« Jocko Podcast

391: From Political Prisoner to U.S. Navy Seal. Drago Dzieran. The Pledge To America.

2023-06-21 | 🔗


Retired Navy SEAL Drago Dzieran takes readers behind the scenes of his incredible life, from an impoverished childhood in Communist-controlled Poland to his time as a political prisoner, to his twenty years as a member of the United States military’s most elite fighting force.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is jocapa gas number three. Ninety one with carry Elden and me jocker willing good evening carry good evening. We moved out just after zero, two hundred we functioned seamlessly as a unit pushing through the quiet pitch black night toward the compound rising out of the dusty iraqi streets. Are orders were to capture kill the target we had come from that the terrorist was in the building these lt element, including myself, scaled the six foot, concrete fence, imperfect silence, while the designate security, element, circled the walls compound terms, sure the terrorist escape was impossible. We hit the ground barely a rattle within moments. I was shouldered, against the outer wall of a building just inside the fence, a string of and with me with pride. Movements. I set a bridge. in charge on the door and on my
signal. My security element and I began to walk back toward the designated space around the corner, where the to the assault element. We're ready were already taken cover. The moment we began to move, however, I realize with a sinking feeling that the request images, I'd studied earlier shown the mound of rubble in the sea. Corner between the wall and fence shit, There was barely enough space left to cover most the assault element. I wasn't going to fit and there was no time to scale the concrete fence and take cover it was but second decision. I back my health is far from the door as possible and then dropped. My niece, I covered my, with my am for curling up to protect is much of my body as possible based on the four calculations for safe stand off. I knew would still be relatively safe. As far,
As the shock wave was concerned, Early on from my previous direct action missions to calculate the sea, distance from breaching charges in two ways, one normal, per the manual and one for situations like this, for me. The second calculation was important for times when I may not make it to cover but needed to have an absolute minimum, safe distance. It was a distance. the breaching charge that could cause injury, but should not be incapacitating. I was hoping to never use it. Once I knew every one else had cover. I quietly ass, the call over the radio turn steel turning steel, turning steel and I detonated the charge on the door. the blast blue fragments of the door. Right over my head with a thunderous sound that rattled my school a shock wave that felt like it.
let me off my knees, slammed we back onto the ground. I yelled been open open, even as try to regain my footing only to fall back on my hands and knees bleeding from my nose in one ear the breach through the door wide open and the rest, The assault element was forced to shove me out of their way as they rushed the building through the smoke I dont know. amber pain in the moment pain is the last thing on your mind, when you're in the middle of an operation around quickly enough to join my team to clear the bill in going room to room on autopilot ears ringing, we caught us spect without much struggle and we returned to base on the high of a successful mission before the sun was even up
then that right there is an excerpt from a new book. Let us out right now just came out, it's called the pledge to america, it's written by thomas drilgo IRAN and is actually a little an excerpt from my life as well, because I had the honour to be, admissions like that with drago in two thousand and three two thousand and four in baghdad, throughout Iraq. I also served to withdraw, go at she'll team to drake platoon, where we served on the u s s john f Kennedy and went over the persian gulf during the millennium. It was an awesome time that we had and has was me to get to know drilgo, and he has one of the most unique stories in the world, and I know that's a bold statement, but he when you hear it you
I will agree with me it's one of the most unique stories in the world and he sharing this complete story in that new book. That's out the pledge to america and it's an honor to have drilgo my brother. Once again, he was here progress to seventy six haven't back again to talk through this, drug o welcome back, brought good to see you man, thank you for it I me thank you. So much is nice. back absolutely Why are we even when you, when you read this event and adjust the adjusted? who remember those times, though those great times I mean those ties yeah. Send me some videos and just seeing it was like The ones you sent me we're just ass, we were kind of vehicles are lined up, gotta get in and out of vehicles were kind of having powwow about the finite or the final details of an operation and
that's what we're doing almost on a daily basis, and you could see that everyone was in that mode. Everyone just knew what was going on. Everyone was confident we were so engaged. in those missions all the time and what a little, what a little like window into the past to see what it look like because now we don't sit there watching a video of a like a man that really happened, and that happened over and over and over again do the book is incredible. The book is, there's so much detail in it, and you know it's weird. but when you tell me stories like this about your past we kind of like laugh about on me like it just basic
teen. Guy who's worry us. There was only one. That's weird! That's that's funny! You know how the hell do you love in prison? They suddenly this, but they you know we're all because we're mission oriented for of focused and that it was just like funny story to say maybe two just to take us away they'll over the edge brutal, but between missions are staff. In the end, You know, I think you in, and I was the same way I didn't think much of it people were or were always telling me. You need to write this in the bullion to writing the book and nice like well, maybe one day but I think it is important to lead it. I think today, because our country, I think, needs unity. I think we need to go back to basics, and then look at america again how great country. It is a great country we have I want this book to be up. I assume it to be a lance.
you can see even causing, and better their views use of amerika house petra country, it is anti that's just there was my call that the reading this, knowing about the come, these men, socialism and other groups the council. Then you will appreciate our country our amerika more and yeah. I'm kind of scared to start looking slowly more like a mirror from their play. Of the place of the escape from but again We need unite, we, our country, will not move on for the better if we are divided, so I hope it will help people understand the greatness and weakness of america yeah greatness in uniqueness and also the threat it's very sobering to read story? And here
storing again I I kind of almost like a cartoon image, of what you had grown up, what where you'd grown up and what you'd been through and even the last time you on on my podcast, I was listening to it again and yours, things are also. I was in prison and, like think about that, think about that first Oh, you know we were sure for your liver die and you know for you and me, as grown seals like ok yeah, we were on the point at which we but you're a young person and you weren't look. There was found. And thousands of people that were arrested. That there is. people that were murder, people that were killed. All these things happened, and There is a certain level of detachment from it when you, when you and I as grow manner, kind of sit around it. We're talkin, something it in your past and I just never really like us. Even when on the podcast gas last time it did way is heavily on me as it did. When I read it when I read it, in this book it's
it's very sobering and the book exit so real and the fact that you were able to get out of there the fact you are able to get asylum. The fact that you were able to escape the polish people's republic, the pole wish people's republic, they just change the name they made little change to the flag and there were rats everywhere yes yes and you never and you never knew what is waiting for you behind the continent and this as those who live in those it in. Begun socialist country because I would like to make a point here: that none of these countries behind the iron curtain- and none of these. not poland, not is germany, chow, slovakia, bulgaria, romania, now Even soviet union were ever communist countries. We can afford
damn right, this endeavour in when I even in my book, say the same thing. Sometimes referendums that companies, but the bottom line? The fact is that they were not communist confidence. There were socialist states, there were socially state run by communists, like my father, higher can companies than the office shouting polish government. So I know this lead, but from both sides from here I had the chance to be behind the curtain of this sorry state how it works, but more than that most of the pause here, the transparency. Well, I want to go through some book here. It's like us, it's a heavy read. You know a lot parts of it, your theory and well- we'll get into it, but wanna start at the beginning with with where you started and you saved. My life began in october, nineteen sixty four, ten years after the end of world war, two
closer than you, and I are right now from September eleventh reyes. So yes world war. Two was fresh in the memories growth, Poland was still a place of desolation and despair. People were still trying to rebuild their lives after the second world war, but this time under terror and totalitarian state run by communists and marxists. Like my father, yes that's where I spent the first five years of my life or the years of my life amid the right, the ruins of the old bombed out. Poland and cheap scaffolding of the new Yes, and there was nothing, For me, I thought it was. This is the way the life ass. I didn't know any better than no one is different and I remember playing with those ruined buildings now sometimes title destroyed. Two I thought it was funny. No, we didn't have any
by the supervising, as would just cut loose and go so we were dead. so many times I came like almost like a painted entire because we're with tat our haze. We walk into the bottle, then I will lakes above our knees, even all entire system. I m just going to have the tag every time she so us from this excursions, but I thought it was fun you would always we're, was dead. The two of us might have married to thus You say we were with me where my parents, That is long says Latvia send his love and Florentina. Yes, My mother, following my rival, my brother, slavic yes and my sister, Justino. Yes, It works, thankfully, my opponents, Nepal is those groups that is is is good
together we lived in a standard, multi family home a two floor by the book communist build in a town called z, loan gordo, yes Girl translating is agreeing here is a beautiful town. In those days it was, I think, was found in the dock. five hundred it here so it is sub gas. This is what a beautiful has a lot trees, Don't think what was sticking out for me was the gray buildings of saw the collie like us Socio architecture is a socialist architectural disabled. They covered the bullet. Everything is grey. Everything is the same. It look like Project projects causes, maybe in our country, canada much wars, because again, everything is decrepit and everything is being You can see it on youtube with some of the videos from that coming soon. in Poland? Even I'm watching sometimes- and I guess I was like
cab. I can't believe I leave to the body you know. I see I have this distance now living in. It's parity living in the beautiful country as a free man. What is it this is a bit different now perspective than it was then yeah, you didn't know any better only different. We live downstairs which had two rooms for us in a third room for an unrelated single man single bath. And one rudimentary kitchen, we all share. On the first floor, upstairs there was a duplication of downstairs for plan with another unrelated family occupier, which is crazy, right, you're living where I am now allow it is crazy. That's like somebody move to your house and government came in, say, okay, this guy's going to leave with you right now, or the family were going to put into that room so that room is no longer yours they're, going to even let me sure, your bathroom and kitchen never think that you have up there so for me, it was like what I was born to rights
bother me, but I'm my mother, she was crying about. They say this is not the way to leave for if both for people and my father was of course communist. He was afraid to say anything he was even to send us to chance that guy I still remember my eye- was pasok football through the window because he didn't. Let sk I didn't know. What can I ask you to go to church because he was a he's going to lose his job. This that the faith. The family values are totally incompatible with its source. Lisa. That was there critics of this other colleague democratic socialism in poland at the time. so they all stuck about democracy about so how's demo. accessories was great and the like? I didn't know better I'd. I start eventually growing. and learn more about what is really going on in a socialist commie, such poland. How come you because everybody
is covered by the council's everywhere. I read it is being referred to as a communist state but again legacy ipod. Nano and where they were dead, there's a reason why there were not so coke coming estate then we'll get. You can dwell a little bit more, but so so, unlike in coming state run by a typical, clean communism, in such an early stage, you do have private property, you do private business you can own, but major did that the the dead, the key in brussels sure is owned by government is, is ruled by government saying the police and the military. Everything is run by the government, but you can have some small properties. Of course you know how it ends up eve. You eve, you are part of the government go along with with them there Let you exist and keep your little bit by
if you sway. Away a little bed or you are not convened. and for a socially state that we're doing that will just take your business away. They will stop you that supplies you won't be able to make going be oop to do any business, so day they control everything and this is what happened to my family hope. You also argue those companies system, you dig- has never private property, well We did have a private property, but the government ultimately on it and them in case of my uncle, who are here by companies and in the home, is using a concrete guy right, either conquered guy yeah he's, so he decided He seen how poorly the The the socially system operates. So he does to just completed with them. He knew that he was excellent so he started building those breaks
And selling the brakes due to two builders breaks, the the their blogs and- The point is that it some of the private businesses stop doing the buying from government I guess, as we basically, he was competing directly for him for with the brick makers and the siddur bookmakers run by the government got government state by the socialists. State, so the the police came in. I thought you may have to scale down because you are competing with with the government here at it and into to stop. He said I can't yeah. I just put the god alone. I bought the trial, I bought this and I'm better law making and within budgets this. However, on my company and data they say that leave you to scale down the your business will not prosper and there he didn't so their anti fascists.
That's what they call themselves in poland, but there were social he's goons. There were just people who they tracked protect the society from nazis, many facets and my uncle because he had his own business? He was a labour forces in that sea, so they came in the story. He's machines. They re, he's business and then When my father went to police complaint, he knew who also because a date that They usually that that the coming stay the socially state use there. those in eve young, guys, young people from schools from factories, They organise their mean. Like you know, we need to be part rules. We are put a possibility. That is a fast is up. There well, let's, though, they care of that that would they, when they destroy his business and when my uncle and complain about it to pull they. They arrested handling bt, mildly torture. For the night,
came home and say you do it again? Would do it again, so my echo fix that. He's the machines are doing the same thing again and things could it be that sovereign again, I think you are three times until he. Finally, then having them others to rebuild it, and then they did that his business this. Had this does nothing unusual without describing here it was quite come. In point. If you didn't go along with their suddenly stayed with their eyes with the party line that the communist party line those social state run by communists, mostly and then they did, they run your business. They destroy you already. they couldn't do there. They kill. You, though, did a lot of that their graves across poland. And not only poland are all socially states right now, where a lot of these people who oppose socialism in poland What that ain't dead thing didn't happen. Just overnight
What happened after what war when socialism was broth By the russian violates sound, phronsie russian as soviet union violets. We need to distinguish the russian poor and soviet union and companies. By this. When it was brought the point that not everybody who was not even cause. The aim of the possible not sympathetic, sympathise, with a socialism and communist party was was under observation. Will I mean those total? totalitarian system suddenly thrown on poland, and in this something that we need to be cared for in amerika. We just need make sure that doesn't happen here, because it is easy to do to fall into that think so people who back from the west, who were I think, the other hitler and in the heat socialist germany,
our social east, germany, they What honest at most of them were arrested, even the hero, even with like polish, with the most of the chaos in the second world war, on the side His name is stanislav scotch. He he returned to poland after the second world war, he was is that he was sentenced to death on espionage discharge. So most of those prominent heroes of second world war were sentenced to death Not not. Every sentence was carried out, but that time, many of them were sentenced to death. and so on as well charge or working the west or with housing, something or just being not good citizen and that venture came to the point that if you still have food you could be sent us today
and those that sentences carried out for people. Let's see the food and black market order, manipulating food in poland, yes or even though there was a facade there, you could have private pretty, and you can run your own business, the ultimately the governor. It had full control and they impose their control and make people fall into law absolutely. There was no such thing like you permanently own, Thank you may think you do anti. Although you are approve wrong by communists, there's, like my father, save you know I haven't. I went for a year to leave with him because my mom couldn't afford to feed all three of us, so so my father was very adamant about it. He say, look
The socialists will such a great system. For some reason, people do not like to subscribe to it, so we need to make- people are over how great the systems of other still vote buying through it. We basically cancer them out of the society. We need just silence them and say what these that doesn't work then He too physically silence them. That's my father's wards and those nothing unique at the time. That's that's! How, my father perceive he's a role in society, building this better more humane, socially stayed that everyone, it gets equal part. Everybody contributes. Equally to it and that doesn't work, but they realise that does not work. People don't want to vote for them, so the next linking fraudulent elections investing They came to just cancelling people, so there's a lot of our thoughts. Poets
paint. As you know, the people who make statues day totally removed actors. There were castle, they were removed from they were not allowed to play in this There is no other throughout to play in the movies their names, what a silence, even famous people, who were well known in poland at the time, there were silenced the bite through censorship to the point it like the next people, five years later. Nobody knew. How is it that a name? Nobody remember who they were and do it very again at one time, prominent and the famous people? So then this is did what what we need to understand is that events We people realise that this whole socialism is a hoax, is just a tool for the government, control people and people involved so that
on both data vote for them, so now that the socialists they need to do so, think about it, because if they give away the power the eat them lie. There were hanging from the latter posts. and we wanted to hang these companies from the latter impose if you could get away with it the older the perversion depravity they thrown on polish society, butter, Eventually, though, this day dead, this will have resolved if the fragile in relation to the terror. only saving grace, I think poland and other countries is that Those of starting in the polish communists. Did have access to computers on this and we have now they didn't, understand that social science, so they resort to tell because that's what socialism eventually has to adapt to keep. boy line. They they missed one thing
Eve Joseph Stalin flow the flow the poland with people with no loyalty to poland, so he was, but if he would bring people from this republics, if he would bring people to pull in other countries, and flowed the candidates with people with norway to these countries. There no poland. There would be no czechoslovakia, Roma that would be one big soviet union I can't even imagine like the lightning, or a new nuke. So you get so you, your your father, he's a cop carrying communist korea. With with with poland with which government many working for the polish government, your mom, on the other hand, dot hates communism its marxism hate socialism she
what do you say this? She saw the communist regime as nothing more than occupiers by a different mate name like the nazis during world war. Two and the germans during world war- one she was a devout catholic too, which didn't sit well with my father, who believe for the party line was necessary for communists to be atheists, so You ve got that going on in your family your father does. want to spend any money on you. You do say this we couldn't afford by the state required school uniforms and our grandma accomplish seamstress made them force instead, the richer kids were quick to point out. Our uniforms, we're not purchased and were homemade. Mostly kids, this time. A wearing these homemade uniforms- and I did so decided to beat the rich kid who His mouth first about the uniforms they me alone had never heard of called my uniform forget. That's is what I started reading through the violence works and at least in poland at the time they within the world today. Today poland is different continent, but at the time it work. What very well,
but this isn't just hear one think when you save my mother was that the tunnel holding the social, each man and socially state because she ended. to that she issues she understood very well. She knows what happened in some: the union at the fire before the second world war, but my My father's mother paid the social he's been coming. It's too and I talk about it. I remember the further she was the one who told me how to pray to god and We always pray to god, for it not to be good to everybody to us to help us through these have times and together coming out of the happy ass fast ass again, so that so So this is, like my father, didn't know when he heard that he freaked out you ve got in here. This is this is how you got to pray with your grandma before. happiness, liberation kneeling to me. My grandmother would say things like police and the communist back to where they came from an please take the red satan away from poland, and I
repeat word for word after her half repeating what few times I had to ask: who are these people? They are evil, they kill people and keep people in prison, real demons. yeah and that for me for the yankees, you know, Let me about the hell about the demons. I thought that this case. What I had to actually ask ass my grandmother so grammar they have those horse and tail the pitchfork staff so well not that you can see it by the dose of that type of people. Just would you describe, they just hide, but you can recognize them by their deeds that that the atrocities they commit against other people. You see like this is my my mother Family was very cute on human or humanitarian side. Human humane or my father's. Finally, that the parties parents, my grandparents, they were
my father was now he was totally sold out I can see why, but now we can talk about it, but but he was totally sold out to the depravity perversion of social Isn't this. I I can imagine you've got this one kind of argument. They would get they get in fight your your father and grandmother and he You say here: he demand that she never talk about communism, socialism, don't talk to my son, about That's you we're build a socialist paradise for all of us. I am not evil. In response, my grandmother would become very still she would rattle off the names of people, she knew who had been imprisoned, disappeared or murdered from memory, dozens of them years after the fact those names me nothing to me at the time. As a kid, I didn't understand a lot of that
I was too young to made to understand it, but I knew there was something wrong and that that my grandmother, my father's mother, very adamant about it, and they she never. she never approved, what my father was doing at them, she died. So can that's that It's kind of sad this. How social, tears, the families and friends- and indeed Is it the fabric of society very quickly, which is one of their goals? It is because they have they have to be this is it for they have thus to stay at the power it is. nobody will vote for them by the in time. One citizen against another citizen is easier. You cater to undertake to another one and they the rush to both and both were hoping that yeah you'll be with them against other people. the other side of things. The same the same.
this is how you end up, eventually with her, with her with being the broker between these grew to groups that dislike each other there they were against each other, so that the socialists, the companies would place them. So in the meal and being while the brokering, the peace and this how they they Even that didn't work, dumped get elected, so they had to resort to jill and elections and ended and then was the borrowed themselves in society wisely. Stability is the pattern of fraudulent elections. You can get. The mouth basically took Poland five decades, to claim that these parasites out of poland and be free. and you can see how parliament, immediately after just got to get rid of that such worrisome. How poland flourish! I mean look at the,
putting this guy is weakened. to counter this guy in aid you stupid. Good guy. But he's guy is excellent smart guy we, I wouldn't call eighty somebody who lobby The broken empire put it back together and this threatening entire west again, so that the app We just need to be careful and done. This means that threat from people, because we don't like them, we may not like putting, but extremely smart and violence, and he did a lot to bring russia back into the picture and start treating everybody when you talk about growing up in this system in the you say this estate infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Learning the russian language, for example, became mandatory when I entered fifth grade, even that young age I was. I was precocious, I open
He questioned why we had to learn russian when there were people who didn't even know polish fully. After all, the russians, were occupiers that didn't go over well in my school. My mother was no longer teaching in the same school as me, and I was unable and was unable to provide me the usual first line of punishment. So my He drew immediately pulled me out a class in march me straight to the principal's office. Once I was dead in front of him. He call the police. on their way to school. The police grab my mom out of her school across town and sad us all down for a talk in addition to the uniform police officers and men, the state security police in plain clothes, joined the police during the questioning of my mother. If this house again, if we hear anti communist and anti polish sentiments expressed again, they said he's to an orphanage and you'll be facing prison time for failing to teachers? children. The right way to think that's correct this. What happened when and it was not in politics from my side at the time I was just- the cape and you're, not
gonna want freedom on the language. You have enough problems with polish language, so what the hell I do love is something else that I will endeavour to using and in my mother always tells me that is just a language which is used by our that occupies of pork occupiers of paul upon poland. So it was not that We take the time I was just being keenness of fucking them I don't want to have but this is how it ends up, but the also if you think but more this is there that the rules on the regulation that allows that were in poland, in fact alone, this state that the state to take the kids away, for several reasons, that you would never think My mother would never think that there are such a regulation that would allow us to be placing state government state orphanage,
because we don't likes the us, we're being told not to like socialism or just told you that we do not like social is in and the speed at which the government gets involved in that process from your last from the state police in uniform officers. Talking to you in your mother, no same day the opportunity there was like forty minutes in an hour so saying that that each to me The teacher was she in russian. Maybe I think she was one of those polish russians and the answer that the to meet the principal's office. They sent me down there. They can't police and I didn't know that that the time that's a workplaces come here right now they came with my mother because they go the arrest of my mother detained her pull her you're breaking the school the office in they threaten us, I remember my my was shaking and how scared too, because I see my mumbling so scared and and
that's how they that's, how they slowly get control and break because what does your mother she's, like? Ok, listen, do I want to lose my son and go to jail, or am I just gonna tell him hey be quiet comply, so a lot of people are like hey. I don't have time for this kind of trouble. What this kind of trouble, I will lose my kid and I want to I have to read this: we don't need that. Just go, go, go and say this go along with it go along with it, but this creates two different problems then, once it teaches kids to be this genuine, a teacher, kids to lie and cover it up, and also teaches them that either stand up for you write the fourth for what is right. You just do what is safe and are you remember, the times going to school and mother always to me and my siblings say, do not talk politics at school. Do not say do not get provoke, done
don't say anything that could be taken the wrong way because We may lose our family there. My separate us and the state. Was it did happen? I mean is that the dead, get away, but there are some people who didn't and some people because of something like this, they lose. and they if they didn't straight themselves, up baby Sure you solve them up here than drug liquid state. funded forever until they grew up, never seen parents again so, This is the socially state. Is the country the amount of control that government has it So pervasive even maybe like my father- maybe he was he was an evil man this totally believing the socially system and to implement them as at any price but even so so so this is just
so pervasive it. It d, be its creeds people basically allow them to justify almost any action, anything a gate to protect their rights, policy- and you know we ve seen this also in other people- s social, east, germany- national social east. Germany were in our view it just speak, everybody would inconvenient for the so that their heedless, national weather got it and ass. They appeared and the socialists german workers party, if you were not convenient for them, you can then diving concentration camp and that eventually, whether there was other feebler, socialist, national, socialist germany or upon the police socialist. They both and up. as a socialist poland, the they both. And having concentration camps and
sufficient cows. Are she there's? Not the german intervention by the way This is another socially state. in the soviet union. Soviet union as the union of socialist republic right not coming, notably, the headache is partly the common sparked rounded show just like in poland but also for the facade, they have many other political parties in poland to maybe two three or four other. I don't remember that a name because they mean So nothing- the lechner, but even care about them, but always say no, this college and we worked together to my to build. But socialism to build better poland and you know of the graves of opponents of socialism, you also see like france's in america right now, the the educational system theirs. Parents that are so they're saying, hey, teach my kid, how
do, reading writing and arithmetic teach him. That's what does what that's? What do teach my ear teaching them all the slew of other things, how gerda tyrants, that parents say hey actually idle. Aren't we want you to teach my my kid that when their infer great when their second great when their fourth grade. And what heard some of the educator saying is: well, you don't get if you don't get to tell us how we're going, what we're going to teach your kids. That is what exactly my mother was stalled. Yeah, that's what I'm saying especially states like you! You are you ain't? No, mrs IRAN, you can't tell us what to teach thomas thomas's. Our kid now so in and if you do that, if you are selling says that will branch terrorist that you, you would actually literally branded terror This is so. The kids can grow up in a terrorist family. and there they didn't tell you that you, because you oppose such because you oppose such ones with your kids. We say you are you,
you, you pretty much. Your views are reliable, The terrorists totalitarian something in your keys, do not anthea, which we cannot allow your key. To grow up. this way. So we, a government, the socialist government was pain. They will provide data occasion that we need its what's best, as was the best for the socially strength, but they think his birthright. What they think this policy is the best but you know the first thing that the what don't you remember in those socially states attacks on fire who is a family values? Those like you We need a wife and a husband. Why would you do that? it is. We need to do what you need. Slap in this case need to be learned. to be good citizens and, of course, by dead, they meant socialist citizens of socially stay. And the key, what they mean as obedient slaves. Obviously is yes, and though kids from those family that oppose they know. I had the chance to go to college there
just at the end of a delegation was at their at the high school level, the most and because getting college detained, opponent egos free, but only for the politically align keats so and also, if you did during the college, we dig eat any. You could be removed very quickly, be divvied, anything The social he's left party line so they have a special points for member of socialist youth of so please this come used. If there were a point Opponents being in the party. There were two points for having a family in line with the sorcerer this the communist party in socially state such respond? These are the warning sites. This is something that we were enough. I'm I'm seeing some of these would something many things that you just mention, it really worries me winning
be very vigilant because it very easy to fall into that totalitarian government that Then she will tell you, would you would you cannot do with With yourself with the kids, then you'll be eventually forced to do things. Stay medications don't take method, patients or you, and- allow me to allow to take medications, though, because poverty is not enough. Just like happen with them by describing the book friend of mine when he's, died. Basically they they that data data. I look to provide her with a medicine not to treat here because She was all that they need. There was various causes, medicine and they need for younger people supposedly billion more for direct party like people, so that's that How evil system is, is this not easy, is not the very difficult to implement all it is. all is needed. Just keep indifferent people who
I not who are afraid to stand up for what is right, who our terrorized easily by the state and is a good example for ass could be some of these people I describing paul at the end of my book, how they were schooling. socialism, communism, judges and they are and how they stood up to to the totalitarian government. Again, why what is happening here can only be the waters me, but we need to be very careful because there I think that that socially state, we all want is violence. violence either way better than that they need violence, or this many things that they need a villain but other, every social they will have your poet. At the villain soviet union had a villain gentlemen, score the villain. So
everybody in the soviet union. There was that your colleagues that of wealthy. The peasants. Then those doctors, stunning died in during the food that, and and so didn't, follow through quite well, but it in Poland there were juice, then there were educated people, so they were Jane she would. The council intelligentsia is bad. We need to promote. People from these peasant from workers, if you are coming from intelligence intelligence. a family. Your use web as yours could very well. In germany, there was, of course, jewish nation, but this is all by their so called, like my mother, carried relative morality so you're mortality is not based in faith in something solid europe more. these base in, dollar three that can change in politicians view that we changes.
