« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E3 - 'The Regional Sales Meeting'

2015-10-12 | 🔗
This week, Belinda gets to grips with her UK wide sales team and a few after-work drinks at a hotel bar get a little out of control. One word - pomegranates...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply giving problem call. One hundred gambler following podcast contains addled themes, sexual content and strong language basis lay all the good stuff Jamie. Why we hear work as models, an opponent, it that's written, a port overtake literature.
Why I previously on my dad's, a porno just walked over to the drinks cabinet, poor, to stiff gittin, tonics and started to struggle industry. With a long thing with a fingernail. The two girls started to excite each other and soon their respective vaginas were wet and steaming. When we talk about respective vagina. I I've ever been written down ever Belinda's nickel stuff,
to swell in anticipation? Cannot, as your throat sweated up a nipples, a growing Safie Disease chasm Puritan God, it's your dad Jamie's hurry I'm sorry for you. Had I've won unwelcome chapter three of my dad won't porno allies that thank you for having made James love. If you to be here as ever, I love these days, but more is gaining, I'm so excited. Otherwise, you will should be because chapter three called the regional sales meeting. Stop it sets his meal so alive with lust. Hang on is there's gonna, be a sexy chapters is just gonna, be a bit of an admin chapter James. We really politically everything's that aim. Every one. It has an up in chapter justice. We can't maybe I'll need the podcast. My dad has written opponent.
An erotic, novel global interlinked and we are going to be reading it together, critiquing it maybe tearing it to pieces the little bit net shredding at I like to think we're. Preserving it fur tied him future generation about Belinda. He was a sales manager at ports and pans company Sosius Summit depends, while also getting fucked site is very exciting. You had me pots and pans happy Belinda at last year, as the purposes of this point that we will reverse my father. Only ass his pen name, which is of course right key Flintstone, Rocky Flintstone, indeed, ok, so clean it might by transporting without further do let's just right in blended, wait: chapter three: the region,
sounds: meet Belinda, haven't any breakfast and was in the office for seven thirty. I am. This is probably a pretty important data as it were The first time showed me a UK senior sales management, in other words the people who reported to her business terms like talking explanation it some of this book feels like Rockies put it through, like Google translate. One hundred percent interest of both the economic stability and back again, she had no particular view surprise, surprise on anything. She had moved it That's a paragraph, a rocket parentheses, just lots of third party information about the performance and calibre these for managers, there, Wilson, also twenty or so salesman, who reported them on the ground and she
fatty or unfairly pessimistic thoughts, but have a whole series of innovation is performing, but in sales you can always be surprised, especially when you talk to people in confidence and got them on board to accept your way of doing things I think we should bring the grammar alarm bell to read this along with you, because I have no, I don't I'm reading it and I stood and hastened punctuation proxies
That's his own too, about Belinda was good at this wool cleaner. Could we cover sentence, I think I'll have to know, but in sales you can always be surprised, especially when you talk to people in confidence and got my board to accept your life, doing things of keeping the Rockies not afraid to write a sentence that I, as an industry, without meaning and also with verbs in a very unconventional place in Austria, is English Rocky First language he's irish occur so yet another will anymore about Rocky Day the spoiler. Maybe if you do that sentence in an irish oxen, we might understand how you think, but in sales you can always
basic raised, especially when you talk to people in confidence and got them on board. To accept your way of doing this, I am makes, if ever I got you did. That was that the worst irish excellent news- I'm not last long, you usually very good social, Irish, Jamaica of it, but it says you can always be surprised, especially when you talk to people in confidence and got on board to accept your way of doing things. Yes, Dona makes no sense to me how quickly not equally Belinda. Good at this and totally new it. This is probably one of the many reasons he had hide her well that, if I was you make it into effect, is born reason a five year. You would you has no idea what was going on so far. There is no major desiring Tony's business plan to second sales force and bring a new people develop what we have was his mantra but who suggested wearing them, others Belinda the same that she shed pessimistic those but Also as before, but sexually
Can we get rid of everybody? Just got a permissive occupied the dirty little sugar Belinda the thrust out a strategy with Tony in her first three weeks of induction to the company. It was simple says what it says not to show any signs of performance the keep them both so any sign of performance. That means that it can be operating at ten percent performance, but I ve shown a sign of performing living so up to live. If they have a pulse, they get to keep their job. Belinda was tough, but not mercenary, Jude use all her talents to make the existing sales teamwork. Send you announced think that rock he's got waited the data the paper mercenary today's she just wondered how far she would have to go to get the one side. While we know the implication is that only I imagined she mean sexy time. Why didn't you just stop firing people and then they might like refashioned farther known yet sorry Belinda's biggest farm? Do you feel
