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Chris Christie's Last Stand (Live from San Diego!)

2023-12-08 | 🔗

And then there were four. The gloves are off at the fourth GOP debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Chris Christie, current last place candidate (and future Pod Save America co-host) is the only one throwing punches at Donald Trump, while Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy set their sights on Nikki Haley. Meanwhile, Trump is planning to use his presidential powers to punish his political enemies and Joe Biden suggests another candidate could also beat Trump. Later, Mayor Todd Gloria joins to talk about his administration’s approach to housing affordability and public safety. And finally, we play Gays vs. Straights: holiday edition. 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We're excited to announce inside twenty twenty four hour, new monthly podcast series available exclusively for friends of the flood subscribers. We typically talk about campaigns through the lens of news, this twenty twenty four is a chance to hear us go deeper on specific campaign events. We tell some sort will bring a rotating cast of white house alumni and lock the doors until they still. what really goes on behind the scenes for presidential campaign, everything from debate, prepping convention speeches, the campaign ads in botched media, apparently to get access insights, one in twenty four join our community over at friends of the pot signing up a cricket, dotcom friends, amnesty international, the world's largest grassroots human rights organisation, has been protecting refugees in people on the front lines of global crises for over six decades, rather than accept funding from governments for its research and campaigns amnesty international relies on donations from people like you are listeners in a time of miss
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Welcome, divisive america John forever. I, I'm sam sanders- on your mother, Donnie these or the paper, we have an outstanding showed me tonight, the mere of san diego taught laurie is here. We are so happy to have same sanders with us cause to be excellent, podcast bite
I was so happy to be here. I love san diego, all right, let's get to the news, so we had another republican primary debate this week while we're all hoping it would be the last they just announced today. There will be three more in january and after watching Wednesday night's debates in alabama between Ronda santas nikki haley, ramaswamy and Chris Christie, it's hard to see why the debates will continue until morale improves yeah, I'm just mad. I had to go to news nation dot com to find out, so I had to look it offended me. It was on the cw on my phone that they're airing it there that still exists. So, despite promises from the moderators that the debate would focus on trump, the only person who took that seriously his last place candidate. Chris Christie. Let's listen! I look at my watch that we're seventeen minutes into this debate.
for your little speech in the beginning, we ve had these three acting as if the races between the four of us, the fifth guy who does have the guts to show up and stands here here, the one who, as you just put it this way, hidden the poles and yet I've got these. You guys, we're all seemingly to compete with ill, the more he or she will not be named. They don't want to talk about it, but the fact is when you go, and you say the truth about somebody who is a dictator, a bully Who has taken shots at everybody, whether they have given them great. Sir, this or not overtime, who dares to disagree with him. Then I understand why the fees, three or timid, to say anything about it, maybe because they are few aspirations. Maybe
the future. Aspirations are now or maybe they're four years from now so yeah that was pod, save america guest chris Christie and Dan Christie suggested that, as you heard there, that maybe the reason his opponents aren't taking on trump directly is because they have future aspirations, which is a take directly from the message box questions did you know he was such a fan and what do you think Christie was trying to do last night, so with love it was preparing to interview Chris Christie. He came to me and said: can you give me some advice, and I said I need you to do two things one I do not fall for him. Do not throw out number to grab his phone and subscribe to the message box. So wonderful is not bad. I want to say dan, I mean look. If you tell someone, don't fall in love with that. Guy he's a bad boy.
And it's to have every goddamn time. So I want to give Chris christie pod, save america, guest john Levin role, model the benefit it out. I don't and I believe I believe he sincerely believes all those things he said about donald trump, but But I'm sorry, though, folliot gaga, if tromp wan and wanted to appoint christie, he would do I think now. I think I think this debate has shown that he will do whatever you need to do to stay around attorney general warning letter not attack Chris Chrissy on this stage miranda. Yes, I just plus they don't even don't even say a bad word about mitt romney on the stage with these three I'll tell you that Just compare him so, like lindsey graham, do when I
albert elections when he's sixteen in those early debates talked so much shit about donald trump and then trump gets in office and lindsey graham, is just up that man's ass for four years. I don't trust these guys. I don't. I don't think you should trust them very. Thank you. I Chris Christie knows this might have been his last debate. He may be so. The rnc basically had to rig the polling to get him on that stage, because he came that he was hours away from not making it and they had to include a poll they would otherwise not have included cause. A news. Nation was desperate for any sort of entertainment at their one moment in the sun, and so this was the moment to do it. We loved it. You guys loved it as evans by your applause. We have more clips coming from christmas, yes, but I think we have to recognize that Chris Christie, in the mind of republicans, is a Democrat. So let me put that in perspective Chris Christie's approval rating among republican primary voters in the most recent monmouth university poll,
twelve percent. Do you would brok obama's approval rating with republicans was on the last day. He was president fourteen percent if not I'm glad he said it, it's good for the historical record book that he said it has zero impact in the republican primary. I knew that there was going to say this and there was a poll out after the debate that showed they did a pre debate, whole of republican voters who watched the debate in a post debate poll and the one candidate when they asked. Would you be considering this candidate? The one candidate who gained the most out of anyone in the debate was Chris Christie and then Dan said: okay well vote percent.
And I said he went from twenty one percent to twenty nine percent huge april. That's he ate boy bump penal, considering the twenties doldrums at sixty two. So in terms of poles, endorsements fund raising Nicky hayley was the candidate with the most momentum heading into the debate, which is why she was the target of so many attacks from two santas. Vague here, some of that by their candidates up here like Nicky Hayley, she caves anytime? I've comes after any time. The media comes after nick you're bankrupt when you left the: u n after you, After you and you became a military contractor, you actually started joining service on the board of boeing, whose back you scratched for a very long time and then gave foreign multinationals just like Hillary Clinton is and now you're. multi, millionaire that math does not add up.
