« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S5E13 - 'Fight or Flight'

2019-12-08 | 🔗
In the final chapter of 'Belinda Blinked 5', Belinda, Bella and Spooner come face-to-face with Bisch, Giselle and George in a dramatic showdown. But will everyone make it out in one piece?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following: podcast contains adult themes, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff, hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porno its chapter, thirteen, the last chapter, a milestone we ve got to find. This is mad. I mean it's not that we are still talking has meant that you're talking to rocky manner than anybody still alive as monitor our sister Mary. I dunno rusty eyes of invention. The whole thing is just absolutely Berkshire. It really is would you have imagined a time when you'd have five Belinda bling the about to do Think what they see that I actually com believe withstood when that. First, let me these books, honestly wanted to die inside that, though, of reading five of them to the world,
It's so bizarre that we're here, but we can have a bright yes until January, when we just report for every night David that we go you'll do obviously, as I'm sure you already know worth Australia starting in January, yeah, America, Europe all of the UK anyway. Basically that characterise ever originated from on it and its Belinda's thirtieth birthday is an absolute riot so much fun yet and Rockies written a very special new kind of chapter. It's a pick, your porno, you get to decide the narrative and what happens next. I mean I don't know
why we thought him changing the narrative structure to make it more complicated, it would work out, but we're gonna give you I mean done. It now is struggling with the format somewhat, but you know I mean I can't write from a to b, never mind from eight Obi or say what you gonna do. So, if the thought of a confusing get wild evening entitled that's my daughter opponent outcome for such life right now to get your tickets, that selling out be quick. Oh, they tell me, there's no back now, We have to do it now. You are tied in my preparing. A cable should be finished, Belinda Big five. Now I dont yeah. I want to know what happened and actually, if we did, we probably won't find out what happened, satisfying that maybe there's a clue in the chapter title would you care to?
Would you like to do the honest sign? Was ninety. I shook five. I would be honoured us, the US. It's called fight or flight. That's the right phrases. Net, sensible cod is called good rating for like fight or fuck like fight or click, No you just fight or my this issue, how eroded my brain is in this process. Unlike sounds what's going on her? It has got a after. It just seem to be more careful guy, Oh my hands really sway both under the item under so excited. I thought I'd James is always secretly tandem. Edith hides it really is a rubbish. Is that we want you to get close to tables. Puzzle
It's your hide, my balloon. He's gotta Tiki iraqi everybody's got a racket. Bognor where'd! You learn about him with all secretly been turned on at one time in no one are you fucking mad forgot? There was at that time the Earls Tamerack slave smoke the earth ass play no known saying was it was it you feeling over? You join us anyway. What's Goin Have you ever been turned on by Rocky Flintstones work. Please emails have been affected by the issues raised in its exactly James Joke, but said again in exactly the same voice, but that become one of the troops in the pocket of the happy you're. Mrs every week deal the wait ten seconds you heard again the corona. I really have just repeating Lloyd's
in all loud and screaming, but to be bad if they don't like that, I wouldn't do we have this chapter one day, so so Belinda blinked five chapter thirteen fight flight in the safety of the safe House, does Martin candy. He was very patio, then Jimmy data will will hearts. Antonia Tony Sylvester were playing Strip Rummy CUB Strip, o real. So is not changing the name. Interesting lovely of numbers based gay voice, Ramaker believe, is the one on tiles. Looks initial
