« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Calling Belinkers 2

2021-06-23 | 🔗
Back due to popular demand (mainly from Jamie, Alice and James), the gang call listeners around the world to chat about their theories, funny stories and favourite Belinda moments.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porno, its put notes on guys excited wanted, and yet you don't member last season we did a call. The building is episode. You would lead us but didn't again lapsing up. recycling idea, we recycling a joke, not less, but basically eagerly I don't know a man I said. So. Basically you can come on and talk about what everyone loads of your son is your telephone numbers as a bit of a billion from the chat roulette hell. You know, let you log on in some people ranking some people just wanta chaps. Can we not? I would you think some people could be working for? I would not die all God bless activity. Of course
so James, you have the list of names and numbers have surely die. Then let's go good luck. I swear I'm gonna guy perversity, perverts and Pontius Pilate attack. What did I say? pansies, thou rigour. Where am I gonna see when they decide here we go, I'm dotting the first number hell I hell. I was that power yes became Paris's James Alison, Jamie from my daughter to Pawn shop. We want you shut up right now. I am We have really good. Where are you are not Paris or London on my bed, with a far from it, wearing the body. So Paris. What did you want to talk to us about today? I'd like to talk about Belinda Blink report.
Oh I'm thinkin in collaboration with other balkan autonomy. Ok, so use that infrastructure. I'm just put our branding honour like a good package, are exactly that site. Name! No! Palpable right. To conclude, I who really for food? I, though the blueprint- oh, that's good, Dick older figuring, whether at what they do in and then you can figure. He did it. I love to see what the background goon so make Gazelle somewhere, professor slit somewhere else, the factory in Scotland. Exactly that you boy can I bear the name The powers of the european countries is exactly how many stable, not exactly the same price for different bumper and those murders in Cluj, arise. solving a murderous, yes, our seas! I mean I've, never played it.
Well you're. So let the perfect we'll do to me and I think that what we need now is very rocky approach to the business world. I was actually not go and then what else? If you got comparing Maya like intricacy number a monopoly classic yeah an autocratic locations rotten about shipping profoundly play here, we can go to them below my world If we want say yes, the lazy p ranch the maize, let maybe he hormone station the pumping guess credible pumping station exile. That could be one of the water utility, so we got the clink for when you go to jail like a town whole clock that could be like free parking. Yes, what could the figuring they pomegranate? Yes a pound. Obviously
Resource planning there is upon in the real one, is the o of the little holes which are able to yes maybe a belongs to create a monster prick of very large ping all parties like yeah eggs, anything possible delay, and by that I mean I felt still ready, made board games and just stick Belinda blinked Oliver exactly that anymore for amiable final one for trivial pursuit, classic just click click elements, the ultimate Belinda. We have prepared a question we could try to answer now for that for the game, oh God thousand own tv finance. Let's keep it simple. What was the salary the Belinda was offered when she first applied for job steals I'll call. You know what my fortifying only go there, the hourly thing at the end of the year. I think I looking over eight hundred thousand Belinda blink. My couldn't up that question
the ants. Even I know that eighty thousand a year plus trouble us travel made an important point, because I am going to believe you get back here in London. Yes, Madame We could bring it all that we can play them in the interval. Yes, I think it would be really fun. The people have come to realize, show to watch the four thus play a really London Paris. Thank you. So much it's been so lonely to talk to you here promptly. I'll see you exactly that Bob, I, oh my god, obsessive powers, guy coming out with her Virginia puts. It might go a little bit. So What better might sound? She had all the energy that I needed to do another year there. is that Josh say hi Josh?
