« Jocko Podcast

424: Action and Purpose Even When You Are Afraid.

2024-02-07 | 🔗

USAF Manual, "Psychological Aspects of Survival." Part 2.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is jocko podcast number 424 with echo Charles and me jocko willing good evening echo good evening, so Continuing from the last podcast that we did for 23 if you haven't listened to that one you can Go back and listen to it or you can listen that one later these kind of stand on their own This is going back to the book the same Air Force manual called a psychological aspects of survival and there's just a bunch of good Information in there today. We're gonna talk about some sections this look at the survival menu That's not what it's about. It's about the psychology of survival. And so the That I found that we're going to cover today. They're helpful to some Many different aspects of your life. It's it's a section on fear, and it's a section about leadership and and
Recognize and overcome fear something everybody needs to know and then how to lead a group or group leaderships or group leadership in Dynamic situations, how do you do that? And I think you're gonna see both these topics. I was pulling all kinds of stuff out of them that we can apply to our normal lives, business lives, tactical lives, if you're in a tactical. Scenario family relationships the whole nine yards so here we go we're gonna go back to the book 1954 psychological aspects of survival Feel it. In survival fear can save your life or it can kill you Opening line Like where we're going. Some men are at their best and enjoy themselves most when they are scared. Downed flyers faced with survival emergencies have been surprised at how well they remembered their survival briefings how quickly they could think and react.
And what strength they had. The experience gave them a new confidence in themselves. On the other hand... Some men became paralyzed when faced with the simplest survival situations. These have been able to snap themselves out of it before it was too late. In other cases, a fellow crew member was on hand. To save them. The others however have not been so fortunate. They are not listed among the survivors. How you will react depends more upon yourself than it does upon the situation. Once again, these people Take it right to the source, the early versions, extreme ownership. How well you react depends more upon yourself than it does upon the situation. This is Demonstrated both in actual survival situations and in laboratory experiments. It isn't always the physically strong or happy-go-lucky guy who handles fear most effectively.
Frequently become frozen in panic. On the other hand, timid and anxious men have met such emergencies. With remarkable coolness and strength. It's about you, what you're gonna do. And that is true, you don't know how people are gonna react. Do you get enough sense for it? You do. You get, you can make an assessment. And you're gonna be accurate to a certain percentage. So let's say if I looked, if I knew five guys Bye. And I knew we were gonna put, throw some dynamic situation at 'em, and I had to predict how they were gonna react, We get a 70, 70% right. - Yeah, well I guess it's based on how good you know, or how long you've known him maybe. - Yeah, but even then. Like just being around them for a second, you can kind of-- - Yeah, you can look at 'em, but you're only gonna be like a 70. You know, now look, if you have the-- You can't put them in scenarios, you can start to know them better, right? Which is what you're saying.
Even when you know, yeah, there's still gonna be some people that just lock up at the wrong point You don't know. Yes, and that's one of those things When you get to experience it for the first time and you're like, okay, I'm good. It's a good It's a good feeling. Oh like that you bet a scenario. Yeah, you've been in the scenario you're like, okay, that's kind of you know That's what everyone that's why Young men want to go into combat, right? See what up they want to see how they do. They want to make sure that they react the way They envisioned and I think that that's one thing that plays into sort of how you handle the whole situation right if you didn't respond and didn't act the way you wish you would have I think that's probably pretty hard. To deal with and actually we got I got another book that I'm prepping right now that's that kind of tunes Into the trauma and the post-traumatic scenarios, but that's one of those things that I think I did.
Reminds me of that Remember when Jimmy May was on and he was talking about people going through buds and the way They saw themselves the more closely that aligned to the way other people saw them the better chance They had to make it it through. Mmm, and if they Saw themselves differently than other people saw them. They had less of a chance of making it through. Mm-hmm. I think This one the way you see yourself and the way you actually do I think that has a lot too I think that impacts you so if you have high expectations If you think you're gonna be a superhero and you act like a super wimp, that's a problem. You think you're kind of wimpy and you kind of perform wimpy, you're okay. Think you're gonna be wimpy and you perform well, then that's kind of you'll be okay But I think the hardest one is like you think you're gonna be a stud and you end up being a dud And they're gonna be hard to deal with. Yeah. Well that does make sense because even just in everyday life
You know, we're grown adults now allegedly electric but you know you think of I don't know if you have this way Of something you might have said to somebody or did or like behaved and you just Regretted and you can't get that time back. You know, you almost want to be like Wish you could just rewind time and like not do that, you know, kind of a thing. But it'll, and it won't ruin your life, nothing like this, but it's. Even now if you're reminded of something you did 30 years ago, it still actually has like an actual impact on how you feel It's like that kind of And it's just such a small thing, you know, so I can't imagine, or I can imagine how big of a deal it is, you know, in these extreme situations. There's two things, number one, like hey, you're in harm's way if you don't. Like a hero bro you were there it's okay like we get it it's a you know what i mean like yeah
Hold a higher expectation of ourselves and then when someone doesn't do what they wanted to do They feel bad about it when it's like Hey, man, you were there. It's okay. Yeah, like we appreciate you just being there. So thank you. Yeah, but that's number one That's different. Yeah, you know, it's what you feel in your head is like it's different It's harder to convince someone like you missed the the winning touchdown as a receiver you know yeah and the You know and I'm like hey echo it's okay like you we wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for you in the first place But you don't care about that right you just know that you let us down in your mind You let us down when we needed you the most yeah So that's one part The other part is what you just said and they talk about in this book That's why it's kind of fresh in my mind and you've heard me talk about this a bunch of times Mentally prepared and what in this book they just call it set they call it set we'll get to it but being set mentally to handle something
It makes you so much more prepared for it and - An example I always use is if you came to my house and I was like, I hid in the hallway and scared you, like you'd be scared. If I told you I was gonna scare you, I probably could not scare you just because you were ready for it. If you role play like a conversation that you're gonna have with someone before you go into it, you're gonna do so much better than. They suddenly show up like I want to talk about this right now You're gonna be totally frazzled where if you roleplay at first with one of your peers, then you go and you make it happen You're gonna be able to handle a lot better. Patrolling down the street and thinking. Okay, if I get contacted from the front, I'm gonna go over here. I'm gonna make the call to move the platoon over here Just having that little bit of foresight helps you out tremendously. And that's one of the things you and I talk about jiu-jitsu. If you train and someone grabs you in the street, you're like so ready.
If you don't train and someone grabs you, it takes you a good chunk of time just to. Compute what's going on and the fear and the aggression and the hostility and the physical? Physicality of the whole thing. That's five things or whatever. I just named that you got to get over Yeah, meanwhile, if you train you're you're over you're already on the other side of that mountain. You're like what let's go Got hip toss son You just got hip tossed all right going back to the book here fear Everyone who faces an emergency that threatens any of his important needs experiences fear in a survival In an evil emergency you may be constantly threatened with the loss of such basic needs as food, water, companionship, shelter, even of life itself. In a survival situation, you, like everyone else, will experience fear.
Your fear will greatly influence your behavior and your behavior your chances of surviving Fear cannot be removed by a military order. It is very natural response to danger. You must recognize Fear live with it and if possible use it to your advantage oh you must accept fear as a normal reaction it is not An emotion you need to be ashamed of you must realize that you cannot avoid fear by denying that the danger causing it exists you must Realize that there is always something you can do to improve your situation. Good advice. That's a big one and This is another thing to point out Taking MMA fighters that are nervous and you can see that they're nervous and they've gone to the bathroom nine times and they're Or pale and they're sweating and they're just nervous, you can tell. And if you tell them, hey, that's just your body getting ready for combat, it's good for.
You'd be feeling what you're feeling right now and they go. Okay cool. Mmm. If you're like, hey, what's wrong bro? You send him? And tailspin. - That's so helpful. - Very helpful. - That when you basically indicate to someone. Their feelings as weird or wonky as they are whatever those feelings are when you tell That those feelings are normal part of the process whatever however you want to say it like it's weird how helpful that is And I use that all the time now. Thank you with my kids cuz you know, they're growing out, you know My daughter is 10, you know, they go through things Socially and all this stuff and it's like, you know, they don't understand they just understand what's in there in front of their face How they grew up they you know, all these other things outside of the household is it, you know a lot of time a mystery You know So, you know she'll get like a
And I'm feeling this for this reason. I'll be like, hey, no, no, no, this is all normal. You got to understand this is how it works. But what you're feeling right now is completely like that's normal. Everyone feels like that and it helps 100%. It helps 100%. Of the time or it has in my experience. - The companionship through the hard patches. In this case, just being other people feel the same thing. - Yeah. - It's like, oh okay, I got it, it's normal. - Yeah, yeah. - So, totally. - Wait, what'd you just call it? It's like companionship through hardship. Yeah, it's like you are what what you're Told us. Yeah. Oh, you've got to go for the first day of school. Yeah, you you feel all nervous Everyone's nervous everyone feels that way you're all in this together. Yeah, it's okay. You got to go
Try out for the football team. You're scared, you're nervous. Yep, that's it. Everyone that's going out on that field is nervous. - Yeah, that's true, huh? 'Cause if you feel like you're the only one that feels like that, that's when comes the feeling of like, hey, there's something wrong right now. This isn't correct, this isn't normal. You know, this is something wrong kind of a thing. But yeah, if you know that there's nothing wrong with it, then it's normal, it's like, all right. Business as usual then we're doing Next section what is known about fear symptoms when you are afraid you may have one or more of the following symptoms or signs However, these effects may also appear in circumstances other than fear Bunch of these rapid and noticeable pulse, palpitation, trembling, feeling or muscular Dryness of the throat and mouth change of pitch of voice you ever watch like police shooting videos Yeah, and you can hear the voice of like a cop. That's totally petrified
And his voice, like they're losing it. That's a good example of that. Stammering. Perspiration, especially on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and the armpits. Emptiness in the stomach desire to defecate or urinate. I just talked about that you get a UFC fighter that's going to the Octagon For the first time he's probably going to the bathroom 14 times and in the final hour there Same thing with combat like you got good Going out and the guy going out on his first mission, he's in the freaking Porta John a bunch. Nausea faintness forgetfulness Talkativeness in the early stages later tending to become speechless. You ever been around someone that's scared. They're talking about Yeah confusion fatigue dilation of pupils increase in blood blood sugar Increase of sugar in the urine increase in adrenaline content to the blood
So, unreality, irritability, inability to concentrate. That's the last one. So, these are all things that you can see when you see someone that's scared. Do you have anything that you've that you've been around where people are scared where you already know the deal I? mean you kind of just Like with your kids, like it's the first day of school. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So you can cut, have you seen them shiver? - No, not shiver, but just... Boom. Not any of those symptoms that's like extreme so no, I mean that you know a football guy But I would still have even though I know the deal I would still have all those feelings nerves. Yeah Yeah, or like just a master whatever. Remember I told you I would gag all the time before my first match only For watching.
But have super super dry mouth. It was weird just for the first maybe like three four minutes of the game I've been backstage at UFC where well-known fighters are throwing their guts up Yeah, and I'm like, oh that must be something like are they gonna be able to fight and the coach would be like no Of what they do. Yeah, that's kind of crazy. Yeah, all those things but like We've been saying when you are helping someone get through a frightened moment, that's those. Some of the things they experience if you tell them, yep, that's just normal. I always tell people, like, that's your body getting ready for war, whether they're going to fight. Whether they're going out on the wrestling mat whether they're going into combat. That's your body getting ready for war That's your body getting ready for combat. So it's good. It's good Tell them it's good, and it is good. You're getting focused. Section who experiences fear almost everyone who has flown a combat mission has experienced fear in a
Study made of 1,985 flying officers and 2,599... Airman after World War two 99% expressed some fear 33% of the officers and 42% of the airmen were afraid on every mission or on almost everyone Where do airmen experience fear? Study of the fear reactions of 150 normal airmen following World War II combat tours in the 8th Air Force. Indicated that Some experience greatest tension the night before a mission or at some time even more distant from danger The majority however experienced the greatest tension between briefing and takeoff and perhaps over Over the enemy coast tension is relieved by action. A few experience the greatest fear at the time of combat or catastrophe.
