« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Josh Groban

2019-10-10 | 🔗
Grammy nominated singer, songwriter, actor and Belinker Josh Groban joins the gang to talk musicals, randy fans and Celine Dion

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now. Withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem. Call one hundred gambler. Hello and welcome to my dad wrote a poem, the footnotes now today's guest, a full time, Grammy nominee and he sold more than thirty million records worldwide, he's a real, triple threat. He's an actor he's a singer he's a massive
pornography just Grover. Thank you. Somebody thanks for coming honour, my goodness as if come on now. Thank you now are you kidding? I love. I love funny podcast and you the funniest I've ever heard it might while it just like reminds me of like when I get drunk with my friends into an afternoon and just don't have anything That is what we do about. It comes across that way, I'm very happy to be here in the afternoon exactly these, endangering when he's working on he's waiting odd when you are only now I'm on I'm on UK time, let us so. How did you hear about the show? I'd heard peripherally about the show from a lot of friends in the? U S who had been listening to it, and then I just started listening to it on my tour and serve time. It was my Jim. My work out routine relocating yeah in your Jessen giggling on the elliptical just happened in your head off and I had an awkward moment once when I was on the elliptical
was. I was listening and just laughing and I had this all airports, a vulgar, douche bag. It I am, I then, and there so tiny. Indeed, I've got a beard. Tourists must get, it got lost in my be illegal ashore and there, the trainer working with somebody who was not very strong, and We really difficult time and I just kept laughing. On the elliptical, and I think that you lot. I was laughing at the training session and I had to do that thing, why hide it might yoke is like just looking at I'm through the reflection in the mirror you why people like me, don't go so called revised. I'm weak, I mean usually, is the other way around, but I had to take out the airport. You guys gonna. Listen! It's so funny! It's not you! not you. I am an old guys down. It's even worth drawing a lot, allow people nearly injure themselves on Jim Equipment or her off the road and cars and things why dangerous show to listen to us.
I didn't realize what is going to be such a hazard, but he had to make sure you're in a quiet place. We deleted you ready to to receive the laughter, yet you can't possibly do anything else while you're engage in my dad's book. It's like an all encompassing experience here is hypnotic. In that way it is kind of takes you to. You is like transcendental, meditation laughter, look within Josh and I was gonna be on Rocky Flintstones email now about signature transcendental here, innovation of iranian humor. Now you Josh and Jamie, have some things in common, in that your doubts are both businessmen obsolete and have no you're? That was the message on right still is he's aid with a colleague who is an executive recruiter, so he he helps fine jobs for people on an executive level. A company will come to him and they ll say: We need a new head of marketing and he'll interview. People in and higher the right person for the much like an international sales die
he is yet these books are nothing new to you than you know. I will I have come here, have a scotch and tell us all about that. Is I've heard a day if he'd have been the guy that would have brought Belinda into steel? Whether Japanese have yes exactly Ria, yes, he's bill. For my talk yourself from your daddy, my turn right and he married a woman named Melinda, my mom's maiden name is Melinda. So yes, so it's there. Similarities are endless through you, I mean it but yet would you consider suggesting the pockets to him only became Rockies book because I think he would enjoy as an inside him in the generals would really enjoy. I actually, I think I think, you're right, because there there's lots from the business world to be gleaned from this, depending on which chapter Europe, there's erotica and there's also just day to day. Business activities have singled out does always say to these guys. You dont know cause you don't
business. I don't know about it. I've made a nickel where every time dag would tell us if it didn't able when asking about who have you guys in that accident? But originally he flipped than do. I don't know you don't you do. I wonder it like. A rocky flintstone would ever be interested in lyrics in doing lyrics. Since yesterday, an odd way of sentence crafting that all these, a poet really is and how it yes, a poet, and so it's always interesting working with established whose capacity like sending a melody lyrics might might my pop it's funny. You say have to challenge and we were thinking of a stage musical oh yeah, you might be able to advise in a kind of consultation with a for free now I won't. You would tell you know many ideas more than that for free. If you need a need, an american baritone, would you want to play in the middle of a home? I wasn't. It was an l funds, overhead, the black speedo,
yeah yeah yeah. I see I feel like like popping out of amaze randomly with a baritone I don't want you ve been spending so much time on the elliptical to be somebody like you have a really rain. I know I've precisely been on the elliptical specific little where the latest, in a way that would manoeuvres myself, you know it's that could be. That could be good. Maybe I should play Jim Sterling. Tat would be great he's a big car, well, yeah, that's a big big rope and really big yourself up that. Maybe I should play a massive par meteors roller thing off or should I say, meet you when it comes to Jim Sterling only goes on a bit of a journey as well does need. So this is a lot to play with their listen death. If I dare say you inspired to write a sound, I mean when you ve been listening of even thinking or pots and pans. How there's something in the kind of business fear wow and you just grab
