« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S2E15 - 'Jim's Secret'

2016-10-10 | 🔗
It's the biggest cliffhanger since Ross said Rachel's name at the altar - what is between Jim Stirling's legs? The answer lies within - and you'll never guess...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains adult theme, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff previously, on my dad right upon our lamentable and this between you and me Belinda nodded. She didn't know what to say all she could do was reached forward and down Jim's. Can he do that? What could she say? How could she tell Jim what she felt tee? Is Africa down
Jim, held her tenderly and his want simply to read his legs there. There Belinda, you can learn to deal with this, as I have what it's only a matter of time and getting used. The news came stances. That's all that matters. What is worse off the end of the town, hello, everybody and welcome to my dad wrote a porno. We are going to find out what the hell is in between Jim said his legs. James Alice watch negatives. This has been the longest week of my life waiting. There are so many questions from so many people have gathered some theories, our great from twitter emails. Exactly from a bit of everything, ok sent Twitter alight. Couldn't keep up people even considering buying bundling too you know things a desperate,
It's not arrive should know about emotional to make you do so aims, email, a few theories, good name that either Jim, had shaved or tattooed his private penis area into the physiology of Belinda, so he's kind of like tape here, a temporary or got fallen tattoo on Like our sorry, I see exactly a combination of both maybe the face with ink. The hell with joy play either way romantic enough to reduce Dave Graphic forgetting about the tears ass. He rose you off this and I don't know, but this they ricotta ties in with the tears the has put a wedding ring over his tiny Willie Tipp Belinda's, crying because she's getting proposed to make such a gesture. That's amazing! If the first line of this chapter is
Do you not think of TAT mug, not proposal story? You want to share thou afterwards. Ah, he put the ring on his dick. Let the night in a hotel also assess the havoc surveying, but we now have multiple, this could be a normal sizing? Couldn't I guess it's a besides some of the testing and he's had a sex change which Actually, my the fairy I've come to come up with. I think that's the most likely, I think, Jim's how to sex change thing. The language about like adapting to a new life under ocean of air yeah? You know that fell like if that is the case and Belinda's. The first person that he's share this with and she burst into tears. Is that sensitive way to deal with the matter here I should like to go. You go you sister. You walk into the treaty. Again. He would be perfectly clear about one thing and then someone just get guessing that he's like brazilian while he was in Brazil, but it
the vote as well as his cubes. So you took everything I notice, which recognise, throw away the strap yeah so Then there's been a real breadth of theories. Quite the range, a cable. What I forgot to do last week in the how can a flurry of excitement of being the first ever cliff honourable and blinked cliffhanger place? Sorry was tell you the name of the chapter on. We were so furious with you at the end of the last chapter, so we ve even carrier, is out of the building because we were like if you want to read it. What's the point out us now into the pub in how to massive bitch about you? Well, a lot of stuff came to her so boys, the tropical. Well, you know what I might just read it to stay for as the intra no previous to the chapter, ago Belinda blink to chapter fifteen Jim Secret. I would have literally nothing away so exciting,
I am actually beside myself. Let just get imposition so Belinda big to chapter fifteen Jim's secret. He gin I am so pleased for you, but how did you do it is peanuts and longer than that it is an extension. Do you think it's a pump, or do you think he's actually add something so on? I don't know the technicalities of. I just presume that you are to be on the end. I imagine it was a way to get someone credit card details.
