« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S2E16 - 'A Bit Of Spaghetti Sauce'

2016-10-17 | 🔗
Still in Texas, Belinda is taken to an Italian restaurant by well-connected businessman, where things get very saucy over a bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore, herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one years are older and present a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem. Call one hundred gambler. The following pot cost contains idle themes, sexual content and strong language, basically it's done previously, on my A porno Belinda pulled him over the bed and started stimulate his months.
That prick he's got a man's pray God at fifty two he slowly into Belinda's pussy. He felt like a man revisiting the house He had grown such everything, but did Belinda gave in to nature not once but twice before,
inevitable, blue ejaculation, cut across her dreams, hello, everybody and welcome to the penultimate episode of my dad wrote a porno series to. If I can get him, I know I can honestly say, like two days ago that we were saying welcome back to my daughter for nice areas to these areas are Philip: it's been a lifetime, no because every time Do full memory raising, because there's no point remembering what happened so honest, every chapter is a fresh, but you like. No one can forget their lustre, and what happened. I mean people have been saying that it was a bit out there and that will be the understatement of two thousand and sixteen. So far, honestly, however, I was thinking about it and the blue come was obviously ridiculous,
thoughts way back in season one. When we had let the acute enable Rocky he did say his literary inspiration even came using those a horrible. I think he was influenced by the horror of seamen, kings, writing a stuff king done stuff about legal. I myself am, I think, Rockies made his own violated labour. I think that's me legal reasons. Is that what I think we all know what we're gonna, where are we now begin sterling would like the sombre talk hanging out of his trousers when it wouldn't hamlet, distrusts the ground geographic loft, set up a get wrapped in Parma HAM, James that I got wishes? Didn't you pay by the yard workshops granite. So this week's episode is a bit of get, he saw he obviously preempting, even more food to be ruined for the world. I'm light he had one bowl assigned for blue come and the other just specks out regular
little door. I didn't know what made you think it we pass to put at risk, We should those main goals. Pastor, very normally, with the chop details you can get a kind of sense of words. Gonna go this sum just Buffalo by in time. It doesn't have to be sexual. It could just be that they go for pastor, which we find out. Let's go for once. It is not right that the music again at the end on ok but enabling to chapter sixteen a bit of spaghetti sauce. Breakfast was a thoroughly american affair, so we're up S next day, pancake watch thing: pancake sign waffles lots of maple syrup. Well, it was a thoroughly american affair. Maple syrup b
Fifthly, over cooked Christie, baby! Look at them- Oh man, I love that char over cooked is meant to be like that. That is not less poor, coronary expertise, we don't actually do bacon the Americans. Now we do they do it, so it kind of just turns into like a bake any dust twenty by into it wishes enviable it breaks. If you drop on the flu exactly shatters into a thousand pieces so very different, isn't it very thin and yes to Crispy, do not like a knob ferrars. I like that chatter James, you know he's done with a cut of Danish said. I asked her very was dead by name, so they have maple syrup, beautifully overcoat and risky break eggs and to die for waffle, GPA, Sidney, approached the girls hallo say, namely boy or girl. That's true light. Quartier figured ha
you must be Belinda and your Bela said the extremely pretty and petite Sidney. Togo now actually could still be. A boy was extremely petite. Three five Linda Hunt if we all finished eight and then just follow, maybe your first maiden? Oh, my god, he's shovel nor is there any trace of Europe, energy and environmental. Your next night into German, Dolly particles, we're songstress. Also when you learn to do Southern America have been brought. This is your best accents back at me if you're finished Dayton, follow? Maybe your first may ballast twig down the last, if a coffee things like the last of the maple syrup and with Berlin in tow, followed Sidney to the lifts, once they are inside Sidney, delicately opened the top, but enough hope allows Watts puffed our cheeks and punch the twelve full button.
Wait puffed our globe, push as if there were a day. That night? I am hunting started by will repeat which cheeks physiotherapy there are perfectly cheeks nerve and punched. The twelfth floor button. Sorry it so hot. In here gas, maintenance and about the food that eleven you dear first may I make a genuinely allowed by the hour. I wanted to read the whole book you miss, so she quite hard to do what what did what's happened in a way. I feel I can say it now is we're safe distance away. You a fucking shit, I know I was ready, but I do want to apologize to all of our american business. I think my joy, I think they ve, enjoyed how terrible it was by also live with this.
