« My Dad Wrote A Porno

The Best Of (And Unheard Bits) - Part Three

2023-09-24 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James choose their favourite moments from the 'Porno' archive as well as playing some exclusive never-before-heard bits. In this episode, the gang share funny stories about coming-of-age through their teenage, university and early London lives.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Hello and welcome to the best of my dad wrote a porno Alice James? How are we both Jamie? It never fails to shock me that we are able to call these acts. I'm not sure what the feedback spin james, how how they going down to people listening to them. Are they enjoying them? Oh yeah, well, and we're getting a lot of people asking for particular themes, Oh, how do I get so statute because But although people It might use some of those themes in episodes to come. That's really outsourcing our job, isn't it it's like what should we seen them on? If you remember the clips, could you send? Is the time code sign onto that'd be ready, because
I mean a lot of time I feel about, but you have to go through all the old timelines and find myself having to listen to you to school king on for what eight years of content, not my favorite thing. I re listened to the first series. There are new gems in that way, will record on this is now with the very first episode we recorded on, like I can take to failure, will light. We weren't hulls, release it drawn back. He's been sitting proponents? This wasn't the original format? If you recall guys what you mean? Well, I don't want a point fingers chains, but you would know at originally going to be in it? Japan was never supposed to be on it. It would be youtube where I was going to produce it and, yes, we were just going to bang out. We realized sorry but realized how amusing I was. The recalled afford to lose that voice from the the pops. Quite
because our initial, but without getting guests on each week, drummer carried out? Can you imagine this with our james? Yes, that's the shutter shutter food loaded. Did. We not be told him to account. I'm not do now my eye for its little red. It would be slightly wait if it was you reading does porn, just wasn't just one as we can have a guest on each. We like having like a notable person. It was never gonna work, although we know that said one serious one are you going after that one of jamie's powers. What are the monies? That list is in my phone, probably pay. It would be somebody from the terrace evident that loose women don't know what the fuck now and then I remember because we could have so. That was a loose plan, even though it would What does your reading a story and each guess what we like? What happened last episode- and that makes me laugh, but we thought let's just see if it will work as even in terms of content, so we got james
what it does- and I remember attitude it guys and thinking you know what Needless to say it but coopers gonna stay! It also always involved from the beginning and images were letting me and I am going to say. I think it was a citing the room. Helping recorded may not just piper even know you definitely that was standing guest. how amazing and how it is interesting that it really kind of revealed itself to be the format that we needed to go down the format that nobody knew we want to James, I think I wonder if any offshoots from that first episode, we'd, like some terrible gags while we were five of the navy, has any like gold in that anyway, So that's a bit of backstory, but yet this month we're doing the best of an by with us, because these definitions are getting really ready, quite woolly, looser by the data, the bass.
Of what did you just say our coming of age coming of age? That's it kind of stories of our backyard. Yeah, from like teenage to uni kind of from when we met released from university and then, as we were, finding our feet in london and all the stories that we have. We were in our twenties. I guess when we met alison, thus met jamie, a halloween party yup. We have gone through this on the podcast. Didn't worry that won't be included in this, but there'll be other things. Mental rushing through this today. Ok, you! I tell you that you could go any. Maybe you design standards. I've always felt my opposition to prepare rubbish. Now. How are you mean james? There is a lot to do
one something he always gets back to. Hawaii will just sort of open the floor to you guys, but I mean there is an elephant in the room and it's James's foot, my big elephant for yeah, I stubbed my toe last night and it's definitely broken. It's very swollen. Alice's kindly provide me with two ice packs, which My toes have little to sandwich going on down here. Right now. I am getting worried about James Alex because he is, he is now prone to a fall. Is decrepit he's had like three fools in the last three months, but this wasn't a full but yeah. I've had two falls. This year Unlike fool, this light, when you are young, you fall over when you're old, you have a full. So again, I'm in the have a full category now, but also I don't wanna panicky, but I step might have all that. Time, and it doesn't just smart? Why? If I can see that by age soviet roses, so, oh god,
So in the summer I was crossing a road quite quickly and I tripped on the curb and went to like stop myself with my hands and broke my left wrist and then it just healed, and I was at a wedding on the way to the wedding and I slipped on- new slip issues and a fell on the same rest in spain. Alice. Have you heard who nursed him back to health at this wedding? Hey, caroline Quentin, and we do not have a national. I think Jonathan creek gets me. Kate, kiss became behaving badly, probably due to the very very nineties, references movies and a lot of work since then, Cornwall, with caroline quentin, if you're a fan of oh, they get ukulele that's the way you have parents be diagnosed. She was a guest at the wedding and yeah. She can't I've heard that item and then she can't hurt me she was alive,