Is corrupt this by love all the attention feller. Thank you for that long, he's man, because what those while three donor houston support him and now they support. May god we- We start than a shot of Rhonda santa's, doing the that's. What Always the divers varies at random centres. Stands there like right before he walked on stage someone whispered easier. You have arm scope whenever ethnic around his aunt as they think of grants. The artist formerly known, as because they were the same heels, there were the same. He never forgotten. With the same, how do you think that we handled all the incoming in this debate, because it's probably the the most she's taken in any debate and do you think any of the attacks from Vache or dissenters will stick know? I think only the base was
jane to even think about having their minds changed and I think of all of the men clamouring taken nicky down a notch. It just made her seem like strongest person in the room- and now I just think of it as like Nicky in the boys, its mickey and the boys and Nicky seems really crazy. Nicky seems always crazy and so Then she won that debate. I think she's got some good money behind or now, but I also think that lake none of them should get their hopes up who listens to the daily this morning, the air you did second half they introduce the idea of a factional candidate who listen to that. I listened to it. We did so it's this idea, you.
you get a plus their daily in the days when it out the daily listening to the crooked parkers. What to do about this and, above all, to write the rivalry with you? We all care about you, a long story short this expert on the daily lays out the case that Nicky Hayley is a fact no candidate. She surging right now, but should only be really popular with the faction of the gnp electorate and she'll never get past. That fact, and once you see here- is that you, The only way she makes it as if something really bad happens to trump and he's out of there. Otherwise she ends up like all the other factional candidates. In recent history case, icc, factional candidate, Mccain factional candidate, Jesse jackson, factional candidate bernie sanders factional candidate and so
I think what Nicky Hayley has to do. Knowing that is trying. late and away the trump does not have to, because she knows, there's a good chance that will never be nominee So she needs to appeal enough to the right groups of people to be able to land somewhere else after this, but I don't know, I think, she's thirty right now, but unless trump is like taken away in handcuffs he's the nominee right still, you will know. I know that den here disagrees because he's on the haley train- and he risk, but but, like bar all of our bavarian shrub bein disallow up and running, I put in the jail. What puts Nicky Hayley overdrawn, absolutely nothing thing. Ok, I've been sitting here for weeks now with new people talk about, sir, Jeanne Nicky Hayley and choose the ultra trump. That is mathematical, idiocy
in a drives me and says you stop thirty points, because I get it the press. They really had in their budget lines a competitive republican primary. They are not getting that. I think a lot of people would like to live in a country where someone Nicky Healy, for as bad as she is, could win the republican nomination, not donald trump around the scientists. That's not the country we live in. Let's put some numbers to this. Okay in the a recent NBC poll, they asked voters who their first and second choice was. Donald trump is the first or second choice of seventy one percent of voters. That's a lot! That's a lot ron Desantis, who we all make fun of as a ridiculous. Awkward, nerd, goober, goober, goober, perfect word fifty four percent. Nikki haley. Twenty eight percent consider her as first or second choice, the Nikki haley's approval rating. Has
one down, as she has quote, unquote, surge because more republican pro trump voters have soured on her her net approval rating right now, so that your approval rating managers were running is twelve points, Donald trump's, fifty eight runners, Mrs forty. Three right, it is a is a creates, a fiction recreation. She has exactly the same, sat a factional candidate who appeals to the thirty eight percent of republicans who say they oppose the mega movement. You cannot get there in a race like this, because eventually this? Why These factual can lose eventually becomes a true person race in the factional candidate can't get to fifty percent, so that I feel better now? So thank you for allowing me to do that. We're on the same page, I thought sam said fashionable candidate and I will she dresses pretty well for the feedback, I'm sorry to hear that it's not along. Like the rest of the amongst the bunk, I mean she looks great and we should say why she's the factional candidate, because she represents the republican party that
How long does it exist anymore? It's a pre, twenty sixteen republican party, it's the republican party that was more internationalist, less isolationist, more in favour of immigration. More, while it focused on free markets and like the debt and this she talks about this. Every debate she's like very obsessed with the debt and the deficit and like just all kinds of stuff that republicans used to care about before Donald trump came along, and so she is, I think, the now the natural place for either anti trump republicans or republicans, who still believe in the party that was pre trump and that's just a third of the republican electorate and it just hasn't budged. Since then, I just was watching the debate. It is a testament to How terrible rhonda centres is that she's being treated like oh wow, like charisma tat. She does fine during this debate there.
moment that I thought was like telling. I think Chris Christie is like the best politician up their ages, offering I do really that's our deal with that. I like it. I sprang he's just offering something they don't. Why was the bends are very familiar with the lebanese army room here, new Hampshire he's juilliard hearing some he's offerings. That they don't want fine, but there was a moment where he jumped into defend Nicky hayley, and it was kind of strange right and like new gaily, just like took the compliment, but I think I like a stronger person. You know she's a better politician and run dissenters, but the idea that you do stood there and let Chris Christie defenders was a gentle. What do I do? I find it quite patronising? Yes, What did you do know minimum besides? I don't need you to fucking defend me I'll, see you loser that no one here likes, etc. The hearts of america audience executive. Also,
christmas EU defending me is hurting me with the voters. I actually need. So please help me. You unpopular far now I now, if you'll excuse me, I'm arguing with the most annoying person. Any of us is that of her mad, but let me take a second to say and I'm not given any flowers and nicky Hayley but to be the only woman on that stage when the men are going up. You like that you're in a hard bind you're not provide, so I can totally understand her not responding to chris Christie patronising her. I can totally understand any response to gives because they were bullion her because she is a woman. I can say that and still not like her, but like they were bullying her, because she was a woman, and that was just like they're still doing that they're still doing that ugh can can any of you name the three counties and eastern new jersey. The Chris Christie is what an insufferable prick who sits there.
