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S5E4 - 'Showering Ideas;;'

2019-09-30 | 🔗
Belinda undertakes vital espionage training to prepare her for infiltrating Herr Bisch's operation...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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all the good stuff, hello, everybody? It's my dad wrote a porno porno day is upon us once more. I've got Alice about James. How are you both in fine vessel very good at is how you? Yes, are you on sponsor silent. You were called How much did you pay? I do like a rolling thing, the long anyone, but on twitter recently, why Rockies been recruiting Listenin to help him translate the books into Spanish. I did see there lies a business language guys. Have you seen what some people have said MIKE I mean the twitter community I have always been very helpful to Iraq. We have some of the very health by saying you'd need to convert it into English first
see! That's what I mean. Sayd is coming from every angle, so you to learn that when she started for him. I had Ola me, oh from Liverpool and have Pino to ban adore move much times that can speak of Spanish. When do I started getting? That said, we might have fallen for that higher. Please make any other languages distant committed. French. Do you a pretty put consumer confidence, not not enough to get by just beginning on the language Jerry no answer crack you day. Brochures of our view of you yet about Rocky. Have confidence when he's abroad is what is right, doc and communicate with anyone, and I mean Anybody- S, parents, you name it he's in Serbia
on language, so to speak, but body language, gesturing and our youngest oozes Bonamy, which is why novels word unusual media, maybe interpreter Answer would be in a better way out in my brain amazes me: oh boy, they have standby brigades, chemical, spanish. What why do you think he's too? I think it's because he's in Spain now babies someone in a bar about it is that it has been no English similar out tomorrow the translate tonight. I've always known business decision. It's not one person wants to report. We are sure that gives the green light long term rocky works and units of one person. We know that the book who said to me everybody else. Well, as the spanish say, allay sent me not move on now.
Most of them are somewhat Jimmy. Where, where did we get a totally forgotten? When we got to win the safe house would mean yeah Tonia Naval. Officially, a thing with the with the hampered skunk happens: campaign skunk sweeping the nation. I hope it's nor sweeping the world was humping, skunk and spanish. Shall ever calmer Google translate you get your hump skunk harbour anymore feta? but in fact it does not have the same ring to it, but, unlike its romantic, it doesn't sound like you rimming. Some one, which is a spanish, will do that it will put the romance where they rimming walls, so they go a little bit, thus a little bit done for rocky already mega. Imagine if people have Neverland before that. I have to say I see that I have conversational Spanish, that's all that gonna go on holiday with us, for some others is all. You need wonderful, guy who's ready for this charge. Them me
or else good judgment was. May I wasn't to tune watch But that does not do this. What do you mean? The noise is so that everyone, in a break from tradition, tell us what the chapters call this chance. Is called showering ideas, double semi, colon. The first thing I think, nor graffiti, when you say shower, is a shower singular cologne and, after last chapter that be a lot, but much too much. I hope that's not gonna happen. She had shower sacks dancing, so obvious drew the hosing down mean its overdue. She most I'm not even giving the double punctuate the attention that is craving and in red. Who is renewed
Even a mistake. He went back into deliberately changed the idea that have known how he did that ok, Belinda blinked five chapter four Showering ideas in Blumenthal had once more found herself dug in two agents: spoons central issue, London, bachelor pad all Chrome and questions that spotless via his house made of question? Has not chrome, that's buttery, pastry oak, Open questions, it was a great place to wake up to in the day, in the middle of issues related to the afternoon, that's gonna! He puts on a spread for as one night stands,
spoons himself had come up with an idea when they were both showering. It was passed. Be the sight of Belinda's, naked torso soaked in shampoo and running water, and ultimately, her breasts pushing against the steamed up collapsed shower enclosure? He had one again satisfied. Her rampant desire to totally fuck him a few things that that is a trap. Born tripe, isn't juicy breasts against a glass showering leisure. You read the again sorry. I got a bit lol, is actually very difficult. This one it was possibly the site Belinda's naked torso soaked in shampoo and running water and ultimately, her breasts, pushing against the steamed up glass shower enclosure, as he once again satisfied a rampant desire to totally fuck him he shut during the hours that already long winded wait sailor and he's inspired he's come with an idea. An idea, and it was probably that the maiden caught up with the idea-
rankings. The juicy breath is out of the hat, but he factor in the shower. We may want to fuck now the fucking in the shower men caught the idea and achieve she fucked him soon. Toullier agents had a knife and so had loved building the shower, and he was glad it was getting some use bones built the shower wit towards the glass specific blew it. Together the croissants himself, very observant, Belinda you Oh, you once mentioned how you would possibly liked to attend espionage school, not a thing when this was all over now well, I'd like to propose a little taster one which doesn't involve too much death but whose convince you or otherwise, of this sort of business would be your cup of oval.