Some show no marked response until after the mission has been completed and they begin to talk it over Very few seem to show no tension at all some because they displace fear other because they convert their fear into aggressive action against the enemy For me. I was like a night before Or guy like the further away that's when I and I would feel what I'd feel is nervous and I was Number one, obviously the guy's gonna get hurt killed and number two that we're gonna do a bad job Like we're gonna make a mistake I'm gonna make a mistake and that's gonna cause the unit to do a bad job. But for me like after the briefing Actually, basically during the briefing I'm now I'm in the mode of Remember when I talked a little bit about getting a little bit of arrogance, a little bit of cocky? Basically when I'm going into brief and I'm briefing that's how I'm feeling. I start feeling like we're gonna crush the enemy and
Still have a little bit of that but I start feeling pretty good and then Greatest fear in the time of combat and I'm one of those people that when it's going on and I think most people that's why it says a few most people are like when you're when it's It's happening. That's what you're that's what you're focused on Some show no marked response until after the mission has been completed and they begin to talk it over I don't have any of that but I have talked to guys Where you could see that when we got back They were like what the hell just happened and you See the fear settling in afterwards and then no Attention or no fear You know, they displaced the fear or convert it into aggressive action. That's probably I know Oh, I felt that way a lot of time. I wasn't really afraid before, during, or after. I was more, I guess, for lack of a better--
Term focused but also like you're driving down the street you're waiting to suck start an IED well that's called fear you know or you're Going out the gate you're like, yeah, this could happen today. It could happen in the next 500 meters 300 meters like this could go down so Yeah, so that means You can if you're coaching someone if you're coaching yourself or you're looking at yourself You may feel any one of these things in any one of these times before during after it could come your way So be ready for it, be ready to recognize it. Next section, what do airmen fear? The study already mentioned the flying officers and airmen showed that the following. Things were most frequently feared by combat flyers. Number one, failure. Number two, cowardice. Number three, enemy action. So the enemy didn't even make the top three.
That's what Americans are like. Americans are, we don't wanna be cowards and we don't wanna fail. Yeah, the enemy might do something to kill me but not what I'm really scared of is I don't want to fail Thank you. And I don't wanna be a coward. Next, having a plane on fire, very specific. Bad weather. Malfunction of the aircraft injury to the eyes abdomen brain and genitals Worried about that we worried about that that. Factors which increase fear in combat. One study indicated that fears are increased by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness of being attacked when you can't fight back. Of being idle when you are in danger or of being insecure in the future. Yeah, this goes to like.
For me, I never liked being in reliant on a machine like being in the back of a Bradley. And when you're a A passenger and a Bradley, like you're just in there. It's dark. You don't know what the hell is happening. It's loud. It's hot and You can just get blown up and that's the way It is your passenger in a Humvee. You know Humvee is a little bit more proactive, especially It's normally you're in a Humvee you with your platoon Bradley you're in the back of a brand and Bradley when you got picked up or you're getting dropped off or whatever You don't have much control You feel a little bit helpless you feel it does feel badass being in a Bradley of course, but when Bradley's are getting IED and blown up and destroyed and catching on fire. It doesn't give you the Think you would have in a Bradley I would have chosen 100 times out of 100 to be on my feet instead of in a Bradley
Love the Bradleys, I appreciate 'em, and God bless 'em. But my personal feeling, I-- I'd be way more, I'm way more comfortable being on my feet than in the Bradley. So. Tentative summary of what is known. Everyone in a survival situation may expect to experience some fear. Some will experience normal fear with well-controlled rational behavior. Some may have disabling fears. Good leadership and training will modify all fears. It's very important to remember. Good leadership and training will modify all fears. What downed crew members say about fear? Reactions to fear. Crew members interviewed who had been downed said that they experienced some or all of the previously listed symptoms. In-flight emergency and bailout were the most intense experiences.
The result of the fear experience then some suffered considerable mental inefficiency Yeah, I wasn't gonna read this but I'm gonna read it I was this is So again, this book is based on just interviews with a lot of people and this is World War two and Korea So they've got fresh Memories. This guy says, I was stretched out against the bulkhead and scared as hell. The bulkhead was the wall of the plane. I don't remember doing anything until I had fired 100 rounds. Then I looked at my own body for holes. Even though the Japs had not fired, I made three attempts to jump. Time my hands were holding onto something and I could not free myself. So here's a dude that scared He's trying to jump out, but he can't let go of the plane. Some describe the fear reactions of fellow crew members as panic, which proved fatal. Quote, The co-pilot blew up.
When the plane was hit he hit the panic button and didn't bail out This was just the opposite of what you would have expected. I had thought he Would have been the, I would have thought I would have been the one to blow up, but I was unnaturally calm. I did begin to shake when I finally hit the ground. So dudes just so horrified that they just Mmm recognizing and facing fear fairly common especially among those captured is an attempt to suppress from conscious Awareness the reality of danger or inability to accept the reality of the situation quote my first Or feeling was that this just couldn't be happening to me. I couldn't believe it. Were that I had to get to the rendezvous point so I could get home for supper if Dawned on me that I that it couldn't be done I then got out of my escape kit it
While to reconcile myself I decided to take the line of least resistance afterwards I was aware of evading although somewhat vaguely so just not Accepting the reality of the situation that you're in I'm gonna fast forward a little bit to a section called releasing tension many says That they experienced tremendous relief from tension or fear when they escaped from the aircraft hit the ground or some said even when captured by the enemy that's not good but you can see If you're totally unprepared and you're totally uncomfortable and you're out there and you're scared, you could see where once you get captured, you feel like. An amount of relief if you're in the wrong mindset. You might even not. As hard as you should to evade capture 'cause you're waiting to get caught. yeah...
Like that feeling of the unknown. - Yeah, that feeling of the unknown is worse. - Yeah, it's like at least you got some relief from that, you know, and you're not really considering like the, you know, the new stuff. Issues because they're not right there in front of you. You know, you could see that. Yep oftentimes people prefer known rather than unknown Even when the known is like being a prisoner of war That's crazy. There's an important section things you can do to help reduce or kill fear are Keep busy Busy with your job, plan bailout and escape procedures, keep the crew briefed. About the latest developments. Here's a bunch of quotes. Quote, It is important to keep everybody doing something all the time. Socks some fishing etc. Another quote I was getting chilled. So I bailed out the dinghy to keep warm this also
Kept my mind occupied and helped to keep me calm. Next one, quote, I was miserably cold in my hiding place, so I began doing push-ups to increase my circulation. Crazy World War two in Korea. You've got people that were shot down over the ocean people are shot down over the jungle it's These are just vast experiences. Many activities such as the last two not only release tension but also serve to fulfill other survival needs. Into a relatively safe place to think things over. Getting out of my chute harness. I ran to the nearest ditch about 30 yards away and lay down to think things out. Lot of these the same same of the last podcast we did these moments where you take a second get yourself To a position we can as we say in the seal teams take a freaking wrap off take a wrap off and Assess what's happening. A little bit of detachment, little bit of detachment.
And this is what I was talking about earlier The psychological set they just call it set for survival to me. I think what they're talking about is mindset Prepared. Having a psychological or mental set for survival or hoping for Prepared for the worst seems to reduce fear and increase survival chances. Having a mental set for an experience affects your reality. Actions and hence your success in evading and escaping. Again, having the mindset that like, if this happens, I'm gonna be ready for it. What am I gonna do? A couple times mentally hopefully physically hopefully you can run through the you know when you're parachuting you kind of Constantly just kind of go through the motions of what your cutaway procedures are like I'm doing where I'm talking you can't see if you're Watching. I just instinctively started kind of like thinking through the wave off and thinking through the the protocols.
That you do, but you do that a bunch of times, you do that over and over again. Go through the motions of doing it, and that helps you be set if an emergency occurs. Going on here one airman says quote. I always tried to remember all the information I would need if something happened you may never need it, but suddenly something may happen So that you have to use it. In an emergency, this crew member recalled clearly without panic or confusion. The pertinent information. He behaved almost as if he had rehearsed the situation and actually salvaged his crew when the designation was made. And a leader failed to carry out his duties. You know what's wild is I've been reading this book and we'll get more into it, but you think. You don't think about this, but these bombers, when they're getting shot down, it takes time.
Like they're up there at 30,000 feet, they get shot, they lose an engine, they lose a wing, now they're gonna crash. It takes time. Bunch of things in here where they're talking through how they're going to bail out. They're get Bailey Out their wounded friends, they're grabbing people, like getting them patched up, getting them in their parachute so they can go. Of that amount of time that's, you think, oh, it just blows up and you're dead, right? You don't think of, oh, we're descending. From 30,000 feet on it. You probably have a few minutes. Three four minutes To bail out maybe even more I mean From 30,000 feet in a free fall, you got like three minutes. That's going down at 120 miles an hour. Glide slope, you might even have six, seven, eight, nine, 10 minutes. 15
Minutes, maybe not 15 that might be getting extreme but but you have a lot of Time to think about what's going on. I've never really considered that before. Yeah, and Yeah, it's pretty wild One of my, I guess it would be my great uncle, was shot down in World War II. And ten crew members five of them were killed five of them were captured He was captured and made it back to America Yeah, pretty pretty amazing, but I never thought about the Seven minutes plummeting on fire towards the earth and what the hell is going through your mind is that's going down Okay. Bye. Continuing on another crew member had no mental set for an emergency. He was an emotion. He was emotionally prepared prepared For a rest camp after the mission and not for an emergency on the mission. He did not anticipate
When the emergency occurred he was panic stricken and froze up He could not remember getting back into the pilot seat where he used all of his strength to write the aircraft so that the crew Could bail out. He feels his the experience was so unexpected that he was Enough to realize he was actually in trouble. He continued with this shock type behavior on the ground and was captured, although he-- Believes he had a good chance to evade an escape He says he now tries to get set for any situation in order to avoid such shock and panic again That's what I was talking about earlier this idea if you're going into a situation if you take just eight Tiny amount of time to think through the contingencies and what could happen and how you're gonna behave if you do that Help you so much if you walk into a restaurant and you think to yourself. You know what if an activist?
Shooter comes in here, here's what I'm gonna do. You're gonna respond 10 times better. Than if you wait until an active shooter walks in there and starts pulling the trigger. It's you. Going through those little exercises in your mind so helpful. I said we'd walk down the street constantly having the the thought okay if I get contacted from the front Here's what we do. Here's women tell the platoon to fight contact from left if I get a contact from the right Just thinking through those things constantly. It's it's going to benefit you to a point that In the moment of truth could be life or death. Yeah, you know in Element what elementary school did you go to? I think it was actually called the red brick elementary school sir red bricks on them - So, I think in high school too, I forget. Anyway, you know the fire drill? - Yeah. - You did the fire drill. - Do you ever go through the fire drill and think like, this is the most mundane thing pretty much ever? - Yeah, yeah.
