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Footnotes: Rocky Answers Your Questions 2

2017-06-01 | 🔗
You have questions, Rocky Flintstone has answers...sort of. The author and genius behind the 'Belinda Blinked' saga gets his exclusive right to reply in the first Footnotes of series 3...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to my dad road supported the footnotes. The first one of the seas and very excited footnotes is when we look at the book, more details. Sometimes we have mega funds on the show some celebrities- I just can't get enough Belinda, but this week we thought we'd here from the biggest megaphone of Belinda. That's about new wrote it Rocky Finster himself. He doesn't get enough right to reply. Does a ever in fact he's usually available, oblige already allow query so completely. He doesn't want to answer if we also needs to be interpreted so we, still on line for your questions for my dad and boy did you rise the challenge. We got thousands of questions and is amazing, and he sent quite a few answers back
are you ready to hear why he did what he did make it did? What what was it is crazy mind all this time as its light when victims one closure and where to begin for the first time, a first question Kirin wants to know if any character, get their own spin off novel. Who would you think would have the most interesting story? ok, so a bit like with them superhero stories, whether zoom in on one of them and go either pretty cool They go back also. You know yet, a whole series of her soul, good, exactly suggesting I want to say wedges else come from his eye fell at that would mean a moving to the UK. Stolen from another I sent a fallacious that covered a lot of ground in her young is our level about the duchess. I wouldn't like a tv, show what the crown like her life like important moments. Will you both vote
James, maybe Yoda bit closer. His dad says hike here and let me doesn't like a politician like you know that would have they, Sir James, go to him ass, a great shout he so old, not able to and encyclopedia about him. Of course, he's thinking once not quality is three of marriages. His time of the ugh buried in Venezuela Maltese. How does he writes it out, how we helped wife number one? successfully give birth jungle where all these hospitals in the journey is our maternity or next to the new novel. I think that's the point. There isn't one had to hand deliver the baby. I see sweeping steep jack, the umbilical cord with a spear. Exactly how we made his first million and then promptly lost it over the Monica,
see now well as easily done. His story goes on and you know it would. I love that it would be real time how old they were like eighty and it would take about not longer to radio, but it goes on about how he bought into the steals business and married. The only daughter only to see A parachute not open when there were skydrive is of the essence and doc It does slower alert to the earth. Is it's gonna? Get you back plummeted. You apparently been open vulgar. This guy's- I guess you don't he's drunk on it, gets so many people he married into he married like Miss Steel, yeah, and then she died in human error to the business.
Seems like a pop up its sleeve who best that power- Sir James Guard, when maybe pick a minute. That's about spending, since you got with tampered with the parachute to inherit the business, this motive, those men and women, but we did love me like a literary say anything, it's looks like she was. The third of three wives. Are, God, have those die divorce beheaded, partially Aaron Jane seemed to be in the ports. He's a bit Henry. The ape like now think beggar, woman yes, I mean that's a book. I'd read. I think Sir James got with Baxter Vega James.
The next question I feel a bit loaded. Actually, ok, it's from tartan and wax scares me turn and works Tartan and what's ok, rocky with death, They re about the tossing and wax industry with a vast which Jamie's accidents is the most wildly accurate, because these are just interpretation. This is why you let your imagination run. Can I guess I know it is a matter of course and that's why you did to exercise some horrible demon with mislead its Philip was a tiny little screeching woman incited Jake, I'm just trying to go out may down a well so my dad responded to town and what he oversee can not only not right but not read. He says, taught and wax sounds like a car wash option. Does tartan waxes light you doc
the call you tossing it would set patting the cushions and leave. Oh, give it why who says Tartan Wax South accomplish option. Just saying give us a new thing on Twitter is just say that the matter is the hits he puts on everything. I just say that he's heard it somewhere. We need to find out where disease put the g on saying only because we are not out of sync takes the tea off just just so this just say just as I think you are picking up like you, speak as it goes along as you can chat with sense, as he says that I really am a big fan of Jamie's accidents. I think they bring a fourth dimension to the podcast view written there. But what beats me is how we can remember them all I mean by that time. We finish series three them
about forty or so characters. War or t count on what's gonna happen. The theories and there take some remembering bewildered. He called. If you remember the axe, and so he doesn't remember the characteristics of illegal to be forty characters in one chapter once I bet he'll pack come in. I think just means that there are forty characters in one chapter as in It is on the page who I should like chapter four of book woman, but into got out of a car chapter five. He says so none of his axes are inaccurate, that all ten out of ten thanks that I feel a little bit like he's, got a gun to it. Three you present when he talked I am his son. He is going to defend me. I think it's accents really good, and what is the future endeavours? Subtext is its Bela, better distribution, I've read palace and not well. It's interesting. You say that because the next question is in relation to Burma, catastrophically descend, listen,