things like yeah, everyone loves the annoying dickhead who gives geography pop quiz. Is it to be acting doing? president, is like sir we're. We learned the plan is like report, somebody you memorized back in the day like a far flung slovenly. What are what are you talking about? He's already think this is a good attack that is the energy of a hospital administrator eagerly denying your claim, because you fill out the paperwork incorrectly our while be so hard, wow took a lot of incoming from two, but he took some incoming of his own from Chris Christie for being too ray to take on trump lets us into that action plan is an interesting question. The question was direct its he fit to be present. It isn t the rest of the speeches interesting, but completely non responsive and if went to court room. They strike the answer and say, governor to santa
no. They won't say it say it here, a small that they know they weren't they. What I would have liked the answer. They won't you're, not answer you. Just like you have you. You may see you now. I dont my thing. We don't the thing this is why I think we have an opportunity. I ain't worth. I just want to go One of my god horribly heard- and I saw that for the first- I'm rock hard right now three: don't we it's like what is one. What are we starting? I just think it's amazing to me that run dissenters through that diatribe and as christie is just laying into him, he decides to jump in,
no, no, no! The court reporter would strike it from the actual evaluation you want about me, but I am drawing the line at that. What I said was that miserable miserable wishes that his his energy and tommy, to the extent that this debate mattered at all, which I would posit it did not. It was about whether the santas or Haley probably helped themselves more, since they are the ones battling it out for second place right now. Who do you think did better and or do you think either candidate actually help themselves? In this debate I mean look again. I don't have my thing on the pulse of the republican electorate? As you can tell right, I more inclined to think risk receded, well, rhonda scientists for me every thing he says is delivered in the tone of a child who thinks he bar in thirty more minutes, a tv time, you don't I mean you know I did it. You said it
What summers lamb knows they get here like? What are we talking about here in so it's hard for me to get past that in how annoying he is, I do think he looked weak there in increased christie, got him in. You know he wasn't answering and he made him look kind of ridiculous and that you stuck into question for Nicky Healy. I mean it is very, very hard in debates when everyone is coming after you. I thought she was very strong in the front and then faded a little by the end, because she wishes getting hammer from every side mean when that muslim dweeb holds up like Nicky equals corrupt. What do you do that, although you know her puzzled and is in the military use deployed overseas and vague promise. Swami said to her hills shall send your sons overseas, so she can buy a bigger house like I to die too so she could by very, like the meanest things you could possibly say to someone the vague rama swami was saying to her, so I think the vague look he had a moment before that first debate. I think his personality as turned off everyone who seen him since
I think Hayley did well but took a lot of incoming and is not just about the three or four million people who watched the debate that night. It's about how those attacks get replayed on tv shows the next day on social media. What gets picked up and adds what message is get carried forward? I think, like she took some tough shots which can have the answer about some of the corruption allegation that he made. This anti might have done better, just by virtue of like getting less incoming in kind of being out of the phrase for more time, but it's tough to tell buddy It has to be round the center he used. It looks like that yeah, but they look at him and you're going to do something with those arms I will say, like having a bit like that, this, whatever you want, debate and, like I actually know what Rhonda Santa's was during that debate. I know a chris Christie was doing in that debate. I don't
I know Nicky Nicky hayley push back against a bunch of attacks, but it, but she didn't make a clean and argument for canada around santa's did as much as rhonda centres as they do at using round us added his voice. Weirdly your boy Chris. do you like took some really hawkish positions. He was like. Yes, I would send special forces into Gaza to rescue hostages. Yes, I would go to work. If china over taiwan, like the santa stuck to that question and christie's like no, let me tell you about all the places I'm going to fucking attack can I am just like. I have a question for y'all because I trust yells jasmine opinions. I kept thinking watching this debate. Alright trump's not here, because he doesn't need to talk to anyone but his base and he can talk to them whenever he wants and they look for his words, but all these candidates here are, Brian in some way to talk to multiple audiences, whether it be down stairs or maybe moderate swing, voters or whoever but like if these candidates on wednesdays last night know that there will never be
resident who were they, who were they really talking to last night? And what do they really want? Knowing the end game is not going to the white house for them. I think that in their minds they have convinced themselves. I think, if you run for president if you got the staff you've got the donors you'd go through the whole thing, you're living your life on the road. You know you have convince yourself that there is a path on maybe an unlikely path that, like things happen, trump ends up in jail. Trump drops right like this is the kind of things are going to be a hundred I may I'm gonna tell you right now that nasty doesn't die. Hundreds of other big in that they get okay. If, if he's not, if something happens to donald trump, then maybe I could go to this state in this state that can get this constituency, and I could do this and that
The thing like, I think, that they're that's in their mind and then they're thinking too too dense point that he's made like and if that fails, then maybe I'm set up for twenty twenty eight. I think they're all talking to different audiences right RON de santa. If Donald trump were to go to prison tomorrow, Rhonda santos, who the republican nominee and it wouldn't be close round. He is by far the second choice most from voters shut by far as I've got close, can't do that that a little wrong. If someone can get not zani yeah, he is. We don't like him. He's weird he's awkward he's an asshole that just enough for the right people for republicans to be their dominate, and so it is nikki hail
its position on yourself for a post, tromp republican party, and what is the problem for her? Is she started? This raises a non tromp, but she started gaining support as the candidate of the anti from faction, so that is made her less popular and less viable of a leader of the inner hoboken party and a twenty twenty eight the background the swami is talking to trump directly. He went out of one I am. I have and its today. I have no evidence for this, but I I would not be surprised to find out. The trumps campaign is courage them to stay in the race rickards, aiming to do what he's doing to just like beta, hey ass agent there and defend drop on saying, because at the beginning of that clearly showed roma swami. Trying to get in there to defend dissenters for not saying trump is attack. Chris and Chris Christie is looking for a spot right up here.