he Linda's always bulletin key, Ok, blinking Steinway, not less, but it s not an opener. That's like that's like deep into the second. Ok, you feel like it in retrospect, like assiduously, is a sad melancholy retrospective. The fact that oh, my gosh with the blinking, what does it all mean? Maybe it's Morse code. That was quite some time ask. I was very sorry. I was that it would be quite eyebrow. I'm not gonna be a Chicago. He type, one for when she stripping oh yeah, although become can number that wasn't a gipsy like the whole drastic should work
can I read? I married you actually what's the I won't? Listen, we want some at the beginning is another establishes what the main character once said. We Belinda talking about making some sort of big day I'll try getting the trapping right, Rebecca onus, that's real about ass, a main motivating and is to be noticed, was to be seen and as busy clubs in Russia's. What's the matter out, you make it so much deeper. She just wants evangelist video. Unless the universe that can guess his sovereign funny, but there's a woman. There are even further aiming attention here. Look. Can we not see us as it is, in fact a classic tale? I think it is. I think it's a tales all this time. Right now,
really what has not been used up this coming. I I don't know where you can get a better deal right now, not just ain't just go with it or resolve disciple elders, Heil. Yes, yes, yes brilliancy. I l sex point of view. They sell teapots deal, but we can make it right. We can make some pans conclave. Clink link we get stomp to come in and just how ya now hit Japan's? That's a really right now. People love! That's. Why so bitterly Belinda blinked, the music will be like nude stump, We noted the nails headed man. We would little sideways permitted, but we oppose the worst thing about stump. Is the clause is the lack of new Am I right only agree and the noise, but also don't have how does still need boots? Yes, will for this not but I'm guessing rather than Finland is pamphlets. Yo Yo would have to be. The guy will only boons. Yes,
legal reasons, why we can arrange about things like so Taylor, soldiers, time, nude, storm rob around this is why, gets paid the big man? Ok now I know it's talk about tomorrow, Wednesday I mean, but don't forget, Said you wanted to be in it are you interpret, allow you re a new, I'm no backtracking on it's just my router play. Who declare play truly, it's it's! It's! It's opened up a world of fantasies for me, what negotiating stance is going, so he should write bout like a hacker at some point, you a little bit modern links, overstretched she still write about fax machine given its ok. He can have a bigger patents. Mew hacks fact me I'll be with his signature out of touch hacks, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hacks machine globally, he's no going down this whole spy route and that's wearing thin. I feel is he's he's ready.
What are the? U turn into yeah like Calico ECHO, Mr Robot kind of thing that will have to live under MR blot. Throb laughter have people approach him sing. Like it, I regret it. Actually, I'm gonna area are evolving. I know it, I really like it. I really liked what you don't really like really does give market really like you, do, don't turn around and really low turn out to have a well of serious, really people who aren't laughing, who actually read it and and and find it to be very Just you and me Josh aroused you're on your own. That doesn't mean over what is interesting. Is that cause opposite? He likes to keep himself anonymous right sure, but dad just gonna slippers business cards down every restaurant. He goes to with the bill resided too soon.
I'm him! Oh my God, Normie that might want to see. There's not going to give you. This do not rule out he's out precisely these days anyway. So don't blow. People aren't shy about coming up to him and yeah saying how much they love the show and also his is massive on twitter near so people kind of get in touch them alone. There are so interested, yet he does interact with the with the fund about adding him, whereas rocky as rock, has wrought please now morphed interlocking here lately my diary difference yeah yeah. That man is no more raise he's fully rocky now we mourn Jamie's die ahead, as I think that when we last autumn, two thousand fifteen years does, however, hide the audience people not knowing just a hero. Talking about high. It is a really strong word. He basically wants came to show Incognito, but he was wearing wraparound sunglasses DORA. If it all right now, really came no actually allowed to shoot, you ve ever see additional icy. He it was all of that anymore. I just have one shea darker. Nobody knows what it looks like so completely right. What is it you look
tie in Belinda. Blinked Yankee, like one of the very exact, looked ridiculous, but he doesn't joy. Again a mistake, as he has no idea for the most part why people are laughing so we'll come off stage that, like the intervals so as to, why did that get a laugh out? had I need to get in hindsight why it may be a little funny or is he he enjoys the fact the he's making people left, but he still to this day five seasons, and he still thinks that he's working on a plane above us all, and that one day we're gonna be I'm not sure that is wrong. Now this deeper and I'm not sure that is wrong. The joke on, but real name is on reading the fifth book
with whip. Putting aside other commitments to read, you were, I mean about Johnny's louder than is here here he could be doing proper thing he's flowed over Sebastian. I wonder who ass a very busy scheduling Hyde Park tomorrow is a bonus icing on the cake? every day with Celine right. Yes right here, while I'm coming I'll, see that very you'll be able to see my my rocky Flintstone persona. Onstage, as it were, filmmakers two or two very different means monster with it, but you beat you Edward. No, no you what you are saying to deprive can't you were taken over we're, not gonna hold of I can imagine you'll see it tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow, maybe I'll ask you to Morrow, hopefully she'll be there tomorrow there is there's an impenetrable sorry wall of people. Around her that tab. You now say: let not select sayin.