Also doesn't seem real good. It didn't seem good right like there's a fire You want me to line up and count people and then walk orderly down the hall. I'm going out the window, bro Yeah Or not going out the window. - But when you think about it, it's probably the best broad drill to have. 'Cause why would you go out the window? Like, come on, I don't know. I don't know how it was shaped, but given my situation at our school Lining up in an orderly fashion, like to really the most sense. If it's like, hey, if everyone B-lines towards the door, bro, we're gonna get jammed up in the door. Like little bottleneck scenario kind of thing. If we go single file to this very specific place, we all know what to do when there's an actual fire. Literally know what to do, little kids. Not just me, a bunch of little kids too. So yeah, if there's a--
It kind of makes sense, think kind of you reading this and just thinking about how that works. It's like yeah, you've literally been through this before. - This is 100% right, that's exactly why they do it. Exactly why they do it is because. If you rehearse it once or twice you're gonna be ten times better than if you You just try and do it for the first time under duress. - Yeah. - Under duress, so yeah. Rehearsals we used to say in the SEAL teams when they're getting ready for a mission. The goal was one third Planning one third gear prep one third rehearsal now we didn't achieve that very often but that's the goal Is that we're in rehearsals a bunch of times and you do that rehearsal it's gonna pay off. It's gonna pay dividends Yeah, yeah, I remember in football and in jiu-jitsu is a big one where? Because that's what practice is right. It's levels of
Rehearsal essentially and I remember when I played football when I first started playing when I was 11 years old and I remember Through these practice plays and practice all the time in our first game and I remember getting a play called Had to, you know, they give me the ball and I run and do all the stuff. And I'm thinking like, how the heck is this gonna play out with some real, another team, you know? And other faces and I don't know those other faces. And it's almost surprising to be like, oh, this worked just like it did in practice. This. Like sometimes it works really good, sometimes it kind of doesn't work, some, you know, like, but, but there's nothing surprising about But the whole scenario aside from the strangers across from us versus our teammates in practice. And then jiu-jitsu is the same thing where it's like okay if I kind of execute this take down the way we did in practice Like you know, I'm looking at This guy and I don't know man I'm like I don't know man I hope this works and you do it you're like brother that worked just as good as it would did in practice like almost surprising you know
- Yeah, it's weird how that can just play out like that. - Yeah. - Be so beneficial. - Do your rehearsals. Continuing on, one sign of mental set is to equip yourself. Physically for a possible emergency one man prepared a personal escape kit in addition to the one he had been issued He sewed straps on his GI shoes in order to safeguard them. He spent five months Successfully surviving and evading no other member of his crew took such precautions and no other ones came out alive another took no precautions He assumed that if I were knocked down I would be killed and survival would be useless Accept the emergency not realizing immediately that he'd crashed he felt panicky and yelled get me out of here He made a little attempt to escape and was soon captured Go through some freaking rehearsals
Training helps many survivors frequently mention that training gave them confidence especially training in parachute ditching procedures in general Evidence is adequate training equals order and a high survival rate. Inadequate training equals And a low survival rate That's another thing You play chess a lot. Yeah, your butcher call Sign called oh yeah echo charles24 so I know you Getting a lot of challenge matches. Yes But as you get better, you're starting to see patterns on the board, right? Yeah big time and you can go oh I see See this pattern, therefore I can do this. So part of what training is, is pattern recognition and knowing, oh, I've done this before. Now, let's say you've rehearsed getting out of your parachute ten times.
When you're actually getting out of the parachute, it gets hung up on a piece of your gear. Don't have to worry about the nine protocols that you've been through that you've rehearsed because you just do those naturally only thing you need Focus on that one little area that's hung up so you can get out. So having these these chunks of Information I think they actually use that word in chess as well. Like the board is in chunks and they see different chunks of Of the pieces and the way they're put together. So you can do that with anything. When you do an arm lock in jiu-jitsu, there's 10. Let's say you got to do right to get the arm lock right if you've done it a bunch of times and there's a variable You don't need to worry about Things you only worry about that one variable correcting that one thing. So that's why we want to train. It's exactly why we want to train. Had a weird shot in archery this year hunting I was is... I...
Was like leaning over really far and I was leaning on a guy on my photographer and like he was Shooting and it Caleb like I'm basically almost laying on him and My form was not normal. It was and and that's the thing about archery is you want basically? The geometry of your body and of your shot to be the same every single time. Mm-hmm Yes, the whole purpose of training is The geometry of that all comes together. Well, I was not even close to my normal geometry not even close It was never been So out of position. I've never even, you know, you'll practice being in weird positions. I hadn't practiced a position. And it's weird. And I was totally out of position, but like the few critical. Things that you have to do the site that grip like those few critical things That's what I focused on and made the shot but if
Would had to been thinking about more than those things man. It would have been a disaster I probably will actually wouldn't have even taken the shot. Yeah, but yeah, I'm like basically My buddy Caleb, I'm like laying on him. He's scooting back trying to get out of my way. And I just did the. Little components that you drill over and over again, and I'm not even thinking about them. I'm just doing them my brain Is turned off I'm executing the protocol of the shot. - He was in my way. - Like wait, so what are you sitting, I mean you're not sitting down, you're standing up. - No, I was sitting down. - So you're sitting down, bow. - Yeah, bow, drawn, leaning over to get between the legs. like the Where the shot is gonna be taking place. - Oh, and he was just there with you and just floating in your-- - And by the way, Caleb's credit, guess what? Perfect video.
- Like he nailed it. He got even more credit. He was having a just for me and he steady just dialed in. - Officer Caleb. - Oh, big time. So the thing that you might not have realized-- - Copeland Creative, check that out. - Okay. And I'd have been realizing in the moment is while you're over here contorting and leaning on him to get your shot, my man Caleb's over there leaning and contorting and adjusting to get his shot. - Yeah, no, 100%. - See what I'm saying? He was also, you know, we were laughing about it later, but he was thinking do I take a break? Do I not take a breath this jocko anticipating me to breathe like what you know, he's so he's just trying to And it's not like you rehearse this. Oh wait. Yeah, because you guys are connected. Yeah, so yeah, yeah Dudges he starts doing some wonky. So not only did he get the video? Yeah, he didn't foul up My shot he got it all dialed all steady and credit I'm wanted with him a bunch before and so we we've been around each other a lot
But not enough to be like to know exactly what to do. He's he's very experienced. Yeah at a hunt photography and video so I was lucky in that respect. A guy that was not in, that didn't have that experience. Person didn't have that kind of experience that he has yeah It would have been a disaster because he had to keep the camera thing keep me good blood, but you know, yeah Yeah, I knew the flow Oh, yeah the whole deal. He just he does it run. That's what he does That's what he does for a living, but I would almost wager that he was more concerned about his shot Like the way you were like it would be funny if this was a kid where you know how you're like, okay I gotta get my shot or whatever and Caleb's like, oh, I don't care if chocolate gets his shot I'm over here trying to get this shot. This is the important - I think we've worked and shot here, see what I'm saying? - No, I think, I honestly think, well, for a hunt photographer, their priority is to make sure you get your shot, right? They're not gonna mess that up. - Yeah, yeah, for sure. - But the fact that he was able to get it with.
Without interfering and that's pretty impressive. - Actually that is very impressive because you're right about that. We're obviously joking with that because some people they're like, No, it's not about the hunt, it's about the video. You know kind of a thing and they're like oh that's a guy who really you know loves his craft kind of a thing but um it's It's really like anytime you're in these intense more intense situation as a video or photographer person Like a flow, a little dance where, yeah, especially if he's right up against you or whatever, and just like even like, you know, you don't... To disturb the habitat kind of a scenario but at the same time you want to like capture it like the best you can you're going to get right in there if possible you know even When Alex Honnold was talking about that, where his guy was bright, 'cause that guy, he's kinda in the mix with you. He's not standing on the sidelines with a lens trying to get there, he's with you. So yeah, you guys gotta kinda work together. Yeah. And.
There's actually video from the other angle too. And that was interesting because I never you don't really see yourself in like pressure situation You don't cancer, but I saw myself and I I look like I'm gonna brush my teeth like I look just Thanks for watching! Was laughing with life was like showed life and the video and it just looks like I'm I'm a robot basically Like no emotion just look like I'm very very very calm yeah and just I dial in boom lean over I'm just leaning leaning leaning Caleb's get Not props Caleb's to keep Copeland creative out there in the world so training Back to the point here training the protocols you will have less to think about if you've trained properly Yeah, I didn't have to think about really Jack Didn't have to think about anything
I'm just executing the protocol. That's what you want to do and that way when there is a disruption you can Focus on that and you don't have to worry about all the other things that you're doing naturally because you've trained well The book men who had no parachute training described many kinds of panic behavior that resulted in injury capture or death Some said even a few simple escape rules gave them confidence apparently adequate training enables the individual To avoid being surprised and to establish defenses against danger that is to take immediate measures to counteract the danger Here's a quote at the time Our altitude was such that we could not return This is really crazy to think about these these bombers Do your at altitude you but you're at an altitude that you know, you can't make it back to base So at the time we're our altitude was such That we could not return instructions for ditching were given for which we had been adequately briefed many times the entire crew
Ditching stations and calmly awaited contact as soon as we hit the water So they were taking this thing into the ocean as soon as we hit the water ditching operations were immediately put into effect with 35 seconds all crew members had left the ship the ship then broke in half and sank within two minutes and by ship He means aircraft I've done something called a helo dunker which is you get into a helicopter like the body of a And it goes in the water and flips upside down and then you got to get your way out and then you do it blacked Out so you put on a mask on where you can't see anything Huh, so you go through both those things because it can be really hard you get disoriented now for guys that Seals like I was there with my seal platoon we it's pretty easy for us but if you're not used to if you're not used to the water, but you It put upside down, you get flipped around, and there's like jolting, but that's why they do it.
That's why they do it, they're training you so you are prepared for those situations. I also did... The training to go in the backseat of a jet and you had to pull the ejection handle. You sit in a chair like an ejection like a like a pilot chair and you got to go through the protocol to eject and then It like shoots you up. No, it's like a carnival ride type Oh, yeah, go up. Let's pull the thing you pull the lever and you go. Yeah, is that cool? It's yeah, it's cool Kind of like a like a ride or is it it's kind of like a ride kind of stuff. No. No, it's just more like a ride Yeah, so is the helo don't I mean if you're? Good in the water the helo donker is kind of a fun ride yes but the helo is there like a technique to the helo you know like an actual protocol yeah yeah you you i forget what it was but You know, you like find a crease or something and you follow the crease to a window or like as you're gonna impact, you put your hand on something so you know where you're at. That's where it is.
I forget them all but as you're impacting you grab something so you maintain your your sense Location. Oh, yeah, this is when you're black. Yeah, when you're blacked out like you grab the the seat. Yeah If you don't grab the seat all sudden you're floating around you don't know which way is up. It could be a problem. Yeah So isn't there? I mean, I'll imagine there's, this sounds kind of familiar where like, there's a car one too, right, where you're in like the car, there's like a protocol. - I haven't done the car. - Where like, yeah, if you hit, you know, you drive in a lake. Into a lake, you've fallen off a bridge, I don't know, whatever, and you're in the car and now water's coming in the car. There's like a protocol, like a technique to do that, to escape. Open the door when there's air in. You want to like try and roll down the windows is what you want to do. Yeah so you got to like kind of suck it up for a little bit. And I think the other thing is you've got to if the car you got to let. You can't get down the windows. You got to let the car fill up with water so that it equalizes the pressure So you can't open the door. Yeah, so that part
Or you gotta have a tool with you you can smash the windows. Yeah, then it all comes flying in You gotta be there. No, you gotta suck that up. So it's like this 40 You kind of gotta have yeah, but but it's not just a fortitude. It's a plan. Right? Right. That's the yeah It's a set as they call it. Yeah, so if you have that plan, you know Hey, this is part of the process this shitty part where the water's freaking coming in and you're like you want to panic right now But you got it like let it fill up get underwater then things can can kind of continue. Yeah, that's kind of scary but - Yeah, if you're trained in it, it seems like, oh, okay. - Just if you did that one, if you talked through. That one time it'd help you a lot. If you rehearse it with your kids, everyone's living. If you don't rehearse it, you got issues. Inadequate training, here's a quote. Bombing run over France after hitting the primary target we were severely hit by flak I was scared and it just got a like a bleep a Written bleep it just as a spirit
So the guy probably said I was scared shitless That's the only way I can describe it. Our bailout was very disorderly. It was just a madhouse due to the Of adequate bailout procedures there was no orderly conduct at all we had to kick some of our guys out I pushed the Operator out, but his shoot didn't open my mind open just in time. So this is if you haven't rehearsed its mayhem. Mm-hmm Thank you. Good other ways to minimize fair fear good morale some name good morale as the important fear killer Others mention self-confidence or psychological preparation as important. Here's one quote. Up your brain works better when your morale is down everything looks bleak and you feel afraid another quote the most Important thing is to have a well-trained crew, good crew coordination, and the proper-- Attitude try to get a crew in a state of mind where no man bitches about what should have been
Done or what mistakes have been made but rather all concentrate on what they can do now Apparently scared shitless wasn't a bad word or was a bad word, but you can say bitches. No bitching. Another one. Quote like the other 11,000 prisoners of war where I was I was not psychologically prepared. They lack And gave themselves up with literally no attempt to evade or survive I know some men who just sat down by the side of the road and waited for somebody to capture them Yeesh. The presence or absence of normal leadership does much to increase or decrease fear. Good leadership, quote. We decided to fly as far as possible toward home base and to bail out as soon as we got below 1,800 feet jeez that's low Oh dude with a parachute. Especially if you don't have any familiarity with parachuting.