This is very dangerous because look what happened in the other heat less socialist germany, what the when he was able to pervert that most civilized nation europe. At the time in, It allows yoffe, seek people on handicapped people into concentration cup into gassing people, eventually turn them onto the jewish people? exterminating tired of nation trying to do it. So that relative morality is but, dangerous, who we to also make sure that we Then? We understand it here not to follow the related, might rightly model and another thing to lock in poland. They would always think you could be it'll be tolerant of this, who told you can't do that this is intolerant, but I say to it my mother always say uneducated tolerance
is as dangerous as intolerance. You need to gauge yourself. What you about to tolerate before you started actually promoting it in and they tolerating We would never tolerate more that's right, but if you so tribalism and a lot of morality in other fiddler, they did tolerate, utilise you're right some fast forward a little in the book. Your beer father takes a job in nineteen sixty seven year, seven years old and he he basically abandoned you guys took over you know what could be a number of things that he was having little success in a communist party, your mom. Still being catholic. religious so He felt like there's some some he's goin on their wares was wasn't gonna help his career you say we move we
to a little apartment, crosstown almost six miles from wearied been living before at that age. In that place That was a huge distance, especially prosecuted walker. Take the bus everywhere. Our beds were narrow and mattresses were thin. Much like the walls to be asleep on cold nights, we shoved our beds together and slept head defeat, by side too. polish winters are very cold, we putting it mildly. It was bad that we had to suffer coated old newspapers to keep warm the fact that we couldn't afford to replace them with coats that could act, keep us warm was worse, it turned out my father, was refusing to pay child support. So while we are trying to hide or quickly coats from other kids, here buying a new life for himself the court event. force him to start paying, which he did. He was always late. Yes, we love talking about those, but actually we didn't have it too bad. So we had just one bed and like it was like single by it, but small me and my brother, so me and my brother, I ve been one better tools to love, had told the and my sister
slab with my mom the I wouldn't have to base our kind of like marthy miss misquoted there that to those just one might that be. At this level eventually now I hope my was able to procure another bad. So we know we will leave me a two room apartment at the time. So was here, Those who here to review is you mean to battles there wasn't like that import. Poland was just too rose was to do so so me and my brother- were sleeping in one room and my mom with my sister- was sleeping in another. That would lead to find new rules, but you know that such a big for us. It was like a wii if our own apartment, because there were a lot of people that did I have even that there people living with parents and grandparents, in the studio bigger studio just so you anything. We have a bicycle. to go outside the become a bathroom, so this is
it was the distillation after the second world war, and also socialism economy. That growing poland even deeper into an input people into slavery. on top of this. On top of all this, we are often hungary that local Read my mother got if she was early and lucky enough, you can by more than one, though, for the time people be violent. If you tried this minute were forced to learn ways to be less hungry solution, I love her. Brothers were not a big french rise from potatoes. I learned how to taste. It was what a good eye to spot the school children of wealthy communist party members by their sandwiches. Yet these are some looking sandwiches too, while my siblings were eating thin sandwiches with butter or margin. If there is no butter, only often only sprinkle with sugar. These kids were eating. There's with fresh meat, The best fixes your dressing smeared across their smug faces. There were two ways
get your hands on things. In those circumstances, money in violence, since we were poor I used violence was, is where I learned that violence works. If it did Violence didn't work for you and make you didn't reply enough of it I'll be. The first I was a bit of a bully as a kid. Yeah. You know this is something that you just have to help yourself as much models again and the time. I was a kid I envy these younger than these kids for creating this, like a nice taste the sailor which, as you know like when I look at that, celebrate in the soul I figure out that I just out just like to try at least sandwich, like that. You know we never had one. Sir. I just work up grabbed the sandwich. Stop the guy a bait bite it a bit and I was hooked- has lacked ok, so this is what's going to happen next year, tomorrow you will bring to sandwiches and if you don't, you read
I guess, I'm we teach us attitude so once and that what is for me one is for you for pilot You can just tell me that you are growing up. I would pay in front of everybody. I think every keaton, you hey, you are growing up, so you need to eat more to eat more like I maybe because our who was very bland within ever adverted tasty food so I do want to eat. I didn't eat a lot, so I'm always get what you need to eat. you growing up that either by the skeet hey, you know, just tell him you growing, you need more eat from what I find out, these spotters would have, let me say, yeah. How will it is eating. Well, you know he's came to sound, which is now every break, but did you know that he was eating just while and then I was sure with me so simple. Funny that the are not funny, but you know you hear people that lean towards socialism. Oh said they they're so anti rich. You know they. They think all the rich people have all the money,
and here you are talking about It- was the communist kids, the kids with edward had the communist party can arise at pairs. Those are the rich kits because they do so everything from everybody else. Perhaps this is how it works. I mean remember the socialist economy. Very inefficient. Just does not work in there and so people are. people, whether you are companies dumber than how How well meaning communist? You are you're going to help yourself. You know you can help these so you're, going to help yourself here and you're going to go, bring there so people can eat, but at least you can eat and this is how people are starving and that it should does not work. fast forward again, I'm fast forwarding through the book there, so many good stories and insightful you want to know what it was like get the book. So you have something to us. You can understand what what ism does to two people into a country
fast forward, but you say by the time I was entering eighth grade. My mom can afford to support me by then almost thirteen years old plus two children, so she did the only thing she could do and send me to live with my father yeah. She did my choice. I mean there was a we're growing. The food was spain safe and we haven't we're leaving this little tiny apartment with two rooms. Soldier was won by a little apartment she had to do something and though she just some italy with a father so from the study because he showed I've heaping mackey there? Like is already, but he was told his wife at the doubt that the cure the wagged his head that he's coming with me, basing their schwab on the doorstep he just now well he's to leave with us. the house, could you laugh
no way I was like. I just wanted punched at night That's it that's crazy here, when you only thirteen years yeah yeah, I don't know about you but I just remember that my mom, She knows that we needed there. That needs to happen so kind overlooked. Swell my pride, look at hair and just say nothing and walked past what was your was your dad's living arrangement better. Did they have like a nicer apartment and stuff yeah because they have actually three rooms? So here, though, there was one room, the bigger room and two smaller bedrooms, so So when I walk into the family he's finally she had a son already from previous marriage. so they kind of let me have one of the rooms and they both stained, the beagle because it was important, those not the division between bedrooms. There was no battles, there are rules so we have the one room. You have one room and we
father and his wife had another room, and I thought this like great that'll be awesome. The only thing that you know what will happen. There was not quite so. Now this were used this, where you started learned fight for the first time and we're out of them. Are you I already ready day there were. I start I do right before I went to my father, so I just the police boxing club, I was my body was first thing in our we good at it. Actually, I was so who So what kind of motivated me It was like I didn't, have a father so that that that the coach At one time when I have described a b doublet of the kids, who beat up my younger brother broke my hand came to visit me and there kind of like see down, not talk to my mother, talk to me and I was like holy shit, I can't. I must not disappoint these men. How much just do the best I can so
beating peacetime, beating people up with the gloves of their because I wanted to peacefully me. Oh here is an idea that how good I was So when I went towards over I was already pretty good either good pancho look quite few people out like that guy who bid my brother, does actually finally story, and I guess I was always I was left, but a strong being, I was just bully because I thought then that my Mother is a teacher, so who's going to challenge me, sir. That has never hesitated, but somebody somebody up and of course these are warranted you always but a body Just from the very beginning. I remember when I was being bullied when I was a kid, so does not act Come to my mom ce you beat became audible, something there's like I didn't rather it. So I too few
thing out. So I found I get big steel pipe up with my book case when I was going to schools from school because gives us to follow me and just my ass sometimes like that around the blogger J push mean that in today that the interests of the apartment and beat me up there so Later they what's that spreading that those keys follow me in my apartment somehow don't show up. The ambulance shows up take them out, because it was me with my pipe had it worked yo the same again: violence works. We just need to apply enough of it, so so so that that that's what I started it, so I was over the fighting by this time, but then so from the pie by you, move on boxing gloves and then there's become calibrating well known as a great few guys and I d have to wear the pipe either. Nor did I tell you what some of these pipes guys
Why pipes it's like! I I really the low because they didn't they didn't move when I later- and this is where the word spread out- that way when they follow me in the in the into the apartment, they don't come out, so they left me alone. They go. I typed. I thought I had saved right away, but the lower. Like me, I definitely got quiet so when you're, when you're in or around warsaw, you start, you know you're kind of just like in some sort of almost extortion. Hanging guys get money. Things happen, workers I had no fear of of keats, especially after the boxing think housing I'm looking for the challenge, and I remember I think I started off rank food because I was always try to be, like my mom told me. Well, I'd be dubbed the girl in the first great and accuracy.
Strong and we're just starting for his great they. Just I don't know a dragon. This gap is your girlfriend and the I don't need those thinking girlfriend I will governor cake should just fall they carry have today. emergency school to their noses room, and I was as proud as like yeah yeah. He knows it's like how old are you like says x, sixty six going seven, so they told you you had a girlfriend and you he doesn't even girlfriend. I have no girlfriends. I don't need that and- happened. My my work in the same school. At the same time this, whether you, I was a kid I was born. I was like my shit instinct, but So I'm sitting this on my memorials in the class got quite just like looking a site that doesnt doesn't seem good, sure got story. She would sit on the glass she looked at me. See. Who did you hurt?
and I just I think you ought to say, but than tat cause like that That will mean that a girl right there that girl so my mother look at their at this girl. She still crying that so she was or bruised between her legs. Apparently. She put me by my ear is very common. Poland teaches you to do it. Just pull the eu and pulling out of the bed. She put me back my ere. She stand in front of the class she poor might bends. Thou is just a spanking me. and some superhuman so hard and so long ass, you live broke down, stop crying, you know, you're, to fight fight the guy's fight, but you don't ever touch a girl and so there was it. I mean the embarrassment in my pants down my but read from the land and the sound it'll being spent in front of the whole class in it. And there was not enough to because when I came home on that thing repeat itself, but I never
to go after that, those like those, grain. In my in my head do not you cannot do that, and that was just up there there was no so embarrassing, and I think I learned the lesson forever from whether it was well worth so too, and so I was trying to be very nice guy, and so, though, somewhat one of the guys. I do know that then dynamics. What did the gangs working is so the time. So one of them was how does one of the girls were when they took him out turn out to be? He was one of their those those those guys, this girl little gangs. So they again they came to me and said you gonna, this what's gonna happen. We're gonna buy as the wine gonna get started the wind from these guys, but and then it would be to have over by the from these gangs going to teach you and then would you be on
I say, I'm fine with the wind by the you're gonna hate me I'll, get you back. Look you out. And so they can have led me, along by the very rights they were doing the same thing I did Emily metallic. There was the same, so I say like okay, so am I bring you the wine and by those? If you try to hit me out bid you up and really bad so they they didn't. We just going to wine. Let's go extort that this time that the sandwiches- let's get started away from these, and these guys over just targeting guys and say you bring the wine no a little push the gave you ties. Then he brings the. What we punched him again and then just leave him alone, but the dead. What were they told these guys disport victims? You know you can be abuse and they're, not if- wine. We just call the same guy, who just be that who brought us a wiser more wine,
so he was willing to go out to us. I was waxwork fourteen fifteen years also whether the drinking is smoking and I was bad- Can we not good person out there? What I mean? I was not good person, the time yeah, that's your your deftly hadn't down the wrong path. Again, this is you. You go into these kind of details in a book really did it. It is fascinating to fast forward a little bit here, just a touch base again on the on on what you're doing with with the communist situation. When the government executed citizens. They were called back it's an insurrectionists and enemies of the state people who are trying to up and the successful socialist system societal values had changed and the thinking became that these people should be isolated from society in some key is executed for appeal,
using socialism and the official Communist party line show trials. were publicly prosecuted a lot of argues against said. Insurrectionists were completely made up evidence was made up and there was no opportunity to challenge the charges People were harassed by state security, police and look we humiliated. They were isolated from friends and business. The commune regime, was relentless in pursuit of dissidents. They did not need to have any evidence they would manufacture evidence. They were their work. was victims to this, day. No one knows how many poles continued secret graves are sorry, day, no one knows how many and pulls continue to find seeker graves of opponents of socialism, communism in Peru courtyards, forests and other obscure places to this day. rules are searching for
the graves of their world war, two heroes who disappeared or outright murdered by the communists upon their return from the war. Yes, that's something that I mentioned at the beginning here when we start talking about it. This is socially state persecuted the opponents of the with people who they saved could be opponents, could be something that you just you just came by from the west and you witness too much you witness how prosperity the west is There was enough to put you in the least and then, if you are still speaking out and talking about that, you could disappear I think one of the last graves that day there was discovered in poland was what that might be like, I think, a year ago, I believe when they found and there's not all they still looking for. There are still so many citizens missing from some these times and they know so there will be a ever found at the time, be begun
there was not. There were no computers, though not the science was not there to help find these people finding them now and they are still looking for many of them, but the socialism you, earlier to about this fake charges, this. Vice, yes, they were all would branded. None of these people were sitting there because, for political reasons, according to socially state, be disgrace for socially state to keep political prisoners so they were all criminals, though I was now. I was never right, political prisoners, opera says you broke the law, and what was the long? Were you can't print? you can have every speech. Basically they in safely spear. They say what say you violated the the tax code or eggs violated the printing law that we had for. Yes, the government distribution right, what else? So there was always some low low too to put in prison order and slave you,
and this is something that it stays with me today when I see sometimes while I don't want to go there, but the something that we need to be very careful because is easy to brown people, spies, brand people, criminals and then prosecutes them, and they will not even have a supporting society a view earth if you are able, brand them as criminals just that they were that the dick if was exercising free speech where there was no free speech in poland, the tiber train Speak your mind. people they know about it. There was no being told that way. That person was exactly or why the person who was imprisoned thirdly, the spice door, but they violate the law, the violate these violate debt, and they are not political prisoners. There isn't those of there were very at a month. The socialist regime was very adamant that
There are no political prisoners in social state. They all criminals. I was criminal rats disturbing fast forward, a little bit after my father. Kick me out back to my mom. I thought I would be done with the upheavals for awhile upheavals, being given transfer back and forth the back and forth had began upsetting I've been upsetting and stressful, and I was excited to go by my friends classmates in nineteenth. Five, but I was also drinking and smoking and I decided to take up karate after getting a taste boxing in warsaw. I was in a lot of trouble for with my mom, to say the least. So then you so that you start train in karate is yes. There was something else so fascinated by this date that those the first ever Joe Laguna initiative. They're gonna cut out the cushion dissection What was creed at so I see I need to join it. I just lost
thankfully it so I wasn't good with my pencil pan. So I just fake my idea, just think. Might I change my date of birth and I say not in those kind of the queue cushion got, grin and cure shaken is sat a savage karate, its brutal. kind of yeah you come over. I ragu, but I tell you that at least at the beginning, everytime I was going to do to training session I was. I was a bit nervous. I was I was not going. My toes because I know up will be helped and you know, there's just like we were happy, though, but even just the metals that they train. As you know, you have to and I ve no think that you take the sanctions that position and they kick. You in there so much so. How did you just fly like some? Some of us make eight. I was but a light guy, so quite obviously making somersault and volume phase in my niece because from the cake
or you only on the floor and their instructors. They rumble you stole my since that, but after wanna get used to it Those like I'm tough, going to give up on this, and will it? and we're actually becoming very effective. I was super wendy, my boxing skills with egg now with the cakes and some sweeps. So I was like I've been able on the street and I liked it. You you're! U from everything when I would watch you fight, you have a very and it might seem natural it might have. When I watch you like seem natural because you been for a long time, but you you clearly have a natural gifts for fighting like when I would watch you throw up just watch, I throw kicks. When I see you hit people or kick people I'd be like out the eu look like a really good fighter- and you are good fighter, but just the fact
if you are doing this at a time when really a lot of people weren't doing this and going out- and I know you- you spent a lotta time in the streets fuzzy, and I have no doubt that you are on immutable street as at the time, is not especially with these techniques that people didn't know at the time of in poland. Yeah those savage What were you, how big were you back? There I was five without fighting for the championship of point those in tackling. I was fighting in hundred and sixty nine pounds. How's light. but you know I was beating big people because, like you, though small guys, they they should go pick defied use it. He was. There was no one to say I'm with kick your ass in the special you small, so that their most of the people of life, both at the time there were bigger What does that easier to? You know that their? What is its topple, they would like wobbly more reliably and I was able to gather asked
I was beat up to anything that does not always I would have ratified, but do. We have that, like a challenge, how many files you can go without losing one, and I think I went through like a thing like almost close, a hundred and by those like a sleek fight, so so there, those others. Also too, that we are picking up. This fight would not like at that time without that that the partner that like became that kind of competition there was there were just picking up. The fight was not like people looking tried to find us, but we use it as a training, though, that we pick up these fights not for there was no cameras at the time, so we use logic. we go and forty five of us from the club, those what I was doing tat Wonder when I came to different city switch from cook artekil cushion to take on the, so we're doing groups and sound like okay. So with we, where to find people to beat up like it, I will just drinking beer somewhere or places
rough rough places in poland would like wherever off here, even a rough. So we go up there and we just pay the guy and then no the guy up and then we get together, have a drink and talk about it we do have a camera sec today you can If you are, you can say, ok critic, so we could take each other's united, debrief deeply vs, and so are you craig was kind of good, but you keep the guy the shoulder you didn't, he came the head, you actually kick him up like there was no effective so that these debris I them and then we're going you re enacting it do so also creating how we were there, aids and will become a really good at it, so tat. We can so good to the point that eventually we stop single people up world for more at one time, so it was like I remember, and that the new spreading due to the people I dislike, because
about these guys if they work good, I'll, just walk away and they ve happened. That spirit could recognise nice us because we have a lot of people, but there were some people well that, especially if they were two or three of them, so we just woke up to the guy who just grabbed a beer of his can spit in and get but you're not gonna fight right, especially to three people around, so he was there, but dead. You know like eventually we ever another of these people to do so. we found somebody like these. We sometimes the rule was whose paths that group wants to beat beat up then he's the first one to do it by the was, we start running out of people. who had to draw that drove, lots: strolls yeah, who is going to be businesspeople, and this is how we train and the we find out was very effective, which now a lot of detection. weeks, that later master into
the bus to also fight in the in the dodging the gene because It was less stress up there. It was like everything by the rule. You know it's not like you're going to have fun, somebody's gonna stop you, but on the street you have to be careful about some genuine in them. Do you go to some details, you you guys retrain and like to three hours a day. Yes, workin out yeah, you do in everything right too, to be ready to scrap in the streets. Meanwhile, you say this as I grew older. My understanding of what it meant to live in communist state grew with me. I started: I to voice of america, the BBC radio free europe years before without anyone knowing I begin tuning and shortly after my running with the state security police after I'd question, might sure about being forced to learn russian. I had been told but these radio channels by my mother's brother- and this is you- tell the story, don't uncle, as my uncle Adam and she's the one that you know showed You have to listen to these ban radio stations so
This is where you start seeing sort of the outside perspective of what's going on. The rest of the world and what is actually happening to you all in poland, yes again it, but I didn't have a father the time. So I was looking up to my ankle and he was a big guy. He was he liked to be. People to do so would accelerate always idolizing He was like that you wouldn't want to mess with him, but he told me about it because- and I wish you the story he may be done by the police being kidnapped from the street by the police. So I he told me how to listen to his because he say what you here is. Is of propaganda, and it is the explanation is censored. You don't hear the true. You don't hear everything you know into outside side of things god for voice of america in other slacks, you could isn't that the title for listening to it, bbc
Radio free europe- and you know what this actually phalanges today- that digress resolute, but that will came to america. a virtue with I'll move to do it I leave now what I leave the debt. Is it radio free, a free europe, radio station there- it doesn't is not active anymore but this is what those transmissions hours listening to was from, and I was able who actually visit that radio station Almost like a muso where, where, where was the radio station located in mason, ohio real so I was able to do it because he can see it so for people, there were most legged technical curiosity for me, it was much more that amazing and this is where you started given information
just so much there's you we're. We kind take it for granted. the view of the fact that we can get information. Then again you gotta pay attention the information that you're getting cause a lot of the information that you're getting is screened and is being censored so that stuff is happening. People- in banned people, get version band people get suppressing. All this was going on. Right now and you gotta pay attention to it. You do do talk about this. I wanted to bring up this one section at you. You talk about. The book is one of the greatest examples of socialist censorship, and Oppression of information is found with the story of captain vetoed pilecki, Messina right, pulaski Polanski. Yes, in eighteen. Forty captain Polanski one of the public, army. Resistance leaders volunteer, to allow himself to be captured by the gestapo in order to infiltrate auschwitz caught concentration camp. Yes,
some say that again everybody this guy, he's he's. Polish resistance leader and he volunteers, to be captured so he can go into voluntarily into the auschwitz concentration camp. Yes, it was there that cap n polanski, organize the resistance movement which included hundreds of inmates. He created the report that was smuggled out detailing the horrors and atrocities occurring at the camp. This port made it in the allies hands, but it fell on deaf ears. Captain bill, let's keep asking downwards and later fought the warsaw. uprising in nineteen forty, for he was a great was patriot and a great inconvenience to the socialist regime in poland and nineteen forty seven. He arrested by the communist state security, police and charged with anti polish activities, he was then subjected to torture and a show trial. Captain Pilecki,
officially executed by the sole polish socialist government in nineteen forty eight and was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in poland, They still confine where they are still. The poles are still looking for him he's a national night national hero in poland and this He was in resistance that poland and doings. What war has the largest. They did that the big that delay Jesus an army in the entire europe, so he was part of it. The task was now there because they were already reports coming that something is going on in these concentration camps and that we need to that that atrocities but they need somebody to witness to rep write reports. And the assembly's report smuggle these reports back so for hame chance to escape the auschwitz,
What what about asleep but he'd so based he volunteer for there one way mission and did he accomplished. He sent the he sent the report's he described what is going on there and of course they she tried to escape with your success, for he they escape, but was but inconvenience for the social state because he was fighting on the wrong side. He was fond of you fighting on the I cite he was not of the soviet union army. He was not part of their Soviet union, This means that a sponsor by soviet union, so cute, this especially with his courage, speaking out against the the the socialism was very convenient. So he was hopefully arrested and as many of these heroes at the time he was promptly arrested, sentenced to death in the show, trial and executed
and he was for europe. At a high point, Poland became free hears rehabilitated was exonerated surely that today the arrest its places and schools name after him in poland. That just shows you how how horrible and evil this it is evil. You notice just we just throw something here too, because IRA, even I remember there were a lot of monuments. They were totally, destroyed because they were not supporting social is narrative. monuments of freedom from monuments. From my previous poland, when poland was not I'll show you know there was a shrewd the hasty was so torp and salt wasted dead. Didn't even know about some of these heroes, or about the police, squadrons police Debbie. Squabbles fighting bottle of britain. You know that
All of this was suppress here and there a little but show up buddy was mostly varies very heavily censored, but you know that during a bottle of britain, the most effective fighter squad was polish through your three there was movies made about it now. But at that time, being a member of the squadron could be- could mean that centres in poland fast forward a bit by early nineteen, eighty one after the communist government raised food and fuel prices and lowered working wages. Solidarity had a membership of about ten million people and represented most of the polish workforce. This is when my mom became involved with the trade union and the time in any warsaw pact country than an organ organization was formed independently from the regime with real actions in everything. through the union strikes began. Bringing
entire industries to a halt state run. Companies were losing money and they were deeply in to the west to boot, desperate the affair he's tried to strike a deal with the union's the agreement at the end of the day was to allow the trade unions to exist in exchange for fewer strikes, it was just a ruse in preparation for martial law to take down the first independent trade union of the warsaw pact, At that point I was more firmly entrenched with the anti communist solidarity movement. Regulars regularly stay late at the headquarters at low It's must saying that right, Lafayette. Would you but a lot, that's how you propose not Now that I was in my we twenties. I had a lot more flexibility to do what I wanted within constraints imposed by the regime, of course- historic day on december thirteenth nineteen. Eighty one hour ten in the evening peoples coming to tell us of their parents and
the family members who were being arrested throughout the city, the states, dirty. Police had come to their homes. your family members were gone. We knew that something big was about to happen. We breathe, our ourselves, for whatever was to happen next peoples calling your friends and other countries outside of poland trying to. Organize routes of escape and chains of communication. In case things went badly for us. Someone the h q turned tv on mentioning some. about a government message being broadcast general harrison, yeah yeah yeah yeah recitals he generally emphasised scheme is not yet a reality. The soviets who is more soviet and polish appeared on the screen and he was sort of like at this time- was sort of the the the military leader of Poleos militarily their appalling. Yes, he looked grave. in full uniform with the polish flat, looming over his shoulder.
the national council, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, has introduced martial law throughout the country. He read this is the last chance to pull the country out of crisis and save it from integration kept those ways, excuse for something, so The mantra was that about uprising to happen. People are about to over ready to over, Oh, the socialist legitimate government was never let it my government that was never. There was tat, they were there. the elections were a fraudulent but the so that there was the mantra and to save falling from the made him an upheaval and possible soviet invasion. general yodel ski had to do that. this dispute and my opinions absolutely bologna. This bullshit there was just another attempt
of the last attempts to so to do, to save socialism in poland besides They understood not only in poland but in other warsaw pact countries these socialism, housing, poland, It will fall everywhere else and it did and could soviet union, later the ninus, but dead was there they impose marshmallow. Those one is just one night they arrested These were running start surrounding up at midnight. They said, running up, people live on the matter scales in every city. Every town in poland was well organised and it I remember that's how they come. Patients were caught in poland telephone lines at midnight when blank that tv when thou there there was no radio stations, nothing they'll, just blank nothing. people died to people in emergency. Having a the tat, there was no way to call all the time was shut down because they would
to save poland from in surgeon for the insurgents polish people who opposing who are trying to ruin opponent this how they gave you to death you say it is believed that over twenty five thousand patriotic polish citizens were arrested one night december, thirteenth, eighteen, eighty one yes and yes this The thing is that at the time their socialist state, was very adamant about it. These people are not addressed at the arrogant. Tell we don't keep them in prison. We keep them internment camps where they are safe and do it for their safety do it for the safety of poland for safety of parts. Not that didn't they did than a crime. This is They are not prisoners, they are internees, but they were potentially dangerous to the state. They could
be dangerous to the state, so we just hit up and and color out of them: send them too occasion, homes and authorities, that's how they explain, but the reality that we just rested throat and jails in prisons around the pond, fast a little bit when the present, the united states, ronald Reagan, announced sanctions against the communist regime. On december twenty nineteen one poles, including myself, were cheering yet further infuriating the communists and socialists. This is where The phrase was core coined Maria theresa, the wars, the better, the worse, the better, that's how he satan polish. She does something, in libya, the shrinking likely that wants to buy the worse the better. It meant that the more sanctions put in place to ruin socialism in common with communism, the better for poland, poles and freedom, anything that even remotely her communist was cheered by the polls, the polish
people were ready for any sacrifice just to get rid of their hated oppressive socialism, father worked so hard to put in place. Those of who escaped or who are left out of the mass arrests, met on the street The days following and discussed what we due to resist the blatant show of terror and authoritarianism. The country fate, the countries faced with news blackouts and told censorship, so we decided it was going to be important for somebody to tell the truth of what was going on. We found one guy who had a typewriter and another who had a printing press. So me, and a couple of my friends decided to report on what is happening on the ground. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking about what would happen if we got caught being found, then unregistered, typewriter or god forbid, a printing press? Usually spending some time in prison. Minus paper, was really only a double sided single page leaflet that we produced, but the message is it contained were dangerous enough that I could have been imprisoned. After printing a few hundred copies, we walk the streets pressing the censored newspaper.
