« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S2E12 - 'The Fitting Bit'

2016-09-19 | 🔗
Before trying on their new expensive horse riding outfits, Belinda and Bella are given a unique 'while-u-wait' service by sales assistant Adaam...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply giving problem call one hundred gambler the following poker contains adult theme, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff. Previously on my. A porno Belinda Bela. Had a lazy breakfast, a fresh fruit and special J.
We make our soul dildos martinet signs. Further and after an hour ago, they just whether you will have about Bela was going. And a grand ran bubble, but God this is lead press, Belinda, five grand I was reading listeners, it's my dad wrote a porno with Jamie James Alice. How are you guys? Greetings saw him turn dictum, indifference, China, sit out, but you know what I might be because we feel like we ve been waiting spoke for a very long time till you are asked. The knights drawer in
and ass. This away, oh just gonna, feel that way the perpetual hole of porn, I feel daily. Please make it stop well now the end is nigh, and then you regret saying that question is what chapter we on one chapter, twelve nevertheless say that I never see the light at the end of its agenda. There is definite crackheads there What's wrong with my spine, in writing. My vocabulary was way it is I'm feeling a little run down, and I was really looking forward to this. As a little pick me up thats where it isn't it very strange to being just hang that without awaiting does book I would add that, as every sympathy Reich, gift keep coughing the outbreak of today's both banal. During this rush, you stay away from me. I feel like I have sexy voice visa some bond with yours. Hulu statements on the package is laying aside this aspect. We sexy here when you think that duty that voice in the budget in many ways-
hello, Sir James, to comprehend. Why you passed back on what would your trousers? while leaving the house call me what you mean and already Is an exciting we bloody? What is our first ever live shows this we're we're taking the porn on the road, but one location, every night, it's a minute or is a residency. Absolutely people are actually paying to be in a room listening to dot porn analyze another with great I'm proud of their willing to tweet? where's. Usually, this is the kind of thing that you would just pay for new credit card tell anybody about when you hotel room a white trash, Eddie gotta try Nope April you like a beat it. And also a excited James. I'm really eggs, I am very nervous- does does actually have to be good note of paper.
All right, let's gerrymandering, abundant, ended up aware: I've got a full and gown. I would love to see people like dressed his characters on the net Oh, that's like full rights in Panama is actually so people, just as the duchess Doktor Robbins. Was it wasn't he in full tweed yet, but we have no black thumbs and I request that May I just got funds that people could be wearing them and meeting and the moved out get official yeah. Of course, those who keep your outer garments above your inner government in garments forgotten Martina comet. How will go? Of course it is called. You could go for the woollen local, you will the guy rosy anyway, that ever the lever- a? U S, eye Jamie white yeah really excited three. Your doubts poured in front of a ripple of he it'll be different. Wake up. His head is really in front of you to everybody.
Front of anybody else, we're a hostile audience that other people love me and James absolutely discussed was what some of you you too, and is China visualize buttons to that shy Cathy's? So are we excited by this week's it kind of part to have less? We, of course, the middle kind of ad on exactly we left Belinda enforces of Knightsbridge getting getting financially yeah, and this chapter is called the fitting bit everything they have. The car, the fitting bear the sitting back the other bit was just called forced as if not yours- and I am no sex happened- didn't know it was a sex like chapter she had to strip off a lot because the millimetres fabric between the measuring taken her leg with throwing the measurements off him of. If we were in the world following. We would know that. That is how it works. Exactly that encourage the two things we know about tailoring,
cup, though, did Vienna that Germany and a boy Baden, even though for a goop cup, boob couples and say gonna cup of hot cup knows that in fact is a different thing, equipment in Munich locally over time, but that does not, in our view heard. You didn't even know the thing that, when in a somewhat coils next about God, we're not as it was your resource Jacob, so before we start talking about, God knows what we get reading the book: let's do it? Okay, so, but I ve been to chapter twelve the fitting bit twenty minutes had passed Bela had by now Started her third bottle of champagne that bottle in twenty minutes is supposed to be. Little sweetener, oil is not a bar away kosher.