Oval teens got another shows how elsewhere a whole exocet before. Does you tat lever a warm frothy drinking b of the milky drain Al Qaeda My warm milk you drink is is a friend of rocky, but he's not brand loyal. He will treat them all max. I launched junk mail options when a guy for him. I imagine, if all got a good thousand. Skin. I read books, writhings, irish, irish water. Whenever we rather data, we lose, we live and the like and I'll have one irish coffee. Please, and if you don't do it just bring me some felt of coffee and a shadowy gate with some cream and say Milton Irish cover they just somebody could give a hoot. I've got me with some idiots desk, obey question about me just right and this
used to us as net that she wants to go and trained to be spy espionage, school yeah call remember ever mentioning that also has shown very little aptitude, for, if you ask me, is that the best material for a spider think he's a very subtle and she's, not that small. Satellites. Scott good mind, though, should keep an eye on things in a head any secret because of mine. Good compliments lies in because everything so tat yeah answered using people in like a bond. Why? He should be that's true. That's obvious! How rocky thinks it's a bicycle, James, Belinda, breathed sexually enough, thought you'd, never ask! When do I start my hand on training sure, yeah us lesson one
whoa, not so fast James replied laughing up up up, nor so fact said Father Christmas. What I propose is that you travel with me to EAST Berlin next Tuesday. My backup team in the shod have managed to set up a business meeting with Bush I'll meet bash under one of my undercut Two. No bench is personal assistant pit, so Belinda's gonna come face to face with bay. The is exciting, but his tea, the base in the shop you sound so excited. Team, the shop you sound so excited by it and the second please the logistics surely been, would know?
who Belinda was well woody, though we think what new to the company, but you think somebody if she so high up steel, somebody would know who she was young is going getting all the info from gel OSHA designers are intimately phenomena and is James, saying that he's gonna be undercover, because I cannot wait to hear what this outfit as, if say, it's going to be a really nice moustaches, negative Toby Toby on Belinda shoulders with a ring The level of those less than with the fake knows that the whole thing Looking for two, though, is Jamie, putting on a different acts and over the scottish access to hide. The skies are rarely even zero that Ireland has a so Berlin trumpeted in jollies. This was a plan. She could accelerate.
Spoon smiled and ran his sharp team requesting flight tickets and an immediate, deep cover identity for Belinda will his pay is what is already available gray. How did they ever come up with that? So deep? In fact, she'll be able to use it as many times over What is your name? be able to create as many times over If your covers not blown you get to recycling, that is not postponed. Every mission. What am I to your php
spoon a lot, but also I wasn't also on our people up of no help whatsoever to this particular initiative. But we ve got three, but before we embark on this mission, you must have your esben training for that is not in the now about espionage, training. You gonna one day course, and then you ready for the deepest because I can help safety thing at work. You gets certificate at the end of the day when you, dumb until everyone watch for Youtube video I am basically be about voices, pastiles and and and dodging questions, and then so it very early. So before we embark on your mission, you must have your espionage training spoon about sharply but before we embark on your mission, you must have your espionage training, yes, agents but sir. I understand, sir, since, when is he in the army she's very obedient? When it comes to the hierarchy
Belinda smiled deep within lank front steals would always be her husband, but as boyfriends go am I five wasn't bad. What financial me am I five after this training for US people get exactly. I don't think it's a referral system. Why? Just because James Spoon thinks she's quite good that she gets to become, and am I finally to excuse and also she's gonna be share. Steals would always be a husband, but as boyfriends go and my five wasn't bad. After all, she reasoned with had some girls singing in the choir others baked bread made trained to be a spy for her majesty's. That's US girl, Choir wager. That goes by which what am I actually I've been in acquire. Oh man, I can't really bank I'm good cook by car.
