« My Dad Wrote A Porno

My Dad Wrote A Christmas Porno 6 - Part One

2021-12-05 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James record part one of Rocky's annual festive special at London's iconic Abbey Road Studios to celebrate their 90th birthday. Belinda begins preparations for Steele's Pots and Pans pantomime.

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really pushing the boat out cause rent an iconic than you. Can you hear something sound different. We haven't switch James's fridge off is that while we are recording at Abbe Road, stewed, yeah baby. Why would they took a question they invited us? They asked us to be here. They requested our present several persons, because its then ninetieth Yes, I did no sound was around ninety years ago, not alone having greater studio. I thought recorded sounded exist until like music was invented by a down. If you didn't think this its bicycles, any physical. Well, actually, speakers bicycles, lots of iconic people of recorded in this room, despite just before? I guess you re Saturnalia, this room Pink Floyd recorded dots out of the moon. for that very different references, yeah, yeah, yeah born this way. Lady Gaga he's he's going to faint who ass Alice, something that you have enough time for James and saw a photograph outside. Actually anyone has any oh my,
That's pretty cool and now us so that going down in the world can do without yet what are the ESA Malaria and we are the first act ever read pornography in early road shoot because it surprising, but it's a claim to fame it's something we ve funny looks in the corridor. Haven't we, the people might not them? Well, let them in James didn't know who we are ass. Yet I guess that's been a string of consolation exactly since nice, if they like made it nice for us, they poetry up, it's very. Still on lending, and we should talk about the p. yeah yeah on legend, no John lead like in Vienna, the light, but I'm possibly John, but they have no way to know John Lennon, Let it be on that piano James and you can see some of his cigarette burns marks on it allow me to allegedly, but we are in one of the most iconic.
It is in my God will mean that you keep saying I'm just saying: what are you actually look at its most going to pay us go? Did you are about to be a seamless transition guys because we also playing some pretty iconic places on our world tool that? Finally, back on its feet. How, yes, it's like ever there lay this bit, that's exactly those radius musical becoming, but if we're going to America, we had to cancel that because of covert and now aware that. we re launching the whole torso. Please do come and say, as I just wish you can be more specific, I humbly. Actually, we saw on my birthday sixty four do in Boston. I've gotta visa extra, very excited about that and then we're playing all over the states and Canada until the thirtieth gene, which is radioset musical. New York that'll, be the big finale yea. I'm going have really going to allay San Francisco Washington, Washington DC, we're going to Vancouver Toronto Seattle. San Francisco, things that make sat chair accepted
I also remember all the places and I could recite them too, and also European UK family tickets. For those I mean, that's, u slack in honour of younger those it's very confusing cause. They ve been. We scheduled a couple of times, but if you go to the website muttered proponent of Comstock Line, for you see my beautiful maintenance, I do the rippling complaints today, the iconic So there were to give up the iconic copyrighted studios. It'll, basically tell you where you original date was amendment. It was reschedule too and then one was reschedule to again so hopefully can figure out. Lincoln was chasing it manually done that, but you can Europe going Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Dublin, Amsterdam by in London, Manchester burning Pasco we're going to do that. We need both be all of those. We will you I could you come academic actually should? Could you yourself I should, but in that area they nighttime they are they all right, I mean that's it
because I have to push for this for years. But if you're all new to the forecasts, there are a few tickets left in all those places as well. So don't you think, because you haven't got ticket last time you can't get one. Now there are still some available interesting because you are an early adopted that you'll be shunned community. That is what our rapporteur, so yet my daughter, a porno dot com for such life. All the info ticket speaking of iconic, which I know is barely said, suddenly become quite iconic to have the matter. Porno Christen, special in people's lives to get them through can be, let's be honest, really knowing tat year. Seventy accompanying threatens not been really looking forward to this, I have to say I was a bit silly. Isn t it's always a bit silly, that's why around so well with me: microwaved mould wine. I ve got the importer Cistus Cold, HANS girls. You know that so many things that have become part of people's Christmas landscape. What it's funny
some chatter online. I did say that chatter online, about where they all fixed stars, two schools of thought. So six Christmas, specials now Sussex one might in the cannon. yeah, but people think that maybe I made the same Christmas or different christmases. Sorry, you feel like he's gonna wind, like Google himself, that's not really excel for he's back with this new been talking insult, like third, has like he's nothing, to do that there are six christened specials in the amateur weren't gonna get your your in them. You can pick up your own work. You should say that a friend of mine go until we got about a month ago, because there's no good way to say this will take you out what you just said to me. They googled by that was a friend Google has now I got in touch about about school Google. Why would I have done that? Also all of its friends you in this room, so I didn't want wanted to know this, but give you
by around this issue as Associated he suddenly the article, because it is insane gonna. I wouldn't say it's particularly accurate. So Jamie Morton is the renowned english entertainer China and make It is generally known for his name a guy and work all around the planet and acquired a gigantic gigantic fan base from individuals who loves it comes. Did it can computer. My no vote I'll give you a did, write this moron, suppose we ve not amend. Moreover, he is the author maker and head of the head,
chief. What's all this had to be only about level on James is clearly devolve. There was a boss, and James is clearly the boss B of european unity and head of the celebrated parody webcast, my father, composed of all we worked gases, which is to dinner values. This is one of the vast majority of the public is the number one priority which is June did around the planet he has been to numerous urban areas on the planet is in my house, whose and gathering love from individuals who venerate him cats The ring love that sounds like he's like set with a lot of yeah, listen to the show, Jaeger, Norton Network or net income is assessed and between one million dollars and fight.
