« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E9 - 'The Horse and Jockey'

2015-11-22 | 🔗
In what is becoming the longest day of her life, Belinda returns to The Horse and Jockey for dinner followed by a second dalliance with Peter Rouse...

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Previously, on my dad was a porno, the Dutch does breasts draped beaten spokespeople she's, not a massage, Belinda's back and buttocks, All of them. Belinda walked around the bat. With a monster prick out in front hello and welcome to yet another instalment of my downwards porno Jane
how are you re actually TAT S, how you I just feel like more than ever people are referring to Monday, as Belinda hushed her porno day. If you well you that people want to be felt. On the Monday morning s people objects to listening to on public transport as they say it, sire embarrassing appalling. Yet that's all peoples, today is listen to me. I mean there's gonna, be a hazard. It's just when people said the headphones have fallen I'll go. Our voices are just be miracle the tube network saying specially last tab, it has the last that was that without was pretty intense high fading after that, I thought the tea it now, but it has taken me. A full wake actually you feeling about Jamie because of realising that we always have to remind you. Tat wrote this now that has not been lost and I started to forget you guys
This is a powerful try being the spoon, please not fun, just as a kind of Czech and how is he feeling about the dramatization, if you will of his work, he's actually really. Oddly, proud of us, he Secondly, the Deva he's really happy with their he's become obsessed with twitter. He follows rocky flintstones on her. I'm not sure. If even has a twitter account, but then you just like follows our streets, and he just if he's, gets very excited about how somebody new tweets about its own guys. Thank you for keeping rocky up at night and annoying the hell out of my mouth. Because, apparently all it does, is I got another two follows another one follower in twenty minutes. Maybe not any follow is now announce. Iraqis, like kind of emotional state is hanging in the balance is simply too we are caught me. Who is a sword? You are, but they said was a coincidence. The blended blinked is sixty nine pages long.
I was just loving mum was I I don't want to get that like is not a joke adapts. I got sick or well meant, of course, its did not get it and those that will be. There, but what? What? What? What is it? I can't bear adhesive, it's obvious a six and nine The shape of a naked leading you put them together and they look like a naked woman. That's honestly, I know don't be dad what you want to. I just be like guys, because they would like debating this report, as I have to put my them, as we educate yeah just said guys, so actually sexual position when we were together with you to dissect on your own time. You know that's gonna be in the next book says: do not really believe it is an aerial view life just like a Belinda style, drooping
people must sign on the most severe, really fair, together teasing blessing, I thought you knew everything there was to know about really is not ready. He knows what do you think if I didn't exist, that question with my dad had ever had sex, so but anyway, you gave up adapted. Look, maybe lots god I'd be, would have said also quite relieved as and when the package to be leaving not at the Belinda fortune. Vavasor stop right now so chapter, but we're on chapter ten, one chapter ten today, yeah Riddy double figures. First time, that's quite exciting is no one. Exciting. Is one and oh muffled others the shape of an naked made it a common goal, make a gym sterling sweatshops Temple chapter ten, it's called the horse and jerky. Oh yes, we're back to the pub she was
Falling back wasn't shit in the last chapter was you should start in the Dutch Land Rover with what I got variants of caravan and you didn't have to prove it My favorite line of last chapter Belinda blinked chapter ten, the horse and jockey Yes, the sign posts which route that word, because because this is the quickest interruption. We also oppose the sign. Posts were true to their word and Belinda soon found her way to the horse and jockey, she maneuvered, the large car into one of the parking spaces cut the engine and found her way to reception well
ten points it will endure ready. I could have helped rocky with his initial, like this right. Belinda got to those in Turkey reception and we could save a lot on. It was now eight p m and she asked the youngest man on duty, if dinner was still serving a long day, she must be Rabanus. I tell you are sir, days descending into lay on the beans in the mouth shut up toward the cook shops of London. First thing, my god, she's done a lot today. Also how old we feel the youngest man is. What do things that I thought well, he's a man, so he's gonna be not under eighteen. Do we think also? This is he's definition of young robbing them of fifty three because I think rocky stopping. When I was younger, youngish fifteen. I share the youngest man on duty, if dinner was still serving those eight o clock, I D say: what's that: no for dinner, if not for an anomaly, but
table eighty bucks prime time there's still twenty minutes left, for what cut off point is twenty impasse. The our breakfast is served from six, sixteen until eight seven I'm gonna finish the eight twenty Belinda disorder and other beings on toast and you before, but still twenty more minutes left for orders Madame and Monetary out how extremely attractive you're looking evening Adriatic and she's been written about the motions trusted like writ job person like ribs stolen system- I'm right, my book, its right to presume everything, she's wearing his ripped, usually Belinda grinned, and wondered if he had recognized the clothes always just fishing for bit of sex later on that night. It's a fact question to ask here: also: not you
