« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Lin-Manuel Miranda

2019-09-26 | 🔗
The Grammy, Tony and Emmy-award winner and creator of smash-hit musical 'Hamilton' Lin-Manuel Miranda joins the gang to talk about the potential Porno musical, his relationship with his own father and the great (but very much not late) Dick Van Dyke

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem. Call one hundred gambler hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes now it's time for a first guest of season, five guys and is a big he's. One Tony's he's one Grammy's he's one enemies, he's gonna Buddy Pulitzer Prize. For God's sake, they search getting waiting,
it's only the creator, STAR of Hamilton, Lynn, Manuel Miranda, not unfair for some foller vice left tuna has, for years a figure to grant you nega. This is amazing thanks thanks for the lovely Christmas Eve. Put out an Jemmy Dodger is never had a dummy dodgy. You still haven't had a job me. Let's go. You ve touched the Georgia. I would think so it's pretty good. The post, I bet I want to start with this. Come with this get made on great British, because I have we created geometry yeah. Fine! Now is it if its around on Cyprus, Basically, that's that's the sale of organs, logic of that just for context. We its ten forty five at night. We have an era in in Cardiff Lynne has come straight from say thank you for coming to my hometown of Cardiff detected the accent, but yes, that's it we're very musical people. You ve
been in allay, though you are the enemies, as at the enemies. Over the weekend went straight from the armies of the airport got here last night and then mice. Next priority was immediately talking to you about your dad. We view about your lives, you I do not envy you not much of a sleep without you need much sleep. No, I do need sleep. That's that's the secret to the whole thing you ever in about made constitution. Wanna eating a Jemmy time, John I'm eating it Jimmy Georgia in a random everyone on the piglet, Canada. I listened to very happy, but right now, that's what pornography let's just into that, you know you a bit of a superfine yap, I'm just because you ve listened too pretty much. Every episode, yeah, I'm intrigue to know how you feel dad's. Writing has evolved from book want book five, because, It has changed somewhat uncertainly, Belinda sold in different directions that we behaviour initially thought thoughts as up but she's a blank.
She still Forbes deleting the limited we know and love. It is maybe the, Only writing I that, like I, can never predict the next sentence of whatever my father has got through right. I just I never see it coming I didn't mean to say coming started by who would have predicted the blue seamen. Yemen quiet, I mean that's them. Most while heard red only some of like the eleven am. I think that, as I have been written in Iraq, it lends them books. I think the thing that has surprised me most is how often he keeps. Bringing back characters. I mean I did not think that was in his wheel house. When this thing started. I mean in the first chapter of this book. We don't you understand. What's going on about part now he's bringing back. You know that brother whose in the army and you're, like my pocket, Tolstoy
Do you think about what listen I write, musicals and and the importance of a reprieve? That is one of the most important tool. Our arsenal shoring back a reprieve. It's early as mad as it is, keeps bringing back these repressed. In these characters and is really unexpected ways, and it allows you to get to do your great arson the voice of a golden weapons. They really are yeah. We were, Bela, but the motion those moaning about Islamic got? The boys is gone yet applies in the streets and their note. She woke up with hermit massive meal and is, still with us, but I might do in a voice. Are you? Are you private, Anti Bela? What's your stuff online propeller sit IQ, LAN line has been pleasure your jacket, awhile laxity. Would you think of this kind of spying? Novelists become a? U you care about the plot,
Can I preferred over the sales manual that it sometimes became? I do love and like leadership, seminar, practices or to creep their way into the tax still getting in the way of its, but then we should begin she gets like so fatal listing all of a sudden tissue be like well. The well Locked you might as well forget George, given their wings. Doesn't it is very much one way or the other I mean. That's that's why the pro bill offends like Bela like like it or not. She's like she's up she's up yeah. You know she's an up this is like it doesn't count associated cockeyed out says. I really is no honestly that the way the pros is so surprising every weekend, Your father will take a turn of phrase and just change it a little so that it makes no fucking sense is really thrilling disco give it to be like that you gotta go. I mean the Heavens sequence