Those are the uncensored newspapers in was hands and leaving them in high traffic carries the city while desperately hoping one of the socialist sympathisers would now turn us in full the implementation of martial law on that december thirteenth, nineteen, eighty one in my city, thousands of us, would turn off our city lights every month. On the same day that started martial law to show solidarity against the regime whole city blocks will be completely dark, except for a single candle in every window. Twenty. Thirty forty apartment buildings. All in a row, each twenty to thirty six the tall each window the candle in it. If you didn't you a candle in a window, you could assume the person living there was someone who supported worked for the regime I'll, never yet the sight it was one. powerful and beautiful demonstrations with the pulse. Link, solidarity with each other and against the regime in overwhelming numbers you that
amazing. It still brings almost tears to my eyes, thinking about remembering that so pause, worked in the end. The means of protest anything They was criminals, anything you you you just they're socialists and communists did not like comedies my father, could put. In prison I'll get you killed. So walls found the way they day on the day that the then marshmallow was imposed every month on thirteenth. They tumbled, it's off in their homes. They did so. You can use the entire city almost black out Single What you got kids like since invoking lightened the window, so there was such a powerful message and what they tell to that in a post, applause. What propaganda was saying
millions were supporting the solidarity and freedom against socially state. There was not right. Would you haven't the news and press that is a fringe of society is only very few people who want crazy concept. freedom or something that is just just crazy in this very few of them, but he Then you can today streets and can save yourself. You know, there's like tat thousands of people who post, that socialist terror and oppression, so there was puddings piling up. This is how you can people. Can I guess when ever think is taken away from them. They slew protest and they he'll, show that what what really is happening so we that those actually interesting I was amazed to read about ass for dollar, but some resistance figures. I knew quickly became very loud and outspoken, creating their own circles that people flocked Two new organisations were established every
day in just kept getting bigger and bigger. We didn't realize that some of these organizations were actually being established by the state security police who collected names and information and were able to arrest opponents of so of journalism in one fell swoop, because my group was very small. No one thought to try and join us. Let alone infiltrate us. We kept alone. profile and covertly distributed our resistance, literature out in the streets, I'm sure police had been following us for a long time, but they didn't get any one until early nineteen. Eighty to when I was walking, toward the printing press down a tiny little street. I happened to cup and noticed. Someone was watching me. He was made a hundred yards away and staring directly at me, of course, that was strange, but I kept walking and got to the building. climb the stairs to the third floor. Suddenly I heard footsteps thundering over my head in a bunch of doors flying open. I had it eight or nine guns pointed out my head. It really. like an old school police stand off, they eventually gum. The ground and handcuffed me. I say down there with boots on my back next to my room,
Distance friends who were already handcuff prior to me showing up they were for others to show up, but no one did the states Please hold us off to their headquarters that same night, they strip me of everything except my clothes. I was wearing and carried me off to a dark, smelly, called prison cell. Even for all my trouble making over the years, I've never seen an actual prison cell close up I'd only ever been in a holding cell. This was far worse wreaking of pay shit mould there was there were people, huddled somewhere in the dark, but I couldn't see anything I stood until someone called out hey you just sit down somewhere feel my way around with my hands on the walls blindly managing to find it are barely blindly managing to find a spot on the wall, among doesn't other people eventually when they turned the lights on, I was able to see, was a small room with steel doors with a raised. in the middle. That was more like a low pedestal. A few people could lie down on at a given time and they were food rations, but they were so small. I was soon painfully hungry, apparently
Others want a similar state, one prisoner, a real mean. Looking guy came to me sometime after that and said I'm going to eat your food today. I wasn't about give him the chance, not even a slim one. I knocked him out. and when he was laid out unconscious on the ground I carefully lifted his upper lip using might knuckles punched is to offer front teeth, ended. Drive the point home now he's going to mess with me in here? I pulled the knocked out. From his mouth put them in my pocket, and then his food yeah. That was a you know, I'm still kind of like I'm still sad that they lose those teeth, because I was hoping to one day that might get lakers and curious, but just They didn't one of the soldiers lately discover the teeth. Yeah. I was hungry, but those This is something that we also need to look out. watch out for that is that the methods that totalitarian states operate there. a very small things that you wouldn't think is a torture by the tears,
Was it so? Basically in poland, the secret services are sick of police or There were just limiting rational and keep you called. So that was not like just die of it by there was enough to come of age it's you and slowly. Dismay well you're, the fences. Eventually you start talking. So there was very common technique and actually to mention the same technical was use on achieve gallop here in the air by sea. I ass in the end in the break in the california. What cold and lack of food? yes called and the limited food rations, so he was always called healing. Allow him, where one close and their food rations were very small again Not the russians to starve to death is just enough to make you I'm comfortable out, but out of balance and this is actually while describe in one of their research papers. You can find on the official. cia website,
forget it was the name of it. Basically does it techniques. Of that use by around soviet secret police against political prisoners, so they was what was described there. At the time I didn't know there was a technique. I will just kind of agree. The guy told me he said he's going to eat. I fear that they no and I knock him out, but but now, since I was when I came to amerika about freedom, our land. Are these techniques? really catherine position that these torture very simple but were conducted in poland on against political prisoners You do end up, Someone asked you what you in for an you say: solidarity. Then they know that they will help you out right now, you from kind of fine sombre in their during my time in the state security police, h q at loads, did you say it's like woods? Is that what you said? Would you would you
That's sector has how you pronounce it much yeah would yeah, but dude l is like a huge. Air with the slash? So this is how you propose, but I say to you: time to my to my wife, she I says like language someday leather, something I female change, jesse Where is the lots of easy this? How you spell it wrong to say: would you then yeah I don't have all remember. Why don't they dispel it? W o o deasey? I e that I pronounced right it's at its alone easy allowed easy by this. Oh with that little atmosphere of a little occur point about it and that, and that makes it ooh looks Lucy geology aright, was interrogated for anywhere from two to times per day where they asked me. The same questions open over while prisoner the police, radio, my apartment and destroyed everything they kept me there for three. We,
asking the same questions repeatedly. Sometimes beating me when I didn't answer the way they wanted or didn't answer at all. At the end of my stay, they announced they had everything they needed to put me in jail for life, and then I was soon going to the big prison that night: without explaining anything further. The police marsh me out two, a m in handcuffs the police moving in and under the cover of darkness, they called me out into the street and shoved me too lack of a civilian car where we going. I asked when we get there don't matter to you any more before crossed my mind that maybe they're going to kill me. I prepared myself to fight getting my blood up. While I sat handcuffed in the back seat of the car. I knew was a lost cause, but I would not go quietly my plan. I hope we knock out the two cops with a good kick when we got out and make a run for it was not but I had no other option the whole time. I was brainstorming, they drove for almost four hours in and out of town over
over embassy until six a m when they brought me back to the cell at each q, when I got back confused by the chain. Plants and jittery for my adrenaline. I some of my cellmate were crying. They fought. I've been taken out in shock. And they were the last see that's where social he's works? They were I'd be the next. They were sure they'd be next as the last people, to wit, me alive. Communism doesn't like witnesses, drew up. I didn't even understand their there that that that the stress I put on my fellow summit's at the time because in the house in a way, I thought they might could be shot but I didn't think they're with worry about that. That's somehow until I came back and they explain it to me why they are so. None of us we're guys with tears in her eyes and say: do you think for coming behind, because without that we are legs, because that is where they live witnesses. Who saw me so
what happened? Well, he was taken by the police. Never came back in the day, what afraid genuinely afraid for their lives and that's how socially state operates the terror, the terror? fast forward a little bit for weeks after my arrest, I was transported to an intermediate prison. The police investigation was done now, were gathering materials and evidence to build a case against me, the absence of fashion or any proof was no obstacle for the communist regime. If they, evidence. They would make it up, but even I knew they had a bunk case against me. I still and have an attorney to help fight it. Going up alone against a corrupt justice system usually never ends well, I was initially play. with common criminals, the worst of the violence more than a single cell. Some of them were snitch is for sure the prison walls were made of concrete, reinforced rebar the whole place was cold and quiet mould was everywhere. It was huge, the windows
very high and the walls with bars, keeping us in an shields on the outside the windows, preventing us from being able to look out how many were there how many of us there were and for what crimes was anyone's guess the prison restrictions. Intention was to break me down by putting me in the worst sell the biggest guy of the group, try to strong army into conforming to the cells, imaginary hierarchy of control, of course, deny and well for him. I applied a significant lesson. I learned on the street. You finish the fight when you are done with a fight, not it tells you he gives up if you stop submission he could turn the tables and take you down despite disguise, scream, so stop! I didn't. I kept beating him until he stood screaming, and stop moving fell asleep. Here that that works, I mean this is something they lead on the street very quickly. You know when you fight me like that the ring, my when you're fired on the street. You fight
when until you decide that is in our view, the lead and even even small claims of that this I can control anything specially, Not when went to end the fight, if you let him control that before you totally destroyed the guy human. Indeed. This often happens to us. You know island outweigh the thing I got beat up like so either stop until the guy's not moving. He may scream The more stop! Stop I'll give album, I'm your friend now we know whether the haiti there with you my friend when you fell asleep, and then you know when when we bring you are, you would be ok and debts, That's how it works, It is made, as I know it doesn't sound nice, but is just safety for my own safety. If I stopped beating this guy when you say, stop stopping the value of amby nice that most likely hues. found a way to I'm your ought to keep
its position as the data that top guy, in the south. So, couldn't allowed them so that they like. I love to the mob until they don't move when they don't move with any usually when they wake up. They just like they either go, Oh me they cannot present. They just will hold themselves in the corner. Somebody said the european. Not just talking about you're fighting prowess earlier and also We don't I just remembered from when you and I would train. Is you like real explosive muscle. like some people they have good endure and some people their super explosive strong. You have super explosive, strong muscle, fibre selected. Do you I'll sit here? Thinking about this do like they did he's gotta. It- is going to do so, but you and I can just imagine your full force like explosion of your body, that sets
that's why they fell asleep very quickly, usually one day when the one step ahead of the kind of that you know that all of us have that power, just sometimes some of us in here in amerika has different. I would know now I'm different, I'm american. Now I dont go and beat people out, I wouldn't do it, but at that time there was just a necessity. That was, as you have to do, what you have to do to survive. specially presented when there was Britain place also it held me enter this again like I was saying earlier some of this stuff. When you read it it's I used to be heavier. This is one of those things that I I was reading it. I was thinking damn. It says the discomfort of prison can't be stated beyond the outright violence. There were millions of little things that make life miserable for all of us, one of them Things was that you couldn't just lie in bed You had either sit down on the floor or on the stool, but you could not be
on the walls or the bets there were four Its personnel to bumpers, however, is not meant for the ten or more men that were actually in small cell. When I To write that it think much of its role- and I was so tired and sore from my weeks at the state security police headquarters that I decided to lie down, even though the other prisoners told me I should the prisoner said: don't do that they will fuck you up screw that I said, I'm I'm tired and I'm gonna lie down my so much mysel mates were smiling and smoking at each other. In anticipation of what was to come, I ignored them. starting to settle into the bed preparing for some relaxation sure enough as soon as as soon as the bed, which was little more than a wooden cock creaked under me, the guards came down on us. My rest in time was up. They pulled me out of my new cell and started work me over. I could hear their punches, echoing throughout the prison as they like, did on me? They beat me up and then, through we back in my when they were done with me.
I thought for sure this was the time when I laid down. They would leave me alone. What would you think? Otherwise I mean they just beat you advertise you just you cannot. You're, really sore you. In the cell. So well, why will is well, you need to lay down or affect I was naive to think because I could barely sit straight that they would surely leave me alone. Let me recover in my bed and were not an act of defiance. Not yet. However, it happened again this time they people with rubber night sticks in such a waste might leave many too many bruises. This method. Beating this myth, methodical, beating, included, multiple hit me kidneys and I ended up pissing blood as a result. Once again, they me back and myself. This time also one hundred per cent sure you're not going to mess up. It is impossible for me to lay down. I could not sit or stand or stay standing, so I went straight to bed. they're. Gonna leave me alone. I was wrong. They were not done with me. The cycle reappeared himself.
I you there was not the resistance of the time that was just stupidity. I didn't know in the matter I was there was never any present before was jailed, but something so. Why? Wouldn't I lay down I what's the what's the big deal and then when they beat me up, I assume that there's going to be well now I have excuse to lay down, so I keep doing it. But again at the beginning, it was not just because I was just the tavern resist wasn't resisting. Just one of the rest of the world, but the audits, manchuria here buddy stoner. He was in sere school and Apparently, no they give you like certain information that you're not supposed to divulge you're, not a house to tell em like don't tell him what you know where the front forces are some right, so they capture, em and sere school and their started alike beat in
and then they start no water board and there, like their water boarding there like we're in a friendly forces design. I dont know it so they they water, boredom or where the friendly forces out or know and then where the friendly force they water boredom again and again, and finally, they go admin. They stop and they're K. Dude like your decision, horrible you're, getting tortured for no reason. You just tell us where the french forces up. He goes. I forgot yeah. So it's the same thing. He wasn't resist. Everybody was just freaky the forgot where they were at so there you go sometimes better risk better, be it's not like heroic resistance. You just forgot some shit by leaving the funny thing. Is there going to be done with these cases like? Well, you, though, without you I can I can. I can lay down I mean I can do the same thing in all. We because they, let's be along eventually. This is so after so many beatings. They just like. Ok, so lay there below.
Being sore ended in comfortable. so he said the same thing: he lay on the opposite side. surely now begin just that those again ass it I'll fuck that I'm getting ready for another beating. Now they just leave me alone. They just grab the guy and a gimmick here, and these least I scream If the guy is like screaming, like a brother more than I can hear the beating up, they just had the doors, hopefully lucky minutes, throw him in the south. He gets up. Looks around okay you get the fuck out of this chair. That will sit so because you know he was like the captain up there, so he would throw people out of the chance. So those act four stools. So he said one stool from then on. I was laying the bed laughing wait. I was linked the by those loving my ass. He couldn't quite take the beings. yeah yeah. He could, I think they they gradually life, who I was a political prisoner even whether they that meet the love. He was
criminals of the dashing could kill him, with me just like that, I think their heads some kind of resources come on god it's there were another really, some of them. Didn't you hate us even through this propaganda that training were trained to I us they didn't some of them didn't but come on criminal. That out, I have no doubt that would kill him. You got look there, yet the book as all kinds of stories in here in an details about this For one point you get in trouble, I'm you get in trouble point. You spend two weeks in solitary confinement. You'll cage yeah. This title cage thing- I mean this later went to a cell had only an open window covered by a shield that kept me from viewing outside, but did nothing to keep the cold out. I was given a thin blanket. They fed me water, breton, bread, isolation of the hour and yeah, then then
this time. I was given a week again, you get in trouble. You're not compete. Allow your breakin shed your disobedient freaky sat of some over. There was just one the fear. If I fell, there it me alive there, so you just have to be there. You don't let you union to be that pretty much on the top. If you dont, then you'll have to submit to other people and haven't. I would never happen besides happen. Besides, I had enough skills and I had enough expertise not to let it happen, so it was yeah yeah you get this it's one time you get in trouble again. I was given a week of solitary confinement once again, but this time using the so called tiger cat yeah, yeah, yeah yeah take it for a moment. I wondered if there was a real actual tiger in the basement of the prison, but that was short lived when they walked me into the cell. I burst out with laughter it was so surreal within the cell room. They did indeed have a real cage. I look like a large dark. Cannot they could not understand what was so far and finding my human. The absurd situation did not endure me to the prison guards. It was so
to see this miss plates misplaced tiger cage within the walls cell within a cell, the stick age had a steel had steel bars because my farm in a low clearance. So I could stand upright my The two options were to sit or lie down on hard steel. They talk. me and my weak started. I didn't hate, solitary confinement, not completely was cold, dirty, dark it smelled and the only light in the room was always flickering are completely dark. I only had a boy get in a wooden slat for a bed, but at least I didn't have to deal with. The prisoners or guards for that matter. I spent only a few cold and uncomfortable days in solitary confinement before the prison I came in. I thought they would surprise and support. I thought Just send me back to my cell, to my surprise instead, they say were put to you a transport that gave me oz. Where am I going russia? Maybe we don't know?
yeah yeah, those automotive. Those voters, threats were for me because there was we knew that they were ready transports to go to soviet union. To kind of isolate, asked that the political up upon of socialism butter. There was a real fear and you'll see at the end of my book, those not only me but other activists, actually were talking about it. The andrew crests whiskey, who is he who is have he, sir exempt from his defence, against social regime the court the fence he talks about. They actually there were pollution that that such transports already could happen to be going to poland Reported the slovenian, so I was scared, so what's the next prison, you get centre bishop under russian border that so I actually our from myself. I could see the that, though, the russian side of the past the river. Ruby, a chauffeur present yeah. That's there! That's what I said,
and that with russian border quietly, russia, not least you say, was The fight is one of the harshest persons and in poland. Yes, for his nerves were separated by blocks of common criminals being indifferent location from the political prisoners. Prisoners also had more opportunity to interact with like minded prisoners. It became very educational environment. As we are sitting in prison with many intellectual members of polish society doctors, professors, physicists, economists and engineers, as well as other hard working. Polish patriots patron, We all share the same disdain for communism and socialism, one of the routine routines was to open the windows, eight p m and the entire prison sang patriotic polish polish that the state hate it night: entire prison blocks join together and singing songs about freedom and independence. These was carried into the small town and beyond the local, polish, population like to hear this patriot resistance. The guards tried to squash it dragging prisoners,
we from the windows, but we persisted as there were not enough guards to stop all of us and our determination was strong in a cold. We place like that. Morale was vital for a collective survival, I know this is something that when we, opened the windows hundreds of people start singing the same song. It was echoing, the small town were wearing over where where people are leaving and dead was dead, I didn't do anything about. There was not enough got so, there's not like you just stay there saying when they can. the south with it within the night stakes and all that stuff we're building the buyer, so there's no hame. Can you move away from the windows? I fuckin though, so we stay there and they have to drag us out. So it took a crew of people, drag each one of us and then have to move to another so in another, so so as soon as they leave ourselves, we just go back up. That is give singing so
that was really a for fora for suddenly the regime YAP. That sounds like a powerful effect. A witness to us, August thirteen nineteen. Eighty two we started a hunger strike for the recognition of our strong status as political prisoners. The regime has been hiding in denying for decades it they held political prisoner. The last thing we want to do is admit that the socialist state was holding political prisoners, especially at such a volatile time in polish history. Instead, their prey again. It was to show us all as criminals who committed com when crimes after certain point in our hunger strike, Once we wasted away a bit. The guard started force, feed us per prison regulations they would drag. in two separate rooms in the medical union tell us we had a choice. They could either shovel pipe down our throats enforced, feed us or we could eat swallow one around either way we had to eat most of us doctor.
Guns and said no, that is what they wanted to hear, the feeding procedure was to bring the prisoner in strap them too. Wooden chair and shut. a corrugated feeding to down the throat it looked more. a vacuum to feeding to like it, seemed way too big to be a medical feeding device. They would push the pipe your throat and deepen to your stomach use a funnel. They would deepen large jar into that of yellow sludge that was there. Poured through the funnel into the tube. First they try to do it to us in groups, but when enough people resisted they started doing one by one. This was a strict magic move on their part. It was easier someone one on one and reassure them that no one else will know lulling him that them into a false sense of security, their method. To convince a prisoner to take the cup of four sludge and drink it himself, instead of having them have to shovel thick pipe down the press.
Her stomach and having that sludge poured through a funnel, but it was a trap. The moment after someone took the cup and drink from it, they were immediately informed that the taking a sip on their own meant the hunger strike was over and they were separated from the striking population. Eventually, moved and sent to another prison gap, as was that they can use bustling older people who are those This is something so amazing to me still. How was your so? I could put up with a lot of pain and start, but those are all there people, like you, know your father, your grandfather's and they see up there and they said no, I'm not going to eat because you are evil regime, and this is the only means of resistance. I have not to eat I will not eat so they add many of them stuck by it, but you know there's, like other people, we talking forty fifty sixty one sixty but do you know like neurotoxic garcia, but so, but
these guys were worth, and tat some of them were see. with medical, problems like edward can do ski one of my friends. So what's wrong, we're lots. We we were in the dead. The intermediate present together so they they they use that they see. Look we just. We don't tell anybody, but you just going to drink without two hassling, those still the same thing so Just as we set of me poet we for us to the cuban your leg, you just drinking and just go to your cell, but there was a. There was a trick because, as soon as you take it, the click few saves that was at the capital flying out of your hands. They slap, it opened the cancun you back again and in the march two different cell and either stay. You separated from that striking from us striking population
you were sent to another present because you are not strike in the morning. They didn't want you to be a strike. So there was a thinking about these guys. These older people no. Indeed, they had so much in love. socialism that there were die even in obeying suffocated, but they will not giving too through the socialist regime, so it is very for me was inspiring to cities old people. For me I was twenty one. For me, six years old was locked out all those that my grandfather these grandfathers, these fathers with their children and outside and families outside, whereas in their lives to free pollen from just of socialism yeah how how how many days did you go before they forced me? I think, a couple weeks. If I remember there was just as there is a time that they did, they have to step in.
Does this prison regulations that will, if you refuse to take me or they will force, we do, but we find out of the better way to because it of doing it and we did it to instead of just doing it ever that cost until you know you that I will you do it two days a week or once a week or once a month. Eventually, describing the book, those more prominent political prisoners, the act been kuski like andrew kuski, kanjorski and other people. David they came out with regular regular regulations, regulations- and I described the fight for the change that there are regulations, so They are they just they creed. I get our own code of conduct as a kind of cod look of politics. Prisoner and most of us. If all of us without having to it. So if you get beat up, there was for these hunger,
if you were put, the into isolation, so there was another thrice or whether whatever they did we they always tools to respond and to counteract that that the socialist regime actions, so that will sir this. For me, though, since inspiring seeing these all people not giving up and say I'm going to out too much of that poland will become free. you, you say this. My mother came to visit, The first thing she said it was. She was very proud of me. Of course, you are replied for what She then show me a letter she'd received from the prison warden. Said. I was disobeying rules and generally being a problematic prisoner for them their acts. occasion was that my mom would come and visit persuade me to change my ways, but my mother, and ass. She read the letter she was. Fussing over my skinniness a moment later.
I wasn't the same young man she'd been only two months before two months before. aren't you a hunger strike? I was thin and look god barely slapped, because I hadn't the mental too, of being in prison was nothing compared to the physical tall, and I was feeling both my mother died. Your pride in me was afraid for me and our family yeah, I didn't know this. I have this letter here. I have this letter in the states here I have it. Actually I found it. I found it by accident. I showed it to my wife. I need to find it: We just say: ok, I need to put it, the place where I will remember what it is this is what I always loose things I just put wracking. I need to remember so it is there. It is good and I'm going to publish it on my website will send it to you the copy when I find it and to search for it. It was so funny. Your sound is really problematic prayer. Just overall, your son's behavior is highly inappropriate, inappropriate in the in in the in the
an appropriate inappropriate, yeah, so any people so that they can go. Ask that question they wanna hit common, persuade me to behave so my mom was like sport. She use they just to see me says, ok I'll come up. Then I'll talk to him studies. They keep going. That's awesome fast forward a little bit the communist regime in poland, fallen following another visit from pope John Paul, the second announced amateur. for prisoners, including political prisoners like myself in poland at the time people. Always tried to dress decent. We even if they were poor. When I left prison, the spring of nineteen. Eighty three, I was smothered in my old winter clothes, which hung off my starved frame like a costume and for all reduction behind my arrest imprisonment. In the end, It's just basically kick me out the front gate and set off you that was it besides, giving me my old clothes back. They also gave me just enough money for a train ticket home, but I had to walk
all the way to the translation of my old winner, clothes and heavy boots. Some pass, your buys pointed, remain whistling and whispered laughing behind my back calling me a bomb I was freed from prison, but not a free man not yet yet so in poland is cast on people, We want to look nice when I was growing up. So, even if you we'll take a trash out. Lookin like a common trash cans. Wouldn't apartments you just going through your trust. You always dress up just to look nice not to look like a ball. Anti We often look like a bomb bombs, not because we dress up like this, because this all we tat were about those different there's, just people that, just when you step outside you love your best and I'm sorry. It's me working sent from prison is big co He called you know their winter boots heavy boots. I look
I get the hobo like a bomb, and people were like hey look at that guy, you know as I, so and of the body, I might also add, supported yeah. That's definitely important. You say by nineteen eighty three, the people were so tired of hunger, terror years of fear, they endured onto the socialist state that they were ready to hang communist from their lantern post if they could have gotten their hands on them. Yes, that was You know- and this is something that we need to be very careful at you understand this process that happening point because, Poland, there, the polar just, could not stand anymore, the social state and the communist party apparatchiks they were ready, asked for violence and in they were creed. These groups, when you mentioned earlier the word there were creating. Many of these groups were clean, by the securities, sir secret police states it. Really police.
They were just like. You know that there were that they were the most seems like those agents and inform us that the most polluting poland's seems like they were just right. Ok, so we need to make the oath to cause here, let's get together make a secret meeting. Let's guess so we we just don't do violence, but we will be prepare for these prepared for that. This is there were getting these people to join in the old taking these days oh some different things, while these Agents is writing things down, so, if you and this is something that eventually they could use these groups they wanted to use. They didn't have time to do it because the companies fell. they would use these groups to instigate violence in them. they did that the danger was that one of these guys that day, agent loading format will do something to provoke things or something provocative.
Then they would have a reason to just out of the entire group and they were doing there too. There were priests could well being for trying to be frame. There were priested, there were an activist, we're being frame like this and they all went to jail because they either one of the informants did something that allow state security polished, whereas entire group so would would they use that the proper? and as well as in yes, he lay on a series of that when he s they did and about its it simulated in the motor one of the priest, the father of scope. Puppy, will score this proposal for a popular score for the populous coastal state security police tried everything they tried to say: he's got a gun around that hero. The gas or then he's the pedophile. Then he's days nothing stay. This guy was but a pattern that he was very as preaching free.
the preaching, don't leave on your knees and eventually they get tired of it. They kidnap him, they murder him and the and the def eventually and think this. So if you, if you are this, is that the lesson to to oppressors? Eventually your time will come, because today they are prosecuting these people, these people, these cops when pollen became free, the security police went to prison. These these agents went to prison. They day prosecute. Actually they are asked it. They call it extra judicial, more theirs. when judges, what a sentencing butter the pause or fake evidence. Or just just enticing them to death. They cover the more let us do. This are more this and they are not accepted judicial, more that's! So these views judges are being today prosecuted, motherfucker
I was contacted the recently, maybe a couple of months ago by one of the people, during my city, trying to build the case against these oppressors. Today, years, a decades after five, so if you are no press or if you are pervert, if you are the verdict of the masses banded your time will come. You will be one they prosecuted for by the law and use you're gonna get yours, the nobody's immune and that's where vessels habit. That's the best examples point I never thought it will happen, but they were prosecuting these more than others that those judges those prosecutors and those police. Secret police officers for for what they did to point your time will come. Yes, your time will come.
after I was really about going back to look after his release from prison, I became hyper whereof. The communist atrocities being committed And the miserable living conditions in poland, yours, a priest that would do that. Would were dom Is it the prison? While you re s, yes- and I was pretty moving ts, father periodic yes, this is something for me both at the time as a young. you know you don't really dwell much about your faith, about the other philosophical things but when you know when he scouts coming and visiting as the president talking about freedom talking about things that an about faith, it really changed me too. So there was like for me was very at a significant moment in time in my life, where he does that he had a big influence on me. Actually I hit them a chance to me. He recently when I went to poland,
the union of former political prisoners that twenty twenty two, and the pope had a huge influence to prepare the huge and for us to yes and he replied to come to parliament Alice social regime, communists running, suffers, regime, release political prisoners this about so among other political prisoners not dating, Please everybody! It there are still people kept in secret that nobody knew there are some people that they deem extremely dangerous. I didn't realise, but they released most of political prisoners before John Paul. The second came to Poland second time and what a great person, though now is he the the the the the abolished and socialist elites tried to smile his name and that the strategy's reputation now today, of course, that's what they do.
