could do the same. For the top of the hill to machine guns began and firing, then more joined in the place where alive with them and they slashed and rip mercilessly at the bracken slicing the branches of trees, as if visible, sharp knife had done the job, a bullet width my trouserlike, gave grazing my five, but I didn't think too much of it. As I was still mobile,. German mortar started, hitting the approach, slope and yells pain here and there told me to take. Or care the wine overhead was also want warning that the enemy artillery was joining in as things hot it up with the UK. No tracer bullet mixed with a machine gun fire. I could almost feel the hot lead piercing my limbs with certain. I would not get away with it this time farther back gone wrong with our usual stalwart mules, the amazing animals that carried our heavy gear, where men could not set foot they
appreciate the sudden shelling and bolted out of control? Major cleanse be Thompson. Managed around some of them up with them. While the french officer major freely Then all how seem to be let loose army our men yelling whoo hoo Mohammed, as the r and D companies went in with their bayonets, Unfortunately, s company miss their correct rout. The tapes laid assist their assent, had been damage or cut by the enemy activity and at the count we were to find that they had suffered extremely heavy casualties. And this chant of whoo hoo Mohammed. This is throughout the and that their fighting in Africa, and they do it. Where they get to Europe as well as though some that the locals did and they started doing it to its kind, like the term Gung HO, which Gung HO there that the Chinese turn which
means work which are actually chinese communist term, which means work together and use it and they started using it. I believe in the korean war. They started using that term, but I've been a world war, two and with the Chinese. Any idea of that must have been when it was most men were during world war. Two, whenever working with the Chinese and the Chinese would say, Gung HO work together. Can it mean get fired up down? Well now, yeah, that's how we use it, Americans we could take work together and turn it into get after sir the broad we were set up against was intense and a rigorous bullet or shell splinter often did as much damage or more than a straightforward burst of fire. We good, occasionally be lucky at one time
artillery shall fail to explode on impact with the ground and went on mercilessly ricocheting three times before coming to arrest with a dull plop, but the bombardment was unrelenting and we had to work are, and we have our work cut out here: There was agonizing shrieks of pain, right and left me as I passed unrecognisable as I pass men unrecognisable soaked in blood being tended to bar splendid medics, those unsung unarmed heroes, same costume, Frankie Tom, and reached the summit and searched out and dealt with the end. With no ceremony whatsoever I'm told me afterward Frankie was lunch in tossing men with his bayonet, as though he Though they were sacks of straw, Frankie was a big chap the very friendly and quietly spoken, but an action. A different man picture that bayonet on you
rifle and you're, throwing men off that lunching in throwing men with the bayonet as if they were sacks of straw. Frankie Thompson don't play amid the tour, all the turmoil and dead and wounded of both sides, no fired lifted. Not a sound this once they get up the hill top Looking around the hilltop, only a few. Of our men could be seen. Moving among the twisted forms, r, r T and asked companies had suffered very heavy casualties more than half of the battalion officers have been killed or wounded. He as they can't get settled on the top of the hill. He the as their preparing, a counter attack, which they know the Germans are going to do. He gets, or tasked with going around and helping and gather up the sick to death of the wounded in the dead.
He goes on here. Setting about the job of collecting the wounded with something sickening I gazed upon the scene of our once able and live. Brad's now, quite still, or with torn and I wondered whether there was any such thing as civilization. I bit hard on my lip and went about my task with grim determination hang around for someone to help. I noticed a lad who is in the same troop as me, early and nineteen, forty one hello taffy, and what have you been up to like a lift? That's how he greeted this guy, cheers lofty and, like I said, loftiest Nick of Wretch cheers lofty it's nice to see someone alive. He said wearily. He was in a sitting. Position had apparently been hit by no fewer than five bullets. They were all clean flesh wounds in the calf, FI forearm and one through the apex of
penis and all rather uncomfortable, but no broken bones. He was pretty well saturated with blood, but cheerful. Let's try fireman's carry. I suggested. He'd had a shot of morphine. So I didn't think you'd feel you'd feel too much thing to get away from here. He said at that point Jerry, started up again with artillery and mortars, then a few snipers and to make it really trusting some soup I've bombers stuck aside bombers to join in the chorus let's get going before it gets too hot. I've gotta get you on my back. I said so once again this As you know, is he saying this so kind of matter of factly he's? they're trying to rescue this wounded guy who's. Obviously, badly Moody's been shot five times and then they start with artillery and mortars and then snipers and then
You could dive barbers, that's what's going on and then he says he says let's get going before it gets too hot It's like it doesn't giddy hotter I've gotta get you on my back. I said I managed to get em over my shoulder without causing too much pain, and we started along the long trek through wooded country ravines and open waste. It was a tick and tender drop job for two hours we struggle born. I was sweating like Pygmy goes through description of how hard it was to get this guy too. An area where he could get some of the help they needed once he gets that guy up off continue on. I joined a section of a joint action, comprising men from tee and asked companies. They were mostly newcomers. I wondered what become of all the friends I had not seen since the attacks started. One of lads told me that major can wrong. Conrad had been killed and Captain Miller too. I felt so alone no disrespect the reinforcements but
cream of our men were fast disappearing in the foothills of Tunisia Mary was counter it counterattacking in earnest. Now and slinging everything at us in the way of explosives with batches of stupid, dive bombers joining in a two hour intervals and making even more definite. The mock was falling heavily and a splinter from By bursting bomb slashed, mainly my right hand, while another and my helmet. Nipping over rocks and creeping through, Bracken and Bush hail of bullets and screaming shells. I've been become. I became cod from the party of men I been attached to, I was making good progress and stopping for a breather dropped into a sum Depression in the ground. Suddenly alone German pounced on me from the rear Irene, what was happening instantly when I saw the field grey cause of his uniform, my smile or what
out of ammunition, was slung and a fashion of my soul shoulder, but I had an american forty. Five automatic call, ready my right hand, down a one knee summoned up the unarmed combat I had been taught grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and heaved him with all my force over my head. It was me I turn now and I was not so gentle As he rolled onto his back, I sprang and landed. My fourteen stone wait feet. First, on his chest grabbing the cold, Shied released dangle on its lanyard. I started this. These. The trigger shouting you butcher bastard his no, no comrade. No, no, no, I pulled the trigger, but it was empty. I grabbed his rifle check that it was loaded and ordered him to his feet. Donkey doktor. He kept saying hugging his chest ass. We moved off and with that he starts moving to get this prisoner by under control. Arriving back. It bore RADA after
formality of delivering my prisoner in custody join the rest, the battalion. We were great need of rest and a refit and we were and we're all sent by truck to a place called pursuit, some sixty miles away. Wall broader was handed over with thanks to the Americans. We were very soon back with rates if they get along breather, we ve back to brigade this time in the general avoid area the brigades manpower was well down with the enemy and the enemy. Usually numbered us three Frida one death rate as my pet one Para as my first proposition and Happy Valley was known. Also too the name shall shock ridge. I tried closing my eyes at any given explosion. There was a will feeling like waiting to be massacred.
The German started a mountain attack. It was daylight and I, see motorized enemy units being dropped off at points as near as they dared to our position three or four miles off in the direction of, They did Jane, they spread out. Extended order and started toward us, we were told to hold our Fire until the last minute, so the whole first, but And lay very quiet and still and we mortar saturated the area. I felt the draft of exploding shell, which deafened my left ear and left the ringing and, at the same time, propelled me to the bottom of my trench. Make me even wetter that already was. Now the mortar brought it lifted. Skipper had a little bit now the mortar barrage lifted and but here the silence of the soul of the machine gun fire as it severed. The undergrowth the enemy getting near all the time. Sixty yards, fifty
Forty yards IP gingerly over the edge of my hole in the ground. Thirty yards twenty yards, then above the din The order was bellowed fire fire fire advance Advance as we went out to meet them, the bit flung everything, the enemy that it fun breathing at the enemy that it could. Tommy guns, Bren guns stand guns, cow, captured solid, earns in Smithers grenades. English German Italian, coupled with the cry of whoo hoo Mohammed. Ripping my rifle, I advanced through the murderous fire, the haze of smoke and the acrid smell of explosives. Every available man was on this one, even the cooks. Before long, the tables are turned in our favour. With two dead Para Like my left, I hopped over a dead Germany, Came upon a wounded want a little to my right. He was killed, completing using a Luger pistol, but I Buddha from his hand and clap him in the face with the bottom, my rifle, episode was soon over with the enemy
eating, a hasty retreat and leave bag of captured, clean Shaven. In Paris, use flown indirect, from Germany to deal with us, what a shock for them. So that's just again whatever a couple paragraphs, maybe two paragraphs and I mean amidst total insanity right, the guys are twenty yards away before they get there. The order not only to fire, but two ants continuing on this is now they're doing a coordinated attack. While we personally on with two Para and three Para brought up the rear. The british One, thirty night brigade attacked on all right, in time the pimple name of like a little knoll was retaken. Ann Arbor, agreed purse proceeded, Press home the final assault amidst devasted
artillery and mortar fire from both sides trash we we found that we had gone a little too fast for twenty five pounds to increase their range quickly enough and we suffer. Heavy casualties from our own fire at daylight. I passed a jockey, your crouched by Iraq, bellowing into a field radio and none too pleased with that and on the other end, what do you think you're doing he roared you're, killing all my bloody men so little Horrible blue blue scenario happening everything, but everything seemed to be in our favour. Now even the weather was kinder and we might,
to advanced about eight miles under a curtain of continuous fire, both until both Italians and Germany were ready to give in and were running to be captured so think about this scene with just massive fire and your advancing honour that fire for eight miles they get on their there. Doing this their continuing to advance this part here, mesh nets buzz the area sprang the ground, spasmodically and causing the nearest to drop quickly into convenient holes. We pushed on steady pace, press demolition guns for past demolished. Guns at supplied, dumps the air stinking with appalling butchery. I glanced instinctively towards Shelby. Fifty yards away, as I watched its jet black smoke belt
skyward my gaze was transfixed, buy something on the ground. I wondered if it could be a human Drawing nearer, I saw that it was the roasted body of a man in a sitting position. He must have been driving a scout car or light vehicle, as there were small pieces of charred twisted metal spread fifty feet around with dismembered arms and legs torn and blood soaked uniforms littering the black scorched soil. The aroma was diabolical someone actually We brush the sitting form on passing and the body simply disintegrated with a sickly. Sound fast forwarding a bit this belle of burnt flesh, coat floated in my direction and quickly get a quick into my pace to get clear of it. Plodding on in these awful human dusty conditions, I think I felt almost
immune to weariness and the shocking sites of war. Nothing seemed to be able to stop us now, and this is again you got read this book, but this site sort of concludes this section. The first parachute brigade group was not destined to take part in the final push to Tunis. Our role in the campaign had come to an end and we were withdrawn from mine, so ending five months. Slorc again that no words burning through the book and I'm skipping. So many sections. This stuff is This is five months. This half a year just about of this type of fighting. Originally trained as shock troops in Tunisia after the
she'll parachute assaults. We had served as plain infantry, but that's just the way the wind blew for us. Metals were plentiful and all ranks had earned Eight distinguished service orders fifteen military crosses nine. Stinguished conduct, metals, twenty two military metals, three raw to gear and one legion. The honor. In their own way. Even our german adversaries had recognized the brigades fighting ability by naming us the red Devils For those who were there, though, the price success was unspeakably high. We had lost more than seventeen hundred men, killed, wounded or missing,
so again. I hate to burn through five months of Insane fighting it and I'll take a dig it at Red right now, like he's so. Matter of fact about stuff that he only hit on the high point, I'm hitting on the high points of the high points right, just insane insane to think about that. For five months so from their their transported from Tunisia back to Algeria, and they spend time training for a drop in to Sicily appears you drop innocently, which Once again you find in Africa. Looked it's really tough conditions in Africa. Now, you're getting closer to Germany you're goin in debt going into Sicily. You know What's waiting for you It was hoped that if Cecily could be taken at my prompt in italian surrender, a large proportion
I battalion, including myself, now went down with dysentery, Those in talking about a lot of that this is no. This is just is, I know, nothings easy. Tween exercise, we acclimate act as our reinforcements to use every do use it every type of enemy weapons, including smiles or automatic, which we found superior to our own stand gun. So now they start to prepare. For this mission. In Sicily there were three bridges: taken Sicily and the password for them was to be desert rats. With the reply kill Italians. As the point took off chunky said: well, this is it our second operation. I tried to act normally, but could feel the sweat running down my cheek. So once again, he stifling some emotions in here they go.