it up at five million jobs. I can promise everybody this'll be mask and one million dollars the security. I take the view that would love that issues if you'd see everything but I owed he has made, such measure of abundance from is essential vocation as Instagram STAR capitalized I've been out how to go in and which aims to we, this movement enough because is never champs that he has made five million we make. fifty paying, but it's no we're. Ok in saying that I did I this computers telling me other computer is very interesting. Entail I'm starting to see the realities of us at your Jamie Wharton, thirty, seven years of age, but not my age group to the world on January. The ninth know that he has submitted Mt Everest onto that prevent life. You can bet he's a bulky out. Obviously he has likewise been chief for through dark, a famous
liming an outward scented organization: ok, they're, getting the wise Kostiei they ve, obviously pull to differentiate. Listener thing, though Joe. You know some of my number one things got ready. Favorite movie, apparently is missus. Mc goes watching rainbow actresses. Diaper car favorite book Button Brooks decline for family our garden. I haven't seen now young favorite color desert sand. My favorite fruit, sweet lime, sweet Orange, famous Ngos and picket I do like an elephant unfavourable went to. God is a small window. Ordinarily rock climbing amount They did think that I'm sort of senator and they think you and outdoorsman, which is couldn't be felt, and so on that bombshell. Should we get reading the book. I'd never thought we'd wanted.
rocky to hear some proper english nonsense even buy from standing in sounded case already. For my father, composed a porno Chris Especial are popular parity webcast, any ideas of what One could be called the. We haven't, no reference point of reference at all stages. In this night it's called sleep in heavenly fleece, keen already so here I am. I died now. Ok sleep. And leave me just recorded in some of the, I would say some distance. icon it ass. A guy Belinda plagued the Christmas special part, one sleep in Heaven
fleece, the cold wind of winter pricked, Belinda's, exposed left hand and upper asked cheek exposed left and an upper ass. She says she's closer links. Tucked in we don't know. We too have enough information. I think it's that say flinging the warm cuddle of her fleece blanket over her skin exposed opportunity new today was the day said: Cheesacre bitches actively on her, but due to happen, no opportunity on offer opportunities are exposed, but to carry, said fatuity below the two to seven ISIS, I felt like a bus utilization of two other words. What do you think? What can combination buttered, toast?