being a verbal response, as has become Belinda's trademark finish, the eight twenty. I need it. Really. Nice grin Grand Blaine hang on. Let me finish: tango your high half way, but then DE grinned, and wondered if he had recognized the clothes was just fishing primitive sex later on that night, whatever she didn't want to disappoint. So she replied. Why thank you how very gentlemanly of you to say so, especially as I'm dining alone Belinda, not everyone wants a shaggy at some people are just complementing you especially want shrank from Belinda. She's? Not everyone's type specifically works at its movements. What would you think he's just land on the flat rate on another? Should it about boy why he smiled and return and nodded slowly as if confirming he might be available that evening, while I think she's read into that not happen
I'm not can't really say you may be available this evening about the money. I can just be light not Leah Thumbs a year. Crazy. Lady slow not as well is basically like I'm pushing the alarm, but please book me and for dinner I'll, be down in ten minutes. Certainly Madame Belinda rest for her key and went to meet me to a room. She quickly, spruced itself up and viewed the mirror. Yes, she agreed. I do extremely attractive in a very rule. Sexy way in this riding gear agreed with other than bellboy. Yes, look internal monologue way. Chatter, ral! I think this is a must new style for me. Hopefully, Peter Railways will feel the same at some
most EU style, but more sentence. Interesting said tax again, hopefully, peace arouse will feel the same. However, there was no time to lose. She was famished, she hadn't eaten, since very quick lunchtime barbecue and she needed strength for the rest of what was going to be a very active, even in the case of other barbicane. Remember haven't any barbicane was either Tom Bowler. There was that's what you got got confused. The beams of no that's again was created by Eugenio scrambled eggs at a ball, but scrambled eggs in the morning. I bet you it's the barbecue James thought that was being turned out, it was no use. I shudder and beans with the eggs, in the UK that's it This is nothing as I do apologise putting that was well. This is telling us, as you know, you complaining about the lack of detail, immediate action,
spin on their like pop put your Andy's housing, but there is one sure fire way to know if she ate the beans or not, and that is too by the book available on Amazon, everybody. Absolutely nice like Jamie. Thank you. She ran down to the dining room, got shown her table and immediately ordered a bottle of shot. Chile and, of course, of course, when I'm absolutely famished as well, I'm like why need first is a bottle of I'm so hungry to strive for the bottle Belinda prior to sell for knowing her wines father after all, was a sales manager of one of the big boys sellers in central. And he had spent many evenings training in one of the best sales techniques, forgetting clients to buy without remorse. Hang on. He talk till I go now Bobby Bloom and my dad told me cells technic. We found our theories to so as Mr Mental always handcuffed to a trail.
Of which event with the Middle EAST all tat. He had spent many evenings training. One of the best sales techniques, forgetting clients to buying, without remorse, drinking, very good wine. And lots of it, not sex. Why didn't I said yeah, I'm sorry, we the parameter their bills, the dined at Leisure He did at ten minutes unless she means light. She likes having a food blended and then nothing it through a straw grows. But in the dying to her leisure. For the first time that day, she felt she wasn't under pressure. Of course, she did she's not lie strapped to a truly she's, not what structural Abed outfield lesson depression. I wasn't strapped something that's during or something that you are detailed in the use of open every touch strapped into that there was a strange clothing, didn't fit all that well and made her feel quite hot. She couldn't wait, stop removing some of it. She thought wickedly
go to bed Belinda Stubborn Earlene. I haven't any night watch some light rubbish tv discussing cap, society. No experts will be to remain a meal. Finished Belinda took the rest of her wine to her room in the nice bucket where she slipped it slowly we die. Right now, the bucket? If unable and class all the way, it was no eleven p m and it was the time frame- Three Leslie died there waiting that you did say, lasted twenty pass day. She's opposite even ahead of a large your message about dinner for three hours. It was no eleven pm and it was time for Peter to make an appearance. Belinda went down to the lobby where she ordered another bottle of showed me pocketed Intelsat Rachel till I am popped it in the report ice bucket and waited for Peter wasn't replenished I'll. What's the ice doing as the ice Nazis? Probably not most probably replenished it. What's the character of the OECD also
the young man the off duty spot on at eleven thirty. He walked through the lobby. Darwin saw Belinda immediately motion; a massive how on she's dress like this. It is a bit of a fox on other continents. Was that busy icicles, especially by administrative level. First she's probably commit itself that to be the he opened his hands and kissed her on the cheek opened it like. A book did even to MRS Roth motion for a book. He opened his hands and kissed her cheek. Both sides not unusual for a sophisticated european hang on when he says cheek, and we may face to grow out, but actually no, I think not unusual for european. Do others never happened to me. Would you like a drink? Mr rose? Oh, please keep calling me Peter. After all, we are very much acquainted after this afternoon's events. Now