There comes a hand on the hidden there isn't any hasty channeling. Have you got an itinerary forest Sidney? You know a schedule set Belinda, parts, and I think if, though said Belinda in a professional tone of voice, She did not know what itinerary is possible in this first attempt to like professionalism, also to the Americans, a schedule- and we say shadow over the other way round as a matter of course and confused. In Malaysia and financial laughing allowed them. Say, shed jubilantly it's gone, judge you I say calendar. She was obviously a bit miffed Sidney, stopped the first blouse button and had then quickly punched. The twelve thanks you're smarter than the blue. No wonder they need maintenance, aroused a punch in the fucking beatin. So rebellion. Why
I sure have Sidney passed over a pale blue folder to each of them. Oh she's, like most me last night, flashbacks flashbacks elite of all the fall, the colors in all the world. Did you happen to give me the two seconds later abandoned, let out a little sigh of triumph, because it was beautiful. What's a banner Belinda rest not to offend back I'm dining with Jim tonight. Are you with us Belinda Belinda quickly looked down at the page, turned it over and shook her head undisturbed It she was completely free from six p m wasn't shocking policemen, gel TED, I mean talk about lucky escape, I believe. That's The review of last night's activity exactly should get together. You know him joy that he went in twice. Didn't I
the way to an end stains, she was completely free from six p m. No I'm free all evening well said Bella gives you know what you need to catch up on a good, not slate That's true. She will be inaccurate. She's weapon saw in the Bay area that now that's the bitchy com. This is a prestige dinner. Even if you think that Jim Value walking train rat. You have to admit that this is an important and powerful me and agreed without area. The only reason but she's covers Apaches, regret. Invite embellish. Now here, because we always muscle and on the business travellers. Upon our own rival, business fellas, possum homes. Independence must name don't, but that we do the lift, stopped and Sydney uttered. The two goes through
a meeting room mister Sterling will be Johnny out shortly, along with his chief executive Hanks gang PUS Gang Hanks gang Hank San Hank Scott, not given to start doing how it's going without one guy? Who is thanks gang as read on and find him mister sterling will be Johnny out shortly with his chief executive tanks gang he's, the chief executive and his name. Is she informed them? How is Having scan luck, I imagine the caddy arose without Sidney left returning to a duties of nineteen flew away What happens on and are always goes down in the nineteenth of o Belinda had heard of this Hank skunk.
Very because we have never mentioned at First Weaver. He was reputed to be a hard bull type of guy and with a name like that. Could understand why icon somewhat ridiculous? Imagine if you really really teaser school. If he's got Hank of swedish descent, tat lovely, he was a second generation immigrant. At least island, why revolve blue eyes blonde a lean stature, o James obey the rules about, She is a description of your kind of dream guy. What area This leaves aside yourself and more to the point. He repeatedly had no problem in telling Jim letters. Dick is ass if he felt a wrong decision made by the other, not afraid of you can go sit, goes
arrest and that bucket, where would you stick ass to keep hunks guarantees? Already my favorite new carried? It was started, like it was essential to win him over as it had been gin. Five minutes later, Jim and Hank entered the room, hangs gang thanks, God Alyosha the very same Hank introduced himself and Jim, asked him what he was doing that evening. Ladys Unhung going quite you don't, and I bet that, let me finish my introduction. The usual GM The high rollers, Why do you ask how scandals was young? Unlike beautiful look, he is who he is is whoever comes out. I have no control of what comes out. Thank this guy just went out, in my estimation, give Jamie