sudden. Peseta mascot, like a big data in the classic portmanteau potato into better suited guys It is Christmas, so Belinda pulling out loud gladdening thing about drinking inability. I didn't think they'd. Let us try so belligerent minutes less hours. ETA Belinda Blumenthal switched off her car radio that was playing the timeless pipes of peace could be recorded a hand up that we ve got light lick. Where are we happening arena cholera? We outside she's, rather blankets, naked. What's going also is it minutes of ours was menace less hours. Minutes less at Genoa means stretching out of her junk you're six nine liter automobile, thus neighbours net I'd know nothing about cars, so I don't. Even if I did I'd, probably laugh about six point. Nine oh god, I didn't even almost laughable that civil able, even if not just relax boys, don't know sixty nine. second,
that number six point. Ninety six point: nine, It was even works and, even so stretching out of her jack, you a six point: nine liter automobile and into the grounds of her workplace. She exuded festive chair in the most sexual offences, which is naked and in town one like a fleece blanket. She was city shrouded in a big hood of Ruby red fake stones she will, I think, she's wearing like a kind of in a locker sexy, Sumter outfit Internet, the who did red velvet somehow I write or sexually shrouded in about Julia Hood of Ruby, red fake stones with a dirty brown. Husky look trim off
Her face was smeared with a special type of vaseline style makeup, which gave her a hazy dreamy an exceptionally classy look of Christmas. No, you don't put vaseline on the face, isn't that you put on the lens to make like people Betty that smear someone's face and vastly yeah you put on a lens to make them look gauzy. If you dismay, your face, you just don't like shining greasy debt recovery, bustling you look exactly like what you are. Our heroine full of yuletide, wonder bounded into the office of operations and addressed the season, the appropriate administrator Mary snowball, only the paper in December I've heard about Jesus he's not employ, and this also really very much reads like it was written by the same bought that wrote you now that makes
maybe Rocky Dodge right now. I just I just sounds varying keeping so Belinda's Lightfoot Joys base losing an extra she's dressed. It's all right for Christmas, something from what we can judge yeah I loved there's a Christmas everybody's? So, in the spirit of things I greatly wind down around like September, they come up with Arafat wherever they employ women with names. The A programme for having that isn't live, got Sarah pumpkin hello. We advocate of budget to put them on the staff to just have the math as they like a week or two jobs. Do you think that Sheila NEO Nazis and high fives out with Serbia, like all of you documents on the desk? They got a train Then the girl, I add that worth, is never the morale of Joe. Oh, my God does Genevieve Thanksgiving Turkey walking around. This is pumpkin cover, therefore, that long live as only a day. Really,
rejection of this planet, but I'm ok, so remove airport can use these Missus Mary Snowballs Y got confused. So what, snail was Nova inside. It says that Oughta. I guess now. evergreen other belt around? We do they pop out its authorities, but it does that entailed an air of ivy. Is she knows that produce I married so she had to marry someone called MR snowball. Unless this is nice, noble, we'll? Let you married like Tony ball out she's, no manner Is there a barrel? I think I have a little ok Missus, Mary Snowball, but definite aim, say Mary hello. Mrs Mary, snowball, Belinda purred la snowball, said, loves, noble, already, Mama choice ball. Well,
hi, I'm Belinda. I know you are what you want o snowball snowball, masticate masticate it, and are you up what you on, how they never map? Also, if your employees for a season as the office work on you, fucking impacts where'd, you chess Rita. What do you want to speak to the whole workforce? Please? on very suddenly the gatekeeper given heard of a round Robin EMO Belinda, chooses fine, said the girl, chewing, head of operations of steals pots and pans. Fine bears the megaphone unit, the mega phenomena that ring everybody. Oh my god, it's going! Everybody signs, She's gonna bring a number. It is going to bring every homes that in a building magnify imagine what the megaphone unit today was a megaphone other megaphone.
I just don't megaphone. Oh my god, I'm not the mega pulls every vote and we ought to make us one word megaphone, not the mega phone. You know that this is like a fine tooth comb, fine tooth comb. How James has no place in that place? Producer necklace Nicholas. That's not what you have no net your neck necklace, Natalie, not lace, public net place sites, a lace around your neck say sentence though. So, where does it say what a beautiful necklace right have you ever heard of madness? I've never seen it before Anything look as well. What a beautiful net place. Why metalworkers? That's? How we say headless years I had laid.