Getting on this getting ready to do this job- and this is just its discreet see. As we drew nearer to our objective and add a thousand feet. I could see the flag and tracer zipping past the wing of the aircraft, for thirty minutes. We dodged everything. They threw it us, but it was the tens half hour as we are helpful, to do anything so you're an airplane you're, getting ready to parachute and there's flak bombs exploding around trying to take down your how you're aircraft and true sir fires zipping, but you are much protection and aircraft gives you from tracer fire from reaching gunfire zero. What's flak. So it's anti aircraft. They said it for a certain altitude. It goes up in the air, then just blows up in hopes that some of that shrapnel will hit the aircraft and damage the aircraft and take them down. Just so,
black jacket is roads are flatly actually. Flack is just little chunks of this fragmentation right. The chunks of metal that that come off of explosive device like a grenade or of artillery round that that's kind of like on purpose. Yes, public, that's what it four and then a flat jacket is to protect you from flock you're feeling in the old days like the flag, deterred term fact jacket. The flag jacket would protect. You from Flacket will protect you from the bullet Because flock isn't going as fast as a bullet is so like an old school Vietnam flak Jacket, one stop boss, but it would protect you from flock, like motorcycle Jackie kind of thing like it's like it'll it'll, protect you, but not from the real, yeah, yeah yeah. So even so, even now days right, the expression like don't give me any flak slight Kennedy. Exactly the what
so these guys are up there in, like he says, helpless and by the way, this half an hour of this. Suddenly, we were given continue on. Suddenly we were given the order to hook up. I did so and waited the engines cut back on the approach, our jobs and we descended to around six hundred feet with all sorts of rubbish whizzing by and the plane pit in tossing like a toy in a vast vacuum. Then there came a terrific explosion, as our tail was hit. The order jump man jumped screamed in my ears and tumbled tumble through the doorway into the void below. So they are finally takes a devastating had he hasn't. He doesn't mention whether there I made an Iraq. Egypt says that it you know the tail was hit hard. I can imagine that super easy to fly plain: was the tales been blown off. Now he gets on the ground again fast forward a little bit on the ground about three
yards in my left was the main coastal rode to the town of Captain Captain NEA an enemy traffic. Wasn't tremendous confusion to my rear. I could hear italian voices and about a hundred yards to my right. Germans, wrapping out orders. Then down the road came a fifteen strong german patrol. They could have and parachuted, judging by their dress and headgear. Fortunately, I was not alone when they were just a few yards off and we opened up on them. There were some grunts groans and sickly. Yelps, then silence we slipped on in the direction of the age around which our men were by now, silently killing. Hurrah singing panicking. The german italian defenders. At night, small battles raged unceasingly and we are pending, for a long time by mortar fire when daylight broke, though I saw
for the first time the vast mountain scenery at the base of which we have been fighting against unjust, jumping through stuff than this. Sars to come up. It became warm and then the heat became intense, a typical you're. Never You can never be comfortable, it's always like freezing cold or too hot you. What are you? He had fifteen minutes where it was warm and than they were threw out there. Been no firing for some time, and I realise that the enemy was no longer with us scanning the countryside, equity burnt out cars, italian tanks and ammunition dumps the smell of both bodies and oil filled the air. I was glad to move on such a confusion of our Brigitte. Such was the confusion of our brigade drop that come daylight, three men from the men from three Para discovered they spent all night fighting alongside the meadow first pair, without realising it at the
It is clear that there had been a fierce battle. The pill boxes had been rushed and dealt with ruthlessly Here the brigade mustard approximate hundred eighty men, but the three its borders and ammunition had not arrived, and there was a lack of medication with outside units wireless sets, those radios had been either incorrectly. Now did back in Africa were dim on the landing or just did not arrive. We learn that German parachuted from the third regiment of the first phase shame. Yeager division had droplets, I will tell on our honour drop the previous night, so we must have indeed have brushed shoulders with them. When we came upon that fifty man patrol how crazy, as that you're jumping into a drop zone and the Germans are jumping in there too, and then
As things start to ask, ladies talk about all hot, it was like hot as in not heat temperature, but hot as an enemy act. Little wonder. Things were so warm The area within an approximate two mile radius of the bridge was festooned with eighty eight millimeter in twenty million your guns, pill boxes, machine gun pits and also a few coastal. And we are engaging with crack german to troops, including paratroops. They presented a good target whenever they got too near the bridge. You could not miss, but word ruin around, that our supply of ammunition was now drastically low. Conserve, ammunition and fire. Only when you are absolutely certain certain of a kill was the order, but do in due course members of the first. And third Para battalions. At the northern end, the bridge withdrew to join, at the Sutherland, the enemy getting harder to ward off as tanks and tanks begin to appear
now we got tanks enemy, we tanks on the scene. We were in captured italian forty millimeter anti tank gone along with our own anti tank on the battle worked up to a terrific climax the Germans were sent, their best troops in an effort to shift us their paratroopers probing for weak spots and allowing no respite. Food was in our haversack ex, but there was no time to get it. It was fire fire and keep on fire Finally, there is a law at about eighteen, thirty or soon after giving us a chance to take stock, maybe Germans wanted to regroup. I checked my ammunition found only four rounds left plus one the chamber at nineteen? Thirty, we ordered to withdraw in order to avoid capture and go in small groups, we made it off in a westerly direction towards the Gorner Lou Nuke, the Gorner, longer river. If we could use the ring
and the road running parallel to it as a guide for a couple of miles. Perhaps then we could be clear of any enemy concentrated attack, so these guys are basically bag and out of the area. It as their due to their duty in small groups, one point: as darkness fell, we came upon a deserted farm house but decided not to enter as it was quite near and abandoned flat gun pit. We thought both sides would be. We thought both could be booby trapped It was approximately zero. Two hundred by now we were very tired and hungry. We dozed off in an orchard twenty feet from the edge each man at the base of a different tree so as to be less conspicuous, so they spend the night in the sub orchard. And then they set off. Once again, we saw no more of the enemy veal antennae. We reached Augusta some fifty miles, from previous all bridge fine, town in our hands. It was a great, to see so much
of our own troops and tanks and silicon can you on reaching Syracuse without mishap on this, on the seventy the July just four days after dropping in Sicily, we soon set sail arriving Beckett, Seuss in Tunisia on the twentieth, our first Parachute brigade group had not only suffered heavily in the north african campaign, but instead we too, where we had lost a further three hundred men killed or wounded or missing. It was time to rest. We fit regroup and reorganized and we also got to relax. So I mean this. This is a group of men that are now just hardened, combat, that's and yet There is no war, does no end to this insight right, I mean there's no end.
Hey. I guess, if you look at it from a strategic perspective, knowing what we know today, maybe you could say there is an end in sight, but if you know. Oh, you barely surviving miss your barely surviving it. You know at the end, I mean you have to accept what the end is. Probably gonna, be the industry Will you be your knocker live. In early November we were told that the whole first airborne division was returning to England in the First parachute brigade would leave from Algiers at the end of the month on the twenty ninth of supply of November, we shipped out of Algiers on the SS
saw Maria happily heading for Liverpool. Now one particular chap made a popular appearance, Peter the battalions: unofficial, unofficial lovable dog, Peter liked water and jumping from planes and was the only parachute dog on record at first, he was owned by a lad named Or brown and rumour had it, they both escaped from Dunkirk in nineteen. Forty Peter was a marvel and could do almost anything asked of him, never forgetting a trick. Put a stone on his nose and back away and he'd remained motionless, but at a given command he would toss and catch that stone. Water was his God, there had been static, tanks, eight feet deep at Beaufort, to which a stone could be thrown Peter. Would retrieve it no time and then sit patiently waiting for another run
when we set off for North Africa in October the previous year he had been smuggled Dear Rundle Castle, everyone helping in the scheming to get him aboard and keep him FED exercised uncomfortable been left behind in Algeria in the good care of the cooks the rear Echelon party. When we went on to meet the enemy in Tunisia, where Topper Brown was taken prisoner and sadly never heard of again. Corporal gymnastic battalion. Hairdresser of our company then took care of Peter, and is it was at made more now Syria, during training for the Sicily operation, that Jim took him up for his first jump from an aircraft, special bag had been made. It was fixed Jim's front with a hole at the top repeaters head to protrude. They made a perfect landing. Peter running off as happy as very wagging his tail after various
escapades Peter returned Algiers and was smuggled aboard the samurai where he was having a great time until the locker door of his. Hiding place, was accidently left, unsecured during one of our boat drill procedures, any venture on his own. He was found one during below by the ship's officer, who ordered him to be put. Over the side. We were just two days out from Liverpool. The men were fury It was just as well that the officer responsible could not be found as a roving band of justice seeking Paris could not have been expected to be lenient as far as Peter concerned. He had such enthusiasm from water that maybe was fitting to end up in a seagrave, but we felt his loss. I dont mind admitting that we fighting men had us, side, even after All we ve seen and done. Perhaps
specially after all, we ve seen and done. I wrote Peter a palm entitled epitaph to a friend. Its last verse as follows: Peter made us happy and care free. He had no milk Terry apparel, he made just to jumps. His grave is the sea, his wings truly earned, and the name Red Devil. Kind of a theme that we see come up from time to time the attachment that soldiers can get to these two, these dogs, that they become across at some point and unfortunately,
Recurring theme is some rear. Echelon person doesn't understand killing those animals. When I also thought it was, you know it's interesting that line. I dont minded, meaning that we fighting men had a soft side even after all, we seen and done- and he says perhaps especially after all we ve seen in done- that's something that is, I mean, I think that's absolutely true. You there's no better stairs. The sunset looks a million die of infinitely better when you know the sacrifices that have been made to see the sunset, the White bed, she did you get to sleep on. You appreciate. Infinitely more when you been sleeping in the dirt for six months it goes on and on and on So when you see when you see depravity that that human beings are capable of.
