« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E5 - 'The Second Client Jim Stirling'

2015-10-26 | 🔗
This week Belinda is still in the maze and gets a little more (or should that be less?) than she bargained for with potential American client, Jim Stirling...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler the following poker contains other themes, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff, Jamie. Why we hear workers Mattel. In a corner. It had written a port erotic, literature. What why
previously on my dad was a porno, totally pulled it off at the front and studied her pussy. Like you're, like a problem hello, no peekaboo keep your chin up and let you tits and click do the talking all EU parts not known today. I do not. Exe Alphonse immediately got to work by removing is one garment of a black song. The end
he's very early a black, far away only just herring about it, hello, everybody will come back to my dad wrote a porno. We are on a pursuit five chapter six because we have doubled the last week for exciting, basically from used to put cast. My dad has, unfortunately, for me written a porno or at least Graciosa. It's a novel, hisself published, obviously who the hell with pollution and I'm going to be reading a chapter and if you lucky two chapters a week with my dear dear friends, were not friends, esteemed colleagues, my apologies, James Cooper and Alice Levine, hello, hi hello? How are you both doing? You excited, I can't believe on chapter six cow. The time has flown I'm kind of sad for ends.
Oh, don't worry about. It was a long time to get out of myself. Believe me, I am afflicted through the book as we speak. As the Berlin summit is a substantial pamphlet. Isn't it really is yeah, I'm a little bit tired today, so I am looking forward to deliver. A sexy action to my God. Please never used those who worked together against the ones that have actually read the book was my sex Georgiana, either completely separate from Berlin to blame the second Chechen setting up in an hour. So if we could get a booby administering set injection, hopefully Alphonse all funds from last chapter we loved him and his black thong didn't way. We can see him again hopes, I hope so I mean who knows sometimes its rocky, though he will introduce character and the next minute now begone, that's just his style. You got attached as Martin and then the next chapter note. I've never heard of him again into ruin my daily life that this book, because you pray tell while the someone at work called Belinda myself, DOT
so you know you remember Lindo, nor you can think about. Is Belinda have Lincoln and runnels blinking eyelids every. Finally, think about- was the blink and it never the of those pomegranate upon your brain to have a dozen. And where you are and have it does, because, as we have established, nobody is called death as bad as Leinen. All the late great does line on this topic, not a resident here. Do you work in a thousand pounds? What is it what's going on their side? we. What is the name of chapter six chapter six is called the second client Jim Sterling I'm excited That's a strong name is made strong its strong name. How masculine musty light I feel, like you, have Colleagues, I waited fuss about. I'm who were aftershave muskie yeah now must be too must do me. I want you now, there's attics mouselike of another fanatic and hopeful.
He'll be playing more than a black thong, the ass, an end which country do you think he's gonna reside from others, our funds as well. He was Belgians, hooting Jim Sterling. That sounds quite English, because we know how rocky likes to pick very stereotypical names for countries like Portugal, Hamblin fantastic particle. As mentioned in the blue bright. So I feel like he's gonna be a major car. He's gonna be hey, I take it cause. I can't deal with another chapter, this, an untapped naming names chapter, three chapters that to us in chapter three didn't happen, and my I thought we'd agreed. We were gonna talk about a guys if your news report cousin, haven't yet got two to three double that ok. Well, it's a kind of nothing, no time like the present that ready, alas, just about I'm, never ready. Without a sentence in full, desperately uncomfortable, but I'm ready they can be Belinda blinked chapter six, the second client,
