« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Calling Belinkers

2019-10-31 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice try something new and call listeners to chat about their theories, funny stories and favourite moments of the 'Belinda Blinked' saga

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. I'm broke into my dad road supported the footnotes. Now before we start James, the world has been intend to hooks. Did you go on your second dump date? What, with your last ask today. First last year was a girl I was going to, and then he takes me like two hours before an cancelled. A huge, ok, wait. You don't think he had I don't think so, but yeah light literary left me hanging until two thousand for them. Some light? Lame excuse? Well, I hope you ve. Let you lesson frankly, because I don't know about well now. The problem is he's got one of my jumpers. Some get after me. I'm at some point get much
Why is that? Why we're still friends, because I've got your behaviour on the part of Europe such as Belgium, fuck off, you have won it stretched at which I think is to be varied and long, social he's playing quite a gay man. I just wanna jump about I'm sorry about that. But that is a days but notes were doing. Something quite different note, we got the verse yet five series deep and we realized tat. We ve never spoken to any of you ass, an oversight. So we asked you to send as your phone numbers, because we thought be fun to half Adele Chuck Norris to talk to people sometimes whom I feel a collar. All ever do is talk to you to buy at this point series five with the back teeth of each other,
sit here every night we might as well freshener the relationship. You noticed that when a marriage go style and rather than our sex toys in the equation, we just thought we'd get some ennoble company, you voice the April. That is at least I don't know that we will be calling for power for the sound of undue, well movement or dial tones or people do nothing that they do when they can't talk. You camera that yet again, as I just I can't talk now, because if there at work, what they gonna do quite opera physically, why are we ready for offers caller? Yes, excited is allow Haifa Helen. This is Alice Jameson Jamie from my daughter, a porno here,
This is insane. I just thought up the thread now and I'm sweating. Like a hog, my life is officially made you young. I may well I'm a Boston right back fans who don't tell anyone largely a yank, the Yang, oh, my goodness rocky would be over the moon. Well, we talking she for my now you're talking to me from the floor of the gene in my office. In so how New York, city yeah, I say so. How can we help guy? Well, how can you not help? you guys are the reason I'm getting married in human yeah. How I now, though, I without a dating up- and I met this amazing guide and then and I went on a couple of days, the term a new gray, and I really like them and he kind of go sit me for a while
and they hear the bread he's from Portsmouth UK ass. He went home for a cup of weak and after a month of him go see me I was like this. Is my Hale Mary, I'm gonna, throw it up, I threw it out and I was like hey, haven't heard from you in a while, but have you listen to my dad about a porno and he immediately wrote back and with leg? I thought that was only in english thing didn't realize it made it across. The party must meet up for drinks. When I'm back like to change I'm sorry for three years we're getting married December fourteen I now paying blue together horn brought us together. If what keeps us together, gonna make our marriage strong, we're. That is why there are you, gotta base your wedding on gels, weathering any tips from the books. I think we're gonna have everybody whole problem hand?
and I think I'm gonna incorporate pomegranate into the center people December. It ran all very last. It was actually my maid of honor cropped. It's me a pillow for my birthday last summer and it says Jake and pit yeah? Oh, my god, he's gotta do sat on our homes and preparing thin and proud of my problem, we really are. The best part is that she she was cross, checking it on the New York City, subway and somebody city next to her side like what ga I may take a picture of it and sent it feel like us. They met the Ark Instagram called people with subway, your shoe,
with featured without her knowledge. Ditching take us into the night half the people were like, oh, my God, daughter or border, and help the people who is insane woman working literally and ass, with a far on the New York City. Why haven't we coming to the big apple next year? Yeah? Can you spread the word for us begin, I have a relatively good authority. The rocky flintstone will be attending our show, a radio city musical and We just want to make sure that he gets the welcome that he deserves. We will roll out the proverbial red carpet, the Blue, everyone will go, not we'll had Piper India. How do I thought I had I mean you ve love it. I love her I was grey it's getting married because of Belinda blinked, that's crazy! Do we think we're invited its implicit, of course, we're gonna buy hat next one another,
again highlight some yeah hi? I saw its James Jamie, an honest my daughter opponent? Oh my god does not the day. I sound like a game hurry there. Are you gonna, do a good. How are you well Are you I mean home? Actually, I'm watching ethics. Are you having an ethics and chill fear? What where in the world are you some actually building in the hollow, but bout. It cost over lies our knowledge as rocky. Would you, like my Alphonse, stir, backer bows, wasn t he was so sad. It you're not come to Brussels, where your tour, I have to travel on the way to answer dance. You Loveday Felicia, be nice of you to gather housing that watch Netflix quite frankly, so some would you want to talk about