Well, that can actually expose the fact that you really can cherish innocent it's a little dog and these guys ride back home, get stationed there. First battalion get station there Grimm's Thorpe Castle, and at this point they know something really big is in the air, and he says here in August, men coming from our old training area of tat and park reported sing, thousands of tanks there like a job. Tank park sure enough. In MID September, we were finally setting off somewhere. I checked over my gear, one gammon bomb too. Dot. Three six hand, grenades combined can shovel webbing equipment with small pack too
ammunition pouches in Bandelier, with three hundred three ammunition water bottle mess, tin iron ration field dressing, camouflage scarf triangle shape air recognition, bright, yellow, silk, scarf tight around the neck for ready for instant use rifle and an escape kit comprising of a silk map of Europe, a small button compass and a strong file the size of a nail file that was about it, except for a kit backdrop to the leg. Parachute plus Mae West Life jacket. In case we finished up and the drink. I felt like an overdue pregnant hippo didn't know where to put anything else, still, I added two hundred cigarettes to bars of chocolate and some boiled sweets. It's interesting visa, the yellow, scarf
for recognition and he specifically says tight around the neck for instant use and it's interesting. We kind of I always carried one. The basic reason why I was scared works out radioman when I was a young and this guy and eighty used it. At times I had learned the vat Of it signally helicopters and boats in the jungle like if you weird thing: is you it when he heard a bullet say you're a boat in a river along a jungle there's so much on the look out that it's really hard to see someone wave in their hands like didn't, seem so obvious when you're Wavin Adsum waving about a over here vessel. They can't hear you. Could there runnin engines shoot machine guns? I can't hear you and second they're, looking at whatever quarter mile or half a mile of Green Bush. They got hoping to try and find you and your
a green camouflage uniform and your waving Europe. They can't see you so you need. I would always have a aircraft panels, what we call them: aircraft singly panel, which is bright for us, an orange, and I could whip that thing out really quickly and then, when you become a lot more visible same thing with the aircraft overhead, well in Romani you didn't take on before every was carried up because any were carried big ones. Like other platoon or like an element that was gone in, a building would have a big giant one that you can hang out a window. Everyone we are here, pay friendly forces. We are here hence or even this guy World WAR, two that bright, yellow, silk, scarf important signalling device at the hand. He says I wondered how the rest of the men were going to fair on this hop.
I was just getting used to new faces like Frankie Panzer, Mansour Bill, Silbury, Terry Brace, Dick Bingley, Dolly gray major parent Brown, Sid Oxley Gov Beach, with his top hat. The Germans will survive. In surprise if he takes him with that. I fought Joe Mc Reedy, Patty Mccormick and Captain Joe gardener. That mean just I decided read those names for two reasons: number one, because they sound like the best bunch of characters you could ever read, hang around and also So everyone remembers that all these people
we're talking about you, they're all people, unfortunately sergeant musty Everett. It had fallen ill and died born. We were from all over the country and beyond and on the whole one big happy family. It was daylight when we clambered into trucks and headed toward the arrow drawn at Barston Hall. Every was tense but ready to go come. What may he goes on here? Our objective was to capture and hold the bridge straddling the Rhine at our name. My first parachute battalion was the seas the high ground to the north, Our escorting typhoon, Spitfire Mustang fighters, were weaving between the Dakotas in gliders as we crossed the english channel tension. Big and amount in my plane. We
land on the other side and could see the area that had been flooded to try and stop or impede the advance of our land forces admiring the landscape. When the order rang out action. Stations hook up green light on go being. Thirteen. I had a few long seconds to wait as I shuffled forward, then I felt it Pat on my parish, you back in again found myself tumbling out o the doorway into that familiar open, void my purse. Should open once more obediently, and I drifted down to earth without difficulty. After a good Point landing: I was now an enemy occupied territory, except for the regional machine gun fire and some blasting from any machine gun and placements the landing had been unopposed and the whole dropping nor zone north of he's them was packed with glee and discarded parachutes everyone soon
Talk to themselves and rendezvous that their perspective points. The time was just after one thousand five hundred on Sunday, the 17th of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty four, the time with, just after one thousand five hundred on Sunday, the 17th of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty four Leaving the drops on, we made her way quickly along the track running away inside the wood west of Wolf, he's and south of the railway. The The track lined up with a road running parallel to the railway, turning right here. And then over the road on the railway sidewalk. We nosed our way towards wolf he's station, me, there was a loud explosion up ahead and some machine gun fire and now this is when things start to get hot Our companies still up front became, engage in a fierce battle facing or cars mortars
and machine guns- it was getting dark. Now whole battalion lay dog, oh for a while. Try to avoid further detection. We lay up in which for some hours pushing on occasionally but cautiously at one point in time, unbeknown to the enemy they completely surrounded us. In the semi dose of you. There are they're kind of like laid up they're, not trying to move too much in the semi we passed down winding lanes. This is when they are pushing forward through the woods, And along the south side of the road, we were now about five miles from the Arden Bridge, and so far luck had been with us. At about two o clock in the morning, there were sounds about go ahead, apparently, coming from an area North EAST, north northeast of licked. In beak, on arriving there at about zero. Five hundred we found the leading companies had met fierce opposition and its Ford heavily. Then
with no reason given at the time the original plan, go for the high ground. North of our name was changed and we instead turn south towards Marian Doll. An Oscar beak, some two miles from the courage at zero. Six hundred we entered Oscar Beak where we met members of the dutch underground move, men who showed us the easiest route to the bridge. We were moving cautiously in a file ready for action in everything seemed a little bit too quiet at zero, six, Thirty at dawn was breaking. We moved up into a built up area and then it started enemy had been busy overnight. Preparing gunning placements, taking up positions, advantage points, posting snipers and can see tanks and s p guns. German gunfire, shattered the peace and I darted for cover and took opposition need we laid out garden of a near by house, more fun And came from the house direction with two:
Other men I ran around the back of the house and fired is too Germans in the shrubbery. They must have had their chips. With two other men around around the back of the house and fired two Germans in the shrubbery. They must have had their chips amid the smoke five machine guns, s p guns and six barreled mortars there. Battle, ranged the battle raged and Bildt's to such a pitch that I became quite accustomed to it and went about the task as if on street, fighting training back at home. We haven't eaten since leaving England, but I was too busy to be hungry cat. These were mountain mounting credit we fast and in every direction? I could see motionless forms of our men, cut down in their tracks. Power dress was slow and a battle became intense. As the bridge loomed gradually nearer with two. Chaps. I did not know. I chased after some Germans in a house with,
we're grenade and dashed the door to finish them off, withstand rifle. Looking around for any more of the enemy we're belt. We belted into Near the house, I tripped over a broken fence and went sprawling as I scrambled up. I heard a call wine and recognised, which I recognize was a mortar. I die for over by low wall, and the bomb landed very near near enough to feel the draft snipers, we're taking part shots dodging and weaving through gardens and backyards. I came to stop at opposite. A factory held up by held up by. Mortar machine gun fire, yet again I threw myself into the ground. It was absolute bed. With the slicing sound of german southernwood, so some other guns their bullets, cutting the in every direction and the repeated stock of borders. Followed by the wine and sound of hot shrapnel hitting the rooftops. A small lump lump of shrapnel hit my helmet
sounding like a piano drop in heat battle, men were shouting curses lobbying, grenades through open doors and windows and following up with shrieks of contempt for the enemy and a cry of whoo hoo Mohammed casualties really began mounting. There were grow funds for men who had been hit motion perilous motion, Paris, lay in the road and so Dover walls. I saw a pair of feet, protruding from a garden gateway. One boat, one boot blown off, but leaving the foot complete, such as the magical phenomenon of war. The german fire powers murderous and all I could do with keep alert for the sound of English. I had a horrible feeling that my battalion was being cut to ribbons. Going forward a little bit, there was a heck of a battle going on inside the factory, and men were scrapping furiously with grenade stands, call penguins
Fighting knives, all of the house opposite received a blast machine gun fire coming from behind me out to move off in pursuit of a German in the garden of it. Terrorist house on the on my right when I felt an explosion just beneath me and a sharp pain reeling over and looking down I saw but the lower part of my right leg was in a most unusual position and blood was losing out steady and fast. I shouted for help and too Harris dashed up quickly and rendered first aid, one of them. Urgent Nobby Hall called for medical, orderly always will but felt like a nuisance. As everyone was busy already without being lumbered with me. I was waste on away. I was placed on a stretcher and carried into a wooden shed a few yards away where medics the boot off at the foot of my shattered leg smashed by explosive bullet. It looked awful
but strangely I didn't feel much pain. They tore open you'll dressing, I'd kill. For so long in different parts of the world. Never previously needed and carried out a quick but thoroughly Rob pandemonium was raining outside as machine, so point, obviously he's been wounded, he's been wounded, really bad. His leg is very rough shape. He can't walk pandemonium was raining outside is machine gun fire echoed around the built up area, a mortar landed quite near, but the medic administrating a morphine injection kept a steady hand as if he were in the safety of a hospital back in England. So the talk about detaching, the medical, just cool com, While the other medic haunted around for suitable, makeshift splint, a young dutch girl appeal from nowhere and offered me a welcome cup of water. I was feeling coal, clammy and her help was a great comfort, as was the more in which soon began to take effect.
There was another series of explosions just ahead a clear signal to get moving, I was carried cautiously to the corner of a house. Next to the road. I'd come down only issue A while ago, every scattered. Everyone was scattered and there were dead pair in the road on the sidewalk and in the gardens snipers were busy in our men were bent on weakling them out. There was a fire, A wise and bark of exploding shell, followed by another and another all bursting on the rooftops of houses, thirty yards back then something flash ruin up, window only twenty yards ahead in bullet splattered on the wall above us, the medics me down to wait for an opportune met moment to get across the road, and I saw for Paris press themselves into the wall of the building opposite, as they work their way towards that flash. When, under the window, the leading Para kick the door out and out of the window came in Potato basher, which immediately picked up and threw back in the potato measures the classic german green.
With a long handle on it, which they did so that they could Oh grenades, as far as as the Americans good, because we ve play baseball, they play soccer and you don't kick, you don't kick grenades yet. The throng. The leading Para kick the door and out of the window, came up potato after which he immediately picked up and threw back in a calm by a mills bomb which is there a grenade thrown by another man. There was quite some explosion following which for Paris entered the building, sprang stun gun fire in the room and threw up through the floorboards a trick. We had learned in training. I was more than relieved to get out of light. A fire was carried into the relative safety of a garden wall as I made helpless behind the wide, a clear view of the clatter and confusion in the battle and the drive through the demolished gateway So he goes on here. Obviously, I'm not covering the whole book but covered some sexual
Of things that are unfolding, I was moved with a number of other wounded men to a nearby barn, where I spent a fairly easy night thanks to the powerful affects the morphine injection. I've been given early the following morning, all was recently quiet in the immediate vicinity. Although I could hear this a battle not far off looking around the barn. I didn't recognize anyone from my first battalion and those men I spoke to did not want to know they were either too preoccupied with their wounds or unable to talk at all. Some of them looked as though they had just lived through a nightmare, which, I would say, is an accurate, again, it's like everything that he's talking about is just you know, complete mayhem combat that's what he's talking about. It's just totally out of control and finally etc down a little bit for that night and its like maybe the prior Brits. At that point, it done Donna good Counterattack,
maybe established a perimeter, unfortunately, doesn't love at about zero. Seven hundred to me Ex came up to me and that might turn was next. This is there as are trying to extract them. Live the structure they carried me to awaiting jeep its engine running. There were four fucking wounded in the back seat now was strapped to the front of the bonnet alongside another chap who is already strapped in on the on beside the windscreen he forced to grin. It's yours, I asked they got me in, got. You said for that's a nasty placed a carpet. I thought feeling sorry for him. A short stocky medic jumped in the driver's seat, saying hold tight in the back and don't worry you too in front on the bonnet. We might have a rough ride and it will be a bit fast.
