« My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark

MFM Minisode 111

2019-02-25 | 🔗

This week’s hometowns include a stairwell survival story and a murder cult.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is exactly right. And welcomes and my favorite murder, the mini so worried you, your shit, it's things like emails with stories inside of them, that's it! yeah, there's not a list that literally it would you like to go versus we, I wouldn't ok. I don't want to break tradition, rendition. What's what for ok then the subject line of this is, I won't read it create. Do you want to go made. It offers ego last forwards whenever you want. No, don't put it on me. I have a good last. He ok, maybe do you have a good, lasting, not like, specifically for now
mine. I've! Alas, I feel good last year that operates about grandparents, I'm going first soon, let's break and tradition, maybe Vista these conversations off my guys. This is the kind of solid it go. Content. You can expect from us sets re week after week. Do you like decision sit, but listen you like alive decision as there being a breaking decision, heart breaking decisions, people discussing thing this is called my close encounter with a murderer called hi guys, you guys are my favorite. I started listening after my girlfriend recommended your pike ass. She also reminding you that I have an interesting story to share, so I thought I chair
I was born in Venezuela when I was seven, my family been making arrangements to move to the. U S: windows hang out with my cousin who live two or three miles from my grandparents house in a rule town in the middle of nowhere, Venezuela labor. It was dark. My aunt reluctantly. Let me right back my grandmother house. This was a usually fun right, just a dirt road with nothing the vegetation on either side. I was enjoying the night noises being outside alone than as a kid at night, the best, if you're, far away from the city of urine nowhere. Venezuela, the stars are pretty red eye that I was enjoying the night noises when all of a sudden there was complete silence, deal tension in the air. I looked around me and noticed I was being surrounded by a group of people holding candles what your chanting, something I couldn't understand when they got close but to touch me. I wrote as fast as I could all the way to my grandma House, whence I got
I jumped off my bike random. My grandma held her tight and just cried. She saw the fear in my eyes and just held me that morning, a girl that was Those two my same age was found dead in close proximity to where I had been that night, no ass to her body. There were candles black feathers and more blood. This was the first in a series of child murders that happen similar fashion with candles and all the other island near the bodies. No one was recharge for these murders. It's still scares me. Think of how close I was to being a sacrifice of creepy called that may still be an operation almost twenty years later holy shit. I would ask you guys to avoid writing a bike at night in the middle of nowhere. But, let's be honest, there's no way you do that you're too smart for that, so instead stay sexy and don't get murdered thanks LEO wow. I know so curried leisurely and so sad and now I want to read all about it, like to see this, thank you LEO, because the import
point of that it When we talk about being aware of your surrounding yeah you're enjoying the night noise is that it means something when all the cricket subject motorway. I trust your we're little instant. Yes, if you're at the hair is going up on the back your neck, it doesn't matter how normal people look here or how normal this situation is, get the fuck out of their even like yeah, just trust it Oh so close, okay, so pretences! Now I'm not going to tell you the subject matter of this great, oh yeah, look at! It starts after hearing the Swat team story on a recent many, so I decided Ya'Ll needed here this story, a good when I was sixteen. My mom asked me if I wanted to fly to Arizona and Colorado did at her side of the family, ants, uncles and cousins, my same age that we Did you ever saw. I was nervous but stout, because I was clearly an adult and traveling alone for the first time. Oh shit, so I flew to Colorado spent a week, but my family and then my aunt was taking me to the airport to fly to Arizona to spend another week of my family there and then home. My aunt
took me as far as she could in the airport, and then I told her. I was fine. I grabbed a seat at my gate, took out my the put on my headphones, a random man, mid forties, mid for looking came to my empty gate and decided the seat he should take. No was the one directly next to me immediately. I was crept out, reading any until he, of course, to me on the shoulder. How wait? How old is as per sixteen, sixteen he's mid, bodyguard he's too, ask me about myself and where I was going, oh, I was sketched out. I started lying dead man, the name made up the school I went to made up the town I was from. I was totally free. His questions felt so personal and unnecessary. They are putting my headphones back on, but it cannot happen. My shoulder now, final straw. After about three attempts to ignore him, he pulls out his ticket and says: where are you sitting, I look at his ticket, knowing my oats