You know, I always thought it was just now that there is a real big. I've never got one of those emails into that's the cheapest prize here. What did you do it? Well, it wasn't easy. Firstly, I had to come to terms of my problem delegates from Texas. I know I know, but I feel like I've done it now, some kind of it maybe that's homework. Towards the end of the chapter last. What you said to me like a set of circumstances like light, don't even know where that is. My american might did tax me saying that the action was wonderfully incoherent, so generic, and I think you can get away which American, but I feel like he's gonna be Tom. Cruise is well. They feel like intends action here. Exactly Belinda we have ten minutes to get. I will build a dick is gonna blow a big boy. Firstly, I had to come to terms with my problem is not that I saw it as a problem, but I have to admit that my meeting with you,
in that maize. Resolve my mind to do something positive been doing some research over the previous few months and adopt the pal of mine. Idly came up with a solution has totally the and is also tangier is not jewish is it is like him, italian American, I feel like I'm. So sorry, I like him, you know one. What's his name. Con looms contains colonies in the terrible foam, Mickey Blue eyes, Mickey boy here boldly go keep live, chose you could be. You gonna hurt you Alice you're, getting people who. I am pleased that we know what content aiming for think it's fine. Ok, I've been doing some research over the previous few months and a doctor pal of mine. We came up with a solution, not that it was inexpensive. Mind you anyways the only place to go with Brazil, so he went to Brazil for the very type loads of surgery happens in Brazil,
I've never heard of that. Before I tell to let people over the past, I have like bum lifts. Instead, because I'm Latvia, I stood. I believe it's a thing I mean was stupid. Because you have not. She confirmed yet, but you can have surgery to make your penis bigger. Will you just certainly about pump? Was the pump friend told me about it? No like eyes eagerly Austin thousand things like a penis company create like a vacuum, and it had come to any of us to have genuine medical referendum. Everything about two thousand is absolutely guarantee to us. Now, though, I don't think they work, but they exist. I think maybe people use them to go get themselves a bit more excited before a pump upon. So it's a cube it fit Soviet, your penis and then it's got a little above the pump and its intention to take action It sucks all the IRA and it just pulls the penis subtle. Wow. To any of us as a genuine medical reference. Everything at us
Are you doing with some like makeshift a balloon pump? Stop doing, I'm so glad you didn't pursue that career remit, Saint James, I think the whole world is leaving us. I've really look. I thought James is made something else and light extra about pause. He uses, therefore, and I am ready to get some tweets guys. That's all I'm saying anyways the only place ago is Brazil. So I that was the clinic in the Amazon and genuine migratory, whether boat down. There was some little tribe Middle nowhere, given him a penis extension. Maybe they specializing like an urban S, while guys Belinda, says an untried medical procedure in Brazil, you, a very brave Jim stupid, yeah, and very, very desperate. I heard it said it was a problem and I still am, I was happened. Jim started to caress Belinda's breasts. Oh, it's easy, so desperate
Fatima Bang, we still haven't established. What now know if this is what happened you would? Say it out loud. Why biggest skirting around buckets? Isn't that what they meant if everyone in the room can see something you don't have dimension it yet, but rocky like thinking the audience that spell it out- and I was so far in the chapter on people's desire for the cliff fire had not yet cited, and maybe this is deliberate. I ve eaten some of the town Twitter of my God. I was worried about the cliffhanger, its rocky food, so you find him book to say yeah and very, very desperate, and I still am Jim started to caress Belinda's breasts. Belinda pulled him over the bed and started to stimulate his monster. That prick he's got a man stepped out of fifty two eyes so as to how he's gone
from teeny teeny, tiny to heat yeah age as AIDS monster, my god and man. You have got a monster, prick beautifully done that time and see wow. She was sobbing seconds she's a girl, not bad, so it was. It was too Joy like I can't wait to get me. I feel, like he's, lost his like his tiny date with his defining feature. Now it's just a guy, not just a guy with, another guy with a massive day Orang poor Jim can get it right here is that you never Today we can derive it around here. Belinda pulled him over to the bed and started to stimulate, is monster dick with her hands. You gonna, have a duchess. Had a monster pregnant and he's got a monster. Dick is there a difference that both other maybe his is the gods. Eleven hers was the site, clubs or, amongst others.
Maybe it to do with what I'm not saying that what I am as he had fallen transplant. I think, but you know remember: Belinda joked maybe needs a cocktail Plan, so so is not just had it? His extended he's had is removed and new on ports somebody else's Peter. Oh, my god, dilemma kind of it sounds like a zombie billina thats, but three, so it is justified so pray egg is gotta. Man slid, they both thing different lyrics. I get it. I feel a harmony that for the harmony ass, what harmony is fine, but I sell entity harmony late as what you ll answer, I still call you even the born single he's, just a man, etc,
where we have a man said Craig literally toasting Belinda, pulled him over to the bed and started to stimulate his monster, Dick with her hand ass. She did so. Some of the skin fell to the ground. Is it for you to forgive me but sometimes it makes in December. Is it's a zombie dick Belinda quickly, backed off Jim, I'm sorry know, it's all part of the restorative process. Surely should give it six weeks before you get back into it, Look he's just come back in the cast a single hour or definite at every swim all differ in any way. I can get infected. Oh god, it's gonna be gangrenous. I must admit. I felt like us: snake. When I first got out of the operating theatre, there was Lou
skin all over the place to hide a journey Alice she's with you, because Belinda blinked drink drink you would you take a could she really accept any amount of whose skin inside her vagina. Oh- who obviously now ask myself the question, though, obviously perhaps it would attach itself to her and start to regenerate. Could she live life with a monster dick, like Joe what were the zone bearing a garden? The man was the day she caught. The monster did so too many lines, so the monster bear refers to it being a monster from the deed. It is actually a zombie cause she's saying if a bit flakes all ill grow a bit like a star slicker contagion, but everything to start grow months today.