a boy did you kill me indeed, we very often is ninety three more, like you don't go to progress, return, liven Oliver. He was waiting a long time. I get that he was dead. It was that leggy here. Is everyone. Since some of the other combinations, because it was like really mad mad at noon. Teacher wait three by way of Nelson Mandela tree was without Berlin. They went out of their jobs due to the absence of about over the past weeks. Bags really work They go most unexcited dinner ass. Yours is a great tupac. Verse called thugs mansion where he wrapped about like SAM Cook and Marvin Gaye. Unlike they mix,
and it's a beautiful sort of nod to the incredible history of african Americans in the arts, and what they'd be doing in here This was the opposite of that verse. Miss right the most render Natalie of characters and one living person. You see the mistake made there. Is you ve almost compared rocky too to patent let us be honest emails. He goes right, we're on a ride, guys area. We ask everybody that has a kind of that and acting pedigree to say who would be the role that would willingly wait together teeth into grimace with an eye role under grimace. At the same time Is there something that you think you know what may be a real challenge and fund of Oscar Bay to her well I mean the Oscar. Bade is obviously the duchess. Yet I agree. Actually that has got best
not just written, that is, I mean any of your dames. Any of the great dames from your country would play that for all of the path of peace and that its it's worth this woman of means, I think we ve got Damon, so I guess she, Libya and those those those succeeds in particular, are really their tat when you just left on the gravel and now! That's beautiful women! I thought I'd see taking on someone really evil like a banish them again. Type idly. I like that. That's the other Oscar role, I think, because it gives all the prosthetic which every year that that's the like very colorful supporting character, the adds up to the non His voice are very difficult in my voice seamen. Why is my face physically changes because other, let's see about common, really
disgusting to watch her usual. Yet I'm here for the right hell, nice batch hidden. Peter Lorre Lorry is sitting across member days in a way. Whatever role you one Jamie could be a voice coat. I appreciate that. Oh just your, Just double, as I too has just move your mouth, that we thought it like Arnold in his early Did you really get Hercules in New York? That's on his wife. Did you thought was singing films, a lot like systematically Robert since distract it's not her voice. The gin ginger on systematic, save Lion Racetrack Sister, Mary, but you know what I'm not opposed to that. Ok, I would rather a great dubbed performance that line
an auto tuned like we know that made this guy. You know this is so cheeky because your lot off duty- and you know this- is basically asking for free consultation vice bought. We talked a lot about the musical and be remiss having the king of the bees coherent. Asking does Belinda blame the musical have legs and his legs a necessary yeah. I mean the Lord lines very simple right in the near, I mean it's one, woman sleeps and sings her way to the top of the pots and pans industry right like in, like I, I want to see that musical, like dime depend. On the story. I mean, I don't even know it just be random- puts at sex. It's like what you focus on what strand
do you see many yeah? I'm in this could be Fuckin Nicholas Nickleby. If we're not care for the eight hours law Harry unites us a week. In a fit of Linda and the correct child, I mean there's something pure about the story telling of we are in the room yeah. No, with who Linda's interview for the job that is seen. One yes seen one song, one she's got she'll, do whatever it takes. I mean that's. What was the name of the first fuckin song whatever whenever it and that's the once that sets us. Unless I mean usually number you want to set the world. So how do we set the world of secrets, world pots and pans eyes and tax law? and then she would sort have come in and she would have one of those dramatic entrances brought her back to the audience. First, any kind of
them, then we get the entrance applause. The musical theatre accuracy plays Belinda, go to jail for even suggesting anyway. I have one more banality, I think, will be a good PA, she's, so good you don't really funny to yet yet she could have thought like Alexander what a moment just ass, her name right, plaza, lot and pots and pans, and then the crowd parts and there's Belinda and its. I think applying all the blame. I mean, what's a musical motif of the blank for your visit, the problem, I deal with figured out what you have said left the Surat dot Majestic, sense of what is going on multi, ok, I know what you mean by that, what noise? that accompanies a the musical theme of that accompanies a about to change of the world is about to change it is also so many good visual things about the tumble. As a huge
