« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Daisy Ridley

2016-08-25 | 🔗
The Force is strong with Belinda as 'Star Wars' actress Daisy Ridley joins the gang to chat about weird merchandise, who she'd play in the 'Belinda Blinked' movie and filming the upcoming Episode VIII...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler hello and welcome to my dad was a porno. The footnotes. Look at you know. Basic operating here can govern it this week we have had amazingly special guessed, the star of put the biggest bill.
Ever made star wars, the fourth daisy. Really there how's? I am happy with that and tribes at De Justice type. I'll take the boy doing here. My mum turned me onto this that were set, My mom told me about this and series once I've been listening to it. I was the alpha three series two now in touch with you guys. And here I am due to the under silenced. I did. I slid into goes down in the day, and so did your mom listened to the whole of the first area, is it like out today with everything she loves that she's gonna be prouder? I'm here than anything else am I should give Russia. I was an aim. Louise, Louise hello, Louise, opposite neighbor could go in political character should get rocketing. Right, you know, maybe not, maybe not in any way to do it.
On Monday, we had Belinda coming back from Amsterdam, monoplane Eve plane. You just landed what three was about three hours ago and probably to the minute you while, yes, I have you been from allay my should be managed. I was like she's outside before his wedding, for my picker Easterners like who is my life. On holiday or an it was meant to be a holiday. I was meant to be singing with barbers dry sand from state I've changed. I am I know, but I'm Hathaway could make it well, that's what I did some with them by Roy. An baths, invited me to saying that all of us that we were people going about anyone could have a juncture to anything else, judges Bob and can make it so
just went to watch and then an could make it an added something like a bug about whenever you like, a huge yeah than just some went Vegas. If I can't make it really. I can't believe you is the third p man so soon after this, probably turning out with EL. It rises the other day, some guy. Now our lovely we're nice report is it is it's a real is beset round table with those guys around here, yeah cause, I'm just like that. You do it is like it's my said, my own Hocker light I've never met. Emotion, codifies Eliza went because it feels like everyone knows you and it is this other things I have to go to the top with them. We should go to the pub after this. You can come to my senses better. I mean that's a bit with vague average you're going on. How old is she today she's tomorrow? She turns twenty seven happy birthday. Happy birthday was as I can.
Keep your eyes. What I will say is because I had ever around their light, because I'm too scared to drive. I was listening to you, I downloaded of Europe. I don't have internet back in the UK as I was listening and I was like because you obviously I'm events in and I'm in an era of electronics, roughly macho, as I do that kindness and at one point I like snorted exit, again, and I was trying to sell these two Americans Vera. Like you. Why leg? Is that where a poor? No it's a book, I think, because a British, I think people think we'd be kind of prudery about which to be fair. James and I are but I find Americans to be more pretty interesting yeah. They have an old unorthodox relationship to set such a heavenly. When you think of all those kind of life
Doris Day movies. I two separate beds. Yea, I made my own area of Ireland. Eggs are we about Wednesday? I got it goes on with her developments like above or below the barbershop. I bet you ve met Bob twins. I have now gone down please, tell me you were listening to Belinda on the set US dollars. I think I did listen to it. Yeah and I told em, one about it and then funding off one of my friends not for work from school. She was only go down. Have you listen to this. They made up of that. I told you look here said Missus, Whitney answer does not mean Harry forts listening, but unfortunately he did. Died, dies boy, dollar, ten, Tommy spoiled, and I've seen exiting the beyond the rocket. The
Don t. I hate my inquiry. Perhaps it was to sound tat s. Fine. What point- and I think I told anyone raise my comment about earlier- I told my agent about who is talk top dog. I should send her the Pope costs. You told me she I thought about designing discs and might admirable for everyone and that exactly three, maybe something changes labour written about and we need a directive. I bet you get us into the great river, so Belinda. Let's talk about her favorite moments. So far how you enjoyable to pick two is pretty friend and like the restaurant situation,
confused confused when she felt like over to witness the that's, probably one of my favorite moments and address like roll down and rode up at the side tat. You should maybe like act out there, to see if they actually were. Sometimes we do us Jamie, weeds, actually James and I just have to my mind he's right. Sometimes there's an they were like for arms. Mentioned, and there's only one person ass. You have to kind of work out the logistics, but most of it is impossible, is about what is interesting. Isn't it? in the sequel of reactor them in a just rap, just wrapped, the sequel of yes start date. It's a tricky business. Isn't it seeks? It's a tricky business, isn't as equal. Like second Alban's pressure. Yeah, I didn't levels. The pressure does he will he works in such events when he wrote the second, but before we didn T podcast, so yeah Did he changed? Little known, this is Very. He was already like gaining research, and I thank MR,
