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Footnotes: Ask Us Anything

2018-11-01 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James answer some of your burning questions.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, can see my dad vote supported the footnotes now it's time, for you guys to ask us anything, oh God, James. Yet we bought collar on social media for questions and we ve had over five. So This is gonna. Be amazing! Is this and I am a yeah? I guess I remember we didn't I obey once we don't really know how worked we fucked it up This isn't a you. I know you. I ask us anything, faggot, really, pc thousands that one Yet when the way just highlight just just a kick off- oh yes, you always Belinda, isn't pregnant. We followed her daily life,
For months now, not once she had a period that sailor while Ella, I don't think that does me writing about her menstrual cycle, but you know maybe something for book. Eight, never you, you always say like where people complain about Belinda, toilets and things eyesight. Why? Of course you can write these thing. Harry Potter doesn't goes the toilet either, but no one, holding Jake around in daylight. Excuse me, I haven't had a pay with age. If you dont know that she might be getting a lot mail about that, we might be screening all of them or whether we do the same LISA says. I actually want to know more about you three. What do you do for a living to achieve any she says has mother upon a change of daily life in anyway. What's on the same question but a different question, while James you're, a very successful tv primarily to produce producer bath, denominated, buster nominated just but was too good
Let's see with your civic, it doesn't just eight doesn't say an eminent says, production team that work your Alice, you are who you do many you, like your enables woman right sure, I'm like a tv radio personally report, him utterly. Aren't you like it. Designers whether some of my written am I see these are evident: Megatherium Apathy, Ionia or people looking for them all. Do it and Jamie your well. Not only do at this package, which people be surprising, Let me just say I very just as ramblings in the door to you at a time that you can spend on that. Wasn't a direct acting have one of those chairs director. I do but maybe get over Christmas like us. Having I can actually talk about my proudest career retreat, We now you're gonna make it after tea. Now. No bad luck, I created body Andy.
Number one not even saying, and I in the two you didn't even know you create a happy that you created a ok. So Burundi is this mean that's been doing the rounds for years of Jesse from Little mix, doing jamaican action, and I am the reason exam What you mean. You are the reason why voiced boxes on it, so I a producer a job where we were doing a youtube. Chinaware we interviewed celebrities. Someone immodest like little makes a coming in in an hour, do something with them and it was around the timeline. Said challenges were big on Youtube. I like doing that, Somalia has a holiday was, and they pull out different accents and have to emulate them, so Jesse pulls out Jamaican. And then just makes this very bizarre noise. She has button, but I m back by that didn't think anymore and that at the moment is that you make an axe, and so she does do it. You make that wasn't her. Do I don't know she's like warming up to do it you make it. Maybe she claims it's a noise that little mix make to each other when they think
what MR they don't think Jack humility, girls anyway, we we put it The video lightened rating, not thinking much of it, and then it just became like shed everyone at work, a lot budding valiant. What these I bring, burying the volume so yeah I created by you didn't creating body under oh, my god, okay and I was in a lot of trouble what it because, as you see, we ve all touched guys in our own ways, and Craig Smith wants to know the pockets of Sea Basin Jamie's dance pushing for writing. But if I was a podcast about James Analysis, parents, hobby ease war. Would they be I? What would it be about? That's what you gave me, I think you know my mom is she's a keen allotment here. Yes, so I think it would be a gardening podcast ash appraisal. Tomorrow's will there be, things got kind of lovey salt traced answer gagging than she could do quite a nice class gumption.
As I was saying as I please don't do this without me. Some, how can I be Just hold on my top due to what you play: tennis or squawking. I just play tennis and is a huge challenge for both can these two things Marie somehow? Maybe a sports boats blow that neither the widespread jobs not just to be how to make serene of eating a copious amounts are soaring or he does first acrostic. He loves Sewing Odin, asked Athos and F one car which, having he's had mounted. The war, but my parents, asylum funds, those circle? Things you stick chunes cool it like that. My mom was my mother playing on the Ipad crush on me. I, but also could she do a kind of twitching Ipad, twitching punk ass? They should like she's doing one about watching other people ipods take a twitch, it's not twit!
All of that now. What am I going to do it all? She could become decrease twitch Yashmak poaching, but the good woman is wrapped up where LISA avenues to explore with Vietnam Hoddan Allotment at my mom played candy crush my stepmother needlepoint, we're gonna, have says a Jamie and Alice dating How is it that obvious, dating just bump, Senegalese all hold at regional level, I don't get you out of that, would be that compatible with me. We have very fiery related postulates the highs.