I think the rumours were just circling two hundred and fifty guests Jamie is a big one. Clearly he made the cut and caroline quentin abroad wedding, or everyone has a one hundred broadway and the edge came in She was so nice. You like mirth me back to help. She saw me right. Ouch got me a bandage, so thank you. Caroline it's not listening. Does she have first aid training or what why? Why would she the go to just because she's family used to play to nurse at some point wishing us in the baby playing issue. No, yes, I think she was. She was a therapist in kiss me. Ok, you know that it should give you any good advice and no, I didn't get any therapy, but clearly staff training, still works. Now. They are not really moving to everything is saying minutes. When I look at him so tat. She was yes, we kind of you put going. When we were all young and meeting to you being old. Odin decrepid went it. Incredibly positive note to be fair to James. You are different generations. I'm not dismiss generation. Wouldn't it
you all know well, because we're millennia was england, boomer you kind. malaria I'll write nets. Second, Are you in the five hasn't original idea? Just came out in its annual? Shall I am a millennia gives ingredient ideological at your house? Yes millennials echo, from now on. Eighty onwards is such a thing. I was only nineteen, eighty or some other than you thank you, I think so. You, like an old woman, looked this about are intact james. We just want to make sure that you are fit and healthy fear forties birthday witches incoming next year, Frankie karstadt, something I'm not sign a cushion everything you are. I mean how to create jobs those of us who it was on the czech about the chairs and Alice s house.
I can't say on any of them. Listen to this one change targets, precarious alice's bones for sex, and it just sit still isn't that funny movie. We bought him what's wrong with you. It's actually funny to think of a time when we didn't know each other. I think we've known each other half our lives. Now, oh my god. I dont know how to feel about that cause. I introduce you to yes, I'm the glue and you don't want me. The poet cast? No, it wasn't me, one year on the book ass. It was just like we didn't. We wish we were trying to work out what we wanted to deal with this, and I think we, through the audition price. really found. Somebody who fits! I now find it hard to think of you as a sort of maude choice. You know little impossible. Just I really think of you is being almost integrity. It now stands go. You have very good. You can. Sometimes you know when people phelan on tv shows irradiation is going to feel like a
that's so at home man. Yet I really feel like that with you, you, spoke, hangs in the world james. Say for the record on MIKE. I'm really glad that you decide to be on the agenda so that we to suggest that we decided that you're allowed we really thrilled about it. So thanks you, two how'd, you load and so that this protest. What do you mean? How does this get on the pot cast me how the internet up? Isn't it going there now? life show lives at that level, not alive radio show, despite what some people think, I'm taking you take this audio in your pocket and you put it on the rss feed how how so I mean yes, she would be useless if we both dies, every no investors. We would you and you don't know
What about how those new recycling we use? I dont you locate and there are two logan's for podcast and Somebody else- and I don't know he told me- I love these. Let you go two acres team and literally gave their offices nigger. I don't know what to do james. Is it only the memory? Stick. Hello. Can I say to the better way to get, but don't look into a board meeting hello. How are you don't know me? Listen. It is integral to the show I knew the minute. I started to think that you had to be part of the show because you've made it what it is, it's fantastic and saddened that all you could think of to justify opposition not going at, which also is nothing to do with a big on the show. I'm really produces job, it's what you is worth, so I think it is high time we go into the archives and listen to some best of content got the way you treat the elderly is
Quite frankly, if we just listen to you heard your stories, we could have learned so much. I wanted with eight people in one flung. It was how I was by the front door. At most, not escape that had come in at like five in the morning. Playing the front door and stop playing techno music, but the straw that broke the camel's back. Music university in frankfort, heavy vibe music, the straw that broke the camel's back was one day. I came down to the fridge to get my cheese to make tea sandwich I'll gotta know as ganglia and took me from cheese out, and there was a massive bite mark out of my cheese sauce, marching around the house going hoop at my chief, a bit
much is said about. Turkey is the scope of our song max. Is it just boats so disrespectful you don't despite some cheese to some of the treaties and not expect consequent I feel, like you bite, someone's cheese, but you like take them out for dinner. First, you know we all lived with kind of horrors when we were at university on a varying sliding scale. What did you have to deal with? My parents gave us a fridge freezer cause. There were six of us in the flat or generous gift, yeah, isn't it to use for like drinks freezer or just to he less window regular swinging her want of each of, and I went down to london to visit some friends when we and when I came back this go that live with it, put it in a skip, what on earth and notion, This is the gun on wheels and down the road
In wales we used to just call her that, because she was like a german. U boat should suddenly be by your side that particular, how did you get it just the same way as a vendetta against it yeah she removed your ability. the chilled by now the dog. Honestly rocky was furious to this day he hates her was it knew the french raise? It wasn't me, but it was perfectly. Well, look at those if there was a well used, but why why did she took it way? Was hitler in hawaii we all know she just hated me. I can't be stored in a bedroom yeah, but you know student. Will I lived with nice people all? I know who you're going to say my favorite. She was crackers. She was absolutely wrong. She didn't know that carrot didn't come. Then she used to call things funny: food yeah, so a lot of stuff. She considered funny fitting, because obviously I was having sort of like macro paso, though everything I it was funny food, but I'm she loved potatoes in every form is often on a plate and her words she'd have liked.