The amendment that I am obviously not, though, because that's not possible, but what was one? Thinking I should always is silly, but she's gone mad he's just one of her jokes. I don't get it again. You know when people say that got, I could check less whether, like all my thing is like they have tough goods, They have to have good harrow. You know you kind of vanity checklist. I love that she's just gone, how much flakes can I endure like that's a thing that you'd be ok with somebody just disintegrate. Within the EU, Dick Tundra damned he learns Q, Dick drove you need some. How to shoot. He become. Was the likes head and shoulders? Could she live life with a monster dick like Jim's, she resolved to go for it. She did what the fuck she'd always like that. I Richard it anyway. Then what this is madness,
Cities are written this one honestly like on a bus ride. If there is a lot to minutes, you just written a stand, ready click, your Isla somewhat off right. This is our too many powers. Each Molly had a headache. My office is rocket high on council yeah he's on the twelve plus those the hardest Belinda started to give Jim a blow job. She made sure she started. With plenty of saliva, she still didn't have the confidence Jim did that the whole thing might just dissolve. Like an I slowly, I'm not thinking. Well, I'm thinking like she's apartment. I am above all, jumping over parmesan. Oh god, why she Papa ring all right. You know, like a fellow pastry, I, like you, break off. If promptly like, like a packet of skips about clever, don't put people of turkish sweet tree.
Nothing less than half mayo anymore. I was it loads of people you back cleverly to listen to this political colours. What our turkish friends, however, it was fine, the few bits of loose skin that Dickens. In a tea. Let's all would easily be dislodged when she breast and flaws in the moon. I didn't have you done it straight to the bathroom fucking, this, in fact your mouth God. This is discussed in his heart I know we go on about. You know this noisy cooks upon always erotic, but this is great. I grant. This is good.
Grandma nothin, like I, my penis, has dropped off while to talk about this. If we met a friend recently didn't way, and she said that she tat have a breather after how good turns out after how the tens on that was pretty guys. This is a repulsive next level. Now suitably aroused Jim felt ready for a bit more action. He slowly pushed Belinda back onto the bird spread. Her willing legs willing legs, love your willing legs and entered at least seventy five percent of them did the rest. Land tat is bad. He grows. Did ecstasy. He at last experienced what every single other man in the world had been enjoying. It felt fantastic. Right right right, I think of every single other man in the world. Let's explore the
just legislature, the medical side of the Atlantic is your quite the export to do so. It sounds like a transplant. Yet when you have a transplant, have to connect the nerves, of course, a NATO like suddenly attached neat, let you can just suddenly felt like he added and days ago days ago. Do we know that an unattractive, the body organizers of the rights that we hear exactly, but you don't have the bodies gonna reject the new penis sounds like it. It does not know. Another woman is the EU. I mean generally, when you have surgery its weeks, if not months of rigour, return because not just to get full functionality. That's like because you in abject paying things need like he'll, Satchel Ethel, I sat Elizabeth Word hasn't settled.
