« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S3E1 - 'London; Thursday 15.55 Local Time'

2017-05-29 | 🔗
Why did Tony blink? Has Bella earned a promotion? What will Belinda do next? Get all the answers (or none of them) to these questions as Jamie, Alice and James open Rocky's third book to continue the 'Belinda Blinked' saga... mydadwroteaporno.com

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in three hours, the Times paper homage anymore and hello. We are opening a brand new book by Rocky Flintstone. Guess what is called guys. I'm gonna tell you is Belinda big. Three Estonia is the trinity, but it is the Lord of the rings, the godfather yup, Belinda, blinked old church, because how people refer to, as always in the same rapid except the godfather bought three is totally shit, so maybe we're about to embark on our godfather pathway. Oh god, we found a great run. Now it had eighty You had a great time. Would you do they think it's been a long time coming people people of one of the spot? For while I know we're lost lots happened, the world has changed drastic hasn't it he I know I mean I just got hacker indeed and boulders acute gemstones president. No, I don't think it's fat.
Jim Sterling back. Why did we trump anymore? I think Jim settings about a man. Quite frankly, Ripley is now you ve got a huge pay. This incomes blues yet seem like it. Come east referred? I know we ever ass. She thought it would happen, and now it's very much happened. What you think is awful, I think, trump his weak handing out the lazy ranch as we speak outside I've always wanted to go to that not anymore so yeah the world is in terms of it. We can all Cyprus industry, but the ones shining light is Belinda with very depressing. The fact is about over line is getting the world the renewed mister Gibson S, Belinda Blake's rocky Bedstead is worrying for us all, but you know what we got here. Their know how, but where there is light the end of the tunnel and that tunnel is Belinda's. Vagina! Isn't I lie? There is a black hole better man than I have disappeared into the so here we are again what's happening in the world
we leave the book when we left the book? Tony had just bling, my god? Yes, of course- and I think Bela was on the cusp of big promo, long nose, oberlander it asked Tony by you- could have a promotion and Tony blinked, which I think means nice. Having none of it. Yeah exactly is a blinkered yes or no. We never know with bill. That way, it's always a yes to the window. She ever said no to anybody. Apart from those of Turkey's amicable, that's train, yeah, it's the biggest live hyacinths Jim's cock. What was happening against caught and I was clarifying allows. I hang enough. Wasn't that I think is quite nice. It does did up his writings. Dogma is now letting other characters blinked eating. This is an error, because, if not the first time the he's written the wrong characters, name, you think he meant to write. Belinda sits, always confusing the passage of time. Isn't it end? Belinda blinked will its ensuring that there is no passage of time in the each book. So far has picked up exactly where the other one left off so red. There's no reason for the three different:
it all. I think, in this book Tony's, you're gonna be opening his eyes from the Blinkem will be how I got very as I've not even a second, normally second path. Ok, the first line toady opens emphasis Tony unwilling to do you think the rocky than has written, maybe one huge manuscripts, and then he just arbitrarily tears apart at about a formidable on two and three of you know, you're. The reason why it would be this might not be able to save down files properly and say thinking that it would be too big Save in Chung, or he thought he realized how lucrative it would be early on and did a kind of hunger game. Splitting unhurried Holloway splits, the Billina I could make a fortune here. An absolutely has meant that those ebooks are flying off that prevent our five. Now for five each in their eyes and well. He did recently got a new laptop that you brought in Spain's even want to pay the prizes in England the old in Spanish, so that he can,
let us all. We couldn't work out. What, with the full stop, he causes this vote will stop different it. It's not. The same is quite extraordinary. That's what the really different plant yeah- and I thought you know what if you'd have had a spanish people there, no time maybe you're right include an excuse, but so Belinda's now, like billion, that it wasn't like this. It's all over giving people have ready for where this, but might take us I feel that the stuff he sat up in book to the I'm excited to see if he even bothered to mention in book three o lifelong wow. Will she ever do that conference at the vote? I think that, obviously we all those women in their pitiful electoral clothes and a balance and Belinda gonna be more of a chance Belinda gonna, be more of a Jew Odin. We ve ever seen before it feels like they're gonna, be the dream to absolute dream d with some people think that maybe this kind of doing that can all about Eve on Belinda any sapper yeah he's gonna slowly take over her life moth into her and then leaving a ditch sunlight out. Its candidate came a threat.