because he's out has written this character. The she's part the family did, you feel like aren't you Belinda outside is part of the family. James, no, but I feel a certain loyalty to her tat. A great question actually Does she resemble anybody that you know like? Can you think who Belinda based on does anyone commander Christmas, and you know tat the plaza going. You think it is somewhat right now. I'm really know we ve already thousands. What are we gonna meet like Mavis next door to your mom and dad and showed me like red heels, run liquid, The lower left thigh nice to meet you, I'm Melinda, I work in color. I am head of knives and forks at a regional distribution and tough, but not mercenary nautical, hey, Belinda rang for companies using the other half seven time management is poor what she does,
The latter will not be found at nine. O clock came a better run, her from reception to say the two northerly reachable manages wanted to live from Heathrow as they couldn't Tat, is taken to the offices, because a taxi driver you are higher classic Belinda to the company, locate, nay Heathrow, and you can't get a taxi between the two places, as the tax, if I was to learn classic now, is a classic than a pound. Belinda picked up the phone to herself Administration manager, Jim Thompson, her now they fix it. You take your character, lad. You character, Jim Thomson, possible, fling hygiene Belinda. Here, can you rescue? My two regional sales manages from the airport beaten lighted to Belinda cannot take the pool car replied gin,
When is someone gonna finger, some long jeez? All we want day Schubert into replied, just put the consent of both of them. What Are you talking about and so border? This must be why the book is marketed to this isn't leadership because, as its tanks on Amazon absolutely were all Google search as well, I can't imagine, as any other reason why you need to know the cost centre. And about it and also. Why would he not taxi Faz? I've never been more came. A taste in my whole life is better. Take it out of the book to Jim laughed heartily, well, do laughed heartily cost centre gems, african dweeb, humble in this door. So her, London and home counties, regional sales manager, Michael title Stickers, had run. Do the intrusion mislead though, but I'm dead Martin, Jim does
No one is reckoned, go daddy does Martin Tony Belinda, Jim and then Sl parts are nowhere valor and does not- and you know you, London Man but tat great to meet gravest eat with, speaking to the Gaza from Heathrow, which only leaves our man from the west to appear. Can you guess what the White Man's name is gonna be out I've already, but you can guess. Yeah Nigel under Think, ran all Lucy and just like us, they randomly do that you mean Dave Wilkie risk moving, give Dave Room, search, boring aims. I certainly do replied Belinda ass. She sat down behind her desk. Oh by the way. Call me Belinda from now on, We'll do Belinda replied DES confidently as he eyed her shapely legs and ask she's german
it is not hard and does Martin loves a shapely cop political? He dismounted little monkey. Does Martin confident sophisticated good luck. But what a terrible sales performance she said, lean back in her chair, pushing forward have rests, ding, Ding Ding Ding first mention of the breast fast sexy name really centres. Are you prepared for today, Are you ready to expose yourself, your team in your client base to the new lady and master? Is this a carry on film? What's with the like exposures, let me sex and carry on lady and master me.
Linda, said ass. If an honest, he ll be the first time. Anyone in this company has taken an interest in a salesman instead of bark passengers with corporate details done from head office over a bottle of whisky gas turbines, a beta cynicism is not actually a nail. Belinda look shocked. Tell me your name: king. Is this the real story I'm about to find out about today? Put it this way said: does he? say I didn't born you. He was. I thought, what a magnificent pair of TED does more to task Martin, you actually have. He also thought what a magnificent of tents: how long would it take to get them into my hands and it's my job worth? It get them into my hand, I haven't had hit me Edmunds, Manhattan physicist, aged about forty years. In my mind, does not include so it is not in a second look at her office doors
the western regional sales manager Dave Wilcox Papas head around, stop giving their titles just say: Dave Wilcox have introduced in hope of late, but the traffic on the emphasis was desperate piss off day coming days, Belinda nice to meet. You haven't. We first Belinda at least show your personality. This chapter about you know she's. Just smiling. She say hi to people before she just lay there and just took it. I think there's more faster than I realized. She's gonna defy the whole outfit I meet her on her thought. I am the offspring of the genius to his work, even though these days is role of mutton imagined. This whole thing you were right, given half a chance. Maybe that could be here next. What you guys in writing, projector minutes later Jim Thomson ran until Belinda that the two other regional sales manages would be in the car park in three minutes,
The voting need made by many days just be their first. You get them to the conference room, asap and we'll get started for ten. I am Sybil has been the seventh miss me. Ten. A am I mean outside the law is company to kick the ass. Quite frankly, Belinda's the wanted, and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit? If you don't win download the fan. Dual sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit fanned, will dotcom, Slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast. That's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler to get something of her off. As much as I wasn't ready for that.