the seat number and start to absolutely panel. This dude is next to me now am I tell him get some food get up and go straight to the airline desk. I tell them the whole thing that I'm super creep out and tell them. I will sit anywhere else. The airline says they cannot help me or move my seeing her So I go to the pay phones. This was in two thousand and one- and I didn't have a cell phone how her and I called my aunt she could tell. I was scared but couldn't come. Made to the airport. She was you pick up her own kids from school. So she told me to go to the ladies room and stay there. So at least I didn't have to be near him until it was time for my life, I went to the ladys- earned a hyper ventilate for a bit and eventually decided I needed to leave and go back to my gay yeah. Oh no, as I left There were two men and police uniforms at the bathroom door they if I was torah- and I said yes, they escort me too my gate and we walked past the man being searched and his luggage. All over the airport floor. They
go and tell them. I will sit anywhere else. The airline says they cannot help me or move my seeing her. So I go to the pay phones. This was in two thousand one and I didn't have a cell phone. How her and I called my aunt she could tell. I was scared, but couldn't come back to the airport. She was headed to pick up her own kids from school, so she told me to go to the ladies room and stay there. So at least I didn't have to be near him until it was time I just haven't put two and two together side german, hyper ventilate for a bit and eventually decided I needed to leave and go back to my gay yeah. Oh no, as I left there were two men and police uniforms at. Airport I was escorted to first class and sat at the window seat of my road, while the Swat team officer stood at the aisle seat until the entire plain was loaded, then were they airport floor. They took me to the gate where they told me. I had a change seed and I'd be my family for the record this. I may have just been made.
A very different account of the story, and I could have just been a hyper anxious sixteen year old that humiliated around oh, no whatever as another. That's it stay sexy and always have your uncle. Send the entire swat team to protect you when you're creep out in an airport torah, but cares no, no you're right that man was argue that forty year old man was talking to it repeatedly talking to a year. She said- that's a whole other story and a terrible down her horse anyway. Back to the airport, I was escorted Why was he sitting next to her, like that? I dont believe that he didn't know he was sitting next to her area, where it really freaks me out no end yeah, that's exactly like. Even if
it may be. He was a nice guy is being polite. Don't fucking talk men, don't talk to women unless they invite you to. But here's thing normal men know that re examine its it's a thing of telling little kids. Adults don't need your help if an adult is asking for help, there's something wrong by its exact same families, not riddle, fuckin queues of her putting her fucking earphones back in her hand, no one, the town to rely on the shoulder, there's a boundaries issue. There is in information issued total anyone that walks up and start asking your name where you live anything that support with an agenda. Yes sock that person outright totally no way, and I love it's like and don't be it if you're on don't believe that he didn't know he was sitting next to her airy? We're really freaks me out no end yeah, that's exactly it lets like, even if it maybe he was a nice guy is being polite, representative who didn't? I thought that immediately she's gonna make I gotcha
the two, but here's thing normal men know that re examine its it's a thing of telling little kids. Adults don't need your help if it does asking for help, there's something wrong by its exact same thing: he's not reading fuckin queues of her pudding different. Now I dont think a teenage girl that was would go to them and say this is a problem would be like sorry and get my idea. I think that's the world anymore and on the person I feel like. I think, because a twitter and social media can afford that shit anymore blow at blow it all up blow it. All up, I'm so glad it worked out that way, because one time and just say that and I'm still mad at myself, even though its hasn't it's not even anywhere near it, I was ill at one time waiting for a flight and a guy came. Inside and see right. Next to me, started, trying to sell me tickets to a pancake breakfast and he was in my space and he was in my face any wouldn't leave me alone and the
implicit message from him as you have to buy these tickets. For me to get away from you- and I am sure that you have followed your instincts to which, as don't piss this guy like somewhere in your mind, it's don't like I think, that's the world anymore and on the person I feel like. I think it's a twitter and social media. They can afford that shit anymore blow at blow it all up blow it all up, I'm so glad it worked out that way, because one time and just say around you, but I'm still mad because anywhere near it. I was ill at one time waiting for a flight and a guy came up inside and seek right next to me and started trying to sell me tickets to a pancake breakfast and he was in my space and he was in my face any wouldn't leave me alone and the implicit message from him as you have to buy these tickets. For me to get away from you and I and all that they have evolved urinating,
