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Footnotes: Rocky Answers Your Questions 4

2019-09-19 | 🔗
You sent your questions and Rocky Flintstone has attempted to answer them. For what you're about to hear, we can only apologise.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porter, the footnotes. Now it's that time of the series guys what we hear from the great man himself, The rocky foot stone. It's like Christmas. We do look forward this every year because, although we get to see rocky socially, we do try not to talk shop because he's not great keeping the secrets of Belinda it ought to come so we try and keep it all very top line. Was it Rather, the listeners get a proper dialogue with rocky for the very good legal reason. Yes, but it's just nice to give more opportunity once in awhile is yes, you set your questions into him and he in his inevitable style, has answered them for us. I was feeling
a real excitement and pure dread. When these answers, because some of the stuff he says I just the member I mean none of them make sense. I have read them and don't expect any kind of action to be taken. There, if you're looking for answers, you can still place. So this is less of a q and aim of a cuban q. Exactly these questions to ask more questions unanswered. Ok! So the first question was from Tipp, toe, nay, alot, when there is the art? Just on the little to be tat, I get so late what school, cleave, the more natural apartment Littleton when developing a new character? Where do you start to question great question? Some background would be a fine thing: diseases, Hain, T, T, Anais turnover, it's quite simple. I wake up from a refreshing. Sleep have
one or two cups of brazilian coffee and one simple piece of toast simple, multi, grader it fruit love? Then I took a stolen. I still can't believe you as a far he does enjoy like like a speed. Oh just not a thought. I think you may actually have We ve talked about this before I don't think he wears it doesn't have a g string think but cheeks around in Brazil. I know that it's more acceptable. It is more of a cheek skimmer than a full up the Jackson yeah. Have you seen it in the flesh? Do my aunt him before the vision of a phone It has no inhibitions, as we know from the book. So yes,
spot and leave them looking good for a man of his age to assume an awful? It's! It's not for me to say it to decide. Let's just say I won't be going to Brazil between the months of genuine December next, and this is the difficult bit I sit down. On the keyboard and trying to get the thing fired up so so far is talking through his day dream. No reference to the question he just telling us how he gets to the computer. Next. I stick sums Sergio men days on Youtube and find the correct file was ass, a singer singer. The next bit is a piece of cake. I pick a nice name like Fred, get to it, so that's how you and that's how he creates a new character, though that's. Why start to the new character? He took that very literally, Star wow, so so the biggest thing to him is is coming up with a name which we
we thought was the most Rabelais thinkers their insane year on year is mainly fuelled by the simple visitors. So the key to characterisation is a solid breakfast. You can create indelible characters on empty so accomplish you know that Abiola's I haven't thought she heard the advice anywhere else, because the next question from dungeon dweller, which countries but which famous author, would Compare yourself to in terms of talent. I think we know this right. Well, I guess about this because he loves staff bracket, Stephen King Disney. He does love stuff king. It's not that it's not have king, who could be I'm super mind. The question is very specific in terms of talent: ok, ok in terms of talent, twenty was inspired by e mail, James, originally again talent and who he compares himself to right, hey D D. My best friend, Michael Sheen, has already answered TAT Shakespeare. Far off he said
experience ass, a GEO and I have to fully agree to fully agree guns have actively agreed in terms of talent. However, I would also like to put myself in the same books as Philip Kerr, whose His Bernie gunfire Series is similar to my Belinda blinked libelous and I've pinched. So many this technique. And thank you said you would enter Rocky Kerr just postulate and guess what postulated you do know neither postulating am. Who is that sorry as an oath, renewable and Philip Kerr, so Bernie Gunther, is a series of historical detective. Thrillers coup is still writing a he's actually no longer with us, I'm afraid I may Morton one honour to have the great rocky Flintstone, comparing your work as they go. That Sir that was just l always going to be a spy, or did you grow
Did he realise her skill espionage? All this is good, for this was helpless kind to decide if this is open plan from the beginning of this total making up on the spot. What do you think the latter? I think he had a simple piece of toast and just make. I think, even if he's planned this book, we can't applied to the first year yeah, that's not let that all passed some big scheme, maybe if he planned this one out fairies. Maybe if you did what every called Universe Timeline thing, but you deafened in book on into yeah. If you search was about three, was I shouldn't board commit to something here? Yeah cities as pay? never mind Gazelle, don't focus on her maid is focused on half ratings. She knows where you live over an hour late in writing circles. They call it a differential plot, just knowing rising on that front.
The result in bloody answer, so much to answer for so get ready for more of us here. Is there a way to have it? Has it cannot absorb differential plot James? Does that mean different plans or plot that, like jobs all over the place, it's inviting circles like us, that's not come. Up once again he's great his own? How do people call at that summit? I've learned. There is he's gonna just gone. Some fucking tangent at some point to show, which again is nothing you if he led us into a false sense of security, has I'll be even matter than before. Ok, so next up from access, peed Dave Do you think Belinda will ever fall in love, ah into question? I thought that love was on the cars of Peter rounds yeah. That kind of fizzled out.