a bit like dominoes, but they ve got little similar number symbols on its having sex quest to date gave an usually new business, not a thing. So what kind of old money going something that might be Clayton in a decent, exactly a bridge and Rebecca, actually gets very that's what the safe houses, but even so it does and a bit like dazzling, Isaiah, roleplaying Strip, Rubagub All the men were half naked or worse still, apart from Balfe Nature, who had done the bubble, hat scarf and three shirts where they occur. Lab. Pogo lie is the first time bills been small, he's wearing a bubble headscarf and three shirt this, despite being the four times in a row end of year, Rummy CUP, champion of the Medway towns. While that's why, many many layers, see knows what he's doing. Group seven is shouted, can juice Bree as he peeled off his yellowing underpants songs or that bad
seven months, even yellowing and pencils ice now go nothing! That's good good order! No! What you when you take! That is the aim to be naked. Loves games your dad bid, you haven't, you have Flintstone games. I do not know we don't really actually nothing, so they just channeling. Oliver into these but not a Christmas even know, because half affirmatory like a competitive nature of going home I do know this yeah there's a better division within the ranks. Half was a very competitive enough, Zander to a decent hall? Now good? I think I know which one you so group Us Evans. As he peeled off his yellowing underpants. Prince around his fellow Cox flapping in rushing his own with smugness sounds like you know, kids love being made and they loved a sort of like parading around. Does what it sounds like you just wearing. Well, east. Remember, there's that led to the home movies, if you just wearing like a hot. Nothing
does. He was showing off his chopper to the group, the secret door, chime chime. Sometime magenta great. Let's put your clothes. Like this bills like who look stupid now, when a twenty two bubble: hats, Patty Hamblin gulped as he stretched his legs vertically stood up. I rise, don't stand up, it could be bitch. Hissed does Martin ringing the doorbell and also standing up, not gonna, make a difference if anything, wanna be standing, there could be bitch hissed as Martin wearing only his tie petrified the safe house would be compromised and he'd have to return to his dank bed certain sham of alive. God I hope it's not. The elderly should badly war republics want to join in with the Roma What we need here is voice or but Tony just nodded
To that end, go what was according to the time trying to change the palace. Patrick Hamblin cautiously went to the whole patrol of an open. The front door of the eight challenge. Delivery. Mountains gotta, get they IVO, sorry, wasn't in less acknowledges package. They said it was a safe place, we're safe house with the set a top too. The apple tree. Our shots hop was that we wanted. We are what we ve got a top so harshly. First, the Doorbell top levels- So that was that there was a time when he says that you pull it so whose democracy, as he has over the both shaved, my holidays, yeah, mins, toffee operating, should soldiers to stallion all my apologies. You have called Tyrone somewhere, you can type tough, ample J. You can't hide
Nobody can hold it. I am just finishing the duchess S kind of like hanging off here. Finally reached the door vow alike. They restrict work. What are you gonna do? Is you trusted goes through the door just like lie on talking, because, presumably I mean she's way above the door. So ass, you open the door. What you're? Just looking at the chest of toffee, I put you could probably see to the first floor. Although we a chest, what is the stop? The flank? No, that's the bomb, isn't it? Oh God, my doing arises. Guys you're here horse breasted about a battlefield. What you ve got me: Brad Pitt bowed as they clapped into the safe. No, they didn't into the various rooms a K. One thing right is the same house with established its support.
To be a little bit under the radar already decided. It's not that seeing a duchess presume is wearing a white Sue Klopp on a horse into a house. That's going to draw a crowd, was a door opened by a new city and its central London think evokes. History is basically next to talk What was the cocoanuts staggered from I wanna make, nuclear plants cannot meet the click pop up. Topping up to I have got these unease is a perfect, so Paddy bowed as they clocked into the safe. If you want to write your own coffee up, nothing, I'm just a couple of wooden both from a home love. I bothered to get up for the lack of action. As you did.