Isn't it well. I guess there's only one way to find out what, but into being three has install, and that is to open Belinda blink through. There must be another way we could just so, if I click through it and to decide now what do we continue because she play chapter roulette, doesn't always range of absolutely those door. No, I want to know what happened after Tony Blair. Ok, are we ready is our blood out of these, but the sun? Why waste any more of these good people die on my god? Can we try and guess what the first chapters called? Oh, that's, a good game. You go the promotion of the ethical, that's a sea, that she gets the and the staff meeting, both good, both sensing that it still gotta be in the office. Then yeah. Ok, I. What do you mean? No, let's find out showing Belinda Blink three chapter, one London, Thursday, fifteen fifty five local time
It is about the year, but we got back to the first pots and pans being London. You six, eighty Gould drone put Blumenthal living. I must go home apparel of me. It's the black jack in Asia, with the great fire Elizabeth today. God. I love this. Already, what is its Sputnik Cooper, but in the big three chapter one London semicolon Thursday. Fifty fifteen. Eighty seven karlov local London, Thursday, so London, Thursday. Fifty fifty five,
call time Tony nodded and thought. Yes, she does have great tits per second what was the question now it was they just blinking. No, so the end Belinda, linked to the reason that Belinda gives to give better the promotion. Is it over the tenth oh yes sites they are. We have under quite good authority that the elderly and Sir James you're right. He has literally continued the conversation genius genius socially Promotion essentially because of her breasts Hutch feel about Allison our job on the strength of it hits on a strength, then, I can live. A grown man. I think she should obviously be appalled if that's why she's getting the promotion, but at the same time she could take it because of those tests and thence.
I see that glass ceiling isolated strong enough and if its not double, glazed, totally nodded and thought yes, she does have greater, but only for a second what Belinda said made sense and with the massive increase in size. Feels he could easily justify the new sales position to the board. What board applause borders illegal this to go on Oh, no, Sir James got that also James Godwin. Is them on the border he's a chance But you have a board Germany, the vote we as chairman of the board, but TAT you have to have a board, be chairman of the board. Might be able that each time I have just stated effort to stop, say? Ok, let's do this, shall we interviewed. That's not how it works. If you go back a jet like much trees, you, but you don't say I think somebody deserves a promotion in the window and then Regarding the conversation about a practical sleigh should doubtless to question
together. Maybe some other candidates appear choose promoted internally Alice, but a racket, one absolute lacquer Belinda nodded and wondered. If in human resources would be a sick bed, Both you I will, but I love the return avail role. Yes returned yet love just she was wondering if you this is our money, while fucking Myspace has lit COS though, is asked tell them. I don't do anything good day in ways that are we just re living with a bit of an intro chapter, one from go on hard, but with more play is yes, he's gonna. We embrace Disney Belinda. The interview we become. The interview were also, he hasn't even bother to change. The name is just deleted. The iron deep Belinda, downloads.
Rocky Youth, absolute and scoundrel Tony shouted through to do so why he does in Bogota. No, my good darling darling. Can you get Bellerophon Bill in here? bill in Belinda. Oh, my God lit the same letters for all elements. Why? Yes, my sweetie pie God, rents were unanimous as bills. I have not spoken in two words sewage. Otherwise, all this affection come from. Maybe over the weeks there like affections, develop. A little over the weak Belinda looked away. Encased Tony saw her smirk. Why? How she thought? Leave the offices for five days and lose the gossip try as the old saying goes, the gossip material also hasn't involved and also how she lost the gossip child. What is the government, but also those that what is ten minutes later, a panting Bela walked through the door
sorry for we delay tiny, but a damn UK cards and one at the Craig sorted a whole new key card system put in the last four. I can lock Belinda out well she's out there like change the virgin locks. Don't worry better! So Tony, would you like a change of job while no foreplay, then Bela paled? What light but pale in the face. Surely Tony wasn't going to sacrifice for the sake of a few faulty key cods out all the colors drain from a cause she thinks she's. Actually, gonna get the bay fires we presented debate. She's such a media and he's such a tyrant by the thousands of people live in such fair Bela shifted rests firstly, on the white leather, Couch Belinda had sweated so profusely on at a final job interview. This is until he MAC did he White Book three before that book to Belinda couldn't say anything
was a protocol to these things was is not following. You never have done especially when I jar was involved. There's no evolved bill is staying in his office now built here, the leviathan about we Y know. Yet we were afraid of bills that he is the worst human resources management on the plus Mr Hume, men on the planet and much and if there was an investigation, still postpones to which I will actively encouraged to be shut down immediately. All absolute god knows what else is going on in there. All she could do was sit back and watch Bela squirm. I dont think if he felt a k cards but totally interrupted shut up. I'm sorry Bela, you misunderstand we to offer you a big job, reporting directly to Belinda key Account manager, international sales to be exact, key
manager interesting cod account monitor she's gonna. Be ok. Are you kidding me right? let us decide what everyone's squealed Bela you kidding me. Why? Because salary company car expense account provides about it annex God, I'll food, is now of the yes? Yes, yes Bolabola, she has presumed all those extra citizenship will have ever like. Now. Another five remain free access. He can't you new job title I'll be a No, it's yes! Yes, yes, Belinda laughed yeah and lots of work work work. Patsy was ever heights. Also no work work, work Florina!