To keep as much altitude as possible. We jettisoned lots of equipment including a waste gun and ammunition We even considered throwing out the ball turret Was calm during this maneuver. Can you imagine you're getting ready to crash or throwing stuff off your airplane? Was calm during this maneuver. Our position was radioed to everyone every five minutes. So this is a long, like I was talking 15 minutes, yeah. We're talking 15, maybe even longer. It's crazy. The pilot... Cut the switches before the bailout. The engineer and I rigged up a static line to drop the wounded bombardier out. It had many bailout drills and the aircraft commander was sharp on emergency procedures. Things over in the crippled plane and made plans We we had decided to walk back toward the plane to pick up all crew members. We worked out
Even to use the use of water and food. Even though there's little hope of getting out alive, everyone felt that what we were doing was the best thing that could be done. I wish they had GoPro cameras that were on. That aircraft as dudes, they're gonna crash into enemy territory and they're just. Up with plans, helping their wounded guys, radioing positions, freaking impressive. Members of this crew including the crippled bombardier Evaded successfully for several days and survived. Hmm. Oh, yeah Rescue system in some interviews indicate that knowing that there is a good pickup system in the area for stalls for your down-hills. Airman are more confident when rescue or recovery squadron operates in the area that makes sense survey the situation fear can at times be quieted by simply by a simple survey of the situation many found it helpful to take cover and to observe
Was going on before taking action. Failure to do this resulted in what was probably avoidable capture in a number of cases. The enemy is scared too. The thought that the enemy is as scared as you are and faces similar problems enables some to continue against considerable odds. That's a that's you know We were talking earlier about shared companionship in fear. Another good thing is to say, you know, if you're going to fight someone they're more scared than you are Mmm, like the enemy is scared of you, too. Yeah Prayer helps Several said religious practices especially prayer and reading the Bible calmed them down quote I never pushed the panic button even When I came down. I'm a Catholic and you may think I'm a religious fanatic.
Before this mission I'd gone to Mass and Communion. I was in a state of grace. I was not alone up there. Religion and God are no longer beliefs to me. I know. He was with me for four months. End quote. Thank you. And then we get to a section that's very important. Caring for those who crack. When fear becomes too great for a crew member, he introduces additional hazards for the whole crew. Contagious others also may be affected beyond their control the actions of the man who cracks may indeed Danger the safety of others and taking care of him can also add to the group's dangers. In some cases such... Persons was kept under close watch and away from others as much as possible quote one of the men was an Ex-wrestler he folded purely from fear. He cried with fear
We kept him concealed as much as we could so that he wouldn't influence the other men or the natives I kept telling I kept him with me all the time And he did everything he was told. Another section close. Closely knit crews sometimes lend strength to their members who are on the verge of cracking quote the wing Gunner had broken his ribs and became hysterical but calmed down when he saw that we were getting out. Gunner was screaming that he was dying. The co-pilot temporarily lost his head and started Swimming away from the sinking ship but returned to where the rest of us were. And then it goes on to say sometimes sometime an objective estimate of the risks Involved the man's seemingly harsh measures. One crew decided that a man who was delirious could not continue with the group. The rest of the group, the rest of the crew escaped.
The man was left behind, was captured, treated, and eventually returned in good health. In another case, two crew members who became hysterical had to be tied up and placed in the front compartment of the boat, of a boat that had to been dropped to the crew. Drastic means we're taken at times to get a crew member to come along and to bring him through the experience quote the bombardier Wanted to quit one night, but I drew my gun On him and told him I would shoot him rather than leave him behind He said later that he thought I meant it so he got up and came along Jack Good, important section. What can be done about fear? These stories and the inferences to be drawn from them suggest a number of means for controlling fear. Above all, They emphasize that combat crew members need not be helpless victims of their fear.
So there you go, you don't need to be a victim of your fear. Sometimes only the crew members can do for himself. Or sorry some things only the crew members can do for himself other things the Air Force must provide in order to give the crew member the mental and physical tools With which to handle his fears and here's a whole section what you can do about fear do not Run from fear. Understand fear, learn to recognize fear, learn what your reactions to fear are likely to be, admit and accept fear during training. Face as many fears as you can when you do many of your fears will vanish Learn how to plan and to act purposefully even when you're afraid I mean, if you think about military training, if you think about SEAL training, and the things that you do. Jumping out of an airplane, climbing over the cargo net. I didn't think too much about climbing.
Over the cargo net I was down to teams the other day it's 50 feet tall like it's tall it's very tall If you're not if you're afraid of heights, it's gonna be a problem and you're gonna have to get used to it Or you're not gonna graduate That's like one of those things where you're just gonna get exposure therapy to heights. There's another thing I never really thought too much about some people are really scared of the ocean at night Like they're really scared of it. Yeah Do you spend so much time in the water at night? I think I was too young to process fear Oh for a lot of the stuff. I was just like young and just yeah, it's almost like It comes though right where the it's like kind of like a version of the fear of the unknown like for ocean at night for example Yeah, so I'm gonna be scared of that for sure. I was we've we've been diving in spearfishing at night since we were kids so at at first it's like
What the hell you have to be scared of. It's just like the regular ocean, just the sun ain't out. It's like literally there's no difference. But when you. Really consider it. What if you've never been there? Oh, yeah. Oh, man. It's like it's kind of like a hunted like Yeah with death just all around you waiting to just eat you, you know Like everything in like when you're a little kid and long to death waiting to eat you. Oh, yeah at every turn So I remember when I was a little kid, like a little kid, maybe like six, seven years old, being in One of these community, I was in New Jersey, and we're in one of these community pools, you can just go to the pool. It was this big one with these high dyes and I remember that it was so deep, I felt like I couldn't see the bottom. That's how deep this pool was. And I remember looking down there and thinking but this is like kind of scary down there like way down there You know, it's like you can't see the bottom. There's infinite like just
Horrors down there. I don't know what, but it's a pool, so there's nothing literally down there. But I remember that feeling. And then you know when you grow up you start to like, you know logic kicks in and all this stuff So you're not scared of pools, but think about it that feeling doesn't necessarily go away As an adult, you grow up that feeling just codified 'cause you didn't go in the ocean, especially at night, you know, all this stuff. So that fear is now like, it's kind of. Morphed into this real like thing that lives in your head. So now you go in the freaking ocean. Night someone you've never been you don't know the horrors that way down there for you, you know, so you get in there and it's just your panic makes sense. Yeah, but the opposite of that is you overcome that fear you you you get in the ocean at night. You jump out of the airplane you jump out of the helicopter you go freefall You have your oxygen taken away from you at night like all those things that you're doing my point
Saying this is if you go through SEAL training there's gonna be something that scares you. And what you learn how to do is you learn how to go anyways. So there's a method to the madness of making you do all these things where you're. Some of them are gonna skip I mean, it's very normal to not like Heights. That's a human instinct. Yeah, it's very normal To be afraid of very dark, large areas where there's monsters. It's normal. So you're gonna have to overcome those fears over and over again. It's very normal to be fear feared of or afraid of bullets, but you do live Where people are shooting right next to you so all these fears that you have you're gonna learn how to take fear and contend with it and Which is good, 'cause when you go into combat, it's gonna be a fear that you haven't had yet, but you're gonna go through those.
Protocols whatever they were to get through that situation and perform. Yeah Confidence in yourself use your training opportunities wisely Maximize your capabilities by keeping physically and mentally fit knowing your equipment and how to use it learning how to survive evade and escape Know what you can And cannot do so you that you can make wise choices. This is what a What a lot of you know fieldcraft survival they're doing those courses you're gonna go through some of these basic protocols Mike Glover he's gonna talk to you about oh what what if you're vegan? It does break down what if you do slide off the road what if someone does approach you in this dark alley? What are you gonna? Do you're gonna think through it? You're gonna have the set for it, and you're gonna have a That you're gonna learn how to use you're gonna learn how to use a tourniquet The first time you will use a tourniquet You don't want it to be when you've got to put a tourniquet on yourself or someone else for real. Mm-hmm
There's gonna be other things that are going through your head. That's why we are being prepared. With Tim Kennedy's sheepdog response that's more like hey what are you gonna do when you are in a conflict of some kind in a confrontation. Of some kind whether it's an active shooter whether someone trying to grab you so both those two Schools are going to give you the preparation that you need to handle certain scenarios Be prepared The possibility that it can happen to me. Be properly equipped and close. Have a plan keep informed. Listen carefully combat briefings know where you are going what is going on at all times That's such a big deal. They just throw it out There know where you are and what is going on at all times they throw that out there That could actually be the number one thing
Know where you are and what is going on at all times know when danger threatens so that you can be prepared if it hits Do all you can to prevent hunger, thirst, fatigue, idleness, ignorance about the situation, since these increase fear. Know your fellow crew members under stress. Learn to work with them in emergencies, learn to live with them under stress, learn to plan with them. Your religion don't be ashamed of having spirit spiritual faith Remember that the enemy may be as scared as you always remember that your ultimate goal is to get back alive and then it talks about The the training that you're going through And it uses a good to the survival school and unit level training programs offer the combat crew member gradual Experiences with survival evasion escape problems to afford what may be described as battle-annoying.
Inoculation so what I was talking about earlier you're gonna get inoculated to fear you when you go through SEAL training and you go through hell week there's freaking explosions going off there's machine guns going off that's mayhem you can't see You can't hear you're getting you're getting stress inoculation because guess what happens in combat. There's machine guns going off There's explosives going off. You can't see you can't hear the smoke. There's chaos you get inoculated to it - The machine gun, they shoot blanks, right? Like at buds or whatever. Are those blank, is that equally as loud as like a real one? - Yes, absolutely. - Straight up. So it's like a pretty good representation of machine gun fire in your ears. - Oh yeah, for sure. Loud yeah, and they have not just they have like 50 caliber machine guns too, which are Real extra love. - Yeah, and then there are freaking tossing grenade sims and flash crashes, like it's a cacophony of noise.
- Yeah. - That does simulate combat very well. - Yeah, 'cause that's a big part of it, right? I mean, I know a lot of guys that grew up as kids shooting guns and stuff like that, but if you don't-- The noise and that weird impact pressure in the air or whatever when you're in the presence of Unfires like just that alone. That's a big freaking thing. You know big fat During the thing so yeah when you're used to that it's like oh it's way different mm-hmm yes they're gonna inoculate you to it Followed by quote booster shops. So it's battle inoculation followed by quote booster shots. So they're gonna keep you stimulated, you know, You're gonna go through workup. You're gonna you're gonna get crashed with flash crashes You're gonna once again have machine guns like all this stuff is gonna can you're gonna continue to get these booster Lots of stress inoculation and then what's interesting is once you start to become more You can handle that that lower level stress. Now you're gonna start get the stress of making decisions looking around
Trying to figure out what's happening simplifying what's going on making decisions and passing the word of people so you To be able to handle the lower level stress from the situation to start to now handle the stress from the leadership scenario that you're in and all that works. The Knowledge of the principles of map reading, route finding, ground navigation, camouflage concealment, like all these things are good to know and understand. Of the basic survival essentials. That's what we gotta do, knowledge of how to bail out of the aircraft, knowledge of. His own survival and enemies weapons for survival purposes. Yes. That's smart. No, you're And it goes on to talk about survival equipment talk about Rick rescue and recovery procedures and then it gets into a section of physical fitness And psychological conditioning. Physical fitness is a bulwark against fear and despondency. It enables the crew member to successfully overcome the many physical problems of survival escape and evasion. It's
Sustains his will to go on. Many units, but still not all, have continuing-- Programs designed to improve the physical condition of every combat crew member to survive evade or escape. There has been much Psychological research at all levels to determine the causes characteristics and effects of fear Upon survival. Mental conditioning seems closely related to physical fitness, knowledge of equipment and competence in survival procedures. Fitness, knowledge of equipment, and competence to survival procedures. Some flight surgeons are helping to train combat crew members to accept fear as normal and channel a-- Energy energies towards the survival goals. The emotional state of the individual in emergencies has been the active concern.