I mean I wrote symbols on. You say we know each other. Well, I literally strategy by me when I read like fanning. Have I told you, you have a wonderful body, my dear and much much better without the mud well, whose fault was taken in the stuff they both laughed and Peter said. I do like your current outfit Belinda very much in tune with this hope. Oh great small talk ready, unwelcome Peter Belinda, gently blushed. She couldn't tell him how she required the clothing and she really did enjoy wearing it prostrate asking emu killer straight after an Ex ante orientated that just a thousand just look around and crop up no easy way. That to break that bullshit. You already have done, because that will be a kind of like midway remains. What did you say? You know how
It is really amazing and we have a connection a couple of other things I stole her card have left her unconscious she's, quite old and zagging dear diary only got the diaries have Belinda bling raising spin off, No don't sum Enigma now, copyright! I do like wearing adventurous garments Peter, and I hoped these would tweak urine last week that it does not refer to this week everyone's interests. Thank you very much for your interest in this particular interest. Rocky top marks is that what stay in the show. Jumping circles now blend replied quickly. I more of a fox chasing type of person, myself, like Fox hunting, ha ha very good Belinda. I do enjoy
style of humor began like someone does not reject began as goods. I read the half hour, but we go what was the joining the books the jail? I do enjoy your style of humor. Now, let's have some without delicious wine, Belinda Poor, Peter Glass and led back on the latter's t. Peter sat beside her just before nor her left thigh in the lobby budget funded the third step aside a correct gently funded. I hope this is gonna go any further. They take it into more private. Setting that sit in the lobby here. Do you think I saw that bit were always in the window. It's like is like the kind of like being be guide in the light of what we call the leaflets for life things area allotted in permanent members as usually like a butterfly centre
like them, behind a lot of music did Peter could be position, some of our pots and pans range in your suit market price. Of. That's what she made words but where's the went that votes you gonna get down to business. He means little show business leadership. If European throughout Europe gear, China is a good thing, because it that's an order. These fondling thigh impolite yeah. I can positions and live in your safe from us. Market that some word there, but clutching at straws with these, though I think, because who here, under the pretence of it, being a business kind of networking event, maybe level used to having the sexual fancies fulfilled, was discussing business. This is The worst way to do business, I think, is a great way to do. Business.
They cut of old school. You I couldn't stand, you probably think is absolutely convention. Absolutely peace replied in fact. This afternoon we ve just ordered three health units of your oxy Brill, o rain, who is naming these products If your eyes quicker brings brainstorm, oxy, brilliant brainstorm over old meeting adjourned after the pink I'm not! The only took two minutes is in fact this afternoon, with just over three thousand units of your oxy Brill arranged to get you started on. My purchasing team are looking at other products of yours which will fit. Into a present range of kitchen utensils session, even bother with light before She was struck, the trellis they'd already ordered the occipital. You name it
will he says afternoon? You must have done it before the I think after is gutting. If that's the candle, I think he had set about discovered that she was amazing, then put his odorant, but if it was before I d like to see the Pierre form, please, because I've been used, does IP iphones turning to any answers, For this reason this chap, while but in the guest and opened her legs slightly calm yourself, Belinda Peter quickly, took advantage and moved his hand higher up her fine. Now look coach. You bet, then dual less business, or at least one thing at a time. If we talk in business, took this medical men get that finished with and then go. You know a bit of slackened, Tickle Bert Doorn, combined the to the classic mixing business. The pleasure well run these mass. What that phrases about Belinda undid her, that decisive Belinda did have proven
and slowly and button the top forward. A shirt buttons What me says they are showing what's funny should say about, because the next line is a delicious cleavage was no one view that doesn't surprise me Peter quickly, moved his other hand fondle her left breast, just one of them just want here I looked at it like twister right hand, the growing underbrush Peter quickly move ahead too fond of her left breast and rubbed the nipple, showing through the white linen. Sometimes that is new to mine out just to see if it actually physically possible. Subscribers thought worried I didn't You may ask: why are they play is not in your face area, and you think this is possible is an election year. I do think he's gonna kind of look slightly odd. I she knows he's kind of rubbing his tone
and putting his that yeah. It's one of those condemnations going on black skilful them, and this is happening in the form of a hotel enough somewhat strange that there is no problem Belinda. After all, your companies products are top class if a little expensive and I'm sure we can overcome the little people. Between us ass. He sat by as he's just holding a boob and rubbing the nipple rubbing when it put not a time to criticise your prize point might again, but maybe it's. Why haven't advanced in business? Yes, Belinda gasped, her senses, working overtime between Peters, massaging, her very apathy, and asked her very upper with, I have access to some marketing incentives which will help really. This is the sexiest. The existence of I've ever The assembly should just
