« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Jon Ronson

2018-11-07 | 🔗
Journalist, author, filmmaker, and fellow porn podcaster Jon Ronson joins the gang to talk Belinda and his crazy experiences in the world of adult entertainment...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, guys and welcome to my dad road supported the footnotes. Now this week we're going pretty highbrow, because we have a ward winning journalist author documentary film maker, scream, I too and podcast a John once it's a pleasure to have you had so as to be here Thank you. I feel like you, you you guys, and I were the two poem vodka friendly. A porn react to swim in that we were in a neat. Shutting. We, but maybe we're going to start a wave, it's it's us and then the odds like guy he just as it podcast about how much less poor yeah yeah, that's valid to do for like this, the fears and we met, but I feel that we're intertwined and away you guys have done you. Don't they
meanwhile in and I'm a little bit of a sort of them taken lightly with Interpol broadcast, where they all prose our. Yet when I listen to yours, it's like its that's, really complicated stuff about interpersonal etched. It's happening in that factories in photocopied rooms that sort of trying to concentrate, but I'm drifted, glad about that. Visibly that fucking, really that's got a lot of our institutional setting up infrastructure replaced. It may be that the hierarchy and stop things are, and then with the word for it, but to use that word, auditor is discussed so exactly I love the fact that is so.
Parochial. Obviously, that's part the Erasmus prevent big part of the town of it that it so procession and there's no reason these northern irish, northern Irish, ok, but that's it of generic yeah Uk Uk. Where is of course get out, they sort of embarrassment, said the weird little cultural out necessary that make music so stiff, subsumed less sexual yeah yeah. Exactly now, your podcast, the butterfly effect, tackles porn, but shall we say from a very different angle to efforts? Yes, so it's it's a show that we made about the consequences of the Tec takeover of the porn industry. So the butterfly facts that the flap at the butterflies wings is his kid in Brussels Fabian. You have fascinating parents say so interesting and his
day was to give the world free born now she's gotta brainwave, and he got so rich tat. He ended up with an aquarium with its own diver. You know you're doing well when you get your own die for eleven. You like how rich I use it. I would say I was rich so you ve got nothing to Mclaren, particularly rich, like the sound of his pool, that kind of self knowledge to suppress the book out of my last buried pumping may Stephanie on the red line there the weather Fabian got enough money by eighteen cars. Eighteen cousin
its own diver is where all the time I would be lying. If I said it was his own dies, come slow, you can learn how we would have may be clean about once a fortnight. The week I write, but, unlike you know, I'm in your cleaner employees and put on a wet suit and apply for internet lose the corollary of Nazi. I'm never die when she's that, maybe that's why they are likely to vacate, makes you suspect that one point you got enough money there. You just don't know what to do their idea. That's really get the diver friends. If we reach that point here and where did this money come from, it came from the pockets of entire communities of poor people to explain porn up, which was his brainchild. Its business model was, it was facilitating the illegal uploading
I voted the second year of it. Boys spell it. How do I didn't realize was that all of those sites are run by him such a monopoly, it's not just for five review shopping around favorites tell you where you can go if you, if you have a sort of ethical imperative to not give Fabian anymore man. Oh, yes, blacks, hamsters, that's a free, born side, the Fabian nothin, I thought he does so to counter the actual, ok, my morality willing to go so far. So this report, so we made the show, which is all about tracing the consequences if they be in business plan. In some the consequences, you can imagine the kind of pretty obvious that what my police alive and I discovered was moved these incredibly interesting, unexpected consequences. One of my favorites was the custom porn. Yes, what the wet weather is my custom porn came into. Existence is because everything's Keyword searchable now
The old days porn films would have TAT was like Belinda Linen women have influence more than a billion as blunt the day they were my quasar, whose, like one of the great porn directors or heaves, one hoop hoop Eight billion has blonde moment of influence and he was reminiscing about those goals and days. While we were on the set of stepdaughter cheerleader orgy of cod, liver oil, J, that's a classic is now explain the reason why his films, these days are all courts that silly to all day, my step farther we now like centre is but it's ok. What thirty I asked about the poet trading, their creativity? Now it's just he style South, south or steel seal, steel yeah. So what they do? What people at my place I have today they have got. No other option
is to see what the most searched for key words her and then make films that are based on those most searched for terms like stepdaughter J, later Georgie particular Phd feminist. Confident, really anything to do with any step stuff, ok style, just its infest, everybody other than us sit around the table, so it seems, are obsessed with incest. Poem has led the most searched for political collar, incest, puncture cassettes, illegal and growth, so what they do, they call it stepdaughter, cheerleader Roger, and if a woman on the fast Doesn, t literally like we were there for the dialogue seen these they never distort. These guys were like cattle. I like I, like the look of your daughter MIKE from behind a cab, was going
