« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Thomas Middleditch

2016-09-15 | 🔗
Emmy-nominated star of HBO's 'Silicon Valley' Thomas Middleditch chats to the gang about the tragic character of Belinda, tries out a few character voices and tells all about filming with Keanu Reeves...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler. Hello and come to my dad right, a porno, the footnotes. Today we have the star of Silicon Valley, the Emmy nominated Comedy genius, Thomas Middle there, my other going pretty good,
to you all and hollow to all your listeners. Where are you in the world? Currently, I'm in sunny Puerto Rico, nine, Shooting a film was none other than Mr Keanu wreath. You here, everybody has to pay attention to me now. What's reads like he is actually a very kind hearted ground. I dont know what I was expecting he's like. He says it's great. I constantly resists the urge to just like quote point break and had all these movies. That of employees. May so whether long leather coat from the major yeah, it's weird when you bring, the matrix. Why does everyone do that? Unlike the lever co cycle of his wounds representing over the
I did. I did at some point or do a little like naw naw man heinous from, but don't had dug his journey. The ata chuckled polite skipper, well done and how to get the fuck away from me. So you ve been listening, people in the blanks, the continued adventures outlook two. I have never laughed harder about a God, Damn podcast, it is like I turn into a psychopath. Unlike liking, my dogs or somethin snorting out my got a good guy. My dad is a genius. What can I say I am? I am actually prepared to make the of the argument that it is one hundred percent a full blundering ready day. They are given the angels very clear. I stay there. You know how to do it. I was under the old elliptical here and the like, like a doubling
am, I guess, it's ok, I'm late to the party. I really only started like a month and a half ago, I choose to them. Are there so you allow you ve, been there each part captor unless package, because I have been there. I have two mixer, because I like come, you pack has called sword scale, which is like a very dire true crime, podcast about about like just the worst horrible crimes of all the world answer. I pepper in yours to help bring me out of my like reckless reckless development. This is known, I watering alone. I think this is one of the most reckless crimes of all time. Actually, my dad we're in this reform to make everyone else low separately, but for me so very much, experience? I can imagine prettier, there's the mines which has really taken by surprise,
One of my favorites recently was the flesh of mankind, the flash of mankind and his near. You know there's sometimes why thank you, he may Be- has like the sexual knowledge of a thirteen year old, like it's all here say about what he heard sexes like from the kids at the plague. Yeah. You don't even like almost like the kitten They want another school quite far away, so they ve access of. Like shouted London. The immense adopts got lost in translation. It is only I hear what you gotta do is apply pressure just some pressure on it, like it's, got some bleeding up and make sure and make sure to like just fiddle around those. Yeah. You do that. He calls like
What I would call this strategy that lets you knew how the burgeoning live like a lot of the sex turned into like a fuckin guy, no exam it so medical him. He accepted gonna qualities who knows nothing about the females and when it has been struck off with a negative one right now the shore and people like all reaching out there like smashing the third exercise, always like you like, and he chewed or service he's, always high fighting it or poking it or pulling it. Yes, I know that the oil and that's what seemed to me. This is those gonna say like why I think you dared. Potentially genius is he's written my mind, one of the most tragic characters in
of literature. I mean here's, this woman, who you think she's pretty fuckin saxon we're getting married to block this book is kind of secretly. From her point of view, reason incredibly sexy woman, whose drawing it out for everyone and people have noticed like He's weird was CBS, businessmen have no doubt at we can get. This train wreck women. We want she's thinking she's, doing a really good job, one really just being like tied up an amazing getting screwed by the language, but this is the microbes AMOS little severed finger. The biggest though I think that in the actually is kind of successful what she doesn't, she does get the ode to be five dollars. Why they don't like another layer going on it's kiss your dad. I'm incurred me for my. He set out to do an erotic, gobbled up,
Finally, would make sense now: ok, that's what he was right. They got a distant. At least that's what I'm that's what I'd like to believe, but I mean what ends up happening is like he crazy scenarios, which are so far from that again like a really kind of detailed description of fucking, a short guy with a tiny deck like does not many people, even if your enter erotic section that would read that they, like yeah, who's that turning on completely agree. It is in our direction to taken about ignore isn't it something say grotesque that you like and you never have sex again and also that, due to the dutch guy who Doktor Robin Rawlins right yeah it I mean nothing against anyone with any mental affliction.