What, if it's, not plot lobbies inside he sought to snap. Oh he's fully aroused comes away slowly, inch by inch gin continued his penetration of Belinda's vagina. He felt her cervix muscles, expand temporary staff as he pushed through to her ovary? Ah, ah, Madame Raffoni, you shocked anymore. Obeys, he's pushed it. What is it pushed through? HU, the cervix with his zombie cop that got refitted yes Oh my god. He thinks it's just like an extension of the house. Oh god, he thinks the cervix is a conservatory, Belinda exhaled and thought she could have saved thousands of pounds and that personal train, if she'd known about James up, never mind it was all for the good she could
lie back and enjoy the right. She never lies back and enjoy the right to become a pillar prince, obsessive telegrams. Since this money favour term is my term de jure of twenty. Sixteen which mean just lie there and just enjoys. I just hope you just kind of life of all the good things to come to you about things and in balloons case one, Jim had reached full penetration, he started to die right, his new cock, you Geneva yeah is going a new car is set out for spin scientists around the block, see what it can do. Scum, this, I think, is it. I know what it can. Data they'll be features that is not aware of how to generate a penis like sites. I, like you, I guess, can swing because, with with the vote I mean you went unnoticed, Yemen is life and what you can do. I owe you one, but nothing may there is room for cover you dont have to fuel for any many matters. Even is a new man. Well, I feel about the feels he had to get transplant yeah, what exactly everywhere,
shaking the main thing about the vote, was that it was lying in that nest of pubic had that was my main objection. The size was irrelevant me really. It was how repulsive lay it was discussed in the penal code. Not bad cause. Belinda did fly all the way to taxes to say again he took it easy at first. He didn't really want to detach itself inside Berlin. They can't have said that the hospital they cost advocating a threat. If you're cool with it, may be detaching. If you can feel what having sex you can feel the incredible pain of it, town you're not supposed to when two hours after you ve ensuring like the day after he had a cop transplanting offers to shine like use ammonia, let this hospital event: given him any guided Brazil or that bureaucracy I know manual, I mean I feel terrible, because I'm sure Brazil has one
last but not least, I feel at where he's gone is just the pay of the Amazon isn't known for medical care for its after Gaia, Lord. He didn't really wanted to detect itself inside Belinda all he suddenly thought any other female for that matter Pray because you gotta get all the Ladys now to think you're. Just leave it lies, open and shut. It hung out is that we do feel proud of how endowed you are slightly flop, how nothing to do with it all he suddenly through any other female for that matter. Wow that was more like the old Jim Sterling last. His confidence was returning exactly like a poem wow. That was more ideology of sterling. At last, his confidence was returning. Haiku believe it is Now that you're ready,
move into your new home, you're, ready to refinanced or student loans and save some money for when this happens. Thanks for coming to my house farming, sorry you're sitting on an Ottoman yoga Baltic Stump ladder bars the leaf. Your federal and I've student loans with citizens, bank, and you could lower your monthly payment, so you can buy matching furniture, you're ready to be dead, free, faster and citizens. Bank is here to health, go to citizens, bank, dot, com, backslash, ready to refine for more information or to oversee drink alone. Such individual When you re steps terms, emissions rights of suspects, of random citizens, beckoning. With a leap of faith that a strong desire to fuck Belinda, and that's not that this body Belinda whether they are just this whole chapter I'll, find even if it's not dilute, said Virginia guy with a leap of faith in a stroke, as I too Belinda Jim quickly got things was rhythm after a few seconds. He threw caution to the winds and
We gonna wisdom across his movements, southeasterly and the North West Lynne got. He suddenly got loaded. Still ass, a very active Belinda too was waiting for disaster. Where's Belinda too hello, I'm Belinda to adulthood. If I stay where she fog Oh I was doing robot you would do in our eastern european woman said dipping corrected honey. I wouldn't be surprised if the Zeppelin declared I contact with one other spheres. You can imagine how much more shocking should do. I think we're pushing the advancement of medicine enough one chapter Ashley without a clone, if you claim something as well, then they pick quite carefully and that only a sheep on this, yeah, but they don't just go. She returned, usually quite a selective Belinda too, was waiting for disaster. She just couldn't help but think what the emergency
what team would say if she was structured through two casualty? Why everybody thinking about disaster, because you don't generally have great time sexually. When God think it's, then, about living in seven a girl. Yet why is that the sense of excitement that she maybe she's kind of, we should speak without normal sexual Experiences says you need something that is a bit more extreme. Yet the ip address is like the other extreme continue. Imagine like coffee morning with Belarus is out. She d love it. You brought your navigate happened, so why are we so we shall we say how they left the dick and make my guards or got rid Spargo hours. You would love to tell this story got aversion to go into hospital with Dick left inside you hold it. She just couldn't help but think what the emergency warty would say when she was structured through too casual tea. She would obviously be conscious,