James, Alison Jamie from my debt were to poor. No, oh, my god. I can't believe you're calling holy shit. I am glad to say that my God, ok now you don't sound like a native Spaniards. You are in Spain. Where are you from originally I'm from clean window high, the United States of America said ever so proudly ever it so badly. That was a proper, Miss world introduction. So what did to talk about Josh. Today, though, I'm wondering about the Belinda blowing the universe, I think there's so much potential like I want to know about Alfie. I want to know about the smallest man they're. Just so many little died character that I think have Roma could be developed into a full blown character. So you think we could do like
you know like marvel to doing low key in one division and things like that we could do spin off tv series movies with these characters are absolutely. I think you can even going here miracle the peoples of our work. I don't know you could do it also if we were gonna go. You know once once the Belinda blinked books a finished. Who was the first person you would choose to do a spin off to ensure it would be successful? Really. I think that the person who we had the most, except for a pre war with the duchess, and a call. How is she like bad of em? I think whatever she is, but then she wound up at the horse and buggy and it would set a lot of questions. I think the duchess could become a mini series, the queen's guide it giving me the tutor it I never met the crown offices. The credit
oh my god, the crown who the duchess imagine how beautiful it would lower classes are thy. You could let you know the way that the world sometimes cause. I, yes, we should find a random persons in an extra in the crowd and cast them as the duchess and ours. So really despotic Gimme, that the trilogy back out, of course, toffee apple juice. Gotta, have had moment my God. Can I just say your guises trailer for trailer five be walking to the tombstone with hobby apple, chew, then to Mars, not by me, as we have just do that for the match alone. To be able to. Oh yeah she's this generations, black beauty or we shall not bob Not yours at EU level by burying exactly
and saying exactly by Josh has some great ideas: who's the had marvel which can comes out. There have been five year thing: yeah. Ok, I'm sure you can. Just Google imminent finds number on the internet. Seven foggy out and see you that'll. Do next year I don't know how they're gonna talk big Josh Energy Heller- hello is that Ella, yesterday's hi hi, it's Jamie James Atmosphere from my dad wrote a poem. No, this is made my life. Let me talk to you, so how can we hope you today Ella? I first of all I would like to be a bit cocky and say that I got a distinction on my master. Their taken come and I'd like to follow up with the invitation was on the topic, my dad
A porno shall ha what scares me well, the world. Might I wrote a porno so amazing and back my struggle to sort of which will then what I want to focus on, but it ended up being a detailed action and from you know, I'm more academic point of view on how company is actually a great way to be stigmatize, sexuality be over arching conclusion was that, might I wrote a porno does make the world a better place? Welcome society you ve made some far smarter than we are and we appreciate so how many warm words are we talking from masters dissipation fifteen?
and, oh, my God, has more words than my dad's everywhere in the world of academia, is very keen on rocky plan studies, a fellow scholarly or one of the main points is Hallo Rocky sort of cope with fresh now he's a huge part of my dog appointed success. Censure rocky would love to read all about how people are fascinated with them, and you know how about you guys? Have you got him Ella? If it's about my dad, he loved to read it I loved you basically just described him is occult leader is probably on its list of ambition, and I would thank you so much. It was so lovely to talk to you. Thank you for taking the world because of that whilst spouses houses? And you know I don't say that like many, I have an idea, you know key and did the timeline. Yonah came from Belinda, Budapest and, of course we also, I think we should set him and our up on it. of scholastic date, but so well that have so much to talk about what would you like? A kind of Belinda, blinked, trivia off against each other hand,
you imagine a universe, a challenge Ella risk, that comes to mind at ease with the biggest benefit expert, my medicine. Can I've got good feelings about an that's cool, Balin I'll, be Switzerland. Ten November, I adore doing their best with joy. Hello, high its Jamie James, not assume that when a porno is that MIKE I never thought you would call me a bit shocks to tell his whereabouts in the world. Are you MIKE, I'm in Moscow or it now most go nice, so Russia, Russia Russian, on your show here MIKE? What do you think of the representation of Russia and Russians in Rockies work, nasty nasty agreed that all people, your I grieve- orbs open the aggregate Polanski, of course, quite greasy lip twas a year. I hope there will be some someone,