We set a viable the use giggling like, unlike the shot believe like using his eyes like jerk himself. Oh, this is, I think, you're there. The old flintstone has got it on point he's describing these terrible situation and in her mind, like who I am the sexiest pitch in the world, but it is my you think his audience who is aimed at is aimed at men is aimed at women, business people or is it? Is it paints? A pretty bleak picture of the business is done as the export of like holder deeds, who are constantly like hello? Or will you let me I, like your girl, enter the others like lighter up my hand
that other mouth there like nice breath, fixable open endeavour, says she's. Always like oh, I mean she D Gray, but her breasts were inferior to mine. She had a great asked, but I guess her breasts were lacking. That's all she judges people on his while which feeds the fire like she is this tragic figure I loved all those who ever drew them. Those like drawing on your answer: grandma, like a bit of a poorly potato by the lender and she's like eleven at late I mean that this solution is the a delusion the chapter when she's like smashed at that nice restaurant bogged down like like in jail, naked and started, and the fact that, like it, doesn't we'll Peter roused like putting a blanket overtaken home here. It doesn't, unlike that it back teeth like come on, let's go to
the casino russian pervert agreed thief like what's her dance in unlike eastern countries, where they do, they got in tandem, like the unanimous vote, like the kind of Bolshevik by making do ready when these were at this point, for instance, described that dude as legs Angie from St Fighter. I mean he's like this one, a reference. I read it Such is very typical, crazy, russian guy he's like greasy. Unlike all the knife tat, I feel like you, ve got like its scabbard. Unlike some like cardiac favour, a crazy man. I just think it at times it so strangely written at the end, helpful back the curtain and be like you're welcome I've. Just given you the most magic figure in the hospital.
Improving, almost like I'll get Belinda's is all show human hi? This is what will happen if we continue down this road society. India, the last page of the last book is just them mirror oh god, I'm so funny anyway. Thank you. As you know, is really good. I've just noticed you accident was going to say much better than mine. I think you need to start reading this but without aided the anguish of dutch Russia, Do I do love accents and become apparent, and now we ve got tons of accents in this book and so on for reading Jesus he'd make my life well, why don't we audition? right now. What parts,
The stone right, we're gonna get the thing off the ground will? Who would you want to play in the movie? I do like the idea of playing Rawdon doktor. Out of that position is currently available. You can have life. That is like the strangest Dutch Arthur. I also like these characters at the top. And the young actually like. Doesn't it threats that guy? I don't know you spoken in the ball park of something yeah. I would love Robin because he is a true strange duck. Ok, we're! Let's try your action plan, so how did hunting Doktor Robin sound? He's a dutchman, obviously, when he said that your cell phone but to ask their Belinda, and then All like make it you did they like uh, that's feminine last, that's good! I request for you guys don't to make you too self conscious, but your guy, all three we have great laughs
thanks. Just real yeah, it's a dream vote all of them, claims. It is particularly great. I always think it's all very infectious, but you somewhat you're our good friend like if you know each other for a long time. Ten long years, Thomas really the summer of two thousand and five is James extra lesson. We came across them in a glade not came across. That is not the right for I mean that was later to remove your black. Yet we went to university together so is there a very long time, but this is not the first time that we ve kind of indulging in pornography together, catapulted into the stratosphere. I mean it like the huge package in demand, However, that is not to say this thing
yeah! It's goodbye very well! It's very exciting. I mean not out of nothing to give him an audience has been nice because otherwise he would just be a banquet, crazy man in a garden shed. Writing really terrible? Why you're still that he is that he has an audio, isn't hold out he's right, the somebody! Yet we didn't want to go down the doktor robins. Rightly simply, then, why do you come back about he's gonna be just so a humming in his said, not my father, any knows in his personality that you'd get a bit of it. Cheeky in any way that it like it is easy man he's eager yeah. He is unbelievably naughty yeah. He is he always. Is the boundaries of any social situation we were talking to the other dining with
I'm a maverick leave the self styled like wild child like we know that we know. Even if tat, do you think this is the big girl squarely defect, If he is aware, is it did as a gun to his head? I guess is the short arm question. Absolutely This means that the difficult person to live with on the planet, the minute my mother is struggling day later, because nothing is with my dad is the obviously we all love him as our doubts about three sisters and we're very close family. But he's my dad anymore. He has just announced into what do you think's going so really, I ve had Sunday dinner its rocky of either at the table, just like Couldn't innuendoes highlight that please I just want my father back just for fun,
find the switch died to switch him off it's. Why don't you occupy no talk? I can't imagine I mean, like you, know our books. They had the pictures author, the back, I just, could imagine what he invasions rocky Florence down. It's probably actually up well put together portrait, you know, like a man and a turtleneck, unlike implies last weekend of thought, that it was the image that he would want to pull out two until we saw the image that he'd chosen for his e book, I'm in the end he did choose an author picture. I could only just the person in the picture as a twenty one year old chippendale I remember that your dad was just like, isn't just so set I bet. As I know that, now that he is in and also not showed us the it's it's the right is it to be promoting about you. So that's that's great like in his mind the psych gray, stature.