It's nearly eleven o clock in the morning. Even earlier, maybe twenty past nine hours, Not a lot goals. Yak has three bottles champagne I'd be way gone. Let's be honest, is probably for Sacco is Nottinghamshire undervalue present go. We sparkling wine, fizzy wine at stake. Bela have by now started her third bottle of champagne and was enjoy every moment of Belinda being systematically stripped by Adam for Thou art and most forgot what is called Adam with the three eyes at him with a three eyes: Sunlight Becky, with the good tat he's got AAA Raven. He had left no stone, as they say unturned, They Dave. What is Belinda stowed? That's. Why? Wouldn't I got bullocks cause? That's what you call testicles aims: phrases about zones and Spencer and call them
stone know: how do you say I've not left a stone unturned of shoulder. I guys, like. You got the stones for this graph. No, what you look voter around. By of honest, you never heard that before God have you got the stones there thinking about a bit too much fixed, but I think you ve lost your mind. I would ask you to take five minutes. So he had left no stone as James size unturned. What do you think skimming us? me: tickling even the clasp? caning, how long black hair had been removed? He had explained This was essential in order to get the exact writing hat measurements. Is he measuring eat? follicle of hedge precisely prison? They taken everything offer. That's got a sharp edged to Samantha, been sent to the stock rooms for the required garments and would return. He said
in about thirty minutes, where's the stock and a man of Iraq sooner got about thirty minutes to go to the store ludicrous, never happen. Again she would be extremely busy. He had it now. She babby she's that long, diversity of Belinda's imbalance, clothing requirements would challenge forced his reputation. Adam had added, albeit God, Lee as in saying about Miss, lie like what they selected is a bit more risque end and it could not damage their reputation. That play be saying it in a way. This knockabout subtle lie. So they chose this because a search for your stuff, the stuff. We asked this chops, nothing practical for actually riding a horse, a little boy, the man Nobunaga what me I'll take a saddle and a whip. What would you do everything The Brasilia and special riding thong requirements were to say the least unusual. He didn't
some to write to you? You were big parents to write a fee would think because the rubbing would be offered a rotten one net. Belinda rest why this was so Adam answered. It's down to demand really ass. You know through the duchess, because a lot of young, aristocratic ladys through these doors said the duchess roof it's a racket James, this that it is working on a convention. It just pulling everyone, she fucks individual, but they can survive. Unjust referrals in the dutch touches alone will Alice charging five grand for now The public can never under. Fifty is quite simply that party built by that I mean little food too much alcohol spoilt to death and with about backbone. Little about, but literally little small, by very tiny backs.
Dad saying here. So the proportions are just that just super skinny is also now me on. The bank said that wine, diet, Palestine, the boy dire she's just a day, Walden she's gone had first been why He, assuming that she knows that she doesn't know that much about the Dutch. He's giving quite alot away. I thought these places we usually quite good it being discreet, because now Belinda knows the dutch disease, grooming, loads of thin women thin some bad. You were met with little backbone. Little tiny backbone, easier quail, but also of all the duchess married, like literally walk a week ago, was like eyes Oh you Belinda says I should not differ from one every week and you kind of seemed not surprised exactly, but there was, things that blended into other seem at first I did. She did have the deal they didn t just by that for the term biology. That's true the issue we should have known. Then that is the approach we should go
the horse box. Doesn't she scooping people off had forgotten about about my driver little vexed, and actually, why am? I think that this is all new to her. What day is it if the weekend isn't it should probably Tom Bowler? As we speak, I mean lover by that I mean little food too much alcohol, spoilt to death, ambivalent, little backbone. We love you too, That means small Byzantium, panty sizes. There's little demand for the thing, which is the pity what is going on. I think he sang there like posh pointy slightly jacket, inner skinny women and he potentially likes a big bar and won't lie, and then Annabel some lady. Well, it's over it's hard for the company to cater for these teeny tiny women like they have to like, special orders in? Oh, no, I think he's any opposite. I think he sang that's. Why
Jim Bela's require is a bit out there because they don't. You should get heavy women noble sized women. I think it's a common on zero size culture. Could he always does Bravo rocking the curve bulls that you come in which what about my way to the silken Adam things these to a curve bulls, The first women is of a sea level on bus. There's little demand the thumb, which is a pity personally. Making it's all. I wear a spy stay when I'm writing iron Adam now. How is automatic about CALL Berlin, Erin Bela were intrigue. That is like a piece of why, surely for a man to amateurs, while he's horrible- and he said, is all he was past- not right. The horse. If oil awareness, a thong hasnt, somebody else is going to sit there about, for the horse