Smiling you potato waffles of humanity. You'd have let you know the ones where they like scooped into the skins is just like potatoes skins that you can buy in the bright blue impregnated them something only more meal. All that was just the play it, which is totally bays and she smoked our say between a hundred and a hundred fifty thousand cigarettes a day, her room honestly, was like an experiment. The website, distracted by the notepad on James as Frederik, says, fuck off you stupid, talking cow he's, not safe. So when I first moved into this flop, it would get kind of the middle of the night, and I just heard this cat in the garden, not joking hello lies, not
I am literally not joking used to come in every night and say hello come in come into the girl, say hello, and I told someone about it and they wrote out my fridge, but I thought you'd written in protest, hoping that it would see when it came in the night. I assume that she died now, though, because it stopped doing, I haven't heard it for a while. I just saw that skating. hello back to give them the wave to another woman alive. How did is it pronounced the ones that low hello, hello? Do you really think it was a cat? Now I saw him and then the other thing How does he do have lifted the blind to see him say hello, and he just stopped talking about you. Crafty little asked me yeah, you could get a viral clip out of this before turning to the bush jail for days and contains other work, nightgown pop, Even if I remember the audience, if you go to sleep in the bush,
London lane doesn't get better. Suffice it all bush, but did you sleep within them? it was an out of season hind ranger I worked there was a majority should be found its view, If the blues had shed one of my favorite days of the year is when it's Alice's birthday and she has an annual sherry, I get very excited about and the day after and I have my annual hangover, he was so ratty on that day. No one sees her the day after you remember your twenty first, when you were literally bedridden, because usa, drunk by the time it was midway through the night, it was really bad and there was a fight breaking out. the under your bed- was fisticuffs. Wasn t use it.
That said, if I remember, there's a photograph where my eyes are rolling back of my head with Jamie's, I think his movie dump flannel on my phone. I was being a very good florence nightingale, but lawyer was good, but I don't think that's all the story, so she got into the shop to show your drunkenness straight away because cause yeah your your eyes kind of eye. It's hard to explain we go in different directions, yeah, but you also fall asleep. We were in San francisco got a minorca when we were, we were in this club, and James literally fell asleep, while he was dancing on the dance floor. Don't say he was, as Assad said he was still dancing, but he was asleep and the balance was like he's gotta get out and I was like that was fine. He's just he's just really into the music. Is my wish deny that, but we were kicked out James thanks for that, and often
when you sleep standing up, I cannot count how many clubs afford a happy place. I find it very therapeutic, but obviously just sensing right off the is. I t people who always get a bad rap, but there's a floor in my office which isn't ita right, but just full of unusual circuits just felt them as they get off the list. What do you mean like they called the two because they always get off at floor floor to really get to say what further have like one tooth or women. Where do you were this, isn't a thing or named law or to the so unusual I don't know, I actually don't know what they've got going on down there investigated immediately. Why are they releasing onto floor two? That means everyone's teeth fall out, and the funny thing is my past doesn't work for flow too, so I can't investigate up to a cave that suspicious to wait what what sexy for you
seven. Oh I've got rooftop views nearly nearly nearly yeah the fees nearly was actually another three flows above me. So what if you got just a little gubbins, you can say: can you hold the pipes and separate? Actually the british museum, I'm really pinpointing my office is great. I cannot wait for you to get to it tomorrow. Shut up to the two jamie is to have a code that we called the brown. I don't have it started. but it will certainly brow by the knew what it was about it was. It was rag, it was, It was rag, it was once nice uses leap in it. It was a sleeping bag. Fuck avoids this attack Jamie. We you once that's an abortion, it didn't oh yeah, he's that do not push in it. I didn't sleep in the bush that, because I actually lost my shirt on the left in the bush talks that don't you