You say this. The communist regime believed that depravity and perversion thrown on society, make it easier to divide people and therefore control them. Yes, really morality was key for commune to succeed. Your morality must be based on the ideology and the political agenda of those in power not on odds laws god faith and strength to the people which made them dangerous to the regime. An independent in thinking in the lovely and not thinking along necessary paralyse. Yes, that's true that that the pray that that the privately perversion, alcoholism, alcohol, the vodka postal pushed on people make them volatile, make made them also with divide. Them and then taken stepping? They can broker peace between this group and that group, but also they use that these people they use these groups mental your people,
two to wage war on the nation entity for for control, so people who normally you would have compassion for and mental. Your person you would like set out. Allow them to live in dignity that was taken from them. They were being used as a scapegoat, often or as a bargaining chip. to destroy the polish society in and instability in polish society. So that was very common and an evil, as people do take a sigh. they have their own opinions, but if you can keep presenting group of people ass far ass us as evil or you please present evil as the good this is what you supposed to emulate You know in your heart that this is just put a fashion: the private and evil. Then you, You already are rallied against these people
If you, if you present meltdown mental illness as something that you have to this, is that norma. This is how it's supposed to be you, of course, most normal people say no. It cannot be like that and very and they will lash a gaze these mental. Your people, who just did nothing to being power used. The socialist regime to control society to divide us folder. So that's how it war. This is how the perversion, the private demur, Illness was used, for there for the further there. gender to this meant Finally the attacks on the faith and patriotism. Dismal was a big thank you If you are a partner that is no way you will go in joint international club of the communist party of something. So they no, they destroy the borders in poland. If data drawing their there that the family faith in it. throughout? This meant the national identity
Then you are so says easy target for to become upon national international subject and it is making if it works today, because when I went to Poland, I had the chance to speak to from my one of the french. a german, Hu I refer is a gentleman but the offended him he was a gentleman he was the european union citizen colleen, gentlemen, was the right extremist the extremism and action be ever use. He was not there. I want to make it very clear in voting system wake me that He was not a gentleman. He was that citizens of, european union germany's just three musement now. Yeah, that's the goal. The goal is to break apart. The family, remove faith in anything other than the state anyway this taken control, you,
fast forward a little bit and this interesting to me, even though I been freed from prison. I was still consider an enemy of the state, and ever Sk leads to the point that I faced prison time again, but it was a constant fear and it became impossible to live my life trying to live normally when you regularly looking over your shoulder waiting for some states, security, police officer to jump out the shadows or from around a corner, isn't life, it's torture, it lasted for only a few months. In the autumn of nineteen eighty three, I finally decided to visit the: u s: embassy in warsaw and request. Medical asylum ask for help, and it such impassable thing for me to think that I could ever be out leaf poland and come to leave as a free man, in amerika. You know in am of amity I was always for me this that this country, where people are free that they can we leave their lives the way they want to
government, not telling them how you have to leave your life and in it, but it was such a distance. Such are impossible to to do even imagined that I can ever come to america and so but when these things happen, that way argued that what would you just say ass? It was what have I will have to lose, can go and ask us help. I didn't think there will be and allow to you know to come to such a great country, and special me being a criminal at the time of criminals, not really criminal rapid, but with a present
I and no actually have the opposite happen. How I finally was found with a lot of water, then yeah we're going to help you. We need to help you, so this is what we need you to do. I was guided through the entire process and like very quickly, I got a promise. The promise I promise for the to have an immigration or visa to the united states and the ours allow to come to amerika. You know those here, those something he just go down. There knock on the door yeah like what do as embassy and say that this will happen to me You're. The one who lives over the two by the with this, if you, if you are a political prisoner at the time, I think there they look at you differently. So, yes, I just waiting line, came to me my time can mean explain what happened to me. What is my the real story, and that's that here. I am you know that we yeah. You said it took like a matter of months
within two months of three to four months three months, I think the rabbit I was had. This promise usually take took a long time To get immigration over these out even longer time than that, but because it was emergency, then the like, they understood the urgency of it in the house. I was allowed to come to him or to cover the queen was actually finally because it I could tell you for four days, because I don't know I was always called so. I did- within a to, or I will just want to come to amerika. They even asked me what I want to leave must be crazy, so anyway, what is hard to see what can be caught. murphy's tennessee us, like I dunno what it is and how that their? Oh, yes, I mean that's good enough. You say that when I was fast world again the you you go through some of that details of that
process of get now there. Finally, you get on a plane west. Germany was the first stop on my journey to freedom in germany, I learned a lot about the american citizens and polish expatriates living there who worked for you, a state parliament and who are seeing me with other me and other poets political refugees and the transition to our new life in america. They taught me and others fleeing from very this oppressive communist terror states. What america is like the customs so from, whereas an to be successful, being good american citizens, it was a lot to learn and even then it baby scratch the surface. This is when I made a promise to myself that I would be the best citizen that america could have. It was my led to america the greatest caution in the world, the land the brave and the free yes that's. This is something that is still with me today. Very very, very life, though, is sir I was never ask.
whoa whoa. What can we get out of you? was only ask too. When you come to amerika. We ask you to respect our citizens respect our los angeles, the our flag in that country and believe, go, if leaving peace, because it is like the there was so well, so they don't want anything from me. No g we just want you to come and leave as a human being. and hopefully you learn about amerika love you become you a citizen event and you can vote. You can actually be part of this. This setting the direction for the country I was like. Tat was just those like science fiction to me at the time, and that will happen.
On march, twenty first nineteen, eighty four- I landed safely I'll be exhausted in america, with the equivalent of ten cents per ten phoenix. Those gentlemen about and finish as I like, maybe five says actually but like princess. I was picked up from the earth. by a church family who'd volunteered to host me want apartment was being set up that pardon big long at all. In the days of my arrival, I was brought to my new apartment near the project's downtown. Memphis are completely stunt it the nice place, but it was mine and most importantly with america- for he was the most beautiful place on earth. The fact that I had suddenly had an area listening unit, central hidden and refrigerator, was mine blowing to me, oh yeah, you knows in poland. I remember when I was growing up important, sometimes watching. I'm ready movies you can see this seizing the windows, and I was like why such a simple idea to put the just boss
so when my mom puts the moon, my mom puts the milk out because this poland was called so we give the full knowledge of the window, and I felt flowed fourth floor. So sometimes they think fit off so Souci. What Such a simple idea does also boxes mom, why don't we the box. I haven't a motorcade at hearing our home, well, I didn't know there were other condition, is, I think, they're just boxer when it gimme the milk and meat and the substance to be called. So I learn that by the There was such a you know, like but I still remember that time when I came in, I there's nobody told me what to do. I can ask they will tell me, but is nobody waiting to put me in prison? I can say whatever I want to say, without, of course, not offending other people.
and envy flee man. There's no has really felt free, and this is something that even today is touches me. You know that there are still can come back to the feelings when I was really I feel for the first time that is not the government here to torment me or or or you know, or put me in prison, so as to How long did it take you to feel like that? Was it instantaneous. We just did the first when idle landed. There was the first time that the slack they can't get me now but then, when I started living on my own, though I was a janitor at the esa, that was your first job. You got oceana. I was a janitor yeah, so I was going to use toilets mopping the floors this down on me. I can pay for my shit. I can failure to my apartment. I care about you, for this is that this is not all the story, because you know I wouldn't make? There was be, maybe so easy for me. I had a modicum people coming in.
helping me. Basically, this is how we need to do this. This to this, we need to close my calls will now do you know I was making barely money as well as those pertain genital, so just enough. hey my apartment, my food, but that closer status american was bringing you people, I didn't know from other. They I feel that you know what he's in need, so we're gonna help him, and This is something that people here think about don't realize that even this so transparent to america's a good, this being good to other people and helping their people, and sometimes I saw what you are happy this person than they were That's where we are. You know this is the way. I'm eric eyes. You can how'd you help in, do was what was wrong with that no, nothing you just! I think what you are doing you just doing, because
This is the way you were brought up as an american helping people helping other people. If you succeed, you have other people succeed at this is it this is. What about this is so too does not want this. How we are well, that's how we are but this is normal. but this is not normal anywhere there around the world. That is different. I know a family of refugees from from vietnam and they came to erica. Someone paid for them to come to america. They paid for this and we too have like a small house they paid for like for them to get started. They same thing paid for all the stuff. And the family ended up the sun's end up doing very well there like super wealthy. Now they they still don't oh, who the people are that sponsored that camp they don't. Even just someone just gave them of a right.
to freedom now and then head start in amerika and the people that did that never have stepped up and said: hey you welcome or hey how pay back. Nothing they can do to. Goodness is something that I welcome. people don't see because this transparent to them They are brought up like this. This is just the way we are, but for as immigrants, it is different is like hole shit is the entire nation is is is so different is built goodness pedersen. Our freedom it is being cherished, and this is something that that's it. It touches me every time I think about it is: is that that the nature of amerika and the character of of america, which is by people, don't think, because there's no way we are like without either why would he? But there is a lot to target. you right in here about the first time you went to a mall. Well, how that, like you,
The people are well before I went to them all. I went to downtown. Does in Poland there was never mars right. There was just like if you go when it goes like nice table accordingly. well, I was I was in the electronics accuracy like Kevin nice tape record their havoc. Maybe some nicer radio so as important to go to you go to downtown. There's like we work on the street and you see it because, as the climate is so mild that there's no reason to go inside you out So I will they signed myself to go check it out myself. I was encouraged by the people who took care of me first time that the other couple to explore america, so I decided without out what I see those be buildings in the far away. I couldn't just this. Does it, but I've never seen that thing that fast like, I just woke up their swept with my flip gloves on foot probably flop, just going to jump into over the into
states, because I work I came to the stars like there's. No, how do I go well just cross the street so that in the better. So I can't believe this a jump over the face, climbed the bank, lucky boy had to go downtown took me a few hours I came in then it's like nothing there. So there's like big offices. You can see nice dress people during the lunchtime, though eat something bunch of historians, but nothing to look at just the office buildings. So then I was teaching my way back in again every so often summer. I can't stop. Do you need help Do you need a ride like now Thank you that by then, according to how to say what they want could tell what they want, because my I speak english, but that kind of they won't give me a ride or sums s another. No thank you keep walking back, but
are places all over my feet. I say I will never do it again and definitely nothing the flip flops and then I will start. I told him about my escapade at this other capitals, They took me to to them. Also, this is where you go holly, shit. I haven't seen my alive things like that. That was like everything there you know, and this people nice dress. You know that looking around like nobody. chasing them, they don't try to just run to see I grab, something like I was used to. You see something good just going to grab it. So I was like wow What is so great you know so, then I was always like what do you want to get out of it? The more has aroused I become really did that the permanent, more fish, nothing in my office for wild, because I just couldn't have enough of it. so you eventually venture we get a job in a car shot picard dealership, you're you're ura full
parts, basically that they need oclock, easy for those. Ok, it has you do in that. Your english isn't great. So you kind of messing up several parts at your word has yeah yeah. So basically, if the dealer, the oakley keasey forward, didn't want to fire me because I was, working so hard. They knew and my challenges, my english, but they like me they they are putting this opportunity to show up in another dealership ship to be a mechanic either for a out. The sab so they say. We, though, like would you. What do you think about it? You know anything about foreign cars. The oddity could do you know the european gas like yeah at again, elo. I didn't even know anybody who had none of my friends even owned the car and I never owned the car for sure, and then my father only did, but he was never with us. I never seen that car so, but
europeans are, you must know about it now hear from euro. So do you know about european cars like yeah, and I just want two less of we're out to another opportunity in I with that? I was not doing that great here. I was trying very hard, but just my ability their bugging own bunny with the tools and how much I can do that all day, long and ass, they say yes, yes and we went the two are, so they drove me to the dealer shape and the stream to mechanics show at first for port. Then for our the, but they both look at me as like. We know what the gaily thus be english very well, and I need somebody who actually can get up to speed up these cars. They would have an expensive cars to to do something so No, no thank you and so this yogi well, let's wait for the last one. Does beside mechanic
the outer these and other than the rumble of harley davidson and the hope dealerships shook. So the guy just pull they live within, though I could hear him by the winnings email because we are in the office and the six foot, something sas who are chosen, fucking it'll, yet the big guy slack. She doesn't look at them that guy slovakia May do you want to be signed mechanic yeah. Ok, I need a slave, so I think he must my slife whip go work for me and hi it. I got a job and sky. They were afraid of him. The offer and added that equality, motorcycle gangster, He took me under his wings. Everything I knew I know about cars. Even today I learnt from him
and a the he basically allow me to do move on to the next level in amerika society, I believe mechanic and he might show that I am damn good mechanic and he member of the for me was still very challenging. I've had to read manuals connected What's that you read with the parts them facing the working on, So I figured out the easiest way will be to let him go read this the text for me, so were the france, the gym You could, I would argue, read this manual for me loud owl recorded so then at home? I can repeat and read it over and over Ethel Firstly, we can write what the fuck is. He asking you for a second, I thought we'll kill me, but he says like in a word. I help you But if you tell someone that was your badge in the reading, you books I'm going to
and kill you like. I'm, never tell us about it, as I think he doesn't mind now. I can count butter, but at the time yeah. He was that he was the the the the biggest by this guy. I think I met at tail till in my life, so he told me everything. I know he knows there about costs. He made me good mechanic and, he, but when he read here he was not a good reading and live there. I know, he's a resistance. Now understood why he didn't give you three but he did he struggled through read as much. I think as I do. I think I could do rallied as much as he could, but he did it and then, at home later on every night I was listening to the table to go there and following in the text and then, The figures that the drawings and the really help me help. You really become the good mechanic, I often so much so jimbo. If yours
to this end, my respect to you and my gratitude. Thank you for everything you made me better american. Thank you brother. There you go james moonbeams more james more, so you with that job. You end up getting a job, then with mercedes times gone by you in on a date with some girl and she had just been skydiving yeah. You know what I can never thought. We ve this possible, never crossed my mind by the here and now that meet the girl and she, jobs. So now, if you like your posing next to have what the hell are we talking about? Actually, why don't you try and strike the I think that was one of the ties with like unlocking moments that yeah. is stopping me. Why wouldn't I try? This? Is america? Is America you can do whatever you want to do, of course, within the limits the lower the citizen but well or account to drop some I say hey, can I jump yeah I'll be right there,
just throw myself daddy and I was ready they would put parachute on me by the sea. While that doesn't work, try this You can do today into the tent them job so that, if you like it, then you know you can ask, you, can guess schedule their classes and usually take couple weeks that you know good classmate your job, another class make a job and it within. Me two weeks, your be skydiving on your own right as you want some but a stunt than john by safe Did you do it again, so went back again and then I just run out of money for weakens us and I want to start skydiving and they Ok, what can I start? We can start on thursday, so we may get thursday job they may be, wagon one on the weekend there, maybe another wednesday, made another weakened. The seven jobs, are you have and you good then, estate jumping on your own,
I started on thursday or saturday. I was jumping in my own life and we just went through all these jumps. I was just nagging begging them say: hey, don't leave, don't leave yet mom will jump one more job, and so the instructors tell me rest in peace brother, in the end, the watchmen, with colleagues, as if they were one. Then the regime and Sarah. That would mice through those actually read to me first on their of the first sky. To do this, the guy, who helped me apple, skydiving, and then they were there all the way through my progression until I graduated from of course, when I became the air there. seven skydive. On friday and saturday I was on my own, I see a battle, but us with surrender faster than I was driving in my own and they are now
It was creamy like jeronimo because they told me to scream like this. So I, when I was bombing out of the airplane on my on my own after a nineteen jump jeronimo, and also with my name to my jerome, so there's like those like toward between us is that the euro zone does anyone know if I will call you geronimo. That is your four hours ago. We don't have to worry about that. Funny name a sewage I became to so you're learning that you're learning freefall you also at this time are starting to become an american citizen. Yes and you memorize all that information. You learn new the amount, in history yes, because it was examined later here and you do in that. The the war kicks off. The first call for kicks off can't you become a citizen of america. Lay nineteen anyone yes. Now, though, the wars going,
or looks like it's gonna go off and you decide you're gonna my country, giving a fight. Yes, yes, that by an american that was american. This is my, answering war in neat, so I will support my country, s, fight war for america, and this is when I decide to join military, voting time to spend two do carry you out of it. I just I just wanted to fight a war on behalf of amerika, because somebody was at war, so those that I had to do that. and I did I didn't know how to go about it. So I went to post office and I found there that thing face If you say in the book in the post office, I'd found a selective service registration card for the draft yeah, I proudly filled it out, sent it off and went back my stuff yeah. I was I think it a call from the military, gibe america
war, and I was ready to serve so they they saw. The guy's, came in this. I, what are you doing drug? no, I was just on your website so that a good journey was right, with the war so unpacking this. That know what to do with the parachutes, but you can get the care of it for awhile and I'm ready so without leaving us like any time because it so so they they like, ok, but then did that The response can mean that I'm too, all that's just the there's another theirs. Registration is not there. contract, the milton contract and I was like saddened by this, for you know. Well, though, this some weight. I can support my country, doesn't have to be. Maybe not I do, but I would like to do it because the easiest, I cannot build a jobs. I dont have resources to build just for my fellow americans.
So our fight for them- and I will end It- did of guide me later say what This wording is doing to go to the pilot to the recruiting office in and I had no distinction between army navy, military tat. It was military to me and what those like How do we never yet, as I didn't know, the difference that there is a difference, so I went to army officer, say sodomy, so honey I'll go that way, since they feel paper toward they proceed the paper louis with all this back on track and everything to go on in them in the meantime when they order the complete pretty much everything that came. The legacy of skimming to my peace tennessee, and they are they we jump together, because I ve been dumped him right here I was jumped from ITALY. Prologues leap rose, they would think some demonstration memories. Of course they stood by old rows of tonight's extra fun, fun jobs,
this, however, we'll find out they. They told him what I'm trying to do and they're like well, why don't you couldn't SK, the navy got joined the navy, because asked them about, maybe see us Aren't you didn't know the navy seals were at the time that I just knew. There's some special forces. Stuff for those, not my goal to joint special forces address I just want to be in military to fight a war, because amerika was fighting a war and and so I went up to them and say: look up, I just might guys it might drop zone. They told me to come to. your office and sweet. My paperwork from basically the joint adam you. What I'm working with no recruited next door just come to talk to you fast, and the whole these guys. I say the countenance of seals oh ok So what do you want to do in the navy out to be levy? So just like these guys,
kay zone over there who are working on a little way to bring the paperwork and I was covered up what for me to go to these guys out of the bill relationship boys that army recruiters and I go there to see like wow. Thank you give me my paper where I'm going next door, but I did that I didn't like it, but I did it. Didn't like, because they feel comfortable like it. I feel we gave it to the eyes and then up so I brought into play but work staff and those public weak from them? Because they are? Those does vertical Yeah yeah, I mean you say saying the book the following thursday are sworn into the: u s: navy delayed entry program that saturday I left for boot camp, because what happened is they asked me whether there were honest with me that there were denies with me that provide with the job, because you can in the navy, as others designated and then good, come the navy, send you somewhere
but they knew that I'm way to all the end, my chance to join navy seals was pretty much So so they say, one of these would give him the guide job he so excited, To be part of the military, so so what job do you want to do? and ass. I was something with panache would be because I don't know what the jobs, maybe jobs, but by with yeah- but I should say right, don't send me up then he's like well, but you know what they call me like next week in all this is like to you'd better get you have to leave now, because This is the schedule, is both come and that we too schedule so from put come. You go to a school you, don't go now. You have to wait another month or two to go to boot camp and then so the timeframe counts just right. So after book go to a school sassou out. I don't wait long, the war on so Samia.
So I come my girlfriend friend. I now see doin. we're getting married because I'm leaving for the navy. So what we're going to the navy the navy, so we do get married and there and the scale of light was upset, but then she she she came in that was in town, save how we need to go and find the judge get married. So that and I'm leaving this weekend, so we went up that we we got them. We find jack was actually leaving home so say ok can you? Can you married us, sir He was a nice nice guy who thought he talked to us. Tat would be if we let paper what we got married I won't do. Anything on thursday gets once with delight entity. Delay entered a programme and nothing set of their ship out the set of this month. as of late. I don't remember where I will ship out to boot camp and it was it so I was I was in the navy. I was happy. Damn
dude, I as it allows us to go to war. I send me toward than never intent. in career out of it. I just thought: make just go: we'll fight the war when the war is over, come back and resume. My life is good life in the house. I had everything in my life. I could dream of. and then you ended up a navy book here. There you go yeah. And there was something that was for me- was a danish, nothing was pretty scary because they yelling at me in on a shape, my head my cause away, give me some. They know that the military close the shark bud. the four second I was like that's pretty scary, but then I say this is this is the path for me to fight for america. So I need to do that and I say that- and I was good, because I graduate as a number one recruit in this whole graduation cycle
so are you receive the military excellence? Our number one recruit Anne was sent off to a school the next there they pursued rigging school, and we wish you were a kid me stone during became. Yes, yes, they up almost got rolled back years, so in no other keep still worse than that. whenever I was not that he it Filling the bed and know what neither just like the pain. Just kick me right: soap, so badly. My back. There fell off that book from the first second bunk on the floor, as you know, it was over. The darkness were sleeping. The issue was I what happened. The lights went on and by that, and the sick site the mighty recycled in spain. Something in the end and I'm on my phone and with but before the medics even came out, I headed the dead, the power puddle of sweat from pain under my nose but this guy coming out, are you? Okay? Do I, Ok, you know case they hung up the hospital
that was ok. You know appears this thing up. When they told me, I need to be moved to the class behind. In my buddy one, six, nine. I think that was graduating. As I was begging, No, please send me back. I'm good at peace discredits the stone I have no problem, I can I'm good and they decided to actually the army to combine the funny. Things was like Spying for me was so when I walk into the group because they announced today company through this recruits that I will be moved to class behind. I was married emergency and I'm not going to be continuing. and then I'm working aim, so they re like a line up- and I was organised by the was clubbing in italy, so inspiration to meet these yankees. These guys and they d like that. They know that binding that, with the their company yeah, but they also was the dalai lama
training because I didn't know at the time, but eventually I was going to pass the test. Thousand medical check, ups, medical for this- that seals and I went maybe like two three station and the one that the doktor looks at it say. Well, I think europe, he'll couriers answer right here well overdue. Yes, sir, You say that we have. The key may still have to wait a thing here: euro two years I have these documents. Do at home, we have to wait a year, and then you can apply, foresee or training again so meet nobody. continue with your age. Cool and just go assigned it like the command somewhere and so I was like efforts that were made. That would be one game rca over because h outlining the waiver, like I was life going. Thirty two was like for you over in the dance another year, waiting it and more fears that they would never happen. Well
Luckily, you got hooked up. You got this part of the book here you say while Millington. This is where you're you're a school was. Where you learn about paris, I visited a navy seal motivator on base. I asked him to take the initial seal entry test and I passed it then, told him, my situation with the kidney stone he thought for me, and then told me to bring my medical record to his office. Sure ran to the clinic on base with the request with his. Quest for my medical record and was bad within an hour the record of my Kidney stone was on the first page the navy seal motivator lester tommy, to wait outside his office. I could hear allowed rip and I was called back into office. Here. did me with concern and said that he was not a find any record of my kid me stone anywhere. He asked if I could pointed out for him as we can through my medical record. I could not find it either then looking care We are me he asked.