Belinda sure she shut up. Let me talk Belinda, just relax said Peter. We can discuss this all at the office. Next, can Amsterdam. When you come to visit many Isley exactly hippocratic, I've got off Peter a lovely hundreds of him when he started Roy. Strange symbols on a back. We can be more exciting. I thought he was going to be a kind of I don't know, I just know it be something under new faces, hardness businessman who uses nay, they all are all the same or the same basis If it, you got a relationship and that may invoiced here we can discuss this all at the office next week in Amsterdam. When you come to visit me, am I replied? Belinda? Oh, yes, of course, I really can't wait. Well, let's make it Thursday. Ok, yes, yes I'll, be there, but now said Peter: let's get down to some real business
good on data, he slowly and button the remaining buttons on Belinda. He slowly took her out of the forty eight of the battery. Also of elements, the buttons he slowly button, the remaining buttons on Belinda's shut. I let her full oval breasts. Allow Laval Oval, oh wow. This is worth it the sixty nine light looks more imagine a sixty nine as a boob eligible basts not show that none of my business, but the pomegranate ask to see that more thing, all the time we were tragic shape will they form a granite where they has only just as in his eye to refer. Oh yeah, I think they would describe the shape, play and offices that shape is over in one fluid movement. He tucked her shirt into the back of her daughters and started kissing her. Why would he took her aid?
Is that a boobs about so what's keeping concealed never show your lover back women reception, slight taken our trial. In time issues combination, Belinda groaned. She could never resists the soft male touch of a mouth on an put a significant resisted Jamie Chinese alone. She could never resists the soft male tucked the mouth on her nickels and Peter was exe. Was it in his sensuality there? I am just repeated. I may, moreover, above his head in the course of the lobby. About your baby, I'll funds is head through window Belinda noticed a red light blinking. What does that mean? It was a security camera.
No doubt recording what was going on over her mind. Thought of the young man behind the desk when she checked in her mind, thought she thought she thought this is a new character does mine, but I don't need to say what part of the body is doing the thing king, it's her mind rain. Her click can do I think your eyes when weighing chatting is more the bacteria, never things before it. Talks that place her mind thought of the young man behind a desk when she checked in yes, that was it. He was building his profile,
of her for his personal use. Now Gaza cubits accommodate expects you to talk to shock in the middle of reception. Didn't rig up half an hour before having ice. When you ever a twenty minute dinner, we didn't think. Oh I'm glad about that home care like tv equipment of Skype or from my house, nor about you, Belinda may have seriously oval had over with a wicked thoughts entered her mind. She would give him a session to record and PETE arouse a very good time into the bargain. A new anew he's just a via this youngish man come on guys, but at the end of chapter two like that she's about to do like a porno sacrifice. It turns out that isn't is running a portable.
However, we all know in the corner was the next sceptical company. That's the end, could guess scolded called the poured, the webcam the webcam. The next chapter is called Sunday night eleven. Fifty five pm Grey nothing. I tell not sending is it's Saturday night, but unless we jump ahead known about, does you now, I'm sure please tell us that would be consistent with rocky style Sunday night, eleven, fifty five p m. I dont know what to make of that. I feel like the current European. Is entirely chain. Yours may become a rise up and then actually, when he was in the maze you is, you know quite stood
mysterious swept her feet, but maybe he just looked good in comparison to what should just heard, which was Gibson yet before us is a good person. Jim said he's a good person followed gemstones public, like a peasant, have little faith to have on your mirror in the morning when you dislike tyranny, loud adverse shit, I'm fine, that's right next, he is a bigger like warm up. Guy would mean Virgin he's my german fellow much less. He's, got a tiny previewed ever sign on thirty one July procedure I just don't think we even need a big budget while so that was quite the sex light again. The Arab, I feel it is it's gonna teed up the next chapter quite nicely.
No, what what good beginning next Monday the guys do get such as that is not what you think of the book and the pockets. So far we want with Facebook Instagram, just Google, my downright Warner. You find those also, please have dominated by the book. Less note what you think of the horse and joking, I definitely stay there. I'm acoustic actually exists, and if it goes right, we should set what shall I do? A quick google they'll be like a thousand horse in Turkey. Surely there is one where in ravens didn't first. I think it's exactly where it sounds just light ravens and if possible, is no ravenstein and a small Chalet guys the Cctv and deadlines. Eight, twenty that we need to go, let's go down James start getting the engine would go and get Landrover going
to the Helsinki.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.