I do. Why put you stones away? Nothing are you wearing one now asked the naked Belinda Syn. Play. It should be called simply Belinda this, but the simple Belinda. Why? Yes, Madame, I certainly am, let's see said Bella warming to a new task of undressing, Adam Pipe provided you know like a bottle of IRAN's role around a pile of clouds that she's, like space betraying on budgets, got like trousers on achieving a broad light. One uncle make up all over functional, we'll make a pretty woman whom I could from the night before probably Clare it put on her toes than they ever Bacon sandwich for breakfast, I managed is like catch up her mouth while she had special J Read amendment dispersed huge Adam pool
the heavily elastic hated White George, because he was wearing and revealed a delicate black thong with a red trim come on. That's a woman's thong like a lazy trim. I didn't know James, it's not right, maybe get stuff disco. Frilly trim, do you say? these here ass Belinda. Why, of course, Madam its company Paul it only where what we saw a UK obeys awoken mannequin. I waiting got porn Christmas and we We could only wear clothes from the store set come upon in the clothing Dave. Now I think I could let my own in the clothing actually meant, but I've common. I understand she replied and what about the socks? She's got to now socks, Madame, yes, the garbage you were between the put in the black leather riding those shots. Happy knows what sarcasm, daft woman. She's been so high on Ah, he said knowingly you
mean the hose how's. If to our home, when you wearing riding gay men, have fitting feeble interim balance, be wearing who's the. How, whose lighthouses Hauser eight, how is tights, unlike stockings, you don't wear stockings divide a horse. Don't you I mean I've, never written holds all have never won the equipment to properly ride a horse. When I dont believe to promptly the horse, you have to paragraph sixty Danny a tie, it's got make indifference. Comment would be slipping. My offer pathological s he said knowingly, you mean the hose. Yes, I do how stupid of me to forget. Yes, let's see your home, stop saying how Adam sat down and lifted his left leg god I apologize
I would ask Samantha: do me the service, but she's, not here ashes, been gone. Probably twenty minutes by now. Madam, could I ask you to assist me why? Yes, I'm an old hand. This kind of thing she bloody is a dollar before me, you're, too old, hugs, pretty and K. Why? Yes, of course, I'm an old hand, this kind of thing thinking of her evening with the duchess. Only a week ago, Belinda quickly and efficiently helped items to writing boots off his feet, always like data various net who back to pay to get such flashbacks. Take my boots off Peter put a boots on He too had enough what I said the right one, in doing so. He had a magnificent view of her naked ass and splendid lower for China, Letty Sorry, I'm so sorry how light
she facing him get taking off and was how can easier things? What Ludwig adjoining Sonaput each like between her legs and his like harassed at his face ass? She liked pulling off ass investment. How'd you seeing with the spots. Hop vagina Has he say mass she's? Let down really love oh, oh, oh my god. Oh Madame arrived at this stage. I have questions, but I feel like it boredom asking along gum, splay, lower vagina narrative. That's not thank you. I only time it's not right and it's not ok, whatever he's just described, but it's not hydrates, almost boot off no more. The boy motive, point love these of lower vagina, like is a mezzanine, exactly the third class, if have vagina, No one wants to ride in the basement. Fly over the vagina world, others
maybe not everyone, will know, but you know the demo golden industry margin for demagogues. Splay low overjoyed, let's just say, is not a pretty sight even seen just Google, it forget and say this gig, let in doing so. He had a magnificent view of her naked ass. An Slade love of China is now She and return turned around to inspect his hose. That's not an exchange also which host mirthful subpoenas, God James, it was unravel, couple, but they do have a hose unto stone. James does clearly what does a stone's throw away mean? Oh my god, it was unremarkable gutted, but she now had his boots. That's the main thing! I want to see this, so I think it was the
guys. We haven't owing to the gym, setting on our hands like a cat, got it Bela stood up and said. Could I feel the text? of this house. I don't want you got his noisily visit by bits, isn't spot on some. Could I feel the texture of these how's I might want to purchase some now sheep That leaves a thousand pounds already like stop nine hundred eighty pounds more than she's gonna take a credit card offers Susie. Certainly Madame at improved the home office, stop saying hose and handed one each to Bela, Belinda Bela couldn't win, sniff God test. Good luck! I exclaimed. Melinda swear tv, but this is a new low Belinda put Adams home
up to now. If you say how's smell to insert mouldings irish brush mills. Since you have no the north african Coast fuck off. No, she did in Greece. Smell. The sea weed in the air that is preparing for about three grandfather was a minor, What are you talking about tat tax disk renewing How about you should such a key offences? Now what would inflict she smiled again so moulting Irish Bush mills situated on the North Antium Coast, so she smell Whiskey, Vegas, socks, ominously, gay?