Jim Sterling. Can, I just clarify if, as Poland I'm a guy on in this one. You know what there is no stomacher lights with. It is the second client full stop Jim Sterling full stop, again in an unusual structure, precisely what the hell it's rocky or lack of it, a few minutes after Alfonso gone Belinda heard her second visitors dumping through the maze stumping. This goes on, I've way. If you ask me, you think he's heavy for tat. Very. He appeared a few seconds later again dressed only in a black. Why does a uniform and I get elected terms? reading, Rockies Mine Tiger and given them at the gates, it was becoming type of uniform aims you assign marquise my area, should I be worse
nothing, nothing less! I thought you everyone of rocky, but now I think, you're scorn of rocket so Tony's the gate, the light entrance of the maize coming you drachen tony into this is no evidence tat, reasonable terms, whether we still amnesia gonna. We don't know that you decided to Tony had the whistle. We don't know that Turkey has a whistle Tony's totally. Must I mean who else is low in the whistle? Well, who knows maybe we'll find out? I think it's time I got it was becoming a type of uniform. She thought from the guest list info Belinda recognise Jim Sterling, a yankee from the USA. Now comes, the young Yankee always comes a yankee I've. I've had a yankee alive
this is your valuable visas, overtime achieve a little question about Loki? Is you well travelled man, yet he is actually very well travelled. Has spent time in yank inland in young of yes of Libya has never lived there and I think has visited on vacation, etc. I just always wondered what influences he brings into his work, so I'm just an ok. His offer She had one thousand two hundred and fifty seven outlets and was also growing fast in Mexico and Brazil caught her Jimmy's he's dead. Better than Alfonzo there's. Nobody is better than for about three hundred outlets was now nerves. Jim's got three times the amount of great Maths Day and you can order until he was a big guy but short and upon seeing Belinda's plight, quickly through is somewhat stained thong to the ground
I stay identity, mapping doled out the door anymore, I think he's saying I'm so you don't think is using officers just like all the dislike passing on it. Like a re sex, I allowed grow awful. Also, can I just say the most desirable figure is generally large but sure so he's just like a stocky little showed. He's a child of a man. The chain of events, dumping around the play, satellites, dumping discuss, TAT, lay centre of gravity the dirt cheap. Long. Oh was stained with everything. Do you wanna go? Then let us allow the listening specula, as little as I know about pornography, what I do know sorry about its negatively I do know is that stains agenda. Really really really that affect us all of our eagerness. Belinda blinked drank it for the first time that day she was
what unawares by why I'd like day has acted, if not the first time that day so far, today she's been attached to its rallies. With some red plastic handcuffs she's have a bloke from Belgium. Come rigour is long and say what you pop over to the Hague than penetrative over. We have come up with the guys hold onto her pieces, No one ever said that life from the book for the first time that day She was caught unawares. There was nothing there. Why mobile before eater, reveal what that means needs. I can actually man, no enough, nothing but then she saw it. If you don't feel right away that are concerned, Maybe they have overwhelmed,
but, most importantly pop back inside Bob Zoellick Gimme Willie. We talk about Willie underneath covered in peace let more Belinda terms somewhat pathetic. Penis What's it lying like you soon and dance like his luggage middle though this is not a robust knocking at pubic hat, longer than is paying a hot pay is not only looking like a chose, a human but is actually go. When I was asked his mood which allow satchel it you didn't see it. She had to blank to see it on my god. She cleared her eyes to just double check where it was for a minute. You know. Sometimes people have a thing with, as this is easy on MAC. Embarrassing bodies is like a roll of something that The obstruction should bay. Like a bowl of you guys, every word you was lifted. It was enough five and I.