did she have the guts to explain? Surgical procedure was needed God she thought. How do I get seven. These situations may Bela villages, though so she's amazing but he might call an ambulance, I presume him or her and she'd have to go to any and be like if it wants to see that those without avenues, Bucker avoid, runs a sound a bit of a botched java, Fadus left inmate,
so but she's things you'd have to suggest to them the procedure that will be required to anything. I don't want to tread on tone. I just got a spoon and light scooped out of your thing, though you do your thing. I've done a diagram. I hope it's how you Jim kept fucking Belinda flexed her vagina lightly, as is the light legs. She want to Jim to fully complete its experience and thought he had had enough thrusting for his first report. Nervous. He's gonna like come, does still. Somebody's gonna does or does not just for just flakes. So my me till June, if you stop, it ah evolve fish. Food fish little paper fish yeah that you just sit on top of a more confetti like community tat in my gonna, be like a cobra
It happened quickly to quickly for Belinda and suddenly she was swimming sunny swimming in see more pale. Blue sea, I literally have lower Pale, blue jamming bleach. How do spray that round the room, compliance with your husband James, big cock now so handsomely matched with his big balls, exploded, he's gotta monster gave gotta monster Day egg, Jim swaying all over the place got Belinda caught his stocky arms and held him firm. Whilst all guzzling herself
always has been put off either always blue have to conduct is creeping me out loud and gulf. The room speller Jim darling had come come here. We need at him, He was well depleted. Jim Sterling you'd come, but for the first time ever did not cover the valet, no efficacy to came every, let gee I did think is. It was like where's, he got all that Germans, Gideon massive balls a reservoir. Don't remember, it was not flute daily news. He slump onto the bed besides Belinda and gasped for after about a minute his brow. Having subsided subsided on carried out subsided. I eighty miles away blue in the face like his come after about a minute. His breathing subsides
did a Belinda wiped the sweat and tears from his face lot, a rat things actually than about new cries. After about the anything sexier somebody who comes play and he's taking all of the boxes so Belinda that was Just daddy damned Belinda laughed and relief. She got up and inspect the gems, never regions for any sign of permanent damage. Everything seemed to be subsiding nicely why subsiding. His new equipment was lying back in its proper place and even the full scan it automatically resumed its protective possess, like this I'm robotic hook up with maybe is Robo Cook is actual Rebecca. I bet there's a porn from Could Rebecca
God they swam James, so quick off the tags. Yes, I'm sure they're ashes again, Belinda dig. This is so silly, it's just silly, I'm not even gray style, because it just so ludicrous ridiculous. Jim. I know My question to the fact that so many don't questions are asked about the things that dumb question after what just happened. Jim. I know this is a dumb question to ask just now Why is she seamen? Fluorescent blue thankyou? Finally, while the lender money is really a problem, you see we have this new utensils supplier who's gonna make us so much money. I might as well say
and some of it, the blue sea? The package was much of an add on, but it was really expensive, so I figured it was sought of unique. Can I just say- and this is perhaps far too late in the game- the Rockies creative abandoned- I think its admirable misguided the right for this isn't like poor genre. This is like sigh fire. He's got into a very weird rail and doesn't it does someone immodest a fairy actually took him outside five. The reason Belinda blink so infrequently is because she is actually an alien and she's here collecting information for her home planet. While I mean she's barking up the wrong tree with Jim cause that he's not normal. Here but he's a cyborg himself. What was going on so I mean, Who knows he could be starting to take us on a path into the kind of more fantasy cipher. I feel like by this point. He was like I've
sown porn up like I know how to write? There's a he's like diversifying now he's, like a be another chapter, there's like detectives likely. He smells like in turn his arms when you think this is a weight. Hybrid works, gangs thoroughly on a guy. Wasn't it like he's tried to have everything I guess he's not destroyed share war for just be covered and shit like a lovely ship, mere role, but it was really expensive I figured it was sort of unique Stephanie Ache. Belinda fell back in amazement, fell back to go to the middle of the Amazon, some registered a procedure and clearly it back via the here. I feel that this was bargain basement surgery at birth, and why would you choose to have blue com? Just isn't so intimate you'd like sure thing it. Let those a catalogue like the light. Now this is quite expensive, but we sitting people got great result.