Abby Lopez says what do you think of your sons? Representation of Burma is inaccurate. People using accurate the EU is not people mean by is heads lobby, and this is how happy I am afraid it is totally because you see clean on this. His punctuation higher be coma. I'm afraid it is calmer, totally calmer, because you see calmer, Jamie had an early school friend. He was just like see who one difference. Of course she had a man just relax, whereas we all know Bela comes from. Probably by boat is London, we didn't know she's in east and that we all Lovins list, they. Don't you ve just totally even better than we also now did me think she was for mass eggs. That's very close to us. Isn't it probably Babo TV doing it right all along Amy who knew
No one's he's been doing it right. Maybe geographically he's roughly in the right ballpark and he says pretty. Certain Jamie is reproducing this young lady when he does Bela and its great. So I wouldn't know who you think this school friend is as someone that immediately fits the bet I mean there is to be honest through their activities. Her name on the on the fact that I give him out, strictly speaking, in touch with already more or less call about that's what traits might hear enjoyed ways like when you it's all issues like six bull ammo. We would sixteen seventy in payment couples, yeah Ripley, pretty much legal lawyer where she got me. She was a bit Gobi and a little bit outrages and like to drink. She was a bit. Train wreck, I'm not an alarm, but she was grey and really good fun. Do we don't she turned out he's gone? Well look! So he made
and she came out of the house and did you ever think that she was an inspiration? Would be we amuse yourself be really odd if you did fine, but the thing I've seen videos of this girl just have her dancing. Oh yeah, just of her dancing drunk he a clear sighted withhold is that if there is any now- and I know the more I think about it, so if she watched meet this? Would she see herself on those pages she was who, like battle over other critical way of red, like on coaches, listening she's like Bell, the full realisation of my old that pay your ballot you'd love that position If you like best damn alive, surely runs removal, to that end. Stephen Highland, wants to know, stop saying people's names light. We know, then I Stephen Highlands than on I. He says if Berlin were to have a career change. Where else
could you see her skill set, bring her to the top of a profession law? What about recruitment? yeah? I can imagine that as some kind of serious war Belinda, she got the best people. A junkie you got the losers, people heard my darling or an agent like a Hollywood. Yeah. Well, I'm sure that's quite similar to dad I'll go on cities. Oh, let me guess, high Stephen Highland know you're wrong. He says. My staff relevant Stephen Keg, doesn't it goes instead, effects might sit up, means he's been listening. Haven't you doesn't maybe cause that's what we criticised and pull before found Stephen King staff Rocky listens, rock The biggest part of this book is high. Really sorry for anything that you ve had
James lines that have hurt your feelings? They we love for the book is soon as hosted by the way great name where she says. Bt are great name, please, each other so tat. The kids goes on twitter as worrying. If what so heist a great name. By the way, I think Belinda extremely well in publishing a mean not be asked, what, if or even the as we call it these days these days, the media- that was the gold media phrases? We don't call it the media. You wouldn't be like I'm head of publishing
the media. Doesn't he call us like media friends? We radio chums equals as a result, some media chums. These has just think of her ass. The two the dog, the BBC or even better, gin, media of all commercial, hold simple, writes a girl come the dreams and there is nothing about the virgin media. You couldn't boy. Would she breathe new life into that organised crime were always needs. There would be no problem with trade descriptions with Belinda at the helm. Honestly, it be poured backed by a babe station to be moved up to lie at the first channel before BBC won't. I love the idea that he's been harbouring. This needs to shake up virgin media life is over with me. I can imagine rocky dozen subject
to a service he's just like up some weird like food aid into Pavilion exactly that loads of. Why is just going through Angelo He wants to know what your inspirations for the glee, In some of the worst people is ever met by a jolly the Glee team of what we all should experience at least once in their lives. You mean sexually legislate, close chums, our guy Caffre, but responsible. Having agreed time knowing their causing no harm to anyone else. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to capture and when, see a group of young men or girls. I think great time. That's Michael eating I think this is joins. The Hague leads email,
Jim guys. That's my plea to. He would do that, though, if he saw a group of people in a pub having a good time, he'd gallop averaging he's very sociable like incredibly so does he just got them carefree, but response but I say to the responsible spending five grand on hiding out of it, not so very shocking, the pile of applying what its coming into landed, gang utitsa in petrol hotel of all places, not responsible. I mean this goes on local loop, someplace, Chelsea Hopkins says how does rocky to decorate his pavilion o weighing less so with loads of loose wires and put the sparkling, and the work is already imagined it that this just a desk in the middle of the room and help him in his typewriter, but he must have all of the walls and bunting will you'll both gonna come down a visit.
