« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Episode Announcement

2021-07-18 | 🔗

Due to Jamie potentially having Covid, we are going to delay the end of the series. As important as Dad Porn is, we have to prioritise everyone's health and be diligent about what is a genuine risk.

Thanks for understanding - chapter 9 will now be released on Monday 26 July.with the finale (including a finale listening party) on Monday 2 August.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey guys. I know you will expecting chapter nine Belinda blinked, but unfortunately we have had a little bit of an see down long out again upon the bell. Navigate chapter nine you like, but you will get chapter nine just not this week, I'm afraid. Yes, we ve had a bit of a covert related. But I would say yes site, which means that we cannot be in the same room together to record right now, because we think Jamie's caught covered and, frankly, the less preconceived ideas about so I was an eye over the main yeah. Oh god I mean I'm gonna be happier. I wish you the message I mean, obviously after a full recovery. The m. The thing is in six years of doing this, despite my chronic and pathological lack of punctuality. You ve always vanished but upside down time. But this is just something we we simply cannot overcome and we don't. We wanted.
in the same room when we do recall the chapters. What we're doing this remotely right now- and I would say my james- is health- is of the utmost importance, Jamie levels. Areas is too big things to do, Tell me all right, I'm not feeling great. You ve made me feel if I spoke more Emirates, so I know that I'm not suitable deaf, for not keeping up with the emails, not substance in autumn night, and How long we she talking only a week we'll be back next week with chapter nine dont worry, is only a week's way now you know of calendar, so that now means that checks nine will be the twenty six July Monday. Twenty six of the season, finale unseasonably listening party will now be on Monday, the second of August so get any diary. Not just thinking healthy eating, be able without clean and tested and self by them. Ass. Well, ass. The thing understood its an abundance of coercion. Unless I want to make sure that your safe James, safe and that we do in all the right thing like down surfaces sake,
the air anything in ITALY saves the air James. Why you were Jamie We wish you a full recovery, will will be checking in on the hour every hour for helps. We can clearly thank you absolutely and I'm always have let you could be it the next and I say you might want to sneeze or whatever, but will be calling just to check in time and time again that will soon plenty fluids. I here we ve already This wine count we're not forget. James is not a medical professionals and thanks so much for understanding guys. I know this is far from ideal, with open looking forward to reveal of why doktor Robins is even relevant at this point in the books, but we'll get that we promise jealousy. Jan Andersson levy, innovate.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-19.