a good story actually for this, my almost murder and the stairwell I care in Georgia, steel and ferry friends. I work in it this building. It would normally need a key card for access. However, are floor was undergoing constructions or the security was lax, and there is a number of extra people coming and going for a few weeks I should mention my mother has been in bedding safety tips into my head. Since I was a teen, don't take drinks from strangers. It be aware of your surroundings and parking lots. Don't wear lanyard around your neck, oh just think about granite, Agafea and keep your is in between your knuckles, etc. Paste no attention to that. Last one anyway, I was leaving work Wendy and took the stairwell one because it was much faster than waiting on the elevator and too I sit at a desk, Oddy and thought I should get in minute of exercise and then she writes ha. I walk the floor. Fight flights down noticed a middle aged man. At the bottom I said, hi excuse me and not- and motion for the door because he was walking it. He looked at her
this phone gave me the most creepy look, slash, stare and lunged foreign towards me. Putting his arms around me in a big bear hag. Ah my instincts kick since I was a teen, don't take drinks for strangers, be aware of your surroundings and parking lots. Don't wear lanyard around your neck, o disencumbered grab it like ask and keep your keys in between your calls, etc every obscenity possible at me, fuckin asshole, yeah you're, getting in her eyes, I ran back up for flights of stairs in a panic I got to the reception desk told her to call security, while I dialed nine, when one this was
before I listen to the park. Assume fuck politeness attitude was nonexistence. What are you talking about? You beat the shit out of air baby. Don't you worry about your fuck willingly says. Looking back, my dainty excuse me was so stupid. I should have immediately turned around back upstairs when I saw someone. I didn't recognize that that's not true. I mean no need to each rider best to be a human turn up. This person wasn't yeah, and so you fuckin defenders, yeah you're, acting like a normal people outright with normal people right and even if you had gotten attacks and raped and hadn't thought him off. It's not you didn't do anything wrong. Set aside now had I not taken my car to work that day, I would have only had a key follow my key chain, but because I drove my husband's Garda work, I had a nice chunky key before I listen to the pod custom. I fuck politeness attitude was not existences. What are you talking about? You beat the shit out of air baby. Don't you worry about your fat willing? As looking back my dainty excuse me was so stupid. I should have immediately turned around. I went back upstairs
Not moment because I think a lot of times you just frees up, I know I would I'm sure I work, for they would be prepared for the needed. That's I always fears that they're gonna be like I. You know I imagine, can someone in the Dick Daily, oh and I imagine that maybe they'll be per prepared for it blocker be wearing a cup like from their Jamie baseball than re orbit, eunuch. Note. Had I not taken my card of work that day, I wouldn't have only had a key follow my key chain, but because I drove my husband's Carta work, I had a nice chunky. Keaton stabbed that Motherfucker, where yes, anyway, stay sexting, don't get murdered. Please come back door Lando soon, love Sarah from Florida. That's amazing story also the presence of mind just to go right for the ball in in that moment, because I think a lot of times you just frees up. I know I would I'm sure I work, for they would be prepared for the neither that's. I always fears that they're gonna be like I. You know I imagine, kicking someone in the Dick daily,
once you get to the two I tissue, you get up the nose, you do whatever you can in vain early doctor that's right or be eunuch or than what are they doing. What we value in my language, learning and my mind on adaptation is insane, don't forget, you can gouge eyes all out, and I am once someone's unreasoning as they said in they teach you this again. We have to do only to do it's self defense, glass eel it. They say that you don't think of it as it still exists ok. This is like choice at Tellin Pizza Box, Italian, just kissing her cousin, her I'm not going to review the subject: hello, beautiful Ladys, Stephen and fur baby. I was listening to the many so when you read the story about the girl trying to scare her grandmother, but instead it was someone trying to break in, and it reminded me of this story. We have both and his wife used to be cops. They must
professions and our firefighters. Now they have always sought their kids. What to do in emergency situations. One day my niece, who is about ten years old at the time, was that our friends House Wall while their someone broke into her friends house and threatened everyone inside my niece was able to sneak away and head home, but five calling for help. She grabbed my brother's gun, loaded it and went back to her friends how why they live next door she walked.