Were? I don't owe nicer? Do you have a soft spot for Counter Zora Fellow Russian, of course? Well, she's, weird of power, but I mean it's nice that their that, with the representation of women in growth, which is actually Peters were exactly it doesn't even existed, even Leningrad, yeah number Hake. I dread to ask where my Russian that, since any good at all, yet actually You just nailed it MIKE debut no, you know you're not being told this ballade, but in russian you just needed all things. May yes, you don't believe in your grand should taboo written about it with russian exit. Ok! Well, it was nice. Don't you MIKE Moscow's? Ok, we'll see you really excited that. You call me that it will be my early birthday present. What you birthday tomorrow me too, We do in the sixty or incorrect or happy birthday MIKE. How old are you gonna be twenty
I'm sorry for her mother, got birthday. Buddy, guy he's fifth team It's your junior he's! Fourteen years among Junior, I got a point that is different renovation, genuine role, guys, let's get going around hello. How does that hello? yeah hi, it's Jamie James, and I assume that rapporteur, I or my guy. Ok Ok, tell me more now your name is Aloha Year, not like Paloma. I know I'm sorry. I got that right. A week catching you about time. You sound, like you being kidnapped, or in some sort of meeting on actually at work about, I'm not doing anything right as I like to hear. What do you do for work and actually yeah? that's all cool. You have a huge
follow airing in my place at work, including my boss. Some really will we ever therapists go to protest. Yes, we hear a lot of awful stop doing today. So you guys are super like refreshing in your professional opinion, is rocky okay. Now, absolutely no honestly, yeah he's not ok, I mean I'm concern about here. We keep suggesting the Jamie should go to therapy. What do you think? I think all of you need sound like drama therapy, I'm not sure how you guys function, but especially Jamie. I mean I cannot imagine my dad talking about rimming asked
Are you well and in my office with the door you ve heard on the show Jamie basically doesn't regression therapy every week we absolutely Ebby glad to provide. You know this target as if I'm not available, I'm pretty sure another one of my fellow Billy incurs therapists rule be glad to provide services as well, and then I think I'm qualifies. I think I think you sound like you could be incredibly helpful- will keep your phone number on file. If that's all right I'll be perfectly fine, or any time, I'll be glad to provide you with my professional opinion, but it actually does it really matter. You'll regret that Aloha, I promise you. I think we all need to improve therapy logos, I'm claiming those precession. Ok, let's get going hello, hello! Is that miles yes, hi
I was its Jamie from Madeira, Portugal, Alison James ha ha miles. Oh my god! Why viola? Let me just break out like birds like I've, for three two one miles you back in the room, how's it going under better now we're going to do good.
We're about saw you in the world, so I would in a little town called three Rivers, Canada in Quebec. Oh nine backlog obviously had to flee the great the conservatives south end. Just you know wanted to be different, so weren't go back good for you, so you from a deep south in the states and regionally right, I'm from a little town like outside enough felt. So what you talk about? Well, I loved and laughed at the so that your nodded towards the people go allegories and double in the blank theories, and I thought that was superfine like let's, what's rattle, often bible, versatile books prattle on Greece, let's walk you through is something you know about miles: e g Bible. I say oh Alice. Yes, I do so did you want to expand on our kind of biblical theory? Is this to you?
Do you know the Bible a lot better than we do? Is that? Is there any more parallels you can draw? So I'm going to think of white last supper. Betrayal, nudists Iscariot cannot deal. Dare I say the trellis is very reminiscent of the crucifix I was in the alley. We necessarily follows through because I think that would mean that Belinda was the kind of born again. As I am about Messiah Complex, she came back to life kind. That's only goes again. All my days ago waited like it didn't Bela come back to life in like b b b, Oh my god, you shut, it became so many people in these books.
died and risen again, but we ve got to have anything to do with James Spoon Holy Trinity me. How did you that people know about survive? Oh my goodness, I forgot the Belinda. The pallor undisputed are really been, grounded, something I'm not you think people back home would think of blended, blinked and dad's writing every time. I want to share it on Instagram. We, like you, have to listen to this episode, but am I Although the Burma that follow me on Instagram, their wig is going to fly off. I fill unlike got, although, like older crowd from the local Methodist church Volney on its the grants. Us you gotta, be careful. You got a post with caution. preach the good word flintstone thou. Meanwhile, now that we have established a full fledged biblical allegory, I really think it is our responsibility to people. Think that angle, clay, yeah, it's your duty miles is minimal.