Of numerous chaplains and many competent far-sighted aircraft commanders some counsel the individual directly others work through other crew members and Others emphasize group counseling and group experiences to build up the confidence of all crew members. So that's what we're doing. Notice that falls on the leader. This is a summary of this section. This section is a summary of this section. This section is a summary of this section. fears and to make possible purposeful action in stress situations. The crew member himself must learn how to handle his own fears. He can do this, he can best do this by taking advantage of the training opportunities and knowing himself. So, this is all on you. So much good information about fear and look fear is not necessarily the the chaos of combat Fear is going to a job interview Fears confronting someone that you need to deal with at work work.
Fear is helping your kid overcome the fear of the first day school. So all the stuff that we just put out very important, but I want to get to a section here. I'm gonna fast forward like to probably the last section. Might be the last section we cover from this book. But this is where we start talking about leadership and group behavior, it's called group behavior. In survival. And what it says here, The behavior of a group under survival conditions emerges as an important factor in almost every survival story. During... In flight emergency for one bomber crew decisions are made promptly. Plans formulated, crew members are kept fully briefed, individuals who have difficulty are assisted. The result is escape, evasion, and death. And survival with minimum hardship and 100% recovery. Episode there is indecision no one assumes leadership crew members
Panic and the crew is not kept informed. The result is that two crew members lose their lives, two go-to-go. Oh, berserk the remainder fight and honor. Necessary suffering results. That's bad leadership. That's bad leadership to go berserk. This is what they're saying in this book Which is based on interviews of people that were like, oh, yeah, Fred went freaking berserk and then Mike and Jim were fighting like that's what's happening. We're trying to survive as a team. Fast forward a little bit general psychological conclusions group organization a cruise chances of surviving depend largely on its ability to organize activity a tight situation Does not weld a crew together. Rather the more difficult and disordered the situation the greater are the disorganized crews problems. So that's
Important to think is sometimes you think well will will perform well if like something happens. No, it's actually not true If you don't have a good, well-oiled machine of a team, when something bad happens, you freaking fall apart. Tight situation doesn't help you This is particularly True in the face of common danger when fear can result in panic rather than concerted action and it goes into a bunch of things Your group morale high group morale exists when all crew members feel themselves to be part of the crew rather than individuals and are Proud to be members of that crew. High group morale has many advantages. The individual feels strengthened and protected since he realizes that his survival depends on others whom he loves. Trusts to the group can meet failure with greater persistency and Three can formulate goals to help each other in the face of and face the same
Future, high morale must come from internal cohesiveness and not merely through external pressures. That's very important. Hmm. The spreading of a mood. Under certain conditions, moods and attitudes become wildly contagious. Panic of a crew may be caused by a few exceptionally frightened members. Members, false rumors, horror stories, lack of faith in the group, or a badly frightened leader. Panic often may be prevented by conscious Well planned organization and leadership on the basis of delegated and or shared responsibility With faith in the group and realization of the need for cooperation. It's contagious what you're doing is contagious how you're reacting your emotions are contagious
A little bit the survival leader and the survival companion. So what this is talking about? It says survival commanding It's talking about teammates. So it's talking about leaders now and teammates and this is this is just great Alright information here Several studies were made to determine the characteristics causing acceptance or rejection of crew members as Survival leaders or companions Some 240 trainees were queried upon completing advanced Survival training the experts instructors training officers psychologists and others who have observed some 14,000 trainees during during the Week training interval were also queried. Results were checked by having crew members select or reject specific individuals and then decide.
The man chosen or rejected. While differing as to the details, the results indicate consistent importance of certain characteristics, many of which are applicable to any Any type of leadership or any type of companionship. So, you got a bunch of people, you interview a bunch of people, who did you like as a leader, who did you like? A teammate who did you reject as a leader who did you reject as a teammate this is the goods right here. The ideal survival leader. According to crew members, Ideal survival leader has the following characteristics Knows himself and his men, can hold his crew together, is Interested in crew member welfare, considers and uses the suggestions of others.
This is just you, if you're watching, you can see a big smile on my face 'cause these are the things we talk about all the time. These are the things we're talking about all the time. Making sure you take care of your troops. You look out for their welfare. Make sure you You consider what other people have to say. Up crew morale under stress, has crew members respect and confidence, Get along with crew members. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? You're gonna be a good leader. You gotta be able to get along with people. You can't be a dictator. You can't be an authoritarian. You need to get along with people. Distributes work fairly. Plans and organizes well. Keeps his crew well briefed. You gotta keep your people knowing what's going on. Experts the ideal survival leader must recognize and
Advantageously use individual differences so people can be a little bit different and you got to be able to Take advantage of that. Strengths and weaknesses. Oh, Echo's real good at this. I'm gonna have him do that. Not good at this other thing. I'm not gonna make him do that. Be resourceful. Have the Of his crew, keep his crew well briefed. Those individuals selected as ideal leaders were described as respected for their Superior experience and background, personality and physical adequacy, mature Judgment ability to achieve results through resourcefulness and understanding utilization of the men. So that's what we're looking for. Those are the positive attributes here. Now we're getting into the poor survival leader.
Seeming to care whether anyone else survives. Easy. Excitable and becomes panicky. You want to remain calm as a leader. We don't want to lose our temper. We don't want to freak out. Unable to maintain control of his crew. Easily discouraged and gives up. That's the poor survival leader. Now we get into the teammate the ideal survival companion in the air in the Abstract the ideal survival companion or teammate is easy to get along with big shocker I'm not freaking out. Personally and physically adequate.
Thanks for watching. And willing to do his share. One who works for the welfare of the group. Able to prove himself in survival training. Okay. Look, don't look out for yourself. Get along with other people. Be stable like these are the things we talk about all the time this from 1954 Individuals rated by others most highly as survival companions were those who helped others the most, joked the most, and were also the most successful. Then hunted the most. Yeah, I got a good attitude. Mmm and here's the list of the poor survival companion
Men were rejected because they... got on the nerves of others as a result of loudness, boasting, arguing. Using profanity, disagreeable personality characteristics, failure to keep clean. Crying type of complaining, self-centeredness, failure to do things, Do their share. Personality inadequacies and immaturities, physical inadequacies. Adequacies, personal dislikes. Isn't that interesting, personal dislikes? If you're just one of these people that, I don't like this, I don't like that, complainer. Poor handling of authority relationships Oh, that's right. Oh you're in charge, you know that boss everyone around boy that list right there Let's just remember that list loudness boasting arguing using profanity disagreeable
Personality characteristics failure to keep clean crying type of complaining Self-centeredness, failure to do your share. personal. Personality, inadequacies and immaturities, physical inadequacies, personal Dislikes that's how I really like that one it's just annoying what the personal dislike that person it's gonna like that Dislikes and poor handling of authority relationships the whole self centered. No, that's like dego It's a big ego baby. It's a big ego all day. It's weird because the more the more you guys talk about ego Or I guess the more we all talk about ego - Mm-hmm. And how it can just appear in so many places, but there's so much to like this idea of self-centeredness like selfishness
Is inflated ego, like however you wanna kinda put it. It seems like there's different little departments. You know where self-centeredness kind of has this very specific feel to it versus ego versus narcissism you know like so Well, suddenness almost isn't like a thing that, it's less about other people, more about this person's self. Where like, Nothing lands on them if it ain't about themself. What kind of a thing? I think it's important to remember the context that we're talking about the context that we're talking about is survival yeah, which means we Get a little bit of food This has nothing to do with ego, I want to get mine I want to rain more. Oh we we have a black That we found yeah, I it's about me Yeah, it's not my ego saying like I want to prove to everyone that I can win the blanket. No, no
I want to take care of myself. Yeah, that's the self-centeredness. Yeah, and that's how it like that's how it feels to me It's like a component. It's under the umbrella of ego. Well, you're right. It's a very specific thing when someone is Trying to take care of themselves. Yeah. Look that can be a component. Of their ego because I want to get promoted because I want to be in charge But when what I want to do is I want a little bit more food. Yeah, that's a thing and Not others kind of a thing. 'Cause there's a difference between like, hey, if I go out, like, I don't know, I went out on my own, I had to use the bathroom on a desert island, I don't know, horse trying to survive. I go and I see this like tree of mangoes. I'm like, oh, there's some delicious mangoes. - Lego mayhem. - Oh, damn. So it's one thing to be like, Hey, I'm gonna eat some and then. Remember, oh, wait a second, let me bring some back for the rest of the people or for whoever else is with me.
Versus oh, I'm gonna do that same eat. I'm gonna eat some but I just totally just forgot about it I forgot about others, you know, like that's like a weird That's like a version of self-centeredness where it's not an active like okay, I could and I choose not to it's just that you don't even And think about other people. You're just so self-centered, you're just like your whole reality is just centered around you, and that's sorta it, you know? The guy who's like, eh, like they almost reject others actively and think about themselves. Different flavor of self-centeredness. See what I'm saying? - Yeah, but again, what we're dealing with here is like, I'm gonna take care of me. Yeah, regardless, they both entail that. Like you ever knew someone, I know a couple of people like this and I didn't even realize it, where they're... Self-centered in that first way where it's like they're oblivious to others Scenarios and they're not now now I see what you're saying. Yes, like they're nice people people that they just you ever you ever go and
You know you go to a restaurant or something and the the hostesses whatever walks by you You or something or put you at your table and the person you're with just they that hostess does not exist as a human being Don't say like, thanks or yeah, I appreciate it or they just like, they just don't exist. Or like a dorm, a coat person. Like give them the ticket, just hand the code, they don't say thanks, they're just like, grab it and walk away. Those people are, that's, I don't think. That's necessarily ego, but they're just so self-centered that you think, dude, can you just be nice to another person that's helping you out? So consider that exact thing. So there's a difference between both equal scenarios, right? Difference between the person who sees the coat person and consciously thinks, oh, they're beneath me so they're not worth my time or hello or niceness, versus.
The person who just, they don't even see 'em. 'Cause they're not in their centered world, they're not in their world, they're just a tool of life, you know, like a feature of life, you see what I'm saying? If it were to be pointed out to him like hey that's the person too they're like oh wait I didn't even realize it kind of a thing you know so it's almost like a benign self-centeredness versus a malignant self-centeredness something like that you see what I'm saying. Because I know, like I said, I know some people, couple of them, that they're kind of this benign They're super nice to you when you talk to them and stuff like that, but anytime like, About something or you start talking about something, it's always like themselves 100%. Where it's almost like, even if you do say something about yourself, they almost like gloss over a little bit and they'll be like, oh yeah, cool. And then they go right back to themselves the whole time. I'm sorry in my case, but I didn't even know this. I didn't even realize it. I was like, I wonder you know
Certain feeling a lot of the time. It's like why am I not vibing as much because they're so nice these people you know they're nice the ones I know anyway and Own vibe as much as maybe another person or whatever. And I start to realize it, wait a second, sometimes this weird benign self-centeredness will produce this experience. - It's real weird if you think about it, to have in your head that one. The group that we're with right now, what they really want to hear is about me. You know what I mean? Like that's a really weird thing. - Yeah. But I feel like that would be a consciousness. Though like if you're conscious of it, that's one thing versus if you're just not conscious of it. You know, some people that, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause there's such things that we all share. I just didn't realize I was doing that, which is kind of a lot of the stuff that goes, Like we don't realize sometimes, a lot of the time anyway, but to have it that hardcore is like, I think that's.
That's what I'm kind of stumbling upon. You know, that there's versions of self-centeredness. - You ever see sometimes like, someone will talk. About a politician and they'll be like the politician mentioned I me Or me, you know 39 times. Yeah, you know three minute talk. Yeah. Yeah fully that that's that's what's happening in those Situations like a little maybe there's a little bit of both or whatever but in their mind they what they want Everyone to hear about is them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah kind of jack up and listen, can you You know you you are - You're gonna have to, if you're a politician, you're gonna at some point have to say, well, I was born, or I think what we should do here. Like, I get it. - Yeah, fully. But there is times where it just is so over the top and you think, ooh. - Yeah, and again, it's a bunch.