when you lose your shirt on the night, as that was one of the worst months of my life anyway, it was this coat. He'd had for one hundred years been passed down through the generations it was an old coat a hose. As I get a new coat. I've got good picture of you because it was was it in my mind, is made up of the of the different animals, but would it not maybe like old horse I know it's a bit. It's ultra, though, cause there's a bit this long ahead of us a little bit of bad okay, fine, I'm not know if my fashioned I'll give you that, if you've ever seen them the bbc out of his niche but the BBC adaptation, death nor any other labour game is one of the beef is and now I'm just show you James and because this really will bring it to life ii. So it's essentially what it was wasn't it was. It was didn't, have a hood
it's like in the body that was that was a warm guy. What ever happened to it up and it cause you, you literally can be a real complex about actually good. You don't feel awful so dependent Yeah, that's the brown the philip saw actually cause I went to. I am. I went to a dance class last night. Oh excuse me I'll. Tell you it's cold, it's called learn tat work with the elderly learnt its work but you have no earths famously I k will this is my wish you she ass? You Ass do just I'd. Ask that where we were made redundant to learn to tool. I didn't know that is called my friend. You said you wanna go to adopt class, so
it's false advertise amen. I arrived on everybody's wearing great outfits, but pretty skimpy dressed like them and bend it like beckham. I have some football shirts on the khaki t shirt. Basically peek at the first alarm bells rang was the lady said or everyone you're sexy bitches provides I'm not really go my heart going off, oh no, then they create a circle. the circle of trust, no I'm afraid side and in the circle of trust. You have to free style The first thing: yes, the best thing: what did you do the robot and fischler averse. I essentially did the charleston and other people. But our hands on the floor and lets the right wing there ass in the air.
Oh my god, I wish I can we go the next way again. So then we do the warm up great guy covered. I didn't know it was the warm up and then she's like right now will lend the routine to someone. Okay, that's fine, like I like to dance just in the comfort of my own home. So I was shuffled to the back. A watch dunn's move shift the shovel to the back to the back, and I got myself to the back and I was like it's fine, because this way I can watch what everybody else does and I don't need to remember it. So it goes to that and then she got a case. The first move. It had the basically the back was the awful love in front of the mirror? Does it then? see every member hygiene everything and they can all see me and then she said I want you to feel her ass cheek and then feel underneath it just like use lacks. What's gonna shake, I cannot tell how much amicia
everything but may also cause you know not there's nothing to move that wasn't saying, does nothing to eat, because if nothing, that's ok, that's amazing! I wish up in the canoe I mean, I know it's audio, but could you may be give us a little? I give us a move. I can but I'd like you to imagine what the song is, that I'm doing it too, as I do it was before. My neck, my body was safe and also my crackers, sober lender of you. She said she's, like guys is along coun, enjoy the pussy back whether you are driving the work biking, two reference point or on the way to your next vacation. Amazon. Music. Has your true crime fix covered as an amazon prime number, you have access to ad free top podcast. To start listening, download the amazon, music, app or visit amazon dot com, slash true, crime on the girl. That's amazon died
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like every light. Is the talk of the town who this ridge industry? It's the afraid of twenty eighty sought to turn off cause its loud, so we recorded last week for the site without professional we switch off on lines. We closed doors we closely. We really think about this programme. We would shut your street if we could be played down and I ve got to turn to become deny so all mummy almost edge everything in the fridge when rotten and of how to look at. Why say? a very, very lean weak. I haven't fine scraps and the cup eat sums mixed herbs, James tooth, you never have. If you have windows, ulcerated gonna, I know, but I did actually have me in the phrase that I was
Keeping from where the pope came. I don't know an AK, a knob of cheese. If that's the right, mattia join, have a look now see what's in that have a rubber jealous okay. Can you hang on I'm going to bring a bike to you cause again with that technical there's, a small pocket of bbq sauce, the kind you'd get from a drive in. But as the real sprouting bulbs of garlic fill it let the sympathies of animals animal for why you're dogmas? Why we're like over for a chance? Some milk that has now become cheese or what could you make out what does the cooking show challenge? Doesn't it I didn't mention the logo, which would make a lovely reduction on top of all of them. Do not remember the time we came around and I made some food of my own. I brought all the ingredients.