I'm not going to review the subject: hello, beautiful Ladys, Stephen and fur baby. I was listening to the many so when you read the story about the girl trying to scare her grandmother, but instead it was someone trying to break in, and it reminded me of this story with both my brother and his wife used to be cops. They bus, which professions and our firefighters now they have always sought their kids, what to do in emergency situations. One day my niece, who is about ten years old at the time, was that our friends house well, while their someone broke into her friends, has and threatened everyone inside my niece was able to sneak away and head home, but instead of calling for help, she grabbed my brother's gun, loaded it and went back to her friends how wise they live next door. She walked in aim the gun at the man and told him to get out of the house. Luckily, this was about to scare the man and he left without harming any group we Shan years old. Needless to say, my brother and his wife were both proud anniversary. As I
I love that ten year old girl, I'm sorry one kiss a budget line, we will have one tenure. I just have a ten year old. I picture this little girl. This is when I first read this night could not stop giggling. I pictured that it's like a terrible home invasion scene and and picture. A little girl pigtails sliding backwards over the back of a couch likely no one's. Looking like a flood of just kind of sliding bag. She d she's a double joint and in this kind of Oliver things at a joint Mary circus style, she's circus allay backward over the cow. She becomes liquid she's liquids out the door in the form of an ice cube shape of men, but then it's,
pigtails kicking the door and yet, with the gun going get out of this mother felt and racist manufacturer achievement of admission takes out a retainer, seizure and say early clearly. Ah I just love it. A men and children do not place done so, but look at their guns. Everyone, everybody channel or guns children, never touch guns. It's not don't touch guns. We don't think it's cool. Also, don't listen! This punk customary child get the fuck out of here you can get out of here, except for you look a little l gal, hunky, Dory later Badass punchy Britain era. Get mouth, watering sees all recipes and pre measured ingredients delivered right to your door with hello, fresh America's number one meal kid they make. Looking at home, son, easy and afforded,
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these best field trip ever hello, Karen Georgia's seamen and friends from very small town in South Carolina, so small that we actually share to high school from it with the neighbouring town and my graduating class still have fewer than four hundred people. It occurred to me. Well, listen to many said this morning that I have a gruesome, slash, delightful story to tell you from my time at this tiny, otherwise boring school in in two thousand and one my tenth grade, civics Class, Winona Field trip to the county court house. I'd say there and letting us into that core, and when we got there or what was going on was going through our teachers minds when they decided, we should stay for the whole too young for real worth. I bet that teachers were scared because they were in court. They didn't, unlike get everyone up and move them all out during the preparations for their into it
It was changed between the time the field trip was planned and the morning we arrived in court yard instead of watching folks gets lap with fines for parking violations and other petty crimes of that nature. We were treated shoe testimony for yep, a grisly murder trial. Woe for over an hour, we gotta hear some of the more unsavory detailed, a man who had murdered his girlfriend after into a variety of peace, is tucked her away in an old chest freezer and dumped her and dump it in the woods where it was later found by hunters. I cannot begin to imagine all caps what the fuck they were thinking by now, informing the school district of the change or by letting us into that core, and when we got there or what was going on was going through our teachers minds when they decided, we should stay for the whole too young for real worth. I bet that teachers were scared because they were in court. They didn't, unlike get everyone up and move them all out during the preparations for their into it or they laughed emergence.