Come to very nice, but you don't send addresses the toffee apple, chew, drank from a decanter, a fine. It's cider If such a perfect wise to vehicle drew Bela, I was it felt like we're. Gonna have lots of complaints from animal activists as while you cannot horse alive on cider toffee apple tree drank from addiction to refine aside, as the duchess spoke to the disabled group, I have had were from agents spoon that Berlin and Bela have been Capture Beth and Louise have them along with your brother. Tony Tony cried. So this is it Estonia heard there is brothers in It is our. While are you ready you ready, embodied thought
rise? Did I yeah that's what they thought? It was a kind of rule, and it was this rule. It really was is vulnerable, I'm merely crying, but such a beautiful performance at the academy. Listening because because, while the Oscars Races Displode wide open, absolutely right and if there is a best horse category- because he's drunk in the Z, jail Ok, lifesaver next drama Ozzy jail. There was nothing left for Berlin
hello and spoon as you do, but bunk the bones of each of them to be fat. Yeah. You got nothin else today. Have a quick, fumble Bela provided the vagina. Oh, it said I with a kind of popular yes Bela provided Vagina Belinda, provided the boobs and spoon provided the meat to complete the private part picnic. Sure big pigs is private partners. They are losing weight. Tracer do know J. I love the weight traces, the barometer, I wouldn't Galloway trade. Jail. Man was providing audio commentary and my proceeding forget about jail. You failure at over character. Like a directive coming, I was not going to be we're looking at this. From afar
This data is really difficult. Waiting outside do everything to be vital union eyes. Seven struggling with was daylight hours, so jail, Burma's providing audio Coventry of the proceedings as use one of the cell bars and a big book of clink procedures to stuck his talk? Dry ass people is caught in a book and like can tell us whether you use one of the cell bars and the big book of clink procedures. What to me, I rested is caught between the bar in the book and fucked. That's mental that is bunk. Empathy heard of one kings, putting you hadn't therefore, as the only reason that right don't worry about being bound folder or every the clink procedures. Bonkers is such the right word. Have you two have we done I mean it's not a thing. The boys do what you get like. Two objects
oh yeah solely nor, like flashlight something's. Isn't that you put me things like that, but yet the likes of a of the vagina should submit a sandwich than between two item. Is what does a flashlight look like, like a vagina note, let alone the thin chub like a torch, shake my couch and he's got the job of it. Yet, as unlike other Linda, you put, you Dickens Jimmy, it's not real vagina. Just eight is unworthy, but there's a bit, Sir if the allusion kind of dialogue are the joint or ask? I think it is a bit of imagination involved, but you'll have to pay gap of land is, if you like boys, been says there, like a boy version, tutors, never Zella version. Oh yes, I like an US all. Yeah, probably should we have look yeah, please might go Incognito motor this guy dames, your computer is a den of iniquity. Your search, gay flashlight did not match any documents on my got up and see not forever what this is
Where should I try in blocked in this house? I was you got words of controls on the avenue its gay. It's not gonna grew comes up. May, oh, how do I turn off safe search now we go. That's what men low like little puckered bum like other guys, to carry undissolved like a clutch back. They describe as a lumberjack male masturbating owes you can choose, will profession your bombers, but maybe you actually come because you can give you backside about story, because this one's lifeguard, when this one, the painter decorator between June, realizing this binding, quite evasive, makes it all the more enjoyable I dont want these ones that are just a bomb in a peanut
I was a combo only of all play. You connect, save that picture for male on postal Asher, aware what opposed to oppose the somewhat that's the bomb. That is true. Into a massive cock. That's very extraordinary What's that fool want ones in Bonn, yet it you're using a flashlight, then you're going into your partners actual, but with a delay with a dildo? Sorry walk for us to look at how you use that? Isn't it just so, you ve got two options at different times of the day we could put the extravagant. Take it down, that's indecent that'll get! Can you excellent pixelate. It is able to get the idea that you will answer to the points about us. We're, ok, fine! What's its call for my cock exile, just search for portmanteau, If, though, you can see what will made by pipe dream extreme while cells gonna go through the region as well as far as a personal endorsement of that's, it says, fuck, my ass one stroke MIKE.