Behind alone some days we don't speak and I got the kissing would be vitally, oh, my god. How much would I have to pay you to kiss me? It's too is too weird: you like one was, and still is obsolete. It is near the Danes. You'd have been increasing. I've been groundless naval, most likely to gaze Jamie and James. Can we look you Vera were just to be reminded of something she says: Jamie men, at some point that he knows someone who has an expression to describe a shit degree. Something about a left town was that water is a degree in cake. Icing, moorish dancing from the university of you left owner has led us to use. The pictures were mums when Jane for that one billion,
Someone said not a question just wanted to say: hi from a smoke swing dancer. Will you decided smog honestly say smoke, hello to you, Katy does Martin Support Group has asked: what's your fave just a brief, a rocky flintstone areas. I cases this is your dad's preferred reply structure, which is just a? U S, apostrophe, plus a verb like just saying just doing. I have too. He was once talking about irksome what asked what is favoured me, or was it really so? Turkey sandwich just jumper, which is a good, but don't ask him if he was ever drunk when he wrote the books, and he said just picking
the guy, loving and Sarah, wants to know. How did you three meet Europe's alone? You told that's a good one. Well, we all that university. The university leads yes at different times, a man both separately and then we kind of somehow or became we met through you. I think yeah you'd equal is altogether active, were met. Jamie hollowing party ass did James hated me the first time and I didn't hate. She is dead but Jane ass to be despised. How do you actually disguised I've? Any did not Jamie's just, but at this party be light, it was around fresh as we can We're all quiet, Jamie's, just been very funny and a form of Jamie and societies has caused a mouth he's been followed it with a set of amendments.
Walking home together, yeah really reinvented. I was with you later during the ties with David he's at special, not that you gave the time at the time needed to take It is light. Cuddling boys came up and we all of us actually there's a worthy. What the person who met, because I am not proud of this so they, but you are not a she nor the night, and we walked home now say out of the scottish member. There was a kind of like a pile of road pain on the pavement which isn't it my money. I think- and I was like all we should we. I was ready shit faced and those that we should. They re our names on the pavement, so that you know will always remember this night most like to this matter. So like, like takeaway leaflet, did in this protest vote Jamie on the pavement and leads outside the pockets and building which is quite big landmark in the city, and then I went to
James is that it wasn't and hate that I got as far as the little J and it was like, I think, her name's similar and affection. Other changes such a good eating she did not want to be there for time and Memoriam bought me. That's not wise. Is it to graffiti with your own name, no problem, but I do have photographic evidence of virtual art installation and have enjoyed for as long as the friendship Oh it's longer now so indefensible writing of that's quite siberia. It's all gone sorry about that, so Dover and then I was on a bus once you with friends with my friend, will you have friends in life and right sure?
and I was really funny and if our oceans plans are, I invite whipping about something or other and then get rid of it and then about tens. Will one day, Honeycomb EL in love with me category, to note that you thought we were aiming for a while now I get in. I did think that from that, but I've because you gave me all the signals there was one night I was in my flat and I got attacks from Alice. Saying all. Can I come in over dvd. I was basically a ruse everyday with ordinary. I was a blacklist about that. My everyone needs to come and borrow my dvds stuff. On my best chaps deck and wandered over that, so I opened the door and its I thought it was an atlas in my building who had frequently borrowed dvds from much cooler than May, and he was really excited to lend it to her and anyone. Yet she opened the door when oh, it's you, what was a dvd of interest Garden state got us
That is so, do those devise and ever get it back you I think you did. I think I've still got my collection to the static about it. When it was the last dvd ever returned and yeah you weren't even very happy, but then to be fair. We did your friendship and some of the best dates of a written by watching Titanic together. One- and I know that many nice here we were inseparable romantically and then I guess we just color relegating writer, which one do you. Is that what follow up? Oh yeah people talk about you and I think we met and the first year but I really remember you not being there. That is not why I don't remember meeting you is that I don't remember not knowing you yeah, I feel Sir Gareth possessed. When did the singing stolen the protest and how soon can it be stopped? Reality sassy little men ass, well, ass. She I
have always enjoyed singing. He noticed a joint hearing only very later there my voice is, I think, more salt tree with age. As progress has progressed, I feel like it's become it's kind of more textured than ever now remembered, in other words, a tone. Deaf tone: deaf, yes, how you guys are out of you, causing either I will admit, Dames thinks he can thing buckeyes flats, as you like king now, no should stop saying that he will do you say he hates the thing they got quite a few lines as well as sheathing. Macau is talking about you, James, ok, normal cinnamon, squealer, I've about you from Katy, and this has come up quite a lot. Actually I've seen this this question bobbing around anyone know what happened to Belinda's fledgling used knickers business, genuinely things you don't, but she was dissolved I think, maybe they'll just favours uniting, though just kind of shoes currying favour with favours. Our case is one