Whoever style is, as it were, to use, I think he's like learning his craft. Although I think it is better written a book to yeah yeah yeah, I'm a bit of poor, I got my book too should have just been, but one though you know I mean it is not worth it. What is that John? I'm not sure it's like porn, but if, if each book is answering the previous book, it's like a thing so book three will answer some of the questions from book to book. Exactly three who exactly three of young ass, a great business model revenues and he knows business patented. Clearly you most movements and obvious question Do you own pots and pans? Do I Yes, I do they not great, though actually I should probably invest in some new on Visa Moxie Biller engineer. I would go first ills. I think I him making possible sure my yeah was the mob. Merge like stalls obviously has
much much ones like some of the matters stuff and the yoga a yoke lollipop, which is Conakry What are the purpose of my face, whereas lies in an does like suitcases skateboards to get one of everything yeah, you got a whole reuben, your house, just full of star wars, STAR Wars. For you I mean I mean the seekers is our duty to in its huge, so one of the guys, above the guys it created the new or today say that these two guys got picked up from the convention. I gave him the sick, Are you out of your mind, exley operator, and then you get a little like in a lonely, Papa GPA Phelan does well to start. I gave it to him, but all the suffer as my face and a cripple is in a room here, and how did you feel when you could? Obviously, you call your daughter and how did you feel when you, because, obviously you got your doll? How do you feel when you so you at all for the first time
so many things have happened in the policy is so surreal. I haven't click on my head round anything, but I'm recent addition to Madame oh, my god, I because I've never been in there. So I think that will be creepy say so looking another you that yeah just angrier maybe what six? What become firmly state its moody? I mean I wasn't ass, which when they went for so they just one but the mood you on an equal footing and then they ask you just to bring in your favour. Outfit may require exist. I would like to address a well organised shuttle caused on that with hers. No, I mean character and all right, ok, fine figure! I love these hot pants. Can you do these at it so happens that someone can organise. Will incognito with you?
Today's vote costume forecasting. No therein some well, someone really worth an awful lot of money if I ever went anywhere. People pay like crazy What has really realizing about Belinda like people of Belinda people like I do want to what she looks. Like that's a good point us neither lecture, we brainstorm what how she looks a little. Visas are okay, so I imagine dark hair, but I can't remember how she was disk in the beginning. Just twenty nine. My online she's got really great brass riot and how to all issue, but we don't know, I'm thinking shortish, oh you think yeah for three I'm thinking like maybe five, five, three okay shape, politician, now also must have been a much like her yeah, but not too. She is, I think, she's got lean you
can you know. She's really gets as gonzo. Her Jim is about satellites. I'm a great gray, ass, Jim a bad dream so greatly disturbed by parliament on the top of the Baltic Sea in her house? We know in London or Windsor, none right so could ever that place with the clock in the town? Very often, the office is on its to closer Heathrow Airport Ethiopia taxi from ok. So that would be like sly. I think she wouldn't have. Thing in her house, I think, would be completely. I agree minimalist. No personality like you wouldn't like us, and she is just those like IKEA Prince that you get when you use by four I've got a maybe one photo in the frame when you buy the photo nose like she hasn't. Remember those who had not for you ve never met her friends
also. She does connect with people, though she certainly does nothing, but maybe there should be a Belinda blinked, pretty cool That will be great the and also what is it that led us to be the way she is my parents, like gotta, do you think I bet she's an only child subway thinking back to before that info. Was what she's right now do you have to do that with a firmer lie with ray? Did you have to be like? What's my motivation, I think proper actors dude. You didn't say: she's lie it today, Indeed, many laugh it, but this is how things really would like to lie down the raven foaming to the big as a wooden. You is I don't know I'm doing what would like something that has such secrecy around hard. To kind of, I know what you're characters Baxter so can I know out in the same way that Belinda knows her history. I can't believe I just like in the two
so parallel, whose U favorite character in the world of he's my fair, a kind Pete arouses. Firstly, his name is like Ultima lawyer can he's his his. What's the word transparency, I appreciate the item. Has an ok. What do you mean like he's like fuck off when they saw the girl and she and its clear, he has a wife. Clearly they have an agreement. Yankees twenty first century man is in the order. They like Evil time, fisheries regions- and maybe his wife- is like a twentieth century women as it were, but like the halfway conversed at all the she must be so hard on all the be so hot, because that attraction doesn't come that quickly, apart from some sterling who, I think, has unanimously regarded as being repulsive and and the new guy. What solution?