You also you I don't say had lays the potato producer, arrogant, I'd, never knew about, and he also says you others. That phrase is going round the yeah James how'd. You say that I'm going on the house's houses. How do you say, houses howls survey, he can't speak, but if not, it's not eight show you ziyadi ass, with lots of ways. don't say exactly a written on the nuclear reactors which allow and so will clearly not decent living anything houses houses. He gets a cow digitize mayor. I forgot the mayor of London mayor. Why
so little about. Why does everything exactly, as is written? Aren't you say this table access is not written table, says we're in trouble yeah Richard Table, and how does a microphone like? Will you decided Monkford, as he does a microphone I'm a crucial moment anyway. So so then, there's the megaphone unit, Belinda licked, her upper teeth before pouting, her luscious lips into the hallowed vessel of communication, driven out like gurney into that mega phone, like if I may so seeing as were happy votes. We try and do something with the sound ask her. What our like make a mega well yeah, if she's speaking to the whole office common havoc, a sound our megaphone effect We have to try a greeting greetings. All use steely labour, as this is great
greetings. Oh you steely laborers If you ve ever dreamed of being the next Marilyn Monroe Old, Barry Fitzgerald, now is your charge or dissidents for the steals pots and pans pan to begin on the Morrow morning, at twelve p M shop and out. Ok, I enjoyed every second I was this place, is what facilities so iconic. That's what they got like my name and kind, here again. There is also let Baldos you're, not just normal of yeah green things. All you steely, laborers haha. I get far from it. If you ve
I dreamed of being the next Marilyn Monroe heard of her or Barry, fits never heard of Google who the fuck, that is sorry, Arafat, salary, Fitzgerald, every ahead, I've heard of elephants there could be Alice Brother, both its irish stage, film and television actor very unbridled ay ay appeared in such notable films bringing baby all of us a good movie. How green was my valley Oscar when many pretty going my way that also in this picture, pretty this guy. I think these are all those life for thirteen is copy. Your tabs benefits showed was born in eighteen. Eighty three years are already there at the number. The lonely hearts in the ointment is where things are actually hatchie. One ask himself: did aid granted to have one of those which won the first? Baby Yak nets across it using the baby's. Now, I'm thinking
stay and they give me baby almost I'm very sorry. So if you the dream of being the next round of a row or bury Fitzgerald auditions for the steals pots and pans ponto upside hand being that we have to, I mean you know that James and I are from a city which is known for its part, like I liked think, internationally name really the Nottingham past Ponto is a massive, diligent James, Kenneth Alan Taylor, yes he's a massive deal. People come from all over the house is to see all the honest, a final redefine its neck or even the mega written you probably say what happened to us for international listeners, it's very british you're. How would you describe it short for pantomime play in which all the countries
yes, but is very kind of my body. Humor. Isn't it s a festive thing? Every Christmas social circles have its time because it subverts above the gender norm. So often the woman will play the male led, a monthly the Panther day. That would mean a lot. Some people, as you say, outside of the UK, but quite am- can Austin tastes like seen grabbing character that yourself lords over the people come. Maybe this is too area that we spent killer on who's. Gonna. Take what role does about mental ponto. Sorry, it's gonna be an accident, steals Possum, Panthers James, you wanna, CASTOR festival punter horse could be in snow. Look he's got the he's. Got the shell and he's got from the Asian lay its name is a name, isn't an actual snail who's the day, Tony I always ends up three. The dame yeah he's not the biggest car has to be the biggest character. Paddy how to be a good deal. Belinda's, like Jack from Jack into being still, I think that Bella
where her run. You know her horse riding out affair and the horse was the whole writing the whole Alison ugly sister. We don't know what the Panther easier ass. I was an ugly sister. It saying that it's not kind, I think, has been early to speculate because I don't know what the show is. Yes, very arrive. Silly of making savings has citizen will is ok or businesses, months. Penta begin on the Morrow morning. At twelve p m shop, I want to point out that Turkey is not tomorrow morning. It isn't midday said who have tenacity, shadow that over and out, Belinda stuffed a whole. Mrs Kipling minced crippling MRS Cafe Aids that what Mr Kinnock never you'd, probably they the Lego quickly, the whole Missis minced, and I minced Smith's pie. Men sound like
It's gonna take forever fucking out minced pie into her trapped in the excitement that pulsated through her ultimate body, the son of Year, always changed her on a molecular level Jesus. in a Warren Buffett left if a dead and was replaced Warren Buffett see there is the funds pests, massive yeah, like billion. I am not entirely sure that means then, because she's not particular charitable ashamed. I think it's about the philanthropy. I think it's being at a businessman, a business person so hurt They had business instinct Leiva, yeah just turned into war centre and well in a Warren Buffett left if a dead and was replaced by Greece, paint filled veins and spot lit, lit brains second part and should cover the vessel, in short, Greece, in a very score, seeing through her, I think I I think it means that she but Creasy PAM skies as a third person. Greece pain is where I have ever heard of the snow. The grease paint, the
the crowd night is like an old fair to things means that, because I wait to see where Greece apparent sacred might arise when you're onstage, you would have Greece paint as the as make very stage makeup. Greece pang reached say that she was creative type from earliest November to the end of business ex receive. So that's the things is so basically yet we got it. We We can have this. This person leaves her creativity. I think he went on its causes remains of it as part of her increased work. Portfolio Belinda was the point lady for panties season. This company is absolutely
every year since the early nineteenth Seventys was steals pots and pans. London office had put on a pantomime to raise much needed funds for the chairman's chosen charity, the actors and donkeys trots I'll get how many events to be? Do you, fucking, asshole, donkeys, trust these days, small business owners are busier than ever. That's why linked in jobs has made it easier to find the people you want to talk to faster and for free, create a free job. Posten minutes on linked in jobs, to reach your network and beyond to the world's largest professional network of over seven hundred seventy million people. Did you know every week nearly forty million job seekers visit linked in postal.