Bait and I'm not spies on the quiet on you. The coil some no sick in the choir, others bake bread. May I trained to be discovered, So they do when you re sitting down with young girl and a guy gloves vague decision business concluded. So rolled up his sleeves and roll down is forthcoming. Rolled down. These fools skid row like Library, back to base, as it were If is feeling himself if he wrote it back, keep unsheathing the year ahead, so he down to cover up Oh, I think he's what I think he sank down using Please go away covering up he rode up. Its leaves and rode down is full askin. He was shocked.
How ready and tracked his tongue over Belinda's breast and down to have a giant sack attack, ready, shrug integrity, Nevada, meaning what better way to kill a few hours before they flew into the bitch occupied landmass, Austin Deutschland Belinda lay back and waited for the inevitable advance on her clytius wondering idly. What Petra would look like blonde, brunette, or even God, forbid, grey, O er? I just some of us have been graces who young thank you very much route, Angela thinking, but you just totally gradually under is awaiting obscene. Wasn't any fun! You will have you shouldn't consistent with ahead hiding. You'd, be full gray. I wouldn't is not at the back of the back, like a rat,
Old Ladys often have like is dark and the crown that's kind of divide, but maybe we should take as a young the gray hair, quite cool, not I'm young, any wars, and maybe I visited my outta yoga bit grey. Their solemn have coincided don't mind because happy accelerated since we started Duma who Jamie's remained remarkably grave unknown, had quite a lot younger than you, both absolutely dames yeah. Why Jamie different generation t really what you wear millennials. What you are you need, you must be only just you bastards raw will. Do you shouldn't yoga shirt, which, how would you I'm thirty to thirty takes over two years apart. We have to set the signature birthday fortifying. What are we carried out? I was you, lady. Never too
ok but we're one Europa. What's U stage grants it to give us the drawbridge say your age, although we do the rest to satellite she's wondering what patch it would look like blonde, brunette, or, even God, forbid, gray, Belinda. And spoon stood outside rads, the royal, a cat. Me of drama and stuff. I wrote for legal reasons, just roman stuff. It doesn't get the best acting talent, but that's the point spoon appointed out new spy to be wants to be exposed by clever chameleon Do you have no Stanley Tutsi? Sorry? What are you oughta be like this? I just read the book a k says we're going to the drama school weather
train up spies, but revenge drama school so that you don't get cold out, but can I get my colleagues Elinor like a stamp tax rates, for you is by no means a smile, so they begin to act even get a job would then become an actor are you on about? Is this that's rads? It's not rights is very. Less than rocks. I keep going, but why not Keaton to cover training in house spoon shrugged bugger budget cuts. Belinda Belinda nodded like a sage. She knew. This world all too well. Ok, sire, he's saying that they send the spies to become by spy by being better actors, which I guess is true. You have to be able to play them.
But they sent him to a genuine drama school where other people studying drama, but they determined to send them to the best one out there, because the really good actors would see straight through them like Zante teaching Dame Hell American and they believe basic unit. Tat you aspire sitting. Come into the shit, cheat WAN and she's go that we presume for what a day cause an afternoon to become out like high kicking. But why does Belinda know this world? Has she got a theatrical background? Oh no, I think that's it with the budget cuts out his biomedical sure, I'm so excited when young Belinda making and the audition room. She knew this world all too? Well, only a month before the explosion, Tonia slashed her operating budget to thirty percent of increase turnover times, the fall in profit projections are twenty two three as the business oversees the russian accounts, gains
I'm gonna tell you. When I met you have the best acting mischievous in the bows not but echoed, but please God be careful she's from Liverpool wait for this voice. Serve access, Germans got about acts and she's from Liverpool, one as we should be careful red, Belinda gulped. She heard of the place truer than the sun hurt. If the heard of the place. The Liverpool O Little Liverpool. Let me spell Liverpool: twenty nine years old, she heard the place true than the sun, but she'd never dared visit. Was it what's. This was his prejudice. Liverpool love up to Liverpool. People are fully. She could do with low cost leper leper Liverpool and stupid