He thinks he's doing loads of work. She is a delusional I'll. Take that as a yes said, Tony when it blew, she said yes, yes, three times Yes, yes, yes, yes, I'll! Take that as he has tedious Berlin. Also Gaza, Zita Tony meet me the leather room in twenty three minutes to clear up a few loose ends to sue for science itself, but also to clear up a few loose ends. Was that has been a fascinating sweatshops chuckled, the leather? I told you watch yes, tat exclaimed the beaming Bella The job interview you on the job. He s got the job of the protocols
the last over Navy resource. You got a naked unanswered, no questions at least forty five minutes. Long, I was about two seconds I'll write, Bela job description this very afternoon and send two billion hr, so everything is official services, even though its both we do a yards away. Buryin said: Belinda they offering men, Do you want a different job? What is it done? Ok, we're right later so Belinda to a purring Tony, how she loved this part of the job. What power the job in the job description I gotta tricking people into new roles, key cards which bear Bela virtually ran out of the office bumping into designed in the corridor. Congrats Bela welcome to the team saying what was the penetration congrats exclamation Mark Bela Welcome, Teddy
Congrats Bela welcomes the timid, but it was already on the team was yet legally saving backstreets out what awake but hey What's that your finger? Ah don't do that, author is like a stayin or something like that. But I don't really have actually spent- became a nose. Oh hell, I've, given you can get a current gauged, wasn't anything out. Oh just a little something Tony gave me Jane, FEZ, said Bella. Expiate avow doesn't come of a day, come on the dates a day of not light. Does it ain't gonna days I gave the idea only got yourselves couldn't be. Mrs knows name. It does it are. You haven't said Missus Tony, and this is a Bella.
Can any bridesmaids. Obviously, right it's a little is gonna be like maid of honor. All my gun imagine the hand hand do. Is the past honestly cock straws strippers. The lobby of the bitter works a second hand. You over in Amsterdam, Jeep is said. Bella, it's beautiful, there's accommodate gazelle shrugged her bosom gal power. The phrase not a phrase bosom Galva is not afraid. I very excited, but don't how Belinda I want her to notice, and you know what I mean I do know what she means. Little do that when I've had an engagement thrust upon them, what they put a handout yeah and just wait for you to notice there
mom's the lad said Bella and then looked down at his L. Stomach homes are re, is at the wrong word. Nor she's, pregnant and engaged is shot gun, wedding, Jesus, punched, Bela on the arm of the design of stomach has identified. I laughed shook her head and went back into her office, so she's not pregnant. Ok, I mean I wouldn't be surprised. If you sell was pregnant by rights, they should all boldly tony the home the whole office. It was fun day nine? I am when Belinda jumped off the dialogue in an into the millennium dome, build unanimity, unethical your preference, they went. Fiscal rob also do a deal or go over the millennium. Do any kind of power issue in and also The millennium goals at the millennium is sixty meters. High, definitely does not guys. You know. The medium term is,
The oats safety who may be out from this country that, listening to the aims that dialogue is the doctrines light, railway is really shit to Ngos, no enter the definite, doesn't skim the top of the eight years ago. Exactly that's what the cable cars for so long scented again, just ok, it was, day nine. I am when Belinda jumped off the dialogue train and into the millennium dome Building It is the whole bit off which is Catwoman. The millennium: don't building is not called the millennium Domini, what it was never called the millennium. Don't building haven't, got any holding its not hold the millennium dome anymore. I was never call the millennium don't building. It hasn't been called any of these things for at least fifteen years while house, Adored mechanistic cut, a modern, it was built it is one
it's three hundred twenty metres side to side how'd, you know not. How do you know that what is M fifty meters up three engine twenty me decide sudden holds twenty thousand people What are you talking about? We far more contacts Alice works in the music seen and the ode two the millennium down is the biggest use? If anyone, the UK now add that's a big on and how now don't get that data that is well. I all the big acts pilot Adele plays their beyond say plays the is like the place to go and now Belinda. I forgot that she had this book tens. If this is her public speaking, my men somewhere deep in its winding corridors, Belinda practised her presentation mouthing deeply suddenly and without any
One, a small man, drought completely in black clothing, appeared next to an injured millennium. Downloading million if these smaller man or a small, the small man dressed, look you gotta love this more wondrous morning, Miss was easy to mislead morning, governor can take on data morning Miss only too if only you up for the show the small man dressed in black, says and even tiny voice is the more small example absolutely breathing Malta is a small. Nobody ever says cautious. This is even smaller was different measures surely funny, but then the thought that demands