What do you even do I mean they take you. They put you structure on the hood of Freakin jeep. Like the medics his hold onto the guys in the back and says: hey up front, don't they ve got a strap down? There's nothing! You can do the can't move. I wouldn't want to do that on a Tuesday afternoon. You know go and liked to the market I mean. Imagine I'm like hell, yeah taking the market, I put you on the hoodie. My car strap you down and say: hey, it's gonna be a little rough you're, fast and fast forward. After a fast bumpy journey, the jeep tore, through Austria Beak passive net regional headquarters at the heart and dean Hotel and pulled up sharply in the drive of that tackle Burgo, tell a few hundred yards farther on airborne medics. Quick unstrapped me and took me inside said, down on the floor opposite a window in the entrance hall. The hotel, Taft Albert Burg had in german field, Marshal Walter
model models, headquarters prior to our arrival the previous Sunday and we are now using it as an improvised military hospital. It must take Few Knox, as it was now an absolute shambles, as usual, the British. He had managed to brew up even in such hazardous conditions, and I was given a mug of tea and a bar of chocolate, my first fruits, and so bringing when two days earlier, I had not touched, my guy, the iron ration, I tried to sleep, but with the corruption of shelling and mortar fire prevented that when night fell, I just long for daylight to come again. I hated the nights it was bad have to be meeting angry Germans in battle, but it was worse to do so. While I slept the next day Wednesday, I was grateful to me Taken into the operating room in June firstly, rigged up in the kitchen of the hotel so
yet some you get some preliminary work done on his wounds and, of course, the Brits. I know I've talked about this. They like to bring up their tea and they will do it. That's how they role. I was returned to the entrance hall where the din of battle and bullets hitting the wall outside maybe look out. I was surprised to be, is to see a german wandering about so you're in a hospital. You just got like this, Nor can I your leg. They sit taken, set you down and now you're watching the battle out a window, and you see a german wandering around took up a stand position by the door and then began pacing up and down. Just then there was a loud cramp outside and debris plaster glass fell all around. I looked to see where that one landed, and the german I'd seen outside only a few moments ago was now sprawled out killed, I presume by one of his own more bombs, but that
Tell you what situation there! There's Germans outside the window walking around. I was set down at the head of the stairs to my right leg, wider pilot who had a face and arm injured, amid all the wounded who covered most of the landing area came away. It man walking our eyes met, did I know him. I hardly knew anyone they were unrecognisable. Clotted up with blood and dirt. Then up the stairs belted some combat Paris and we, ask them how it was going ahead. I had to capture this. Is just as british as it gets so these there's, like we just said, There's Germans walk around outside this places, total shambles and they see it Paris- and he says, hey how I'm going in the Paris answers not too bad, not too bad could be a bit better before disappearing back down again, that's like that
no factor response? Yeah, oh by the way, we're about to get overrun, but not too bad. Nothing could be better, but we got this fast forward, a little bit a wounded man with his arm in a sling. Approached me with an inquiring look what unit chum he asked almost in a whisper first pair, I replied a shower of dust and smoke is yet another shall exploded very near he winced and withdrew from the direction of the shell blast. Just as we felt the ominous vacuum of warm air, he was. Most incoherent as he glanced around the terrible scene of man made destruction. I just left the bridge. He said there was quite a pause: what's it like there, I asked he swung around glaring at me, as if the whole war was my fault, his eyes, hard staring in red with fatigue. The poor fellow had been hit through with something bad. I offered him a cigarette and with a trembling hand he took one it hung, limp and is
rasp thanks, I dont really smoke but I'll have when he said then he answered it was bloody hell, their tanks, belching fire, blokes, getting killed, left and right. The carnage was terrible He paused as a medical pass by with a man clutching his side and hobbling on one leg: a bloody congealed bandage wrapped around the stump. Where once have been a foot, my lad you hard on the cigarette and coughing continued. There were hordes of them. It went on for hours, attacking shelling, then the bastard start
burning us out, my two maids got killed. The twisted, unbroken bodies of our men were strewn everywhere. He leaned back against the wall. Looking a little more at ease, I don't know, but I think it may have been the first I may have been the first person he had spelt out his experiences to very told me that it was the first time in action. I thought he had ridden it bloody well. The next few days seem to drag on for ever With my leg, giving me much more pain now than it had during the first twenty four hours after I was hit in So obviously these guys a rallied up in their suffering, but it does mean that their safe continue There are so many shells landing in on and around the building, plus the occasional, the machine gun fire spattering, the inner walls that I'm We must be slap bang enough in the front line were somewhere no man's land by the way this the field, hospital,
there were hundreds of wounded in enemy included, as well as dutch people caught up in the food. So many that some got moved the hotels annex across the driveway and any man with flesh wounds or injuries that did not hinder. The use of firearm was ordered outside to fight. So if you could fight you now, it's time It was now the twenty third of September and I was lying still at the head of the brain. Stairway and there was commotion down below those ruddy Huns again said the glider pilot. There was a Filling in german orders were being wrapped the out, then some s S troops dashed up the stairs a sin you're looking type about twenty years old led the way was coming right out we're coming right at me. I found myself looking straight down the barrel of a miser, his trigger finger shaking bat an eyelid I'd not want to upset him and gave him a cause to let rip he was clear get me with red beady eyes Christ. This is it. I thought I.
Heard of other wounded being shot up. But my luck was energy. Pass me by her into other S, S, men had a good look around and took up and then took up hiring positions at windows in rooms leading off the landing as they started to fire out. Colonel Warwick dashed up the stairs swearing in rebuking them for firing from clearly marked red cross. Building discipline took over, they look defined and sullen, but with fingers handling their automatics hesitantly, they reluctant your the officers, commanded stop firing so As I talked about early with. And clearly these are some Germans that have respect for the. Law of armed conflict and they there which let us start with this we're in the hospital building, and now we got the the and in the building, using as a firing position. Don't even know what to say about this:
What what is it? Even? How do you can translate that into into reality? You're wounded Europe Your hospital is getting Mordred a machine gun and they There's german enemy soldiers in your building, firing from inside your building walking around. Looking at you. Oh, he comments about this. It was me strange to have enemy in the building. One minute only be replaced by IRAN combat men, the next, so that's his but about it is that the other strange. I wondered how the rest of my first Para battalion, we're doing from the Sunday night or our company. It had a tough time losing half of its men in the B Leary Doodle area. Then forty men of six platoon s company were killed in two minutes on the approach to honour our name.
And in the den Brink, Saint Elizabeth Hospital and factory area, the rest of the battalion was badly mauled, In the midst of it all Father Benson, a roman catholic priest was busy making his rounds in answering urgent calls one man so constantly needed. Things began to get on my nerves that morning, Which is kind of interesting cos he's been through. All this stuff he's wounded, he's. Rounded by the enemy he's on his whatever the. However me, hundreds of he's in close combat that he's been in over the past few years and now, These wounded and surrounded and his and screaming and dying all round him. Things are getting on his nerves a little, but this morning makes
that's that's what that's? What wretches up to so things began to get on my nerves that morning, what with. Continuous din of battle outside my leg, getting more painful through lack of proper medical attention. I called for Father Benson to offer a few words of comfort, so he came and put me at my ease later. He was two's wounded by tank. Fire. Into the building. I am sorry to say that he died from those wounds and was buried in the grounds of Saint Elizabeth Hospital. On the following day, the disposition was frightening once again understatement the british understatement because, as far as I'm concerned, everything up to this point is completely horrifying on the following day. The disposition was frightening. Our men We're still doing their damnedest, but Germans were slowly closing in very slowly mark you for they
most heavily and had to fight for every inch of bloody ground. They got there. Things getting harder still, I was moved again to what was thought to be safer, spot to the other side and allow the landing area suddenly there is an almighty explosion in a room on my right men already wounded once twice were hit again and some were killed. There were piteous cries coming from that room, It was at this time that major John Wadi of two hundred and fifty six, shoot battalion who had started His parachute days in India, when the battalion was first formed, was wounded again and to Medics in a dutch nurse were killed. A medic now came out. We're a form in his arms. The chappie carried could have been dead or unconscious. He was covered in blood arm was shattered and hung pathetically by his side. His left leg bandaged from his first wounded.
Christ I wish I were outside. There was another resounding crash. Arms followed by curses. Perhaps I was better off in here. It was bloody awful for everyone everywhere outside this. Waste was getting completely out of hand. Further enemy reinforcements were mustering around. Primmer in the form of powerfully armed tanks for the S Panzer divisions with long barreled, high explosives and armor piercing shells ass. It were. I lay ran from to rear the hotel- and I was facing the rear- were the grand stand view of the battle through a gaping hole in the wall where once there in a window Again, one of my our men would break covered a stock, the enemy and then the enemy would repeat the process with the multiple accompaniment of Shell Burst tank Fire Machine gun, fire, curses and yelps of pain,.