She's a chance. You you make those weeks flying out across the room. It was open to doubt the old. I love. What you do so funny cannot wait to see you when you come to give absolute Lee come back yard a great day day. Two miles by Belinda be with you I dunno about their weak spotless. My wake miles is grey endless, love, Amelia and let the old ya we just company upcoming YA, but you said it, but not sure you could put off desisted out and you every day she down again your sweet dialogue. That goes to start again. hi, it's always Jameson Jamie from my daughter upon our own. Where are we talking she from right? Now? I'm in Denmark love hello. We love that Denmark now Jennifer. How can we help what's goin on? Yes will I do to have a baby
in July a baby girl allowed to bring something to the labour to relax myself in distract myself and obviously I wanted to bring my dad wrote a porno because it's the mindless, but very much in the best possible way. Some people play Beethoven to the bump. Jennifer plays the mouth world So do you have a an episode in mind overseas, like what are you thinking well actually make my surname is Montague Sigh feel like to continue to stay on bran. I need tiara to feature CORE labour, daddy beloved when she gets locked in the flat, yes or whether they have that they have a big deal. together tat my first time either in the tea table. I believe that's cool James, that's inflammatory able, yes and obviously like you, should to the serbian scrubbing episode, because you'll been experiencing darkness but you'll be up to really relate gray and others, and so helpful either
I'm sure you buy me a little doubt as we speak. This is all going into birthing plan. That's going to the midwives, I'm sure now, Jennifer The question now is names field we haven't really decided yet. So I can imagine. Appointed suggestions have been achieved if you'll Montague be sure you could have a real chairman to you in the world. The only thing I'm worried about, if I don't want her to be called key ira- and I know that you got a lotta angry tweets about Cura for Europe, whose already empowering women like whose really gonna shit together- Hazel, yes, no pilot pretty accomplish with her Watch right example never laid for anything. He always on time. I'd love to learn more about doctors, stud! Oh yeah, doctors, the first night, doctors that now it was just obstinate, can you call a baby doktor start? I just don't want a game, I think it worth. What's the babies
dogs will actually euro Alice. I hear you you're the only one in the in the group who isn't a godparents, so maybe there's a limo? JANET you ve, given me both your names. I can find you don't say. If you don't mean it so happened. If she becomes a doctor shut off the doktor doktor Donaldson stud Montague durable. I love the Danes. I'm worried about her baby, though in the world? In that way, my thought? Why do you think I'm follies acting out of her aunt S, but so many people do it. It's like an official thing. People honestly, I have friends, had a baby recently and on the official documentation from the hospital it said, use my that wrote wanted to disrupt the pay. What's on an official and unofficial document world has gone quite mad. What he s, ability to do an article
This episode is sponsored by the nectar. Mattress there's one main thing that unites us all and that's not doc porn is actually how much we all love sleeping. I don't think I can mean runs at people if you guys were like up five bad. You know, one thing in the morning you didn't. I adore sleep. I listen to you. king, but Odin. Think about is that I am on a sea like a cadaver when I sleep so much so that I once was leaning against a radiator, and I woke up with a burn on my arm. Honestly, I can sleep through anything. How do you not even stir worry very, very well what you seek her house just go out like a light like that. Well, I have to have the correct environment account you sleep anyway yeah. You need to have an amazing mattress to have that restore swiftly to get into that good old, deep sleep. Next. This whole thing is that
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hi is our sea yeah? It's Jamie James and honest from my dogma of poor, no very bathing cecy. How can we help p today itself? Money because I found the pockets like. I thought it might be. I'm a factual which is like a total were me at least the tax repulsion. How the hell do I find a pot cast about quota quote sex, but my friend introduce me when I was having a really rough time and I have been in love with it ever since I have like last night, I was listening to the new happens that I literally laughing out loud in the kitchen and my whole family, tearing at me, like I'm in place to find you a sexuality as a sex repulsion so yeah. How do you deal with that chapter to chop took as its hard enough of the message on genetic? I at least know that, unlike
Is that really what people actually do? I sure they got home? It's hermetically disgusting and I think it kind of affirms that evidently not where I want to go down again, Belinda doing anything real. Where are you right by the way cc, I'm in my car outside of my point, because I don't think they media that I'm talking about effect but get outside your pre Europe, pre school teacher, yeah? Well, keep your voice down. The car is part like a mile from the school. I've been very very far away kid. They don't need no seriously. I feel as though I will constantly thinking that we need to enlighten Rocky. He surprises with some forward thinking for a man of his age or just including something that we genuinely never heard of, and he may well have made up or might actually be a sex acts as a fit. But I wonder if a sexuality is like something that he might explore sensitively.
