« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Twitter Roulette

2016-09-08 | 🔗
The gang read and respond to some of the tweets they've received about Book 2 so far...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler Hello and welcome to my dad row, the footnotes have got James. I've got out
How high? How are we ready ready for twitter route? Let yellow would see what I'm saying about as on the old into at all. You should never do. I will I wanna. Do an internet search like rocky does in book on how much hate of we got? Well, let's find out. So how does this last? So if we search our handle dad right, a porno yeah yeah on Twitter so get out there have spelt out. So am I going top tweets? Are all tweet all tweets pays came a k so seconds. And it's gonna run. Offing is down and William so stop. You have to read that we all carry out yonder go first flexing starts column, you go I'll, stop a k this from jasmine, and this is a question actually really and its view. Jamie yeah, so jasmines catching up on the Christmas footnote. Where on earth has she better? I forgot we did that. I know that was genuine about for years and she says: is Jamie not
but uncomfortable with rockies comparison of himself ass, Sir James now, but everything how may now that we have actually met such I owe you. You know I haven't even thought, but yes, oh god, so what have we learned about? Sir James here? The greek people would like a tete relish of coming relish. I've always loved your your voice for him. I was I M a good guy. I've Simon, gives a blast ashcombe amber.
The repulse o er, yes, ballooned that God, yes also drew poverty, ridden lives as you're. That rich as super rich know, not all these he writes, pool in his pavilion slashed shit he's Norman. He might be a servant. I who knows he might be. Neither well had I to Cuba. There is some way people now on his less on his hair, soprano anyone it's about here. Did you call him seven I'll, do that's his title tat? I one word soprano Savona Rocky ah monsieur yet I do in reply does not feel very uncomfortable up ass. They should re lessons that episode to some actual anything, maybe don't listen to it by ever again, here, you're, probably right, but he's go next.
I'll. Go! Go stop a K. Someone said: got my tickets for direct Porno Cheltenham Literary Festival. We are actually doing this. That's not Jake! How lulls, who asked? Who did we asked them? What they ask? You know they asked us amazingly enough. That must be some sort of mistake. I dont know what they think Quicken a day, because in many ways rocky should be there like reader reading, Belinda blinked may we can meet from our new book, but I don't feel like it's. The right crowd, it's very erudite! Isn't it with following in Mcewen as well, yet that that is what the resolution says: yeah, no one! Now we are wrong. In the liner author of atonement, amongst other things, talk about money
but like eleven o clock at night as well and hatred over her everyone's drunk. Do they may have proper tents, that kind of em big marquise, and then it actually just got a form on ten and where in that area, but I hope so so bought us three and the organizer potential right. Jamie Miko, stop Ellwood, there's one in french ass. I went we ok, so someone's got an idea for guys always containing a new, downright Poona spin off I do without you, spend our slovene and may read factual. That's our jacket with a spin off the progress without you, I just gotta, Alison, Jamie Red, factual guy, any procedures to James and he describes from logistics point of view. I think that you are involved I'll good, but I'm just gonna being taught things by.
You're wasting funny stuff and you're just like face is that of the internet that those dutch lessons you guys like you ve, clearly got yourself a little niece there. Well right. So, apparently we believe that its guy anymore this month, I essentially vagina awareness months Great, so you need, I remind you, don't get it do you know they existed to light but three months ago, but I think in some small way, if my ignorance has helped other people's ignorance, then I'll die happy mother. Will you ignorance and Rockies of course, the up Copernicus? Even some women don't know light. What's down the light was in, they must address the vagina. You just had vagina awareness, they know it's there
No one's ever gonna does not look. So what is the long ride like? Why is alone? God we're not going down this way again, but you write jokes, aside gray. If people are more at one with their parts, exactly sex education, the we're not talking about enough and we should be and guarantee for their doing. It was always round the table with the right corner. Hamilton again, GOSH has quickly doesn't die. Some straw, finger action? The rocker endeavoured stop. I'll start applies. This debate very sadly can't make the shower kings was dropping lifeline. Let's get no reserve as the current, even in the funds once in a minute
what it's like ever going to be a roaring success, stooped down, if he can, this is offers lodgers, but we're doing someone's pulled out already knew how they put. I already publicly said it on twitter and tactics in that's. A burn is well on. The tickets are in demand, and I feel like an overnight couple weeks if you're in london- and you want to come, maybe more people will have to change their plans, the might be tickets available, or maybe we should start to kind of drop in policy to think as the ass they start saying they can't make it will just be that is open to us is frayed three. Suddenly isles light just previously to fill room. You think people bought them for friends, thinking back and loved their large wanna come in and out Gardner.