Lovely, so you you going to reach around. Yes. Are you go into it and then you feel the pain he would fail to silicon dildos. I'm sorry guys, I'm I'm suggesting it I'm just trying to ascertain how it works with no permanent ascertains. I thought you were the spokesman for my car sector, all goods. Well, that was a fund. I say yes, it is basically fucking is dry! The gentleman is also giving the audio commentary the stately spy is starting off. The full play by robbing show you are saying, is big issue: Neeps she'll see Yahoo Sheila Senior which which more bushiest finding the babes Belinda site gases. Why she seen it, although Xenia anyone zeal- oh right, not an age, of course, sorry by robbing save asinius, big issue nips and growing louder. Second, quoting breed Italy he's also nibbling Sheila Juniors Lady salad,
boy she loving his tongue tweets. I love that we're getting the action through Rocky Flintstone, through the jail mom like a double filter mad. It's just fucking a book about it. So he's saying it to get himself off while he has sex with the and conditions, this action of the jail manure. Do you want to shut the fuck up you're? Putting me off my luck and want to be fair to spoon up, I'm within shouted back spoons as he guided his Would into Bela's DE forests. Deforestation, forest deforestation of last just desolate for our common on the. And rain forests? Climate change gosh is happening as a personal you that, just as do none of your gruyere pubic anymore since I should just a common ambushes comment on. We perceive what rocky things
the new trend for these young people who thronged with a big seventies bullshit. That's none of your grew pubic anymore, asked spoons as Belinda squatted on his face to close his mouth with muff. Verification, go matters there or the ceremonial she Joy did over him like a deity of sex while spoon a churned. Bela's butter with his hips and thrust had butter one so butler. You know what about what turning a cream to butter biscuits. The good Lord forgot. This is the end of the book. Also, I kind of wanna be vague and now upstairs fish, his goons and his personal travelling
gotta go through the new. I think. There's gonna be a gun, tat guns. Why there's gonna be somebody's gonna, go on exhibition goons in his personal travelling nurse Gunter. We're in the sea bed he's been dying slowly, economic issue, good Gunter, gutter in friends. Let me hear you why I presume to Mona Glinda I'll glinda, the good we'll sacred to that others. These had good did also without just very often tax and never I you re going to that under, go and find the case a upstairs bitch his in his personal travelling nurse, Glinda interrogate in Georgia's outfit like fashionable s at bells trousers without charge. A ground. Yes, Zeb,
the same brand. Nor did he aware that you try you stole Z arose. Yes, you killed the Z prof. Yes, you lie z, try Hawksley fellow plans with. Is that if the vote, Do you love to rule I thought you'd wolf. Dealers will develop. Last fish looked embarrassed as George spoke, a pathetic wimp shit. She said she knows the secrets. Fair promise, Harrison Blumenthal she's in the clink below
like all over him before his face. Like a brown rimmed. Let Leif said let S and healthy eating this chapter. Six. He's out those. First, though, no dad why. I guess the punishment you look a bit slow, inquisitively, don't show why take the special one gazelle she's spousal, I'm brains, she's, just a pinky. Just think he just the vagina cats. Just let's not just the guy the flash lie, oh my god he's just a flashlight to me. What a solid do I take her. Yes, George, I know what I'd do. If that were the test of solidarity, you can I emailed you ass. A take. The special lunges out.
This clicked, but just now was nowhere to be seen with eyes was Mount with knows it's just Elsner foolish haven't got this far to be killed. I am old, far Gilbert bag. Bones of every described it. As before voting Can I do exactly dare I say it, and maybe this isn't the moment, but could she bay on that Could she now be a double agents, as she's disappeared, she's gonna go free, the guys I know we said before she can't turn by the hands of time. She called back on cost, so much waters passed under the bridge but remain the blogging. Is so the problem also rocky has quite a short memory for staff. In these. He doesn't hold a grudge people kind of forgiven. Forget sums wondering what you think ultimate, what double or triple. So I guess it would be triple. Wouldn't it she's gonna
gone from still side to Bishop side back to steal side. So Jizo was nowhere to be seen. With eyes or smelt with noses Giselle slipped, our stare upon stare upon stones, TAT went downstairs, go from there. She slipped fell downstairs. She's well knows I was up there, they just there. They slipping like little bag. Design, some, like than other HANS reports, thereupon, staff from the world, war above deck of them having a little today, so she must within the room and that you just walked out the door. Nobody. If you laugh, adult. I did good do not see a jail man leave these bitches and that boy to me she barked sleek and mink just saying why she going down there, but I've been told not to leave this site. I special worn in fit this
Mine's may have a little saga involving a used car salesman and a recycling play. I loved. I allowed our regale me with tales: Dale Man, usually no one, but the jail man couldn't finish his stool forgot further. Why did you come and voter because Jizo had need in the duties and how is it between the Balkan between the bars of the cell also coolies fuck off she spent shuffle to the on sweet kitchen at to make a tough spiced water noodles who did Gerald our man. Actually, there are some quite good right he's events to noodles. They ought to be sniff it as a quick lunch hour snack. I really love and pay them on over. You know how he turned his name's to stop saying. Brun aims he's come with a really unappetizing, while nest spiced Waternot Save me a bit
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link K. Oh my god. Oh my god. He passed to state o my god. Ambition is good, not to mention evil George down. So there is no time, but you will page let's not get and was like you not do not get the fuck out of the slow, but you and evil page exclaimed Berlin. Girls. Is jobs now keep up a thank you, I have been it's true, words of yours, but I was only in it to save my my poor mother, alpha fuck. On this issue on then you see she has a weird illness which are combined. The battle right down here and also I'm rocky, so I kind of deal. What did we do specifically guys they get in trouble. Building to Google. You see she
weird illness that ill defined and hard to say. Oh God is how to say. Oh Come shock corner shop, lanterns, Detritus Papa, This is a bit like a term, is the italian left please so c o and sign up is it basically her surnames, age K K, you t know is now I t? U S, hyphen do a tea. I t you ass. You just said all of the latter is in all of the order. You notably law does not match the biggest so she's right.
