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Footnotes: Rocky Answers Your Questions

2015-12-24 | 🔗
'Footnotes' is all the extra bits we didn't have time for in the podcast. In this special edition, we put your questions to the author himself, Rocky Flintstone. PLUS there's a special sneak preview of book 2...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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as everybody merry Christmas spending since data and I'm not spending the rocky mountains. That doesn't surprise me so guys. As you know, we asked you for questions to rock events time we seven to him. He has got back to us with all of his answers. Are you ready, yeahs, weaker loads of questions we did and those other was a lot to sift through, and I love the same locked, the same kind of themes at being and want to know and inspiration exactly maybe why his question implies cropped up here. Also like how do I hear they stopped so you'd like over therapy or precisely so rocky has been unfiltered in his response.
It has a major we just get on with it because I feel like people around ten hooks escaped. So the first question is from Luke on Twitter and he's asked the question that we ve all been asking since upside one of my daughter opponent. Why? Just when he lake, he asked the other places up. Why the hell that we have? Why is true? We don't know I'm interested to hear his answer prepared. We disappointed so dad emailed high Luke, it was a rainy day in England and I just finished my income tax. Phone call centre is this? Is this is doing in itself? So I thought I do a bit of Rome sitting in a similar vein. Belinda actually started as my income tax inspector,
not a bad idea. Looking back on, it might develop that theme in a new series Masonic himself. What really, I think, both even invited into the thought process ever occupants. Don't congratulations! Luke's! Are you don't get a curt? Hence all of the business and leadership. I mean really saw glimpses of economic sense, but it makes no sense to over. So Berlin is based on Rockies tax inspectors, as he met his toxins that I don't know. Do you mean you too is tax inspectorate job at about the taxes but say go question one down, but that's it that's it. I told you that Absolutely no answer at all gray question today. My question to you: is him Nick I neck hygienic, and he said what celebrity do you think Belinda most closely resembles what we think they're Makin Fox methought casting so damn
sees as high neck, and a really easy wants me to answer. See how now, on the beach, the key declared its Jane. Its Jane resentfully celebrity celebrity. Finally, since Angie, Harmon, so called sister of Mark in an see. I ass our good He loves antsy. I fancy I it's concho, it's unlikely it somehow inspector service. Can somebody please Google, Jane reservedly? Can we spend it please? I double said: oh I get it. Oh, oh societies where ok, this is James. I really oh and I can actually see
hello, I can see that back of him, sorry just lost a contract is James. That should be cheaper. The mechanism of right now in order Jane, was only. I would underline that dark hair drank too costly to encourage anyone. Listening to Google James early yeah she's, a raven, suddenly searches for Jane was only go upon Christmas day. No one knows so emotional authorised internally, and my question is just one word: symbols questionable symbol that the symbols that were painted on Belinda in lies here by peach, arouse, I presume to Rocky says I kindly I thought it was ok to use impulse. The guy, who taught me to write, cough cough Stephen King uses them now and again. So I thought, if Steve he's, since you got him staff, if staff can do it right for him, do it also if that libelous, because I feel that Stephen King would want to distance himself from
don't blame Steven Pinker. This now is because road sea became a book but dad basically red. That's inspired him to write his Stephen bling. I, which that which, because that place so Rocky continues his eight it. Steps book on writing. A member of the craft is not a bad way to use up your own skills. Look good. It did forget what other please answer that literally stream of consciousness, he had less edited than Belinda and also how are we less informed from gave the onset of the crisis? We thought this clear things up. It hasn't is just make things even more complex lighting scales and some woman they became as shot a fine bug asks what constitutes a young issue, questions? We will I we don't be late, fifty simply Rockies as high Charlotte, name demand. If I use in a plot, oh goodness, I don't think she agree to that,
but the saying in some published author circles that you're was young Are you with the now where he who sesar So I say as long as their breathing enjoy live life to the food, be a rocket rockettes, there's a funds of rocky. So as long as you're alive, yo, YO, Yo Young age, something is light years. Younger, you feel is basically always understand. This is a string of symbol is strategically is backing would know what to make of this, but I then soccer says water, Rockies, literary, influences, good question You have announced this rocky, but have we really honest? A good bottle of australian chardonnay from little followed by a couple of Deities Gordon's is already