We are familiar and stuff and lips. She heard the place truer than the sun, but she'd never Add visit Manchester guess she wasn't a silhouette but Liverpool she shuddered ass. She grabbed the great knob of dying ISIS, also she's notice. Iraq says she went demand, laborious implication that will develop around. We live demand just for a long time Liverpool, Manchester Rivalry friendly, but quite a thing, that's very much. Coming across sorry, just ass. We left that sentence. She was grabbing the dick start to believe dine. Isis, the greek God of Wine- and I guess, performing arts
don't look at me. I went to a normal school. We owe it to do she shuddered ass. She grabbed the great Norbert, Dian ISIS before twisting good and proper. She turned to spoon spoons. I, like the personal touch. What's her name wave, that name that's cool world? Good luck. Code word, mistress code. Word would mean. Why is the gateway? word means its secret. It's got code were clear and specially she's enough to call a something. So there is no real name by needs. No one would economy. Class you'd have somehow about her, but you have to tell me what I'm gonna addressing us. Its code word stood at the table has told us what code word. Member programme means. Yes, thank you. Your code word huffing, but Fur Belinda
opened the door of the room was a grand at all. It was just a room. An ape you're sweet highly mother of good We believe that the hesitate, before, allow be paths Are you all right, warlike? Since then, sunset and early I'm Jeremiah of Saint Frost, First Jemima, Saint asked first Jeremiah Jeremiah Saint Frost version. Yeah ABC speech, as is about Google. How now have to be done? Lima gee? I am, I am
Jeremiah I'll, get her mind. She's a garage era. We have the same up what we hear the moment in Andorra go through, they get gharib over. I'm getting by mistake was first Emmy. We can't make Think it's not. We just read was on the day the ledge and of subtle, acting crossed the room and planted not to not three but eight cases in the vague vicinity, Belinda's left and right face. She ate that's what the good actors day. So that's like very long. A chorus dancer in her youth outcry did about. This is gonna, get a chorus,
sir, in her youth Jeremiah had opened. The acting school for young delinquents in the no overnight book seem alone tat such a parent, Every word black Wednesday had hit her troop of players hard. So she have little. Louis, but to share her worldly talents to the innocent children at the future, I mean dare ask a black one says that was in the nineties. Wasn't it was a stock market crash? Was not Google distributor? I think under John Major sixteen September, ninety ninety two year anniversary. Well, what a collapse in the pound sterling fought Britain to withdraw from the European Exchange rate mechanism over time is quite a timely.
I think, is a bad day for Britain that day and that really impacted the chorus girls and drama school out here who says black Wednesday. It hit a troop of players hard, so she had little choice but to share her worldly talents to the innocent children of the few. Then spies size, the natural progression from juvenile young delinquents to spot. The kind of is sound really, though just skip over. I cannot wait to hear some of her piles of wisdom to hold your breath of life, never trained in the dramatic art James you have. I imagine when there was a kid I did do free Saturday morning, drama near my house. Actually I did something similar like this in the Methodist church, Emily wasn't Methodist axing it would just happened to be in the Methodist church was a very good giggled law. I was, he grew up in the air. We know we know
to buy you back state, the third to the club fit in action and not make is either onstage. My susie backstage everything anything I willing involved Catana cracks day, my regular around a cigar, unhandy Ethel. Were you pack, stingier theater. I she's a hung over the zoramites You didn t you must than we did and our friends don't you mate whether we have been told we're all of your forty rolled act and maybe I'm my friend a movie dinner, so darling it swiftly road map. Be cool smooth, if God, who is a very camp, o Banco bike up these? What with a came I didn't weather is were prop or yet she had a limp. He very made that came work. Friend, you just hang out the tv. He was in the club there too, but we would go sit. There was that, though, a few years.