Decisive hartists, Detritus data writers debtor so conscious, aka too, Russia Demas imply that contract triteness debtor writers, contract detritus, debtor rights as citizens, lovely contract Titus, derives its contents Titus debtor writer. Together now: contract Titus Ass, so MRS Most talk of a two class has contracted the Lahti meeting. Earlier today and I will solve it. Sorry is no laughing matter raised his eyes, so you see she's illnesses, ill defined in hot, say, his facial without millions of pounds worth of experimental, treat now gosh. Now I feel terrible, Bela and belief Does red hearts pump it harder than before? That's called sympathy that good
Two member wasn't all bad after all, Jesus this is gonna, be so saccharine and disgusting. Also cheese killed. People to stop us happened because granted a mom has shrunk. Attracted, that's right is, but the thing is Innocent people have been injured and, worse limb. The process of drafting to put the money for her very experimental surgery wise, is turning into a comic relief beaten, what's wrong, with just giving page rigorously as they walked out of the so Belinda spoke. Seventeen letters, contract, Vitus Jizo, come with us. I've done too much wrong betrayed you all. I killed excellence and I put my wedding battles. Wait do they know this lenses dad Tuskegee revelations that it yet bore
No, don't asked Bela suffocated slit, my perfect lids, you didn't juice. Shut up. It's gonna ones it is. You can have as it is on that. As you know in that, as you know, the spoon as boys reigned through the bars. I knew really is it true that, since suffered from a lot of allergies, what's he allergic to pussy juice asked you so I know you took aside. Oh no, he took a cyanide, never heard. The question remains. While it was read out on one of our monitors If anything to you made his last moments on earth, the best his virgin ass could have asked
Ok, so much to admit that I feel so sad whistling because he a seventeen year old verge died. Never knowing no extradited following the joy of sex, though, because for him it was fatal, desired results clear because it was anyway caviar assistance, so that cover. But you know, because apparently he took aside- I build come baby at mom's, got more talk about the quotas to item. The emphatic she's an incredibly altruistic person. Why a sack? Sorry! So why? when did you take the Sinai pale August when he was in captivity Oh right, as a kind of failsafe if anybody gets hold of any of the Basel II, so you to assign mobility of all times it gives you get captured linked but useful, and we ve always set of anybody, captures Jamie and wants to know, at the end of the series? Yes comes up.
Mozilla leave has another. So if anything, Brazil you made his last moments on earth. The best his virgin ass could have asked for how she's outbreathed just then a scary sound rang out jazz, not saucepan? Oh, what a beautiful twist obligation screamed, Wolfgang Bitch from the top of the stairs to the clink of context. As EL wiped her hair back a few tufts floating off in the wind resistance. Oh yeah, she's got accusations, he's got even worse conditions. A base jumped from the ropes alibi
This is a job. Maybe I personally grade base jumped from the ropes along dagger, between his yellow to ochre, to Brown to black t where's, the dagger in its mouth autism. This man tat, would never mind jump from some robes with a dog opened his mouth earlier, unless, of course, goon does given in the big states of Islamic yours The Stevens Seagal film had banished now Botz harsh on Stephen Haven. T was very bankable in its day. Where's, the dagger in its mouth. What is happening this man called can never mind. I have given you had just sell, shouted forgotten gauge. Member wasn't ahead. Was it she looked back come of torture, but I guess you gotta get any jaded!