I think we paid a walking ten dollars per can so clearly it would have been tried, tragic Gillette, a penny of that go to waste which is partly by the court and, like you shouldn't, come to live together. We need it and, yes, they still took us to launch afterward to a Quincy's per se, I don't know if I'm imagining it like. It is Carson words, somebody stopped and then someone hit me and I was so freaked out, and it was just the Burbank La City Hall. I would ever so grandiose that intimidated Yassin. It's like you. You know that persons the one that make the desire when wrong move and they can don't get murdered and for FUCK's sake, verify the dock it before taking a bunch of fifteen year olds to sit in a trial. Sarah can you imagine when it's like you're the De Journey dislike now? If it
but then the person binding heavy and rammed me into the garden front of emu and the man, the old man and the card from Me- wanted all of us to buy him a new car, basically like you, and so I was just there to be like here's my insurance and hear what happened, then I don't know what else to tell you and I got Have you been in a court room like that, though? No really intimidate I had to go in, for I was in it The middle car and cars or somebody stopped, and then someone hit me and I was so freaked out and it was just the Burbank La City Hall or whatever it's just so grandiose intimidated. Yes, and it's like you, you know that persons, the one that make the desire when wrong move- and they can- I can send you- prison. I dont know what can I do that I mean it felt like it, and I was like I'm just here to say that I was in the middle and then they basically said this guide that got hit by me because the person hear me, I
in time, but then the person behind me hit me and rammed me into the car in front of me and the man, the old man in the car in front of me wanted as to buy him a new car, basically like ear, and so I was just there to be like here's. My insurance and hear what happened then I don't know what else to tell you and I that dismissed out of it because like it was basically between the car that I and the guy I had so I got to leave mid thing and I was there You are the eurozone. I am acts only of a sandwich of people that on lucky Pierre ok really live in exile. Mrs good carried my grandparents, the baby smugglers, oh shit here Georgia, Stephen Insignificant others Befitteth. Yes, you did at my ground once lived in Nazi occupied HOLLAND during World WAR. Two open was both a part of the dutch underground and a high up in it and high up in the shipping company in the north, a country, one
Activities of the underground was to smuggle jewish babies from the major cities, to the north, earth where they would be place with families until they could fully be reunited with their families after the war, babies would be in the halls of boats and shells like an open alma would help to smuggle them out. At the other end, foolish of babies use your arrival labels on their identification. Details pinned to their backs only used to tell the story that on one trip, the person placing the baby's on the boat clearly didn't read. The instructions put the labels around the baby's wrists and when the boat arrived in the north, the baby don't shoot off their identify, tagged, inversion tags, meaning there was no way of knowing who they were. Whilst I am tempted to be super critical, I have to remember that this person was risking their own life to try to save others. Anyway, the Nazis ended up taking open for questioning three times and he may yeah so from now on will say: do you have a good ending or do you have a good ending and will decide based on that score?
would come in and take all of their furniture to protect them from looting. They would return and then they would return it when things died down like I have to say that I'm pretty proud of the fact that my grandparents did something when it would have been easier and safer to do nothing. So true, I clung to this. When my alma got older and used to drive me absolutely frisian nuts quote, you share your glasses. More often, you look so ugly without and she's a little less line is saving. Babies gives you a lot of leave that such a like from the past being for grandma to say, say sexy November, to pay attention to the details when smuggling small children Christie awesome. Yes, I feel that to feel good world war to generate anecdote so from now on will say: do you have a good ending, or do you ever get ending and will decide based on the who s first straight yet grieved on upper? For probably
we were like we're. Gonna do have now on yeah, then we d, let's do it pay great. I forgot sinister emails, my very minor gmail. We fucking love your stories. They advice for writing an is always so good oil. You love these and say sex ain't. Don't get murder goodbye eldest! You wanna cookie,
Transcript generated on 2020-01-03.