well. A gay success pose This is one of those call you straight in the eye. Some lies in the dark, but his laptop open itself is not watching that noble formula and with a bundle, get lucky hadn't even touched on the subject and nothing else, but raining which is not exclusively gave him. Yet, no. It is, of course, that we don't like she's welcoming when data like I've known, you rightly hasn't ever had mail on male sex, and I don't wanna kind of bursting bubble. Some are not sure it's ever gonna happen in these books, to be honest and with some of it disappointed, but because you talk like hetero man
right about things- is of more his fantasy- will not fantasies rootlet using the authority, the James I mean these outbreaks of his fancies. All things. These experienced SAM yeah thinks he's done of years. Experience to me the link is that because he had an experience that the other guy doesn't it Am I right? Yes, I write who, which characterise? Could you imagine being engaged in such things? Who would you like to see if you could pass your favorite two together? Maybe bill bill from HR yeah yes, some now you talk during the day with who were actually to be out of. Sometimes I really like confuse characters, and sometimes I'm like imagining change being in the novel. May maybe that's what yeah? It was built from hr avail. Heights, however, is the perfect max. I love it. Dad get right. You gotta be wise a pair of saps per it's. I don't know I'm up, for I bet you are
Some are so got your number eleven by your hands where we can see them. Please, and actually it's funny, because I can really be made with the same youngish man, because my name is them, and I also had a ridiculous promotion from night are to manage about tat. Now you know awkwardly relate above the book. Is that yeah? Yes, it is so you come from the Youngish mounted the youngest manager you're in the movie that our role in the village cast. Ok, What was? He was not watching that we do not know what to speculate. He was having some alone time until we interrupted. You didn't ask to speak to us. If we call someone else, I think we'd better
I was the Alina yeah. It's my dad's, a porno hair, Jamie, James and Alice. I online God, isn't has a good think alone. I am the lost in Cologne. We help you, I don't know I made my tram coming and now I need to go home Alina. What do you think if Jamie's german accent well come on, come on? send the buyer, the buyer. That's a good place to start is no bad. I don't like fish no Let me to be further is a character choice really weird as endeavour to get on you like the deal is ignored I was going to be very careful Petra. I know I'm sorry. Petra really is a very low point. I'm sorry, like I think, the Dutch coming than that. Why? Why, by Jamie honestly, I really lobby often- and can I just say really quickly The German, you know, really
way to provide us with everything we say. Super guile, yes, means like cool Yahoo, typical. Do you think, there's any german phrases we should know for the world of Belinda blinked. Anything rocky could benefit, but pornographic faces Well, how do you say check out my pots and pans Sunday? My mother concern fun and will thus put a sexy rockies. In other words for vagina, so he might have to revert to some german words what german words other more. She bullshit about also how you can call your cap employed cannon Conversely, pussy pussy abruptly yeah boggy. Now that would be the innovation for the diner move. This moment move you can find a leaner, stop. Shouting move in the street
part like a playground. I shouldn't have done that. My tram, that my try I'm having a great time Medea guys find a home. Got home. We owe a campfire relayed by right. This could end up being a very expensive footnotes, little hope alone through lost in Cologne soon eyes whose yeah how'd I visa, These are high Joe, it's James Jamie Analysis, my daughter, a porno. No, it is not the moroccan. How are you
I don't want you to come with me. From time to time Emily I only we couldn't Bobby from intervening in the cotton. Everything about Joe tell us about you, so I pack men underwear for a living, That's a very saucy job. Nice work. If you can get it, I've learned so much from lucky. I'm ready for my presentation. Few millennium domvilles Ojo you you're right and left them. I've seen some of your drawing befallen the icy like a plan, and I went out there. We could definitely play I was in force. First, all over girls could work out whether at any time the wrong, while that was virtually
consequently, the doorbell others work. You do another one, absolutely nothing! What you're gonna change! Ok, another one dab a high its James Jamie Analysis from whatever its support and I will go How are you angry and you? Where are you in the world? I am in Vancouver right now you don't sound. Like a native connected no, I'm a brazilian, but I will do you know you are visiting and you know it I know it's a damn. What you want to talk about. I wanted to ask about this thing. Rocky has probably girl. I don't believe that Jamie anyway. Drawing up you know why, I'm ever seen my dad happier than when he's in Brazil a kind of filled, his heart with so much love. He we should have been
really- and I feel, are you happy to accept rocky as an honorary brazilian or I gave him the official by accepting all fantastic. That's I mean that's. Ok, wanted them show all he ever wanted to say about the real officially likes him back, exactly I'm done. How do we say goodbye in Portuguese? You can say both those origin. Is easier. Does that now make rocky the king of Brazil. I hope so he loved you kidding me. You probably already exists. The king was so he can wrap that flag around oven pride now the dark when he gets the apple one of these days. That can it be like sorry, sir, could you just got a bright top in some more digits? I'm a whole thing: this is alley alleys, Jameson Jamie from my daughter, a porno.