Collection of experiences it's not just oh, yeah. I listened to this guy's speech and he said I39 that's not a pattern Yeah, exactly, right where? You can again - Yeah, your first experience with someone, it's like that's not enough info. It's like you're left with a certain feeling for a certain reason, and it's usually because of that consistency. 'Cause there's a difference between using yourself as an example because it's yourself. Happens to be a good example so you're gonna tell a story like about what you went through to exemplify whatever point you're making and there's a big Between that and then just simply always talking about yourself and referring to yourself. At your past or to glorify your this or that. Those are two completely different things.
And usually you can sort of formulate where it kind of formulates after a while the experience when you have enough experiences with somebody like what they're doing which one of those they're doing we don't like that vibe no no no the fight exactly right it's the vibe but it's for a reason yeah exactly um this is pretty Funny another study indicated that the most annoying survival habits mannerisms and actions were Authoritarian behavior of officer personnel. Inconsiderateness. Playing the star bossiness always right attitude. That's a list right there. That is a list right there. You might want to note those down. Authoritarian behavior of officer personnel, inconsiderate, playing. The star, bossiness, and always right attitude. Watch out.
A loofness or failure to become integrated into the crew lack of cooperation lack of Participation in crew activities, inconsiderateness of others, failure to do their share of the work. The Periority Attitude. Oh. Irritating verbal behavior excessive griping False high spirits, foul language, excessive arguing, bragging, criticizing, questioning. Those in authority. Commanding-ness. Chattering and loudness telling the same old joke jokes Sarcasm. This is an interesting one. Singing immediately upon waking.
Need to tell that one to my kids when they were younger, well, this was like a freaking Musical at my house with my kids running around my daughter So freaking just singing like just singing and all the musicals bro. Yeah, man, uh aerial And whatever the Little Mermaid yeah, Little Mermaid. Oh, yeah all those things bro is like Yeah a Broadway Play singing upon and it was it was definitely an annoying characteristic for that good thing it wasn't a survival scenario unless it was I don't know here's a good wood Monotonous monologues about private episodes. *laughter* Oh, let me tell you about oh, this is a classic right here talk about The last war temper outbursts making An issue of someone else's mistakes. These are so important to note.
Irritating nonverbal behavior, borrowing, horseplay, snoring, lack of personal cleanliness, unsanitary practices. Stuff. These are universal by the way. - Yeah. - But boy, talking about the last war, monotonous monologues about private episodes. Oh, you got to hate getting caught nose scenarios because they're there the thing is They're private so they're kind of like personal. Yeah, and You so it's rude kind of to walk away. Okay. Look, I don't give a shit about you. Whatever you say. Yeah Or you've told me this freaking sob Story a million times. So there you go on that. Definitely down on swearing. I wonder if this was written today, we probably wouldn't catch all that because they're talking about swearing so much. - Like it's, are Air Force guys, do they tend to--
To be more proper or what? - No. - Yeah, 'cause I kinda thought like-- - Maybe a little bit. - When you're, 'cause it's Air Force guys, right? - Yeah. You first brought it out, I was like wait a second, this could be, actually it probably does reflect a lot of the common ethos of what Air Force guys are, right, in a way? Modern day. But the interesting thing is like, people swore all the time back then. Yeah, that's what even in the book they meet squares made it into this book. Right? Like Beep them out, but like they're in here So it's interesting that I wonder what level of maybe it's just like the totally atrocious level of swearing But it probably is, I don't know. I'm me, so I don't know. But it could be more than. The norm kind of excessive. Yeah. Yeah, like everyone's wearing a level one and you're over here swearing level eight Like that's a problem. You ever heard a comedian that just
Is swearing to the point of where you feel like this a little bit. - Yeah, yeah, fully. - Occasionally that can happen, or, yeah. - Comedians, it's real clear too, because you're up there as a comedian, you're there to be funny first and then everything else second, or second, third. Whatever, but funny first. So a lot of times people will be controversial, right? Which it's super funny when they're funny first, so it works, but when they're controversial first and funny second, it's like, oh, this guy's just trying to be comfortable, and it's not. So there's the violation is very clear as far as the experience goes. I'm saying this what it seems like - Like, you know. Uh... Men actually rejected as companions. So these are people just straight up rejected. Not even a, not annoying. These are rejected. Hyping the most, helping others the least, and seeming to be near the breaking point. Okay, that makes sense. - Yeah, I think it is that though.
It has to be as far as like how much of each of these factors are going on because It seems like in any intense situation some of this is going to be on in everyone's you know It takes a kind of special person to ever do any of the last stuff that we read Was things that were annoying. The things that I just read were actually rejected, - Right, and they said griping the most. - Yeah, griping the most. - So it's kind of like that. - So you can grip some. - Gripping is tolerable. Yeah, but let's face it. It's not advisable. Yeah. Yeah, it's not good doesn't help shouldn't be doing Yeah, it's like snoring right where if someone snores quietly one night out of the week versus the guy who's just snoring up a storm Every single day super loud. It's kind of like right. There's a big big difference in zoom saying so that makes sense Except for the fact that snoring is somewhat involuntary
Yeah, where's griping is that's on you? Yeah fully but I'm just saying you got a take ownership of your snoring Like if you snore you gotta say hey, man, I'm a yeah, I'm gonna sleep with my whatever I'm gonna tape my nose or whatever you got to do you trying really trying suppress it but that ultimately Is an involuntary thing. - Yeah, so-- - There's no one I've ever met that was proactively wanting to snore. - They're not improving the snoring. - Right, they're not working on the snoring. But you can definitely control your griping and your complaining. - Yeah, but as far as the-- Difference between this guy doing it and this guy doing it. It's kind of like the degrees And make it worthy of rejection versus, okay. - Versus, like, this guy sucks. He's annoying. - It's a certain level of acceptance of some of this stuff. Groups in real survival situations based upon the processing of many survival evasion escape reports certain general principles emerge concerning good and poor survival crews
They go into a list of these things. Here are some of the principles for working together that you can practice in survival training and in other situations. These you will find that your crew works smoother no matter what the promise so what we're talking about is like leadership principles to work together Organization of manpower the survival of almost any group largely depends upon the organization of its manpower organized action action Our crew members know what to do and when to do it, both under ordinary circumstances and during crisis, is one specific means of preventing panic. Prioritize and execute. Flexibility and versatility are important in emergencies. Clearly. Supervision. One authority states that survival leadership differs from other leadership mainly in the manner in which it must be maintained. In order to continue his effectiveness in a survival group, a leader must...
Maintain his position of prestige by using it that that one It's interesting because you can imagine someone that is not stepping up and then all of a sudden they step up You ever seen that in a working? Environment before where someone's not leading and then all of a sudden they decide to step in and start leading at some point. - In a bad way. - Yeah, like where he doesn't work. - It doesn't work, yeah, 'cause everyone's been doing their thing and then all of a sudden I roll in and like, hey, this is what I wanna do. - Right, right, right. - B. Salvage the opposition for instance, this is this is I didn't understood with a stand with this meant at first It says salvage the opposition. So here's what it means for instance by Putting to some useful purpose the human energy which causes conflict. So... You've got this energy freaking echoes frustrated. Hey echo. Can you help me move this wood to build the fort? Yeah, i'm gonna take
Your frustration I'm gonna do something positive with it. Salvage the opposition. Advantage of that situation. Keep somewhat aloof from but not too high above the group. Dichotomy of leadership motivate wisely and in accordance with the severity of the survival situation Participation in group decision. The advantages of full group participation in a survival situation are obvious. So getting input from the team gets them on board. With the plan. Give that ownership when you can. Acceptance of suggestions and criticism. Many survival stories show how an airman becomes. The real group leader. Initiating action which saves the group. Although some one person such as the aircraft commander must accept responsibility for the final decision. He still can make good use of other
Those suggestions and criticisms. Isn't that interesting? Listen to what other people say. Accept their criticism, accept their suggestions. Consideration of available time hundreds of survival stories indicate that there is a rarely unlimited time in which to make a decision on the Spot decisions which must be acted upon immediately usually determines survival success. Drift failing to consider time are the ones who perish are captured or suffer the most time This is why in the extreme ownership leadership loop that I wrote about in the new version of leadership strategy and tactics field manual A decision the first thing that I consider is time the first thing I consider and this is exactly why Equipment it talks about understanding the severity of the situation the necessity for certain
Surveying the situation is widely recognized in problem solving. Frequently the things most feared are those involving the unknown, which is what you just talked about earlier. Surveying the situation serves to remove those unknowns and set and to set in readiness powers of the adjustment Group atmosphere Group atmosphere crew relationships group ego or whatever Term is used emerges as highly important in the group survival. The following illustrates how the individual gets support and strength from the group. We elected to stick together and ditch. Everyone helped in the preparations. The tail gunner had broken a collarbone, nose, and ribs. Gunner had broken ribs and was hysterical, but he calmed down when he saw that we were getting out the co-pilot
Temporary lost his head and started swimming away from the ship but returned when he saw that no one was following him the pilot Was very stable. He pulled the tail gunner out. We tried to comfort those who were injured, giving the tail gunner morphine. Since we were all wet and cold, we huddled together. For warmth while awaiting rescue all except the tail gunner went back to flight duty god These are some hard men. Freakin' getting shot down, shot up, shot down, crashing. Into the freaking ocean, getting recovered, healing up and getting back in the game. Props. Talk about the future served to raise morale in some groups. A feeling of unity also improved morale in some cases. Conditions can seriously threaten the group morale obviously quote we are getting discouraged we smoked a cigarette for breakfast it was rained until 11 o'clock so we remained huddled together under a tent talking and someone
Pessimistic. We're about out of humor and snap at one another. Squirrel and soon Shorty got another. Our spirits improved but we are still at or near daggers points with one another. Just rough conditions. That's why in the leader as a leader You got to pay attention to that You got to recognize when you got your team in rough conditions their sleep divide their sleep deprived They're cold. They're hungry. Whatever the case may be. You gotta recognize that You better pay attention to that. Reaction speed in survival emergency. Previously established reaction patterns are important in enabling the group to react quickly one authority Claims that one main purpose of survival training is to afford an opportunity for knowing and understanding the responses individuals and groups need. To acquire. This is what we were talking about earlier. Going through the drill will make your
Action time so much better and going through the drill as a team will make you understand the way other people are going to react. What holds a crew together? If your crew does things just outlined, you will find that things Go much easier. If you find that your crew is unable to do these things, take stock and find out why. You may say, We... It may not work very well together now, but we would if we ever got into a tight spot. This is where you are wrong. A common danger is not enough to hold a group together. Endanger threatens, you may even become competitive rather than cooperative. Is when panic is likely to occur. I like that term. I like the term of competitive rather than competitive.
Cooperative and that I've seen that happen. Yeah, that's a real thing Thanks for watching. There are four main qualities which hold a crew together under pressure. A liking for one another. One thing that holds a crew together under trying circumstances is a liking for one another. another. Thank you. There have been stories of downed air crewmen who have refused to escape in order to stay behind to protect a fellow crew member. Men crowd together to keep warm. During the parachute descent they count the other parachutes and try to identify their buddies. It's also an unwritten code that an injured crewman will be bailed out by those who are uninjured. You can't expect every Everything to be rosy under conditions of danger and discomfort. Feelings will be raw and on edge. It will be easier for you to hold on to the
Hold together if you already like one another. If you find yourselves getting angry with one another, don't just ignore it. Recognize what you are doing and why, then do something positive about it. So that's one thing that I noticed that the stress of combat. The stress in stressful business situations People are going people will not act the way They may not act in the most positive way Bye. I never held that against people like you and I weren't a stressful situation and you started it Acting like a jerk yelling screaming. I would not hold that against you. I would measure it and be like, okay Well, if that who gets under stress is gonna freak out, okay I noted I'm not gonna hold a personal grudge against you. Yeah, I noticed that a lot. I noticed that
The way they behave in stressful situations in combat and business things start going sideways some people freak out out. Mm-hmm. I note it. I put it in the calculus of how I'm going to work with them in the future, Against them, I realize that they're just short, on edge, tempers flare, emotional. So keep that in mind. Be the person that deescalates. Don't be the person that holds a grudge You ever watch these uh, what is the what's the freaking? Chill. Well, were they like, a lot of these, on YouTube there's these little mini ones, they're like social experiments, right? How do people react under these conditions? And they put on some weird condition. But there's a show, an actual TV show, what was it called? There's this dude, like what would you do? I think it's like what would you do? That's what the show is called. And it's this one, it's kind of like a candid camera scenario, but this the the scenarios aren't like funny. So they're basically it's like
You know, they'll be at a restaurant, everyone, the staff of the restaurant is in on the gag and they want to do this one person. They want to find out what would they do, whatever. Up everything where like the the people in the next booth and the dad is like abused like verbally abusive to the kid to see oh Okay, what's this person gonna do, you know? Public scenario, restaurant, whatever, and then a lot of times. The person like doesn't step in they're like nervous, you know, whatever and they don't react in this like favor Way sometimes sometimes they do sometimes they don't right and then haha candid camera like why did you do that or why didn't you step In and they put them on the spot, you know a lot of time and I had that same thought right there where I was like - Not everyone just can just immediately when a stressful scenario gets. Sprung on them in public in the middle of their day in a peaceful situation otherwise.