stand up rules, otherwise its greatest guys. So I said to my so other people who were you just I'll keyword, searchable kind of slip through the net like I've ever if your kind of obsessed with everything binkie would searchable other women who just conquer workers are not keywords. The body is yes. If you're not attain and you're, not a mouth, you fact or did not even if you're twenty five, it's kind of impossible to get work in porn, because you too ought to be attained any too young to be moved. So I said what it wants: but do than in those follow years between ten and mail. For the answer is custom. Powerless. Import. Do you want to explain why the edge of the most famous example in the show is the
a guy in norway- one had his stamp collection, burning and destroyed by some female pasta. Yes, he am. He had ten attends idea, ten books of stance that he collected over lifetime and yet he he makes the Eu Commission's he's. Pissed spoke porn films to adjust for him of porn stars destroying his son, first by grinding their high heels into them, and then by throwing them in the five and then they all start chanting burn. I can't believe that niece, I can't believe it loads if we want to watch that about. What's so amazing about stamps, man is that he has to come this incredibly mysterious figure in the family like like all these bespoke porn people or like he'd. Have you had any now from stamps man, systems and type in the budget, because at one time I was with a b spoke poured. Woman
and I said to her few Filipino: did you ever get a guy? I am asking you to destroy his book. If stamps and she looked him- and she said, I use stance man because I wear gloves We look to you because we thought you was doubtless not, nor did it all raised, as this is the way to die. I feel that we could do like a custom porn football in Dublin to feel like this differently. Like recreating, you seem through custom port. We should emailed, we actually got an email. You see, I can confirm, offers from porn hope. I think it was born her. He sure asking us if they could make a Belinda blinked sexy without permission. I wanted to say we have ever replied his face with the hey I'll, tell you. If you ever want to go for that, we can put Billina. I can put you in touch with him. Great spoke porn producers who would love that?
Would that be legitimizing. My dad's a little bit too much, though his his awful I voted to suddenly be an actual porn filter is an all things just about getting accustomed pornography under threat, for I do not have that all its Bates, like the biggest Kickstarter ATLAS, ready creatively done dad welder we're onto the has everything else, the eve listen to Belinda blink. Yes, I mean that you know that the thing that galvanised me, the most by far, which was about the convention, should between giving you father and the fact that you are having to grapple with your father's in or life he wishes he had never heard. Is that two things different that certain routed shows popularity of you. I think
I think that something about me discovering that my dad is more than just a father. You know he is no longer this kind of cipher of a human being he's a real person with desires and wants and passion. You say I love that this is turning into a general document. I think, that's the reason. So what was it in your childhood Jamie you ve been wrong is what was not intruding on some I've. Never seen in acting out of this question is very exciting: Anglo is it using there? Isn't it because it's it's something that we don't ever talk about as a society. When actually is the most natural thing in the world, you don't wanna, be confronted by your parents fantasies necessarily, but when you are, it does actually reveal quite a lot about them and it is actually brought me in my dad way closer. Actually, I dinner with us, because we ve told it through a pot custom is excessive
I've been so exciting a journey to go on, but I'll catch. You fantasies tally. We ve got so much in common. I have a pot sometimes fetish to no other other understanding, but I'm trying to write. I really enjoyed it because you ve already been on porn sentence. As you said, dialogue. Seen and I was just wondering if the dialogue of or is it bad sectors teleology bagpipes. It has fallen to two. Was the dialogue in that as good as the dawn of that my dad rights could dad actually write a good porno, always my dad just so far away from the markets? Embarrassing, I would say: Laughter. Did you not even for the algorithm pulled it doesn't even after this? Incredibly obviously guitars incredibly complicated is very hard to keep up with the plan is not politically written
Over the last phrase I heard breast tat were addressed by our deafening. I'm not a thing as you having been in the valley for actually, we embedded ourselves mainly with my quasar, whose actually very funny and the events the dialogue the night before, and you can't tell some of its really good. He had a really good joke, which I think he might have met from the Simpsons actually affect that Turkey will move when we watching the filming of AMOS goes on rum spring of Ali and too by the way he said he was surprised as anybody that there would be a call for him to a baby folly. One left many unanswered questions right and they walk three. What's it called AMOS skills on rum spring is every bit of no could. Obviously AMOS is much more than american thing than began it so
a message? You know what these carts and bears and they old fashioned dress, but then, when the kids, what seventeen approximately they go in this thing called Rum Springer. I apologize if any of your aimlessness matter of getting an automatic anything slightly wrong, but about I can tell you that you long if it is wrong for a year. The English famously love Paca satisfied whether rum spring ones are big listening package, because how point about rooms Brenner, is that they go out into the world. Why and they have saxony. Yeah they and they go Club and they do whatever they want to do, and in that year they decide whether or not to continue continual nazi exact. What am I gonna think the aim is a pretty cool about it and it's like if their kids decide now, I'm I'm all about passing insects prepared so like having,