If I were sure that I ever had a kidney stare at that point I was already a hundred percent, convinced that I hadn't t that's the less bodies, rest in peace. Brother. That's he's no longer with us. he's, the one who actually put me on the right track with my career on track. The way so eleven the seal teams But you know what this I want to make one point here: my biggest motivation was not to be a sea. I was just to joint military join you navy and fight the water we have amerika whenever I was at war, so what if it is sales capacity building. Made. But if not italy was that That is important for me. What color There will be serving america, india, so then, but it happened. It was about He knew what he was doing. He asked me to bring the paperwork he fixed and I went to and eventually
I am also with it with the trade school, the a school as a piano has it on the top of my class I was doing well in the navy, and I think this Y got these waivers eventually, so Many things thing me from twenty. Was my age that was a with less body is an accommodation and I was granted the waiver I appeal to all this person has to go through, but do you know I think it was maybe five years older than I am, but it was like four or that maybe fact for all people than I was I was going. I think I've heard of someone being thirty four There is now somebody who was older than dead, but he didn't make it true. He made out That's putting make it through the training key here he didn't make through lcd guy but by those was just very few people, I think
I didn't know at the time that that I am one of the oldest ever going to that, but I can of yeah I've heard well, you eat it it's hard to recover for guys that are older. Now, listen! You're a straight up me! as you said here right now- you're frequent sixty three years old, you look like you're thirty, eight years old at the most yeah, so most guys. It can recover fast enough under thirty three years old, the winner, thirty two years old, even when their thirty years old and so it's really hard for guys that are called older to make it and it's also hard for guys at our young to make it through. I heard that today a static guys that are underneath twenty have less five percent of making, because when you are young, you dont quite have all your strength yet and watch I'm the guy, just our mentally mature enough to be able to have got through stuff. So
I think the prime age is like twenty three twenty four somethin, like that, that's the most of the guys in my class went to twenty three. Twenty four. I was all I mean that if you have all the amongst them, because I could be that many of them, but I I was- I was like you thought they took care of me. They knew I was kind of different. I was different. provided they are and I was like you. I became like in moscow in the class, I guess even it is making fun of me instructors stew, but you know they didn't find indeed battles on me. So to push on, so they move on the yelling and other students I got. The other two, but not more than than average. In the class but they were when they pick somebody in the class who was like weak something was like sensitive about something pages. Pushing this button until until guys yeah all out of order,
stopping sensitive, great yeah. That's right, they can either become hard or they have never bother me out along the The present time I went to the study actually help me my much me mentally enough that that never me, I know never pay attention to that. They could. Let me all day long. I just wanted to do good job just wanted to be good. Now you a bucket, your biggest issue was that you weren't the strongest swimmer, and I was thinking about that when I read it, I was like yeah, it wasn't like. You were going down to the country club pool on the weekends in poland or anything like that. You are taking shit trips down to the seashore to go swim so yeah. Much water time, Rona yeah. No, not at all I mean they're. The things said: there's a stream of eureka as little tiny river by my grandmother's place. well, it was every year year once every while I was going dead, but I didn't The swing very well so
and I tell you this house a naive I was, I will jump for second to box when I should have been bought. You know that get whether sandy again so many of us just around the ocean. I see these guys as getting like a knee deep like the ankle, deep water, the raleigh knit and just come out with a rolling descent, saucier, that's kind of stupid. I just That's just is kind of like painful, because call I just go and the wave we'll be waste. Roll over me such I, just the wave rose over me- and I get in that zone descent and come back. Please look those to the class with I didn't know the powerful, the power of ocean, I thought, drown. I thought my my haines. My legs got ripped out of me, eventually, the oceans put me out, and I was
colleagues ousted. I say what the fuck is this, and so I basically crawl out of that think rolling the same than a limp back to them and they never. Then I say I disguise it was smart. I need to follow them, do what they do, but the activists we do so. I was any that over try to practice safety, like jason cabell as a bell j bl. Yes, yes, so we when we met in that pr school this when we tried to help our souls and prepare. But there is nothing, can prepare you. I couldn't swim. Jaber couldn't swimmer unless the nite owl really do not know. How can this game made it to the sheer willpower He just would not quit. the we swains was determined. Do he's. Oh yeah he's a hard headed due to makes up. You know women. Often This is so when I had to have ties, we can become good friends and there in the eighth cool so too bad about. Orphanages likely lie in his opinion on all he's what he wants.
thanks, you know what should I do this? one thing which is asking helping each other out so Jaber was so. Results must gather. Tat will bicycles together, talking so we are therefore says something that they will will work. france for our souls were brothers forever and then you know with combat doing they interact. So there was something but I remember when I was learning how to when I was trying to swing when I first I'm comin had never swimming with the mosque in on my face, so They told me to put the mask on and they told us with collapse, after the repairs to lapse. I was under the drowning because I couldn't breathe that was bleeding so much water into in the lungs us air and- and I was like we do see this black spots. You know this that the about to pass out. So I remember, if I and up they'll, just give me out of sight. I can't swim, but if I don't
I wouldn't have drowned. They will pull me out of water assisting me so safe. I just swim swimming as I will swim until I pass out and I didn't know I was getting easier and better and better and eventually end of it when we finish with this phase, the next skimming our chosen to demonstrate sites to swim new guy soon. So I did so. You figured it out and I mean you used to you already been imprison a communist in camp I want you got to the swimming people. Yonah premature, no big deal and then the running, of course, all that stuff pretty much no factor for you. It was, I was pretty good at they. That was not the top of the class, but I was never. I was there. We're gonna, give third phase when I start piecing blood, but otherwise it. I was always someone in the middle of the pact and no available stocks, and what are we gonna guys would have. After finishing
I was with amusement watching like these guys, cape, let's go drinking like fire. Can do to help them about them. I can have the move. I cannot leave my aunt so that we did not manage to get a drink with a guy. Does not seraphic. Did you forget rolled back, gathered by just in the beginning of a right before the house. I got this medicine reflection so much, like sward accident, put my pencil, and I was using smart about. Instead of a figure out, I don't go to their medical now, but with Do I just wait till friday, so they will. That shit out, and then I have a three days to here. I'm good to go well so I went to balboa in the on friday. After we finish without works without they and the date they clean it up. Cut the shit out and they sent me home and I was like- ok, I'm good by monday morning. My leg is so swollen with fortitude. Might
As on I'd like she cut my pants open. And I went to my garden. They like they were Pisa they'd without but why they did not irrigate that once so they just cut it out. just send meal so they they fixed. It in my swelling when that within the loud down south can you put me back in the class say no, because we are going into muds, and open wounds. Gathering fact that he can't there's our now please do is I'm strong. I can do it. I am rock and they say okay, if you can around here that I think the dragon mile bargain afford and you come back on time. Oh we will reconsider it and I did I did wrong. I was put. Was painful but was totally neither the twenty one down. So I did I finish as I can I go back now Yeah is still open, so was well that costs one it for there was
before the house start one five and opened the door to twenty five How much are weak was. How is how weak? How do we do? We know what I've got. I remember as a bad thing care for me. It was like, We get, then I guess the balls and then we ll in the end I was done that the more important that the more difficult for me was tat face. Data was really are how we did it was coming for me and was you might ask, is what I start piecing blood and That was what about what about second phase one I'll have a poor competent. You didn't swim, much grown up the whole house I can't tell by this time. I was swimming good bye. So you know this. This lies about the navy and but even even if you try, Structures will happy. They make sure that you know the matera. I know how to swim. Anybody was kind of The first one pull comp answer, second. While I was those thrust out,
when I failed to take the that the next day They also stressed out when I was driving home I'd be deaf to guys up that fourteen by my apartment, but there was housing. Another story about a passive next time say something really interesting in the book, which I actually think a lot of guys would agree. with, but I don't think I've ever heard. Anybody say it this way. You say training proved. I was capable of a lot of things, but it all revealed a lot of ways in which I wasn't as strong as I fought and ours keen like yeah. You get push to your limits. You can't do anything else like it. You get. You are going to do exercises and do things or you know, oh, like there's a point where you can't just do any more yeah like there's a point where you can't climb a rope anymore. Like it, doesn't matter how bout
you want to. I always like to the example Climbing a rope because you can climb a rope to failure and you can't climb rope anymore, like your game, the agreement for you fly down there, That would have to some guys there on the course like you know they wanted to pass the of course, but they couldn't climb that rope to grab the rope transfer the ring transfer. So are things you we as human beings. Like everyone, talks about how in bud you learn to push through anything, but you also learn. There's some stuff you're not going to be able to push through, and that's why you can need teammates, exactly oil, exactly it teaches. You ever told me to sum up. Stop that need to be aware of that that that that there are things that I to rely on other people and especially on the team work here that the teaches by yourself by anything yeah you and been power. Powerhouse, but- still need the tim wait. You can't
it on your own and is not only to bonds but the entire seal career. You learn to rely on you. You know that bothers teaching you. Where do you need that poor? That extra team made two took due to do to try to get you through. The hump this is. Why was third phase, which is land warfare? Why did that kick your ass about? Well, first, because my my thing made by this time my body was silly but exhausted too, allow myself before going to sink lament the island to be dehydrated The item over we can buy from the rucksack march, and I was pacing blood because our so the hydrated are so tired. I guess, besides my keys I guess what I have, but a strong is that the beatings I got from the they were dead. Did this, how they did the guards were beating us and kidneys, where you basically have no marks of is not many marks. so that pay the get the all and I think from then on. I remember always- I was
weaker, I was weaker than I normally would be a way went to supplement the island that you know that you you just sir there's like how we buy the stairways, you don't sleep, you don't you have to sleep you you always called and wet and Everything is very physic out bad on the top of it. You need to think you, shooting live ammunition. Next to your team made next year's next year. You move, you do things that could potentially kill you, so do you have to you are tired, exhausted, but you still have to think, and you have to think quickly. And on the top of it, want to eat. You have to make those perfect eleven pull out. in full gear. So let's say I was weakening ready, so Sometimes I was able to make those pull us, but if you didn't, then you made those races. You go right back to the serbs to the sight of, and if you don't come back on time assigned to you by instructor,
You ran again you're on again you again and eventually you in that eating outside, so there was december at the time was fucking car. I had a most time aid outside those kind of was how those carry your stories as what they call it. You also say this from the outside. This training seems absurd and it is brutal, Everything that happens during seal training is taken from a carefully curated uncalculated training guide that is updated and improved upon year after year, there are no random exercises and if it's not, the manual is not part of training, unlike the popular belief that some exercise or just arbitrarily made up and crazy and seal training, there is no randomness, haphazard, foolishness. Everything goes by the book and manuals the train dangerous, as it is, there's no need there is. There is no place for craziness. There are many. If the measures implemented to protect students, most of it is invisible to trainees, they don't
about it, and this was one of the ways to introduce stress on the students, so they can be great on how they perform during duress, that's worth, there is big meets conception, and I hear it all the time from people from civilians training is just Aisy decent citizens coming out with some crazy shit. And they'll just drown you they will necessitate you there's like you know, but this is stupid. People need to realise that training, the sill trainees dangerous as it is even they knew sharper that selection cos is about a dangerous, so there's time, there is no place for some crazy in an in wild things. thing goes by manual. Everything goes by their these. Russia's cannot deviate from it, because if you do you risk students life. Is you erase these keys lives? So I didn't know that when I was going through the training, I thought this fucking crazy. This guy. That means
If that things, it is crazy, but it is not. Everything goes by the book. Everything is all right, assign and they and this being, approve improved upon class. So as always, better and better? So you get that, and you end up getting assigned to team, to say anything to you. so that was kind of, I took because you one when you checking you you always under the pressure. Threats to perform to be the good good that's good sailor, so when you checking detains, does there what they tell us? Do you remember I get buzz uniform. You have you present yourself in professional sales way upstairs with I've just press money spent on this weekend pressing my uniform you'll make sure this perfect as ever
he's shiny and incur a shop on the quarter deck, and I was like ok, they produce me do as your message into this initial think, then you got to get back to the backdoor up there and get you got it get your gear issue and all that stuff. so, while at the dead body make it today that you should think, because all seals caught me and the soil out of the new there's going to be some harassment, so our preparatory yeah. Not for that. You say as soon as I was out of sight of the cmc and walking through the compound. I was stopped by other seals, told the jump on the pull up bar to keep doing pull ups until told to dismount For our part, there things got fast, a painful after pulls out Tell that to lay down do sit ups and pushups, and I was ushered out of the seal team through the back gate march, the starting point of a three mile to run testing route
The complete run in the required time, mind you. I was still wearing my dress blues, uniform perfectly policies by the time the older seals finish with me. Awesome uniform, look like sweats, replaying, basketball, imagined now do so so here it is on the base. Right is not more traffic that people go, but the hour we round those three miles rose along the road where people travel the time. when they move. So can you imagine the dude with the wide had no with them, which is why the long fans and the shiny boots and starving and in the end, that the dead the sky Becker cheat and cheat negative. The flop on the on the around and you and you run like crazy, so there's like what happened this guy, just unless he's mine, something so yeah yeah, those those my welcome to the things about them
they expect us to be funny? Things happening to you guys, here's another good one, one friday, the older guys invited us f and g to join them for a canker. Nuke a house impressed, I thought the I thought there. general genuine interest in team building, we're looking for the end of the day. Honestly, I remember Oh wow, these older experienced seals are inviting us to join him for beers. How awesome whoa yeah felt like buildings are three. We felt like the popular kids that just invite us to sit with them at lunch. Quickly learned, however, that we were there to build camaraderie or hang out with the popular kids. We are there for the amusement of the veteran seals. This was them giving us an old school navy. Welcome Cool old gus jumped us inbound our feet with rigorous, take their hunger from the high bay ceiling with cranes and chain lifts, of course, there were more than a few punches thrown throughout to minimize our resistance to their welcome. We soon found ourselves hanging from the ceiling like big grumpy bats every once in a while, we were lower down from the ceiling for a switch of beer or another
beating or to be laughed at when our faces change and other sate shade of red? We weren't back on our feet, and The king was over while this which one might be considered hazing by outsiders. It was meant to be a kind of testing ground for the new guys. We prove your tough enough to be trusted any situation today. There are no longer keg fridays and seal teams, and no, the halls allowed. The compound very strict paul is regarding alcohol now in place. The old welcome to the teams has been softened and put under control, so the new welcome procedures are not mistaken. For hazing, there are very strict policies in place regarding any welcome events, but at that time it was all good the girl, you know, and I think that it was there- was nothing wrong with that. They say that some people get hurt, but I think that most of the feelings get here. I dunno if you have to have a thick skin in teams, so for me kind of like you know, I just roll with the punch as he does as these guys,
I kill me at least I hope not and there's going to be fine, so I put up with it and the eventually those they move onto somebody else. I mean you to deployment and you're dishing out these kind of hate. staff, so that, finally things do you like me when I was out of the house and the new guy anymore? I was that seasonal sale. So we have the new guys coming to your team too, and we did the spyro exercises. You know just the the healer comes in through the ropes you cook yourself to the rope and then takes off with that five: six, guys: skiing hanging on the roma and so just after the pilot say where no one is just like when you fly over this pound up, that's what you just did disguising it. So it is like minded like december in virginia, beat them call and it was not for other things frozen yet so we are we just through there, you're that your claim that this you guys in it could I invented for but for a while you have freezing so
so either things like that happen about them. It makes you harder. Just like nobody gets hurt, maybe other feelings get hurt. Then I know these people who, whose field got hurt. They know that they did. Spend a lot of time in the symptoms yeah. You know, I always felt the guys that didn't it, back when when when I was, simple tools. I give if you didn't, like a guy, or if you really want to kick him out of the teams in they wouldn't get haste they would just get like ostracised. So amazing was kind of like or whatever want to call it. I guess you can't call it hazing, but whenever this is called hazing welcome to the team's yeah this this this stuff was kind of just for fun. I do that there were sometimes there was there- were some times where it got out of control, access and ours yeah that's over the line ends problem. Is I think, instead of saying like ok, here's and look? It's you do you like? Hey here's, the rules
this how you haze again. I can't do that. You know that could put some kind of parameters on it. It was also good because man It was it's humbling right, like your newdow you're, showing up you if you're a wise ass or you think you're you'd, think you're the greatest thing in the world. You don't think that when you get to the team- and you see let's go on long enough for various walking for about said, admit: you're gettin. You get word away. Yes, So I think it was a cultural thing, and you know I mean- I know you ve- got in here- that it there's official regulations against it. I dont know necessarily that it's that there's not clandestine, welcomes going. on, but yeah No, I think, like anything with its taken to an extreme, then it gets dumb, but there were Can we positive through a too you know? There was,
thing I watch this documentary about hockey and there's a there's. A player in hockey called the info sure and the enforcer literally just beats people up, and he beats people up that do things that are ok in hockey they're, not illegal in hockey, but they're, not ok, for instance, there's like us star player and someone would blind side hit the star player, the star players out there he's he's a skilled guy he's focused on scoring goals. And all of and someone would blind side hit, the start. Where will the enforced would come out and frequent? the shit out of that guy, and so what happened was theirs. Actually ballots and people go you. I don't want to do that, because Then I'll get the shit out of me by the enforcer. So there's what there is respect, and so I think you know, in the seal teams, there was respect because
you want to get the shit beat out of you yeah, I guess we are forced to first you listen. First, you pay attention so, You know again if it gets out a hand. Obviously you can get stupid, but it was a good way of me when I was nineteen years, jack and into a seal team thinking. I was about ass, a way to be like. Oh I'm not about us, I'm just Do I need to get on board the program called got it gaia as well. Yeah, it's it's humbling and it's good. what does the way? I look at it too. It never never had me physically or mentally was just make me a kind of like I thought it was finally like fun with it. Painful, didn't laugh all the time, but but but kind of like accepted that know that this is the way this and it does. Me we get doesn't make me. It makes me just better tat. Forgot gently finance, little com, roderick, you do Ass a little classic after debating we stood there. Let's go,
so you end up, you go to seal tactical training has asked. Tt is back. We did it at a team This was funny. You didn't. Have you freakin clearance, you, oh yeah, yeah a dead. It was kind of like I knew that you need this, something like it clarifies bundled up on it. They never button about ever asked me about it. So I thought maybe there's something misery the ending understand. Well, so we, like entire sticky course and that in the face, when you did the right, you communication, kinda crappy, when you know how to play music and could messages that creep them, and what with this secret equipment. So entire calls me another guy, scuttling don scotty view here. It's god rather so so me a study that will, in the end, the bachelor day before the if the eggs, the final exercise and we need to re, examine the crypto. Let's stop So we are. Rather, we can take the test
they simply comes in so like hey are you asked comes to me like? Do you have a clearance back with gladness cycle it strike. I then, though, never heard of it. I mean I never and nobody asked me that before ok do you have a conference to scatter winter night? Do you have any plans? I don't think so. I'm the! U citizen, scotty witnessing how he's born in england, yeah yeah yeah, and then he moved here when he was like ten or something like that. But he still had a little bit of an accent yeah. He spoke with an accent he's a great guy yeah for sure, but it's the fact that no one picked up on it and said: like hey bro, where you from cause, he was clearly not from america target. Yeah yeah, I love scotty, so he'd, just pull out sounds like come on with me. He was one of the shaken at the instructor to remember his name, but he has one
This was going to happen never ever site. Anybody did you even seen of course you have not been here understood ass. He stood, assess. Ok, you I'll get your clemency going to pass. This test again is easy for you to ask us what you're doing This goes anyway, just don't know say to anybody there and and looking back in the eventual you for me because my background, I think the credits it took, long time by the came in I went to the test in there I do shaggy upstairs and instead scheduling, intellectually, who these citizens, ceremony he citizen for before a good solution. Citizens got these quotas and we deploy to to number two at the time there. Well I mean you had at first you had to go and go through, like you used to have a pro sherry period in the town, and you say after probationary period passing the seal board made
but she's not answered. We awarded the seal trident in the morning muster in further, entire entirely. Team to your called up front and centre and were presented with, who did trident in the presence of admiral Joseph Maguire his natural today back when he was a commander. It was a great milestone in my life. It was a great moment, but are also made me reflect on many things. It was crystallizing in my mind that this could only happen in america such an exceptional country. Only in america is it possible to come without even knowing the language and carrying only a bag of clothes and still succeed through hard work and determination, as Much as I was proud of, my seal tried and there was an greater honour that was bestowed on me. before it was me, Can citizenship, the citizenship and american flag encompass the trident? I was a true where're, because I was an american boom
This is why, like I don't, were a try, then Where's, I'm out of uniform. Now, when I am the civilian people, do They can they deserve they, the air. This thing I would american flag, because this encompasses everything it does income. Since the tried- and so me willing the tried and started distraction to my american flag. Did they were so? This is this? What is important, and this is what what what The drives me and yes, there's people said the complex. made me your being a seal making this training and being a good operator, but that not my biggest accomplishment does my biggest accomplishment, my biggest thing that ever deities become american, and not only through just to the ceremony, but also thinking like american and
my heart america. So this is something that I am very proud of: theirs the crowd. This thing, like you just mentioned to me, after I received. I tried it and became a seal. We deployed to ITALY and it was called soon after we landed in ITALY. We were sent on a mission to find and if possible, rescue down pilot from behind enemy lines, an american pilot had been forced to jack from his plane, then to survive a week in his own hostel on his own. in hostile territory before he was rescued. Were among those central but firm at this point. the full realisation was real now hit me longer and training. There are so many safety nets in training, precisely to make sure that students don't get injured during the training. However, these safeguards are longer there during missions, and you must rely on your training and your team. Is to reduce the chance of injury and to ensure mission success from them. when I first checked into your team to dawned on me that every day we are doing something that could kill us training obstacle courses, passion. Diving swimming the open ocean,
during one of the flights over the adriatic. Looking for the down pilot one of my teammates Scott was sitting on the edge of the helicopters ramp legs dangling with his head, leaning out of the hilo. He had a safety belt on to keep from falling out, but at one point it slip. Off by some freak accident. He was, sitting on the edge of the ramp with safety belt. On buckled, laying behind him bill walked back scott blue right on grabbed him and pulled him away from the right inside the hilo we are for If we yelled the scots, he would move and fall off the ramp. That would be tragic, narrow escapes like that that reminders we warn training anymore ended. Open. The actually did happen to later on in bosnia, we lost. like this fellow the helicopter for that with scrap yeah there's, though, sketchy linton accident last still those scotty, so he was sitting twinkly with he's a sniper rifle and all
all these boats. They have they had this. I gave back all there. You can just sometimes should it catches than just comes off this whole. comes off. So when we look at its key sitting on the ram, he said and fifty three his legs dangling he's. Secondly, here Only the rest working with these gown, we call him. He will just tell if you turn around, he will lose. His balance was like he just fell off it and the soul be allied. Actually he just we look at. It is having a horror. Building so saying, and if counters grab him by his by the neck by his shoulders and just inside. He was my mother, but I do you almost died, and here we are talking about here- the problem being manhandled- but by those things to happen you know, and and This is why, at the doll me that the safety net
we have always have in their training in inshore training them. No longer there, the boss of the war you do tell other stores near get the bulk of through to get the rusty stories. You come back from that deployment and nobody come back for you two points in the seal teams. Doubt your opportunity to about six you go to different schools and what not so people putting for sniper school in breach of school, and Jay tax gold has put it in for a bunch of different schools to get more skills. You say here I was assigned to english one. Oh one school on base little creek. As we passed me, a baby buses on the street, an awaited respective schools. They would shout hey drago, where you going I'd, hold up my we textbook I'm going to english class your eyes. Elope there they sing something in me. Something promising that instead of ship cunning me from the teams, My english was not that good it was it was good to mask the covert either, but I still have to listen to
translating polish, then translating the english enter and ass. If to you, I was week with it. So nobody caught it. But It took me a long time so english class. Whoever made the decision to send me there actually help me a lot and make me allow me continue with my career, so yeah, though I was delighted that they make my- I wasn't even upset about it now and I say anything to make me a better seal. If my english is lacking, I'll fix it, and I did we, A w in your first platoon machine, gunnar would you do? I was worried about you, they add the machine gun it. I was like what you propose a things, so I loved it knows that I was heavy, but you get it a heavy stake. So when you know that when you open up by those that you line of that area second deployment, you oh germany and bosnia yeah, and what
cool about this. You mentioned this: the biggest influence on me in my seo career the guy always want to emulate, wished, and that's first, there was a great leader. Not only was one of the toughest is also dedicated to making us the best seal up it is their war. I swear the guide never slept, he was trying to think of ways to make people tune harder, better and stronger his now and expertise were legendary, especially in winter and arctic warfare heat. was out of ice climbed, ski navigate, artic environments, everything nobody! since your team to know as much new as much who Late. Thirties was also older than most seals about that stuff. Legend. I got a legendary guy, I can say his name, I think now. I hope he doesn't mind me dead, but the you know if he dies, we can always cut it out. Let's just not say because I don't want to. I know he still does different
Well, there are various yeah, but I think he knows who he is, and he is the guy he knows who he is. I mean he knows who you're talking to yeah yeah, so he this is the guy I was trying to emulate, always and to the point that even with robin he likes had the dude that thinks so easy when you do this stuff is so easy to get to this se, I'm just trying to be like my chief and try to emulate him. He was there, but he thought there was not only that toughness of here, of he. So I need to get the guy was some of the guys in the sitting to the training cavalry he's so he's. Unhinged day David, to us as a you know what we We can catch. You wicked, like I, was what you achieve once we can put you back in the barracks because, allow us to sleeping the barracks we got, but only for the weekend we sleep in the winter time in the world in the way, their time slip on the range of sleep
bag beady bags and everything is what the range mean that sought that we slip on the range so He was he was he was there, the guy, but not only that you can tell this guy hearth. He always knew he always ask a p. How you doing or how can we help you, and indeed itunes like tat. We start. We now have this breakthrough, but we said the perimeter He was always the. How are you doing everything? Ok, doesn't this anything you need? Are you ok as things point yeah. So he was He always make sure that each one of us is fully it for the next think and stuff. It was such a. Pronounce that I told myself from this problem. I want to be left him. I want to be left him and that's it I tried a failed many times. I was there the calibre of person? Do you can't
times emulate there and and just a universal respect from everybody knows who he is yes and he just freaking love the teams as heard about the teams and when you've got a guy like that, like this autumn and I know ever actually work for them. I only would like I'd. I've but you know these guys are answer. We had something inside get to talk to him, but I arab. Just awesome, reputation and it's cool that, is what carries you and eyes and the officer in our platinum to bill again this thing I wanted to call him just connect that are connected with hame just didn't, have a chance to ask him about it to bring he's. So I will not use these lay, but he knows who he is. He was the icy of that protein bill he's he's very successful now in the zoo, civilian life body. So, though, These have this office has now so lackey due to work for them,
like I never had bed officer Those knows iraqis all of you guys I work with. It was just that fantastic extremely lucky, because times you have officers, you may not be like less. don't like, but I know had often officer that I I would not I would think less of came because there were just everything I always above the cat everyday offices I want with sword. I was very like the other is lucky. That's all some awesome so you get done without platoon, and then you go into your third deployment, which is bahrain, and this is what you and me were together in one. what what what were we foxtrot or we echo what pituitary do member echo, so that's we worshipped him to echo the tune No, no! No. No, there was day. I'm sorry that was a thing was a mighty. it foxtrot
Maybe you like I thought I was not putting these in the books. Yes, I'd try to avoid, there not to give away much like what the seal teams what combat emissions, so nobody can figure out either of them poor stuff like this, so I tried it keep it away from the book. Islam is that ban operational secured its just by knowing people too you didn't bring security tibet. I guess no and learned anything. Is I don't even know what I'm gonna like stoner? I can't you know you alone. Asia is, I don't know if that is so many plateaus you do you believe that the plans so We do we get an opportune together, which is friggin Oh yeah, we felt that there was one though this would. I met your first time god. I remember as soon as that is the first I when I see you actually we inhabit the doing there, the sweep the cloud of swing qualification, dive area, so I was right
it's you, because, as we are painted up, so has three mana pair. Can I look at you in this world that guys baixo ain't going to swim? That fast, I think, I'm good, because I was never fast. We met, I can swim along, but not past, and I saw it just give me the booty and thus ass soon with the booty and there so there is like it for a while We think, ok, but then I feel my drag getting hot ass, far ass. I can keep probably this so kick my ass. If I look at this guy, nice was three my purse repeatedly that our toe Story gets to guts. I was the same thing so wish we there in back and a slack fuck. That's as the guy but the guys around him, so so yeah, so that that that was right there, the the respect, sack fuck. I thought I'm good, but not that good. We're we're an awesome platoon. We had a. We had like a condensed work up. If I remember like we didn't have
just do as soon as we formed up we're in work up the arguments about here. There was a fair strike button to so they were not in the rush I think to put us out. So we didn't. We didn't have any like what they call proto phase, where you're gonna go into schools. The thing I just talked about wage earners. no one discourse ever just like boom. We were soon and we were automatically to work up, and that was some fun. I know I was trying to people to change jujitsu, steady, that's that's. I think that that, though the welcome to the platoon dislike this, the guys but like you, I was like Jiu jitsu, I didn't know much about jiu jitsu, I didn't, even though Ethel is like a judo or something, and your first stake was just kimberly. The platoon say I'm going to check out the entire platoon in ten minutes, so we're just laughing, because I didn't really know who you were so so by that first, two, three guys stepping out of the pass out the thing that I remember most of the guys who, just the bargain with DR weir shaking their legs and bring them back to consciousness. He lost so so there
Ok, then that then I can see a couple guys like well I need to do something I'll be right back and just grab the air answer like they never came back, but he has his entire platoon, including myself, will choke out and that's another thing he knows. I then I was fascinated fuck. I want to limp that I want to be that good. So this is how we actually we start doing the jitsu in there yeah. You have a little note, a little story in here. You you were were doing so jujitsu in the platoon. I was kind of kind of jerry watching your guy area and dumb here, I'm like helping drug, oh man, you gotta, let him go, let go man he tapped out while, while choking him even harder. I started arguing that he was not tapping out. I did not feel or nor hear any topic they have pry him out of my crib, I released most boring partner. Confuse he didn't tap out. I told them yeah, he did, darker, said. While laugh, he did you hear that sound. Did I say that my spine
eventually caught his breath dude, you had me so pin down, but I could leave move a finger. I was trying to say tat, tat tat, but I have of air came out with kids. If, before passing out, I'm really apologized, I felt awful. Well, maybe a little. Actually I reconnect with scott. So after that, what that was designed central yeah, oh yeah, yeah, I feel in turn was yeah. I know the others now yea. I talk to you the other day to ice trading. Some tax are there. Was he would get here? it's so mad doing jujitsu. Here he would get the word you get personally mad at me. He I would be rolling with him an like he would he would I would just be a cross site or something on him and he would just tap out he'd, be like church crew. madam president, not cool stuff. He would be mad at me, like literally madam, you know like five minutes later he be like duties
soccer, ok or whatever moment of, of MR phobia, he would get freaking mad at you know. This is a typical team. Guy, you know, aggressive guy does is losing out to pass out so far just get get scared made so who he was and the It was not working for him well, but, alas, skype he was a guy he's so funny you say the funniest stuff. He adam he had voice that he'd use like he'd, say ice,
cream. Sam, a let's say, he'd say that, because I am an athlete and say I'm an athlete. So that's what he'd say to me and usually I don't get on the ground. You are going to do this because I'm an athlete he was good. You know he has like were very pretty. He was a. He was a very. I think he played some kind of like college and we know what sport, but he is definitely a real good answer, my respect to Scott yeah, but funny as hell funny. He had this story where they were in sniper school. They are going through. The drill kim's in mind right, so you gonna look out at the field. New gonna find stuff, and so there was a guy that was going through snipers, go with them that they didn't really like this who's, gonna, arrogant, he's kind of an asshole and he was pretty gets pretty doing, pre goodness So they're all on the line and they have look out into the field.