Job free at linked in dot com, slash hard work, that's linked in that calm, slash, hard work terms and conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by an see, plus AMC plus is the premium streaming service with the best series of films across a and C Bbc America. I have seen films Unlimited Sundance. Now, I'm shudder does loads on that. So much good stuff is got the final epic season of the walking dead guys, oh my god and the stakes couldn't be higher and oversee everybody loved. squeak Weena, Annie Murphy, awfully Yeahs will oversee vice like this. I'm she's dart, as the anti sitcom wife in Kevin, can F himself, which is about all I can say about that title.
Yes, I've seen the vast areas and is returning to the second in twenty twenty two's impinge all the episodes from seize upon outfit and on demand on I am see plus, but also the north water storage, Technical, Lakota Varro, which is less original series. Certain an atm fifties waving ship in the arctic, sound so interesting. He does, it looks that's been on my watch list for one very site about watching yeah, so atmospheric will survive the harshness of the environment and a murderous psychopath on board when it rains at pause, does also in all new Irish Klein drama, cocaine, starring, Charlie Cox Show, which he shuddered acclaimed car anthology series I mean we could go on, but we just don't have time it's getting into the months as well. When, let's be honest with shutting down for the winter, it advocates Ivan it's all available at free on demand and through the platforms you already on so
have it and so easy to use just wanted to add. I m c plus dot com agency, plus only the good stuff. The next lunchtime, Ash Belinda was sat behind a beautifully proportioned, yellow pine, with resin streaks trestle table outside x factor, the duration of brilliant they're gonna be bereaved. The duchess was to her right and mistress, sweet juice, left flowed over from power as such has nothing to do with the organise a notion of us she's, a guess, judge who she knows: a field, the MILAN Moran. Yes, she doesn't it from you write a while it's gonna glitzy that they ve got a professional in the sign above the dual out James. What we're going to know what the Panthers I'll hooker sign above the dual red, Dick Whittington mother, goose, auditions. One of my least Havre note that some mashup
That's too lazy up a mighty for David, Dick Washington's, but the goose who's, the policy that smokers quite within him had his That is how I went to London by the streets or pay for gold and mother goose he's got excited. They make the streets of eggs, Psyche street Odin Eggs three, that the streets of London are more likely to be paved with egg like rubbish that and gold tick, Whittington, mother, goose, okay, so the sign above the dual red, Dick Whittington, mother, goose, auditions close set As I understand it, acts as a next, the duchesses, authoritative tone boomed does she have to be so sultry she's can be unbearable. I'm a good cause.
Come in Algeria, patio, Hamley, shovelled and shovel accepted, Turkey is an empty close shuffled into the canteen comforter spell tat cycles that this is not see. You top of the more n t as Ladys had I Patrick? How could she has to be steely because she's, not his friend, always colleague, anymore she's judge? Can you actually act? This makes me these say it now: the water to Bay, a foreign national debate. That is the question where tis nobler in the mind, to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous boy chain or to take arms. against a sea of troubles and by opposing M today. Thank you to the Dutch is interpreted.