and frills Ella S love these freely callers like yet so that's from so MIKE came up with the idea of having a porn film, based on the run spring last year, because they will be reconstructed, the women all dressed in light, the AMOS for you know, what's going on to me that the bombing of clear, however, that wild for body, what are they servicing, undertakers bonnet silence, so one line of dialogue that he row was a guy knocks on the aim is goes door and she said TAT. Her father is not in these on the wagon and the guy says what is he tried to get a drink and now he's actually gone away,
that was a solid donors limbs and for our agenda so that my dad was written but show an aim which go wild without like Amy circles that all that is wild. So does it all goodness to Belinda blink that you don't see in the valley lacking the valley, everybody's, very fine, you have read sexy. They don't feel the need to address it happen anyway. I all about this quite slick. I think, whereas, as hell of a lot of what does it do so of times, and they don't have sacks light and they like he sometimes gets a bit carried away, not necessarily with story, but just light. Let you say with kind of extraneous details, whereas I feel like you're gonna, get down to business and porn right, like people don't want to skip three seventeen minutes. If you like, back providing expertise, I know it enjoys the dialogue like none of it has enjoyed it. Proxies are really, I know they all want. It asked Peter had white. They still insist on the storylines, I mean makes a dying
trade and that he is making the point that you watching hotel rooms and that you buy on dvds and, of course, almost nobody watches poured in hotel rooms on dvd anymore, but at ten years ago, that's how walked back as fifteen years got. That's how everybody would watch porn so MIKE is basically making porn food massively shrinking mark its main Lebanese, just how did I just told he just loves to write those seen that because he financed by the people that one those scenes- casinos, got to be stolen anyway. Yes, Isn't it may bear that in mind? It is just about. Is this just a tiny raise a thing, profit margin that has still enough hotels that will pay for their still enough. People who, for some insane reason, even might can understand, will still go
Did he tell you started whereby it can only be tat? We were onto early this year and we would be happy to have the vote where we saw a huge kind of. It was like a big warehouse of pull on drugs and hoary and must now is. It was just this investigation, yeah service station, hot, just quite sad building we just loads and loads of dvds. Opponents who comes everybody's is the but was quite busy they actually, but the dvds want cheap. It was like five four hundred pounds or something letting you know. I think I just thought of another reason why they have to dialogue. Satan's on, I think, is the other way might makes money is through softer, so I'm certain markets in certain countries where, of course, our caper hardcore isn't- and I reckon if you, if itself called the neatest neater, fill up with some think that civil dialogue really helps together. Like those movies, a good show,
I visited the utterly but the dvds, what cheap it was like five, four hundred pounds or something laddie yeah you nothing of the sort of another reason why they have the dialogue. Satan's. Anything is because the other way might makes money is through softer, so I'm the certain markets in certain countries, rotten films or euro sort of Transgresseth films made by people can rest. So you know that guy. Unable to have or light. You know I know creed I like this about set, poured out films and they would have to pick triangles in the income of the screen to basically warn people that there is about to begin the government's madam. I was never straight out porn, it was what, when I start to journalism and so at tissues, collegiate tete about like out, poor thing like National Geographic yeah. I remember that bleak re someone out of them,
say about a person whom we like that some legitimate walking past and I was about the sort of like a man a way of saying like that. So it's a hybrid lady with the great rock that's an energetic marrying now they would say that japanese film, that happens to happen simulated sex is that's like a backlog. Obviously we will hear do porn podcast, but is there a market for audio pole? I've heard of a said more men s among yes, is. Is there such a thing? Is audio porn yeah? I think what is tat. A pawn. In fact, I'd know lady, who who'd who does phone sex for living so that works? That must be the story there. You can build up to that guy about right of become coca friends about Lewinsky sort. I was listening to slow
a recent sly and quite recently as fantastic and they Monica Clinton telephone Sex. Obviously audio sexes is a thing because they keep bringing up and slay them, which is a fantastic podcasting We haven't had it, but they taught you they talk about having phone sex, the law and they kind of say in a bit. And often way without and then they had some or phone sex, but I'm always like war, but it was still do, you know So tell me what I discovered Monica is that you are you got a lie. You can't just blasted it is you who must never ask her about it. I've never! Fifty years now like a very much. What I tend to do is is way and if she brings it up herself, then You get you note book out. Another piece of advice to the press when cold war is the etiquette when you go watch a porno being film, because if you go to the theater and you see apply and you're, not really that into it, you oversee wait till the into.