Don't let it what usages via the hair is longer than it is. What like a main, straight with workers in a little more secure the sooner we get it has this planet of I'm feeling a bit sick for the first time. That day She was caught unawares. There was nothing there, but then she saw it underneath covered in purely as they are very small Belinda terms, somewhat pathetic peanuts in Berlin the tens made, we say more Belinda gasped, always ask about Jim spilling gray Belinda gasped. What was she expected to do Are we thought we'd Belinda? If I was, I believe, takes it under the poppy little stained some background in the union how'd, you know sustain it with such a small member. Why your name like
Jim Sterling, with such a small member, the blended, already panicking, because she's thinking I can work with most things out late day, but not the vow Belinda gasped. What she expected to do with this hi, my name sterling from the? U S is Jimmy. This is the goal. Jim, so do that and I have heard people say to me: I should consider doing actions, but I'm not ready and artisan of the slave, and I say hi my name's sterling from the: U S. Let's get these garments out of the way she has already kid now I have read rats punishments know how to bra, though those tennis where Truscott and how she had on with a hang us also question. Three red on the air with one powerful movement he ripped Belinda's tennis shirt completely from her body and seconds later. He had done the same to a skirt, a powerful Nathan. This time usually
a rapid movement, somebody's mixing ominous chapter. He flung him to the ground. Where they now lay ruined in the mud. Not the lack of all he just lies ruined, from her. Hope you don't mind Missy, as I like some bear another likes a man of ice they're, like alike men like their young. A like some Luxembourg is more summers, Moors Rivers, lakes and their Jim. Hang around and immediately took her tits massive hands. Poor bastard I mean is a huge everything and assigned again and then his dick, in his own hand, will massive hums. His large sums have been to that That's disrobing, now he's got he's, got a large everything except a few comments
the size of someone's thump. Well, when that's all there is to comment on this either. Also now, I'm like not being able to tell which ones the thumb and which ones and maybe most success with the thumbs than the vile Navy, Belinda's gonna requests and to do the full play with peanuts, and then we can have you penetrated, but assemblies. Thank you there's a sentence, but he thought unanimously again. His large sums tentatively rubbed her nipple tips. Rippled observers, you have wonderful, nipple tips. Can I just say
with my large them my thumbs rather large, whether we wonderful on your tips, his large sums tentatively rubbed her little tipsy, making them making them rise and harden rights, bake of rise and hard. I never quite gauge how big Belinda's nipples are sometimes feel quite small. In this case, they feel like they go for miles, retractable. Nipple tips voted this three action from Belinda seem to please him probably unused to such a fast reality for the record listeners. What I got was a I'm not in unison of certificate about nipples hit. This fast reaction for Belinda seem to please him and he started to pushes cock into vagina, won't get safe, put that low levels in the whole now I got yet the masses in the house today to no avail
and I felt, lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore Herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler, Belinda, squatted slow, We, as Jim, was shorter than her ok. This. This is definitely the most graphic chapter. So far, lie in terms of just logistics and bleeding Zella Goma day of her is lie because he was slightly shorter than she.
Coffee. I'm really. I Jim school ass, do this height to scare, obscure another skirts and has been ripped up Jews. In the Scottish. Slightly is Jim was shorter than her pulling her legs apart from asked them easier access. Sure romance. Isn't that, then, I think of all would make it any other way to go, Your face is selling to amuse just read aloud ahead on my goddamn, because we just had quite- I have to dinner, and I don't know they down. I shouldn't have had an extra public, an ace Jim grunted and Belinda thought she felt some interesting get up, she wasn't aware what was that,
the winners and losers, Jim grunted Belinda thought she felt something entering a pussy. He started to fuck her heart, Belinda breathe deeply up. Did them? Did the man? No? He was only tickling her up up up up up up the boots and he's, going really ha duties with ITALY, Libya that kingly reported to believe when we we have a rogue coma, away is not our GM free We have a road cobra. That Belinda we have a diagram of. That does not mean that suffers illustration of the book
Oh my god, this this chapters, like this discuss. How low can sleep tonight thinking about gems that low penis? your eyes you into a deep slumber. He started to fuck her heart, but industry. Deeply did the man no, he was any tickling her. This is going to take all her concentration of starting a massive account, at least something is, and if she did well today, who knew what might develop from it, he started to press her harder and harder against the trellis from a tiny acorn can grow larger. Literally he had found a rhythm but Belinda couldn't feel anything. And while she had the appetite for it, she knew she would have to fake it. And never faked anything so embarrassing for GM.
But hopefully he won't ever find out again yeah. He started to press harder and harder against trellis. He had found a rhythm, but Belinda couldn't feel anything, and whilst she had the appetite for it, she knew she would have to fake it. I'm Belinda, never faked anything. Now mortifying she couldn't feel totally nor to the advances in the vulgar whose good to make matters worse. The ground was now really boggy. I've had told garments were well and truly stained, so she asked if they can't wish, has been able into never does, but and even know. If he's there, you know what they are based on multiples. Everything else is slight sage harmful, but he's got joy. Books are turned me like a living like eyes turned down. I ve been thinking about, but in the thought of Delicious.