Like people, love, as also is the biggest tell you. Ve had a penis enlargement. Yet having a blue card is like caught just fly under the radar and think it is very well in doubt very tempted. There is no political. Will you that procedure in the Amazon like in the olden days would like you can have a filling, a nickel, he's your color of filling light. If anything, if I'd subpoenas transplant at what might seem like whitening at what might bright lights that even in this house, seem like a young and very don't you just wait till. I know how to change the color of the seamen and, I guess not thing, the alike yeah guys probably heard penis enlargement down, I'm fluorescent Blue is the file. I regard as an aside that would meet the you. Ve lie there to see it straight off that Jim Sterling's been her. You know when people who protect, he wouldn't have ever predictable, that you did
read out some of the more stupid theories. Israel, I don't wanna sit down in the ridiculous rate, is about the rocky he'll. Take you places you never thought you'd ever go or want to return to anyone else which he did have a fireworks Any of the other options you gave any of them- Belinda fell back in amazement and give food. I don't blame, but she laughs at the most. It gives us thing, though, come up given that one like she's, probably just taken a second, oh god. This is ludicrous understood. Couldn't controls, oh oh Jim, starting with certainly quickly becoming her type of guy and the little reference to business matters had not I noticed how is he's mixing impetus at leisure or business and will ever just happened? Jim? You are amazing, how'd. You do is to put up a pouch. Be so weird wallets
about having good friends and associates and the I've girlfriend. Just like you what is going on. Why? having a normal chat hall of Man Robot but she's, not. Even commented on area of other right. I've got so many questions. Stop calling me a girlfriend. I'm down you, you go friendly. We thought it was weird before The vote in the whole. Now is genuinely like. I don't know what this man is coming up did colors girlfriend of get a crap. I never thought of alone for PETE arouse innocent even those who are really I am, I would go well it's all about having friends and associates in the art girlfriend. Just like you Belinda, smiled, agreed and said: fancy another test run. Why not Berliner hey thinking about it
Let's do it doggie list, I repulsive dodges, right, double style. This is He must have as its rather doubtful and purple some doggie style, God doggie style is that from behind you, Don T think he overheard. Where did you know I've been researching in between? it's that from behind the thing I'd rather setting out its many coy face. That's that's from behind here, I fancy little VIP Belinda got onto all fours and Jim positioned himself, just right for his second
we re the night like this. This is actually one of the moments where I feel like it's come into such clarity that your dad wrote a year because doggie started such an on parent thing to say is a sore rocky at the weekend and he did not. A twinkle in his eye. I think he knew what was about where we were about to read in vain. Did he mention doggie star? He didn't mention anything you wouldn't I'll try to get a real love him, but he was not communicate. Vasquez moments, It also regularly body like how long have you got Mozart, what podcast her lots of full re as well? Is it I always going into the Woods Java Foray into the woods yesterday, Again, he slowly entered Belinda's pussy. He felt like a man
I D, Gruntings Diver, lighten the recipe is absolutely purely no. I've got engaged animal recovery crying for the rest of it in the foreseeable future. Again he slowly into Belinda's pussy. He felt like a man revisiting the house where he had Grozny such everything, but did now grown up, I fully matured horrible, massive, all political vaginas, the how little the prayer going home for Christmas is gonna have circulated male now, once made sure Belinda was comfortable. He started to thrust this time. Belinda felt more western inconsistent. I also like after may chosen with comfortable light. What's he done my problem
given our hot water buffalo moonlight. Anything right. Let's forget! Maybe me parents its doggies to my, but on a bad. This time, Belinda felt more reassured with gems, massive penis, firmly penetrating, but minutes ago she was worried. It was gonna drop all. Why should I so confident buzz word once my wooden again? They did a test run. She gently repositioned her ass to give him greater access and satisfaction. Godiva truth be told the sun she wanted to orgasm before Jim. Oh, you dont, generally orgasm after the place she orgasm like when you with our. Unlike she touched his arm and she was just like similar blue slime only goes, but horrible, so actor pleasant, giving as they can no more consistency, always using it.