Quiet was in charge of all the same. I would have given it it's always I love it sounded like that. You doesn't want to get it any more. Does Odo over. Do you think he's so small that he attaches to her blouse and held the money for he's the cliff Oh my little more or less as a walking lapel MIKE, of course, Belinda smiled After all, she had seen enough episodes of a generation game to know what went on behind the scenes, but mom on about sediment moment to exert. We missed a bit episodes of the generation innovation guy. What year is a will have some listeners who will know what the generation game is I'm out rightly Ceylon TV is, are you
king is also only wants twenty five years. Maybe I'm wrong arrived terrible knowledge about these, but do you just watch old the excesses that home with him. Ok, the golden year we did love generation gave us a family stood back in the day, but tell me I might be wrong if we didn't watch as a family, you watch and getting MIKE top, but is there a buck stage? Its remit in ITALY begs has been is big brother when everybody they clearly over, whereby the idea had opened the generation Gabriel Life like five minutes that seek to see. What's going on, I live stream. I guess you'll need the threat, the wire under my out a clothing. Is that correct, she said: wickedly out clothing. Yes, miss that would be super duper. Super duper super fuck, India, I thought is
said Belinda a she ripped off her blouse net midnight. Sorry now how, you cannot talk. Cuba has pushed open the open, Nicolaus revealing heaving tits, even at that time in the morning were weighing down her Brasilia. What're you Prescott heavier is the day goes on, as they can increase by three to four capsized. By nightfall. You can barely stand lives. We honestly gravity growth. I realise it is why women often go to better in the man with the smallest man, dressed in black ogled. Her chest he's my fave remote trademark.
The best and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now, vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, Slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties, sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler. Sorry, you need more space to work with. Mr sound man. Mister do not listen my god He'S- I know you'd lunatic per Year-
how's back home, she's torn it asunder. Sorry, you need more space to work with MRS El man. Now, let's find with slow my birthday, blankets come now. If a jobs worth doing, I thought you were a professional. It's not the phrase. If a jobs worth doing professor, no it's even worse. If a jobs worth doing full stop. I thought you were in a brisk flick. She pinged off her brow and they have magnificent tits full there now you can place the wire anywhere you'd, like this literally nothing to attach to the thank you, miss the small man dressed in black muttered as exciting as excitedly lessons. The wire around her neck. That under way, so I will not I should also like tight about raggedy Andy most work with
how small is even its last sue, as he left. Do the wire around her neck than under reach, tit, which he held up by its nipple and finally down her back. Why this? Why has gone hunt its round her neck, and but I don't know back to when a protracted world of plug lower is not go in sharper blouse back on right before she goes turn tore it off to pieces so you see ripping it all off. I'm sure she's, fine, it's just velcro! Now here once he was happy with the wise position. He used lots of masking take to fix it in place. Much amusement. Wrong and also diaries masking date, does about sticky is clammy palm Oh yeah, it's all. I was thinking like Don T, be too as those they could go. That's gaffer right, YAP, Gaffer ducked now, you'll need to attach it somewhere, but then they said yes to Mars,
So that's what you just done. These take job. That's where is attached Belinda thrust it forward and shoved her sexy into the small man dressed in black space. After all, he was the perfect size for an eye full of her hot rear, hot ray. Up to about how to say she is course statuesque. I think that we can only be fought for if he's coming bits of Europe S tiny basic. My eyes is very small man, the smallest man dressed in black affixed, a wireless microphone block constable in this tight white leather, skirt, slapped her perfect ass and said or what is to go now. Miss recollect knock him dead. Ah ha, he said you were just smoked. Harass yeah, I got a nice manner,
also, while others get close enough, that we still don't know his name as usual, but this case I feel like it's like always just the crew doesn't matter boys name. Is it just the Caribbean dismiss area which is the start of the outer sorry millennium? Don't building she's a headliner break a leg, knock em dead, oh and here's my card, you know for later he winked Polish Wink was else Belinda. Frightened herself took the prophet card and move towards the stage should go on. Is that MRS? It. You can call me healthy by the way, not now I'll say, except it shouted in Shau today. If it go away, as we all do maybe I can give you your God, because I asked me are linked in open.