he's either. He is like he can have my you to the person who could provide a six chair apparent irish last areas. I think he softly to the person who offers contributor contracted msnbc, yeah, yeah, husband and primetime pulled a generous christine. Leave it cannot go ahead leader in IRAN, Is our vacation filling in its governor chris? Christy. I get annoyed when his bridge game, so the the award for the biggest asshole of the night, as always, goes to a vague ramaswamy who was finally stuffed into a locker by Chris Christie. It was certainly my favor moment of the debate here it is ok. You saw how you die, you company, every debate, you go out and stop, and you say something
the seed on video. We confront you on that, stage, you say you didn't say and then you're back away, and I wonder what kind not yet what this now the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first twenty minutes as the most obnoxious blue hard in america. but in straight men run for office love it. You are our christian. De whisperer? So obviously we would like to hear more about where you thought about his performance there, but on vague he's, been trying to copy trump. He got a little get a little daughter early this sum to them buzz around him. Why do you think his stick hasn't worked as well with republican voters as donald trump
Well, I just didn't: have it at a donald trump know? We don't like talking about his strengths, but he has them, and I think his great skill is that he's a bully, a root, for that is his great power if it were he's a bully. You root for and no american of any political persuasion wants to acts the villain from ghostbusters and if you ever find yourself in a position where you sound, like the villain from ghostbusters you're losing it was the poster and easier for me yeah once you do, you got to go. Gosh. I knew nothing good come from that. Here's another way to think about it. One year ago, vague promise army was the guy begging to be interviewed on a mid day fox news programme. here we are in december of twenty twenty three. He is beaten. The former vice president states. They governors of north dakota arc
saw. He is currently beating the former governor of new jersey, and I don't think he really wants to be president. I don't think he got it to be got to be famous. We know name there or sell aunt, I woke invasion, all the things that really mean age away. President. He has cities, like you just lay as legal thing. I did the worst elements of our political system to gain what he wants to help himself. He is that was has played in the beginning and he has succeeded in that area. That was his plan. I think he is Then he flew a little too close god. I'm gonna like all day today apparent others, a story about this on fox, like they were shit and all over him on fox all the foxes format it and they say, he's a cloud wordy. Do this probably like, I think, he's he's in danger now of lake ruining his future career that he aspire to by doing people getting present righteousness
races all the time knowing they're, probably going to lose and they're in it they're just like I'm going to do it I'll have to make? I just want to be out there and then there's always one moment. It can be like five minutes where they believe they might actually be. President yep and it fucks with their head for the rest of their life, and that is the price is correct. I will leave it there when we come back we'll talk to the mayor of san diego tug gloria, the Joining us to tell us more about his administration to Gloria America, We're going to posit america. Hello, east county-
when you won your election in two thousand and twenty you became the first ever person of color and member of the lgbtq community to be elected to that office in a city in in a part of the state that has a long history of electing republicans. Talk to me, then, Definitely something worth applauding people people have died,
talk a little bit of how you won that race and what advice you would give to other democrats trying to break historical barriers or raw around the country. Yeah. Well, first off. Thank you to a lot of the folks in this audience who didn't just help on that particular election, but for twenty plus years built the infrastructure to make that possible. We were once richard Nixon's, lucky city, to elect the son of a maid and a gardener. The gay person of color mayor of the city took a tremendous amount of work. I think about the people who sat in an apartment in northpark to figure out the maps. For the first time we could do cities redistricting. In the early nineteen nineties, the created a district that was reasonably possible to elect an openly gay person. I won that seats. A generation later put me on a path to your question. I mean first off to any of wannabe candidate who may be,
watch here. Listening to this man, you got. Do the two things are not told you not to do narco strangers doors and ask dangerous man for money right. I really- and truly I mean for for someone like myself- it's to make sure that the vast majority of the eighth largest city in this country think that someone who may be significantly different from them actually cares about the same things as them. I'm a tenant in the city and the housing is too damn expensive and we need to make easier for working people to afford to live in san. Diego hope that you can be a person of color, but you understand that, while we call out for police reform, we also need to keep people safe and we have to have public safety that is responsive and picks up. Your calls when you call number one and importantly that there's too many damn potholes,
and we have to fill them in fix the streets and if I can include a bike wayne and some pedestrian facilities, that's fine, but long story short. There are a lot of people that spent a lot of time to susan redistricting through run off elections through the opportunities to allow. For someone like me to be able to sit in this role is a bit I don't forget on any day of the week. I appreciate this operate. Thank you all for the chance to leave my hometown you brought up affordable housing and it was a a piece of why you ran into centrepiece. What you ve been trying to accomplish talk a little about what your plan is to deal with. The housing thing. We hear about obviously ever we're going, california, but frankly across the country these days, I'm glad you say it It's not just a california thing, one of the best parts of my job is, I get to be involved in the? U s. Conference of mayors extraordinary organization nonpartisan. We just come together on an frequently to talk about issues and striking to me they across this country. This is a
I am concerned there are homeless people all throughout this country, not just in big urban cities on the coast, where the weather's good and with regard to housing you. I know this personally tenant in my and the mayor of the city, but I don't own a home in my city. It's not cause I don't want to, but because the the cost of entry is so ridiculous and you will pay me plenty not complain about my salary, but I am complaining about the fact that we are simply not building enough housing. So indiana as your question is, we must build more homes period, full, stop, laughs, please go my office in the morning. We can work on that show How do you do that will number things number one is you have his own for, and I think one of my is that I was a city and the city council, that's willing to zone for this stuff.
If someone's a eighty use, granny flats, casinos, whatever your favoured term- is that's an a form of housing that we don't invest in, there's no taxpayer money in it, but it does represent new housing that is reasonably attainable. That doesn't exclude people who make too much for low income housing, but can't afford the luxury stuff that we build a plenty. So you have to zone for this you have to permit, for this are the common about permits, and I would say that one of the things I've been a part of his making sure that we are actually staffing the government correctly there when I took over it three years ago. Twenty percent of the positions in our permit department were vacant No one was working there. So if you're calling about your permit you to one, if our chances was ever in return. Your call, so guess what you have to pay your public employees enough to actually want to do the job. Pretty simple So did you do that? For me, you do the the zoning you do. The permanence of big actually get a permanent, about a time. Quick story in my state of the city:
this year I have signed an executive order saying that we would permit a hundred percent affordable housing projects in thirty days or less or less to our city employees there doing in twelve days down there doing it. possible zoning permits, and then we have to have folks step up and move forward if it doesn't necessary, require change in neighborhoods. That's really challenging. I was with a group of folks this morning that aren't very happy about that, but the answer is: is that we can't just get ours and then pull up the drawbridge and say good luck to you. We have to leave the door of opportunity open for folks who are willing to work hard, and that's where my mind is that izmir. So people who advocate for more for browsing for building for zoning run into obstacles all across place. The san diego city council rejected your. Why raging house?