I hated giving you head over to red. He cackled his ugly as its face. Laugh TAT was Jamie that wasn't in its die Jain and the Frau died, and we all need to work or ass might die time not so I shall and bitch. And his goons started fighting the glee team, but they gave what's, for I imagine there Remember, Batman back in daylight. The six should be allowed as Belinda Wrestling goo, none before torn quite attractive. Actually, fish from law falls. When I appreciate your character for this book, as Belinda was wrestling. Goo number four told him quite handsome. Actually, bitch was creeping up behind her need I did it come on
no. No it's fine. It's better that you saw my does possible, literally his death rattle. From our side, I better saw the little rat man and ran her jugs bound stuff. Down in slow motion ass. She me it her way across the clink. Baywatch things get bigger and bigger. Isn't it before this really quite petite before the bad man could hurt Belinda? Bela smashed into bitch. Taking him clean out, spell the body guards body go therefore going Kevin Costner. He flew across the room landing in the lap of the sloping jail. Man enjoys wilkins, nothing is covered by the report. The major incident is gonna, be a light burned from the partner stacks better served by lover. She did shouted Belinda
Joel, kicked the goon until last week when everybody gets so Would it martial law that will not happen. Annual backside Belinda, where the fucking Now, that's a lie. That's the strap mine isn't deleting moving. Never not have my eye on your backside, the glee too, but they high five and, of course, as a double negative, very rocky. Never know, never be not having my I'd, never any backside and they both looked. The goose punching gazelle and the three he smiled at the three, this is so ridiculously tied up with the by it makes me want to cry the fight between June, origin spoon was really not nice, no matter how much George tries to slash her majesty's favorite spoon,
used. His am. I five trained cap aware at a kick him down interesting use of tents ass. Ever they suddenly like present tense with try easier and then back to normal again. Having gray, I mean just keeping his toes up, whereas well beautiful hypnotic movement. The typically left to see that Brazilian isn't it? I will now be. Why probably done had probably thought he was doing and also by often take up where Russia is brazilian, and he knows it but spoons. He was flagging here, a second rate. Spice Buena you that a laughing stock of the entire, Jim Services, and I fucked you secretary behind the bends. Oh no past, dirty play isn t doing some noise couple weird. I thought we ve been gentlemen about this fight nor purty lovely. If not, my cannot. Peggy lovely condone, tried Peggy into this, and also paying
Please and shocking by the bends. She's a classical. I don't know who the fuck yeah Peggy Lovely dry old bed and chair? Ok, ok, so ably, but Bay is possibly a well wheeled spy machine right. So he's had training to withstand interrogation to be effective and so Many different scenarios of light. Talk about secretary, isn't gonna, throw decades. Bawling is Thirdly, a delicate flower, trial bird and she How dare you spoons? Yet Does he lunch to punch Georgia, but George was quicker than most with a broken leg, rotten eggs he's been wooed. This man he's pulled out a smallish deca fighting. Because shop for the death of these targets. For all that Ireland's got a button I was, I was doing it pull down. The smallest dagger and killed him there.
That means screen Oh, my god, I fell to the ground dead as the lost. Oh, my god, really data the debt deficit, Arta, spoons, Data James over it's over. It's going to council to be fair, now, re share was a day. I'm not gonna miss it. In the line of duty, do you think he'll get a kind of them in a national matter? so there is not even longer deserted. Now, Sir James Schooner, now over my dead body, nor over his dead body, the gold em over me on my next so Spirit it fell to the ground, damages the lost kings of England. Fish started cackling like a possess demon at the door but suddenly the clink was filled with colleagues.