Today. Thank you, die corset the two saying this is caught, let you guys like me with it. It is caused by the Sultan death. It was our decisions, not lead. It's like is the song, but it does mean you're not getting any solo to guide on you normally singing like they have even heard him Singhalese Henry, like three sentences which experts, but I guess you hidden in and acquire. Thank you Johnny course. I think the duchess interrupted and respectable, and What a wonderful interpretation patty! Thank you you like with the sea, we will call you once Patty had skipped out. Belinda spoke freely as tough as a cheap bit of beef. Isn't it mistress sweet juice added to compensate for
moreover, fantastic between audition chat. That's next to grace the judges with a James called site: they got wins Where is mount the cover? The chairman of the company, I thought you'd give the bosses Raoul. What's he gonna be hello? Bosman Belinda said child bear. Looked the duchess grow, out, kissing the air with the last. Oh left a lips, I'm here to reach for the same James bellowed go good day, boycotting the touches coughed of fabulous Belinda, cooed, secretly hoping he had. The skin could take of lipstick, I'd worried? No one would put that bulls to the wall and offer leading by example, has ever Sir James that's exactly what James scattered around I'm asking you always do the Humphrey. Happily, me ass, well, quite
Conditions must be up how old, who flew issue the duchess breathed. If the duchess a ghost, now nothing my browser. proffering, Sir James the floor? Oh my god, it it'll dick goose, like NATO. You wish to come back, I made no logical going Who does this performance war? suddenly, a badly of costs it pass by nearly ready either, because the basic and here we pray, let them Did I like that,
I got you didn't get goose. What am I like behind my boy? You wish. I wish I made no, not at all. My mother was having a break, That is why any event I love you never seen days like this issue again, yeah well, one by one, whereby like a dick, you had to use my pay rises. Loading includes goose was about. what's the love, that's not one. That was one of the deliberate doesn't want them upon the gods behind. Make of that. Having, as that made it known, Miss Jane change things.
Why is it he's behind? You know? Oh no, he is and yet so that she has never get it. But this is like the unravelling of a man in front of us. Major behind me. So you wish I wish I were despite all the parts of the report is a woman's. This was his prepared. Audition he's gonna leave on again it behind, Oh you wish I wish combine, make come come behind me, no, not at all I'm among mean sitting be the sort of man This is all about God. Well, Merci, Shelly we ve seen all we need to see rarely have doubts sweet. You spoke Corsica. She stopped the sweat profusely, the audition,
went on all day and by the end of the day, Belinda felt yet the perfect cost to stun the steals pots and pans employees, many clients, industry, representatives and royalty who be present to watch it unrolling o koyo you're, the queen. You got much talk about, you wanna, make sure you'd, never eighty best, go to the city of violence by fixing James Communications, easier, Lucy and you mentioned is held in the canteen as well. Oh yeah, they, like our only way Serbia exactly it's, not very nice. Ok, so I imagine we're about to here who got what poor well you're, not gonna, know today, because which mean, however, when Belinda returned designated desk area with wooden door. She was confronted by a familiar face. Patio Hamelin was there, he had read the casting roll call. And was desperate times when they picked it up.
Let your results in a gag corporate. Please let me be decks see or an egg of gold out, reclaim egg, that's the kind of thing they event in a school place. They already has a role socially he's that, please, let me be dicks. Pussy are a gag of gold patty, please Belinda, tersely, replied Road and her eyes: outputs No just give me a chance to shine. I'm begging you Belinda flicked, has fly and allowed her skirt to be eaten by gravity set flicked. sit fly I find and there's no drugs says our site. It's a necessarily word times is what annoys me, though? We re about our have good. There were no panties or songs, which meant her pubic green
was open for all to see and explore green how we can build on you bloody card, as protecting my friend, that's protected lamb. I don't want to know what causes that knife and gain that. What's the other bell of land call what we can build on it yeah? What read about what's the brown Brown pyramidal is not like that security is now so there is no doubt that the swamp, assuming that buildings is not safe for them. I wait sag, I'm tryin, remember, from Greece S. Each Ogilvy, she's Greenbelt, which is protected lamb, rusty well, is the edge of the city like Green bow, but you can build on it. I think you can, and you can't greenbelt protectors will will say about our so brown about land and urban planning is any previously develop land. That's not. when the unused that may be potentially contaminant. Oh thank God, you're, not my pay. Secondly, about land, you guys think is protected, let's say so. The green belt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping armed permanently opened yes protected. However, does
necessarily a right of access. The ashes of very going over this relax always open, but does not arrive access, invite some logic rainbow laughter rocky The only analogy that has ever worked core me. Patio Hamblin spoke with words. It was December and Party had always struck. Belinda was a festive type of champ. His jerry's chocolate orange hair was his jerry's truck on our territory and I believe that such a patient man- but these are rarely aggravated by his Jerry's chocolate Orange houses, brightest tinsel poisoning
They are in her address my sins. I'm on your side. You know, I am dad's, favour chocolate, Christmas, Jerry, every cherries, travel are jerry, sucker aren't. Could we believe what we have is not in his hands is bright essential and his laugh is cheerful. As a brandy, butter filled brandy snapped basket with a vehicle, ass, a war, and he says Jerry's Chocolate Orange her with his bright hansel. His laugh as cheerful as a brandy, Butterfield Brandy, snap basket, with a glass of brandy on the side reprogramming. They kissed like a couple of turtle, doves and Belinda's brains, scattered to the West Coast of Ireland, where poems are red and Lorries sat on a he in those two sentences. Go nuts with his multiple cemeteries analogy is used everything uneasiness, light dream scape now Mary acts must boss, Babe Patty her like a hard James Joyce, when it was a perpetual.