I plan recently. What happens now? What why do they reject? What happens now? What what are you going to do to try to get it through? Well, they did rejected, but watch this space because next week they're going to pass it We ve got to do this. The council knows that we are now this disagreement about a couple of essentially three technical issues. The challenge with politics, particularly local government, is that We have to have open meetings, our work is done out in the open and when people are grumpy or have a bad day or two, an honest disagreement that happens it in front of everyone's highs, and so we will bring their backing we'll get it done, but millie. What we have is a council to a person that understands we have to build more housing, and while we can quibble small things like cluj, arizona, zoning offset requirements and like facilities at the end,
Wait. No one on that council is unaware of the fact that we must build more homes, and I believe when we bring this before the council next week, it'll pass fun. Fact. We call it our housing action package. Two point: oh. because one point I was pass. It has been implemented to point out and you better believe there will be. Three point out of four point: no, until we get a functional housing, Let me in the city, where working people who want to be here can actually find a place they can afford and importantly by because what I'm really concerned about is germany, folks, maybe be able to find a way to read, but in the can't find a place to buy in the inability to build wealth, raise a family find a future for those is one of the ways of cities like mine will not win the future. This is why I am so animated by making sure that we can build housing. The people can afford one of the near one of the narratives about california, that the right wing media likes the pushes to do talk about the homelessness crisis and the stated one at that
by the way is always talk about. Is that no one is trying to do anything about it, and there was something that you ran on something you worked on talk about what you ve been doing to alleviate homelessness in insidious yeah. Well, let me say very clearly that homelessness is the most complex problem which people create a simple solution, and there isn't one You might get charlatans the trials suggested there. Are. We have former president right around talking about concentration camps out in the wilderness. For people that is not going to work. These people not criminal, their poor, their sick. They need help, and they are still citizens in our government and our in our community, they can't be incarcerated for simply being poor. What we're doing is exactly right, exactly what we're doing as a city isn't all hands on deck approach. So we talk a lot about housing, because housing is what is homelessness, but building housing is not quick. Even when you expedite stuff right and we have people who have.
Needs today. So in the last three years we have grown are shelter capacity in the city of san diego, by over seventy percent, a we're diversifying our portfolio to have courier noncom. senior only women only eligibility q, youth. We ve still stood up our first safe sleeping size, which is sanction outdoor encampments guarantee. This is not something I personally am very
if people with I feel like in an organised society, you live in doors, but what I know is this form of of shelter. Options is actually really attractive to the population and we are often told no for some other options. Folks are saying yes to this option and the best part about that is it when they come into these safe sleeping sites. We provide the wraparound services that address the underlying causes of their homelessness and get them on their way to permanent housing ends. There homelessness long story, short outreach, shelter, housing, that's how you do it, and I recognise that it is fun to demonized cities. They make it about democratic cities, they make it our coastal cities, the maker of cities with great weather, but the fact the matter is every city is dealing with this a while it's fun to say that no one It's doing anything. I'm the chair of the california big city, mayors coalition, the biggest thirteen cities in the state of california. All of us are working aggressively on this issue. None of us have found the perfect solution, but all of us, including my city, are getting thousands of people off the streets. Every single
you're in that's some years, we applauded in shadow to every home shelter worker outreach worker. Those people do out of work and they don't get nearly enough thanks or pay these. People are minimum, wage workers is problem would be infinitely worse without their hard work. All of them are, network we're doing their work, they get thousands people off the streets began. I would tell you that last in the city of san diego, for every ten people we get off the streets, thirteen become homeless are growing. Growing housing crisis in terms of ability means that this year, that number is for every ten I get off the streets. Sixteen become homeless. We ve got to build more housing that is affordable for everybody, working middle and lower
in books how? How was the local community reacted to your efforts in in, in particular, the safe sleeping encampments? It's a great question because of the present concern I got. I got a call from the in laws the other day because we're proposing a shelter near them and we'll see if I get invited to christmas, will find it up deanna. Here's, where I tell you- and I really want to appreciate the chance to share this with your audience, particularly the san diegans, who are here when we propose our first safe sleeping site at the corner of twentieth and be at an old city operations yard. It's in the neighborhood of golden hill. Great neighborhood are represented on the city council. There are extreme concerns from that community. We opened the shelter the and I'm here to tell you that for three four months into operation, there are no concerns. It is operating well a lot. Our second one is in balboa park or city.
crown your. You know central park into the smithsonian. They got nothing babble park. It is better than both of those places that when olaf was prepared posed the institutions were also very very concerned is now operating. it is doing well the concerns or not. And what has happened is the folks were previously encamped in double parker and golden hill are not there anymore. Their ends it's safe, they're, getting the services and they're getting on their pathway to getting forward to into permanent housing. We have to do more of that. We have to do it over, over again until there's no one, that's living on our sidewalks, we are to wealthy city state nation to have people living and filth on our sidewalks in our parts in the public eye one of the issues that voters all across the country are talking about. Pulsar say it is their tone. Pulsars, it's a tap concern right below inflation and immigration is crime what
you hearing from your constituents about crime. and what do they want you to do about it? There lotta concerns san diego showed a seven percent reduction in violent crime in the last year. I am very proud of our police department. Everyone were working in the fishing effort of both preventing crime in responding to it, but when I tell that to sandy eggins, I recognise a lot of an don't believe it as largely, I think, because of the homeless crisis while being homeless is not a crime. It does convey a level of disorder that is concerning to people and I'm here to say that we have to be very clear as progressive as Democrats as mayors, to say very simply that we will not lawlessness, will will not rule the day in our cities if you're criminal that there will be consequences. I think there's a lot of concerns about whether there's consequences for significant crimes and even for modest ones as retail theft is a problem, you want to go to target and get a bottle of shampoo without having to call somebody to come, get it for you. That is not to ask in this country
and that's not where we're at today, and I think, there's a lot of reasons why that's happening some of it's about policy, some of it's about the way those retailers operate, but altogether we have to do more about this, and that means we have to fully fund our police department. We have to make sure that are consequences for illegal behaviour. And yes, we have to make sure that we work on the prevention side and on the treatment side in the back end, but comprehensively. We have two on this issue. I refuse to let a party that allows weapon, of war and illegal guns into our neighborhoods claim that they are anti crime. They are not anti crime. We are anti crime. We will keep american say so the mayor has very graciously agreed to play a game with us a little later on the show it's ridiculous game. So I apologise in advance, but please give it he'll, be back in a little bit. First, please give it up for your mare.