And find the other public. I can't hear you have a notebook and have the sad, a bullet casing into gonna find as many things you can so well, the guys are on the line and they cheat, and they can't tell each other like he elders, you don't care teen at one hundred and twenty years and then like goods, so they all cheap in the, but they didn't tell the other guy and so they all right down and you had to find like ten items, and so they all turned in there. The paper in our times instructors like air innate they're like hey europe. Everyone did pretty good one guy failed and they could tell it was him the guy. They didn't, like you, tell him cause he was His face turned reddy's. All mad and scottie vehicles scotty goes. There walked back to the to the freak in buses or to the trucks or whatever and as their walk back Scott scotty's talking to that guy, and he goes on to what
You gotta be a real piece of shit to fail that yeah yeah just the way you are the way you said it I'll tell you what you gotta be a real piece of shit to fail. I could see the totals also put on these guys like comedians. Oh yes, always the old steve drew yeah, the guy who hit us so quick witted, but the nickname didn't want to go with me, because this is what I got my dragon nickname and he was like why don't I get a cool nickname like that? And then you came out with the nickname for the fall fall asleep, but he was the subject: quick witted such a funny guy in ramadi, Your first gather about I made on that day was just like come come so here I have never laughed so hard, maybe in prison, but even nothing as I was having this bottle was the funniest group of people,
ever been whenever it was fun I had. I will we round some bar and something happened with Robert. He left right and some girl comes up to me- What did the court this game for this girl comes up to be its cause? Hey, do you oh that guy sloan and I'm like a girl, I go and I've Why do I running shoes? You cunning sloan, and I go you think so what is it I think she was like. Oh, you know, he's kind of like a little toddler he's got red hair and I'm like it's gotta be ready and I'm like yeah. I know she was where'd. He go. I I'm like. He went back to our our house right, barracks, whomever I'll, take you so we like, I get that and I I bang on on O'Neill's door.
I still don't like hey bro, I gotcha. So I'm thinking I'm like how you go, he slowed the I forget it or whatever her name was yeah. She was looking for you and he's like. Oh thanks he's and he was passed out. so he was just like looking at me all confused and then I started calling him slung from then on, because I calling all kinds of victories and olbia. He always grabs something. That's where you that's the platoon. You got the nickname, Drago yeah yeah, Tony tony geek, that's only jig franconia, those. What might be done on that. shot. You know you, then you got here, yeah, that's a though they circled you draw go yeah yeah because world. He was just say then cabbie coming to me and say: hey what why'd you do that I just did it to him myself. I wasn't, but he was yeah you use new guy who's mouthing of great guy
here's the funny you know, there's a holiday petunias like comedians, show you remember the timing fallen when we were. to patrol and this If that is so, we train to that their reaction to ambush right. So the force came breed by this house. go you got this way. This way will ambush you somewhere. We want to see a response, how you acted so so we gotta get with the guys So now we are lining up to before patrol and exactly what is shot. I didn't know shad shop as it come radio hey. Are you guys missing that the aforesaid guys to supposed to attack us meeting the guy, yeah we're missing shod, if there is a mother, fucking working behind us and petroleum passing as the signals and all that shit into are you, I of security, is that guy. So, yes,
got to be that guy. So basically he went with the op for and these guys were just lolly gagging, just walking or talking and planning the ambush on us, and this guy was patrolling behind the passenger seat. I was like yes, you know it's going with this Yeah, twenty g. What piss me off about him? Is he was like this little guy kind of like a little bit stout look round by the powerhouse, but he was stronger than me and faster than me. He would weaken our bench be run fast me. It was freaking annoying tony gee. I know you're out their brow and always piss me off. I never let it show, of course, but I'd always be. Like god, damn dude he's fast and strong, and just one assuming looking and super squared away across the board. Yes, he was, I was using my buds class two is awesome, guy as armies, him yeah yeah for sure so yeah. We also on that on that deployment. We we did a cool we didn't.
One at that time seemed like a pretty cool mission taken on that one, big oil. Saw a vulgar left of organ after one. Forty said that it was actually funny story to you, though, he's like for that time. We, though that would not at war. So there was the first time like firstly, alive mission: did we actually wind and hijack do that for foreign ship so we just we I remember well what am I? They move us from the carrier on they're on soil in debt from hilo. We just lunch there, our assault on there on that of the tanker and rubber neil ass. He was there to as out of some eight records go when you go so we will that's all just resolved, get up and go so we Don't you remember? We had a very limited time to do it, because the what they knew, that we are watching their. So there were skin the territorial
what there is one other candidates, so he'd like tremendous. Thank you because otherwise we had two jumble of the ship not to go international incident- I got you is, forces are getting somebody's, our stated tory, so we went to be quick answer we faster on the ship we took it down. But if we can we had like three russian speakers. I was speaking Mr Ef. I can say his name was he's. In the arab spoken russia, it was crazy cause like seals, don't where we suck at languages and like the special forces they go to language school, that's part of their pipeline in the teams like gin lee speaking guys. Don't really goes really know about languages and all that for whatever really care of people. Are we not so for whatever reason in this pattern we happen to have our poultry, commander who studied russian in college and then gone and done a semester. In my scour something crazy. We had a
key hippy russia, aid, freaking college, and so he spoke russian gas and then you were forced to speak russian by us communist bastards we're out of sixteen guys. We had three freakin really good russian speakers and we went down to take take down this russian ship. That was awesome, yeah yeah! I remember this, so I called here and there so mister F could hear too that the captain yeah yeah, don't obey him that nobody emoticons resist what you can don't do anything. Mister, that's a drag! Let's just take this guy out and explain to him suggesting by the sky of what came out. There was a chimney and I was like opening this size may be of the briefcase like a bigger briefcase case? So I told you know you, you open your mouth one more time, I'm going to squash you in that out it's you and I and you spend the rest of the traveling. This chimney right there, sir, Look at this chimney. Look at that in too, and then he say like ok, I won't say
just like you moving birthing, but he remembered the funny things with aid when we set the ship right, because we were the initial team to the group that took it down there, so there. We hijack there, it was over there and I want to control. We moved out and other squat came in the other. The seals I will see us came in, and we changed them again, good rotating someone they coming by you, they came. I was being bagful clunk several wooed you just failed? You just all these weapons, all that staff in Israel templates good. How do you believe that these weapons, what did it seen so he opened the back there. Fucking battle, knives and forks and spools in it. There's like do the fucking shitting me and you ever trying to make us less.
We had missed these weapons. That could be use it, and that is okay. You guys, you guys missed some weapons over there, I'm like oh shit, and then you lose by an uncle. That's yeah, that's like so He just didn't mind those axes hanging up there and authority just started butter, knives and forks, and these axes are still hanging there. Yeah they had like damage control, fire houses, cats he's like hey what about those freaky straight up axes that they got sent over there. That was a threat. They were like you for years, but you know the funny thing is that then, when we exchange again, we came back these russians than usb russia, so they came to me and say, like Please how about we? We need our forests and knives in spools back. Why would you need the back? You know can you do with your hands? Is right No, we can't we don't have teeth.
But their mouth, and I tell you that all of these women and young guys. Everyone is meeting so many teeth that that will be even one set of what one full set of teeth all of them. They were built over their government out. I want some hours boy remember. I came to you ass. You like this, what they ask and They can't eat that they don't have teeth. So it's ok. Will you it out you? Don't you guys to bring this debt is therefore and by the way I was larger than I was by world market the threat, but they were so grateful to day. They cause any problems. After that you know they were just kept. Anyone reading es, thank you for the knives and forks. Similarly, every time. I said that I wanted when I was passing by it's like they, they were shaking their efforts in nicely. Thank you as possible as possible yeah and apple tuner. I just remember you talking about the first squad going on there and We were trying to get as big as humanly possible
and so we wanted the average platoon wait to be over two hundred pounds, and we, some smaller guys to that were in there and we will have for them There we made up from. I got it. I got two to fifty, So when we left for deployment. I was like to forty seven and we are the first place we went on deployment was spain and they had an all uke. We stayed it's an all. You can eat buffet hotel and I was like oh, I got this sale for like three four days I just dead lifted and eight and I got to to fifteen. I was like cool I'm going on a four mile. Timed run an alright day away, but yeah we all did yeah. We were all freaking jacked, yeah yeah, but you know they were so awesome because you opened the We went to russia rather than I think those in spain that whenever we were of that that that place stay just opened the door that resort you step on the beach
and those maybe like maybe twenty yards is the ocean so that the atlantic, so there was such a great trip. There are so many good things. You remember we and also to see there I the indiana jones, behind the winds. Pyramids do yeah, but I was not personally by the pyramids because now I remember the dose people are just coming into. Just like. Mr, MR here is yours here is usually we give you. The the arab gotta be noted that the that with you, all this. I don't know what you put on your head right, turban, terrebonne arising racketeers, runs the stuff and they just give it Are you? But then these have given the money, give me the money in alluding to pay for it So I will like what are you from my second from bangladesh, so they like bangladesh,
kenya soon I lay real a hug so that they will not have any get. Somebody else they would do. You remember the when we got to road at the other platoon. What team therefrom, I think, I might have infringed, you think those into the air and frequent time Was there we are rushing to medicine for him ass. He was out of my the same endlessly signing such a pain. Did we just need to do so, since the first thing we need, I remember just break away from the platoon around too tight stand here. It is here that take some shots, so He has had a horde. He had led Welcome to animal horn. Dead was from I dunno, but Brad actually acquired that also arise had a whole of satan, yes of satan. If you drink from you getting traveller yesterday, I was unable to guaranteed getting on travel and ireland tiny was just like drinking pro. I from the horn of say: yes, yes, yes and then by the way, Brad
need any extra help. I'd know another. He put this written, nobody, the funny thing settings are we, but maybe like two days later, an entire platoon is being cut out, say anybody see this and this guy wiping out the genitals on the table in front of two lieutenant females strike. No, you didn't Okay, so this is a full investigation. Is I could see that there was. There was the last, but by the yeah there was like first thing: the whole platoon had the gun and they were suspect there, yeah Yeah then you who was, I know who the words we know who was, but you know that was yeah, Like you do. those are so finally sits there weren't laughing our asses over the way. It happens that
Well, that's what you were you when you hang out with people from other military branches. Sometimes things happen our I next here. You go. What should we get done with that deployment for good times like pretty like it was? It was pretty cool we got to do so. We get to do other like little vessels sighed the persian gulf. We retract those things down and borders. So we were actually doing work which was caught a nice because it was the nineties and there was much work to be done. you get home from that appointment and you immediately add a bunch of guys immediately get reassigned to seal team four yeah why she would assign even went while on deployment on the way back, which we came back as asserting for so So that's so me rob rather guys few other guys, but it wasn't like that big deal for my family Those are the falling apart and that's all I need to do just grab my teeth.
I him move from one building to another, so those entire move in on ppp cs move. Yeah. I mean you say it. You say in the book here. What was waiting for me when I got back home, though wasn't great my marriage had fallen apart was overseas. It's no secret that life as a navy seal, put serious strain on your personal life, family and marriage. My life was no different than my seal. Teammates so our time is divided up with six months or more of platoon work up then six month deployments overseas. There's never really any time at home once of course, the final I lost my home along with my family, I was financially broken to without the structure and distraction of being applause, I was getting myself into a lot of trouble back and virginia beach eventually ended up in a new pattern. Doing another predefined work up are deploying was scheduled to port rico. That was our tat. I am I returned to the only place. I knew I could trust the people. I was with my fellow seals, who were like my family to me and whom I knew better than my real bad either the truce
that's how it isn't a teams. You know whether you know these guys. You know the guy's next to you better than you know your family and peoples this- is why this is not good, but in our at that time that's all I heard there was all of her. The only family I had there was great kind of compensate for. My in though, my son. My up, get to know him, really all these things so that we do we are missing eleven. I didn't understand. That I lost How much I didn't see myself growing up until who, after the navy had me, children would, when I could actually observant, observe them every day, be with them. Every day This is when I realise how much time laws with my son with my first and its. It bothers me often butter,
yeah that's the way, there's life, it is when the symptoms yeah. You know winner when you and I went left for iraq would unite iraq. When I left My first point, my son couldn't crawl. When I left home his walk and then you go again on the tree, then, is that everything you come back to the gate of the little baby already more and more and more so, For me, my son was always baby. Even he was big, you're still baby, because this, how I remember him and that it does not- Good, is not good for a family, but so times you just cannot change things. You cannot be there when you need to be there and and I also tell I tell I've- told many guises over the years like men have been leaving for the entire existence of humanity. Men used to go and hunt, and they go on hunting trips. In the then, we were going on sailing ships around the world, then we're going to fight wars like this is nothing new that we've
are doing, and it's not that you can get through you can you can get through it, but gonna, be freakin hard and it's gonna take tall. You know, but this is nor its kind of normal right that If you were around in the friggin said Nineteen, hundreds or eighteen hundreds, you're, dead beyond ownership. In my become a back for a year and a half two years. You know that things happen, empire the events they assumed the z long, comparing the other goin on deployments for three years. You know like us, We're goes I can tell you like talking to leaf the other day. My my buddy leaf, who you were you know life and you he heat. He has kids now young kids and he uses like animated. Did this because he's not in the mode of being
gone on a being an opportune goin on here. That's so normal to us so normal to me. I I didn't I understand what it would be like to do something different like in the dark. How different could that be that just that's the way the life is yeah. This is the way life. Is this way me and all my friends is all we do. We go on the tunes we go going to the point we are going to play, I'm going to point it! That's what we do so everyone ass kids, going on appointed jacobite kids were gone and appoint an end like like what you say life now looks and he's like man, I don't know, you just were able go on friggin six month the points another six month- deployment not a six month there. For into the wives like they're they're. There hold down the for freedom and his age. It's a rough korea from my wife was you at home, with three kids and just hold the dow right and just not ever. can me a damn thing you know
Well, she even barely knew. You know what I look like anymore. After a while, you just say, yeah where's, my paycheck, so yeah but it's hard. You know, and it can be very hard. Another pasty the family. Usually the wine was so that that pays the biggest tall because then the it does. the divorce ratio is just incredible. Ninety percent of because there is no way to help the marriage. and family when you constantly carnegie ends, I'm buying just for a little and gone and I'm and go it's. It's definitely very brutal for families and the the guys in the teams myself included like if you have to choose between the team and the family. You choose the family, you choose the teams you're, like anything you like all we got. You know your daughter's gotta recital tonight the cool, but I've gotta go do
training mission. Here, oh you're, your sons got his first freakin wrestling match. Yeah I've got a night hair down in whatever it. So this is the way that does not are you can give us a while? You know I will skip this training or I'm going to go with you guys, because I have my like you, got something to do. That's that something that, we know we accepted it and that as a whole, maybe people the standard give us a little leeway that we are less than perfect. Fathers and husbands. When it happens, women I mean by not being there. What do we need to be there by the hour This is the way there. is and as though some who is it that sacrifice needed is we need to protect amerika. And our citizens to leave? Save and this is why not- I heard the sometimes without like to do now is a goal sometimes on the street or to the park. I see down. I watch these people are just look at them and they have a care less than
nothing about the war, nothing about. What's going on there, in law. If we know that there is a couple going on at kissing and then and talking It is all people couple walking and and talking in italy we feel so good because it tells me that we do a good job to protect these people that they don't have to look over. Shoulders. They don't have to look into four for being a safe. albania that our country being over the destroyed by somebody. So so it makes me feel really good. You know, as is like. Yes, that's that's. I was part of it part of the protective segment of society that these people can. Leave and I'll have to worry about. The war what about anything else- and this is how supposed to beat this, how society supposed to leave that with without fear for the war and end even right now, with no war going on what we just talked about theirs.
people in the military right now that are missing everything with their family cause they're on the planet somewhere, though no we're going on, but there still putting stress on their family. There still missing their kids. Birthdays are still missing the graduations. That's what that's the deal right now and then there's no war going on right now, but that's what's happening but by others know what's going on, because these people out of their gurgling us, including myself now in my family's, knows I'm no longer with military by the way will ya: we sit, sit sympathise with these families and with these guys, it is. It is definitely too to think about that bubble of pay. action when you're at the park watching these people. They don't even think about it, and what makes me feel the f b. I, like your call, yeah yeah? I really enjoy that. No going to the stores go to them all. What people enjoy their lives. I see this is what we provide that safety that this so I can't do that. Our citizens can because that dares violent people standing.
and guarding their lifestyle our life. Style and in the way, murder case, so it really makes me feel good. It's a good thinks win win yours. to go to port recommended september, eleventh happen. Where were you, I was in the quartet negotiating too, and this is when our she was working out. I was in the dream of those seeking to see looking to see. If you can. I would have. No, those I was still sitting to with a black and thus to dream. I was working out somebody's coming out, the gmos age airplane run to go into the building in new york, so the comes out yet so whether fucking idea some just just just smoke everybody thought more play here and there
that some of those can we say that this is a commercial open. They just crossing the building. There was like that's another good, so then we all got quarter deck and just watch what's happening. happening this first time is booming, and then we see another within this. As it happens, we see another play flying through it, so there was it right away. That's not accident, we are, the new set will be deploying when will be or the how it ends. Then you go to you report rico, deployment, and on the east coast nobody was deploying what those whiskers coast deployed, and I remember So we are reacting because when I press would you want to go to war, however, by the day we know we're always with the waste goes. I wish you were there now you can go and all of us, but then like in the three miles into the primary law have been cut by chief and say: hey
You have orders to go to back that yoga to Iraq and the yours help, though. The patterns, the soup since then that you said working with them and coordinating their. Our missions with polish special forces grown and deciding, though, with a groan was at the time so I put my shit and flew to baghdad. So there was lacking the thing in the have deployment. Then the then the now and there- and I have to save here too, as there's a chief budget. Say his name. I ask him in the maldives So I owe this guy a lot to me. There was what I was all kinds of travels by the time you know. I would try to kill this guy too. Did they started the dead, so He was the chief actually who steppin and say: look I'm going to help you what's going to happen and this and he actually to me under his wings and he straightened my life.
and then he sent me off to war, so yeah so yeah I mean it was great. I mean I always will be grateful for him and then he'll be deemed my hero. Being my hath, especially that either under he's out of the seas, leadership that he sent me to so yeah I was I was I was. I was happy. If you fly over their civilian plane, you save from there. I was taken to seal compound camp posey, where I quickly acclimated to got to work for the for those first three months in Iraq. I didn't hear from my commanders in little creek once I figured we're busy search chose not to bother them, here here right now you'll be easier than the stuff. So where would you by the use of colleague, somewhere there s by this, as they may say enough is enough, because I supposed to be there for three months and all these but basically will be six months deployment. They come back, but three months passed like nobody cared
as a rhino in the low like I was seeing it as a revenue. Sometimes I rob I'm still here. First, I was saying just tell my command, I'm still here, but after three months hey, I'm still here. Just just don't tell anybody, you say my job was to help. Courtney missions have still take communication between seal teams, of polar special forces using my polish in english language skills. To do so, my commanders, we're we're how about sending me on direct action missions. Incorporating the drama saw element structure their word about my safety. I refused to say back and asked to be allowed during the ground assault during direct action missions, Yes, that's true, though, that those normality no there's like within, though these guys, I didn't know much about chrome and then I would commanders they know much so put me under the command of affording the force and ended. You know that we could die nickleby killed with doing these missions right, so they they would like They were very protective of me, then.
didn't want me to participate, in the south with the element they did not the state of unworthy, though by the other, think on my way. I just like look echoed the display, myself. I can just sit and watch them not to be with them. So if I need to work with them, I need to be part of them and eventual they d like couple missions that yeah ok, there's like good the sea in the report was put back in this good I mean guys. I reproach bras. Yeah yeah right after day, those like no issue whatsoever, and you know why and so much did that sometimes we'll have to tell who is who quite often I had those causes the contract was, there is guy- or this is a groan guy. I don't even know myself, they do the same and enlargement I can cross it here. There's a chrome guy it also over this guy. So they will there were far ass, its fun if you think fast forward a couple years and seals were operating with random freakin, byron,
nike soldiers that had a rusty eighteen, forty, seven and didn't speak english in didn't no they're left from right, ignoring me mike, and here we were worried about sunday, you with them like a terror, freaking, one element of awesome operators from poland, but at the time we didn't know yet an exemplary much about them. So that's that's what I would ask you mean. Finally, we start learning about them and actually with real a lot of stuff from them, and that I brought a lot of things to the teams that I learned from these guy stood. So that's that's also those it For me, it was impressive. There are some of these missions as one of our missions that we remember we we snatch those serious terrorist, from the hotel value, Joe and their fellow jewels, and, like you, wait right, nobody was going to follow their just right. we're just sending asked just clean, that's by those that spot. And it was the hotel. So there was like
I remember so so. We're bridging, like every other, is a hotel. So we bridge over the gossip is everywhere and the end of, and we gather then and there in the in the in the hallway up there and the thing was his third floor and and then so everybody crimes, while one of these territories, since I got mine and dead mother, I didn't want to go. I mean there was like he was. Down every single time I will ever, step with the view started to fall down. So you know guy, but sometimes I fell with him. And the wizard dirty. This dared blood all over the floor with Brazil, we come back to the home. Yes, I'm coming value in one of our guests. Dragon, what's happened was Are you ok, yeah with his mother Just doesn't want to go he's really I all he can man he just laying on the floor, but should we carry him out slack dude travel
no this guy, just doesn't have a leg, is like what Guy doesn't have a leg, so pick peculiar skirt. Now he's good luck, fucking! doesn't have alone. So this. He was putting thou. He didn't want to go, that I believe is saying something so that the guy, just like then go? I just didn't know it so tracking down the stairs funding down myself. Some times. If I knew it allows us on the other side and they can have around, but I didn't know so we can find out together and I was mad. I I was just using the I'm going with sometimes to give him back on their feet, and in all, using their drug or persuasion tools and in the dragon translator to making go in there that war, but we got tired and yet he just heavily That was that I was kind of crazy operation. But you know this is the time also that I developed there drag
accelerated. Angles calls for terrorists so That was what effective you know just give me like five ten minutes with the terrorists, and times, even our energy, the guys, if their weight, how well he learned english from me he spoke. better accent sometimes than me, the terrorists, the air. So that's there was a. He asked me to patent it. You say in the book. This is where I met taste for the first time he's another show he was tat. Is your team five and already been iraq for some time we merely became good friends and we still are today we were in heavy and because our size, we are often designated his prisoner handlers to haul terrorists from targets. This is where, devised a kind of crash course in english for terrorist. Otherwise, known as drug use, accelerated english course for terrorists, working together, tat night applied this technique very effectively. My motto was: give me ten minutes or the terrorists who doesn't speak english and by the hand he'll come out. Speed in better english than I do
That was theirs will happen. Will we will that debts that war? I remember as they would we had them we would have a different offices as one one of the ladys offices of that, the letter agency. She was a this. I just know english, no english, no english, so, as I remember just like me and teach will just keep us lieutenant. And the way can offer, will teach him anguish. Do you know what you're talking about, but she laughed and she turned with Can I come in this year he's pretty. efficient in english. So when He started talking to him and asking the questions. This guy was like on page one amusing fog. This guy speaks better english than I do now event, so it was very effective with worth here's another one,
during another mission, this catherine, iraqi or for general proven involvement of various terrorist attacks are intelligence indicated he was hiding in a building with solid doors. That would be very difficult. Just standard compound a standard mission as approached the house in the dark. I noticed the doors were strong, but not quite as thick as I anticipated. I had actually calibrated charges for stronger door. I knew if I breached the door per the original intel. The explosives would do more damage than expected and potentially kill anyone inside familiar with the uncertainty of urban warfare. I was prepared for the situation and immediately replaced the original breaching charge with a smaller one. That would get the job done. I was unaware that while I was br while I was breaching the door, the target was standing on the other side of the door with his hand on the door knob in his ear, begins against the door, trying to listen to what was happening outside the army you couldn't hear me because after detonated, their smaller charge, we found The general standing in the doorway holding the door, not he didn't look severely injured at first, but he was obviously dazed and confused by the blast it gotta on the ground. I got him,
ground and customers zip ties, but as a clinched, the plastic around his wrists, I hadda time understanding why the general had three hands on close as passion, I realized the hand had been holding onto door knob and had been split, clean up the middle in the dark it had. The effect of making you feel like the guy had fifteen fingers and three ans yeah yeah. Luckily, the zip ties worked well as a tourniquet yeah. I thought that maybe I'd just kill somebody. There are four seconds it was likely that those three hands so that what is the? What does the other guy who's kansas debt and those just this guy you're the thing eagerly. He was listening it because it was listening another site, so I gave you my ear fool, how they say in english, and I can give us who gave an ear for so well yeah. He ok, we hold him out of the target, but through the other was actually I think so. all kinds of interesting mission posts, mission, debriefs in here
during the Simon Iraq, circa two thousand and three, I devised new breaching charge advise a new breaching charge that allowed us to explicitly breach obstacles with minimal fragmentation. This prevented injuries to noncombatants innocent civilians, who often found themselves in the crossfire that was safer to use for us as well as it allowed for a smaller stand off from the explosion. Unless fragmentation discharges based on a per but that was different than the standard breach in charge principles. We learned of breaching school this new. divide, breaching charge became I'd be used in the sea teams, operations throughout Iraq. I also started using different tactics from those tiny breaching school. I was one of the proponents of those tactics, modifications that were eventually accepted into the breaching curriculum. Additionally, I could the database containing all the target information for each breed operation. I consider the safer, breaching charges and tactics, my biggest contribution to the seal teams after
return from this deployment. I order to meet with tear once your team preachers and brief them on all this new information. It was a great honor. Yes, those time that we we did injured people to the breach on target. very often or even more and is something so be down because the breaching the exploded, the entry method, with ex losses was very much safer for us, because this stuff people inside, and able actually due to dominate the room, dominate there that the target before they can come to their senses, so it was great, but again there that the old type of charges they were using. We find The new iraq- I cannot go into details here about what are ineffective. They, thereby of the you know that, don't you You don't have a iraqis, don't have a standard doors. So find the steel, those in the same building tests entitled building and you can find. So we were plywood does those came up and by the way, still so, there's lightened, and there is no standard migrating. The two state solution,
like all the tribes what he had to our standards to the extent that they didn't want, whether they of the walls but buzz of the door or just do so much damage that injured people in sight and remember we were actually dealing with we're dealing with What were the terrors with bandits dead were had no screw? to put keys and children in different roles so when most of the time when we are breaching the doors coming the doors we were. What I see in total for children, women and an these terrorists, bad guys behind them. Oh, that was sir those my concern- and we had to do I think so these charges, but what I cannot go into details or they develop simply allow us basically breach from the feet from the door, and it was much more expensive. You didn't care it matter for those that there were met the wooden door or whatever When we were, to do to enter the target for safely, so that. The fed the first mission that is described as the first pages describe these shut
If I use our stand that charges, I will kill myself with it. Likely so so did This thank knowing these charges. Knowing that the targets there be so familiar with Iraq and that their building and take the construction of the buildings doors it. How me to just create discharge, that it would become like it. When you guys get me now remember I came to bahrain. I brief you on these new address, a new wave of of off of doing because the way were doing till the star It was about a dangerous. I mean we have. We had a guy's without still have a guy's without hands or fingers. Because of that, this type of methods that I described them we abandon that. We started using different things: big improvement for sure You also say this. while working in iraq as an annex to be led breach her that I be
and to really noticed the impact of close proximity explosions from the breaching charges. I started noticed a memory issues problems with my vision, imbalance issues, this didn't scare me as much as it may be very aware of what I was doing. I made it a point to be extremely focused during missions. I wouldn't forget or mistake anything after so you're just eating for in breaching charges yeah, but the regular basis in some of our reach is a new about our guys and the polish guys. They knew that some problems that I have but I didn't say anything because that would mean maybe pull out of the few. I didn't want to go back. I mean by this time I becomes- a customized. So where for being so long time in combat there in doing that stuff I just front at home and that there was getting me out of the whole of somewhat oils and throwing meantime, though place This is something that I think you had the same thing here. They had to be the feeling that
eventually you I'm so embarrassed into that situation there in to combat that what happened? the whole of the safe america, the grades, no more stores people walking around casing rather than holding hands I give fairytale, it becomes. So I'm a real nice now we can think about some science fiction things right. So, if you think about it, but just like, is there it's late in second, vietnam movies, when they say. Oh, you you're going back to the world as if it another place here, get some other thing. It will not in the world where this is something else year for me dead, dead there was a fairy tale. It became his way that did home became dad and I feel needed them I feel a useful I found I was doing. Something for amerika! So, for me was very important, and- and you almost forget that this is normality in normal life staring amerika but became, and I get
I a dream. You know like a fairy tale. Sometimes when I was going to sleep, I was thinking about it, and I was thinking like that. But while funding to sleep like this is that's a nice place up there. You know such it was such a things like it again yeah, I mean that the way you put in the book you say life, in america seem distant and almost unreal the real was here in Baghdad in combat and I loved it. Yes That. Was that that that was me this is why, in a week we all that is no. No none of there's. No one, there's no seal that having been injured this or the other way in Baghdad. including yourself and you know it. Sometimes we don't tell it I do want to have needed it for a long time. But yes, that's eventually, there's didn't happen right. The way I was already having these problems in buying that that I couldn't read, because
read the paragraph, and I forgot what I read. I didn't remember the beginning of the paragraph so the mechanisms for me I couldn't make sense out of work. I read and death. And it was already alarming to me That figure out that this is does the lightning, because you know the tents we're leaving the tens delight we'll scars it was not really good is always deem so Get used to it and that I thought is just because of that here in a minute so obvious, now that we understand all the tv I hear we didn't know it was time now and when I when I, when I eventually came out of Iraq, when I became so I get all this to be a breaching is through an by this time. Out of the new that something is wrong with me, I couldn't Explosion in the end even shot fired next to my head, yours, causing me now being negotiated and and and losing balance. So
a car. She reckons keys so what you berringer and secure he was in iraq with me with answer and then so he wasn't, he was detained I say, freaking great guy here is an outstanding s, rest in peace, and I ask you please me, because these oldest do be bitching, he stood. There will kill me I just Do send me. Sensual rather need to be around explosion the shots, so he have to do it. You know just change the orders of the fly, but in the short time change my orders to get back to be ceiling stricter and that's that me and they, but this one I saluting of tb- I because came up there like every took every time took the money. I was you are right away. I could sleep the bus dreaming domestic best Evans is we have to a work closely? Why do I wake up not to go back to sleep and then I'm going to fall asleep so talking?