His name or illegal kalinowski way. He's Peter Theatre is Doctor Robin to create an open, I hate you said that bitten. A green, goes on the word green The worst your character, I thought you said you combination, tease out and hasn't grim just at any site. You can smell, like the Greece from him. So stop now No, you ve very limited in time the blame. Why Did you come? You can save me. I presume Mccormick like Green. I live in is light. You live like regos and I was going on. I guess that using even greasy regos.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred, is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler, we talked a lot about the genius is rocky and how it seems that nobody else could create a work like that, but I think is right in saying to me that, even if you hadn't event of written this, let people just fine doubts and by saying, like business next level embarrassment, because its pornography But I think I have amazing. Aren't you proud of him too? You know a genuinely I'm really proud of him, and so he, He wasn't right when his life clearly say
What is sixty six days like it just goes to show you turn around. To anything. You can do it I'll make something like a things will happen. If you had wanted something I most children would prefer that has not rival absolutely, but you know, you know what you just ass. He did it. Successful, he's really success because people love rocket Rockies got like yeah he's become a coal phenomenon, so how many copies as he's out of his evil yeah, I think it's up to about a thousand. Let me underline two hundred million. You have like three million business. Eight, eight million the three offices and verify. Oh, my god, we're doing a book which is physical. Nothing people want rockies,
in that yeah yeah I mean it will be a great studying, fella, exactly wounded me. Why didn't he get it published in conjunction with your one set will be part of it. Ok, great yeah, yeah. Our book is actually it's completely different one right than we could have done it. York note steady eyes like handling Linda blinked, his leg, Jana, Shakespeare, villain, undamned. It's got like really interesting, light, contextual things. You learn some things. Offsets are all of ask rulings in as well, so the perfect soften philammon we'll have to get you a copy of my life. Tonight's none hand generate avatars. Nine are up: hey nice, They know that immovable you lie is dogged. I know that the previous that's what they paid is individually twelve nineteen honey. What we don't use a book for we actually have
Why should we talked about the casting of the of the book fulfilled he's shot gun already only cause it was, I first confess he shot gun. The honest man on a hard won a they go on out. One of the dutch prosthetics I gotta. Do you remember voices they do together and thereby create seriously. You may want to write it felt like it would really push my acting ability to be a challenge for the eighty bucks story. For that want to tell you. Actually you just want to wear Panama hat and you have to let it happen, writing criteria to be opened on a horse box. Yes, yeah. And sports Belinda around about right up frozen about choice. I mean not, if you like, big bacteria,
already we re not our eleven Mozart against my fellow, the duchess was actually pretty important in the first book. Oh yeah, I think the duchess informed some Belinda's choices yeah and it led validity to ashes today kind of a mentor figure for Belinda. Absolutely. Can you give us your? chess voices of zeal have to play. I imagine the woman from the old woman in Titanic. It's been, for years and that snags. I thought they were her voice today. I can't let you would still be pretty powerful I've anomalies, the affected by age, gazettes, woman. She is thus not one type of woman. Again, Nazis loathing of daylight re has my voice actually so to divert the book John Wayne acts and rising up my time as actually definite. In a recent washer and found me? I did I tell you how to be Porsche yeah.
They say that is a lesson to you. So what you say because the Americans find my boys very because I speak quickly to a month and can you just slow down and like make a word instead of a secret, so I think it makes a ease For them to understand me plaster. We will say the same thing as she behind you Bobby. Nothing ever going to understand them. Cells are common in real life. We go you're putting this on open react, Belinda's kind of accrued to call on mad funds might be, who has done centres fund, three Anderson, ready, graphic faculty, have anything anything else. What made a movie poster recently and may then let us make an ambitious aim. Tomorrow, unthinkable playing development, dollar, I got, is mathematics, Mps arouse yeah and turning to me to stay
hold a brilliant, so you wanna play the Dutch his full. I mean it Even so, I want to highlight that ITALY, if I had to work and it would be desirable to ever be the duchess now eliza- has said that he will put himself on tape for it. Would you or dishes for the role? I would close I did my fascination in about a year last week, so fella coming They are really yap. How does not alike, as I've invites? startled rampage, so I saw the whole thing. It went well Indeed, if I got, I presume I haven't cause, I think I would have heard in the week after bar or dish in practice, I'm so ready to go on as the duchess, though God I know some people who are great preset ex, while do the whole thing Jesse, you get the dry, you come in
reality, the amazing and then what sleep in that until we costume activity I M ready six months before I go into production line, would you change anything for the film? Would it be? As is why change perfection? It would be a short term, I'm good you know I'm sure she's in that maize, it feels like ten agreeable could be opened her epic, if we gotta, think Rocky, should just write the adaptation lightly install right from from books, This is why I am saying is James used to try out. The positions, that's why aiming to make sure that they were viable. Yeah will clearly my dad doesn't. Do you never know Jamie James what's been discounted on that basis?