bright light, he's got five or six voices to juggle in this character in this chapter orbit is really enough character, honest labour have five or six an express in the EU or GM out with the high rollers. Why do you ask? Well I've got a business appointment with Bell around some paper protocols. We need to set up between the two he's so I would appreciate if you take a lender under your wing, so to speak God if your Bela, he blight, following enough sacks, not sides a pipeline about the protocols, isn't it what does pay? a call made anything. She's gonna have fun night dingy wash Jim Belinda. That would be an honor. Can you get yourself them? Office for six thirty, and we can go catch a game at this time, Let us hope, guns, voice, gonna, write, catch
game at this catch a generic game, but the generic, whichever sports Texans like to watch over, not generic the crank ease, in these countries, as in the little man and the little woman told me, I guess it during the biggest evidently did so. It doesn't say: cranky. Does the crank ease orientation? Enron and Nancy of promise me tickets, its role in it his people is that, like Ronald Reagan and right again, probably yeah. The rate of course, I'll ring is, in the eighties Watts I am pretty sure that both dead there ain't didn't have my boyfriend, accommodate wait. None of them had my puffins, none of them captain if she goes with phone books in the next after I die on its they Alex it's our only the eighties notes of attacks to allow its, not just gonna, go before the two, maybe there's something
Rocky thought he made off with a hammer blow. He seen co play the ocean so way the cranky supplying their biggest gas. We're gonna get out of here, because road analyses automobile what you need to support the mass the Yankees, monkeys as a body that suggests that the girl currently The grand keys are intended in IRAN and an answer promise me tickets. Don't worry it sucker, you know footballer you, gas, so you'll enjoy it. No problem with the fourth ticket run around the place honestly. I don't even know a star when we think they gonna have sex before or after the big game. Something will definitely happen in the office of direction. Yet before they guy he live, Saxo Cranky Ease, other spheres is respected. That's so gonna have sex and stay in the bleachers ass. The rocky deafening by Greece, oblivion, the bleachers poem
song. We should base our bombastic papers. Definition, Greece, usually a clinic. Like universally known. She should we want things to be needs context and I spent after listening. Maybe we do other. How do you can take away from the large? They were a scotch comedy duo with a man and a woman who pay the small schoolboy I think, of how it's not still a huge success. I'll, never know no problem with the fourth dig. It run owns the place. Well, that's great. Love, seeing a few bulls being kicked around ah Abbe that one time it doesn't even work as an innuendo. You don't kick bulls around. She does that's settled said Jim. You Bela had better, not be late. Yes, sat, replied, extremely relieved Bela. She didn't like putting rank over Belinda, but Jim had played it perfectly of the hearings
he's planets and they can spend even he said the plot was she for papers, which, specifically that will you cooler now sheets of paper, the ratty she some time later. Hank was sat, opposite Belinda very discreet and quiet italian restaurant every guy too bad. The crank he's got bait. Oh god, while without bounds but a bit by a guy. I guess they were have sex that either the office all the game over eighty million of its weight to bear the granite you, bay, but as they say, you can't win Amal Belinda, not. I would have liked
to have a bit more about. The current is able to show that it is a well balanced whinstone. Its socket aims need fully understand that Belinda nodded and waited she'd established during the football match that Hank was attracted to her, but he haven't made any physical moves on it's not like her Belinda or any other man, let's near her. She also didn't want to manipulate the situation. This guy was a tough dude didn't fillings, legged backwards cap when she s guys turf do and by being a bit too. Over familiar? She could ruin the high sterling deal. Of course she couldn't, as I'm sure world thinking, because the deal is done.
