« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E2 - 'The Leather Room'

2015-10-05 | 🔗
In this episode, Belinda discovers an unusual room in her office, lined, from floor to ceiling, in leather tiles.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore, herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one years are older and present a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler. The following: pecan contains at a theme sexual content and strong language. They we owe the good stuff Jamie. Why are we here? Work is mandatory in the corner. You that's written a porter erotic, literature. What why,
previously on my dad right, a porno. I don't know how I'd feel if my dad wrote poured. I think it's appear fund is in it for a six year old man just write about the city. Sixty one man in question is your dad We will be referring to him by his pen, nay, whose promote is Rocky Finster, Belinda blinked, it wasn't a dream. The job interview had just asked her to remove her jacket and silk bows: underneath user skimpy, black song and sexy black stockings, which you didn't apologize for
a number of times. I felt the need to apologize, and I just happen about waste can be handled with them is now feeling exposed without abroad, and some left she thought total nakedness was not far away and then what and then what has scale. I spend my back and doing chapter two with me at my dad report on just in case. You need the protest. My dad has written a porn on or an erotic Nevada,
called Belinda blinked and we are gonna, be reading it together and critiquing. It has become so today's chapter, two James, that's going back and doing residents gay you often the first chapter, Patina Jamie, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Alas, how are you feeling he prepared? I mean I would be set for many things have happened. That tonight was quite frank: you love it really. I love you. I love you. I spend a lot of my time talking about this book. I am, I am evangelical about it from chapter one. Unlike many books, I was drawn into a level of slight obsession: and I ve read a book since a proxy annoying to kill him up in bed. Then that's my set about us your reading history. This will be on the visa fee. Syllabus before I have you eat of you bought the book. Yet we kind of waiting and experiencing each chapter as we go on this point.
I want the temptation of reading it myself, outrigger ridden along very, very precisely one ninety nine Jamie It's true is a bargain. We know even checking is available if you want, if you do want to literally red along, like a kind of Disney sing along you sure, just Google blended linked to do that and it will pop up rather like Belinda's press in chapter. One surprise we'll be top of the Google search just to establish at last time we read chapter one What we now know is that we have this incredible protagonist. Belinda should have a job in few she's got the sales job of her dreams and she's done that. Basically stripping often nodding for what seemed like an hour to an hour and a half unblinking eyes. She blinked and colleagues. As we have said to the receptionist, she did have a little fumbled in the dark with Jesus, but not with Tonia serving that, maybe about at news. If some good,
fashioned make it fun. Very pretty thirteen I wouldn't happen. He knew, how to see their fulfilment and ask it to say TAT ever become a father like your father, ok, so today, within reach out to take yes, we're gonna, find out loads more about Belinda and about her love, in her new job we presume Kogi, she got the job solely lit a fillip, fill it with no Herbert Bats, refugee, zero. Think less. We can. Hopefully I mean without further ado, should we delve into chapter two is whatever women, are we ready? What's it called chapter two is called the leather room. I think I can be a sex room. Let's, let's face it, I mean, I don't think it's just leather, because it's cheap and Jericho, I'm so excited a kite so Belinda,
chapter two, the leather room. Three weeks later, Belinda had settled into most of the administration, pass the job, but was still to get to grips with the large customer base at her new sales force. It was a typical wet dismal Thursday afternoon at the office, and tomorrow Friday was her first regional sales meeting where she would discuss I also have full regional manages deciding what day, whether wise or she's. Why? Because please Belinda! You have to us. I liked the clarification that Friday is the day after that you know what sometimes you gotta get the basics in there I mean people work complaining that chatrooms lighten the facts. So you know we ve got a law that position here. Of course I am