Aids is shining eyes Russia. By saying in a couple hours I see it all started. Disjointed and I want to. I want to take part started up. You know it's late, she starts the sun. Is how do we do this human rights? Two minutes is not yet available to ensure that no one to come in. I just need to sacrifice kids like while, on the other hand she did invite me to do so so it so it's I'm sure people be like if the crowd gets behind you today. I am sure she was shameful gladiator out there and we the crowd and young women. Do I love the idea that she invited you to do it and now you can't get hold a bit like Are they going to let you know what we still making it all my life. I've you'll get it Therein lies behind you plot, oh shit,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I could do it in the end that actually the story of my career life. Well, that's! Ok! He doesn't it keeps you from having a big head. You now keeps going to be. My mostly indian is ready. Island feet have sold thirty million records. I can't get a single on the phone as a healthy, because I had already away to be conquered reservation to save my life and I think that that's that's good could keeps it that the work and absolute will know that Josh's change when we try and ring and season six. Thus I just go to the phone right now that year, this musicals ready to go ahead, we are baritone. Will you be my baritone? I, like all the songs of the same
the idea of what we ve got: one jobs. We need to change the way. I say: let's do the target that! Well, that's good! That's a good one. This is the threat was doubtless workshop right. That's right! Don't worry I've gotta! Let me guess it was noticed. Let's enlarged Chicago understood what I got over the top Is this how an album comes the other similar? Absolutely there should be no lessons for people who room just going. Let the tested the talking about this, not right there it's so that socking write about it. I got it. I do not have the same right it on again along thong, slow Song Blackthorne,
and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler, I'm your kind of coming to the end of it at the moment, not yet ll. Actually, I am right in the middle of one we just played, I mean a thing. Is I'm we when we got the cotonou? This was such an awesome opportunity in society this Hyde Park this and I dont know I canceled to gigs
the outdoor showed him. You guys done any outdoor things. We did one once in a vessel could latitude and I completely fucked up the show what I may ass. I just can't tell time clearly- and I thought that we were running out of time and would only than fifteen minutes, so I was wrapping up the hour. Long sat after fifty the minutes, and I have to like what the with a bow wow. I was just like ambling that's why thank you so much good night about what is, I think, a nice thing about having a set list that you know, but time track time goes. Very strange ways in your own stage, which sometimes you get lucky so out of body experiences. We're like outside of yourself watching yourself singing illegal could bring it back to back inside. Do you ever start doing, chat, onstage and think I don't know I'm going with you ass, absolutely every don't you got to select the landing, somehow find your back to the meaning of the next Sawyer S, thoughts I gave up like for my yet the other knighted. We put this wonderful,
you in Massachusetts called tangle witnesses, very established, beacon of classical music venue and somebody in the audience just kept making like their scream sounded the animals mystic. It was like a high like a low high electoral, take a high in his voice and slow it down with a computer who, I think are coming to the audience and I just started doing doing David Attenborough like after that, like I went out on a tangent about how he's trying to find a major success. You try throughout the shop, and I just come a good thing. That was good. You do you have any other kind of map funds if they ever try to grab you or did not experience shows it was one woman the edge of the stage in I was singing not while I'm around four Sweeney tie this nothin's gonna harm you not, while I'm around very innocent ia song in the whole time. This
d, you know swishing around a little margarita had about a ruddy totally absolutely looking up at me with her with her margarita swishing and the other hand one up: my pathway, no oil gas and I kept because I had fifteen thousand people that couldn't see that that was happening. Could she was really close to the stage and I'm going Nothin's gonna hurt him trying to kid her away I probably gonna army, I'm gonna heart and she just kept looking at me going doing it sorry invasive up sitting on the site about eighty percent plus oh yeah, yeah squat series. Isn't it I guess it s the idea it's time to share. Yes, she took her opportunity. She is having a lovely time she got bore. The money was sometimes you. You encounter shy people, and you say- and you think you have all heard, how sweet anyone urine theatre, you're, a singer ass, his eye out and any others would be nice. If you would you like to see,