to watch what do you do just go to the other guys right, a team guys, hey this, happening to me that two o clock, I'm fucking way awake, so we we try to figure out what the fuck is going on. The consensus was that the parliament's hunted. There must be a ghost their debts. I didn't know? I was scared of ghosts. I was like fuck that scared the shit out of me. I say I'm moving out, so I was If what I did I put on my apartment, I couldn't find because I couldn't find because those aquifers, expensive that was good apartment, but that was the ghost. So so, though, I was dreading for long time, just going back at night by myself in his apartment and facing goes by. There was another goes. It was just playing damage that antibiotics, which way did they know where the tire, but you know what it was, that the problem with team guises to dislike?
So my wife or somebody, my neighbor stone me I'm fucked up. So you don't need, after that. I hate out my wife There is no follow up on this. In my neighbour fucking the also meets and go from bad Am I fucked up now You just like me, no window for that. You have bad. You go you good work keys. that when a game is he went to the same shit. You know he has the same issues same problem, so for him I do not want a heated learn model for me, so I, for I about myself with the guy. So we bother fuck that by saying that what we get so this the girls and is the problem, So today I think sometimes with the guys like you am I the problem to think to you I have a problem. Do think now, just like me, but they bought in the problem because they have bought, went to the same thing so that was right, but a offered me a virtual landed. There does could be I. This is not the knot
the girls not yeah. It's here, your first your first appointing over there was two year long there and arm he freaking come home and you get to the airport is known pick you up and the know you all the new like hey, I'm dragoon, just came back from Iraq. I need a ride in the, Do we have any one iraq because you cause that team wasn't border? Those know what's go, no, those goes deploy that we don't have anyone body in Iraq. What action is that, anyway, stop calling or I'll call the police yeah. I have those because do you know what is I came back from you right now. I would say the longer, but you know count for my night vision, those like the guy was like because my nitrogen broke out and then you guys didn't Have enough? I mean this like that. We can help you, but we cannot do that all the time, so I
up there and this like work. What are you add? I'm like in Iraq embody that. But there, the first there pheasant sponsors, the new guy. I think our morey. So here so basically that the guy coming from value that from Iraq, who wants to send it He wants night vision to send to baghdad to Iraq the gate and speak english, so so so so like whether so soon ass he was there. in georgia as they do, so he set out bomb vessel with it too. Maybe it is only because you know that was the suicide attacks at the time quite come on in so I just talking like you, mother, fucker, I'm going to kill you and I gather hidden, must achieve a line So unless, if it comes out, oh yeah, rangoon get say, did you hear from you either how's everything going as a great? What are we now and then back that oh
Oh yeah yeah right. How long have you been a year almost given the of deployment? Ok, heresy. Let me get this online after you to come back so so without couldn't when they. My more time and more and they I was I was sent back. I went home. the is your ear, so you home and they therefore they they didn't. Pick me up at the airport. Do so my actually might my first night after yearlong deployment, almost yearlong deployment I spent in the. I hope I helped mine because I love, I hope I always love their callously- reminds me, like my mother, used to make them and that she's instead I my favorite she's winds. I love it so where they show above their this guide the airports like hey, you know: what can you do some help so few of guys came about these guys were begun by the wise of the the command vehicles. So you know just going to get into the cap the tracks picking me up in. in schools was november, so was, but it called
and so I went up there is after one such as wage, the tribal shrub anytime. As I wait, I fell asleep because was like fucking, tired, I didn't realize how tired I was. I fell asleep and then Does this for light boss? Above my head is getting dogs, lights came out with their lot up. That makes the airport it is saturday, so I think everything is shut down, there's no more flights, so they the airport down a nominal fucking going hypothermia, have bows, grenades and bomb, and- and think with me on the curb sleeping: is nobody there to be me, I say: was that what I did with the bombs so who were the guards and all that stuff? So I tried knock on the door that in nobody's shows up. So I fact they left so I'm going to go to get inside get a phone. My phone is dead, in spite of any waves, vignette away the vegetation.
What account so I picked, is the concrete encasement for that when you throw the the the candy site and have you so there's sway in the wind. So I pick it up by having the glass, because I you know I just need to save my life now save myself, because freezing and am very pleased, and this guy, you know no sensation, open the door say what's going on. I say I need the amd rx vega. I need my idea for a car. I cannot even say that so eventually I hadn't, even though that number my mind was so messed up. I didn't know my phone number that as we get the key to finding the number the group to the seal team was already somewhere else, and so I called the group to end this word. You say like this guy said I'm having a body that is full of good mace, basically only they say fuck over. They say like no leave us alone.
but that does not count all the authorities in the lingo that in others like good that attention say oh the either of these. This are you call a second, I can hear the shovel the papers and whoever was over. The other type c drago. I am so sorry we, I remember seeing the message somewhat, but we totally overlook it overlooked it. We are sent the track right now, just hang on there. We are sorry eddie though I don't have. I stand that there was the time when we change how we do the business I'd want to go into detail, but both so did that that the team was gone. They were doing something else, those few guys left here and there and there There was nobody more the seal team at the time and and as soon as they have so much shit going on, but especially going to war. That know things like that will happen and fall. The cracks
and so it was not big. I think now I think, he's funny, but this time I was really pissed so so that you may be up and yeah And then ended they dont. Let you stay the team now he has no place to go right because I didn't have a family the time the girl- Did they left supposedly for three months only was already made after six miles, but after a year's funny, finally quit she does she me. So so what are they here placed the ghosts just send me like when you come back just Let me know I'll put the track or your jeep and your cruise bucks. That's all I head and your cruise box on the parking lot you can key inside. You can pick it up. I see okay, but my couldn't carry my phone. Was that my I even remember number because my my my brain was so must stop.
and so they they drove me to the teams. They took my gas everything thou just by thinking adjusts night, the key from the quarter deck you wouldn't have to work with a vague by this time, so those sites like the key, my pocket and because then that sooner or later on, I will go eat something. But so What does he think the guy the tec? There was another sheer who have other respect what music guy allies like him. So he shut the door and asked the hague was the code. I took it up again, he said, do Now we can give you the absent gimme. The code is weakened. in the usa We must not sleep can asleep in the morning the cages is. was usually sleeping cages. The summons seems without families having the home, so they they just like these? They stayed the k the ghost leaving the cage caters big and they have a right that the way that a free tv for cable tv
the original paper talking about everything. So we were getting minded and I didn't mind it either. So I wanted to stay, but he says: shut the door to gulf. I like fuck, so who's that kid I went to Iraq, three or four tracks parked in front of the team for a fun one So I drove myself assange to go going to get something to eat. I'm hungry, so I went to the bank is a twenty five or thirty dollars, leather puller! Whatever I could twenty dollars, what can you eat? twenty dollars, really not that much, but that is my favorite, I hope so essiac years now. So I'm going to, I hope so I went through, I hope, up there and get the coffee together. Cheese beans I ate and just like down on me how I'm home I'm safe. So I was like the thing I remember how far I fell asleep and say I hate you. Ok, it was that the security guards like that, and the cope time guy, I'm ok
He says I told him that can I stay he'll, be longer because that like out by some more food just to a second realising the rest a little and also a days or so, woke me up as like. He loves me ear. The bitch if you out the cheat or outside, like what is he fuck? What the fuck he's talking about, but then I was like oh yeah yes, you did, he say: ok, you can stay here, but just then dump causing problems just here as we need, and it's ok. So I felt a spice. So my fittest, half as night was in, I hope I'll, come back to america. Damn well, you know things like that will happen from time to time. There was nothing intentional yeah forward a little bit in the book. I couldn't find myself in virginia beach. I didn't have family there anymore. When the opportunity came, it go back to Iraq. I was excited and jumped on the opportunity.
I was missing Iraq I was missing combat I missed the work I have been doing there I was told I could join them for a couple weeks once again and once again as act as liaison with the grom I'd, be helping them out since the new team had Natalie previous experience working with polish special forces to it, and by- and I was expecting the call from the command to return to virginia and never came. Two weeks became weeks four weeks became four months: I first extra longstanding iraq say the saying went. No news for drug was good news for you. Just basically did it again. And so that well- and and again the car came not for me, but from my my came struggling to come back when it joined the platoon, we're deploying like, but a short time I would counsel to come back and I went back and came back again to Iraq was my your brother and that's your six deployment to Baghdad
or to Iraq or gets dollar six hundred zero total, say by my last deployment of two thousand and five things had changed considerably since at first come to Iraq in two thousand and three in the wake of nine eleven, the bureaucracy had intensified and the war was now being fought largely by the army and marines. Even our prey. it briefs when we receive last minute intel reviewed- and dossiers maps recon photos had become longer and longer this wasn't he the days of maps on the walls and physical, find these are everything was digital. Now we called it death by powerpoint. It seem like we were briefing for the sake of the brief. In order to brief. More is that sounds confusing trust me. It was. I still believe this day there was an army requirement that we are being forced to adopt. Then the missions b scarcer and we were no longer resulting targets every night, actually this will happen, because the briefing that today, the purport of the mission preparation took so long as it was by the by the army, stand that day by day we will complete the preparations that fabulous got so where basis
we were higgins, empty houses or didn't do anything I remember I had all sorry disease. If so there was just just then I am ages I go the other end of the spectrum mike officer at your team, seven like after we ve been for a little while he he came down the camp and mean he goes hey when I'm giving up the chain of command. How much time You need to prepare. For a mission like how much time you need we, we and I said I said well, sir. Fifteen minutes and here he thought I was kidding and I was like you know what I'm elects years ago. No fifteen minutes would we ve launched in fifteen minutes. I said I need the the loan. Of the target and I need we conceive the conventional forces that are that own that enough space and gimme. The sad
because we were so proficient than we had so many times that it is not that there is really no brainer most of the time. these measures would not as complicated as as such. People want to believe, and we did launch in fifteen minutes on europe on the launch of opera. Yes, fifteen, as load up the trucks there were times a week. You remember, we came back from the mission, say: hey! We have another target here, so we're about to just drove our kid overnight oh shit, let's get up and go back. We did one as a matter of fact, I remember when we came back, I said pay from now on, when we roll out put your actual put your military uniform on cause. I said: hey were launched in seven minutes and guys we're like. I was looking at it at gunners they wearing like random clothes, which are not as I do that again taken
with two minutes to put your actual military uniform on yeah yeah shares all kinds of kodak. Cornell said still. That was funny about the ad after that happened, because by the way so fast it was so efficient, and we did so many times that we really could pull it out, but then, we were kept slowing down without this, not by the boot. This whole would need to spend time on this, and then, find myself. I was watching the groom was watching with amusement. They never did that. They will. watching what the fuck is going on regular there. So we we first. We we breathe. We then we have then we have again too the same thing and they we believe just open. what can listen to the brief prove the brief make the butter brief. and then we go with the brief. What was there was a brief to breathe and then was listen to Deborah even than a brief again there. going to them, to the item you guys to vote to approve the two armies. so they took a long time and there was so bad that I remember
you're using part of this debacle that those it to you another. You need a growing. It showed up working green berets guys of your mother, respect for them, but they did that the cycle so slow, the disk. Get locally based oversee like they came to hey we. To get us out from ours. the sea ass. Well to do. I want my union toward with seals, because We don't want emissions that It takes a long time to plan that caused the kind of elizabeth friction between. and can be raised explain grounded does not like is not up to us. We can make it decisions, and they would have said they will generally have said. We want to kill these good bad guys, and we can't because that breathing the army this? This process goes so wrong. so precise, I'm not saying that this is wrong I'm just saying that it just took so long time did a lot of these targets get away and this what bothers me till today,
this is something that, because I'm yes ask me by Heaven regrets from Iraq as I do have one that bothers me that that did it. It's Nice very often I reflect on it is you and I will these bastards there's too much these bastards just get away and that isn't this bothers me is because, if we did get. Maybe then one son of a bitch. What some of our brothers would come back later. They wouldn't be killed, light thrown by the son of a bitch. So that then ways on me. Even now. Sometimes sit down and like almost every neither have these things that thing ever son of a bitch together. Why did I wish I could kill? So I think we all have these almost like a guild well. Maybe we could do more, so simple, brothers with come home. No doubt about it, you don't know.
That's all you regret. I have here but I think about this like when I was so The king bargain. I ask later too. To go to bars because every every shot from the gun around my head or close. My close proximity cause me to be nauseated and there, and sometimes I would lose the balance. I was like four wobbly up for one so yeah. I this nothing unusual because quite a few of our guys suffer from that yeah, so that's it. That's what you know you you? Go into this? What you are you're talkin talking about earlier, where you came back They gave you orders, which was smart there, thinking hey, let's let this guy go A breaching instructor cause he's done hundreds and hundreds of real world breaches he developed is breaching protocol he developed breaching charges like, but then they
I know about the medical things you are facing. You called. I was hiding it for awhile, but the I then eventually confessed to have to burn something's wrong with me, and luckily beverages are freaking, awesome guy, who has figured things out how to care the guy's. Now to take your? U and dumb, You ain't gonna buds, wait: what job did you I are you a second phase and a imposing stricter saw- those pretty good, it was funny the most difficult part for me- was to us racket, The question is how Well, how would you describe your reward and seal teams weather seal teams? You know and the arrow I kind of struggled because you can talk about these jobs about. Teams forever so make it showed us- and I do not think about like a government customer- said see my gavel that that day but
my customers were always wrong and I got to kill them. So this is something that the customer is always wrong. Yeah. You know our customers were always wrong thicker, so I think there was there like they never bothered me after they laugh at it, but it does. Have to buy his long answers when but what what did you learn? What did you see as a buds instructor that was like acknowledged you. Obviously you learned that everything is structured and organized which he didn't know when you're going through. What's right. That so does one of his out of this explain that all the structural safety mechanisms that are transparent to the student body what I learned the most. I think what struck me the most is: there extremely humbling experience to me to go up there and seed. For me when I was going through botz as a student was just kicking the balls king in the ass, an jesse speech you out ready for real seawater,
right. So when you go up there as these, through and you have to this out these punishments. You have to date the staff, as is almost like. I couldn't believe that it is possible to make them Almost thinking like these people have balls, I mean. Go to this shed, and how can these kid? This? Twenty years, nineteen years or twenty five years old kid not quit from after this, most of the great but there's no skies who didn't holy shit this, new filed overspending for these kids. These guys, you just can make them quit it just cannot. Did you did you work any hell weeks? I did yeah, sometimes because my our second phase by the I was assigned to someplace to support the halloween because the hell he goes, twenty four seven there's no break is always evolutions going over the students nor sleep, so we had
was supplemented. Sometimes the kind of wish I got to watch some hell weeks or works, and how weeks I never did, and only how weak I saw was mine yeah. You know it's just like you're like what the hell is going on. It is incredible you know, and then you can see that the the the the at the end of it these people, like they don't even sometimes No, what's going on around them, they know what's going on around them, but they are unable to quit even if they wanted to, because the brain is already set, I'm going to make it I'm going to get so some of them have to be actually pulled out of training of their serious injuries and that our sarge, sometimes This is why those inspections are going on. This is why we, allow people to to injure themselves, there are some who hide it. Who lie these. Those are those people who have usually angel you if you this, as you do not follow the instructions to reporters of injuries, if you dont, if you hide from the stuff. You get injured
and this is why we have this way the inspections out of the way there every night you are inspected in their mouths, that you are still good to go How do we get sir, is just with it, This is not the most difficult part of, but I think they know the second phase the technical. What most of the people actually fell out, and if satisfies, is like real or how we on steroids. That's the reason of the way I experienced and now at this point you finally kind of settling down a little bit. You start to think about maybe you gotta find the other part of the. dream here, you know excise. I made my way here. You use with the help of some of my seal brothers. I turned to online dating service to try and find the woman of my dreams yeah, because I was trying to find somebody in san diego and actually I can say that Joel brother, a piece respect,
so he illustrate to hook me up and help me I'll, find some some girl about every time it came out to it was like not good. You know, like the guy didn't speak, English looks scary and it looks so what they did. That did not exactly know what they were. Looking for, yeah and the clothes you know like. I never feel the new after Iraq asked so much time their wedding, just economies. I didn't feel the need to work nice girls in nice calls for me was genes and black tissue when I wanted to be fancy, I would oblige genes and white tipped or something like that, and that was it. so funny jobs they do. They could find anybody like this. You can Go like this in people in spain, the girls with the powerful. You were going shopping, so he took me the store we start buying stuff into he's right that things. Like
be capture, do dislike nineteen. Seventy don't wear that! So keeping the calls for a mean everything and when we can buy. From this trip out, I'm still grateful for him. I thought no go able to resist me from but you know, I I think I by myself out in san diego so decide, to go and find some hours. nice to go line with points about them light the disaster two for a long time and that I can talk it without. I wrote them up in the book. But eventually I might made up to rachel eventually say you, you find a girl, we may email back and forth couple days. I was too we charmed her name was rachel. She was everything I was looking for in a woman in a partner, beautiful lady, smart, successful in her own right, she was much younger than me, which made me a little nervous what if she thought I was too old for her on the advice of my teammates I'd taken a few years off my real age for the date dating site, yeah yeah, then I still barely fit her preferred age range.
I found out later because I didn't know it, but I was like month away from being cut off even after I lie about my age, so many years did you take off. I think, like five, five or six together, another forty five save a lot of releasing. Let me know she was like way way younger in a house. There is no way she was. She will want to date me see me I'll put a supposedly alex scary, times him. Then you say I didn't want to risk losing her, so ask them unless your teammates to help. You write, love letters to be here, because you know I still. My english is not perfect. That second, here until this, until this day, I'm more proficient speaking with bullets. The speaking one horse so yeah. if you could help me, though my closest family that was fellow seals whoever could gradually taken you. How we can include my grandma. Can you feel, this subject with dragon
you, if you, if you write this you're gonna, get this sure sure I'd want to talk to. if you don't speak like this, ladies you're going to say, basically they were writing the love letters for me, and I was just typing it and just sending to her. She liked it, but there was only two. That could only pull that shadow for so long. so eventually you say, I met rachel in person about two months later it felt like an eternity she came to visit me in san diego. I asked a fellow seal to come with me and assist in bailing me out if rachel turned out that fish from the previous dating experiences so yeah, I can swim bother with me and I had her picture and a flower. The flower kept here my jeep just in case I had to make a last minute escape. I hadn't regional worry, though my team, and I both I recognized her. She came down in escalator the san diego airport holy shit drop. My body exclaimed she's too young did you
the cradle or something. How did you pull that off? I laughed and replied: huh guys wrote the love letters. I lied about my age at work, my buddy his hands and laughing turned around to leave whatever do cheese hot I'm out now really nervous. I approach the escalator to wait for her near the bottom when she walks, Up to me, I was scared out of my wits. I extend my hand to her stiff as aboard from head to toe and muttered high thomas rachel looked at me with we're going to try and she replied I breezily thomas it's nice to meet you, but I didn't fly all the way across the united states. You should say that yeah give me a hug holy shit. I didn't you'll draw go hug, oh, that was low. At the same you say: rachel is living in ohio for a while. You freakin we're help in or out like know, given her you sending money out to her if she was changing the job at the same time when they transition time. So I out I just can be.