at the top of the chapters isn't extra into elect before by this point last time she was absolutely bow naked, the town who clock congestion three when Gazelle called at his home his office, who checks the time by the town our major conglomerates and what many french town is she actually based? Belinda took the sun dial afternoon, Belinda Serotonin that's a very senior company event on Sunday at our chairman's country, house, barbecue, and all that, where tennis gear very casual, no- and I repeat- One the garments sign or I love these ditched- Brassy Athens, taiwanese light now without about also very casual. We just sit tight scale, which to me is quite formal, has a very specific dress code that no brows, so she's plunging all over the shop. If she's, actually gonna be plain terms, stuff. If Belinda looked up now intrigued
he smiled and said, you'll understand when you get there sorry We all understand, what's gonna happen when no ambiguity that nowhere pumps and a brown dresses a tennis girl, I know- what's gonna happen I'll get yourself Look you a room for Sunday night at the local hotel. It's called the horse and jockey, it's probably best. If you check before we get to the old man's place- Belinda nodded. I can certainly rearrange my shopping trips to Saturday out and I'm not bother purchasing Eddie, domicile cause? Could she wasn't further than just some of the then president of egg shops? Afterwards she smiled sweetly and tell you laughed good go through it now, the rumour yourself, because you just oh yeah, sure, second, on that,
happened, what looked like a noble cup a door in the corner of his office and switched on some delicate lighting. Delicate lie thing is a slight the elegant coat track of chapter, one famous your doubts obsessed with like an inappropriate objective, also items in the room when airspace to be looked after, because when you distracted by serious like a lovely short pile carpet, as I know, we want the action plan in stone, furniture fetish, that's what is also unlike his. His love of bond is coming through. The secret do Belinda went in and the door shut behind her while she thought Tony wasn't joking. This was his first visit to this past the office, and the entire room, including the floor, was covered in exquisite leather tiles, they must have cost a fortune, never tiles famously day. Does every office have a leather ruminant, just another, a prairie multinational? There was no other furniture. Accept an extremely sophisticated
expensive drinks cabinet an example of three of the objectives that are all the reason: the room wool to ceiling letter- tiles utterance cabinet. Yes, what does he get up to inhale? She thought sacks Belinda. Slightly Belinda realised and outside assumptions are realised. Spoke with his head Belinda realised that she might find out sooner than she bargained for anyway. What did it matter? She had been surprised that you hadn't come onto her since that final interview. After all, he was a good looking single guy. Very professional in its approach to the business he's, not professional. I'm sorry, honey things of proportionality with his astute guidance. She had successfully installed herself a sales director and was now preparing a strategy on some major accounts again with his help. Belinda thought about Gazelle, she's, probably Tony's, proof What taste in women five years younger than herself at twenty four, which means
five years, younger dynamism with nine yeah, nothin Jimmy, plunging it twenty nine on twenty eight October jail was blonde, not dark, let Belinda she was. These p right hand, man, foreign of dutch nationality and probably the successor to Tony. As that, dig in four or five years when Tony moved up company hierarchy? I've seen nothing in general. That would suggest that she could be empty of any company. Cows appear, I gotta, be the undignified never knew how small is. This company might use your dad overworked and company structure before maybe just a woman's he has yet he was a salesman familiarize out that is coming through you. I think it is isn't. It is in depth. Knowledge of sales Belinda was more interested in becoming empty, so no conflict could ever exist between her oranges.