If a lot, that's what she searching for not use longing, try young as well as little time for atmospheric, says yes, she's perpetually in love with her job, with short, nay, with our friends and with a knife and the next big clients about meat, but never never does. Martin Europe has changed. I mean like who needs a man when you got Turkey, some wage, you behind finally like upon another said that you know you don't need a man to complete you yeah, you know, she's got a very full happy. Rounded lie. First, find that when someone says got job, a friends how life many listed, a drink and neck what my friends to equate me with a bottle of wine and their list of love, Maxwell, Dunk, dot, Firm wants to know, does Rocky know about women, Thank you ask, as is written about
of the concept of. If he's done it all not clear who says PDF go watch your mouth make sure there are no brown but showing just brushing talk lies grab that that we move on. He's got a vague idea. I guess we talk about pot careless. What would you say wash your mouth if you see what you ve written down yet receive exactly at least favoured regions on the other, oh ho wants to know begging others? These named the? Why a vessel, many characters called Jim Slash James. I wanted to let things my name is Jamie, but legally James your names James for this such aims- James Spoon, yet installing Jim Sterling, Jim Wolters Chief filters, which, on him
also I used the rest of us through any other James's. Think, that's it, but that's what foggy fool for a marsh, because you are his only son, perhaps well, let's find out highty. I think when you get to my levels of ultra creativity, it's important to look around it and bring oneself back to earth very gently by repeating characters, names a true sense of perspective of my existing writing health what the fuck is very new writing health data. That would mean well in Layman's. Firms the more names- I repeat, the less chance. I have a forgetting them right, she's out of love, his last boy, Jim James or Jimmy Girl, Ballard on more chance of getting them all confused? Surely not knowing who you're referring to to vote the same that true yeah. Why most novelists don't give all of the carriage is the same name,
I'd say that quite useful little tactic, it does reflexes Did I could, in my primary school, have fifty five James Ass. I can someone get regional, nay, the other names of our generation, Thomas SAM James yeah, when they're all out of them being classes, look beyond size and classes. Full of fucking well either a friend of mine who to teach a tool for sisters, one was called beyond say. One was called Kelly, One was called Michelle Obama school destiny, child there are other members these jobs. Why The iron. Don't look at me for original destinies, Charles Members, Toya, really at each other first person that goes on vote of red attire and another LE sucking. If I were you thinking, growth, Toya and the tat, the two of you have taken the tv and having as quite a big fan of the first
regional, what with songs Butler was writing on the wall. Was that the was that when that avian and tell me tat thither, some and the city has asked what is the crane is change in your life as a result of the podcast click. It says, hello s a c. I It's getting to speak to James, Jamie and Alice on a virtually Davy based, not virtually daily hourly, I'm what's even more fun. Is that I don't have a and so they have to email me fantastic at his fun. And get my misconstrued in our text? For other guys, you can't appreciate the thrill of waking up each morning to an inbox of stuff from these guys it's so heartwarming. They love me so much just solve. It
that's the biggest change is lie. I tell you it's ok, I never wanted to stop the threat that allowed the inbox. Live emails mean them mainly replies to hear so that all those guys, my inbox willowy rails, but yeah, ok, yeah, I'm not gonna, be glad that I welcome my latest is to his EMA, wants to buy me a birthday present from parties found. This amazing record shock our yea. I believe that he is like who should favour in earnest about your records? There's quite nice, some deciding what should get making you fancy time over. You got one if you buy my birthday, who did you go? I've got some Morrison which, however, about the best of our Morrison because I'm in love and best of amorphous ducklings is only that one around in the world that copy here said the very rapid I've some of us will we ever get a back story for Chee Chee Belinda's. It is our job
genuinely wants to know that around Mckinley. Just irish moment today's say different both times of night at his is a high. Yes, The EU should do, RO, please refused to drum roll the hair. It is here squawk school. Saw silence. That's the backs. Where is he on when he had gone mad of it? The better I I know we don't pay for recording in this, but is a waste of tape always set up the space I mean I wasted loudly. And the final one Matthew was no does rocky? No, he is my.
Zero. Ah, fuck up yeah totally that as well messy after these questions, you might well We consider that they rushed statements that that you might. To reconsider your positions in general, cause things are gonna get darker, just promising. Belinda blinked is getting a lot darker and then is having an blotter cabinets abuse by a ball. Yeah. So, what about very easily and useless day just talk this up. As you know, we all make mistakes that never again We talk a lot about. Why can't you just answer a fucking crash? I don't know that's the use that really answer anything busy so that such an enigma as he likes to say, but you have a go, those questions than how use has been
thanks. Listen, I'm so sorry that someone in the competent committee. Sorry, if you click yes, indeed, your lives again. With next week for the continuing. Legitimately the worst books ever written, Belinda blinked, five, thank you. A smoke.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.