This room is that market, but slight Belinda herself tell you To impress those customers who visited the offices of one of the best ways with decent me. Spaces to I Jim quickly introduce Patrick. Hamblin he's dead, they done a name generates. A scottish dream this float Hamelin came in with his heart of an actual irishman himself. He should only be offended and can juice we just as manager for central and Northern England, essentially Northern England? Yes, they clock lamp on the Moscow. And am diamond both about children, cheese patch. It was a fast talking. Irishman, originally born in Durban, was canvassing got out of hand.
South Yorkshire smoke accents and that my God, what Belinda, what a very team Surely we can do something with this law, Belinda called the meeting to a halt at noon Dave had each given that already presentation, though Belinda could have asked enough questions to extend their cars. Patients to three hours, each fuck she didn't. However, she knew she needed an overview and the detailed could come later. Feel, but you spend time with each manager individual. What are you talking about? The sacks luxuries tat, chapter of this job. Just that others never is living to recycle, somehow, my goodness to think vocalize. Did he find this one in thinking on this, one dig up WWW into the lunch was put. Point in some: the local pub the bullet, the rushes
at this time is of the essence. She thought she could only work. A little bit of a female merchant Navy go see my magic. These toilets Belinda removed her jacket, but the trick we ve been so starved sites will break so giddy events, be I got there. She rather. All tat whenever she ran the cold. Up and down the water unto her nipples. Making them stand to attention ought to do for them He thought ass. He shoved happen. Into her lap a handbag she put her flowers back on leaving three of the five buttons done. She was now showing how cleavage big time and, through her jacket casually over her shoulder, the silken blouse quickly became transparent. Do the water and clung Lumley lovingly to us,
having breasts drink. So that's what she's up to away it's only gonna be. Bringing in the nickel area is gonna. Look what she'd lactating through sexy. She will it's the drinking area, the bar. History, home effect. She had on her new sales t only two of her It is a major the observed, a subtle change of attire us not suffer a Belinda. Soon noticed some astute elbowing going on around the team had lousy. Hoping tat. Would you mean a company with rice miles from the nautilus No, it isn't scottish and Irish, but don't worry about it. A lot lot Jim was chuckling to himself ass. He was office based at here. The room was put around by better and just so now he could believe. Are you thinking they ve been spreading MAC about
but I want to instigate mucky poppies and saddles designers to get some respect. That is, you have to do such as will equally as professional Belinda's, particularly impressed. By can use, break the bunch of wit, start and competence in that order, Desmond. It was, however, a true prime, his Baron and obvious sales tablets indicated to Belinda that he was probably her first avenue to finding out how the individual members of the regional sales to take by the end of the meeting, Belinda's, blouse and dried out, but her lack of raw and hard nipples chafing continually against the type blouse was still being noticed. I just a minute: wait, yes to those still be scratched from deserve slow come along, I should not have rejected. You have a new product for the tiger Bob make avoid just makes you wonder what Europe was about to put out the back of your head.
Good. She thought, let's see who has the guts to make the first move in a short closing comments which wound down the business side of things: Belinda City today, all adjourned to the pantry hotel, which was beside Heathrow Airport. That man two managers who unevenly flights to lead in Glasgow could get off easily and the rest them to drive home after the rush hour, traffic gave a fuck. Why he's? Having is that so mundane. When does does Martin take his trousers offers say about you, you're just bucket but India also decided to throw in a couple of wild cards. So she asked yes, better if they will join her tea for a couple of drinks on their way Home Densher Safety duchess both was keenest mustard when they found out. Zone on bananas expenses pay said the Paragon days. He said going very sudden freeloaders Jim Thompson the three girls limited Petra when I met the regional sales managers in the long bar which overlooked the runway, it was now six o clock.
Bar was filling up Jim fast. It's a table tucked away in the far corner of the room, but in started to pursue It by taking off a jacket and down in her in tee one better, followed and use our accidently spilt, some of her drink overhead louse, which meant that she had known the restroom and dry off restroom american again all that came off was her brow and my Belinda ready that day. She was ready for action with translucent white blouse and to die for nipples your lady. We have it on this trip like got into this, would put a few jobs Kyoto or whenever we were often hit, the town ring any powers, but not I said here about the head: Jim was on the ball and by the time just Avenue turned he had to replacement. Gnp is on the table. Better by now had gathered the drift of the drink sessions and what the fuck does not even meet the drift of the drink sessions unless you have to keep stuffing. This chapter is Neither is retarded orphans died lovey, but what the hell is this?
better by now had got the drift of the drink sessions as she wasn't rather day. She quality and buttoned the top three of her blouse buttons and slowly removed her jacket. Everyone got a jacket and a blow Why will no one where a bra cleavage was revealed? A quiet gasp of admiration went around the table. What noise is a quiet, jasper, admiration just now: listen tonic, water, Bela's, nipples and its results. Take it off. Bela does Martin whispered. Comical stay in your blouse. Look at Berlin. Doesn't it thousand ready, famously the clear tonic will stay, have better smiled, and so will I be the first. Surely Belinda count as these guys reporter her then in a quick movement, Bela unbuttoned, the rest of her blouse and had not
to suppress hand out for old city, hang out in the pub student weather. Wherever and she's gonna boobs out and then in the bull in the rushes. Anyone knows that the picture was called still generally frowned upon to walk about. Sal is now in can juice, shouted, his point of hundred and fifty regional manages. Oh, I got the words regional manages and neither are they going to drink on regional manages and someone took sending off quickly silent, say Can you use? We chose over his pint of bitter. Was the other three regional manages managers chanted quietly who's next who's. Next chant who's next, his net, that is what should be removed.