Games are generally salt and he said nam and shopping this week. Let you buy so every week he also made you eat off the floor from him on a plate off the floor. Yeah interesting its pringles in that cupboard But rocca see vitamin c supplement is not food. I've got flaccid, I don't really know what it is, but I've got it s such a sack of a closer covered, as ever screamed spent more honestly things tat. My I never hear of always are viewing lie in managing the opportunity of the days. If you wanted let me live. Copying gave you go right ahead. J spent his life just copying, dames was Joe employed. The moon and despicable everything went If a child ass, who out of this war, our key spit, shoot it nike smith skimpy bikini rolling in the sun
he's been got hot back in the day, not sure by she's, not really known as a pin up and not said. No, but Helen Marin still is dying Today the elevator, you gonna calendar days You know that when you see encourages in the nineties those kind of private ownership, when were where boil up girls and not very much. the equipment? Didn't you, but it was in of edwardian garb logic, aims in periods of drought in Edith evidence, maggie smith, in the little princess, as a de me might like Arlene phillips, is about to become a dame. You pleased my game kelly homes. As already broadening ours, not just act as an area of any more like of those like old, thus be saying. Oh yeah, like dame christen scott thomas out dame
I mean you can ignore. Extending you can't think. I'm a big man he's July basic eddie, like older rapturous, is probably a day with a british roy ever thomson, obviously all day ones. At that meeting in December early, I googled sometimes see how he responds fair or not. Will you tell me dame diana rig that the game. You will yeah. These are people, I think Jamie had posters of an okay. Can I just say I didn't have posters of dames of the highlander than sorry you know, but Dana Dana rake was hot back in the day in data under a dame Judy, dench dame maggie smith, dame Helen Mirren, dame barbara windsor guy. That associate wouldn't say, Elizabeth Taylor. I wonder no doubt Angela London. But by Jamie
is bad. Looking at property on a ceiling, a poster of lawns by joan collins, obviously should pay him cause. Given the minutes read bolivia to have a land then he lies and the plane. She was very, very exquisite like gone with the wind and stuff she's, one hundred and four, which title the one hundred and four but Jamie Penelope Keith. We do not less than eleven newton John, I could go, we feel less patricia. Lady who was in keeping appearances, which I love, because this has been found that we all know that had that pretty space program, I've also obtain brittany, edward anything you'd, see, would totally lobby for that matter. From those to brittany gauge and his life size. It was his wont. Did you press is up against the dark ass? She was like. It was. A sort of the right kind. Was life size. It was a kind of it, and so they continued where they left off. Just like we are consider where we left off. There's no shame. In a day
mother, This is the least joke of which I have done. At least sleep with movie titles, there's always a bit of belinda the have you been bought from the pups game. I have been, though, from wow it's easier to list he's alive and I been bob hope from one pub. This was a cop ten years ago, actually made national needs. It was gonna, be something else: the rebels why we never talk ass? I was in the past
it's a pub in so how in london and next to our table there was a gay couple on a date, not me for once. I didn't know them and they start making out kiss. It wasn't even like a make out really the stages kissed each other and they got thrown out pub and then I ever met it was like front page the guardians that was the year Nevertheless, I was bored famously but anyway I wouldn't alarm, because I in the news, that's about so that I've been started protesting in the poverty that you can't frozen. Monocular he's an ally, I do and what do you have known and then me and my friend Lucy we got part as well, further and then body without you can never come back and then get it was in the press and also some like, of course, his barring has to make regular throat it today I was there. A picture of you is a little like a quote from you, but I think that was a quote from somewhere and lucy as well, but
I always wonder what happened to that couple because they were really nice, but it was a first date separately, not still together, but jamie on behalf of the the gay community. Thank you for your tireless efforts to make safer spaces in london. Look. It was outrageous and justice to be served and I think it was actually. I think there was a change of management at that pub. We go back. I think you can. I still can't go nuts getting your faces, but remember this bar, but because he was on the cover his face was lying on the cover of the guy that it was, but that the couple who had a virtue levelling pager
any provided hatch? I went to Brazil for me, you want to have a great time. You just watch those of dvds. Isn't it rain nonstop did we were flooded on an island who, right how when and didn't get diarrhoea instinct is really romantic. the worst they ever actually. Now. I remember you telling uneasy. No, but on new copacabana beach were in the sea a while ago, fabulous two million people. I actually found a use, need lonely the beach I am that's the drugs actually adopt area is worth We got chased by a dog in the sea and I didn't know that was sounds of a demon dog. It honestly had a infamy to be saved by a by a local schoolboy