To deal was done weeks ago. If not months ago, deal has gone down but was like a shock in the boat Belinda blinked is not gonna ruin any dealing in anything is gonna like seal it harder near. It was best for him to make the running if there was any running to be made. Belinda just waited long where she silent at the dinner table two books, economic, while guy planet cooler? Not only this guy. Place. You know me just puts outlast rang like so by her, not wanting to be manipulating she's being the most men. Is idea this is like proper game This is why it when you dating from when you get a what's up and you don't read it straight away, say they don't need another. Two blue to a k, a guy's may say: wait when it pops up on your home screens even actually ready, but you have yes so apparently now you can light turn off so that everything appears on red forever. So no one knows when you were last on line what you ve read, what you haven't even knows:
What did it's me once? They were. Ghosting may sometimes have extent read my messages. We have been posted us pray going happens, got lucky. It's happened It has to be Buddhists, stop talk that way you chatting someone I'm fine and then wonder they just never by ever again. No, are you liked? What have I done and I presume is basing its ethnic died intended. Today's call that just disappear chummy, mostly the politics of Alice teach you? So what do you do that others, according to how many times you trying it back in tat, maybe you give at once, but does more than once like take the him, we have a friend when texting used to be a thing should always is I never tipple green never, never double green, but still Bulgaria always say. Oh my god, tender once I was on an eye out and unmatched with someone and awoke next morning with a message from them and it was like hey That is why I am so delightful I'll. Take combating such roadmap
oh hi how's. It going sent it wise. His message blue and wise. My message, blue, I was in a conversation. We must I myself am a reply immediately with certain save and look at. You wonder why you get goes not share. These. Have you ever since and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties,
Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler. The waiter, ended up Menus Belinda I was a sea foods daughter, followed by spaghetti ball and AIDS and like a nurse- and this is where it gets its Monica this chapter didn't relating the Trump style of benign nice and the Romans. Finally, what she drops a bit unlike her shoulders doesnt know: Isn t like links of later in the middle of passion she dropped second meatball down. I find it very, very good choice, Belinda Spirit So basically, last matter had a very I want more may because he thinks you can let you could not come, it's not date, food is that you can collect. Spatter Volovya bears the classic splash splash back, so these guys do the best spaghetti, sauce and all of taxes.
In fact, I'm gonna join you. How bore him into a couple order? The same thing. I worry Hank order, the caress of currency house white to go with the seafood and his favorite read a big traditional can t we Well, it is, you don't tend to order all of you, one at the beginning of the night and the sea, we all up also corral cheese fucking gay order, Basile mixing, red and white is never known, even though I have done it this evening, as of now Where were we Hanks hand settled on Belinda's, knee Belinda calmly, took it and moved at higher and under today the carriage touching the maple I'll God I haven't think he's, but a calmer in the wrong place classic Belinda calmly took it and moved it higher and under her evening, gown these have been met, and I have had my favorite
the reason I have such drama Belinda COM, you took it and moved at higher and under hurry. In gaol. Utilizing the long split it center tat any of us in the center to you. She sighed split using but at the last central split comes really risky close to the growing to thank EE. Oh, I think we were discussing spaghetti Hank. That's a robot good answer, Belinda and what smooth scheme. Keep trying to deflect it back to light sexy talking, is, I believe, a brutal him out. What order from the nibbles parsimony smooth skin beats flaky skin? Doesn't it any other way Belinda slowly raised her hand to the class, but the top of her gown ass. She and did it. The material fell to each side of her board in a restaurant. Again she thinks is a changing room ass. She ended it. The material fell to each side,
still nicely retained by her erect nipples but letting her cleavage because of it is a kind of opinions as coat hooks, guys, Hank sat back in his chair his eyes, still fixed on Belinda's chest and removed his hand from her fi as the way to serve the people, course. I see you behave yourself now, the waiter guys it was needless to say, delicious. That really does what happens, but all we hear about is the aftermath. It's fantastic restaurant need this is it's got three point. Eight entrepreneurs independent had they quickly finished the white and hunt got, but indeed ready for that big red he had ordered. How did it get already does not rubber all. We got nothing after path about our strong. He felt his pants type.
And in the growing region. Oh, he knew going to enjoy his polonaise, so you got turned on by parliament. Actual Hard Martos minutes later the way to serve the spaghetti and left the source for Hank to dished out. That's got an unusual. Waiter serves play, enjoy pastor. Just like a bottle of so late passed. It is like bring you remember what Hank took the big ladle and served Belinda twelve, the spaghetti with her fork, let the profession No, she was fresh and what pastor eater fork user he's a provisional for chicken we'll default like no other, while others, you guys get yourself and using adult cutlery. It's like I'm, not using my fingers, like I used to do my spaghetti, Belinda twelve spaghetti with a full caught, the professional she was directed in the source.