Oh my god, that's a huge! That's like everyone on stage at one closer thought, then the duchess picture. In them The end of an Irish descended. I've won, I loved. The wizard will see you now at credit plus. We don't need to many sets cause most of its in the maze and book on cargo lays forgot them so much as habits who much what it means. I will talk about. But one then I may well not be cough. It's all in this is no way boys, Europe, so obviously rocky rights in the garden shared in the pavilion. When heat highlights dry in Brazil. Eliza gets his juices. Flemings would speak, hasn't teaches us. What's your like writing process, it seems to me about you right where it, wherever you gotta, wherever you are. I try really not to be precious about where I right, because I think that I am someone who could get very who very quickly and I dont want to be like. Oh, if I don't have my purse,
its pencil learned a perfect slant of LEO. Exactly so I mean I wrote the last quarter of Hamilton in my in laws laundry room because we were renovating an apartment and it wasn't ready. So we have to move in with my in laws, and so I was literally writing over a blogger machine. You don't that's become prices. Like I haven't been alone. We gotta be a laundry room. It suffered since so no ironic, often what I'll do I'll write at the piano until I've just enough music to record and then all put it on the loop and then I'll walk around, because I get my lyrics when I'm walking or I'm running or I'm. I have to kind of been ambulatory ok, we're running how'd. You records that thought. I stop envoy we note that our voice noted all have like a most getting my back pocket, no sort of right down when, as you have voiced, hasn't, if I'm right now, will you got no? Eighty years old,
careful we need a code, lemme man he just hurt, and why not terrified and what is gonna come out of here. Oh no The experts I I woke up, having dreamt some fictional Garfield song that never existed. And I wanted to get it down before I like fully well got. That was all I had. Evan morning breath No, and I'm getting burglar. My son is underway. Anyway I was like in my head when I woke up and I gotta get thy voice service is sometimes a malady and sometimes lyrics.
Oh so you had something alternative. However comes suppose we need to get rocky moving and may be better still. We'll come out. If we get you pay books to anybody but even way miles. We can do, but I love that he has a shed where my nose and enable the that's medical mamma I might in the house, but the we, given? What he's writing I mean? I don't blame her now. He's he's he's very excited about about you We shall actually really he knows the Hamilton music through me playing it to him. So yeah he's a fabulous she's, nice It's amazing you jerry, honour, well, you're, not ready, but I really am, I think, he's quite excited about right musical, but he just is trying to do with already existing some kind of action boxing. Just checking wants a dual Belinda musical with existing song. That's quite a! U leverage backing making this illness has any of the signs he has a. I say if I got an email while of course that basis
a careful you listen. He had me. It results in isles items in Rocky had no one ever. You know the lady I swear he said he was sent me his thoughts on what the songs could be, Is it a particular artists like like, like done summer. Media is that it's it's everyone it's mine line. That can I do this until invoice nights. I just want to know whether I can believe replaited I might use that How far does not? It's like heard this radio to this morning on the grave and show where he interviews the producers of the new musical chest. Naughty mescal occurs lie well worth illicit, if only for the references to Broadway, but this is the stuff we get on it from him on a daily basis. He's just constantly are useless.
Years old, the timing of we move at the same speed. Oh my god. I think I've found, oh god. Yes, the rocky Flintstone Belinda, blinked, jukebox musical, so song warn that he wants is called. She was an upmarket, go to the music of I'm an uptown go I better go via again without market he's out a syllable, but nothing has been living in a pots and pans were really. I got it right, the next time he wants his. I'm sorry for you to know what that's in reference to self had doubts about the next was called it's the day after Friday. I don't know that. These are all just yesterday. I might add that you don't know where yeah I had written in the next one is: where is the sex to the music of? Where is the love? Where is the sun?