Don't worry, there's no risk of thought, I mean dies, a sign posts drive, I want to see a trusted and yet what some ambition, if he doesn't want to be on the o hung on the next sentence, gives us more or less Belinda was not interested in becoming anti. So no conflict could ever exist between. How would you so this is probably a good thing for handle. Devotee with the outfit. So she doesn't have ambition them, or at least not from the M de LA. I would advise to Belinda to dream bigger because she shown that she's got the hood spur to do the job, and I very much she didn't just take up far off opener legs up and running of liquid trickle down a lower left. I know exactly what is exactly what happened is unthinkable, book but in his thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Gazelle walked in high Belinda? What you think of his fucking The room, a quotation marks an objective in the title of the time. That is also. Why does every move into the room and go oh geez out, its own. It
in the one about surprised by everyone's presence: will it she's in another room, surprising, place to be Belinda smiled and said I could do the drink, Camille jeez. I walked over to the drinks cabinet poor to stiff Didn, onyx started to stroke Belinda's tits, with her long thing, with a fingernail. How'd. You how'd you stroke with a thing where you right here, I'm just picking alike garotting like Nicotine's. And talons about yourself that those like long extension rate tacky, one Frenchman kills to anyone with those white things that of the nails? I'm nothin you such a boy, Belinda felt herself respond and took a swift drink while she still can,
what does your dont think happens when you aroused overthrows closed up? Maybe you think should be drinking other things, God it's your job! Jamie's worry! No, I'm sorry for you She paternity details, mouth about Missus, o, my god, so sorry, unasked Belinda, still stood her tongue. India's Ozma yeah that tastes good said Jizo she's at the Hague.
I soon move Belinda's jacket and Skirt Belinda slipped. The straps deserves dress down her arms and in a swift movement, remove the whole dress. How is like the tablecloth? I think we remember the swift rapid movement from chapter one with the bra. Yes, Belinda's lit the straps, which sells dress down to her arms and in a swift movement removed. The whole dress, very professional Belinda such as, though professional walked nothing about his prevent. What's the job, why she being professionals such as though she again turned his attention to Belinda's tits government get him another good scratch
TAT is ribbons and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem. Call when a hundred gambler its attitude is that a second to remove Belinda, Sutton Blouse and push up her broke up. Two remove Belinda Satin blouse and push up a bra push
Rob was gone. It was removed, interrupted movement, Duvals, dressings pieces. So was the most confusing under item by item, because sexy knows I've got a hard on Stop the tape. So what Zack, I'm still confused moved. The broad cups settlement on the earth just a second to remove Belinda, sat in blouse and push up her breakups. I got a guy, I'm wearing one right now. A company covering the boobs see push them up. That's all over in the kind of squashing the boobs, we'll. Never pop tat, a man like acting as shoulda pads, maybe she's wearing them as a joker, but he still attached You say you are stretching them catapult style of oppressive, plunged out of them from below and end the browser hanging around you. You shall be covered,
I mean this is sexy. Whichever way it's not comfortable, Belinda's Nicholson, it's a swell in anticipation scanner, and I urge you throw sweated up and improve the growing say. Fevers either chasm Puritan, Belinda's nipple started to swell in anticipation before just those lips and teeth started to punish them. God, just so it's just the boobs go. Dad is such a big man. He is telling us that we should make clear mail is, as always tell me art Belinda's got you Bobby forty five it about She can give a breath, and secondly, some type of almost some innocent j. It took about as much time for Belinda to unhook. Just brown and then slip annexed to the floor as much as I don't know, it's a brand new paragraph, but going slept with brandy provided about this. Is that if I got it took about as much time for political input to those bar and then slipping across the floor, but it's a magician
It is a brand new border, so even sentences she's, very professional dreams. He is very version: Gazelle death we stepped out of them and kicked appeals to the sun. The room, can I and share in a word only on chapter two, but can I initiate a drinking game here oh yeah, oh any mention of deftly gets. That is favour isn't deft actions, any mention of a rapid movements yeah any mention of a nickel raw or a brass. Returning before chapter three Leslie, I think that's a little bit and that my fine one is professionalism. Yes, professionalism for sure. Can I add one one One puts an item of clothing to light the sight of a room or something like that, as has just been demonstrated just what you just kick the heels of the rooms Mary go at all or TAT, one where I think was hung an account. Looking decided vainly drink lie down on the floor Belinda and enjoy all the letter said. The now completely naked
chisel Belinda did ass. She was told us what is pulling off her brow. Surprise, fuckin, surprise, passing Helen that did she was Dowd at least the broth, not choking anymore. Now, stretched out on the floor with only a thorn in place. Belinda was game for anything. Besides what else which be doing on a wet first afternoon, oh yeah, I mean you, know material voices are only they live on sales meetings. What else would she be doing line on another briefly got the better job and a job, and also stop saying it's a wet day is supposed to be like a horrible echo of what's about to occur. Besides what else would she be sitting on a wet first, the afternoon twelve hours before her? regional sales meeting. Just those hands who might might work Belinda Stone, drank the two girls started to excite each other and soon their respective vaginas were wet. Stephen respective vagina, braver than ever been written down ever
steaming still has one with the other parties. I will over the ran, like God, condensation down that road My vagina- oh my goodness, like a gaze up but took turns to let each other's cliffs went out tigers Modena took in terms took turns clue respective vaginas Do you Belinda? May I look don't ask they took enters, let each other's clips and when Tony entered the room, both ready for a bit of male internet. He was looking for conference remunerative people, so you ve got this book or whether they are they gonna be. While, however, totally had other ideas, unjust, brush this body with his hands charming?