How can we have for you, though, ended and kind of like so she likes me more hours. I would do anything for her to love me so so I was like I was wooing, legged owsley everything just do so so included given up your apartment, moving into the cages like a freaky and it eventually just got sick of the cages. So you you kicked a couple of bud students out of their room and you moved into one of the votes. Yeah giada dog then he's one of those students and their we. We we collect the data collected back now and way, who was it jared, Ogden Jarrett? Oh I'll, try to call grandpa or great officer officer, great guy, so much respect for him, but even more respect, because like it without she was leaving the store. So in the morning I get thereby brush. My t spend
ink and stuff, and then I was running buggy games inspecting his room and he's in the bathroom just get him in trouble that for so I I admire his arrest. Train pitting the kitten we'll die me out or anything he just like, took ass, a man yeah we're friends who are friends here today, Spiteful this guy as an officer but also a student fast forward a little bit, you say, even as my personal life begin to found a place, I struggled to wrap ahead around the fact that I would soon be leaving the navy seals forever. I began looking for jobs I do think of whatever career capacity satisfy me after years in the teams, the prob The seal life is its harder to get out of that it is to get in. I know that sounds impossible, given everything you ve read, but you must unjust, and how much of your life the teams occupy and for how long for years, you're seal teammates our everything to you. Your fan your friends, your co workers, you eat sleep, breathe and fight with them day in and day out. No one
the world knows you better than meet those guys do now. We got but they also understand what you ve been through better than anyone ever will totally true, rachel, helped me a lot with this process. When I was put on terminal leave, meaning you are getting ready to retire yeah. She helped me. Do everything from typing up my resume to teach me how to negotiate job offers job offers. Never set, the first after they give you. She said rachel help me postmark may online for my job search and three days later, I received a call from a software development firm. They ask some basic screening questions then invited me to come in for an interview on my way out rachel, I read it reiterated, do not accept the first offer they give you she emphasised for me to come home. We were too about it, and then I would negotiate for terms. I wanted natural I said yes to the first offer they started listening real closely forgot. I forgot to mention this whole time and I was going to mention we you're talking about the database that you built for the breaching charges,
the computer guy you're a computer nerd, you know freaking. I remember this team to you like new computer languages and stuff, like that. Yeah yeah yeah says this. How I got the job, but you know what, with this yes we're. So what I did I was taking place, of every breaching charge and the dog get before and after it, and also note what was what cha I use that. I don't got into the I hope that this new charges so when it was so, I was told that I need to go and meet with these tier one guys and and I went up there and talk to them, I gave them everything. Formation did I head, so They were very only that they say. Thank you hope this helped them a lot And yet they they would appreciative of that stuff was very every charge. The
I stated that the stand over that everything that need to be that I was I was appointed and you had enough computer savvy to know how to make Please stop that's like something. We always talk I mean I always talk about you. You know punch people in the head and blowing shit up, but there is a whole mother side to you that, like is coming. if the programmer and has knows how to do all kinds of stuff like that, so you and have given the software job say this: the military provide structure, camaraderie and stay stability to a lot of people who have no experience, any those things before and it can be extremely difficult to leave behind and combat. I did not see anything the navy didn't prepare me to see. I did not do anything the navy didn't prepare me to do. I dont have. regrets from my actions in a war. There is nothing that ever be with me about the war. On the other hand, traumatic brain injury is a different story, as
preacher I was exposed to countless close proximity explosion. Some of them cause bleeding from my nose or ears. It devil. Had some effect on my health and I did have trouble, sleeping as a transition to civilian life Wake up in the middle of the night three a m in the past. When talking about with. fellow navy seals. Since this was it was goes. The more information that began to come through about these problems, the more I began to realize the damage during my time in the military was still with me every breach explosion, shockwave and key. Great powder inhalation had left us with varying degrees of physical trauma. This had affected. Like my memory balance and speech, I carried out a bad habits from my time in the seals for quite a while. Probably the bad habits for my earlier life. To now that I think about it. rachel, who is always been significantly
more proper than me had to tell me on multiple occasions, not to just spit out the first thought that came to my head when somebody said something stupid or not to beat up some random guy industry. Just because I thought he looked at me funny, so times I felt like I was taking etiquette classes. Yeah, I'm fully domesticated, I know, is that terminator use. He keeps age domesticated you. What the you know me from before their sails, ragged yeah, that guy but now you know I'm proper. I didn't know that good person and I'm a good husband, I'm good father in them I wasn't neither one before welder from my pursuits. give europe an awesome person before, because I know that, no matter what was going on, I knew I could count on you Thank you. That was what our jobs were. And it was a different- I mean it
a different type of person. So do you have to maybe shed. Some of that, add some of that a little bit when you go and be married and all this other. I beat it out from me, so she she she she she she basically what she did. She she she she fired. Dragos you fired drawdowns years, but tomorrow tomorrow by dragos in the cage he's a lion gauge the tigers, age wherever it is. I just had to read this one section as my bud, students shared how much they valued my perspective and what they learned for me at the end of. Phase. Students were required to ride review of the phase and provide evaluations for all the instructors, one of em Students commented instructor, argo was so motivating. I can't imagine how much more motivated I would have been. If I understand I understood half of what he said, that's actually a real critique. That's that's the part that I still have it. I have those critiques at home
Then you decided and asked rachel to marry you. If we can take odin art desert training for because you know like that of wars that being awaited. The growing you also financially, and I was trying to do my best to kind of impasse here- do you know I was in love with him. We were in love with each other, so financing to put the question, but how Why do we not start reading books about it? God vacations, no good, cocoon good, how I like, I don't have the money. I don't even know how to do that. So I figure just do what I know the best I just I invite you to the range It should- and I I asked to be to marry me
so me and my fellow team guys are my team brothers seals devise their thing that we were going to go and line up the gan every type of gun in our inventory, on the range where we train us and we invite hair. So he starts shooting from gun to gun if the gun and the last gun will have those mark. Four to eight will have that when you leave the tray loaded, because I tell her she slowed every can so, but actually to my forty eight so much forty eight with tracer, so she can cannot get used to it. this doesn't smash it. Forget my ring that they want the right they. The today secure up there. So the pheasant forty it'll, just painful for dealing with the issue of the gas should trade should just good show that can make me like that. so so the second gondolas gun on the line
so she went, she was elected. She knew how to do it because she didn't the first one. She comes into the open the tray and he used as a hanging on theory is the one. The thread is a ring and on the bolt it says, marry me instead of the boy up with a piece of paper marry me. So she looked shaken the tears in her eyes. Me. Do you say yes and is actually a habit of it all? I was on the website of that. Actually, the video- and I ask you to marry me with Johnson inhibit, I have outposts online to sis ii is pretty epic. Fast forward a little bit rachel. I were married on august, eighteenth, two thousand and seven. That also happens to be the date of the battle of thermopylae in four eighty bc, and we were married. A small town there was named after the spartan, kingly, leonidas been fascinated by the ancient, greek and roman
every four years and these coincidences felt like a confirmation of our beautiful life ahead. We have five children together, including three from a previous marriages. Are older boys are in their twenties. Adam is how we married and has a young daughter, blake starting college after serving honourably as a? U s, marine, with appointments to afghanistan and commerce, loving life while serving in the. U s. Coastguard are too little Natures from our marriage are grace the little lady of the house and doria, our future warrior. Tracy rose the house, that's my my only light at the end, she's she's she's, the lady yes I officially retired, from the? U S, navy seals at the rank of petty officer first class on june thirty, first, two thousand eleven, I'm proud of contributions I made to the teams and thankful for the great men I was able to serve with and learn from, and you go on to say this- I love poland
and sometimes I still get asked if I would ever move back and every time I say no, I would american now I'm an american by choice, fiercely proud of my routes, but america is where my heart belongs. Where I live and america is where I will die. Yes, it's an inner. This. This book is freakin great. you put so much stuff into perspective and in here's another thing just I have seen what happens when a totalitarian government takes control and its, why? I am so grateful to be proud. American citizen america's. My country and I consider myself blessed to live here. This is where found the seals who, me a new life in a new sense of purpose, where But america can you show up with only a bag of clothes, barely able to speak english and rise to the ranks of the world's greatest fight is fighting force america's where I love a renewed sense of faith, and I was eight
build a family and a life for with them, without ever having to look over my shoulder only in a motor, There is no other country in the world where you can come in the wherever you are able to be an and leave safe, great life, and that's the life I have in amerika proud of my american there's no hyphen in front of this american here. Just american now article I'd look again get the book. I didn't want to close down with this one one little part you say ultimately, I believe the american dream is about more than material prosperity, it's about being deliver safe, simple fulfilling life and having the freedom and opportunity to pursue our individual dreams, regardless of what you think or We vote patriot. to me meters acting one's neighbour and loving one's family and being willing
defend both. I against the totalitarian government when I was younger doings, tommy to be strong and two never lose sight of what it is defending whether it's a person, a flag or a place every american can love something about this country and fight to make it a better home for everyone. For me, at the end of the day, I owe everything to this country and the people in it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's what I would like to use this important opportunity here to say thank you to every american. Thank you to Amerika, for my freedom can only live free because of america, an american people. So I would like to say thank you and very often people say thank you for your
Please thank you for what you have done for america, but to understand you cannot pay freedom it. How can you so there is so much more is always more more you can do or you should do so he's. So for me, I said I'll say, like you don't say. Thank you tell me who should say thank you and- saying. Thank you for my freedom, so potent say. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything. Thank you for allowing me to be american, be part of this great country. There the friggin outstanding ended the so much more in the book like we didn't even touch on you, ve got you got journals from people that you knew when you were a political prisoner, got their journals in this book, You mentioned this earlier there's documents from the shore trials that some of your friends are against an ad stood up to the to the to the tyrannical tyrannical governments on its debts. african outstanding.
Outstanding documents, historical document. It really is oracle document that people are gonna be able to look back on so tell us what what you're up to now. You got connect zinc, Yes, so I was heavily signs or by facebook linkedin mother families that have reopened those might accept the count. Every time I open something we shut me down enables all the followers. So and twitter, though that they kicking me out of it. So I site to open my own social media and, as it is connected the zinc dot com and it isn't the book so This is something that I think there is. we don't have socialist pact checkers I know that there were no fact checkers until the truth started coming out and that's that's what's trigger that censorship. So there's no censorship. Here we let people decide what they want to read, who want to connect with an
what they want to believe in and what they want to pass this that this data, for there is no censorship, so that's That's a thing is my other contribution to free speech and free amerika. I think yeah- I haven't. So it's connect seeing z, I n g dot com is where you can find that you also have the navy seals fund dot. Org. Yes, in what that is, it's a five to charity survival went through a c three charity. It relief, support and education. That's what that's what you all provide the the that you have, is quiet, flexible and responsive, and what it is just a no red tape, action arm, I can make stuff happen when, when people need it, yes, and especially nowadays, while it was when the wars are winding down, there's a lot of people from our committee coming angels and that they are usually said. Sometimes they are branded as troublemakers and
when they ask for help that is no have for them months. Many How did this time them away? Because what you are Michael. We don't want you here without we can help. You for what may be seals, find that there is no such distinctions. You were fifty three when Caesar or of setting seal teams, we will you will not. I will not allow it. far, and and this is another thing. Is there? My position is that the charter is run by navy seals only and that we don't get paid This is something they very was very important to me that we do because if the right thing to do not because we get paid and their vessel, true of they see us and our board of directors and where wait. We can respond within an hour sometimes at this is necessary because very often we get the cow. With a sales as they don't ask for help. Usually they dear within themselves. We don't two
see being seen as vulnerable or in trouble so so they don't ask for help, but we get a car okay, so I don't know the option that gonna take em, they're, gonna, repossess or out before them my mortgage. Tomorrow I'll be there with it. How can we do something and there's quite a few times, yet the stepping within an hours of foreclosure or something and pay the bill and put the guy back on his feet. Because sometimes it is I don't know we view what about many guys. I know what and I was the situation that I'm almost there, almost get myself out on the ground in the clear about this. thing is going to sing me. I just did a little but push get me over the hump and I'm good, I have a job lined. I have this and this are there with we. We gave the push, so the guy can get on his feet and ends and another thanks to or this
portent, for maybe seals found, is good. people out of this vicious cycle of contracting theirs guys they like it, and I understand it and that I think I would like it to myself but many guys that are tired. Already they kind of war, the dead combat deployments, but when they when they retire or they leave the navy data have sometimes much options their skills, as you know, maybe seals their skin. Our skills are not easily translated the civilian world I mean that the great walmart came out of guard or something like this do unless you have other skills that require, while in the teams and lots of team guys but there are some that dont. So we want to send them. So what they do say, ok, we're I'm going to do is, I think, the job this time so out the contracting for six months and makes tons of money combine have cushion to that, can find a job or this there's no longer distance of money available, because the
wars, are winding down the guy. The play on such contract cows would the money six months late six months later, there are no money left the still no job. So what do you do with the guys doing what? I just tried one more time. So just the thing, as his family, his wife, his kids, I'm going again. I got one more time Some would be better and kids. Again on the on these contract comes back. It does not better. So with that. We are looking for a way to break them out of the second. Those guys who want to get out seals. Why? Understanding by and they're trying to help too? get out of the besides some of these guys out of the injured, and they don't need to go on this on this type of trips anymore for sure. all this information can be found at drago, Jaron, dot com, that's where it is your last name is bought deasey, I e r and d,
nay, misspelled is spelled you are back somehow and social media. You're you're on instagram you're on twitter at at drop, drug was wrong. His we're on both those places in this. you got on the book. Freakin just came out, it's just its its outstanding. Does that get us the present day to recover- oh, I know would cover, Yes, your friend from our from bone frog yes on fraud. Coffee company is both for coffee bone. Boy upon for wines, He is, and I would like to bring it up because its great coffee, this guy, is is this a seal business great business and the coffee you like it, you'll love it This is something that that's all I drink I would like to bring it up and I would like to encourage people,
support is maybe see of business is as great again right, coughing greater and these guys are supporting our charities one frog, coffee bunkering winds, lines our support, Maybe she was found. They are always very active within the vizier community, support the again, maybe seals funded organ, and I would like to encourage but to look into their website. It is. It is past, that maybe see us find that org as one of our supporters the end enter active actively helping our community, so this guy that made this company term he's a he is obtained I hastened. Let me see- oh yes, sir, he retired. I think you did what twenty five years. I think someone like that so, and and he you know, he's one of these freaking coffee junkies people are super into coffee like and so
bone, frog, coffee, dot com, and No, if you want me to say this or not, but you are saying that he donated so much money to you and your charity that you had to be like hey dude you, need to give us any more money right now, like we'll get money from other people. That's that's what that's where his mind It is our yes, because so doesn't I would website We want him to take care of himself right now and his family, because his beloved wife I think I can say about it, because this is officially on our website that the support for his wife Has the council and that he's fighting everything he has to provide. His family and safe he's what his wife so please go to. then maybe seals, funded or through our support page and read about my teammate, whose fighting
he's wise life right now with it will still try to provide for for his keys for his children. So again. I have to be very careful how I saved for legal reasons I think, but this demand that we support. We actually had to ask him to do not the two instead of tomato, maybe saucepan, just provide for his family for peace before he saw wife and west standing by his side so that they do so This fund is on his side, who tried to help him, but this business is the coffees gray, the something that I didn't everyday and I was not there. if you think you're until I ran to discover so If you can maybe show it to sir once called bone free, blend the other once called frogman gaff fruit
I'm from it is my favorite: that's your favorite believe it or not. So Let's support him. Less bore bone frog, bone frog, bone frog, coffee, our com, there you go also two navy seals, funded or working readily, but more about what we are fighting for. Right now for his family very go so sore Those things out and arm zack get us up I'll get us a present day. Think when the present day carry you The questions I saw you over there taking notes, were you just taking a freakin admin note to put out. Actually I did have one question for you drago just because I'm curious and and I definitely plan on reading the book and but in in in socialist state poland, about what percentage of the the polish people would you say were bought into what was happening with the socialist government, because it's
seems like with you know: people haven't rooms taken away from them and in an apartment, building to put somebody else therein us food scarcity. It seems like you that the people would look around and say something here isn't right. This doesn't seem like it's working, but I am not sure help how how many the what percentage of the people are bought into this and in or believers and a percentage or kind of felt like you in and your can occur at a very small percentage that, although, if you listen to office, are socialists propaganda, the press then the media, the faintness media that you would that everybody is for socially, is there's only few. These pose this up. they d call insurrectionists who oppose it, but you know Foreign policy knew about these more this afternoon
second world war. When they were executing people opposing socialism, they did that apartments and stuff. This has meant that the biggest deal there was just convenience, but are we talking about the prisons, the prospect persecution of opposition, they did that the present after the second world war, people being sent out the soviet union to siberia from poland, so dead was That was so it's common knowledge that even strict censorship, falsified history and destroy? The monuments bottom destroyed books, the history,
looks as it did not help to suppress the discontent and the hate for socialism and communism that the totalitarian oppressive systems in actually the polish constitution. I think article thirteen, I believe, says that is it for beats any party any type of organization which whose ideology is based on totalitarian system like socialism like fastest national socialism or communism. It is illegal to promote these type of ideologies in poland. Now, although now they say they tried to change that they that there is a lot of forces now financed by soros and bankers who are trying to dismantle poland
now they try to bring a lot of refugees in poland, they try to build a hate of poles one towards another. They tried to build this french group or a group with questionable mortality. They try to push. As a man into girls bathrooms. So this is this is something that was coming from overseas from outside of poland, which is poland. It is now under attack, so they tried to do they try to defend themselves, but you know think would happen here, though, I think the best the real life teaches you a lot: the girl that the girl who was Joe held in in russia, prison sheriff to stand up to two our flag I would anthem and look the change of the sheep, Sperience how path she became there. She returned prison after two years become, do not stand up for
four anthem. Now she she, I believe, she's putting your dick but imagine how pathetic I am after twenty years in this type of prison in this. This is one of the things that the thing I want to say is just how grateful I am for the perspective that that you give us in this book. I think I a lot of times law. That perspective in just to be reminded of it is really powerful. So I'm super fortunate to you know, thank god, america, drug. Oh thank god. The seal tubes got drunk. So I like you, I want to see thank you because you actually made my point. This is the reason I wrote this book. I want people to did not an amuse how bad it is. Everybody knows how badly socialism cummings maize out, were to read and think how great america's? How This book to be appraised, alas, were You see that good things about
america which we tend not to sometimes notice people here or not be some. The younger generation moving a word about the great america how unique country in the world it is. So that's that's why I wrote this book yeah that way, people don't have to go to a russian prison in order to have realised that they should be very grateful for the freedom that we have here in this country. They can just go. Oh yeah we're blessed to be here. Yes, that's that's what I would like to see. To see my book. Well, that's what it delivers any draw any closing what you got anything else for this. Time around I think the same thing for me, this important we lost. Guys in this war, many teammates, but also other military personnel and they leave their still alive in our minds in our hearts so weak.
Having to keep them alive and we must not allow them to die again by fading from our memories. So to counter lanes? You need to be doing to remedy. we need to remember them and we need to pray for them and their families, and we have to put up that the different These families lost their protectors. We need to stepping. We must be dead protectors now. So just just that thought. Yes, indeed, were you nor, as I read the book, I know that from the book, years ago. Before you even made it to america. While you were waiting in in west germany to get your but to get your, final flight. Over here to america. You made a pledge made a promise. You made a pledge to be the best. America citizen that you possibly could be and
I want to tell you without a doubt you achieve that goal and I think you ve gone above and beyond that pledge. You know from working as a janitor, two parts picker to us. Mechanic to a parachute expert and then, when our country went to war? What you do you wouldn't volunteered to fight and you served with the distinction, As a seal on multiple combat deployments. It was an honour to serve alongside you, then, and it
in order to always be able to call you brother in likewise, I was his great honor to be called american, and I this is something like cherish the most and that it was enough to shave with you and now that my fellow seals- and I would say thank you for for allowing me to come to this country and leave as a free man and that thank you is for every american every every person here in america. I would say thank you. I will never forget that, while thanks for your perspective and thanks for being an american thanks brother and with that thomas drago, IRAN has left the building.
not much. I mean damn what a friggin story here talking about getting better man, a guy suit, socialist communist poland, prince prison the locks up the embassy. What's up yup, you know I failed to talk, about for some are a kind of went into a he's kind of a mutant. Obviously, like he's sixty three years old right how's. He look I've been hour. I would guess like early fifties, I promise had around fitly like abruptly say early fifties really yeah did. He looks like he's thirty three, forty language, these frigid jack jack and an easy either real icon hinted to it, but uses When you seem like fighting back up, he's he's a good half we explosive, he has it like our train with them? You know, so you can feel
oh yeah he's really explosive. any would learn really quickly wages of justice, I was going to say about this. Oh just a beast obese, What I didn't when I didn't talk to him too much about like how did he prepare for buds? I think he just I think his life was preparation for bots and his genetics or preparation for buds cuts. Yet here he was put. that he was putting those mme pieces together early on to talk about the the boxing fundamentals than that body than one dozed off his get level mix and taken to the streets taking to the streets, but what it would have won a great dude and you know a big freakin heart. You know like distant big heart was
I help people out so awesome. I saw I was lucky to be able to work with him and it worked with him a lot man like kind of him. We did a lot of ops. He does freaking legit so, like I said man what a freakin awesome, dude, So there you go. I think we need to take advantage of our freedom here and we do it by getting after it by getting better. So we can better joggerfys dhaka fuel don't feel doc arm go get yourself some college, some right. fuelled up on jacko go by the way. It's like ten o clock at night right now, which recorded for I didn't know how long it was found for four and a half father or something like that. Something like that. But guess what here I am do I sound aunt, you sell and feel free fire it up? I'm kind of fired up because of drago. I'm also fired up, because I got my go up in me. So gives us an actual clean energy drink. It yourself, some some mark catches
some of that thirty grams a protein. He hid her. You know my combo is now mulct cookie fourteen grams of protein and mock thirty grams right there you're good forty four jeez of that. Team machine common at you. That's us That's a that is a gratifying thing to do in your life. Like you know, it's like. Let's say you're, your timeline, whatever you need. You need protein If the jack deal maybe did squats, maybe did snatches, I dunno what you did, but you know you need some protein boom. You get that milk cookie, and then you get that moak rtd hit her head in you do in thirty seven seconds you get imposed dounia, I think the actual time is: forty, four grams of protein and forty four seconds. For one gram per second joggled.
back on get yourself joint warfare itself to get yourself that freak in time or to get in there getting there on that. Jocker fuel darker get it all vitamin shop. You can get a g and see- and I said some water we just got see yo wherein there, where walla right now people were hassling while on the other day because on twitter so people ago, just one, I just want to why why that one can bottom right corner of europe as a whole. let why won't know, let you you go and people get fired up, but who knows You know what began some some billion dollar literally billion dollar conglomerates, their people, though we get p, right. You know we got rebellion, we got solidarity, we solidarity. The jackal fuel, and which obscene see a feast just found how people, but asking just found out what can be going into the navy exchanges. The end
boy I know you young to out there I knew all you young marines are young sailors are out there. I know you go to the ne x. I know you don't go to the damn commissary, because you're like yo, doing that. So got in there. We got into the annex, I don't wanna be next. Next few months will be in there, stores marrow and wait for shop right h, E b. we call on everyone to texas. Thank you. Thank you for supporting america, favour supporting yourself. That's what you do on your sport, pod gas by the way this park, is fuelled by jacques or fuel meyer. The midwest harris teeter in the game. lifetime fitness shields. And we got small gems, jujitsu gems regions. We got you covered either j? F, sales, jock or fuel dot com? If you want to get it in your in europe facility, so we are going on so jocko fuel dot, com check out origin. Usa came out the r t X, line role, train, execute
clothing to wear while you're getting after it. That's what it is. The quick dry the anti smell was the anti smoking microbe may in time. I crawled we gotta go on and know what gets american. It it's made by freedom it aid by freedom. You hurt you drug talking about it. Communism, socialism govern controlled. Well guess what china I guess we're your shirts from you. guess we're your shorts or from their from free. China, you are keeping someone imprisoned. You buy their shit, so don't do it by american by freedom support national security. Origin usa darkened go, get it hunt geared jitsu gear, digit, geese, rash guards boots just gokey, origin, usa darkened! That's where you goin on
we also got jacko store dot com. If you do get you coming in on you and I got cholesterol and look at you over there and I feel that sea rail accelerate the rigorous. We don't even need echo trawls around these parts. Anymore ha, that's gonna, jacko, stored outcome. We got rash guards tee shirts, you're discipline equals freedom represent on the it's you bro like where he he sees not needed. Lizzy just fell into hey everyone. He sees in hawaii before you freak out he's. vacation We need to break had been a lot of stuff, you been working. Hard, easy just been, you know, maybe go around the clock over here, commissioner, Well, that's why K dogs here, but apparently he's stepping up to the plate. He was ready, dude he's free to get in there getting in there. We got, joker heads, hoodies bees. We ve got warrior kid soap from irish oaks ranch
we got the jackal so they're a throwback state plea to throw back. Let's stay clean, so I'll stay clean by state we sure lockers? Well, don't we the shirt locker, that's where that's, where the? What is equitable the creative designed yes, sir so check that out subscribe to the podcast subscribe to to try to jacqueline brown, chalk on back home, it's where look or you can get. We could do it. We don't control the platform, a must Listening to us on drop on around our camp, which you might be we'll control apart from mecca shuts down tomorrow, the communists over placard happen, but if it does can you be right there on the underground, whether we will still will be. radio, free america on the underground. That's it we're gonna, be a doll eighteen sense a month, if you, join the revolution. The resistance come and get it. if you can't afford eight dollars and eighty cents well, don't worry, we got you email assistance at undergrad, educ on the ground are common. We got you, we got to you
Channel subscribe to them subscribe to origin. Usa, you two general subscribe to juggle fuel you to jail. subscribe to Islam front for you to get onto youtube jails? logical warfare go by that feeling, hear me talk more or revisit that. If We having listened to psychological warfare in a minute, go back to good, want to get into go back scope, like footsore, gave us to go to my bunch of books. Number one book: the pledge to america by thomas drago, drago, zero, one check that one out freakin great book, and then I read a bunch of books to final spend leadership stretching package field manual. You guys know the deal. look get your kids a book, get your kids. Were you one two three four and five get your kids MIKE in the dragons, get your kids about faced by colonel david hackers. They need it baby. boy, our extreme ownership, dichotomy leadership. It's all! In their excellent front, we have
We should consultancy. We solve problems through leadership grass on front dot com for details. We got the dallas muster october, eighteenth through twentieth. We got the next battlefield as august eight through tenth. I think. There's a couple seats left couple slots left tat little bighorn, You want to see where it went down want to walk the battlefield. You want to study the terrain and the leadership and personalities come and get. It will be up there also we have the assembly, which is the or a women's event run by jimmy cochrane, the at echelon front september, fourteen through sixteenth in phoenix arizona, go check and I we also have online training- we can't get to the whole world, but we're trying and the way were drawing is through our mind, training, extreme ownership, dot com, learn that did you have leadership the magic of leadership
learn them maneuvers skills, the tenets, learn how to it's not natural, it's not enough, your gift, it's something you have to learn extreme ownership, dot com, we will teach. You can also come on. There's ask me questions. You one there and take some courses whatever you want to do just get in their new new course out on the me right now. It's one of our relationships with yourself work. Good deal dave could deal data relationships. Are everything relationships everything its some of the things that you do to build relationships are counter intuitive. You might not be doing what you think you're doing so get in there. take their relationships course. Believe me, you build good relationships with other people. If you build good relationships of the people with a view build good relationship with the people in your family. If you build goodwill,
ships with the people that you interact with in the world the car mechanic, the plumber, the teacher though college professor, the doktor, the boy ass the subordinate the peer, if you form good relationships with these people, you tire life is going to be better and then entire life- is going to be better. So don't you, but I don't necessarily know how to do this check it out. Extreme ownership, dot com learn how to build relationships, learn how to lead. If you want to help service members, active and retired, you want to help their gold star families. You want to help. Just service members in general, you want to help people that need it goes. You mark liese, mom mama Lee she's got a charity organization. The great organization
it's at america's mighty warriors dot org, and if you want to donate, if you want to get involved, you can go and look at what she does to provide one of the huge parts of what she does provide medical treatment for people that need it outside the realm of what the veal provides. It's it's outstanding. I've seen it complete, one. Eighty turn around my friends lives so check out when out also heroes and horses dot. Org Michael I think he takes veterans up into the wilderness, so they can find themselves again and its extremely powerful and what is not
when that he's like single handedly hunting down mountain lions with sling that he made out of rawhide he's hide getting it there you go if you want to connect us. Only in webs connected drugs, drug was at he's got a website drug czar, on dot com he's social media he's on his social media, which is connecting he's also on instagram and twitter at drago is ron, Carey is out, carry help and carry underscore held meetings that carry home. He won't quick enough. It's our good, I'm magical and just watch out. Only those watch out for the algorithm. Don't worry about bone fraud, bone frog, coffee, bone, frog, coffee, dot com. Don't give check out? We gotta get a team guy We had a seal. That is
making awesome coffee for you and he's helping out veterans, unease trying to take care of his family right now in a big way, trying to take care of his wife so go check that out. If and and thanks to all the military personnel around the world bank for our freedom. That given us centuries. Thank you for staying After holding the line, to our allies throughout course of history that is, supported us in the fight for freedom. Special recognition for the poor Armed forces, including the grom at my back over and over again, over iraq who took our drugs. We thank you for standing with us in the fight to preserve freedom,
so thanks to our police, nor enforcement, firefighters, paramedic, the antique dispatchers correctional officers, border patrol secret service, all of you first responders. Thank you for your sacrifice to keep us safe here at home and everyone else out. There is a crazy to think about what people are. suffered through the. How easy it is to take things were granite things like running water, things like being able to travel freely things like. Bed, things like food things like music in art and speech and fought being free. Mean able to do what we want. That's freedom. How often we take it for granted too often.
How often do we forget the price it's been paid too often how Often do we ignore the opportunities that freedom presents to off so remember,. Remember from drug store and he's one of the lucky ones might away he's one of the ones that only went to prison. He was murdered. He wasn't buried in unmarked grave. How many thanks? since in tens of thousands, were he's one of the lucky ones that was able to escape, but we have to remember that our freedom is not free and that it is fragile and that we, to cherish it and protected, and we I have to take advantage of the opportunities we get from freedom It's a travesty. If we don't do that, so
use your freedom go, live, go brief, go build and create and speak and think relish relish this freedom and that's all we ve got and until next time this is carry and jacket.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-22.