Have a kind of slightly stretching like about yeah. It is, let the limited, but in the big trees, with a story of a big mound of gin sterling Super God. I wouldn't put it passive anybody. Video diet essentially just may decide a sentence The thing last year that you'd be saying that sentence into a microphone seesaw take stock, Sally The world we live in and said, go for God's sake, Hogan down the path. I had high hopes and dreams. We ve all got degrees. I look at us. No first tickets it's not worth the paper. It is written on anymore. I think I'm a paltry com oh Light blue seem in exploding over her could be off putting to a girl, but in what is a flight Jim too much in his first night out night out of bandages
The night out thing induration me that he should be in bed with a sling around his car and probably on a dreary. Bosnia, slinky hunters You know like when you, when they put the lagging a cylinder electors, just have a little version of more massive version. Clearly of the advice and attached to the ceiling, shouted here is holding out straight on until an occasion the pace picked up. Jim's cock was rubbing her clear just right now it wasn t an Belinda gave in to nature, gave it did. She called me: she's, a woodland triumphant were not once but twice before the inevitable blue jaculation cutter, was her dreams? read that what contacts, so you guys were beautiful
the pace picks up. Jim's cock was rubbing her clear, just write and Belinda gave in to nature, not once but twice before the inevitable blew a cut across the sky, like a shooting stars cut across my dreams. The first time I saw you, your blue jeans, you make my dreams come true, Berlin come fault that your dad right that and thought TAT beautiful, that's gorgeous he's go for the man. Look at that one thing he was crying zero lives. I can't believe he thought those e book buyers are not. Then. I believe that this is my citizen. Kane fairly did lead. Memoranda, says he's of those rights alive if he has to go to Google to know it's written before so good.
About me, but is taken now and they both flopped back onto the bed and fell asleep exhausted this time. Belinda didn't even blink, but she's asleep. He is one long leg, that is the end of the Champs fucking good. I mean what you say. What do you say my avatar come? I mean savings, these essentially managed to ground the progress. Without what I'd be surprised? If people demand we don't come back next week we got two cocky we were like he's alive. And he s a larger were totally was a genius timidity totally was genius. Loads of people have been like this guy This material is still got. Duff sent him. This chapter is bill.
And what we should but area up up up up is what I hope will keep. This was always an option. My guiding, I think it would create more mistake to not put out the reveal with social guys we just that, will save you or the thirty minutes together aids covered How are you feeling Jamie? Please you come back next. I think that the next week can only be a high, because the chapter is called a bitter spaghetti. Sauce just like that is by its back a bit of a spaghetti. Sauce, spaghetti sauce other is brilliant This chapter is not an incentive to buy our book. My dad row porno, I dont know what is honesty. This is gonna, be the best up that, because anything to not listen to this chapter any distract,
It's how, in my a matter of days now, yes sire, like just type seventeen days cyber inside, it's beautiful, it's as its Ruby, reds, wonderfully fluorescent blue color But you didn't ask for something that is actually the color of a spaghetti. Sauce Jamie, bright Red Anna get is like John packed full of like extra bits, its own Belinda bling one, but it's got light notes from rocky. Is the quays full rules for drinking? and it would be amazing if you Capri order you have, because we want to get rocky on the chart slight noise for him her about that's how does moment recycling at least top one hundred right, Charlie thousand one hundred thousand book. So if you guys pre order at them
goes into us out so that we can now be MECCA for rocky? He s the materials? I tell a gram to say you're in the chart appeal the Moon Whitney risen deserve after that out of a book one. So this is the first part of book. Tat has been a long time coming so good, given benefit of the doubt by this beautiful edition of Book one, and you will not be sorry. We be will be sorry there and in the meantime, before next weekend, such as on Twitter, rapporteur Instagram at my dad writer from Facebook to such might uttered a porno, and you will find us and it be great if you have any other longer queries, questions, thoughts, emotions that you want to put down just email, as might address upon it at Gmail, dot, com, yeah,
we love reading them. We can't reply to everything we get a lot of emails, but we do love. Reading your emails exactly so until next week, not coming next week. A catch our colleagues again, I have an appointment at this office, but you can't leave me on my account. Your audience print out the pages leave on apartment somewhere and you can find on your own the best, but we should not from the Gatt guys. If pigeons it's open, it.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.