Three, when we come back more news, alright, guys, let's talk about the only two candidates who actually have a chance of winning the two thousand twenty four election, at least as of right now Joe Biden and donald trump, so the president said at a fundraiser this week. That quote, if trump wasn't running, I'm not sure I'd be running when asked the next day. If he believed any other Democrats could beat trump Biden said quote
probably fifty of them, I'm not the only one who could defeat him, but I will defeat him. Meanwhile, Donald trump participated in a town hall hosted by Sean Hannity, who tried to give trump a chance to deny reports that he intends to rule like a dictator if he wins. Let's see what happened, but I want to be very a clear on this to be clear to you in any way have any plans However, every elect the president to abuse power to break the law. Is the government to go after people? You mean like they're using right now you are promising america tonight. You would never abuse power as retribution against anybody, except for day one accepts what he's going. except the day, one meaning I wanted clothes, the border, and I want to drill bathroom- that's right. That's not retribution retribution before you just need. Never seen, stores
they never sat in them before they don't addison installs their legs were crazy the stores are scary stores are very scary, sam. What would you make of that answer? Was it a joke? Was that a troll? Was it a refusal to state clearly that he will suspend the constants that he would suspend the constitution? This is the thing about donald trump, and we should know this by now. You know from the team that brought you the almost coup like donald trump trump.
acts like a joke and he talks like a joke and he quacks like a joke, but once he's there, it's not a joke, it's a joke till it's not, and he said it. He said it and I just feel like who's fooled by this. At this point we know what he did. It was not a joke when he literally tried to kick out every trans person in the military. Remember that it was not a joke. When he tried to block residents from seven muslim countries, it was not a joke when he put kids in cages, it's not a joke and so like just because it's funny doesn't mean as the joke. Donald trump is funny. He is not a joke. He's not he's nafta, so binds campaign jumped all over this right away. They responded by saying donald trump has been telling us exactly what he'll do if he's reelected in tonight, he would bring one if we could was never that greenland me was wasn't gonna by agreement
figured you'd about greeley limit lobbies are broken glass, so green, telling us exactly what he'll do. If you re elected in tonight, he said you'll be a dictator on day. One americans should believe him dan. What do you think about the Biden campaigns decision to hit back on this to the binding folks want this fight? How would you talk about it? If you are, then? I think the vine folks want to wake up single day and their main goal is to remind people of what donald trump in the white house is like, because all the pulling shows that a significant percentage of the population has forgotten. That fact, and because we know by norway, says stoke apparently the almighty compared with a charter of rights. Now: people are comparing Joe bind into the almighty is an upper down referendum or whether they are happy with the state of affairs in this country, not a choice between a good decent person,
who has done a really good job on our tough circumstances and a narcissistic clown who ran this country in the ground and wants to get an officer who can take away your health care, take away reproductive freedom into a whole bunch of other really terrible shit, and so I think that is the right choice that the dictator Comments from tromp is a trap like you in it. We everywhere we have all worked for candidates and also to see the street behind the puppet here and what happened, which is when you this question was coming, I'm sure Henry told them. It was definitely solemn so his step. They told the trunk campaign about the trump campaign. adviser said the way to do this is to say you're gonna abuse authority for really popular things like securing the border and making gas cheaper. Because what drill with drill baby drill is not actually form it. That's what it means is some set up a second to people, and so that Wrap here is pete strength
it's. The way I would argue does not make it means we have to I that strength is the vector upon which american policy decided, rightly candidate, who in the polling as the stronger leader, almost always wins the election up and down the ballot and right now, Donald trump has an eleven point advantage of the overbite and unstrung leader in two thousand and twenty Biden had a four point advantage and if what if the way we talk about this is Donald trump's going to come in is going to abuse authority is going to do all these things that communicates strength to some segment of voters. Not us now. The Chris Christie fans out there by a segment of voters in a world in which you know bill Clinton once said that when people are uncertain and they feeling eighty they would rather choose Strong and wrong then weaken right, and that is the most should analysis of how Donald trump has come to power. United states is that right, there
and so when we talk about donald trump, we cannot amplify strength. We have to explain that his authoritarian impulses, the fact these a bully, comes from strength from weakness that he is in secure that he is a cow. word that he bows bows on a dictators. He takes his marching orders from ceos when times get tough. He hides behind his twitter account or as true social called. These days is that's who he is. I think that's why we're talking about them too? When we talk about how trump would abuse power, we have to make it of matter in people's lives right if it is just about how he's going to in the esoteric lie. Weaponized government, to attack his opponents. It has to be about how it really affects people, because- and this is the third thing we have to be very careful of- is we all say that donald trump is going to destroy. Democracy is going to light it on fire, and that is an absolutely true statement. But,
for the vast majority for a significant portion of the american populace. When we say that we are talking about the fact that what donald trump is going to do is going up and a political system that many of them feel as corrupt and not serving their interests, and so that's why you have to make it a matter to people right. It can't just be about the Donald trump's going to destroy democracy, because that makes us the defenders of the status quo. It's going to have to be im, destroying that democracy does affects you and so the couple of ways to do that. One is to explain that donald trump is. He is going to abuse power to help himself and his rich friends, and if the eu is it be so obsessed with re litigator in the twenty twenty election is not going to help you lower your costs. Raise your wages, make your healthcare more affordable, make your are cleaner. Your water, clean or any of those things
and the other way as that donald trump supports a extreme unpopular agenda. They could not pass congress right so he's going to use every lever of power in the federal government to a violent every norm to put that agenda in the place, which is what he basically said in this yeah. So what are you gonna do he's get if you take a congress of ass, a federal abortion man he's gonna use a federal government, but a de facto federal abortion been in place. He's going here. If you can't repeal the clean iraq and clean water act. He is,
when to use the federal government, you mate, to allow people to pollute our air and water, and if you can't, even if he can't get the congress repeal the affordable care act, he is going to make it almost impossible to get to access, affordable quality care in this country. It's going to affect you, he cares so much about himself he's not going help you craft yeah. I do think I mean the challenges talking about donald trump, attacking democracy and talking about defending democracy. It can be a bit of an esoteric topic and say what does democracy mean? I think if you ask people like do you want to live in a dictatorship if the the percentage say yes, probably higher than we'd, like
but also big huge majority would say no insurance stuff like there is room there was a report asked about this whole dictatorship. Thing where trumps campaign apparently is like getting a little nervous about this, and they don't want him to be. All of the dictator is a village called up all their allies on capital ill and they were like. You have to push back on the whole dictator stuff and we ve been talking about the the heritage foundation they're doing this project, twenty five, where basic
we they're, laying out all of what trump's plans are going to be in the white house and how he's going to get rid of the civil service and all the non political employees and just stack the whole government, with trump loyalists and apparently trump's campaign manager called them and yelled at them and was like do not report on your plans, because if you tell people he's going to abuse power and do all this shit were not too happy about that, like we, don't think it's going to help us in a general election, so they are worried about it, but you're right that, like when we talk about it, you every time you talk about it, you have to connect it to how it could affect people's lives, and I do think like living in a dictatorship is affecting people's lives directly, but all the other things he's going to do or all the well affecting people's lives directly and by the way. That's why I thought was that he was smart, that he turned it to drilling and closing the border, because he was like oh they're, calling me a dictator, I'm a dictator, because I just want to. I want to control immigration, and I want to know- and I want to me
sure that you know their work, where energy independent, whether that's that's, what being a dictator, is sure I'm a dictator, but I think, laying out how bad of a dictator trump would be is not enough, and I feel like Joe Biden. Uncommonly errors have a number of opportunities to showcase what they're doing for actual american people and Michael I hear more, I wanna hear more this week. they just forgave how many more billions of dollars of student debt. How many more billions. I forget, the exact number, but a lot. Eight there you go, and just a few weeks ago, Joe was out there with striking autoworkers in solidarity for higher wages just this week, I invite house is talking about seizing drug company patents to lower drug prices, senior from the rooftops.