You think it's gonna come what strange things or networks plates and again I'd. Rather once again my Jim GO and up. Ok, I feel vindicated by this tweet I grow. I think I know it's gonna be. I agree with James Dude can't go a day without seeing his dong hushed up daily Don suborned hashtag. I can't tell you the number of people this week who have sent me tweet, saying I just I look at my penis nordic pay. Sadly, we did get one dick pick actually do we go about pictured and waved it Vandyke quite enjoyed that mobile
again. I just feel like were acknowledging something that happens. The everyone looks at their payment yeah, but I guess is the question of. Does it need discussing, but here is to be established that you examine and stared cheese rocky way admires now in allowing the Miser bitch play lies with it when you go to the toilet, when you get it shower, yet is there he will see? I don't examiner. Myra is just there is tab. I wouldn't say like I look at my toes every exactly ass. I mean just optimism. Conversation point over. Why can't you remember how we go into in the first place you valuable did not enter and answer the phone, have a look. You're rejoinder is also quite naturally, she s shop, fallacious. Another nude voice go full. Well, I never said I don't look at it. I just said as a girl
we don't need to talk sedative invades ones, just like that, I'm ones but more out who took part in the car. We appreciate the support, but please stop talking about index no magnifica desist. I didn't think you can search on an off like a top like once you ve The top on us know you're in the mark. If a Dick James, the definite Gonna handle you will tell me they day, contrary make a good and Jane come on time and stop so Holly thinks that she's found the real life Belinda Gray and she's linked to a daily mail. Article says woman, forty five plead guilty after performing oral sex and apart bench on apart on top and Belinda, be like small fry boring embassies thing. He took up his hat like indecent exposure and all those kind of things yeah, but it's not the violence on a park bench is what it was also the fact the shooter forming a sex act on a woman. She had never met before
very Belinda FM that never before. Presumably the method that you're going to say that they ve met when this is happening. Gentleman's, not just life launched on yeah, I'm sure they had some sort of like greeting and then go down to. The Berlin has even have that she does the greeting afterwards. It doesn't show no name, but the thing let me most is the woman to seizing her Hamburg to shield arrive. Every single forgets to protect our identity. The caption read the woman who prosecutor said was remorseful and embarrassing carvable recovery Belinda. Now I call out there will never be proud and shouted from the regions should be given out leaflets. Often imitate behind bars is or should be, what they got forest times. Smaller latelies
Stop stop. I said, stop paying a gene classic Jan. I named my new pokemon after this chapter. Everyone is leaving the programme on after Belinda blinked names. I love Pachmann, a lady Alice. Wandering street aimlessly China hatch an egg. Honestly we have. If we leave anything more tragic. We rode away issues. Are I can't get GPS ass are trying to navigate looking to phone, should turn out well both. So like this my eyes, I didn't highway name than that, I'm beginner, I'm only left. Eleven I would even offers good humbly levels other I don't know I've ascended very quickly, but the only thing is right: I dropped a flat the down- and it was this woman is and that attracts poker ones. Do you,
my house them game. Frozen allegory of your social life is that we use our boat widening I'm playing I wonder how the only very much is. Allow grievances there's your life story. I can't believe you play poker out of all the people. I thought just even on a computer. I do it's not even sure on a typewriter most, I M not going to say one thing: they and people who play poker mobile understand this when you ve got a policeman, but it escapes new guy get raspberry. I'm free area war, workplace, Wendy, I don't give his whole conversation a big fat guys. You could always guided such those on twitter. We might even without tweet one day at dad. Rapporteur I want instagram, might Atwater and you can email visiting a little bit more substantial. That's my dad! We're appointed Gmail com and justice. I've got drowsiness team
Fifty seven say: ok, bye,. And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now, vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.