like you would have full feeling how responsive breast and ass, though they must be so swollen. Oh my god she's as you a throbbing behaving rose you thought is a nothin's. His real objective was to sell a pretty soon. He was deeply into looking her pussy there's nothing worse when, when you're in the three seven someone's favours engine Malta woman down, Poland is the ultimate third wheel, and indeed such a pretty name. Aids are going on and Jesus was doing the same two Belinda. So all in all, everyone was getting satisfaction, in return for the books to do have rocky that he thought about the audience and he's gone people. I'm gonna stand for their exert blue stream, line like humans and less bananas? Looking he's. Asked Dorothy I believe that sentence Zenos way so tat
he's all over just Al Jazeera, Congo and if a Belinda Belinda's just having a good time, she's really won't take a brute new. After about fifteen men- so this intense activity- how am I to of just like if someone out in tandem, blender excused herself bitterly rights its rights me, I will I'll I'll put my apologies, and now I've got some subjected the dragons, they think those earlier. The first has been lovely the bells tolled five, oh god, such a nice time must run. I've got carry on record. Excuse does, though, after about removing the insensitivity blunder excused herself coming together had is going.
Clothes, and let us hope that the other room over just once it has gone by thanks. So much for the pussy action. Are we I'm alive punctually? Then we will in the scope of farms you just left. Do you think gels offended well deserved tony state on for an extra session which is that, would no doubt enlightened blender about it. Friday, lunch one solution! So do you think that seven told you in some sort of relationship seems that way doesn't not denied. If they are, Belinda is nay taking the hint What are you doing in villages Roland around the leather tile? Maybe that's what she left. She thought of God. I think there's a point before that she could have stepped out what referred Tony walks in those two to be fair. Starting to dress in Tony's office, the main receptionist Bela walked in and court Belinda Naked adjusting a song.