it also abortion. I just like it will never be enough to tell people how bad donald trump is, because everyone already knows, and they still voted for him, and I don't know what it takes for Joe Biden and his crew to really glom onto a strong affirmative message. What does it take me a year? but also it's really hard to get a covered, especially when you now you have the showman on one side of this primary fake primary. Happening on this over this is I got it's a crowded space but you're right. media they do about what he done. I do think they would like it yeah I was, but the challenges elections are always about the future in the past and they're always about it. choice and, except when you have your student loans were given notice, the future it ranger right, but
if you're, not if you're someone who hasn't had your student loans forgiven right then, and you hear that other people have and you're like what. Where the hell are, my student loans, then you're going to go into the ballot box and you're going to Sarah. I have a choice between two candidates and what the Biden campaign needs to do say. Look we have been fighting, to relieve your student loans. We did it for some people. We put us back in office, we're going to do more. What they're going to do is everything we've done to forgive student loans, they're going to do it right everything we did to make prescription drugs costs lower, they're, going to undo it and yeah they've promised that they're going to do it, so you can vote for us and we're going to if fighting to help people just like you, even though we haven't done enough yet we've had a downpayment we're going to keep fighting and if you do that, we're going to go back and they're going to they're going to undo everything,
we did they're going to take away your healthcare they're, going to make sure there's a nationwide abortion ban right. So I just feel like everything has to be the choice that it has to be like. What's going to happen, not just what has happened, yeah, I think tommy axios is reporting that trump wants a cabinet and white house full of people who have demonstrated a commitment to quote stretch legal and governance boundaries great way of putting it all, and he and his team are already floating some names. Stephen pillar for attorney general steve ban in four chief of staff, cash. Patel foresee ay and apparently maloney trumps pick for vp tucker karlsson. Now, tommy do
do you think Democrats can and should make an issue out of who might serve in a in a second trump administration? Or is this just fodder for all of us here and they should just stick to trump himself: I mean the challenge rate. Is he has an officially named these people, so they could deny it or say what are you talking about you're being hysterical, but let's play it out and and and and and talk about how you might make these people? the main character of these proposals are very good at making fringe characters the main character right. We spend years the obama white house watching fox news, demagogic, random people. We worked with near the e whenever so steep ban in in cash. Mattel, yes point my no cash but tell us he's gay work for devon newness. He was, installed in various national security, get jobs here, nine steve barons podcast recently in they were talking about how they are going to go after judges.
Lawyers, members of the media and prosecute them, for, I guess accurately reporting that Biden won the two thousand and twenty election like this? Is this literally the conversation they had and they're bragging about it? They're boasting about it like this is the message they want to put out. There is just like vindictive: we are going to punish the people. You hate message. I don't think folks will like that. I think that's something that's we're talking about. I think the idea of Tucker carlson, as vice president, like it's just like, show manifestly unserious system systematic, got fired by fox news. I dont think people will like that like a small sliver of base, so you think you can make these personnel of a broader story about the extremism of a second trump term and how much worse it could be but it will take some serious education and it will take.
It's like a media apparatus like a fox news to really educate people about who these folks are first and then why they should care, yeah, love it and congrats. You get the Joe Biden question. His two comments about running got a lot of coverage. Do you think he said anything new there and in what is his best answer to that question about other democrats, beating trump aside from just saying that there are fifty, so I found this whole thing very silly and stupid I understand why I got pulled out and kind of turned into a story, but really he's was saying in a slightly different way. What he said.
For literally years since before twenty twenty, which is, he was motivated to run in two thousand and twenty, be because he genuinely believed that donald trump or pro presented such a danger and that he believed he was the right person. Despite the objections of a lot of people in the media, a lot of people in the democratic establishment, a lot of people that doubted that Joe Biden was the right figure, Joe Biden said no, I understood I I'm going to fight for the soul. This country, I believe I'm the right person and he wins the nomination and he wins the presidency and he he does if nothing else, it's like saved the country from donald trump. He does that and a lot of people said he couldn't and he did it. We end up in the situation where he says he's going to pass the torch and we get closer and closer, and he decides now he's going to run again. Why? Well because the same logic that applied in two thousand and twenty applied now he looked out and he thought, given the threat that the republic
suppose, given the threat that Donald trump poses the same logic applies, and so he's being honest, what he's saying is I am running because I believe donald trump as his threat and if I and if and if he Wasn't in the race. I might not do it because I'm a very old fashioned men a very old man and I'm running for president and I'm a little too old. Then I should be, but I'm the best you've got and I'm going to fucking win and what are you saying now when he says other people could also defeat donald trump. Fine. When he's saying he would stay in the race, otherwise fine, I just ultimately this is a news cycle in the same way that the fake republican debate as a news cycle, because we're marching towards trump vs Biden and reporters a little bit bored yeah. But I think this is practice for a general and I think of Joe Biden- walked into this general arguing logic and not mojo he's in trouble, and I think that that whole stick of we'll fifty other people could do it. The first thing I respond with is within one at them.