To expel invite me my legs brown, then does it want to get some free stuff? He can't get any freestone saviours is basically drunk when he writes that burning their his literary and a bottle of wine a June these opinion, I'm Lenny, absolutely thereby it's like a chapter belittle blinks over but worse, thus possible and that it is a short lustre daisy has asked who does he most identify with in the bulletin tens of character? And he said I didn't find most with Sir James Godwin. Well, basically, nothing for as he pulls the shots and is closer to my age. He pulls the shots is that there was a call, the shots, but he doesn't hold the shots, maybe rocky. You know the whole thing with the master plan, and yet that is coming clean,
maybe kind of rocky made it clear in his head, but never aptly put like explained on paper. Why did say I thought you'd be about James, and here she is goes inside. You get to hear more about him in books, two three and four topics for works, guys they thought to date sale, so it can be trapped in my spare room next is really loud boiler, or at least three mobile Richter said day Rocky. Have you no shame good question rocky? I wrecked no capitals past the short night I feel like Rocky was drunk when he write these, and probably Simon is asked how many times has rocky come across road signs that weren't you
By word, of course, days Oxfordshire wrote the tricky Rocky says: high silent now, I'm not stupid liking examined so that I can quickly work out, but you work for the highways agencies and it's the trick question so I very very diplomatic and say the seven to nine, most of which are in North West Island. I bet in northwest on people move them around, so the light the way brings like that pact. As enough I stand on my notoriously Marcie Mark says my question in more can welcome the funded and actually might all bag. His question is why amaze, why all the possible places to set three chapters in? Why amaze, I'm not shown with mocking oftener setting out a genius begone, will Rocky says I Maki? Have you ever been.
To amaze area, that is, to say the least, amazing guy wrong about his classic dad joke seriously, though I have to admit Local, maize, maize is the reason for these three chapters of maize is any one made up of men. May yeah. Now when we open the Belinda blinked blast theme park in tooting of much of the right? What would you have light rethink differently by the river roller coaster. The Pomegranate mountain below large, like ill. Doesn't Belinda blinks blast theme park into it we're going to have a maze where you can bring your girlfriend and have some fun girlfriend phased out.
I'll get you some camps, it doesn't rocky does after tat. He wants to open a theme park. That's new novel was it not happening? So those are your questions. I hope you clean something from them more than we did and before we go, we have sourced the blood for series to moderate upon I, with Belinda blink to lift these have sourced. Are you ready? He dragged off the internet? Was this excited. I kind you ready, as you know, from Belinda blinked, one Belinda, the sales director of steals pots and pans based in Central London she's? The expert in cracking the most difficult of accounts
she does this by removing her high heels Belinda blink to continue her adventures. This time she travels to Amsterdam, ah, where she meets her first large international client were growing international. I am semi state from again Peter out. Something snuffing is Peter. She is literally carpeted by doktor peace, her robins, who was in charge of contracts and pizza spot with p. I t r that offers the far end of the year things excise carpeted. What does that mean flawed? Does he mean by getting bowled over the Athens out here? or sexually such naturally. Car has assets on the carpet other carpet. Burns show whether not my place ask assisted by his Secretary Helga Gardner's Russia names in Amsterdam, assisted by his Secretary Helga
Belinda makes it through to her evening out the town with managing director and Chairman Peter arouse he's out PETE of Bath Oliver, gives us all a moment of Russia as an exclusive restaurant Belinda meets the influential russian gray, go Kalinowski, Percy death and his personal assistant, Laura Alexandra cuts nets of Can I just say what I said about the blood the book Juan. This isn't a blood. This is the full story, if not a thing now for one of those trailers, where I just told you everything, open, Kalinowski, introduces Belinda countess, Zara of Leningrad, he did We start now, I'm so excited who gives a russian.
Style. Introduction to her group of contacts. I love a Russian that Stalin should action. Was that vodka in a windmill gin and the vagina Annetta that's very much in Oxford, chauffeur. Eventually, Belinda gets back to her office in London, where she deals with it, and shall sale, stuff resignation in her own stylistic why she shut up you're not going anywhere. I think it's under the regional sales manager, Danton Daewoo hawks good night. That's while so we pray my whole plot there. Well Belinda continues her goal of getting in the business, by getting off with a major players in the male dominated world of big business. Red and learn red and learn to learn anything yesterday, and also that it is not right
I didn't answer the last line, but then another day perfect, some perfect for book tat Way left Adrian What I was turning them burning them out. Thank you so much for listening to. So there is one I downloaded porno. We really really appreciate your listening. Getting involved with rockin Belinda blinked a fella event: twenty fifteen in style seamen up to them. We were. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore Herbage, vandal, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast? That's a c est. He must between one years older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply common problem call one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.