Just gonna step up and be like a hero, not everyone's gonna do that every single time, you know? So we get-- These guys on camera, we put them on TV, and we laugh at them when they don't respond favorably. You're like, ah, freakin' no spine, or with no character, whatever, we cast these judgments on this one thing that they were totally set up for, you know? Yeah, what you say would be like, okay you look under this specific circumstance. They acted like that, you know, like breath stop leave these People alone sometimes it's like you don't know what that guy's going through you know you set up this freaking show All these actors to do all this weird stuff just to haha see how this person reacts, bro Can't do that man. Yeah, it's more to it. Yep, and also additionally if you are thinking about what's going on
You're a little bit detached from it. You're probably gonna make better decisions than if you're just reactive to the scenario So they what you say the dad's abusing verbally abusing the kid like you like You got to think through what is that? What's what's happening? Yeah, you know and if guys playing that out on his head, okay. Well What's the right move right there? Yeah, cuz you can Know generally speaking as a human. It's like oh, I don't know what's going through the you got a dad. That's Publicly verbally abusing a kid that guy's got issues right? This isn't normal. This guy's got issue What is he what are you gonna? It worse for the kid or what so there's a lot we you can throw that out there like it's real simple and easy but When you do get in a situation like that, I'm not talking about a candid camera, but when there's something going on you've got Detach and really run through not let your emotions drive it, but what's going on, okay?
And you actually help, are you gonna make things worse? You know, oh, now we got a physical abuse going on, now we're probably. Stepping in matter of fact, we're stepping in like you started abusing a child. We're gonna have issues. We're gonna we're gonna put Stop to that the verbal abuse thing like well. How will it how far you willing to go? Yeah, you know go and To call child services, you can do the follow-up calls, are you going to make it worse for that kid? Gonna get stabbed. So there's a lot of things to consider and the way that you consider those is by taking a step back and detach it. And look, there's so many nuances in that situation. We couldn't, I couldn't say like, well, here's what I would do. Need to be there, I would need to be sitting there, I would need to physically size the whole situation up. Is there a wife there, is there a mom, what's her reaction? Are there other kids, what are their reactions?
Things to consider but the only way you can truly consider those things in the moment is to be able to detach and take a step back and look around Next section here is power, leadership, allow-- Liking for one another is not the only thing needed to hold a crew together in survival. Every survival group should have a leader who will exercise his power of authority. This doesn't mean that he has to be a dictator. Take lead in accomplishing the things already outlined. Stories of crew survival clearly show that disaster strikes if this power isn't exercised. So somebody's got to step up and lead. Communications, almost every story of 100% crew survival gives an account of good communications during the in-flight emergency and what falls. All of us where there's a lack of communication. There is panic and heavy losses. And again, this is a talk about a plane being
In a plane being in a bomber, but imagine in your company, imagine your organization, imagine your team, Going sideways you gotta communicate what's happening because of poor communications procedures the men bail out when there's no need to bail out or fail to bail out when there is a necessity failing to communicate Communicate also causes panic. Having someone to talk to helps morale, it prevents panic. Next thing, a goal. having a good day. A goal is a fourth factor which holds a crew together when things get rough. Recognize that all of you have the same goal survival. You will do a lot of things you wouldn't usually do when An individual crew member forgets his goal and wants to give up, the crew may be able to snap him out of it. One evading bombardier wanted to quit.
The crew knew that this would endanger all of them the aircraft commander Jewish pistol on him and told him that he would shoot him Rather than leaving behind the bombardier Got up and came along the entire crew survived subscribed. And here's the summary section. Based on the social psychology literature about group behavior under stress. Viewers interviews and reports interviews with and reports about Air Force survivors and continuing Study of survival trainees, the following conclusions have been reached. Group survival chances, skill in organizing activity, good group morale, definite goal. Goals which serve to improve crew morale, the leader's knowledge of his men as individuals, Spread of participation within a crew, keeping the crew well briefed which helps achieve organized action.
Up into smaller subgroups as the occasion demands. Development of interdependencies based on Each man's resources, ability to make quick decisions and act upon them immediately, Or leadership, group decisions based on adequate survey of the situation, effective We've previously established reaction patterns, that's good training, good interpersonal crew relations, yes good relationships, and high-precipitation. To each personnel, such as the aircraft commander, taking full advantage of their relative great opportunities to initiate. Action which may lead to success and here's some things that decrease Group survival the absence of any of the foregoing factors failure of someone to fulfill the leadership function panic Which often arises from a lack of group organization the leading to crude disintegration lack of
Cohesion as a unit or lack of crew stability lack of conscious well-planned organization and leadership and this is going to close this This section this day this book out. We may go back to the book at some point but for today This is what it means to you. Every crew member can examine his own personality, behavior, and habits in relation to his fellow crew members in order to... How he can add to the entire cruise potential for safe return. So you as an individual can get better. You need to examine yourself and then every aircraft commander can find hints for measuring and for improving his leadership performance. Under both normal and emergency conditions. He can use the same material to analyze and improve the performance of His whole crew as well as that of each member as an important factor in influencing the crews survival potential.
The leadership and the crew both need to pay attention. Need to make improvements and so we see once again that the biggest Impact on our survival and our lives is how we lead how we train how we prepare How we test how we improve ourselves how we understand our fears how we train to control our fears How we understand what being a leader is and what being a team member is. Which is interacting with other human beings. That's what we need to do. Improve in those areas. Which is on us. There you go, that's the psychological aspects of survival and again, I just saw the folks that gave me this book
Came to the muster Oh Rennell and I told them we the last podcast hadn't come out yet. I said it's coming so appreciate you Giving me this book the woman actually found it in her fathers who served in the Air Force or the Army Air Corps Found it in his you know old old box of stuff so pretty awesome Army Air Corps. So before the Air Force was formed they had the Army Air Corps Yeah, and then eventually that became the Air Force. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's crazy So is that the real that's the actual one sit straight up right there. It's the real feel. It's a real deal - Thank you. - 1954. - I like these manuals. - Yeah, so do I. - Yeah, 'cause they're like cool little guides where you can be like, huh, 'cause a lot of this stuff and really a lot of what's kinda out there is just...
Ideas, guidelines, whatever that are not necessarily in this like cohesive formation where some of this stuff a lot of it is like I kind of That makes sense. It's not gonna come as some big revelation or surprise But to have it like laid out in a certain way where it's like a little guide where you can be like cool Survival scenario, but wait a second that kind of applies to me in us in life everything source Just because, and when you really think about it. - Welcome to Choco Podcast, bro. - No, but okay. - Welcome aboard. - That goes without saying, okay, but in a way, you can kind of look at life as one big survival task, really. - Yes. - Just on a lower level or less intense level, see what I'm saying? So all this stuff is.
A pretty relevant approach to surviving. - Bro, welcome to Jocko. Have you ever been up on call extreme ownership, dichotomy leadership, leadership strategy, and tacky? You see any of those? - Yes, sir. - I'm just wondering. - But what I'm saying is that's why I like this one, 'cause they're so straightforward in that. And you can, with every line, you can just apply, apply, apply, apply. - Yeah. I think that's one of the things that has made the, you know, Ashland Front appeal to people, is because... You get to see the extreme combat examples, but they're so clearly related to what you're dealing with in your business with. Team with your family with your life. So when you know that you have to take ownership Situation in combat guess what you also have to take ownership when you make a mistake with your spouse or you make a mistake with your Superior at work. What if the case may be when you
Know the consequences of not covering and moving in combat? Well now when I'm not supporting my operations department... At work. Realize there's consequences as well. So the translation it makes it very obvious what the Consequences were in are in combat, but then you also take those and you apply them to Your life your business. So yes Survival it may be a Really important thing to rehearse and if you don't rehearse you die. Yeah, but guess what we're going to brief a potential Client we might want to rehearse it a couple times just to make sure we're ready for whatever questions that might ask So yes, you're very Your recognition of the fact that after 424 podcasts yes sir the
Things that we talk about apply to life. - Or, you know, that's just one of the many reasons I like. - Am I following in that super annoying category right now? - You're a bad survivor teammate, whatever. - I'm a bad survivor teammate right now, Jack. - The self-centered part. It too is like you know how like i'm gonna be honest with you hey i like you a lot so i'm beyond Pretty much every one of those bad scenarios. I was like, shit, I can name a time where I did that. You know, so I was thinking. Some of this hat I mean to never do any of these is like probably that's almost impossible for a human, you know These things where the guide is like, or the manual is telling you, hey, like this is bad. If you catch yourself doing this, you freaking knock that shit off. So the self-centeredness, that's a big one where, you know how... I don't know. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm the same as everyone. I don't know but you know, like if I'm like hungry, right? I'm cruising by myself or whatever in my situation
Let's say I'm at home. It's only me my wife home and I'm hungry and I'm like, bro I'm not gonna make something I'm gonna get something for delivery, right? Yeah So Every once in a while, I'll just like forget to get her something too or even ask her like, Oh, are you hungry? Yeah, not every time. Every once in a while I will and I'll be like what the hell's wrong with me like what why was I not? Am I so sorry? There's an unwritten rule at my house. If you're getting food, you don't need any communication. Text you get food you bring it home you bring it home you mean so if I'm gonna swing by and get some freaking chick-fil-a chick-fil-a Mm. I'm getting it for the fam. - Oh, for everybody. - And if the error is, there's already food on the table when I get home and everyone already ate, it's okay. That's the mistake you make. You already sent him a text you're like hey gonna swing by chick-fil-a gonna grab some does anybody want anything you don't hear
Response like you texted him a little bit like you don't hear response guess what you do get in you get it okay If you don't get it, you show up. - Yeah. - And my family, you're gonna have problems. - My dad, BC, he was. Always say this he's like better to have too much than not enough. But he would always say it. He'd always say - In regards to food, when we're making food or whatever, like, oh, should we peel eight potatoes versus the six? Or I don't know, whatever. And he's like, do more. Or 'cause it's better to have too much than not enough, which is kind of what your philosophy is. - Yes. - Yeah, like if hey, if it's a-- When in doubt, get it. So yeah, we won't have that rule, so I guess that's solid. Are driving yeah yeah hell yeah then it becomes a thing because i would say my wife and i kind of had that you know you know like if you're gonna pick up some food you're gonna get it done
You know now that once you got kids that are driving to like it's happened My kid rolling into the house with in and out. We're not a Thing for me you know guess what happens yeah guess what just happened to their meal Became my meal that's what's happening administrative yeah Punitive measures. Yeah. Well, so here's now that I'm really thinking about implementing this, I kind of can't. This is why. So a lot of the stuff I get, a lot of times the rest of my family doesn't want it. I would say a good 75% of the time they'll say no. Like sushi or poke or something like this. They just don't even want it. They're or they're not in the mood for it cuz like sushi is one of those ones most people you got to be in the mood for Okay, but or pokey or something
Like just like raw, or something from that place, you know? My kids like sushi, but they like rolls, and I'm like, eh, eh, eh, or maybe they already ate, they'll be like, yeah, I want that. They always say yes to sushi, but then when you bring it home, they only eat like a little bit, they like the idea. Find something weird to eat. Yeah, maybe it don't apply. Yeah, but if you're getting in and out in and out hundred Getting chick-fil-a yeah You're getting some Mexican brah, I'm we better you better supply for the fam Would actually say now that I'm thinking of it, anytime where it's like a Shake Shack or some burger place or whatever, I know. To ask everyone, 'cause everyone, the chance of them being down for that is probably 90, 95%. I mean unless they ate already or whatever but even then Contingency planning is you just get it. I think you're like you're just getting that's what we're doing But yeah, so if you roll to my house and you have in and out with you you have Chick-fil-a with you You better have enough for the old man to guess what?