the sea and resolutely to hope to the bottom of it. The ban on the it which is playing and wanted to have fun with me, but I was like no no, no, and I was like trying to. I was a great pick- drove him away like it followed me in the se, and it was like swimming towards me and I was like oh and it was huge this dog and I was like really scared, and so I was like swimming backwards and like splashing it I could like. It's like it's closed into scratch. My body probably just be nice and I was excluded electronic, oh, but it was horrible. then there's the local boy ran in the sea and like grabbed it and like rest of the under the boat, and I was out of there. I went straight to ever heard about this, so this is a near death experience. Yeah wait, were you in the dogs
Could I say that as a reality, as I have already done in over the rules or and for those who visited the show endlessly on a loop hairs little bit that you will have never heard before as it was never in the sun, This is an unheard bit actually run my university, my fussy university flat as a video shop. So might my dream, It became true because some people will come and borrow my. I actually lost a lot of dvds. I became the person that everyone borrowed dvds from you borrowed dvds to me. Unless I became known on campus as the dvd guy or just say, I knew you and I didn't see, what's known as Yep Ok, you went on our camp us all like accommodation, I'll see you in the same holes, yes and I wonder if the right for so yeah like people to come round, they browse the shelves. How many of you have hundreds? I mean literally hundreds hundred young people
hundreds of dvds to university we having set now business. Silva every night I'll be studying. I can tell you, even without onto the dvds, doesn't mean yeah yeah, it's probably because of the hundreds of dvds I wasn't having sex. Is the ally mcbeal goodbye because he got so vent, even though I would argue that he was buying people's affection by giving them dvds? After that, he became very protective of your dvd collection and would would not actually now will also go missing. When I was a widespread. Did you like sign them? I know that was another said: did you charge or my way of making friends to start with or girlfriends in Allah se wagon, what you let people, dvds to watch without you, yes, and that was the way to make friends he thought it yet I would take the video watch elsewhere. We ran a lovely big television and worried that they could have stayed yeah, but you don't like to think of the heart
I can t be from dixons, you don't stand dixons towards him ass, a tv reverted to watch, but then you got an interaction with them. When the tunnel in a laugh, but then It was never done and never came back. I'd like none of them have friends now Jones they weren't friends. Then I was used. You are god. This has turned into a really tragic tale with used. Oh, my god, but you dream, came true, which was to run a video shop. So lucky me, it's called show business, not show friends, you know you gotta, you gotta prioritize, your enterprise. Did you drive the night bus to get friends as well how many everything right the night, but to get friends I drove the night, was to save women. Will this thing altruism? one thing, but I feel it's maybe he's a slightly ulterior motive, as well as being a good person to clarify for days that don't mean because we may have talked about before James driver many bus at night,
your house than the ivory I'll only our every hour. He was like clockwork and it was exclusively for vulnerable women out of her two fucking votes. I now I remember the time thinking like forty pounds in our see how this was in every hour on the hour, so how many hours you work a day, so it'd be like six pm until six am and I'd do it. I do like three times a week. I can't get over what a monday bags james was- and this is the era when we most often accused of being tight leaving It wasn't time, that's how we knew as to how much you were earning not now, but you were then due to have jobs on your eating nope, I cleaned the local nursery school all the way through
cool what you clean the nursery school through school. While I was at school and that's how I funded university, did you have a tablet? I guess yeah? Maybe did you hadn't had your tablet. It was an honest days work. What I don't understand right, it's because you're absolutely right. It's noted states work but jamie doing that little lord fauntleroy cleaning a school is the top out. I couldn't get over Alice Jamie and the tabard without Christ that ye did. You have a job at university I did, but only in the holes cause. I was so I say to dedicate the well shut up and what was it as waitress? Ok of, could you imagine what a passageway always about yourself about you or the river there, yeah. I got the idea of limiting great with tips actually
Oh my god is this. Didn't leads, not you. This is nothing it back home. Imagine being able to say you want served by Alison James you'd. Never forget, it never be said of your bedroom, an absolute dragon of both oh and I once burnt my hands on breathe, yeah on a plate, and I was taking it from the hatch. You know to the table yep and it was red hot and they weren't, usually red hot, and I really hit my hand and she said you stupid girl and she slapped me on the in the kitchen rope it on and wrapped in a territory or even more on. This will make it simple the cause. I will serve these that now. I think we should turn a scammer beautiful hands. Why should do
I thought is Horvitz did it when she, but it just never cooled down, because famously oil ain't going to do. That's literally cook, ignore I don't know if he was trying to play the way it was. It was extra virgin olive oil yeah. I think that's the good stuff, lovely okay. What was the worst thing that happened apart from getting burn, which is, however, customer thought was you actually can we write jamie and I the diners? We were just seated and you approach the table. Okay, watch for you know how we do have some sparkling be great things already give up. I don't think I've come to table under water hello. I welcome wherever we are? Its precise he was actually being polite. I might not. Every human life is going to vote.