I heard the ominous sound of an approaching take, I couldn't see it, but the squeaking of its caterpillar wheels grew even louder than it came into view its great gun traversing from right to left. Picking its way through the trees. It stopped for a few minutes to feel its way and then the gun bar, doubt sending a shell across my front to an unseen target. The the wounded, were lying huddled together, trying to afford each other protection before or was littered with debris, blood and glass there was an incessant wide, an explosion of more bombs, together with the shriek and crash of artillery vibrating, the very foundations of the building, which I thought when at some point humble down. I dont know what, time, it was when the shelling and gunfire stopped. But after a day in the last six days. It felt very strange to suddenly be so much quieter
there were still spasmodic firing in the distance and a little shelling, but nothing to worry about. We, again to converse more freely gone on strike Jerry One, Normal shouted, except that is had half his mouth bandaged. From a shell splinter wound na ease pact up as Jerry and bugger off a cockney put in the guard. Title was more cautious: Crafty sought, the Han he's got something up his sleeve. Then I saw men being carried downstairs with great activity going on outside, but not of battle to medics. Pick me up both of them silent and not looking to please. Where to now. I asked the Elizabeth Hospital one told me. The enemy had overrun us and was calling the shots. So the Germans were known control
He gets taken outside was a ghastly site with the fallen dead of both our sides lying where they had gone down British and german medical orderlies were putting the wounded into jeeps and various other vehicles, including two small vans. Improvised is makeshift ambulances, three of us your cases, were loaded into a small, open german lorry with shallow sides which would prevent us from bouncing off in transit, there's just enough room for five walking wounded. Neither on this draft, We all had shattered bones of some sort, which made us cry out and pain during a rough ride in this antiquity antiquated lorry, and while I was still more than pleased finally came to a standstill journeys and at the hospital there clearly been Be fighting it's, as spent cartridges, could see, be seen littering the floor and entrance way heard that familiar voice of a friend. What the hell are you doing
on that structure, scrounge for a lift, I went to answer, but nothing came out. Can you imagine you gonna hospital. The floors got bullets casings all over it word got around that the whole show was over and I began to wonder what really went wrong. The battle had been lost, but had been some fight, as mortar sergeant, Dick winning him later. Riley remarked We may have lost the battle in our name, but we did come in. Second, it should be noted that there not only been a great loss of wild life in this battle, but so massive local destruction with one orf in four houses totally destroyed in most of the remainder badly damaged And so again you talked about the scene, the difference. I did the Germans and
yeah. We already saw some of the Germans, the prisoners being second, by what the kind of civilian casualties we're taking place as they evacuated Dunkirk, the the Germans that were firing inside the hospital and then when they get told by an unarmed. You know leader I get out of here. That's ok, fine their grumpy, but they leave just the fact that these the patient. Are the wounded are getting treated actually pretty well. So they end up in this sort of makeshift hospital. A south african orthopedic surgeon cap Alexander Lippman Castle, going to see me he commanded one of the surgical teams of the sixteen Para field ambulance. I was thankful that I was not going have a german butcher. I had seen the end result of a german doctors, amputation of a man's foot, crudely, gee and without an aesthetic
was carried into a large room with medical apparatus everywhere trolleys and tables laden with all sorts of instruments, bandages feel dressing in splints I was placed on a hard narrow table about four feet from the ground in the distance. Hear the sound of gunfire and german flock, which meant that our aircraft, we're in the vicinity. The anesthesia must put up. What is needed at the ready and medics were preparing for the operation when there was a noise, rather like a giant bloom having released and then a terrific explosion with a very quick route presence of mind. One medic through a blanket over me and shield me from the blast with his own body ash glass fell in small pieces and slivers all over the operating theatre, then all quiet again and the blanket was pulled carefully. To reveal yours truly with popping eyes. My treatment had to wait another day while the place was cleaned up. Fortunately, for me,
The next visit was on interrupted, the wound was cleaned and redressed, and I had my first plaster casts posts are put on, and so Like I said it seems like at this point, it is relatively civilized. I mean, if you can forget, a bomb exploding while you're about to get surgery, but. Relatively civilized compared to what they ve been through. In one point, there is a s officer comes in and they caught him go through the different individuals there they finally get to him and when he tells him he's a he's, a airborne guy. They say: you're going to prisoner of war camp, And he says here with September twenty Eightth, who is a twenty eight September when german orderlies carried me out of the hospital not so clear is our own medics. To hang onto the sides of the structures we descended. The stone steps at the entrance to avoid sliding off and now
transport. Again, this time he has at the volume three concern barracks. We were given iron beds with straw filled, pillows and the floors were dirty There was no heating in only a meagre supply of medical necessities. One point a doctor who or or I presume he was entered the room, accompanied by a rotten fewer of the essence, medical core. The stench from my wound cause disapprove on the face of the doktor and grabbing my big toe with his finger, he slowly raised the language began to bend at the wound. Beneath the knee were both the TB and Fibi broken Stopping he peered at the wound. Inquisitively. Do you mind that hurts? I told him whereupon he simply released the hold of my leg and let it fall in the hard table its returning to go. Looking at me
in the eyes with his sadistic expression ass. He did so you bastards square headed shite hawk. I said I couldn't care less if he didn't understand the phrase he just raised eyebrow with an inquiring looking departed. While I returned to my private world of pain, then the medics came back with that Infernal S, S guard and redress and re plastered. My leg. So, like I said, there's, let me that's not great tree but I mean let's face it, he's alive and. Here he goes on here. I was at the barracks were a little more than a week when one morning I was prepared for yet another move this time, a short Jim me too. The Juliana Hospital in Apple doom Apple Doorn.
My stay. Juliana hospital is going to be the longest and best as far as medical care go. The hospital staff with dutch doctors and nurses helped by our own doctors and orderly, and the Germans left us well alone to fend for our own medical requirements. Like I said that seems fairly civilized me. And they're trying to help him out, and here we go, it was decided to apply a gadget called a Kirshner wire extension to my leg. As both bones were broken. Below the knee theory was this watch the leg and try to marry the bones in the correct position under an injection of ever pan. Steel bar was shot through my ankle bound to act as an anchor. A steel Kay was then attached to the anchor and too the apparatus below the foot of the bed, where Its were added each day to steadily stretch the leg. Otherwise I was told I would be left with a two inch: shortening Necessitating the use of a club boot attitude her date, which I didn't much care for, but my job
or condition by general and local condition, had regressed considerably, and I was at my lowest ebb. I was now wishing that I could see the end of this confounded uses lump of decamp decreasing. Flesh and bone on the night. Of November. I got my reluctant wish. And my leg was amputated by major Peter Smith of a hundred thirty third parachute field ambulance, as I later learned, it was not a moment too soon, prior to the other, nation, I had been regarded as a hopeless case, one of those certain of not lasting. After surgery, however, made such an amazingly quick recovery that I was back to if a sitting out of bed only a week later. The medical orderlies could not do enough for us from back Two fetching bedpans carrying patients from the bed too, Lou and back again soothing and dying, so
the dying or reading a book for those two weaker exhausted to do so for themselves they were always on call all hours of the day and night. I Wondered when they manage to eat or sleep one whose passing with a bottle in his hand he answered quite cheerfully. Oh, we get forty winks now and then with a snack and between so there you are mean almost one sentence. No two sentences. He was wishing that he could get this this decaying punk of flash off of his body and the next time, but got gotta riveted. That's that's! That's how much That's that's! That's you bid them as a matter of fact, as you can get, I guess what I'm going with this decision.
One. Last little section of this, a polish Para who drop it. Art Nam was opposite me in the corner. The ward, been caught. A Babby was having a rough time, a german military clergyman, kept calling to say, prayers and finally came to me. After the last rites ass, he stood there in the it is dark olive, green, uniform black Jack boots and belt peak cap under his arm. I scrutinised his close cropped, bow neck and square jaw, I could not help but notice and fought house that he wore a gun holster a man of the cloth with a pistol in a hospital. What next So he talks about. You know the care that he gets. He starts getting moved around a lot. The Germans kept shipping us out as soon as they thought we were fit enough to travel. Once again, I found myself in a truck this time heading
the radio station of Apple Doorn, where we pulled up alongside and boarded Red Cross train and, of course, the stuff just never easy daylight came with a german doing is not and shouting Spitfire October Spitfire ACT and I watched alone Spitfire turnin fly parallel to the train it about a hundred feet with the same distance from the train. It was quite cheeky I thought pilot was having a real, close look to make sure it was a hospital train. I could see. Clearly is Those were often white, scarf and fella, give me him a wave as he disappeared. Behind some pine trees, We are now in Germany with snow covered mountains and force of fur log cabin dotted here, they're making it also picturesque as night came we halted at a dismal looking place. A small town I think enforcing the luxury is now over.
We were assured off the train, any collection on a collection of crutches, a varying lengths that were produced and given to the leg amputees. So they end up in this like just junk place. We will all. Under the whether with the added unpleasantness of an amputation, one that an arm and a hand missing another two. Arms off and most like myself had lost a leg. One poor fellow was the worst for blisters on his one and only foot we had a wounded medic, who is with us and did all they could to help with medic minimal medical supplies. We had only paper bandages It was not the best of nights on the cold stone floor by somehow slept. Others were not so first fortunate and one chapter not even live. The rest of the journey remaining motionless the next morning, as we were, aroused by the guards.
So this transport continues gets on a train, Finally, as about another place, the snow is quite thick. We pulled in what looked like school in a small town near Munster, free the eggs and myself were told to get out and then a lorry carried on its way, leaving standing in the christian snow of called welcome. Buddy come in he's a big America from Indiana. Called Marvin Adams. Inside. He showed us to Rome room on the left, grab yourself a pillow and bed down here. I'll do yours, but he said looking me up and down how'd you manage that fella but the best put forward at the wrong time. I answered I well this ain't, the Ritz, but will have fun. He said I wondered what he meant by that always be that person with a good attitude. We, when you're a damn prisoner of war camp.
Going on here. The Germans we're not exist and accept a night We were all severely wounded, there's fixed no outside There were obviously not worried about a mass escape food with sparse a regular and then again more moving I just getting used to this place when word went round that Jerry was moving us somewhat. Maybe for repatriation, having only one pin, meaning wegg. I thought I stood a good chance to be in This then, early one morning, three Yanks to Russians and myself were ushered to a truck and taken on a path your train in which we traveled a few miles to detain again perhaps to get another connection, for, as are yet for our as yet to be undisclosed, location, destination and then get off, that train they get on another train. We get home other train after
hunting around a bit and hitching up to another train. We rolled off again it was dusk, cold and pretty dismal all told Then someone struck up our version of the song, bless them all and their version song was sought him all Saddam all belong in the short and the tall saw All the sergeants, W. I once saw all the court rules and their bastard sons for we're, saying goodbye to them all as back to their billets, they crawl you'll get no promotion, this side of the ocean, so cheer up me lads Saddam all. He says it seemed we had joined. The group of british soldiers by this was by way of an introduction they We make it to Bremen, we pulled in slowly and, as the train came to a stop, there were sound.
Of doors, opening in the hustle and bustle of people getting often making away along the platform and then But an air raid warning wind out civilian military personnel immediately began. Scurrying about in a military, I noticed, did not hesitate to shove anyone else out of their way. Little shouted Thea. Military, the civilians, are getting out of the way, so they can get to cover. The was humming with aircraft american Boeing be seventeen flying fortresses and our guards quick in their step away ahead of us periodically. Turning to beckon to hurried up, we entered the shelter big enough for about a hundred people, and after a lot of pushing and shoving settled among amid glares and remarks thrown our way. I was happy to let it happen, but somehow I've been pushed and guided into a corner the shelter away from the door. If a bomb lands to near that the Germans take it blast, take the blast and cushion any effect on us. I thought there was a wouldn't bet fixed the wall. I dropped to it. Exhausted three guards spread out between us
and other occupants and win the bomb started in earnest. Shelter shook I was sure, wanted landed, close outside because I felt its draft. Reminding me of being blown off my feet in Norfolk, Africa. Only time was just fifty feet away. Everyone fell silent, As the drone of aircraft and wine and crash of bombs went on with ever increasing ferocity for a good hour before dying down to a steady drumming and an occasional distant closure. I must admit I always think of these bombing runs as taking like me, be ten minutes, but we're talking about a good hour people began to chatter, does once everything's kind of faded people began to chatter interfere, dispersed and external bravado took over. I could hear the gnashing of teeth glance the accompanying finger, pointing in our direction. The crowd was getting right.
Stephen. A big man started pouring forth rewards of abuse, a big, how about forty years old worked her way nearer to us and tissues only four feet away, I felt the murk moisture of her spittle ass argue with the guards about the privilege we had being allowed to be in the same. Shelter is the in people, I gathered That was the crux of the matter. That was the crux of the matter. At this point, a heavy booted foot came out and said. Propelling my way I parried from with my right hand and the boot just brush, I balls coming to a horrible glancing blow on my left by the guard stood for restraining the woman in trying to calm everyone down. It is only then that I notice a familiar sound in French. Our guards were frenchmen. Constricting repeated in the german army. Anyway, they saved my nuts from being cracked. There must have been another hours weight at the stations and other backer gonna transfer trance,
here again there must be another hours. Did the station until I an old army type Laurie. With saw solid tyres, turned up or sorry they were waiting for truck. I couldn't care. Less at this stage, provided I didn't have to hobble on crutches. Before long, I saw the large pure w camp ahead with its eight foot high. Why Offences and guards platform sticking up like store foams all around there was a collection of dingy. Looking huts dotting, the interior. The lorry slowed at the gate and the senior guard jumped down through the hand in hand. To go through the handing over ceremony. Then the big wooden wire gates, creaked open and the lorry jerked into the compound wear out. We tumbled. I was exhausted and sweating as if I just come out of a turkish bath, my stump was throbbing. I stayed lying on the ground where I landed managing to support myself on one elbow. Why the rest of the party sat Knelt or remained standing with the aid of their crutches.