Why is no surprise to you Don T, some do once hankered assuaged appetite and put them both to more bottles of red wine. Born glasses, with thirty out corral, whether scrub he stared Belinda. He had an interesting technique: Unwarmed Belinda, with key to bring back to Europe, though perhaps not for use insider. By now, busy Italian Pretoria got adds value as a cafe. If its anything Hank quietly ripped Belinda's evening gown, in my opinion, to completely exposing her thighs pussy topics but didn't remove it. He then so way entails. So it's she now wearing waistcoat. Isn't he?
Nothin Juan though that in lights of the back as well. She's going as what to sleeves. Essentially, he then took the label and trickled the now cooled source Overland, his breath God's sake what she gets slowly. Its way down to her naval at two heaving council, nay This is so inappropriate in a restaurant. This is it lay a family run the family, friendly restaurant, that I've got. It doesn't sound like a particular posh she's head to toe, probably by others. Take amendments presented its sugar coated had to Thailand. But in just a mile zones with maybe fixed maple. After about two minutes, it stopped
and pool detest. Shaven vagina! Oh my god. It talk about meat flaps. Soil is, nobody was once he had a big enough reservoir. He carefully opened her virginal lids and what dropped it aspires bigger in there and let the source do its will. Now, my god, it's gonna, be like attack over now no because Alice one of our friends use the talk of emotion, as the vagina denied access axiom OJ as you know, the over geniuses Axiom Oj Gaza, boys and somebody to overturn about. That's like you Cain and then use em back. If your keen, if you're a girl the tackle remotely looked at go for. It met many southern together, unwanted insight gases is on. This is on was so you neither the dancing, lady in the Red draft. Yes, the algae, I always use after Belinda Athenais Belinda,
If there was no dress for sure she's hook, evidence begets Belinda studied the operation closely, did it required just after tea or was it the source that did the flowing of its own accord. She decided to question Hank later on this technical matter later Ways best to ask in the moment Hank slightly pushed back. The table got to his knees and licked Belinda clean oh my god. There in the middle of a around has nothing less appropriate. Also clean What does that mean in this kind What are you not clear loaded saliva all over you himself like a magazine, a cat links the baby's horrid hall read you think she drops it with a napkin afterwards life
What we need at the side you mouth due to stop the sides of other joint skies Burnett the deep finished he made: no sexual advance. What seller that was a sexual advance he's. King, auto souls out of he was hungry spectacle apart. From the duty to make find there was. They now no need for a body mass eyes the next day, or so she thought its candy. Issue inside with his hand on skills. However, she was careful to compliment Hank on his capacity for genital duties.
Something she hadn't expelled from about duty. She won't institutional, though she will definitely if anyone's include combating obesity, its village immediately Belinda too I'll, throw out God. Why? Fag you Berlin I guess it was all those vacation jobs I did when I was a student now, let's pass up on the dessert autism, real italian sausage, unrelated back room. What this Mona Johnson, something
rather passive on the design. I go back to the sausage. Pardon my french polonaise having sausage, but is the ideal. Belinda fiddled with her dress, making decent for the target set. My better tied it together now begins also, Heaven forbid. The taxi drivers he's a naked, let alone the trends in the restaurant. A group of japanese tourists have just watch the man eater his dinner hour What do you think of anything? That's accustomed were taken pictures of light in the gray. We also doing it's about the guy you invented. An american tradition, has caved in Cloak Belinda fiddled address, making decent for the taxi ride back to the hotel, whilst Hank order the sausage and to move bottles of wine.
Jesus Belinda was bemused and thought things are not going at all to put up with this very soon. Each man, this is so far off plan even still be referring to the plan. Really it was looking like he was. Of those rare breeds somewhat made sex through the use of food made We make says with these. The I have thus makes no everyone's evaporate. But our funds is a rare breeds because he was a voice, stupid, Reverie Peter. I was the rapporteur because he's back that doctor, is a reverie because he should genuinely been in its occasion how exciting, somewhat unusual. What else which you tonight common sense is all I hope, Hank softly shut.