She will scenarios and succeeded in making her vagina become wetter and wetter cautiously, isn't initiative, doesn't say, she's, quite engines. She started to slowly contractor. To muscles Jim workers on doing right. Now too, Jim got the friction he needed to complete the jaculation Now no one has ever said. I hope he gets. The friction needs to bar fleet is attacking, everybody needs jaculation, I'm contracts. Must ethical muscles. Let me know if you're rich contracts them all and then give a better sexual scenario like about the have you got the friction to complete your relations after ten minutes of hard work, he came and then started to look at it, what I like about Jim Sterling, what authority he obviously had little regard for women as he then pushed ahead down to his
ensuring Belinda's long black hair fell, namely to that by now muddy ground. Her ample breasts followed and starting pushed his penis into a mouth site, follow damages gravity, but we know what they look like. He put his penis in a mouth about users. I didn't Tik Tok, tee even knew that it was used as a walk away, and that was just realized. She was attacked also, thank goodness, he put it in her mouth, because if she had to on a road should be hopeless, it's like a needle in a haystack Belinda smile to herself. She could have eaten two of these. For breakfast never mind that scrambled eggs in the morning. She literally mainly scrambled, I think, maybe that she had scrambled eggs a breakfast and you could have had two of his coat.
Alongside all, we are you order. She had a full English brought the debate. Just then she heard the whistle and she knew she had done our best she has Take that away from a common. She tried so hard for effort, starting reluctantly. Let go of her tits and put his thumb back on whom we need both. It was now even more thing than when he had entered the moves up. Eddie was an Belinda wondered where all the same had come from literally. What's happened to rock rocky in this chapter. Has these minds in the gutter its absolute mouth is sought a few joined this book at chapter three and say Mr Week or two and came to this you'd be like this is a different. Now Who is this man and you would probably go by a thousand coffees authorities wonderful available now on Amazon. My biggest objection is she just all these guys? Wearing phones went to that, but I'm ok, do you know any guys?
where thumbs. As far as I am aware, this nothing, I mean not the circles I mix anyone. Media surprises me, like you, James Cancer, as a gesture, very different of pant Belinda wondered where the seamen had come from. Perhaps she had underestimated his resources or should be literally issues are gone again. Did the vulgar line I haven't used? How did that much seamen come out of this morning? Why big balls are told you scrambled eggs, James up it they're, not the scrambled eggs negative, scrambled eggs and quite the same way ever again, I loved that, with the best make some little Tupolev to a t, Philip Ecclesiastical Open, a window, hey baby. What's your name specific
great time introductions yet, and also I love these change region, whether from now you behave shortage, this action now, I think, carry on you. You ve started, so you must finish. I really like a lack of conviction, so I say continued, but in the blue in thought, on the sales director of seal pots and pans good Opel under given. If it's, What if I find you I'll, kill you doing sterling? Listen it's so gentle sterling! If I find you, if I find my car I'll sleep with you, I don't find it you'll be all right and left alone. Good work, Belinda come and see me in taxes and a couple of weeks. I need a new cooking
It's a supplier- and I guess you fit the bill. Genoa, I'm narrow street, I'm not radioactive anymore. I definitely off its great while it lasted. There was no. I think I speak for everyone to say without good work. Belinda come and see me in Texas. In a couple of weeks I need a new cookery utensil supplier and I guess you fit the bill. Why Jim I'd love to let's say in three weeks time. Yet let's do it. And I promised replace your soil garments with something a little bit more sexy soil garments with that he stepped off, Still doesn't she lost alone, but we ve been without he sent, leaving Belinda completely naked. Very much and still tied to the travel around the main? How much given that our journey had under two hours in total the ashes you nearing the end of the time. I think it's about half an hour person. If my camera,
she must ask her wrists, whether red plastic handcuffs had managed to keep her attached. The Travis and thought of the bonus money shoe personally make when she tied at the deal with Jim Sterling. I would not be thinking about other stuff? On my mind, just such a businesswoman, though, how is ensured Sheila business but more pressing, like her clothes, are covered in mud. She need some clothes, these Belinda Chinese, nothing, that's true. She also thought she take a crash course in yoga or some sort of exercise which does cervix muscles meridian, because that's what yogurt as they could have been the biggest selling point. We believe and I go. You should feel the muscles on that they do. She has bizarre thoughts, the the weirdest times Let us take a view on Gaza, sorted when I get home and get off this trellis if Jim couldn't eyes the job than she would have to ensure. He was completely satisfied. The thing she did to make her fortune