is a little kind of vat in the meantime relent, I may you know: you're sweet Rachel, she's kind of greasing those business contacts, so we might not see that may appear. Odin hold your breath on their own Katy aloft. People could keep us just now by a lot of people. Asking similar questions like has rockies writing influence your sexual behind, anyway. No, of course not what you on about has its you anyway. If we tracked it would we say, John. Really as three having more or less acts and reading the book. Now I think matter mobilise live now. In his said it wasn't for you James. Actually, when spoon was introduced, we got our first potentially bisexual character and even though is probably not gonna happen, if you can choose to male carriages from the books that could have an affair he would. They bow excellent question. Rhine Ryan! I am so glad I guess
It would have to be Marco, remind me of an idea of guess who is at all would be unnecessary. Youngish man out of sight, Butch the sunburn kid. How he's a trunk no Peter Ass gadgets, because I think that both good looking guy it has got. While I think of us like a really good dashboard, didn't listen describes how to look a six packing these older, isn't it I see the thing is, I always imagine all the men, dumpy light bulls lights biting reason you have tried to get past the not should go with what Rockies actually described and yet be aroused by the six pack mockery guys Santa Fe Gorge had that voice. That was so well. So I received one fancies away as yet Haliae said this luxury goods are those two iridescent rouse, ok, choices in the very arousing, I'm out its everything. Vicki does Alice like a northern. Why
by things. Reason have tried to get past the not she go with what Rockies actually described and yet be aroused by the six pack mockery guys satisfying gorge. Had that voice. That was like a blinding question. You know where to go from the southern recap from our grain. Steeples, though, is a time for Belinda Blink, the musical, oh, yeah, I think so Alice as all of the character. We got I'd love to make you to musical. I think we have to some point. Imagine that stuff you could write sums about pots and pans rhymes with so much discuss, evaporate and ten points. If you can write that we get, the duchess could do like a big biology number about dildos or something
Oh yeah, I suddenly there workshop not get out. I get so Duffy, not sure this is the songstress, but Duffy wants to know questions but Alice Levine and James Cooper have your parents net rocky Flintstone, and if so, what are they talk about? I dont if they have actually my parents in that Rocky Yadda mothers of your parents of your parents. What have you got. I guess I'll see each other on the big day. How have you? Parents never met mine, but only as is sometimes a flintstones, come to alive shy, but they never been the same shouldered thing on purpose or no one of our early ones. They must have been so, but we can live with each other for years. I how they never met last night. I think that fuck, that's rectify that show a shrivelled, but you have a big Christmas. All of our parents
one table. Oh, my goodness, we cannot say TAT. I am in your family. We taking up half the time even though many friends say Gabriel, says we please admit Jamie. The rocky flintstone knows about Anal Play Michel says: will you please say as well? Let us just say it Jamie Johnson, say my dad is an expert in new play. It that's. Why don't have seventeen siblings currents? just say it. Cronies, John see that if they have today and say what you asked me to my my dad is an expert in a new planet. Four star is not an expert in anything, so to say first hour as it is not an expert NATO play in them. We ve got a little words. We need to look at least have begun. The desire His writing ready says it all speaks for itself. So you think he is an expanding up. I know if you read the book to say we're not gonna have this by every week. Grady has a question: do you worry the Rocky might get to breakfast boots and higher replace
Castro's readings. Aid want to love that appear to think it. Fire first may my all essential to the title here I have made this now. I think, make no moments told me, I'm the Michel, if the pot care, that is what that means for Europeans, say because it can happen without you, I'm telling you copyright, unclouded densities, child jack, she's such a funny woman and I'm Michel, because I'm surplus to requirements things we all love you you most popular one and was this does happen among us problem. And they say something about what Europe is about. An impressive Xilai. Don't scarf! Please do better nominated he's a whole production to the mission of the book of away. It definitely will be made because Jamie Ass, we ve just establish you're in the title Jane
you're the favour, even more than Jamie, was too so had anything on a troublemaker is wrong. Maybe it's in there. Let me out of my good without the comprehensive overview feed. That's enough now, yeah. I think it's too much. They were really good, though the them for thanks to the questions or if we didn't get round to use, we should do this again. Actually wish you didn't want him which is about ten minutes ago by levy.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.