In this hotel room door behind them. He took the package of hot sausage and laid it on its silver foil. Wrapping on the bedside table, Lydia New illegally. Thousands of all they have. Why so myself is the biggest, though that is a big isn't it people do use food second aphrodisiacs saucy. China's delayed rarely called cuts red meat products. Fighting is probably like you sure, a pretty one Belinda he better than hot sausage. Next he took Belinda's ass in his hands. The guy, you sure, a pretty well Belinda. He murmured cannot strip. Yet an tribute and forget, as Gideon and Buddy stricken
can a strip unfair hunk use so skilful with that bother, nay, suicide, love to experience what your big more focus, data, wise, also food, this choice is, is a food themed chapter only was Hungary's read some angle is hungry, always liked. What should I commend you about food production and he says I haven't, decided Hank grinned and removed his clothes. He liked girls, who could talk dirty, she said: was there with one hand he ripped Belinda's evening, gown offer that's not impressive. Isn T halves, Please be naked. Belinda stretched herself out onto the same bed where Jim Sterling attest drove his new cock. Just the previous night
if we do not, trust is good. Wanna give Belinda home. Why she's? Over the great time I wouldn't be my friend, always says chapter four, the book and I think, mobile into thinking you're, my autobiography is gonna, be a best seller knock as a reading, It's not bad Belinda, took Hanks hand and offered him another piece of it out against us. Is very hot as she comes on the side or he will sit down and stuck his rising. Into Belinda's vagina, rising. I feel, like you, just sat in the same place and grew like a bienstock. She moaned softly Hank belched Alice, get it up, but the Scots exits alone. It is satisfied that once the banker, so she moaned softly Hank belched,
and stuffed another piece of Italian into his mouth last fucking, Belinda, hard so shocking. To recital often the salami, please don't shaggy mouthful. Honestly. Aid is really ruse. He's gonna get indigestion. Belinda now had Hank where she wanted him, and she was going to prolong his experience. Besides, he had another two pieces of succulent gets Daniel Saucy, still to go up. My Scott all talking about the south aid, wrap up the sausage and put it away like I'm worried where he's gonna put the sausage away, then never don't tell me the quasi mind. He was a tall man who played Harpole in his business affairs, were Berlin play hard bull with him and have arena a sexual arena. Here we gotta get the like of which he had never encountered before honestly bed is I fucking Colosseum many a battle has Africa Men have fought and then
Are you not, and that is the end the chance I was hungry, how to say I could go anything from illegally need to rethink the gray any coca setting any also says, but I'm after your key movie James anyway. All food up less than we had nobody lopsided S delicious. I have site like using food like we ve, often compared food to Belinda blinked, but there was the first time that dad's done and what people say that they think. Linda could be played by natural evolution in the film yeah? Should have the great knowledge exactly should not do that sausage Hanks gun fired?
concerned has gone down in the history books of labelling and the animal. I feel area where we have one chapter left to find out what Belinda's, nor do they know what his plans are. What happens on? How is this going to be rectifying on? One chapter is Furthermore, even had a meeting with Jimmy looks, you haven't, we agree barely had a me and great was the meeting that was me ok, so she pleaded access sign on the dotted line of marital this contract was one hundred percent done. What does she done with the time which should have there thirty six hours will she saw. The cranky is shed some lovely hash, Browns, some overcoat baker. Nice waffles got foot by flaky Davis and had colonies We found a nonsense. She hasn't been busy the eventful to attribute Sidney. I will, of course, Sidney Happy itinerary. That's a schedule for those with, so you ve gotta, come back next week for the finance
Molly of Belinda linked to oh, my god, you could never have imagined. This would be such a big thing. This is not the phenomena of you no proper shows going through this game of roads. Love that biofuels can be massively underwhelming. Whatever happened, how dare you James Cooper, its rocky flintstone? You watch your mouth. Wouldn't it be great if haven't got my friends together for the final episode to listen, I had little listening party area. All people need, I guess, Lhasa, chilean Chardonnay, for genuine, told me. Of course, maybe you could just put your favorite character just at all. If you get more british thongs beneath living, people took pictures of the port and send them to us tackles on Instagram. Actually at my dad rota, less made this a huge of an let's make. This is the Superbowl With a half show was the chapter called a hot afternoon at the lake
C p ran about that. Does it get you try it? I don't know what will stop or what you are doing as soon as it comes out. I have together I advocate that is this really does good guess, not mine, stucco, famously now television.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.