Just don't know, he's such a loose common. I would cause, isn't there a bit rich the early in the books where he said, I think I'm even chapter one when he says about bill, make job bill won't, have sex with you and never will tell me said, Maybe we'll is essential that we got the lab I'm so sorry that your character, that represents is bill from age. I mean I couldn't really gotten a worthwhile, so bills Mitchell could well be. so called so progressive dad you representing everyone and I love it- carried out again die again die again again has happened. Men, yes, hi did you recently calling the shots?
company about. Quite though I didn't all, this is always Jameson Jamie from Madeira Porno that doesn't really matter operative may judge what at Boulogne Benjamin. I believe you have a story for us. I do yeah. Let's see, I think, I'm seventeen. I think it right to look at you and is going to add I played and living in a play. What's he got to worry about? No, you published so check you wanna Festival, which is obviously one of the many many performance is Jamie, did when he was a child. You play what MR tone. I play many roles change. We have treated the board's together, Benjamin you and I spent after I was told of towed hole of the matter and I was in London and I did many things I think I know somebody did the coffee ring for the matter.
Production, readily woodland go so you know someone addressed Jamie, possibly for one of the production and, and Lord knows what is demands were about the costume. Oh god, oh god are you regret to inform you. I never knew cookie value, but you have to do more here, we fat man with the might make good. The cane Michael became Vicki laying down Harris. These will not contemporaries at that what they all involved with the chance you wanna Festival, where we all went to survive- to be honest, how it works the Algarve, why these type, genuinely independent hung up you'll be able now your basic happens is all the regional would say, regional, but the regional theatres would what it does is altogether too. I would put on the performances and then we, if he were selected, you'd, go to the Chechen Accessible and that's a big deal. Obviously cannot just You said you knew the a costume.
designer who might know Jamie? Do we not just a first name? They didn't work within the theatre itself. They work in a local me rather than that, one specifically, but they did go and how powerful Africa remember that night now so they may have it's one of Jamie's. Gussets. Oh certainly well, is interesting because our resident wardrobe mistress, the converter, was a woman called in it and shoes see that this is so huge that generates new upload. The travel said we should take her with us on the many bus which everyone accessible. So we had to redress, but at the moment So is probably true that I did it. I could do by your bread, for we know that she was ratty. Honesty should step in You didn't have other wonderful, no, I'm just imagining have backstage boning on
course it for you and for when you try to total her wardrobe. While I was in the bowels of the fair two years. Go down, load of stairs was late in the day, I have to say if you to hold to travel your public ought to be a costume designed, for God's sake, working on an industrial sewing machine, the poor woman, too old, to travel to debate. This is not afraid of. You also see why I got involved. They needed someone who would Yogi dry goings on eleven June. There then well. This is then some extra insight which we, you know always welcome. So thank you. Benjamin even opened Pandora's Box butler You can imagine a team of seamstresses from the local village. King James changes, grape these insisted appalling events at the way solidly wind should aim at some sort. Of course, the tree at the back. Are you talking about? Also you can imagine
everybody else being not yet more than happy wherein you know my black shores. My black t share that brought from home and Jamie bringing Swatch is a fabric. These Olympic was made specially. That was the whole villages find yourself in the bow. It's called assessed with. Even I don't even know how she got to the theatre if she was too old to travel Nobody says she was born in the bows she died in the city wall to travel on. The great writer Uzbeks come on you to her eyes out. Daniela. Hi Daniela its James, Jamie and Alice from my daughter to poor no I do. How are you guys good example? You ve got your business voice on today. Yeah I've actually just gonna work meeting by I'm like a lower level. Employee
though I don't eat, sneak out the major egg smile, it doesn't matter. What do you do of interest by large animal budgetary aid, but also work as an epidemiological which I think people were a little bit more work and earlier with the opinions when everything at least go back to your meeting. Uneasy leads me to neglect the important did you got? No? No! I'm not! I probably with the chief knit tout help me help me today. So they mentioned. I am a large animal veterinary and- and I got her pocket actually here, another that, but there is one protection
Instead, I went in sterling, got a penis remember and in the area that I work in their quite a few men right, I'm not sure if you, commissioner, with the army, she saw all wish he had a very similar to amish peoples. We have some on Asian, some back, but they're all very old school. They aren't you, like Christie, Ebay, like clouded yoke recourse to encourage their Albert obey where the traditional clothing, but anyway, by listening to you that up a soda and somehow arrived on the five I couldn't get my believed you turn off and the farmer. and the farmer came running up. I'm, u chanting he's got a man than I did not turn it on.
Library was carrying a view it in his eyes, and I go it's a billboard number one. The iron went just so embarrassing I'm so sorry. I think you we reached every commute, How on earth now, even those that I want to say that. But I would do these every week a sofa away more fun and just the three I normally hey you're, talking on the phone number. This I will make an exception for help so that all great great people write what great characters.
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-17.