And then you may be don't come back. I gases, I mean I've, never done it, but if you, if you were enjoying it so little that you wanted to leave, that's probably when you would go for a walk out, feels rude uses. A walk out on a porn site is that a bit of a snub out. You know, I think the opposite is true. I've. Never this conversation with anybody, but my instincts having been on had only participate on maybe eight ten somewhat. My instinct is the the less attention you pay, the better. I actually managed ended up in a porn film, those in public disgrace work ought to close to them. To the action of the guide, you see a bespectacled tweedy journalists, arrogant Loi, Evin public disgrace, which volume Remember the name of the porn star tubes could Jody Taylor he was being united, was like a gun back in a bar sure, maybe just drinking that this is a fact.
If I often think about it, this is the very first point for my other went on. So how did you end up in it? I just got a little bit to plan that shot. It's out. There is a balance, but if we day because I was wearing Conduct treaty jacket, Tweedy Bisque, like our like practical lived, happily creeps into shouted right, figs doubted about how do I caught up is gonna. Let spoke erotic ambient most people by twenty journalists. Might be someone's thing. That's what you would I mean, I think, will be a niece Kirk dinner Let us work living like a whole movie. Let me take the spectacle of our life, my big memory. That night there was just how knights to fill me went on. For. It was like to. I am an analysis standing. I thinking Liese ejaculate, so I can go to satellite Belinda
It's not your main objection Yola I could work in form, but as such late night, which is why my crazy hoo hoo hoo we embedded ourselves with it, was such a blessing has issued during the day he's not interesting alone ass. He just wants to get in here. So sick of russian people have sex habitats always done since the nineties. His watch people of sex- and he is he I've, never notably to hate sex and yes, he just wants to get in shooter doesn't keep himself or anybody else waiting for any longer than they have to eat. Just like foreseen today pretty much trouble like five or six days, awake yeah might increase our will be what we'll be filming. Somebody have sex now, you know what every time anybody listening is. That of an ever growing comment here really is the audience had to improvise in public disgrace cost the narrative was more simpler than than you
its maritime, basically wow, that's eggs of a woman is poured into about by the dominatrix possess donor dollar. Did the people in the bar have tax surprised, like? Oh, my god? What's going on and then went into it? There was best like call things out. The audience is full of hipsters like suddenly they ended up. Getting opened, should hipsters for the crowd. Avenue of is that if you have anything to eat my pick, my great memory, if it was admitted with I'm trying to help our police shouting things out. That would be helpful, but none of them are very good. At one point, four british opt out because they pretend to humiliate the woman and sensibly shouted out put son her too so embarrassed. I saw her to haven't you gotta like credit him for giving it a try.
We do not live because I didn t do anything just corrected to listen to think it made in paradise. I know that I bet I made an because I know that for sure, because I asked Twitter whether lacks anybody ever watched public disgrace in it. Feed me and I'm somebody like within ten minutes and be screech I myself as one sub, definitely a very light with with family run. To me, like gather, Kay Daddy's onscreen, whose report I feel that such is gonna go up for that now people get a final comment on it with something Belinda blinked related yeas lilies. So we gather heads Princess donor, Jody Taylor, public disgrace, Donald University
as you know, was John thank you so so much becoming entangled your knowledge about poor. We feel much more learning now now. Thank you. This has been an honour and I'm glad I feel that the time I first met Louis, we are about to distant people ever casually big compared to reiterate. Very slow about all over again we're brethren. We. One in two women, where they're wrong foundation. Are you time to upgrade ill Marquis age? Is the boldest new Brandon Beauty, with twenty thousand five star reviews? Their woke up like this foundation, is a bestseller for a reason available and fifty shades of flawless natural coverage, all cruelty free and with try before you, by its risk free. Take the power match Quest to find your perfect shade and tried free for fourteen days go to earmark Jacques com. Slash quit that I'll m o K. I e g dotcom, slash quiz.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.