Such a business. You you see, we forget that these books about business- I heightening ten, I'm on Linkedin no and my manner by the building that I am not like that I'd. Never you gotta be to have a job to your she's. Any you happy. Payments. It is unlimited profession, retired about all the social value that price allowed to have a presence. Gotta be anyway, she's be traceable. I'll say not now in China go on the chief executive of given that there are also why deposit firms need to connect with sound man. It's too spears. They could really benefit from one another. I'm teaching a walking on low crazy rock, is applause in his knees. I miss my name's Alfie. You ve, given me odds spot they go on
This move would fix. You can call me out by the way you he shouted out of your league data. We can connect again, Belinda blink as you dead, drink Belinda twist it on her heels, marched onto the stage and in front of her vows, Ladys applaud. This is who I mean who's in this audience: the entire pots and pans and sound Lady will know. Who did she me on that flight? The was doing they re really politics here, picking would Vicki were using the word. Betty will offer a may run. Charity t events. What away that's too? You just said thousands who all the others too, I guess maybe those living is causing a new life onlookers.
Donnie Osmond reveal some due to internal security. They fastened on yes, Belinda was dressed to kill. On was the normal business. Where of yesterday this morning She had a new white linen jacket with a steals pots and pans. The pale badge on her feet were a pair of Brian outwits. Famous redcoat ideal was given applause. Brian worry over the familiar, but neither forgive me, but I was a little J Edgar Hoover. Does your dad about Brian Outwood heels, it's an old fashioned statement it so I was sure, but of course it is a very expensive Belinda's long glossy black hair had been styled into a high born. This was a hast thou. Many of her audience could associate we have had enough of a gun now IDA,
no law about pots and pans, but I do know a burn. Look. Jerry, and she related, and I'm really softens affair of in this outfit. Doesn't somebody suddenly you would where light we'll, let you seem like an Video decided, I'm gonna, whether as a hate to state the obvious, but couldn't you have just put the lapel MIKE on her lapel maxilla power back. This was a hair style. Many of her rodents could associate with some even mean it brought poise and balance to her Voteth body while every lady in the audience whistling, but more importantly, it still gave her that common down to earth look, but with glamour stamped all over it. People love to be referred to as communism. Tell me how to doubt, I hope now that runs out loud and in the brain here as well. My darling
I don't know who he is very sound, quite something a very complicated look: she's gone voice, evoking love emotions. Able good morning. Ladies lady I just happened to around the stadium levey. Where does it say that that the repetition of what happened morning laid her voice, around the stadium. Belinda wasn't nervous She always knew she would one day play the ode to seize, nor is playing the old sailor thinks she's, Fucking Katy piracy thinks his bond Joe Vague, and here she was I'm Belinda Blumenthal.