And I was like a horrid guys. Really, we deem limited like laptops and books on a keyboard like exiled. Really great now. This is this. Is it asked, and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore, herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem. Call when a hundred gambler faith can we take you back to the accents momentarily. Has an you doctor. Robins is very good, but I feel like we could take this vote. Because you ve got a mountain, quite a range that you can do.
Well, I don't know, there's a lot of pressure, but what do we think at an eye? Jim sterling seems like an obvious, swung his he's off of America, their use by the american boy. That, like an Irish, she went down, would think of American like why they are, but my own manner I have ago is that drive to the American flatly whereby exactly that's gonna be taking that we're, not everybody whoever they are there. Just in the Lambert, Guinea, caviar whirl of not use a lucrative vote. We should allow jumps, if I think, support tell Guiana within their own game. Dear. It's fuckin its entourage, man and protects party where I guess, I'm taking him selling off. That's brilliant and we'll have a debt chess doubt the duchess,
Panama, the Panama Bihac, that's how we will always refers with no on the Panama. She hasn't data. Would she do? Oh yeah, she's she's like come now, Belinda. Take this riding crops, but let me use it as a deal have deleted from the south of the election, a Beaver, rasp tour as well like she seen if you think I should probably been a smoker at a time young and very carefully and turn out like a compromise in the shop. My writing write, something something sounds like is being tends to arrive at an attacker squat army. Also, I think you ve been applying pressure to bear on those
and something Baltimore its Japanese somewhere between Kathleen Turner and Voldemort, Have him obvious what about the other? No, this might be a tricky one, because we don't know if Jamie's ever try to promptly do this voice on sorry, what are actually Belinda herself. You know what I was recently in England, but one point went to York and every night there was some crazy and party with the site, women who had so much fake tanner on and the Motor Gara. All like all the same time like get that island, I think, and make sure your skin is orange. We haven't met Thomas by you, ve just described may thank you.