I think it is shagging people, shaggy and people working in the next one is let your tits and click do the talking to the music of these. It's an many syllables. All my about like, is rather like drawing outside the crossword puzzle, even fit in one of these days these stood together The girl, I a yankee from the USA to them of Lyon. Cia again, that's like twenty more similar for required from the EU. Well, I mean you're. The first area will become I allowed to change the word such will soon find out. I read it again. What was it
again a yankee from the: U S of aid to the music of why I m c I a yankee from you were server, you could do it No, you didn't they Odell Imam, knowing why don't you be just I'm seeing it a baseball game resigned and having lost rats? I can see the future, for we ve already got the choreography for that one, let the estimate has so we ve got the tambo underwent and round it s beneath. It guess wheels on about Oh my god. I never see this museum honey. We got just sixty nine pages to Heaven away just stepped from Heaven steps to Heaven what steps not a thing in the failure of the cheap hotel.
And that's just in about it style, so we can make that are. I might add that I might have been getting a very strong, a veto. Another suitcase another hall hide from that. I rise to you the cheap who, as that's not half as Iceland. So it's a mix of original and jukebox has not been done. That's what that's yeah? I feel suppression messy and if we can extended over five men, the goals we have an expensive jarring. Nonetheless, well here to do as you ve come back to release me similar to Please believe me, please. I changing just in other words, to make it a pastiche, so I think the he's onto something we should look at our heads in the room and come up with the next.
Big Musical the origin story of this musical begins in Cardiff will remember this day, you'll remember any of those great yeah. That was man he's thinking about these things, though, that is why just sit out any musical there, I know I can bring together the black eyed peace and the wheels on the bus go round and round is not the kind of total mercy that you're looking at our own. Have we see in the house as something my five old sailor owns, can't you got the bomb the exact what you wanted for quadrant music rates will have witnessed. Oh, my god. I also told you just briefly about your relationship with. That sure, because I, following a dialogue that he's he's he's so cool and you seem to have a very nice- will cause you, but you work together, yeah, I guess so. Yeah he's become. I work with him. A lot act,
He was my date to the Mps. Actually, oh, really lovely. We were sitting next to me, shout Williams, busy, Philips and Michel one. That night I was amazing and my dad. You know I do see falsely burden, but my dad, I'm looking has watched ass if he just loves her cause. You didn't show us my dad's, like I wanna picture with us like she's, he's my friend the agro many times that we can get a picture doesn't have to be right and proper, for I am not going to do that. She's on state every five seconds. Remember my picture with Michel my picture and then like. One- and it was amazing- should give this incredible speech like five. Secondly, images like lightning can my picture the present. You know that he got the picture. I know we can tackle of all we got you gotta results.
Would you like, if you're not gonna, get if Memnon it gave me didn't? I was as with, if you sell it as if it was just like that, but I do sometimes, that my success has gone to my father's had, So, although I wonder if the success of the podcast has as you walking around, they like we'll get Flintstone, Yes, that's what I have to say that and now he's an executive producer on HBO. He demanded that in the contract have your siblings reacted to the summer. They love it. You must agree, I mean we are the most eccentric family in the worst. It wasn't really much of a surprise, but the fact that they ve been so The point of it in I raised my sister's wedding river died right, everyone that we just gotta get to meet rocky Flintstone in real life, and I know you at your wedding. That's more like it looks like we haven't even talks about the father of the bride speech.