At some point when she don't know this, but I have been a manning with that both rocky and will not really gonna be attending to Morrow you I'm in the area o my lady I've been invited to a barbecue prevail over. You know about the keys turn out and Belinda. Look at you, It is, as thirteen run around you're like the moon is even think about there. Isn't it the tiny little bond vaguer so am Wilma set? I could. Fifty M Rocky will be firing up. The barbecue makes its legacy huge, open fire pit situation so jealous you see the pavilion
May I think we agree. If Europe has not live rocky mommy, don't turn it down good? Do we not cease eaten ever busy, so that has responded to the declaration in question and I just go back to me and said no such as he says, Chelsea, it's a great one, Jim and one that is very close to my heart. Still, I have ever spoil a few hours. If you can see it tomorrow and I pay pitcher, that's aiming you see. I built my billion with my own hands, I feel like I'm going no that for the data that we really and also decorated it. To be honest, Wilma did the painting and a very fine job it is to, but because we live in a sort of coastal location break in the Fourth World
I've panel, the interior walls with wood cutting out nor teak ship lab. We experts call it at its very beautiful, like a solar that inside us on that this often that's. Why says, he's always comes at a very bizarre Gus. Like literature goes to die. I believe it's a bomb and every day of the week and acts that exactly what it was filled with me oh yeah. Well, I'm not build. This goal remains of the Alice. Please take some pictures. Oh, are you joking? I'm going to be live streaming own abies going touch and she says rocky likes to include music in his stories. For example, about, but does Rocky have any particular artist he'd like to listen to
rights or any particular singer who inspired him when coming up with his plot good question, Aimee yeah, I'm entreat by this one. He says Yes, I do enjoy listening to Adele meet some of her sums. Give me inspiration, but to be honest, Adele could Belinda Right says: he's always That's what I'm alive to deliver. I can see how is party, bleating, only she'd be the best singer biscuit in another. Great inspiration is Chris Martin of Coldplay. I just love their music, especially the evil of either that's love that went over and I've had the of seeing them live in Wembley Stadium, say he has by the way. These are two artists I'd, let the guys to have on footnotes thanks dad. I've always said I want to tell em for no delay
You can, I say: that's what can you say that she listens Let's go on that she settled down found a guy married. Now I have a good authority from someone who went to a dinner party with her yeah that they were having dinner China. Why? My daughter, a porno came up Is it so often? Does that mean any good dinner party that would we wanted a major topic of conversation? Obviously- and she said limited way- depression of God I have listened to. That is really funny. I mean he's going on. The pace is intolerable. Suppose you just heard to say the following: polecats contains idle theme: social community. Take it to mean, should listen to the ocean. Miss head, as you just said, porno and she's gonna pull that says it would be great if they openings and will be really great. She's listening, give question which is well my coffee slots to fill out go question for rocky.
And he says, will we ever learn about Belinda's childhood, like her parents and stuff yeah, no mention of a dad you're. Here I was a boy merchant, of course, until everything she knows about land will dad says he says hotel, yes, that's coming down the line in the next couple of books down the line down. Story Board timeline. But, down the line that that's couple of books. But, to be honest, it's just filler the Nevada Desert via versus villa nothing. Interesting next question It is the latter wanting more does exactly what it says on the tin fella. It is, then Connollys elaborate mean actually she says how to sleep at night. Seize on how to job is unbelievable. You so Susan,
it's my age of life, it's all about the shortening, always literally answering how he sleeps wonderful, it's one bottle semicolon or two but then you snow and Wilma wake you up with one hand, The study published. So if you want to sleep at night, take it from the top states angle applause Guy who news a comedian? Do you think he's gonna be the war we're not getting as this compensated singer. And Laura says: is she law from the book? Oh yeah, we got is underlined popular she said:
has your life changed since the podcast started? Well, we know the answer from your perspective he's in London, more ones. There was more, no shirts vetoes, speaking as a direct result of crazy. I spotted he's always come already uses about come here. Yes, Laura, yes My children now understand that I love short, nay and Jean services real ailing Guinness. I get you guessed it Chilean wanna good day when their feelings australian chardonnay. Why do you not know that unite chardonnay? I never knew that before. So you just keep going, I'm sure they now? No, I was got him. We will. Orkut desirous Irish Guinness. That's yeah, but now we will get and gin and Chilean, and sometimes australian, shortly and wife within Turkey, but he also, as is quite sweet. He says
Other really great thing is that I get to support some really worthwhile charities on the Eve appeal and our friend Jes, who need support for cancer treatment that and the shocking that way. Got it, such a philanthropist z, really, is that it is a good guy. He's kind of this chamber got when real life isn't a house or ways Jack your powers. That was your questions. I think that's quite enlightening much bad in the first few unaided, with them in series. One is learning learning to write your answers, yet vaguely lucid violence, everyone as I always ate it entire waste of time, but always a great way to fuller. Put. No, I'm so glad you ve wasted this time with us. We really appreciate it. Eventually, this no Monday for next Porno Day chapter two and in the meantime you find your way.
During hands Tipp tapping into a search have another look at the website is looking better than after James, Tat is yes, someone else. Did it Let me make that wasn't. Owes you gonna, tell you. Why did just actively investigating whether we do you probably tell well is a wonderful looking great yet so have a look at all the vital that's on their all alive dates for this year, because some very big can we have some massive things? Come enough also our story for their merchandise is brand new. That's on there is one and if you still not bore the book there, linked to that may make Rockies day all of our more it's my death row, Porno Doc, Cobb right, you're, not really just say just typical.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.