we want without you even asking, which I think is a great way to greece and biofuels sparkling. Well, then you can order that. sir. The ship what start to get myself, So you don't even say hello. You just slammed hello. I said hi. How are you I didn't hear that I were talking over it? Oh okay, it's targeted sorry okay afternoon and I haven't been connected thanks. How are you yeah good thanks? Can I get you anything star already feel like she's being sassy but she learned to scratch, though she's not yeah, you didn't even here anyway, tasting menus and any drinks to stop yeah. What what's the house wine We have our montepulciano I have multiple students and just sparkling water. The table, please thank absolutely no problem
I think that's very, very nice, yeah, okay, the I stand by Alice. I really can't see you in hospitality, I'm just going to I'm just gonna, say: okay. I think I could step back into that job the right choices decorated with a lovely spreadsheet problem for us today. So that's nice. I'll, just tell me the copies and drink boy I appreciate the sentiment again. What a great look back. Some of our favorite bits I, you know, as I get older by the second and time takes it's toll. It'll be nice to use this as a a kind of time. Capsule, I'm doing this as much for me as for anyone else, yeah exactly why us why take pictures everyday now, so I can literally are because I lich continental during yesterday's everyday life.
of yes, so I can look in my camera already tat, you stay. Ok, I've got that thanks. So much for this day again come back next, but also he's never taken away to cover this doing this. In the event of his day, there's little member state recorded dull undersigned confused about how you live your life. If there is in time Yes, in the meantime, do get in touch. If you have any best bits that you want to hear you can get as an interim at my dad, rotor twitter, I'm not even going to use the the word twitter at data opponent and email as mutter opponent,
semalt dot, com and people sharing. It is like the good old days see on people's feeds. Isn't it yeah, unlike people, are leaving nice little reviews and things? I don't think so. Q liking and subscribing for god's sake, so you can do all that we'd love to hear from me still feels like saying set. The vcr doesn't feel like such a retro thing to say like and subscribe yeah. It does, and then people do say, like give us review, and I have hookah that really helps of his ability. I'm not sure if it's true, but people say that to do that as well. Thanks mean it's a bit late for this bonus. Okay, we're going to go! Thank you so much this thing and we'll see you next by whether you are driving to work backing to a friend. Place or on the way to your next vacation. Amazon. Music. Has your comedy fix covered as an amazon prime number. You have access to ad free top podcast to start
listening, download the amazon music gap or visit amazon dot com. a comedy on the go: that's amazon, dot com! comedy on the girl and listen to your favorite broadcast? on the girl. Click, has powers the world's best, here's. A show that we were told me about your mama's kitchen. That simple question opens up a flood of delicious memories and its at the centre of my new audible original podcast called your mama's kitchen. My mama's kitchen was chaos. This teeny tiny little room was where we did everything we grow They are. We became teenagers adults in that small space. I me norris, the kitchen is usually the heart beat our homes
the place for were nourished physically and spiritually. Our loudest laughter is in the kitchen, but so too are some of our most vulnerable moments. Each week on your mama's kitchen, I'll talk to guests, turner's authors, chefs musicians and more about how the food and the contrary, traditions of their youth shaped their law. An interesting and some time surprising ways.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-26.