- That's what's happening. - That's community chick food. Yeah, that makes sense. Well, yeah, you're right. But I feel those were the spots for after wrestling with my kids Yeah get done with wrestling like tournament got away in there all day on the way home chick-fil-a in and out Yeah, that's the call. That's what's happening. Yeah in and out solid for sure I got a all formulated thing like that being a rule at your house that makes sense But it can't be a rule at my house, but it's not like I said, not if you're buying weird stuff, right If you're buying on universal food, yes, I understand buying non-universal Universal foods then yeah, yeah, you're coming to my house. Don't bring this Sushi to me. Okay. Don't be bringing pokey for don't be bringing me this but stop But in and out and grab that protein style. - Yeah, yeah, all day. - Three by three. - Yeah, I get it.
- I got you. But at least ask though, 'cause that's really the original problem is like, I felt, anytime she's like, Oh, even if my wife will be like, let's say 50/50. 50/50. Right, she's 50/50. Sometimes 50% she'll say yes, 50% she'll say no, I'm good. So I'll usually ask her whatever and then after a while you start to get the pattern like hey It's like freaking 11 at night right now. There's like only A certain amount of sushi places open. She's probably sleeping right now or about to go sleep. She's not gonna wait another 20 minutes and then freaking eat. You know, you kind of go through that quick calculus or whatever. So I'm just freaked. I'm just gonna go and then every once in a while They told me I wanted something then I'll feel self-centered like I'll be like, bro I wasn't even thinking about it, you know kind of a thing at least ask. Yeah at least ask bro Yeah, or just get it and put it in the fridge and you have it tomorrow for lunch. Yeah, it's true This isn't hard to figure
You're out, right? - Well now I know, now that I listen to the manual and you recon go through the manual, we're good to go now. - Hey, speaking of getting fuel. Look, do we get occasionally, do we get some in and out? Occasionally, do we get some Chick-fil-A occasionally? This isn't our normal fuel right? No. No, we got to keep it a little cleaner. Okay, we want to keep it clean clean fuel Dr. Fuel, that's what we're doing. Check out the hydrate. Check out the hydrate. The greens greens with creatine. Should we put creatine directly in greens? Standalone. - As a thing. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm not sure yet. There's people that it would be a lot. It'd be a big move. Right now, I'm telling you, you can do this if you want. You have the choice, freedom of choice.
On green. You know you do some work get done working out you get doing some work now. It's like 10 o'clock 11 o'clock You're getting a little hungry. Boom have a have a Like some mixed nuts, whatever then you want to give us something a little bit sweet you wouldn't Greens are sweet. Mmm. You wouldn't think that they taste good. Mmm. Dr. Green's taste good and freaking outstanding for you So jocko fuel calm. I don't think you should do the greens creatine thing - As of right now with 15 seconds of thinking about it, I think you should keep them separate. This is why, unless, actually two things, this is why. Because they're like. You're mixing it up so it's like you know you think about the experience so the only time where I'm like hey
I wish these were together already versus me opening up one more container, whatever. Like the only time where I'm going to be like, Oh, I'm glad this is already mixed or whatever is like the ready to drink stuff. Drink like milk, for example, like the fact that it's already there, you just open it is way different than mixing it up. It is a whole rituals way you say it's a whole it's like a Japanese tea ritual you're going through Whole procedures outcomes the creatine outcomes the greens little ice little that's slightly slightly dramatic - Sure. - Comparable, we'll say. - Okay. - You know, in a ritual, no. But, put it this way, it's like more. Steps and more of a task more of a time constraint not in and up not for one time I'm saying overtime and you feel that when? You're like, okay, oh, the ready to drink is just ready to drink. This other one, I gotta open the, I gotta go get the container, I gotta go get the mix. You're doing water. Okay, if you're doing milk, okay now I gotta go grab that I gotta do I gotta clean up I gotta put it away. It's different if it's RTD, right? So that's the only time I can think of where if it's like hey
If you're combining things that are already ready to go, okay. But if you're just like, oh. You still gotta mix them. You still gotta go find the thing. Now it's just one less container. It's like, hmm, that kinda defeats the purpose a little bit. And then you gotta relegate it to people who want the greens with the creatine. See what I'm saying? Here's a separate podcast episode You could have just said don't mix them out. Oh, well you got to know why though. No, I don't. Oh you don't I have to know I know okay continue. Okay, let's just get this done. Okay, so if you had a RT The greens that had creatine in it. Something along those lines where it's like, hey, you're getting your greens, you're getting your creatine, and this is in a drink, that tastes good. It's like refreshing, it's like a little drink. But you got that added, see what I'm saying? I would be. To me, I feel like that would have a place in my life. I feel like.
Versus like another powder that's oh this powder versus you know, and you got to mix them the same exact way I feel like you know, that might be a little bit spinning wheels. That's what it feels like to me I don't know. That's just me your input is just deeply Appreciated across the board. No, no, no, I mean you're appreciated I'm even thinking about maybe putting together a separate podcast about this anyway Google.com come and check it out. Molk. We heard about that. We got protein all taste delicious Naturally sweetened no In them clean fuel joint warfare We got it going on you want to get this stuff wah wah Vitamin shop, GNC, military commissaries, A-Fees, Hanford, Dashdoors, Wake Fern, ShopRite. HEB down in Tejas. Thank you. Meyer. Thank you.
Harris Teeter let's go lifetime fitness shields small gyms everywhere jiu-jitsu CrossFit gyms if you own a jiu-jitsu gym if you own CrossFit gym if you own a powerlifting gym if you own an Olympic lifting gym if you own a yoga studio Let us know AF sales at jocko fuel calm and we can set you up so you can give your clients your customers your consumers the goods That's what we're doing So, originusa.com. You need clothing to wear. When you… Make when you wear clothing wouldn't you like your clothing to have been made by a Person that was not enslaved. Yeah, my guess is yes you would wouldn't you want your clothing to? represent freedom Wouldn't you want it to represent America? Origin usa.com we can give you clothing free
For your entire life. 'Cause workout gear in the morning, We got other pants coming out now. Have you seen the moab pants? They're coming out freaking Just awesome work pants. Obviously we got the jeans obviously we got boots At least when we get done with your work day, that's when you're putting on your jujitsu gear, your gi, your rash guard, your shorts. We got you covered. Head to toe, head to toe. - I dig it. - Belt, got you. Wallet, we got you. - Socks even. - Beanie, beanie. For the top of your head. We got you. Hunt gear, we got you. Anyways, you guys know the deal. OriginUSA.com, we're bringing manufacturing back to America, rebuilding America, rebuilding the communities. America, freedom. OriginUSA.com, let's go. Also speaking of freedom and discipline because without discipline
There is no freedom. - Look at you with the connection. - This is real. - Oh, check you out. - It's true, look, hey, if you want to represent, discipline equals freedom. Concept combined. Go to JockoStore.com and get your shirts, your hoodies. Hats, we've got some shorts on there too. We have socks coming like soon like within the next few days Okay, and some news Special hoodies as well. What are the socks like say on them? Just blending goes freedom. They don't just did not just So what do they call my socks? People see my socks in like a picture? - Oh yeah, your workout socks, whatever. - Old man socks or something. - Yeah, grandpa. Grandpa sauce. Yeah, you don't put much aesthetic thought into Socks, I don't know. There's an area aesthetic thought into the clothes that I'm wearing. Yeah, I wear What what I wear that is
Very clear. Yes, especially when you look at your socks And I dig it man. Do what you dig not all of us feel the same way Okay, you know like when I hey look when I'm walking through the freakin I just warm some oh yeah, I went to show Show what kind of show comedy show bill Maher? Political comedy show this past weekend. How was it? Good. Did you laugh? Yeah Oh Bill Maher. He's the TV show guy Bill Maher Yeah real time with Bill Maher. Did you go to the like will the filming of it? No, no Stand up to stand up show as well. So he was here San Diego mean my lovely wife went boom I wear the discipline equals freedom socks. No, look when I sit down The chair and my pants kind of go up it reveals the socks what do you want them to see never thought About that you with your grandpa socks are gonna see your grandpa socks. They're gonna be like whatever. I'm gonna keep moving They see my discipline equals freedom sucks. Then it'll be like does it say discipline equals freedom on each sock? Yes, sir It does the holes
Just one sauce discipline the other side talk is freedom. No does it say over and over again, or just one time one? One time and then has the X flag on there. Oh, they're legit. Letting people know. Letting them know if they care. It's true. But yes, those are coming in. They're very good. They're quality. We got the long ones and the regular size. What do you call them? Crew? Whatever. Some options there and a lot of other cool stuff on there. Speaking of options on there, there's something called the shirt locker. That you can subscribe. That's a new shirt every month with different designs without this spinning cause freedom quite a few people at the muster Represent all representing big time big time big time. Oh, yeah, and that's how you know like I said you want to represent Discipline equals freedom. This is where you go. Some people wonder about the magic. They see a shirt. They never seen it before Yep, jocko store calmness with all All this stuff exists. - Also, if you need steak, which you do, - Yes. - primalbeef.com or ColoradoCraftBeef.com.
Both awesome companies making awesome steak for you to eat. It's freaking outstanding. You need steak. Go to primalbeef.com, go to coloradacraftbeef.com and get yourself some of the goods. Some steak, some ground beef, just get it, get it done. Subscribe to the podcast, also jockounderground.com, also YouTube channels. You got the Jocko, what is it, Jocko Poncho? YouTube channel official official yeah origin USA YouTube channel Jocko A few YouTube channels so that we've got some YouTube channels if you want to see some of that Psychological warfare don't forget about flipside canvas Dakota Meyer making cool stuff To hang on your wall. I've written a bunch of books about leadership where I take ideas and leadership principles from combat and show you how You can apply it to your business in life isn't that interesting in the Charles amazing? Also got a bunch of kids books for the kids Day you can get kids look. There's all kinds of paths kids can go down these days
And there and a lot of them are not good fact most of my words They're not good or you can get them down the path Kids, you know the warrior kid books Also echelon front we have a leadership consultancy go to echelon front.com For details on that we have an online training Academy extreme ownership comm for these principles That we teach that can be utilized in business and in survival tactics you can learn them you can learn how to be a Human being go to extreme ownership calm also if you want to help service members active retired you want to help their families Gold Star family Check out Mark Lee's mom mama Lee Got a charity organization. If you wanna donate or you wanna get involved, go to AmericasMightyWarriors.org. Also, don't forget about Micah Fink up there in the wilderness helping our veterans. Relocate their souls go to heroesandhorses.org
And Jimmy May has got an organization, BeyondTheBrotherhood.org, helping our comrades in arms. Transition to the civilian sector. If you want to connect with Echo and I, we're out there, we're on the interwebs, Echo's at Echo. I'm at Jocko. Well, I could just just be careful because the algorithm has been programmed to Steal your time from you and flush it down the toilet, so be careful and thanks to All our servicemen and women around the world right now and also to their families Who serve and sacrifice we are? Indebted to you always and we will not forget the gift of freedom that you have given us To our police and law enforcement firefighters paramedics EMTs dispatchers correctional officers Border Patrol Secret Service and all other first responders
Thank you for keeping us safe here at home and everyone else out there. Do not run from your fear. Do not run from your fear. Understand it, recognize it. Yourself to it face it and learn how to take action action with purpose even when you are afraid and build the mental strength and endurance through Physical strength and endurance so that you can make yourself a Survivor and until next time this is echo and jocko out out
Transcript generated on 2024-02-08.