When he pulled down, is tugs, Belinda Shocks, but not surprised that is carpet matched the curtains. His secret hair region looked like a bit of iron. They D been exposed to oxygen and water over a substantial amount of Tanzania, do you love besides, God write his walk. If I dont like seek her hair, a region. Harry regions. Accessories hinges. I think that's what we can deduce from this is the same color with Jerry's chuckle, oxidized peace, eleven, his lads iron that had been exposed, austrian and, moreover, a substantial amount of time. Rust must Khaled PETE. Linda. Let merry Christmas, have you
a long way, our rich cubes glinted, like the star of Bethlehem, but what it is. It is lobbying it glinted, like the star of Bethlehem, vices, shiny the high as the throbbing incandescent light strips of the office. It is Winkle with a twinkle, so we think that the Winkle shined like us- oh, my worry because wasn't the star of battle when the three wise men you divide, the Chinese will start work like Belinda dove into his peace. Running the realities, cubes stresses the antidote into his pigs, running the ringlets through her fingers like grated carrot. That is one oh my god, oh my god, she died in the hum phase. Haven't immature
but about like great tower. Let's get a good to dislike twiddling anything you like peal of EV, like currently like as an instrument like all my crisis, is our absolute security of people going to school. Running the rent, the rigging, that's p, observing that some kind of our ringlets I'll make it depends I'll. Take it a corkscrew curls, but you didn't but why would you also Jamie's Harrison Ringlets and has ended up only godsend, If you imagine that greatly, because much of what this is about is the great running the ring racism, how these rights its correct, peels, maybe raked seeds skin was pale, which really set off the contrast with ASEAN and his cock was stiff and twitching for playtime.
I do love some irish sausage at Christmas time. Patio h, I can't wait to beat your Bangor. I hate me James that your eyes are clearly what I say we got like sausage incur basically about Setina tonight, sausage go ahead. Ha ha ha ha ha paddy. My way, they will willingly wiggle inside you like a worm but bigger, much bigger boss baby. Why we come from theories Chukka Orange too cowardly to sausage to work in many cases? The same is all compost ape. Isn't there was green belt in their at some point, I was in Qatar planning. This was more than of talk dirty for one afternoon and the two colleagues, privileges began to bank in her he slid and she welcomed him with a hospitable, smile and encouraging grunt, because it was ex mess. An ex must shopping is busy and stressful patty goes a little bit tired in the second trimester of passion is an pregnancy thing.
he lay awake technology, but he sold it on by sitting down on the sorry, don't stop us with little finger you lived, we ve got to say something about. Second trimester: it's not a thing about it. All down. Little video laugh at you little figures. What you're nothing traumas just means I told him three are losing out. There was exclusively pregnancy. I think it's women's. How its aims to be frightened, say it's famed. The hell's that he is willing to die of yards finger was your finger again because it was exodus and experts. Shopping was busy and stressful party got a little bit too. In a second trimester of passion, but he sold it on my side down on the ink squirts sixty nine printer in case you miss the first one with the car it was nice to because they got a good look at bottom as it bounced up and down is big
calcraft right now and it was very cartoonist. Now, that's quite that's how come now I have a principle. It's quite small. Didn't James, wasn't not only by the that's just it everyday go. This is this is nothing new to me, but I have a principle is quite small, and if someone wants to bomb content, it would get quite damage which is an office space ink squirt, sixty nine eminently crack. The paper k yeah. It was nice to because it meant that he got a good look at her bottom is bound up and down his big fit cock chef terribly saying it was so good is no doubt that Africa is your diary is getting rid of it. It will It was a bay. It was so good. He ejaculated ahead of schedule. Arrival time. What do you mean came to quickly? Is, I think, not scheduled. Tell ya know, are becoming, as with every eight yeah, no colleague. Yet I find that despite patties best efforts and on the spot problem solving which dig it principle.