What come on them. What's, on your mind, get off my chest. Well, I didn't. Quite unintentionally iraqi has managed to create and sleek world that I think it was pretty all thumb everyone, queer or is just open to any experience with any person ever and ever has to come out, and I think that he thinks that anything to do with the taxi regard and what it is by its very refreshing to be like all, of course, these two women would have the wine I where we want to get too as a society. Eventually, you know no one has to come out known as opposed to find them. Are you saying Belinda blinked is the world you want to live in the world, but I wanna bet, I mean, maybe of every book or other, born a blink everything it very consensual, like maybe I would live in that world. I would just say no,
exactly everyone's very respectful and everyone, you know, is sex positive, but they focused so much energy costs, Somebody should speed. I go to bed tonight as one and I am watching Tele, not Belinda. No, I think it's looking over work life and her privately have always been the same big. Yet the work life balance is terrible and also I didn't get any friends, but my God is she having good sat got great colleagues. Those issues that you have those colleagues friends are all efforts: sexual partners, but with a complete overlap and world is her foot buddy you're exactly People have got to stop legitimizing D. A time out of eighteen honestly getting worrying. Now your daddy is an ally. The algae BT. Q community is actually is what he should have. It floated the next pride event. You calm down just call that next number, one
It's not gonna speaking high collar, its James Jamie Anonymous from my daughter, opponent, icon. I owe you on the run. Conor you sounded very suspicious, I'm always acting sufficiently you're a fugitive cut away. Are you in the world where we call you? I'm in Dublin and your interpolate overcome it. Lenin, but all yeah you there before, but I didn't see you unfortunately but I'm hoping to get to the next one. Well will be looking for you. So so Conor. What's your most confusing power of rocky Flintstones were what? Where do you just come a cropper? Every time I need more confusing thing. Is that the fact that he gets these phrases so wrong and even the gentleman's
I've never heard of any thing called fired, a gentleman something worse before where it had to do a bit, but that's it that's how it tries to pod office. Being an irish thing, but you're saying it's a is definitely categorically not an irish thing. Oh god, no daughter stopping Irish about a gentleman spot for anything else. They thought and if he says that Irish I think it's just covering all, but he just to random words into their pockets, what a smart mom! knows it I want to know is knows each other rights. Oh yeah she'll have ace of its probably right, you think, that's northern irish James! All that I'm a guy in the last one on my list is a bit of a curve. Bull! I'm not gonna lie more of a careful than these our Jesse way. How is that?
that's the Julia Willie's Jamie Jameson, Alison, my dad vote opponent. When I put my cry over, I don't want you anymore segment. Nine part great play a past is allowed to say holy shit. I believe the Lord made the word right vocabulary that got your create professor nicely. This is a unduly? Where are you in the world? I M in Montana, in the United States Rocky haven't written about Montoni at, but I mean time will tell, How can we help you Julia what they want? I must never turned color. This is my firm conviction that pride, that demon notwithstanding everyone by things to work out
I did the realms of any sort of normal biology. No one ever menstruating, true and no one ever need pollute an end, so I'm just very curious about where in the world and how this happened two very broad questions that the bodies, the meaning of long. Basically, no one ever said I'm gonna play a towel bound or I'd like to cry off. Right now are well, she had hoped few, but she stayed home hot water bottle, and you asked for anything watch. The movie could just wasn't good night into the choir. Yes, your eye there should there should be some mention another, a woman s face Julia, I wonder, has got over nodded it you had so God not at me. Mostly. I thought a moment ago.
Where I thought I am certainly where I meant to be right now and I'm imagining that's what Belinda felt and perceived as God nodding at her. It is interesting to me that Belinda seems to be the only one who grace and she has a whole pantheon of deities, whom she consult, but at least she's consulting a deity. Occasionally it's nice to know that not all the characters think they make. It all happened themselves and she ask what you want. You say quite the plethora of people that she can call upon the nor Scots right you know, but throughout the nor scouts, do I have to say that I do not usually what people come to me. No true Belinda things to be turned into her own pantheon. They died her into now prepared to use your tool. Potions or what have you she'd get the job done? She does some method in the madness: pasta. Julia IDA question Belinda, went to Heaven forbid.
And she saw oversee Nelson Mandela. Talking to her bassoon teacher. Is that how you picture it? Having not played the fear- and I don't think so, but I try not to think about it because to me have ended in any part of my job. My work is to make life better here, I think, perhaps in moments of missing people, I look forward to being reunited with them in some capacity, but I dont know
That will be the way I don't worry about. It does so profound. Fortunately, thoughts know how Rocky Caesar and he thinks he can every reality. Diver should mean that you know these guys. Representation for everything is also not much point worrying about egg is Belinda, got chucked right back out again side, and even if you all that for a bit, you might not stay right. Let's remember that we're talking to prevent over the Christian Clergy but Judaism have the concept of repairing the world and perhaps rocky, as did the minutes. We concentrated on repairing his section of the world of making sure there is adequate, mysterious and erratic. And humorous reading for us all and what can be oblique time? Ah greatly to look at is Julia you're, a very smart woman and also and enable us stop making excuses. The rock people in this area is absolutely lovely talking to you. Thank you for pulling over we're glad. You say to all of you
You are in your excellent work, so well on that note that they become better passage. I'm upset with us to Julia she was just haven't owner, has done a man that was fun sofa. When he's doing. I actually think we should. I prefer it did you staying with you said you were so giddy throw things to have when we spoke to I'm sorry too everybody. We spoke to work here.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.