We're all your friends with dear old man that they were worth, but just kids that will by age yeah, but then there was an appetite with em. Why are you running out backstage at the theatre? That's why I don't understand you wander around, and that was what s great about and we ve just with right plays and we fight It rightly You know that I was told of total we'd bit. We ve talked about in a play where you are tired of total. We ve heard that till the cows mine, but I'm with aims very unusual behaviour to dispute. During a aim, is in fact to save on during Leslie, I was hanging seven years of writing play year old with fifty early Michael Smith like one living in we weren't friends like a night. We won't. We were not friends, but you know It was the way it did. You invite we're trying to they pass you anyway. It was actually ready for defensive kite offensive. Mike
They thought they might undermine this house by exerting spoke about. By a ready by allowing Dickie Lane she Ricky value is Thou Harris these made of them they do sound like old world. Our big gray, they're ready for a daddy's, because So what you see leeches leave either there and then we'd like put in place in line with our committee, is in them and stuff I see all your voice deliveries of strain on its something seeking to quiet others bite grad. It's over time, but this is a mind boggling, that we ve never had this before opposite childhood yeah, who we do
How would it cost the eccentric my parents, or is it much of us? Is it media support everything starting to piece together is also to make a lot more like a need to be creative and yellow to express yourself. I know, but I thought you the grasp on how bout shit that was going down because you are delivering it will benefit, why why weren't you come back to you that it has not been home alone to wear the homeless woman lives in the rue submitted to us about big for J B is set up shop at the back anyway she's a whole honestly on her side of Jamie I've never heard about he's a wave of tests. Be then he ever let on its we. It was an interesting time to say something way to reduce member, we know a fracture yeah.
Life, you know when they say we know one percent of the things that live under the sea with a light. We know that led the tip of the iceberg about this man. I will mention two: why is he so accidents? Exactly I'm no intolerable is ever tells me into everyday Billina, who today, How how I p she is. She left The savings are pretty old, whether for ever the refresh button, so many funerals. Honesty should not to be so many s. The biggest Ivan Euro debates you, our path, anyway, when first girlfriend sixty Veronica Lane. She was a beauty. She left me and I June good God
why has he had does a whole, I got my friends from the cook came to us if both ITALY and Patrick here is this happening, the wheels As a fellow during the Charles He has a wonderful stories about the war you managed to catch up with them. Oh my god, to fucking funny getting a horrid me and you have lived a life and Sophie friends, ok, she wore headscarves of muslin, silk each and every second Thursday, her wobbly body
danced and jiggle to its own tune beneath persuades of loose fabric and shawls No, that was a stupid description, but I can picture away now he's the secrets of what we do act to is the art of pretending to be someone that she not actually that's enough. Very give her the cheque from care. Now, where did you come up with Miss First frost? What right Allow me to do so. The moon, stone of espionage, sit down eleven need already goes down the airfield. I say what is the main stand me Is the moon stolen of espionage Yoda? Both me like that that central tenet, so Geronimo Miguel, you have it she is in on it then
She knows what she's doing yeah yeah yeah, I think so it would go implementing espionage and I think she does classes for spies. As a one on one size, ethically spy class right any acts in experience Belinda. Yes, I paid a spanish onion at school rubbish onion. What's the spanish unmanned, some are too big for annual savings in what production could very avant garde, Belinda blinked essay I have to work on that. Vainly spoke. The lovely much needs to work on, as they say that role is dead and buried Berlin. Looked crestfallen outlook as if the death crestfallen his own, not enough lovely sunrise, half an omelet, their Belinda looked Crespo. Smile woman make
me believe, legally scan. Undercover member deleting Belinda couldn't muster even a half lip twist half let the outcome on the word glue. He reminded her of the glee team. Why would she sells monstrous betrayal cars tat? I'm not sure you ve got the stuff. No I'd happening to me that, based on the facts, can even smiled actually to be valued. Gimme a smile our You gonna go through some really tough times. If you can't even make a wriggle out you top level over its head, then you re probably get killed. I mean this is like independent stuff behalf lip twits Hamlet, twists, my apologies as quick. Is a bat Belinda knocked herself out of her head,