a little bit out and I start clapping and you think how grateful to give this opportunity and I'm gonna have to twist her arm, but it'll be it'll, be great, and this have nowadays took the Michael and you have started doing run like less, and she turned that what was supposed to be the thirty second do whereby the way we organise getting somewhere- and she took just like this- is my moment and you got- You gotta respect that, but you know cylinder and she Celine at anything can happen very below. I rely on the wild world of Grogan content is we're going tor next year. Really by one, are you there's an inter state building, Radioset Almah Wilhelm come when you gonna, be there April. The third, I believe, put any Hiv I mean me, I mean the honestly that that place is the most fun the play Santa. It matters, not six thousand people, and you did you
the Tony's. I did yeah yeah that was last year at the museum relating yeah. It's it is a big venue, but it's a welcoming, spacers energy to it that allows you to to really connect with the back row a few good Keziah, because we did the boil up a whole last year and which is that so That kind of like gives that didn't you a hug that room it's like it is like giving you. It doesn't fit, feels bigger when you in the audience, and he goes on staying illegally right exists. You have seen Mediaset in life that private, probably wishful thinking the battle that we won't need something just shut down the variable the front row and bought from them back pretty and things that wherever you want to be where it own official rehearsals. Both Weaver Eve Oversee establish that you want to be. In the musical version, yet Java favorite character. Overall, though, it's hard to believe me. I'm doing this all has so many they come and go so quickly.
Knowing is that, just when I think I have a favorite, you don't hear from them again get like its there's. These characters that kind of come in and should you know, shall be interviewed by people and then You think this is going to be building to you know something, and it just shows just a meeting Maria. That's that's that's life. Just ever. That's like us, like yeah, my my favorite characters, the voice of rocky throughout every candidate that lives inside us all of us that such ass. I used to think. Why cry sit up, trying to make the Linda Blankly at eight. For then it is just a start. Where will it become like the Simpsons, where it's the ultimate accolade to actually get to appear? So when we start to write people in known people, Georgia, in his eye you you could you'll, be able to debate a probable Josh US. That's why you did the citizens reason I did yeah yeah I did. I was always in episode. Radiant actually appear were LISA. Simpson became obsessed, fan of mine and
That was really cool and then they asked me to come back and play the platy singing voice of Professor Fink. Go out to allow these talks like there's? Nobody has a girl more power over. So I came. I wanted to be the to be the voice of a professor Fink, which was again the huge huge thrill. That so far it was fun. It's fun to do that stuff. Do you do when you apparent tv stuff? Do you have to addition? Surely not now it depends on what it is mostly the things that have done it and because a friend wrote something funny and thought of me, and you know message me on Twitter and says: hey we got time but crazy, stupid love was a movie. I did I addition for that at that I think, would be happy not towards should not preferred audition, mostly because I would like to sing the material first with pressure Emily
you go in old, Billy, big Pollux like do you have a different others into really Pollux. Let's play teach the yank honestly say that I'll go down the sorting of waste every citizen, maybe not church rapid rise, but Billy dialects. When is it Billy big voluntarily big ball and I can put two and two together with them. You guys you have outlined our governments. Just I can't imagine you do. But do you have a kind of deal? Do you have another place? You can go away. All I've got the confidence you're such a fit. Exactly that it's a figure tat make it thing like. I have to make believe in my own head that I'm the shit when I go. I don't stay Lee the moment before and the moment after I'm back into curling up into the final position shut.
Is it really is, but by the way I get us a common theme for a lot of performers. Is that having the opportunity to go out there and you know, play Billy Big, really big ball ability box, thankfully say I will you know it's definitely, in other words right which I can't they go down there shouldn't there should be. That's it. That's all these three Billy Billy bullocks. I went to school with ever I set behind her, but I was not him, but I observed issue Statistically here and should have all joking aside, uncomfortably law police. It I mean really. I will try to give the hands that maybe a procedure. Yeah yeah, be so cruel in reality not covered at all, really comfortable real war flower away ass if the world and not on his shoulders, but which has recently as IRAN only some of them the most confident dictators in the world, smallest Polyxena,
really doesn't follow those. It is actually a really measure we thought. I was eagerly sloppy. Even in politics I see in ITALY they somehow This episode is dedicated to Billy, we'll just it's been so so driving. We see leisure coming and I was delighted. Thank you so much for doing what you think. You are suffering some light of my life and keep up the keep up the brilliant work and look forward to seeing you in the audition room.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem called when a hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.