She can triangulate to exactly where the mainland and the specific brand of whisky and how many years has it been oak and, of course, see we too near like I'll call. You PS recently light what the fuck is like a superpower bid like a curse. Such is walking around shortages. Overwhelmed by every she's been said for wings. She, like the smell on her I'm splashing Pascal, will pharmaceuticals myself because myself that science I mean she is like a pig hunting for. It is not a significant way. I feel I should waste no time the pots and pans It could be a Smith one hundred percent, but equally we urge have the police major airports.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fanned will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight. Credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast. That's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present, a new jersey and peddling Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply. Gambling problem called one eight hundred gambler, Adam blushed. I've just returned from my holiday I remember, we had a skin fallen, the distillery yesterday lunchtime. I never thought it would be so obvious. We know, because you have ending. Anybody was gonna start like sniffing, unlike sucking Isaak that ITALY has quite rightly don't worry we're not have my six my adds a wine and spirits buff and he's
and me well replied Belinda. When I my sakes, I don't think he thought I look. Bela she's, our literally eyes, voted in the back, the head, sick down a front but most indiscreet spy, we're not at my six my dad's, a wine and spirits buff trained me well, replied Belinda, whilst patting Adams naked Thigh, patronising Adam stood there, his thong performing ninety three percent and typically, but really start like Tipp down the front like his pupil, starting to show us that ninety three percent MRS Stone to cycle little birthing not to introduce this conversation topic at this juncture. But you when you asked my dad how he was James. Oh yeah, I was, I was once in our union days on stopping over Alice's house and a lot of stuff. You can't unease about. Seventy three percent fine
rocky on using the percentages are very accurate way of describing level is a general issue. I want to know what the twenty seven percent was. That was getting down used up in a little early to build. During Bela. It was obvious that his red jacket and white shirt with next This is so slow, everybody naked or well at least Belinda residents whip it off. That's not gonna, be an action. Is that just as the above all make it? I only the onion chopped her. I feel ready to eat now set Belinda explained to me about those red jackets. Why are they so expensive This craftsmanship involved need? I was more than material exactly also that just about to get down.
To her and she immediately changed the conversation back to a boring topic like what's wrong with a no, but I feel like she's asking cause she's I'll pass me your jacket. Can I feel so. He takes off oh ease, channeling Belinda she's, not just a phone work telling me. Ok, is he might not be willing to strip still having to coax the stripping If somebody said oh, can I see how much your bra ways which, with the help we can wait a minute to Adam warmed? His task well said people. They cost a fortune make. This is all moles hair most skin, both most higher division as others have long blundered, alien observers, animals hair. Is all moles had discovered, Curly hair on it, Skin is like cotton. Eating when things are made of call skin is made of
Thousand Molly skin of a thousand Mozart corroded repeated that little old face. It's just Google moles her, and it was just talking about the hair on models on your body is made of me. Who have individually As for both from human move, yeah every human grows, only when she's in the store room, silos public plucking, all the stuff. Just I've got another jacket, tat, poor, Cedric, good luck! All here we read rural areas, moly yeah, you know, Cedric is a prime supplier of Malta for the captain Disorganises light. They ve kept in. I hate rogue. Here, though I ve ever those while your voices are different, but I've had won in the middle of my chest before
how vital it is not yet on re level than I had half my has my long, so you pull it out like a handkerchief ideologies. Recently re admission, I think it's resting, like a head, has fallen and any polar and the skin puckers back here. I've seen that always between always between your worst year within the same, is right in the middle of the chest. That's disgusting sound disgusting in his pocket. I decided I lay low sweet. What was it like this? differences in his terrible bob about I mean I've, never get a merry, never get away with you over the order. So I've got to go back on This is all both her now as you may well, no moles. I beg maybe
No I'd, nothing is surely should leave. Maybe in olden time may be conquered Rhodesia when people with small and had even tinier spines. Honestly, that is not made of actual malls Mozart, big, I also don't occur, naturally in red, which means that I wrote a similarly red mosey we're gonna go love me. I got a bag of purple mouse that are now planning to read it out a market. They also don't naturally occur in red, which means a dying processes involved it alone. The fortune, but the good thing is they? Never fade all crease, they will last a cent Three. This is turning into some sort of like fun to see novel with, live like material that exist in the real world is valerian steal. It does not agree with the web is like a nocturnal E. It's all a magical material. Doesn't fade last week.