rude. She said internally so tat once the performance already there to all saw. Ah fissile tar wanted to performance. She was damn so going to get one bite. She's not can have sex with heresy with that Belinda Flash, the acting mistress and ankles purists skin a toothless I'll, ended intoxicating blink. Then she showed her boobs. That's not acting. Miss Saint Frost, first done something out, God Belinda said in her bed Stu Bedroom voice, she gonna get tangled in those scarves thy silks giggled excitable Jeremiah mustn't, frost. First, it's just that. You hate
me on so much I it's done, I see, I feel a little uncomfortable will teach pupil. All the government is trying to do a job So I sure is around ninety three, not with ninety three. What kind of a sex life about rule girlfriends by age? That is people say me? It's it's just italian. So much I can't stand, to see you in clothes. Your beauty is distracting me from my acting. I hate advice: hey all s, Belinda's potion of flattery boycott its own
within many minutes the acting mistress had done a fool with half role, meaning her tits, Verona, Chin and her dresses. Rover head, dresses, Hamish Olden Times, is a short legs were kicking skywards. Unlike many great dames of the stage she wasn't wearing. Panties is threatening to aid. As a panties terms, as well as what light of some of our best actresses Dominicans Some are best mature, actresses. Maggie Smith is GO commander. Let it turned out that data, how we'd know that listens, and also when did I agree that when do you decide you such a good actress, the normal Nicosia today written Judy Bench and go live just check again. You are blaming
Oh, I'm a ravenous feel pussy. Peeps mistress now want ravenous for pupils. Have you not sanity? Breakfasts pass Jeremiah ass to ships those Belinda to a Knickerbocker glory authorities as well as referred to ass. Her neck glories Knickerbocker glowing like a big tool. I screamed. Have you not heard any breakfast pats? I have no Twinkle Belinda She started to munch on Jeremiah was pretty lids. Life cycle. They freely around the edge. They were good mature in deep in the crevices well trod with secrets to tell Oh, my God, Belinda fuck me side, of two. Oh Jesus, Christ, screeched, frost, first Belinda,
It is Belinda does appeared, choked red spit Belinda did is Belinda does and Gara mustn't, frost verse was gagging for it. Delirium and hum she was in sight. Much intends pleasure. The whole body was jolting like an electrocuted hamstring, the comic strip of you. What do you want to know us? Cracked Belinda spoke onto a fizzing face Yes, please do tell ya moaned the acting mistress. I don't find attractive. You leave.
That's the end of the city's. I find you tempted Belinda whispered into her melting air Home Gara I am a saint frost. Firsts eyes spend like a switch. The lowly poverty and whistled on a stick upon spit in her mouth fell as wide as a half open car boot and a heart sank without trace. She dared to others, but without trade, but not the ocean from Yale. I had a truly an actress, a give ward off
Also, if we recall it wasn't acting just out of the blue, but I can't get on with this message. I'm looking at you leading down below, De Blumenthal, you have passed her majesty's undercover test. Congratulations that with s she was with it for about ten minutes. Belinda wiped her mouth virginal, resonant beamed of husband was sticking. She strutted out of rads practice in your Oscar speech, then adjusting Hadji string thong next stop
the undercover mission with spoons and EAST Berlin? I can't believe that is the extent of fucking espionage training for em. I five us so funny very good evening to revise the a laughing internally israeli, William Much Light Berlin's internal smile. Yes, but your right she's not qualified, face it she's, not qualified, she's she's. No one is an ongoing as numbers and she and Berlin. If one of the tasks, so one of the requirements isn't to seduce somebody mean. That is the extent. Arrange interesting, says: he's not gonna go on this mission in EAST Berlin. Hopefully I'm pretty hypes You know, when you become like a night, you become a certain things. I thought you guys title when you're a spy agent, I guess yeah she now age, Blumenthal, agents, spoon or his agent, spanish training and employment.
I'm just so. I attempted to just throw the live shouting and just make it an evening with Jamie where he tells us about his life or where ones age and he's backstage writing. I would like to do the well a lot of people for Olaf tickets to see you understand that I am very rigid, sap, a camera bilateral, something if you haven't got ticket yet to come and see as we are talking all the place, Australia Z, Latin America, Canada. You can you're a pie. Ireland, you have ever just go to my dad: porno dot com, slash life, all the dates and information that has get tickets isn't be safe and stuff from rocky, and, as this chapter is any indication, it's gonna be back shit. If you want to keep abreast of all of our thing and then you can go to my dad we're on Instagram, you can add TAT wrote a porno on Twitter room
I spoke as usual caught if they don't know by now what we series five upset. Fgm is Christ. Where have you been bitten off by not only you can? Let us as well my daughter, opponent, Gmail, dot com site. Even each partner bags were often travels and we need the appropriate means stamps, and these is doing a lot for peacebuilding yeah. I wait. No doubt it doesn't exist. I see that as we.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.