I've found is all about making the smallest. Both drifted blew up to really why you haven't heard so much feedback. You literally didn't sounding Either it isn't my trouble based as even only I'm Belinda Blumenthal and I'm the international sales director of steals pots and pans chaos and sees impressed lady voices rippled addressed faster. It has to do here. Oh wow, did she felt no conceivable bilateral agreements? Look look bad impressed, lady voices rippled through the doom, but somebody I know you all wondering what is
with steals PAN Y know that what we had one order a month. Gels engage, you don't know she is better than the old. I've got a trail. Well, we have just learned, a wonderful new range of the oxy broiler range a very fine range? Indeed, I thought it was an old rain, we're, trying to get rid of the China shift. I does every event she goes to. You just try to pretend its brought news, which is the floor is that it's really new inside of leading just stay range that we look at where she thought they just have to get rid of the last few units and then they could and bark on any raining swear. That was what she sat. I'm sure there was not what Jim's Bore for Canada Super live yeah. I thought that deals to just get rid of the last October. Maybe that's what they say to each person to get rid of it to sell
We are all look it's like not much. Last year we have just launched a wonderful new range, the Oxy Bruno Range and it's a very fine range indeed perfect for all your cooking needs. In fact, everyone here today will go within Unstick till you did Oprah Winfrey of Leather outfitted, entirely emulating, Oprah, my God, and also more disappointing things. When an instinct in war, Is that what is in fact we want here today will go home with a non stick to what we look on you see. I walked up to everyone without I believe that building- oh, my god, this is the best
The night of my life you're, not gonna, believe twenty thousand less spurts thicket bugs and its full support to the brim, its full I'll come on I've given away when thousand solely they also to get rid of it. This exodus of a lot of, did no one noticed massive walk uneasy, the largest of the patents and again at the cost of twenty thousand bits. A free man for welcoming war like it had to reach, maybe number could deny our pay, I mean,
we're not talking about like a quarter of a million, that's good every. They understood that Dyslexia, like India, I stood there. She wasn't even aware she was attending about five days ago. Twenty, I wasn't ladys scramble under their uncomfortable plastic, Chaz very ladylike and burst into applause with the with the pie chairing as they grabbed the first prize of the day. There can be any more Frazier thirsty. You don't mean literally somebody the day they were not using the walk straight away that I am fried rags. Everybody stir frightened. I knew has to say the presentation was a resounding success. That was the presentation of the urban centres. Nobody wants to know. What's going on at steals, then gave them all a walk, and that's it we're refers. You asked afterwards do what you remember. The boy look awful
walking ass by the Blair after that outside Belinda quarter, taxi back to the office Oh that was literally at night because it going around for like me and agree to monitor how he's like a running off. It's got a little. I notice man dressed in outside, but indicator taxi back to the offices where she would de brief Tony that'll be quiet. I've just spent quota, humble networks that six hundred thousand Walcott they would ie six hundred, thousand pounds. Admittedly, over surely idea that signed off Tony's Like council to keep out the way but my clothes steals balls and by a boy boy she thought our things pick it up regulating it was a busy Friday, morning in London and the traffic was
worse than normal. What time is it like? What I took ninety minutes to get back to her office? That was bad, has quite good. Haven't you got get from the Extreme EAST of London to the extreme West of London. So ninety minutes is actually without traffic. She may kill time. That's amazing. Things are looking a little clip, That was bad ass. She would now be under pressure, have four o clock appointment with the duchess at the Ritz spa was employed and she could not be late. This book is literally, copy and paste in bits of other vote, and that is the end of it.
Chapter. Has your dad used up all of his imagination, I feel at ease. I cannot create. New places, cannot create new paid at all is a mean its excellent, isn't a new characters, new courage moment, all dressed in black twenty thousand new car accidents or with lady voices were very impressive duchesses about James, your favorite count in the holder, Belinda blink. What should be wearing? Where do you believe the duchess? culture on a bed in a motel? Didn't no didn't she drive off into like down it Try MAX little into his has Madame issues. Yesterday GO chapter one down without those great I mean, I'm excited to see what comes next, almost did you called? We pretend do we know, but surely com be? The leather remark to
to say it is cold at some hole. Wait did so the duchess. I wish you the duchess of that's her house. I've heard what's a pilot country, while our good ordered the writ spar knows it's. His rock probably forgot tat the two, but it was going to upset. I can't way for that's what you guys good to be back really. Is so we'd love to hear what you think now the Belinda's back? What did you do to warn that corner days back and forth? My good here forget, as usually can tweet is that road supporter, if you're more into the pictures than the words which I think rocky very much should advance planning Nokia imagine rocky the ground now, and I got my dad right on instead and also you can email as we do read every single one. We looked at in the midst matter: opponent, aunt, Gmail com.
We ve got a brand new range of merchandise. We just launch sighing. We created a collection of mugs. T shirts own case white high end spoke stuff. We ve done some green cards. These are going fly, I think very badly or shells the gray as you know, I would love to know what kind of things you'd like to see on some merchandise and things are not so much collaboration between us in you and now about four new series. It will be absolutely credible, if you could rise review on Itunes, helps us by Listeners, helps to keep going and also really be sorry guys. I'd start only just cause. You know it's just easier. Is net tickler unaltered Rocky really enjoy reading the reviews because he read everyone here, even from different territories, guys I am actually really ready. Please we're back see you guys. Next week, We have not yet.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan. Dual sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem called when a hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.