New character, o a balance. Here. Let me do that, for you said Bella. For God's sake, I know how important it is to achieve a straight line with a thorn look at mine. Not can I just say as boys in the room and the only girl here, hello, girls don't talk like this girls. Don't talk about the importance of a straight thong. Ngos. Definitely don't show each other. The strictness of Ethel, unless you ve been asking for, is a line to follow. How should it It benefit stop address, and revealed an even more skimpy thong. The Belinda was wearing Belinda stroked Bela's ass, an appreciation and thought the obvious. Not a word on with Belinda, but those finally thinking and talking sense were they hiring these people from Belinda thought the obvious not another one Is this office running on high powered sexual adrenalin? It's nothing better
turned round and caressed Belinda substantial tests, which was still suffering from deserves attention. Ask us about the arches and put the ape man on yeah attentions, while the scratching the sucking in the bite and they were smaller, ready in anticipation. Belinda responded by putting a hand between Bela's legs push better still to unscientific finger. Her clear Tom I got to flip mentions Asia just got back from straight, I'm bay. I love. This is like the way I respond to that. Is handled the skirt wriggle around Burma groaned and started kissing. Belinda's move glowed like,
I've heard about you, Belinda help me dress gets Belinda not wanting to be discovered by Tony and Gazelle exiting the leather room which Bela had probably no idea existed. I think she does that it took the hint and calm down taking inordinate pleasure in placing Belinda's bromine stockings onto a smooth body. Let's do this again and in private set Belinda Dressy dollar nodded, while straightening Belinda Stone for the last time, I start tie and picks up the correspondence she's gonna Tony's office to collect for the last post. Thank God something happened today. I hold you to that. Belinda said Bella my place next Friday evening say nine. I am sure of it. Re Winston allowed you to that. It's a date. Belinda replied wondering how should have the sexual strength to get through the next week, but his thinks of the she knew if sex was made available, that you take it all in
that will not mean Belinda, went to her office and picked up a briefcase political briefcase filled with walk thumbs, probably on the desk visit agenda with client attendance details of the Sunday back. The Germans house, it would make interesting reading that night when she got to her apartment, as well as the final preparations by regional sale, manage a meeting in the morning telescope. Very dull. Again I mean I've had to rocky as this rocky cells background, maybe yeah, and also that we are winding down the end of chapter- is that the penultimate sent that, lest we forget how the last half turned it on a high outside the carpet Belinda jumped into her too, we called Mercedes coop. Started to gently master by unnoticed is not swish of expensive Linda so loved this part of the job going home. The trouble which would give it always muzzle swish exe, Hence, if Belinda so loved this part of the job.
Done the engine and drove the twenty minutes to her new central London Apartment family. I was in love is in London what town hall crookedly by Central London apartment- and that is the end of chapter- that's not the end. That is how you know, swollen little soul, he's. Ok, What have we learned, Bela new character? I think she'll come into our own next chapter yeah Belinda she's, twenty nine she's living in London when Tony, are in some sort of relations. I don't know any relationship as much as they just have an understanding about. I rocking ambulatory identities, hurdle. Amazon, my Father, my phone on our hope. Not a deal's, a sexual fantasies. I cannot wait to see what happens at the Tennis party.
How I think I'll be sacked, something I'm just put an outlet. Well, if you're, not gonna, marathon or abroad, things will happen. Tennis wants to know under only one thing camera, I presume very little tennis, it's not Wimbledon. No, unless it's tonsil tennis rocky would We used the phrase tonsil time so Jimmy how you feeling now chopped to eradicate movie. That's literature yeah. I didn't want I'm just getting more use to the concept that it's out in the world, all it is, as a kind of shocking, but I think, chapter to kind of you know we had the the big opening so to speak in chapter I you didn't go to like crazy lens of sexual exploits light. You know it's not really. That disturbing is it. If I was looking for
starting from your doubts. First, how disturbing is on top of my list when I look robotic literature, but what I do talk to people about. Their first reaction is: oh, my god, your dad's running porn and they anything people expected to be quite scarring, but I'm not gonna need counselling. Gesture, that's nice because, I think is fair to say, I am Scott, and so are you James has neither wander has. Another table is ok with that under the Russia of today for them alone. Who knows you can't join me? If you want to get in touch with us, you can either tweet us. We have a twitter, it's at doubt wrote a porno. You can email us, my dad wrote a porno at gmail dot com or we have a facebook pay
if you want to add Belinda as a friend of end use, quite quiet sofa, my Doddridge porno there is that there is a page believe: oh no, undue get in touch and there's no, you think is that is currently writing books, two three four: five six etc. So sure any feedback would be amuse to his continued writing times. So We got to look forty next time of chapter three called next Epps. Evidently, chapter three, which is called the regional sales meeting, no say what we got to look forward to is what a bland title of a chapter. Isn't it I'll? Try it come back for that. I bet you can't way everybody but yeah. Thanks listening and do come back next week we will be tapping chapter three attributable have Ado picture So alternatives are ever James the day after Friday,.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing. Right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem called when a hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.