Hundred year, eleven crease, never crease ready alone go the hours you save. You will never grow out of it. No matter how large or small you become the hare grows, and they will last a century we why sales are so small and why we mainly drunk that's why we may struggle with stupid product today with your larger in the bust sizes. I would you stop the work is only Temple malls, Cedric, listen up, at last for a century and thereby to disintegrate, suggests all the car is tense. It answer them all. They come to take their skin back Bela looked Belinda a lot. A sharp first
time I've ever been described as having large breast and clothing store Adam. Could I possibly failure jacket? Why? Yes, of course, obliged don't touch me, love and doesn't wasted as a market doesn't care homes off the ball? Her Adam quickly pulled off his red riding jacket and gave it a Bela who threw it in the corner of the room. It fell roughly two No, but didn't seem to carry us above. Belinda moved her hand up to atoms chest and started to open his shirt buttons. He stood still waiting, Bela, remove the shirt and tossed it in the general direction of the jacket, and it didn't seem to three of that. One must have creased because Adam was totally naked, except for his thumb, where they met for the edge. Ninety three percent final ever of Berlin,
took it and pulled it down his already extended cock sprung the attention ready for duty. This bring out the thong is a bit of reading concertina than you he's already extended, cock, sprung, fully to attention ready for duty as a dedicated forced as employees should be, or always a rag Patrick didn't table. Such it's got a lot of via replaced God bless his soul, Bela whistle whistled or for the taxpayer not bad for a lad, know about calling for a lab just as not bad for a lad. Would you say he was hung like a Red London bus Belinda, not a phrase.
None of re is not a comparison. Did you are hung like a Red London, but suddenly hung like terms, and that are even hang in any way. What is that their long online and wide, but wise Cox, the size of a but this double decker, he's all those new route and nobody bus Would you say he was hung like a red leather bass, Belinda, Belinda nodded crouched and put her mouth over his cock and suspend the cinema Adam pushed into her throat, literally just with lights, thrust forward, his foreskin began to retract Belinda gain traction on the moving penis on its own. It began to retract retract. That was a good one.
Added grabbed the still fully clad Bela and pulled her to him. So she she's been dress watching too people get naked. That's what we're watching she's not been Leif said. I shall just woke up. He kissed her deeply and she started it watching she's not been loose. It a shame that this authority just woken up. He kissed her deeply and she started to tear off her clothing. No one asked if I could, I get it The two naked girls worked hard on Adam. He likewise was no slouch. Floods. Even given you an epoch, eras knows loud with a hand on each of their breasts. He was giving as good as eagle when applying the action got more intense. The girl starts to gently perspire and Adam fell into the white city.
Belinda reached for the glass of champagne? Is she still attached by the mouth? Now I think she's retracted her mouth. I thought he would try to this force. Can I don't know my tracking. She reached us champagne. She was first Do you want a drink before she started on items toes he's rats and bankers? We have that chapter with the lipstick on the Tell tale, rising, always solved Newtonian dressed fetter, unless you just want to drink whisky as it seek out of his toes. Meanwhile, Bela had spotters Belinda spitting out Adams Cock, told you never said attached when they went so when he fell on the sofa she's We then gets mouth still wound good such conduct. Did you come to choke taller, as if I was you can't spatter out She straddled him immediately. He responded with gusto and was fucking her heart for
that build epistles happening very, very equally, really deliver keys. I gather my horrible toes blue berets felt he was a cowboy bucking bronco girl. She did quite apt the shopping with various they were having. She thought. That's true, though, they always think these things As there are the throes of passion you ve never met with a normal people have whether our wish, I thought that funny thing after they always think of it right there and then, because they're not present, guys it all stopped before, but into could refilled her second pillar. What stopped months had returned to stop a nurse above and be back tunnel snake. She quietly coughed
so it seems like it's not a good time, but can I just say they weren't available in all the balls to be able to make the guy's Sedgwick passed away and were holding a small funeral awakes everyone's just tat, you put it back on sleep at night. She quietly coffee and Adam, sat up Bela had no option but to withdraw and fell back. Only partially exhausted onto the floor. What she withdrawing from his penis. No, there was Belinda elements, she's been fucking him Belinda seconds Tony's. I don't know why.