Tell bar you who the hell of these four years, Greece, Jake and he's got no sign like in hand that wasn't too. So what do you propose? Belinda looked just, though, who nodded and internationally fashion, with a big hint of tease, unbuttoned arrested, have allows activities and daddy her tits hung freely. Life public on it. Don't hang like pomegranate say: hung like a rabbit the people of Northern Ireland too You have enough to google what pomegranate looks like one ends: spiky her tits
really that Pomegranate My favorite Miss Ashton with our hands come on. Belinda whispered can tell, sell team down now I've got picture pomegranate. I don't know what Brussels Belinda, smiled, replied. I want a ten percent increase. In your sales next month can turn he replied Linda slowly open the remaining two buttons of a hats. Swell loose fell, silent, Twenty nine, like a sack of rocks L loose like Isaak, is both a cassette like a sack of It was a blouse hold you gonna, breast milk can be very strong. It suffers stood very duty hats. It's about those! She took a drink and started to miss
her nipples with a fingertips, Alice's allergic to exercise or doesn't you had its habits of alone? looks like the ten percent increase in the ass ends or collapse in admiration. Because he finally abbreviate he has dumped the regional sales manager garden and address the arbiter. Let's get a of applause for the tax yeah. Never had they had a sales meeting culminate like this. One things were looking up and with three per. Studying breath on show that could do anything they do not found stunningly found, mother or hanging over me. The way didn't you upon guy looks like do not tell me not to press release, hung loose Jim Thomson went to get more drinks and the girl started a finger and discuss the merits of each other's nipples.
Well, I guess the nipple strikes out you ve gotta, nearly what's that mainly nipples, you baby. The size of your area. Let you got three years you didn't want to sell. It is making more jealous girls, said Petruchio Hamblin, but I've got a plane to catch. Me too said can gooseberry they both got up shook everyone's hand and departed with looking over their shoulders. A liner potato available the table happy he's a singular tat. Yeah look at tat. There is such a bag loaded and let them run shook everyone sums you just average Americans hand, but all the women topless shaking hands but means less like the nettles.
How does it feel not point motorboat? Just that need not be professional, takes a business meeting. You Eddie, of course, how they wish they both have the guts to those breasts, fingering, arrests, the bar Now getting more crowded, Belinda thought it is sensible to button that allows didn't want to get accused being prostitutes goes perverse talk about two way doesn't Didn't Dave, Wilcox Drunk up, sadly said that goodbyes and disappeared at the bar- oh my god, None of these men can just left these three make it would leave. Women must be, like we They are all in a public place where's the snow life isn't worth meeting
it's dollar oranges. Al you very help me out. Donna dont have Donna pussy. Mistaken benefit remains valid Bela he's written down. It is these very confusing Donna rocky by fast, on average is, though you really help me make abreast of it said Belinda laughing. I mean that the worst per neighbours through a sentence over not only one of the characters, not in the book. I like make them last year, what more drink and GMO goes back to the office? Jim and back to the bar ordered the drains and pay for tat. The girls drank up slowly, we live even looks on each of the region and manages spaces. Show them that rests. That was interesting. Belinda that donor silken done. That's interesting. Belinda said Donna. Slash Bela anymore events like that for us, let's wait and see, replied, Belinda, let's wait
see that's the end of chapter three stop very light. The sex, but I feel that we get to know her a lot better to name I don't feel like tonight. I Donna at all hashtag here is: don't you think it's that does that the most boring chapter yeah, I heard all the unless this have enjoyed their sleep. We had two very racy chapters. You do need a break at some point and, conversely, sex exacts exactly you need money. That's too these characters nurse always getting. Then, if his off, you can't do that. I guess I just why the meat market that your right is the narrative driving this jacket. So what is the next tactical? That chapter is called the values are well, I can hardly wait. Yes, you must do. Is again next time, Voebel invent chapter four, the maize, but in the meantime
free to download the book. You can't diet of Amazon ascribed to him I to do any those places. I only to tell your friends to skip chapter three. That's it. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore Herbage, vandal, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present, a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply. Gambling problem call one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.