Maybe that's live in their own in the big books, because we have got Belinda's mindset. I'm not gonna lie, I think, she's a great role model Another lie, but I am only with a glass yet in the big bucks on your end, but wait she could hear another client approaching through. I saw gas, oh no. She thought I hope this one's a bit better hung. I can't I can't take much more these small appendages, done about Belinda, I'd be absolutely pay, but she had to the handcuffs and parcel string ensured it. Oh yeah. That's that secure parcel. They fail infuriated, I'm not the funny, but she lined herself. She stands still back. Is that positive ones to be that she is love Annette? I met with
The chapter guys supper. I was quick again. It was quite quick when again wasn't a short stuck a hard to find that's Jim Sterling on chapter six Ladys, I feel grubby do yeah. That was quite visible wasn't. There has been a bit soft cool. Now we get into the corner. The hardest thing has even started sexual excitement in this book, but I was just like what are we gonna get a soiled foam and you ve gotta go it's not the most comfortable environmental special outdoors about a battle in this idea of a gold goals. She's how these you like this, isn't by the way, a way of being eligible for you. Here I'm just wondering wars or going
I'm the only way we can end up by the end of his book where what's coming, store replaced. It aware that no, I just thinking I'll, never get this time. The story, you know where I live, where are we going to end up was possible in this goal? Is to make some money well in that area. People gathered round the kitchen table the book thirteen. I under a bell: Belinda Buell, wizard and old Belinda Are we doing he's got wilder tits? Be then, like slippers, Ok, can I guess the name of the next chapter? How please do the third client colon another? Now I'm gonna say: Patrick. Oh really, both of you came to me I shall give you a hint of at ease. The name has been featured in the lab. Is it
the duchess. It's not that the plan is about eighteen pages. You, if you want the next chapter, is called the third client full stop Peter arouse our we love beat arouse, because I think PETE Arouse is a toe all arouse a well. I think it's a gag every bit as middle name Andrei Peter aroused arose. He's not gonna have a little payments can be happy if I gotta Belinda absolutely com, I mean the only seven more sleeps premium. It's too long, I genuinely between chapters and you crave. It agree there and giving the chatter lose. The will to but limits abominable, is like a very unusual addicts is not going to Jim you to read it when you get in reverse, so I look forward to do
we start a hate and then about afterward, you I'll think about it. You know it's done you good somewhere over. This isn't a make good, Philip crazy The scope down the guys please do get in touch with those. If you enjoying Belinda blinked and my daughter borne out, we do check Twitter religiously, a few concerning tweets that with had got out last chapter at phrases. Pissing himself not materialise doesn't say more on that as and when we have a pulse as running anything tells me on as much as direct porno could bedtime listening with the wife. Good can live in a thousand. Our passion, killer turnover is
I, like has Sarah saying that moment when he shout why in disbelief at the same time as the downright porno people, it's that must be kind of on the minutes every minute than those of say. I've never thought my dad's legacy would be hushed like porno day. I love that that's taking all every Monday asked I Porno day, let's get rocky trending caught everyday supporter day. If you're feeling a bit left out with all the sweater talk, you can tweak as yourself at TAT wrote a corner you ever on Facebook as well. Just search might have heard porno and we will be found and an instrument meta even to the whole thing is just my dad wrote easy and also please do had over two hours and by the book it's fun for all the family will only Jamie somebody on the snow from most of the cover alone,
enough received by waged by the cover, that's not how they imagined Belinda. I know it was the problem business that with any book the guests and adaptation or something people's imaginations compromised. Absolutely, I think that's going to cause quite an Schaefer Rocky olive debate. Belinda and her looks frantic discussion will yet I find skins. Were you loyal people for joining us again in listening to my smutty father, it's been great. I have you guys know either You value tickled me listening.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.