I didn't want to welcome in committee, but wish that someone would show us where to go one of the guards whose busy, having a chat and laugh with Made eventually gave us the go ahead in the party moved off slowly wearily I found myself. Behind. I tried to get up, but it could not muster enough strength to make it so I started crying dragging the crutches I'd. Only at its five or six yards. When I heard voices and saw two pairs of gated boots come come on. The old made a voice said we'll give you a lift on which they lifted me with ease and carried me. I dont know how far I even get a glimpse of their faces to say thanks sink. Down onto a straw mattress. I just slept and slept for the next two days when I I found that I was install Ex one b in Saxony, along with a large number of other airborne met. It was not long before I contracted more complaints to add. My already sorry condition licence
dogs were in abundance in my hut, the nights the worst the eye stove stoked right up at night, and the heat was awful. With all the doors and windows shut, tight, urine buckets would feel to the brim and no time making the stench nauseous. I went down with dysentery, pleurisy and scarlet fever, which, together with my amputee She meant that I did not feel all that good hard as nails. If I had wanted to die, I would have, but fortunately that didn't enter my head. Look key note, as I read that I thought that's thinking that if you want to die, if you want to give up either there's the time, but luckily, fortunately for him that for thought did not into his head after a short time, promising news jumping ahead like this is what we're talking I've ever
little thing that he just talked about is a nightmare. But he's got them all at the same time. Whilst we talked about lies on the podcast We ve been missing out on that one. We think life is no big deal. Could you kid gets it? And get some special little medicine from the store and the input, in their hair or you. Their head and in either way problem solved. These guys got it And there's no way to get rid of it. This is oh by the way, while they have got dysentery and clergy and scarlet fever, and an amputation. However, fast forward a little, but after a short time promising news, I was told that I was going to be repatriated. I bore to get it their train. No sooner we set off that there is a terrific whoosh in the train stopped and Middle nowhere. I could hear the guttural Twang of german civilians as they ran hell for
whether on each side of the train to take cover from what must have been our own aircraft of red one of the guards just there boost and left to us. Looking down, the track. I saw that it was much too hard for me to jump with only one leg, but some of our party of eight jumped and took cover. I found my pants and dont know whether was fright or the dysentery that was still with me. Planes returned, they were to rocket firing area try foods which specialised in ground attack. I reckon the sounds. They got near. There was another worse than another, followed by an airspace explosion. The carriage shook so violently that I thought we were going to topple over as always in such a task. It was over and no type of with such attacks It was over in no time at all we peaceful again. So I, to go and repair the train and then finally, we had reached us
little village called Mice Burg. On the german side of the border with Belgium, and once again we see some nicer treatment, our first jobs cleaned up and we were taken in Paris into the shower. I was to remove all personal items from my pockets. Nor clothing was to be cleaned and fumigated. Dont worry, you'll, get everything back in English, Medic told me, here put this on. It was a sort of cotton smock which tighten the back was just long enough to cover the knee first. In came, Great Big American with the same garb with forms tree branches. He lifted me bodily with the ease of Samson himself. My do. I was down from fourteen stone to just over eight since last September and translate that into american wish you you. He wait a hundred ninety six pounds in September and now he weighs a hundred and twelve
on reaching the showers made asked. Can you stand on one leg, bud sure I said Samson it taken a spark off and proceeded to bade me while Hercules steadied me, I was carried back to a most luxurious bed with white sheets. God knows where this would they scrounge the sheets but trust the Yanks. There were approximately forty Is there a mixture of English, french and American with for american and too orderlies one of the walking wounded acted as a cook, while the others doing menial tasks. They did not mind now so he's in this. Pretty Car can even say, let's say what you say and improved situation and improved situation is what is it that goes on a little bit more? Even he calls it the luxury things began to liven up outside the rumbling in the distance drew nearer and groups of be drawn
gold. Weary looking Germans plotted through the village, the wounded by horse and cart fee guns were manhandled the luxury of energy motorized transport being afforded to senior officers only who clearly wish to withdraw in his dignified, a manner as possible, leaving two officers to do all the donkey work, along with the shoots in and suffer all the humiliation of being seen by their own countrymen. It was a pathetic site like a cutting from the first World WAR, film archives as the, Dawn approached the throb of motorized, transport and tanks was very near. So he seeing the Germans, cattle walking back he's seen the officers in the vehicles. The german officers in the vehicles and the german troops walking or being carried if they were wounded and years tank activity right
It is a kind of an indication. Will you take to be? We see, people were drawing with horses and carriages. That's negation that perhaps the tax it we're hearing, our good Friendly's has done broached, the throb of motorized transport and the tanks was very near. You could hear the squeak of the tanks. Wheels rubbing against the Caterpillar track, thirsty for publication, edging in shunting into position for the impending advance in the village. Noise that a tank makes in the city is just when well, who is awesome? an end is also horrifying like these guys when they are hearing the german tanks outside when there. In that the battle We are about to be overrun, the horror can't even imagine of tanks coming and now the joy which I got experience some of the joy in Romania, of a the tanks or communist galore, its glorious and God bless the tankers.
And hear these guys feel the same way. The american orderlies were jubilant. They're here lie me: they Yanks are here, exploded, Hank anyone who get up walk, hop or tell themselves in some way momentarily got their wounds and discomfort they peered through the crowd and the doors through the windows. I could not see it from my window. Only the nazi flag of the local garrison hanging listless like the enemy itself, bill, one of the english medics came dashing and not knowing which way to turn in his excitement. There's hundreds of them. This It takes out their bloody well, hundreds of them Sherman tat of General Patten's armor division hadn't. Called the village, the early hours of the morning and were in a very advantageous position. As we were in the valley, and they were on the high ground, every on would have its own selected target with orders to open fire if fired upon. Thankfully, the tanks played awaiting game,
with the non existent enemy because the because Known to the Americans, the birds had flown in american Scout car ventured cautiously towards the village, Unmolested it reached the outskirts scanning the brute buildings, where white flags were protruding, no sign of the enemy still in view of the tanks on the hill. It became bolder and crews We into the village or makeshift hospital with pain red cross on the roof must have been in view of the scout car now all these goings on we're being shy. By one of the medics and the passageway for the better if it of all those like me who could not see for themselves so he's gonna play by play, the scout our came to a stop its occupants, clutching their automatic, at the ready, Two spotted some one step carefully and view that person was a medic with a red cross. Our ban
Hank the orderly from Ohio. He was about a hundred large scale car and they stealthily approached each other Hank not wishing to be mistaken for a german ruse, though in scout card, not wishing to fall for any trick as they drew closer The realisation dawned that they were brothers, a wireless All was immediately sent to the tax on the skyline and in May it's the village was alive to their rumble as they funded on through leaving an, could smell of oil and exhaust fumes? I was almost home. Did you know I got to that point in a book and I was like mop: that's that's waste
it, is definitely a good place to start. But let's, let's take that as a stop. That incredible glory. Of seeing the Americans see and patents we're division. Rowan! knowing that he was almost home but there are some things to think about any covers them in the epilogue here. He says the casualties in the autumn area alone were eight thousand airborne, killed or wounded, captured or missing, including poles. Plus more than four hundred Orient pilots and crew. There were seven hundred, fifty dutch civilians and underground fighters killed at least two thousand five hundred Germans
and in the following winter of nineteen, forty four to nineteen forty five, some two hundred thousand Dutch died of starvation, three sorts! So it's important under Damn that these are you see you see this through one man's eyes, but that thousands in fact hundreds of thousands who are affected by this particular battle. And again, that might be a good place to stop. But there's another note here: he talks several years later. I visited the place of thinking, if you will of that great man And founder of the parachute regiment, Winston Churchill, the war rooms, situated far below ground at the Treasury chambers in Westminster,. The existence of these war in room warn of rooms was a well captain.
Preparing the warriors. The tore was fascinating. Ever thing remained exactly as it had been back. Then I sat and church. Its chair in front of me on the desk printed on a black card, printed in black on a card. The words of Queen Victoria. In this house. We never speak of defeat. In this house we never speak to defeat and he goes on in the toilet. There was a red telephone. A direct line to President Roosevelt in Washington. In the visiting ministers room, I opened a book entitled worldwide. Or two on the Cecily landings and so training shop of member Of my eleventh essay battalion too,
For in the lineup were Harry Bands, Corporal Hudson Jimmy met calf and myself. Down here beneath Westminster, I've surrounded, I am sure, by a dedicated team Churchill, did his job extra. Well, I would like to think that I did my asked alongside other leopards, lions and tigers of the first parachute brigade and again I really didn't get into the fact that at some point at one point there there call signs their code. Names had been the leopards lines
TIGERS, that's what they're the different battalions were called be a good place to stop and recall a bit further. This is actually in the preface of this book and he says when the were ended because, as is. But you survived, use home when the war ended, I found who difficult initial, initially knuckling down to civilian. The letter from the government saying you are now a civilian seems so sudden I couldn't face. The aspect of an office job. So I tried many factoring making handbags before joining my brother in law, John and his landscape, gardening business and then branch renting out on my own in the same line of work. Having an artificial leg didn't help, but I didn't let it hinder me Then the limb fitting centre at Gillingham kindly reinforced
artificial need for kneeling several times. I gotta BS a motorbike inside car and happy gears modified to operate by hand instead of foot. I built my own house, you do the best you can again, I mean hey, found a little rough, but guess what I'm going to go. I would like go to work and to start a business or to build a house. I want to drive a motorbike around the country with a side car you do the best you can.
But I also want to say that he wasn't aloni obviously need that side car for some one, and I am quite sure that that was one of the delegations of the book is for Betty Francis Wretches wife who, who, as he puts it, helped me so much. And the last thing I'll ll say no lasting a red from this book and I should say, is the dedication. And he says I dedicate this book. To all my airborne friends, never came back. Whose actions and made it possible for me,
and other airborne friends too. Joy, over seventy years of living That is. Well, that's the ports, I'm in a red from this book, but. Red Curtis died on January, when he ninth two thousand sixteen ninety four years old. He was the last surviving member of the original first parachute battalion. The last to those initial five hundred men that took that step for lord and volunteered.
Four parachute and commando training? Ten nineteen, forty in the book. The book, which is called the memory endorse the book, it's actually not available on Amazon, it's not available in bookstores. I actually got it I got it from somebody that debt sent to me and with. No inscription in it? It says he sent me a note. It says dear Jocko, keep up the great work best wishes. I believe it's a trick or rich. So that's where I got the book from. Luckily it was sent to me. I would have known about it. Otherwise, if you want to get this Which you should its available from pilots publishing dot seo UK and is also a facebook page. The memory facebook. Dot com slash the memory indoors and,
As it says, in the book Authors, royalties in respect of this book will be donated to the parachute regiment charity and there you go another hero teaching us the sacred lesson that we must never forget that life is a gift and Ass Bridge Curtis tells us what to do with that. Is you do the best you can.