I know that one doesn't work, scored, trousers, broken is now so what will dishes other things that you have to demonstrate, as does that thing that people talk about about the extra skills that use of me You know, like voices or like acrobatics, or a lot of molasses actors, put things on the than they shouldn't. Let one of my friend but one horse riding in that he had a horse riding Eve is Fox, true story, the guy that plays migration, Silas mother, the guy that play some. What if I say this as someone in the film he auditioned for cures, instant of the dog in the night time gotten, all found I was allowed to dogs, so we can do it. Isn't that in saying as you'd think that at some point they say yeah, there's someone. I worked with a casualty high Amanda. Listen, for a moment. They once had to bring a dog in and she was petrified of dogs, so it is where you think they would,
so you allergic to leather genitalia, if not just cats, okay, so no cats! In the same will this polemics boycotts liar, you didn't have to paper thin breasts. They do anything unevenly. I got breast. We ve all got not now I realize I d ever in the Dutch. I have no regrets it'll be a full prosthetic body suit by like everything will be mainly duchess would be pretty. Why? Because I'm kind of must lay. So I've an extra layer means the duchess would be pretty happy and I didn't she is, I think, she's quite with it. I think she's right Hey dainty, I'm committed some loose. The way you need me exactly do a whole, whereas I would refer is not about that. Just about tighter teddy has to be an Oscar role
if you know I mean I didn't want to say that the chancellor, show exactly commitment, yeah warrior its mean a literary adaptation. It takes all the books. Absolutely absolutely oil, transparent. That's what this is all about. The world is an Oscar now, and I thought you know the way to get it. The Dutch she's. Fast track as she's a gift of a character tat. He has a gift, any actress who be lucky to play obsolete, she's bonkers though we shouldn't forgotten she is we had met. Second, Dame Judy DEN should I don't really think of you going over the same Robinson In June this year, if all the rules you won't get got, you can take a fine. I could just go up against a governance. Has she said, shall tight she's such a tight fisted. Irish, I heard she has said they re right. We ve got kind of weird gaining some color.
Crazy, Belinda funds are really into it. Now people have made noodle points of light, pomegranate, not people love in it like eyes, just interested know how we deal with that. Could obviously star wars has a very committed fan base. If you what's, the kind of this all living like. I can't wait to say this because I have had a chance yet said the servant am at work and I had some downtown some openings and fan mail and its addressed today. Sales wait: let's open it open it. Dear Rudy Mara, I'm such a ban your words God send it have you really want to understand if you just like it's just you Eric people sell stuff, sometimes so what you should watch out for the dealers, you guys, okay, so they're, the ones who sell from four point
and I imagine, rocky signature is up there with only last coveted wealth, scholar, lassitude. Absolutely rocky will be very popular huge in our Faz comical deplored, convert other porn convent eyes that you thereupon conventions, government or what pants convention. That's what little love it lover. So true that the ideal home show good. We need your no marketing team, those I mean, I'm free fun, employed for the time. A final question we ve just held up soda if our podcast wasn't even absolute, please I can it's worth a try. I I heard a title and I'm not sure of its kind. That as a good of you to even out now
I really don't know much about anything me. We did signal longer Macleod. This is so she doesn't have to San thing. This is this is well rehearsed. Why have I to buy had a long time before we start filming? Oh, why do I feel, like some things have tweet, silently during its gonna be a while before released? I imagine is going to be good to fill out the move, your filled, her, a good movie, is a cork yeah hope. So it's weird it's like a lot of expectation. It's a lot to live up to your efforts. I got you must, less stress, unlike absolutely not mine, neuroses, was like one hundred times worse than before, but I think I am Can we ask you some yes and no question about it? Quick fire does re, get injured, injured, emotional? Physically? Yes or no actually, cod are naturally and jet lag and precisely no good I'll say here again,
Do you get a new outfit may make and other option everything's? Maybe the outcome is that a big explosion nay, I mean in space everyone explosions is there. A romance, maybe o living is I'm like. I'm I've got this after the event was talking about being in love with your friends and how like that is like the ultimate thing. So so I think romance the law of basic. I agree here with daisy. Thank you so much for coming Round James, his house and just having a drink and chat with those with really loved having your legs are. Having eight were him most of the time set upon him whenever this I'll get a kick ass, Bessie Pie, yeah, you actually gonna come on, get a ends.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.