Yeah, but I gotta think her Belinda, it's her like that's the kind I have them on around on high heels, like fuckin up their ankles on the cobblestones. They are we going to do did I tell you- I got Belinda, you can see the top of her breath but then offer her got like the carbon to really goes drawings on your instagram returns like that, it's so Belinda who, just like the poorly body with her but Gunnar like smiling up almost like the dumbest drew off on an even better give up. I will, if you are having a threesome. Suddenly, someone clapped too
the clap her light and reveal the biggest crowd I've ever had. Two hundred and thirty people- and it's like the prize- is that despite all these people, but I think every once more reaction would not be like I'm just gonna go or that they be like in tears. Like delighted me, how did you do that? I trusted you today, you don't they trust me, go with anything like us. To show you the best time of your life, a man like her I think you around the corner now the total boats and- and I love they will lose it in that time. When they got action, which was like they are dealt with after the maize right like she brought an covered, unlike Jews, signs and mud engine room ancient like which room
and she's like a total mass and she's a good. I wonder who's gonna get auctioned off like no Belinda you on the girl, you humor abandoned. She gets auctioned off a crowd of people who have their business and with their wives, their surrounding these child, like dog, dont bow how many were three percent are not opposed to its for charity. Lady, Isabel, with twelve hours incomes via red roll call. You put your hand down you're, not doggies, guide the eating Gazelle bulge desire, ah, the motley crew of ethnic adventurers. This isn't about that is written like the most incredible cat. Considering the occurrence is only in the book for all of three pages
He has been a great indelible characters that the countess Zaga Doktor Robbins you go even Christina rackets caress. It is just the list goes on the duchess, the Englishman, of course, and yes, I die for them too. Not you will hope that they will be revisited and they will be part of the narrative of gauze. They wound They will is to set the only the only person unless I'm wrong. The only person like stuck with us is Peter Ralph Price, one of the few that yeah like I'm going? in it for the long haul and I felt that's only because he said they deranged meeting so light bugger, so that I can. But she also arranged in through the law of other peoples and maybe they'll never
There were two parts: the book that all of the like sexy, in inverted commas, stuff all of the erotic up, then there's all the business stuff, and I feel that, whereas most useful to Utah, masquers you're in Silicon Valley and that's all about start ups and stuff. Obviously this is maybe some of you. Can you use and you can kind of your character with so little welcome this revisit or the chapter three. When I just like us strong. What is our two pages of desert said an early. I think. Maybe that was his attempt at sort of like will. It can all be back, so you I washing out the world, but it was like specific without being and I'll you anything yet exactly, It was really boring and really laborious, but nothing actually happened was in three hours is extraordinary. Again a scale doesn't taxi book.
Not to the long time, oh yeah and great, like those characters in that chapter, unlike that area are grey it'll just be like. Like all that's ten Cadwell unease, was just a shy company. You know he had a great idea. Belinda like their independence, but only very like Nigel Cummings Worth Buddy. But tat is not rational district manager of whatever we loved as Martin Uncongenial, yeah, just boring and pedestrian. Can I ask what was your dad it when he was a business right in some way, like you get off this guy yeah, he was a he would. He was a salesman pots and pans like in character. He sold he sold concretely while he saw how he can t solve. Many becomes just like his resonated salesman. He's left, so many lives is drawn up.
So many things to get to this point, We have many encounters with like true blue Irishman, but like yours, describing what someone in my position would think of an Irishman today, Can it be like a little bit off his rocker? Like you know exactly? mind you. You know that it is not like what do you do for a living, sir, I said anything that moves rocky. Is this that any family gathering it gets about two in the morning and outcomes the harmonica- and show family start singing irish songs and he's they're playing, and I mean it's great. Have more community. What a jam I mean I mean There was that part oral ray I camera when, but there were some irish tongue that rapid you know a bit, as will you gonna go
I think we're way writing a book ass, the Thomas, which has got all rocky Stephanie like all of his thoughts when he was writing each chapter, where you guys inspiration from where he likes to ride. Like all this insight, we'll have to send you a lover I would all over You can get him to sign one fully. How about my work- and this is in so gray and I'm sure, like Rocky, will be thrilled. You know somebody he's doing stuff in business. Whether it be in fiction is, as is listening cliffs and you know, taking his is tips and his thoughts forward, so it has been so brilliant taught you thank you so much, to us likewise swear and an exciting that you're gonna like either watcher? Listen to your experience, something that is to say captivating, especially a strange way. I mean it's been, it's been so fine listening enter from in Hollywood spectrum of myself to larger. Would we wish you guys all the bad I see before you go
We have got a little challenge for you actually gets. You happened, dominate for an army which is fantastic. Congratulations can't wait to live well interesting. If you were to win your challenge is to get the word lids, Your accepts last year, a trial or your podcast into my action that is Belinda both the odd I just just a just, so your hopes are in the right place. I think it's I found some like you know, awards website Other women are ninety three to one thousand people a day that I'm gonna fly from Porto Rico, put a suit on and then just fly dejected wouldn't were used hatched up at last year.
Rachel blame is well she's got a chance. You know, she's she's she's been warning or left right and better. She said she was in a calm, habituated issues in with a better chance, the new national in the saw him start in the beef and do shea sidling mighty I'd He so much Thomas Co. My mandate.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem called when a hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.