You do the best that you care and with that ECHO Echo Charles, as I d compressed over here, a little bit- maybe that's my dear how how we can be the best we can use for. Do you force, I one of the many things that I took was I dont know if it was his attitude or if that's the culture of both could be a bit better then asked the other guy right who is like could be bit better. Do we do better so on these two conditions could be bit o the eternal other guided says not too bad, not too bad gray, better
so? Is it probably properly both attitude plus culture? The attitude right on things when you go through adversity that attitude not too bad, not about, could be good, really better ray we're about to get overrun and there's a strong possibility we're gonna get killed right, not too bad. Not Tibet could be better there could be no positive thought pattern is kind of like well, it's really good news, bad. It's also a realistic view. Right, hey I've seen walking. Still got ammunition and by the way not not too bad means. We don't have to do anything. We better that maybe there's some things we can work on. Yes, yeah, I forgot what movie it was when he's like. I got good news and bad I've been tango. Cash- I don't know- maybe maybe not, but anyway he said. I got good news and bad news. What's the bad news
Round with almost thirty gas, what's the Good NEWS were almost seems the attitude real good marriages in seeking attitudes, good and bad what we're doing one of the many things is. You did your case. That's a really good news that new scenario as well Really? What's the bad news means is you're gonna get choked from time to time. I know this first hand. That's The bad news, but the Good NEWS is: you are exposed to an environment that will teach you how to choke others. If the need may arise. Good good news is you're. Getting choke outside bad news is you're. Getting choked. Good news is getting choked, which major you're learning how to defend? Also choke on the people? Yes,
So repetitively will that could be good or bad things will ever. So it's a matter of your attitude really. How is Europe to label on getting journals. Learning you know. Learning what you call it when you re, learn something lessons repetitive repair. The did learning sessions. Hey, it's not an inoculation. You repetitive What is it both? Imagine that you get your one time, you'll never get choked again, no The winners happens that the digital sorry are. It sounds like digital, even others, a negative possible thing right, but it's not too bad. Not too bad could be better if you train it turning the more you train, the better you get so there you go anyway. Retraining. We're gonna need a geek us, you gonna do ghee. We do not do geek like us as possible, but.
Ok have not recommended known Eric and are you gonna fight people all the time that are just wearing shorts? No, what are you going to street fight? Ok, his report at the beach? Maybe what have you got a street fight at the supermarket? when the king over the gene jack, you yeah somebody's unwillingness. In the last, you know, and it really that's like that. A last word on Iraq, early years old, his last as a prior euro like the? U gotta fight him for so many this, but that's even just one of the actual teeny tiny way of looking at it, whereas, like ok eyes, because the chance of getting into actual fight are pretty low if you have it. You know, I do not believe that you should not. You know, I'm not saying that, but they're pretty low, what I'm saying energy, especially if you're going to avoid actively avoid getting into a five year if you're smart, worry us, as you can always avoid no union, maybe a situation and here's the deal. If you forced into a situation that, where you,
to defend yourself and you dont know The result is catastrophic, huge, catastrophic. We why? Why have that catastrophic possibility? Here's the deal if that's the only reason, your training due to that way, only reason it would be worth it if The only reason here's the deal you It's not the only reason. There's a thousand other reasons, there is an infinite, more reasons: right, you're gonna, get better conditioning, you're gonna, get mental stimuli, you're gonna meet other human beings. You're gonna die up relationships. Have friends you're going to think you're gonna develop disappoint in your life right. This is a long list of me. This goes on, so even The only thing you're gonna get was just you learn how to defend yourself. Totally worth it now now you d venues often fail to get these other, collateral bonus snakes by the way some people in order to Your cardiovascular system, there right
spin bike somewhere someone else in order to work their flexibility is doing a yoke ass someone else in order to work their strength is lifting some weights I'm, not Saint monotonously you'll do all those things. What I'm saying get all three of them like a little a little hitter of all three of them. No problem get on the digital bats, yeah gay Nokia, both of em is well yes, but if you're if you're doing g only because someone on the street might be wearing certain types of clothes and act like a lax and our aim exact same exact point I just made, if you're only evil, only gonna do ye, because of that, it's worth it. But there are. Other beneficial thanks, yes and I'll. Take this right now, really the number one thing that keep you in Jujitsu doing it a number one thing, and maybe even by far from most people, is that it
ask your cell phone greater hope, our back three over its true because look think about it. Oh yeah, Emily digitally for Self Defence lawyer s wherever they are. When I started you will I started you do to me when I as I am giving you good enough. Your second tied couldn't handle myself. Which is like us about six month period about sex, as you know, if you're too aggressive die and you you're a good, half way to stronger whatever six months, you're pretty giddy go right. Sickness needs, are you know? What's up? Has been Twentyth whenever yeah, exactly right and so at all, yet don't I mean, and if you tap sauna for the first time. The first time we tap someone out then say like well yeah yeah, that's it! I made that up by the way, you're sweating impinge on my life. Well, you might have made up saying that maybe bringing to light, but the fact is tat
you're saying that I only quoted like like a universal true enough self. Evidently I don't know man is pleased to ask how long should I train for or that We got the course of the park: I like it and the answer was at first. I will you try for six month, all three months whenever none are no training to you, you tap someone out. I don't use the term. Anger, but you tap someone out for real. Get your training environment and then you're good yea right now, as though the specific answer so yeah, That is your address vacant irksome over your wanting full credit nonetheless if you training, they have you if you to set it in not such a such your way. Like the way you said it man, you thought you, you said it as if new just created, like it was then see squared over there. You, like you, should train or to you you're, looking out here and always like me, as you said it as if so,
call you out on that little browser you are good. Just remember the other day were the fostering. Eta came came, Kurt is named per year. Yes yunker. Yes, I asked him, as I call on you, been training. He said like a month or something like some kind of cannon new, really knew and says it had be tapped anyone out. Yet he said yes, my disguising the game. I knew already so they the kind of drew from that recent experience to date panacea, but nonetheless like saying if you train only for self defense. Only four, do not cause it's fun, knock, it didn't work. I knock as got a bunch. New friends now cause all this stuff. Only for self defense. After a while met him in a long while, after a short while you can be like, like I don't even know, I'm doing it like Brian I'm, not even I'm not using it to defend my
Really those are fed agrarian, then you might do it in us was not fund so that you can find people like there are people who trained agency for decades literally decades that have never got enough. Before Marian Street Ledge ever got in it like a physical fight so yeah they train for self defense, yeah sure, of course, but that's not. Why not why there in the game exit so, nonetheless, we do it legacy do the gay that can be one of the of the other parts Nokia when you do get a key, he get ordering key one hundred percent hundred percent bessys by far factually now same hyper thing if you're gonna get an orgy just because you want the best gee, that's good! That's good! That's good reason like that solid right. My reason, if you peel back the layers a little bit and you want to find out what else you're going to get well guess what else you're going to get your going to get the fact that you literally rebuilding an industry.
In a community and an economy inside of America, No, that's a little. That's not even a little bonus like there's some people that would look at answer. I'm gonna buy an orgy just because of that year and then, if I ve been digital, sort of secondary Susan. I can dig it now if you're feeling it lets, you're, feeling it you're feeling that part you feeling, like America, you're feeling the economy you're, feeling that community funding industry you're gonna bring it back. You can help, but you still haven't gotten over the pomp of showing up budgets at school but you still want to support its ok. It was A step in the right direction. We we have genes that you can get right. You can get gene you're still gonna help. Those are the three. I would prefer the first thing that you get in all seriousness. The first thing I would prefer you get,
is a key cause that tells me you're gonna get on the map, if you, if you, because so many people, and you know what everybody will you know what ninety nine percent of people say when they finally start Jiu Jitsu. I wish I would have started you know when I first then bought you know, that's what people say this meeting people now, then our purple belts this did you do to when they started? Listen, this podcast, so Whereabout probably three to four years away from having some of that started, to get to listen to podcast will be a black belt in Jiu Jitsu, which is a awesome achievement. Here's the thing, there's also people that will say I started listen to podcast in three years went by before I start you could have been about. Don't wait! I'm tellin you right now, like I'm telling right now started you to emphatically telling you that. And by the way we touched on a little up combatants.
Hand combat in this book and there's a whole line of a whole Fred, we can pull on that and we will at some point the the the british combined. Its programme world war, two very cool out. I've done I've read a bunch about. It will will dig intuitive because it's pretty awesome what the way they were doing things there, concepts etc, but if they were alive today they be learning the jujitsu you too, of the area and they beginning american geese even forming when they be lacking a what does goes Yanks. Didn't you get yourself a yankee right because again, really the primary reason is because factually the best one same yap simply means where I would say, since I got my pair of origin gene which is like a while ago, when you think about it. When they came up for a while ago,
not worn any other genes ever know. Why would you why would you do that? Nor is there is not even a reason to do arise and I live on parity forth and I dont have three, but less That's the only ones I wear also are there. We have other stuff here, let origin we do so yeah job as you know, we're athletic where all kinds of good stuff you gotta origin mean dotcom. Mainly. The state also supplements keep yourself in the game. Propel yourself further down the path, as it were, the get yourself joint warfare and crew out of the gate. Once again, then I feel bad, because I did this on social media up where the guy was I care. What can I do to help us? I I I didn't want to be that guy job was like well, you know here. Try my supplement line you I just don't. I didn't want to be that guy and I felt that it was like I should. It has been straight up and stateless men do
What to do! Get yourselves and credible coil, enjoying warfare immediately mortar that, oh, what you thirty six years old and you feel and sore and your joints in your ass. They are literally ask me how my joints as I do, and I didn't say it- Did I got here right now I'm being that guy, you know a guy, I'm being the guy, that's actually doing to help people, because I didn't that guy as much as I go to I sure said: listen do what I do know be consistent, don't take big talk, talk, talk the time off order crude oil and oil joint warfare right now. That's what you have to do that a condition. I feel bad for not doing that. I will try not to make that mistake again. Not I had the same experience. I went with Peat and Brian hens in daylight, ok and an episode with them recently and use the MP was saying you're like durable is cause. I don't like it, since you know Peter jammed up his back and live in a world order than him actually and he's like all your durable and others,
I mean, because I never thought of durable at all like birds as he became the most fragile to be earns its biogas, MIKE nor PETE, said to me like when he was out here, music, you, me I was durable. Will you I figured that you guys had that conversation, because I said that's what echo told me. One time you told me When you told me that I had been like it, when you told it to me, it had been like you had been, completing it for quite some time you, like you know what I figured out about. You know like what you said. Your dirty ethical tank outside that's interesting, and I had a kind of agree with it. Yes, ants He said that I was durable and of well and even say no job was durable, idle and then but then I guess I'm in a way: yeah you're. U bounced back from some. Freezing, all it. What is the money? Were hurrying? Researchers? Your add one need surgery, glad if you need injuries plus my loose knees. I know I know I know loose anyway. They lose a real.