Linda wondered if he was really ready for a starring role, how God this is all about gettin eroding the Panther is doing all this guy Egg James. This is the steel panty. After you, ve been in, there is great abroad. Do every one of these eligible for the total? This production would make Belinda's name and she couldn't afford any fuckers, but he has spoken up a good. Thank you, Ok, Patty spoke the sweat and heart humping here in Egypt, Patty jumped and he proceeded to do a little Jake on the paper shredder a week of rehearsals a total change of Ponto. Later they change the Panther that get into it, and it was too before Belinda gathered the cost of principle roles and extra and steady extras together in steals pots and pans canteens. Ok, you tis in name only. She bellowed through a bowl whom our knife into megaphone
Whoa hold like our is solely a directive like the old I've handled very Fitzgerald era, a directive like shouted doable, whom Whitney The main aim to sectors will ah rye yea, actually trying to do that. Sound again. Ok for both on having got bowl hold, you in name only tomorrow is a big instead of your short lived in areas, in other words, opening and closing night performance. not only are we too convenient for us. The bull horn sounds very, very nervous, rumblings bounce back in an hour, That's a show of on confidence. Now I have arranged for scientists sleigh to pick us up at eleven. A m sharp remember,
Clark in as if working, otherwise, you will lose a day's work, pay the performing arts, not symbol for Lou Day payments, as this is a God forsaken, creatively, ignorant company. We will also be sitting on bales of hay, mend bringing a hard wearing anoraks or wax finished MAX to sit on ok over and out so much information, so boring about a third. What it's a day's work and they don't get in loose first will centre slaves, picking them up scientific, no eleven and they have to clocking, because I guess they pretended their work and even that of announcing it to the whole office over what is hopefully born. So anybody that does their manager we'll hey that fine, but then in some,
The slave s, sitting on hey by also have to bring a coat to sit back because the wet or spiky. So where was a lie and what you mean to do that Anton drive to the office in the travel. Are you sheaves of like slaves on say like it's not like I'm just say what is written. A book Bela asked the troop of players, anyone fancy a mould. Why Petra it myself the collection of oh, yes, why not and capital implied agreement? Ok, also agreed, but only a month and a half each. We don't want to be old. Drunkards on that stage, otherwise be ready, will break a leg, Bela the actors or laughed and other actors, the actors or laughed ass and Bela pretended to drag a dead
behind them. They ventured the autumn, God you're such a guy, that any ballot presented a dragon dead like behind a revenge it out of the automatic revolving door into the festive snowfall. Belinda breathed in the cinema and snowflakes swear by this house in the way of jet fuel gosh. In just one more fleece, cradled sleep, sleep memories she would be taking her boughs and her first ever Pantomime Triumph Cinderella the intern Belinda's ambitions believe that is. end of part one I'm gonna leave Abbe Road tonight and all I'm thinkin about is greater tarp, I'm running a handsome alarmingly.
do you think of the way that seminal, albums that were recorded in this room is still spoken about in years and years? Come you think that analogy about the carrot will be whispered in the holes and people say this is a room where that was first set can measure the mouth like a little bugger great On the one hand we sent ice, that's the rocky greater care. I think you living in remote rewarded, and is becoming, and then there are the room, and I say that guy I leading the files, as we said in other forgets practical vs do Georgia's next week for part too, we will actually get said pinto. What an incredible cliff! who's gonna play, who want this We await a car illegal Bush party voices automatically another busy. What next we? Oh god, I think we used Abbe rate
it's like you were we going to read already wondering off disrespectful to have done what we ve done, I'm! So sorry, I'm such and lines already phone search joy. It is next week if you want to see the Panther coherently. In the meantime. You get in touch us. Let us know either who'd you things can apply, who get involved on Twitter, Deborah Porno Instagram, my dad wrote and lots of people will. Actually. This will be bringing back sort of nativity Christmas play, yeah memories, and so I am sure that you will furnish us with those you can get in touch out. My Deborah opponents gmail com, and if this is what your appetite don't forget about the life tool but other unwanted or come forward, slash like make a great Christmas present. Dare I say imagine if this is what you
this is our advert for their lives. So we'll see you next week when the curtain goes up on Cinderella. The into Larry funds.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-06.