Bela, just full body. Why step offered work fall in a heap? Adam said. Thank you. It is for bearing with us, while Samantha source, the garments of thanks for your patience. Now have your clothes sorry for the way, and as why don't you now we were your keys. Do not Will undressed, let's see if you items. Say what we could do. I'm not sure this is how it works. What it doesn't seem like Samantha Freaking out like this, is an unusual occurrence she's just about now the rule undressed, let's see if these items fit, you please forgive me cold hands too late for that have been all over Adam competently, dress, Pelerine, Belinda and after only a few minutes, they look at the real thing until I open mouths
Where's the Japan Adam stood back and surveyed his handiwork busy naked sir on his manhood in all right for sure. Bela's outfit didn't look as expensive as Belinda's, but it still did the job. He she looked extremely attractive. Belinda, however, with a long black hair legs to die for and oval breasts, that shouted out hold me tightly something else? They now her clear unhappy. In order to every part of a body is more eloquent than she is. He knew for certain that his dress skills a stand out at the next horse. Jumping club dinner she attended when she going to horse jumping Dennis shook out with the duchess. Was she not that way get in the care of joy. Then I think that you get an invite.
My dad did. Could she said she didn't reduce it to the horse? He sat in his loose. Is that when someone says we should go for coffee sometime, they mean will never see each other again, and you turn up to the house of the cafeteria light ready. I meant a vaguely which has meant relational five thousand pounds. Without that, on the basis of a throwaway away book, three just gonna, be like the equestrian version of wedding crashes. Belinda resign alike. Try to get you to save them from Father fuckin. Here again, so, what's Bela's jacket made then, because has so much cheaper. Is it like shrews or like the fables, my cigarettes donkeys, though Vow We need a lot of all
penny officer and that his dress gilded make a stand out. The next horse jumping clubbed initiate ended, and that meant she was in the a class. The english aristocracy would love her debates to death, but feels like she's like primed and ready to take the next step in society is a day beaten, isn't cheaper old. Like a rarity dirty version of my fair lady, such a kind of coming of age. Amazon coming of age and a drama is net. While that is the end of the chapter, We got a dash of penetration, we did. We do better was riding in luck, trooper for at least five seconds, but us feel the walls and the husband of penetration in the Balkans in the book no lights, been aid
since the appeal is gonna, be so I'm pleased Butler S, I ask and loving it look at that is made more cultural way, better, have backed by a bachelor Well, those, but everything- and I wasn't there really really was proper pick and mix of a chapter. Giorno than action Well, I just hope. Rootless, frickin, sharp, quite rightly its authority, they claim is on us in the next chapter is called. Up up away. I believe the is my first assumption hyperbole until I thought, but yeah I may have I'm sure talked in the past about how that is a kind of textbook. Romantic. Just Nobody ever does it work. As a token gesture that ever actually voted through you. I don't know anybody who's been on Abilene day, but ass, a thing that you always see light romantic couples, leaning on Alaska, don't you feel about four hours of operating the higher balloon? They relate to mind like pretty clear away and trying to drive. This ought to draw
I believe, like flies yogi riding out she well, she might have to check the guy is in charge of the gas supply. That, I believe will be rising on her sexual adrenaline and nothing more. She Well, it's none of the plane. She's record the air, if it is who knows only one way to find out what's coming back next week, just seems like a lot today to find out, go on then reads: I'm you can, of course, as always gain such as those on Twitter ACT downwards. Poona. We have such a t very. Do you guys I came back to his while I feel like in the early days it was like chapter four fine now This, then, is it. I really coleslaw yeah and they said, is really good. Stimulants comes over his at my dad right. So send us some fancy. Sanderson drawings and pitch the view. Listening to the book laughing along people making birthday presents and cards and stuff for each other. Using from Berlin Blinker. So one day, the day someone got their friend like
you pomegranate symbolically and short, and I like some pink plastic hunker God what cheaper antenna enemy the level of we hope it is very good, but also people will need to make the ally presents anymore, because our first batch of merchandise is on its way. Is we Don T, shirts, beautiful teachers, beautiful MA, skin tee, more have mother had funds more weeks months without mugs got jugs untold backs the Ladys Topix here. So if you come to luscious lurch noise will be available there and keep your speech because start selling online soon the perfect gift for all the family and there's something for everyone stood silent thousand pounds all the way up to five thousand. Everyone. The winners, reasonably priced range.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.