C, I admit I would say a little bit. Late gets its food dead, but don't worry I'm sorry! I the arrests and took the lead as they fought and captured goon after goon here Balloon rose from below ground with little basketful bavarian treats ensigns happy in jumped bash in jumped George ass. They hit a hot happily under the clink too potter, balloon, slow its way to have heard so much about start live had time to pack bavarian season, hams, bread for the journey,
some Y understand. Is that what we spend on to prepare mostly got. That argues for a one stop shop alien balloon rose from eating out of its problem. That, equally with little basket for the bavarian treats and stones of beer, o yum yum yum in jump. Bush and he didn't Johnny this man. Is it isn't I honestly a sign of each it's like you, didn't John and jumped bits in job George and just as they were taking off, they grabbed Belinda hoisted her in some not your son kidnapped Belinda, so they must have dragged around the room where the claim is that it is great. But what were the wind of dying,
Sorry, MR diving lifted out harm to me. Just accept again the geography of then, though, into the Orange sky, and looked down at her crying friends as bitch scrambled four per only Scrabble today, nor the Bob debts grapple as Bitch scrap lunch for purchase his laid a hose and had written up his scrawny gray, but he's wearing later wholesome, don't fuck guys Belinda gasped on his rotten little man, They will go on his work lies. Everyone got gangrene, sat attached to it Three b is in,
twined in fancy writing Belinda. That per own son dress an exact same upper thought. I believe me Linda and whose the third bay bitch hissed, as they flew far from anywhere Belinda blinked. What's that is the end of Belinda blinked, five fucking. Now you gotta for the rest? We ve never about a tattoo before thirty June since the world about bookshops- and I know her ass, better than mine and not another that unites us. Even so, there
somehow will yes family that some related to ambitious she's the sun? I guess he's Wolfgang bash: isn't Schliemann oil and coal and there's another be someone who that's thing here could be built make touched on Monday, Scots nobody at the Vienna Bela, but as a first name, other mine and another that either TAT data, so that somehow will yes, founded vessels are related to an ambitious abysses, the San Diego other blogs activity. Remember his daily exports, the duchess Cold Gertrude of Epsom Oh my god. This is mob. So this suggestion being obviously that she's somehow choreographed this from the very beginning that she has a connection to that she never she's, never known about other she's shops for him to reverse is gas far. Ok, but when did she get the tattoo?
but I do wish you got lights. Wade, S got the urge to get three bees when I think that's kind of like maybe from yeah a birth branded products about uttering a baby and also she'd, never question. There was a birthmark while, okay, so she's all right, good again, yeah spoon is dead yeah Belinda's in a hot absolute with that tattoo invitation family member and you can wine using a folder and a pole. I just have one question and the gentleman finishes polluter and keep everything cross it if that's not refund, of books said. I know what I have questions while I'm does anyone care about attracts people arranging a brilliant rains that could be the last do, while rocky
was I mean so many watts so many watts, but that was a brilliant. That was one of the best chapters we ve ever had as it had set with it. I can't breathe, I fell, did you live caught really be the same again, you go and ended put five while crazy, but this could be Christmas episode. So there is Jimmy student Where do the bit we'll get stuck? There will be a Christmas Belinda. Blinked yeah does become Yale, be on Monday, the sixteenth of December again. Those always come from God knows where and when I was a nice is possible flashback, Flush forward, Belinda, sixty years old with her own grandkids, don't expect any questions to be answered and not, but it will be only festive fun as usual, but what a book it's being so really fun to do this one I've got a really photometer, footnote so nice to talk to some listeners this time. Yeah could do that guy. Definitely thank you to all footnotes guests as well.
Lemme Mobile, run, just grow burn down levy and your sister luxury relax. I'm thank you guys for listening, but we really really do appreciate that you come on his back. It creates each early rivers every year and I hope you have as much ones we have here is just now no one on a road and we get will that finer and these aggressive correction We welcome the old. We read it all we ignore most of it. You will have so many thoughts, feelings, emotions, old, negative, I'm sure. So if you want to sum up your force and book five, Madam Rapporteur Gmail dot com, a mortal the socialists as usual instagram, my typewriter twitter, dad was a porno among Facebook. Too, and see you on, the road will you'll see, as will be just an apple in kind of robbing about address. My son moment, though I mean it's obvious from this chapter, surely I mean toffee amplitude trotting into the house. I mean away together in a hurried, Wallace, Anja Weisgerber. Okay, it'll, be my pleasure.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.