Wait on, how was I thought so it was long is rising yeah, it was, he had a cave in like a big. She sat and are ready to die and a very striped jackets and just was oozing me and just being classic dad and then his speech, you just add, lit the whole thing and it was hysterical. Harmonic rout started playing with the job. Wait a minute ministers during the speech that was part of his speech. If in doubt Have you got a picture of it in his is wetting guy. Do us out is exclusively eyes only create where we all are the Flintstone family? Can you spare which one might be in love yeah. That's you what you expect to expect a second? Let me sit put this everyone looks, then we kill you now
this. Might as well get within I'll give away the court, where sequence is just as the Dutch was reared. Is he dresses like Dick Van, this barbarous. Is it a professional jealousy that he killed them off because you know I still has a barbershop quartet. He, like things it functions of fully How do we not know that guy had a more sustainable fire? How available for hires, but he's got a barbarous oquirrh turkey, like things? I love you. I don T, I told you he's more alive than any other silk of sickness have either been having them centre. One now Belinda busy woman you're busy man have you got going on a moment since that you ve got a million projects all at once. Whoa Oh, yes, but it's it's staggered I'll finish filming this week for his dark materials and then unbar producing this hip, hop improper show that we ve been doing
for, like fifteen years, like my first time in the UK, is actually Edinburgh Fringe Festival with he's got a and if we start ups of supreme, and so it is hypocrisy, we make up the entire show on the spot and we're doing that where, for sixteen weeks so we open the week after I get back. I will do that at the end of the year. Are you in yeah I'll. Do it a couple times we have so many people in the group now we're like rooting, so we kind of have to sort of tagging and take out, but I'm gonna do a couple of times we went, and then I am directing my first movie am directing a movie musical, so at the top and extreme directing this musical version. The sum. We ve of Tiktok boom on Europe. Real rang me some swallow mermaid. My action on how that with our men can now writing lyrics, Rollin Mencken, which our second it's really well actually, yeah we're. We finished a first draft of a tune to
a really. I envisage any time have a break in the filming I kind of go off into a corner and what a date dont materials, little mermaids pornography. Feeling The day when you run like a numbers light, they said we need to some answers. It's gonna, however many you were. Writing we ve written we ve written three new song so far Riven touch any the songs exists. This I need you to be in the yeah the songs you love are in the movie and then we ve just kind of circled a couple of moments for some new musical and was one of the first got you into the Disney kind of yeah? was three Hamilton I was. I was why I will offer that job with every other Will theatre composer in thy kind of, but it was the directors of little Mermaid wrong and John who directed the animated little mermaid, and so I really lobbied hard for it and got in it was some really up. I was writing that, while I was still doing Hamilton,
like all of my demos, of the songs are pepper increase Jackson because they were in the dressing room to make other coming here thing this? So I have like paper doing Rwanda before anybody else did, and it also kind of kept me saying during the Hamilton craziness, because there was so much has an hyper around it and I kind of couldn't go to any parties and I have doing seven try to look at, and I was like I've I've right song about this young woman to save the world Oliver, the rock, can feel that you could enjoy the whole Hamilton experience. You did yeah. I feel like I enjoyed by also was able to sort of you know, doing seven shows a week. Just keeps you humble, because you can't go out and can't party like you. I have to tell it, was good now also have born to Sarajevo, to hold some yea changing yeah it was. It was the best way to do it at my feet,
very much on the ground the whole time, unlike my dad, because nothing grounding of we have a little special invite few, I'm not many people. I mean people say to me the here Is but we wondered if you want to meet you here, who is really finance and of course, when we come to New York s next year, if you want to come to the shy yea asking to be their readiness to musical and there s a diagram in. Where the exacting have you any one, coming to my rug, England so fast, I already looks like we actually over have a present for you behind you Alex it's my doctorate opponents, television is signed by working. My lantern outside this, its groups- Lynn, it's an honor to know, you're a pervert love in public.
Very flowery signature early. I guess bloodlines, unless it yeah big as well. Developments in this case a round table definite. Oh my god. I love it. Thank you! So much Thank you so much from in August, really feel this way. I really appreciate it. Nuns hang absolute pleasure thanks guys. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.