Anyway, so they pop out all that Muslims in the union. They'll get squats I'd ride your private houses. I do do squats. Actually now I go deep, like all we don't like you the IRA renounce their hurling tighter, not not great, I'm same not supporting jujitsu like when I do both like anyone wants. It doesn't matter the loose clinically, the doktor, orthopedic surgeon, Tonia, anyone what are they pop up so anyway, I don't feel like anyway, in the circles yeah. I guess I am pretty durable but anyway the point is we talk about the stuff in n, like I'm like saying, like oh yeah, plus, I don't think about it and then I'm naturally going into plastic joint warfare krill oil. Everything is like religious that you know. So it's basically the point was to to to say you got to actively be. Rouble, you no kind of thing more, but they are purely genetic. Barely right, increase your durability.
We got other stuff, we got it, when go in a can, which is just awesome. If its awesome, no sugar, The taste delicious it has some caffeine in it, it hasn't limited. It's got some other things in it, but it's got a little that goes with it say what the discipline powder, which is what I drink We must all the time it's almost it doesn't have to caffeine in there in the dismal powder, gallic fifty milligrams, a scoop which is not crazy at all. It's a micro, those even if you have to scoops. What's at thirty, no, you know I'm not really sure reserves its not that big deal but tastes delicious has some other in Greece instead give you little girl, kick and then, of course, Mark Yes protein in the form of a dessert. For adults and kids, you know it's like sure. The kids are gonna during the regular mark and let's face it, the adults connecting
where did Maunderings Wilson was working, Malcolm surprise, even turn gone down and age, the less those are there to so many tasting. Save that's the thing, sir. Are those that also Jacques awaiting him by the way right now this all this all these supplements that you might want to try are available at the vitamin shop nationwide everyone has been gone out bites of their it's pretty cool, preceded, stood there like hey everything selling out and we like yeah speed for people in the people are in the game across the board. For its main darker gets about you also again reminder if you're gonna get this book. You can't do this
let's get it on Amazon. You have to go to pilots, publishing, Co Uk go to the facebook dot com, the memory indoors, also chocolate store called Jockostore in this, where you can get the gear. I don't really use the word gear that much but music keep the gear. T shirts, rashguards, hoodies hat second stuff to represent the packer gear. Discipline equals freedom, good, take the high ground or the high ground. Take you. But such unless one is that why you're on the path that we do, it Jacko store dot com also subscribe to this pod cast. If you haven't yet is if there is a possibility that you ve, listened to five hundred hours and you ve been like. Well, I'm not quite sure yet, I'm asking you just gonna go for it. Just
get crazy straight in an subscribe, aren't even know why someone would not subscribe strain it out and any political make sense. If you also want to leave a review, some people leave really good review. And by good reviews, I dont mean hey it's great Prime minister, I highlighted the insight that no I mean I mean reviews that are less to say: there's got layers layers fond colorful, color they make me laugh they make me chuckle, sir. Don't worry, about the grounds so shines a good deed in a weary world, I don't you haven't seen her, will you walk in the chocolate factory lately now to be, I don't think I ve known any overall. I saw part of the journey debt, one. No parliament foul well,
wrong. You gotta watch the original one. Its awesome too great movie, I were interesting, is interesting job. You heard it Jacko watch the bed. Willie Wonka Soccer factory is an awesome. Yes, it is an awesome movie. Our guide amen. Maybe look into may be bailed out or report back nonetheless grounded podcast A small hammered out over your thrown out quotes from right, we're doing Shakespeare, we're doing we're doing the memory endures, but were also thrown out. Some really want Charlie and the chocolate factory, sir. Well they go
make sense anyway, like I was saying to grab a podcast of the podcast about life. Jiu Jitsu life life, Jiu, Jitsu juices, is infused into life, or is life infused into Jiu Jitsu, both but more important? I think life is reflective of Jiu Jitsu and Jiu. Jitsu is reflective of life. So, if you can learn from one, you will learn about both, which is important. It's true often is Jacobite guess, but it's out there so, which is weird concern really hard really hard to make this. It's really easy to record rounded one. You know we do. We do the hard things. Yes we focus on priorities, priorities in what is the second part
anyway, he's got a nice on the road warrior kid pod CAS, which is a good one for the young trooper warrior. Kids, don't be shy if your apparent to listen, you learn. I wish I would add that pot gases apparent when my kids Rio, acting in a way its apparent brought areas It is Jack, as you know, like you know like when you, when you hear of like certain peoples childhoods for whatever, like certain like people who like success when X Y, see whether the athlete whatever in learn about their childhood, he proudly you could probably learn some solid stuff like I just that one little Deanna Meet lieutenant starting quickly and just do the work it because it's all in their due Spain, where your kids don't forget about the warrior kid soap at Irish Oaks Ranch
and actually right now live life is a new. What's it model called a loser, four is not flavour. Either you sent us and I'm thinking of regular soap, so you know I gotta know what do they say? Need it's a new version, for we have a new model, a new version of soap. You you have actually have to check it out because it so legit its core, Well, what it does when we have what it does is it's got some anti microbial through you, I my crew, I think it's got some anti fungal natural elements to it. One of those elements is like it's got like tutorial. It's got activated charcoal and what's cooks, got suffers more, that soap is called killer. Soap.
That's the name of the soul, but what? But what its Be any more perfect because it is because the charcoal its black, so its black and its awesome So it get yourself, some killer, soap from irish rogues, red dot com and by the way, is a kid. That's making it a kid that started a company and pitched me you're much stuff. I get pitched pitched others. Five times a day. I get pitched something this that the other. This kid pitched me, but you are a me he's I pay I'm already roman, I'm already rolling. I'm already making sought by the way, I'm TED and I've gotta so production line for, and I've got vertical integration I'm getting after it joint young pitched me page to me. And of course you didn't you pick me by. Can you know he's like I want you to know what I'm doing there are openings if you would like to get a peace making
you invest in people right now, I'm looking at a kid, that's it he's all that sending a business plan that sending samples. What do you like so many ways we went deep to cover the grappling and just the let look, there's nasty things in the world and if you want to, u can get some killer soap and that will help you as a person inside and out. To stay quiet, good logo, to rise, making everyone suffer through our own mental illness. I jokes about who goes politely style, it's too late, Joseph Daul can indeed be mad. Vs irish Oaks ranch dot com, that's for get it and as doctors, it know, hey Hasty clean, Anyway, you to channel is well job by gas. Does have a u to channel, so you can get your version and also excerpts and stuff like that. Some enhance videos. Varying levels of acceptance,
varying levels of it has inhabitants live from people so anyway. Yet so you two gentlemen. Grab too, that if you want and smashed I said it. I said it you can you can edit had maybe items that funny. I don't it wasn't more than twenty nine. I think it's only for the sake of it. So I do. I can't get it anymore because it's it's worn out brow, okay, so just no, no more Also, don't worry about psychological over it little site. Logical, theater and actually had the person point out to me. That was me. Now that's one. I also had the person put out to me that there is a name for the type of shooting that we talk. About which, where you shooting at where things are spoke, you think things might be, it's called Drake Shooting and the dude is like,
he's a guidance on twitter who always brings up good points does his own personal research on stuff, but he's got a weird like handle. Then I can't remember what it is. Ever I mean, recognising the heartbeat. I know I can tell you all. The kind of things is so I do. Is I I cannot not telling you that Drake shooting appreciate the info, he's always guy get involved but ecological hitter with someone? That's realised that that's what psychological warfare is? It's not some broad course on how to have more discipline. Your life, it's just a little bit of that. In case you need it so psychological for and if you need a visual hitter need good up. Footsore canvas dot com to go to my making about a really cool, but you really cool graphic images but you can hang up on the wall, so you stay on the path of matter. What books hey look for this book rate? Here. The memory endorsed awesome book.
Honour to be able to read it. Thank you too, Rick or rich. Said to me and yes, we will keep up the work we're doing here. If you want to get this Go to pilots publishing lots, yo, DOT, UK or go to facebook dot the memory indoors and if you also be helping out the regiment departure regiment. Thirty October, that leadership, charging tactics Evan, that's got it! Thank you you're! Probably and get copies of those for the people that you know recommended. Let's get your team onboard appreciated warrior, give one two and three probably the best kids books that you can get right now in my opinion I'm biased, but I'm only biased, because I read them and I think man the lessons in these books. I wish I knew him. I wish I knew him so work.
Books, one two and three way the warrior kid marks mission and where there is a will making the dragons, we got a little kid that once a learned, one of the most important thing that you can learn as it gives how to overcome fear that book Shows you out overcome fear disagreed with freedom field Manual, get it so that you can read two pages Read your messages! Ok, you know. Let's say we made up a pill that you could take this pill, and you get a mindshift locked in a positive way like you, would you took a spell. You'd increase your discipline, factually ok, what that
he'll pill cell? Well, what people want? It is ok, redo, page of this book, your discipline laundries sixteen to eighteen percent by the way where increasing discipline well read your pages well in the defence of the pill. People peel advocates. Whole purpose of appeal is that you don't have to do any kind of work, red or dualist soom, saying so Ok, two pages of this book is not an extended period. I'm your view finishing this in less than four minutes all right. So this this book, essentially is the pill of books, So you know, instead of like the encyclopedia that books simply we'll take it rough, loose analogy, not sure not hopes and affect
through that one and then, of course we are actually management and I gotta be leadership. These are the foundational books about leadership that a row with my brother leaf ban. We salon front, which is a lie, consultancy. Look if you have a business you have a team if you have a company and your problem, every single problem that you have as a leadership from current. That every single problem that you have is a leader the problem and We do it s on front. Is we solve problems through leadership, so what s not from our com for details. We got a phone line which is leadership interactive leadership, training online, it's e, F, online, dot com. You can get the information you can The repetitions you can get put. You can do get potent scenarios that will help you think through problems Eddie. If online. We also do little live webinar bars where we answer questions here,.
For my dark camp we got the muster coming up in. Dallas Texas, Orlando Florida, and Phoenix Arizona, every event that we ve done has sold out. If you wanna come, good, extreme ownership, Doc Hombre now and register leadership seminar, that's it you there and of course we ve got e over watch and If we placement for me Terry people that understand extreme ownership and understand the dichotomy. Gotta be If over watched for executive leadership inside companies, E F Legion, frontline troops and frontline leaders gotta give of watchdog calmer, you have region too get involved in that from either side, whether your vat, that wants to go into a civilian job over their civilian company, that needs veterans
help. You lead and win, go to websites and get that figure it out. And if you have not heard enough of my overly dramatic speech patterns and excessively long pause, and you haven't heard enough of ECHO's ridiculous commentary about the heroic life of being about her. Then we are available on the interwebs on Twitter, on Instagram and on the old face echoes that Charles and I imagine, Once again, thank you all for listening to the park gas and for giving this pod cast your support for spreading the word. They should turn your friends thanks for getting some deaf core dear or some origin,
dear all of which allows us to do this. Podcast and, of course, thanks to wrench Curtis for your service and sacrifice to keep us free. And all the military members out there in uniform right now doing the same thing: keeping the enemy ab and also to our police and law enforcement and fire fighters and paramedics and E M teasing, despatches correctional officers and border patrol secret service in all first responders. Thank you for keeping us safe. Every single day here at home and everyone else out there remember what Ridge Curtis taught us.
Two never give up, even against overwhelming odds, to never accept defeat to persevere and endure until the end and then when you get tripped up or you get knocked down, even then, what you do is you do the best you can lesson learned. Thank you, Reggie Curtis. Then we will be out there in your honor getting after it until next time, Zayigo and Jacko out.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-07.