you can't do that. I don't know I don't like it. I don't think it's a good, and I think that like if our were advising Joe Biden, I'd say I'm running again, because I have the most experience. I'm a proven leader of an all these things, and I want to do more and we use- is that what you like, but but but it just say that don't say they there, the other guys who the fifty onest say say. While I don't need them. No, I don't think there are. I think it's it's josh shapiro! Oh you love that guy. I love Chris Christie adieu arrogant way- and I went to excite me- I just feel like, given the issues that already exist are on the way boaters think about his aid and fitness for office. Everything you say from now until next november should be aware of that, and then there's the other guys ain't. The way buddy is not the way. Now that the times did of longer. Sorry on this and interviewed run clean buttons, lest you ve staff, and they asked him and he was like yeah. Maybe there are other demo
as the country that could do it, but Joe binds the only person who has beaten donald trump, and so I think we can say that has begun and, like others, we thus there. I think there are fifty other joy gas. I think that look there's a certain modes Joe Biden has when he's walking out of a room up. People are shouting and the doors about to close, and that's and that's when you try stuff that's very kind of looms. That's what it does. That's when he does his material, that's when he tells it out as roads and like that, I'm times it plays, and sometimes it does it as the door closes zeal say something like a god. Love em, don't always the last time it aims at work. Sometimes it doesn't always the last question that gets here. The whole thing is so slow. It's it's so fucking dumb, because it's low point out. This was the exact thing that Joe Biden said in two thousand and nineteen when he decided to run, and I think definitely he could have answered the the clean up
The question better by simply saying yes or other people can beat it, but I think I'd give us the best chance for stop yeah, that's it, but it doesn't matter. Joe Biden is going to be. The nominee in all of these questions are entirely theoretical and unanswerable because either by an wins, and he has proven that. He is really that he's the one who gave us about she has to be trump or he loses we'll never no seven hundred and better. That is the thing I got it out and I also think that the other, the envelops eraser the another front of the I don't know that he likes. You guys want my one we're going to have a show with christmas day, but the I do think that, like it's.
There are, there are certain theoretical questions that seem to kind of kind of excite political journalism right now, and I do think it's like the theoretical questions around Biden and what would happen if he wasn't running are more interesting than the fact that that trump and his associates are basically saying they're going to prosecute journalists, and I do think at a certain point. I wish that that that theoretical possibility would be as exciting, and maybe it will be. The amount of news that came out of that comment from Joe Biden is a massive indictment of just how bored the press corps yeah yeah. So what we're going to face for a year plus plus yeah, but to love it's point
There are real things happening that are more consequence for the future than Joe Biden's decision making process on a decision. He has already made two in a race in which the primary deadlines have passed for most of the states. So it's like what are we doing yeah? I just I just feel like, though, and I know I'm being a dead horse every bit of bad tape as an attack ad everybody. day just like stop doing that, Joe, while he can't right during a four fifty five years. I know I know I still hold our. How he's has eighty he's eighty one years old, What is best for a while, and I think to like love. It's point about training things out like. I really do think that all of these comments are about sort of him he's facing all of this like. Why are you doing again you're very own, like he does
A rationale like you can tell is that the they men genuinely believe he is genuinely scared of a second trump term. He he thinks that democracy is at stake. I do not doubt that at all, and I'm sure he has weighed in his mind, and yes, maybe I'm not the one to do it, but also is there someone else who can do it? I've already beaten donald trump, and I feel so strongly about this and so- and I feel so strongly about like protect in the country and saving democracy that even knowing all the risks I feel like. I should do this and by the way that is, exactly what he was saying when he made the point that they took out of context and is what will be saying. the rest is made that asylum law and, at some point, and at some point look do I wish Joe binary were younger. I wish it every morning, but at some that's your business. Where some way look, I do. I want your mind to be a little better on message. Sure another thing I wish for everyone,
about as likely is it getting younger. But but some of this is in Joe Biden problem. It's our problem, and I do think that, like once we get to the point, if we assuming we are heading towards us, when it is Joe Biden versus donald trump, the time for questions about should Joe Biden have run willing. Is he the right person all that stuff? Our job was must be to do everything we can to make that far way and make it a focus on the actual threat? Donald trump poses an actual choices. John pointed out, that is that's our job. That is exemplary, philip Joe Biden, is making a very big bet that he can overcome the very serious and legitimate I think, concerns about his age with a large swath of the electorate. He absolutely can, but we also have to recognize that there is no person walking this planet that weird, if you're going to say, I'm not running, we were, there is no primary. We just lay hands on that person who to said this person is down
Now many ok, and that was out of my being your current deem philips. His wife is here right now: matter who we pick has a we're very real possibility of losing the donald trump. We live in a polarized country, electoral college that skews republican, and so it doesn't matter if its Joe Biden, Josh, shapiro, comma harris Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, there's a chance in that raise donald trump could win and they're. So there is no. There is no option and that means no anxiety for twenty four. They just no work between ITALY and so It is a reality in which we live. All I'm saying is, and I will leave it here. I promise, All I'm saying is next time Joe gets asked a question like that. Maybe georgia says, I'm the only one who's ever beaten, donald trump, and I'm the only You can do it again.
That's not the her? Well he's a frequent listener, I'm sure he's gonna hear this week. in they printed out. Wow. And we put here and if you request back at other weak, where we come back it's time, I gave the hour back the now we wanted to play we'll play a game with all of you in this holiday season, but before we do, it is the first night of hanukkah produce a cura is gonna, come on out. Here we have
We have a menorah a hundred year. Alright, here we go first night take his way and please join any of you know the words barriers. He knew well sure key china about that I have. see where I'm so as as our ancestors did all those years ago, we pressed the button on that on the target. The target menorah.
Unlike the earth scandal. We did it here, everybody laughs all right, everybody, the holiday season is upon us and with it brings the perfect synergy of gay and straight butcher cutting it cutting down a tree with an axe and then decorating it with twinkling lights, braving the ice and snow to seeing three part harmonies outside an old folks' home? The fact that french santa is called papa noel, get that one. So we thought it'll be an opera perfect opportunity to bring back a beloved positive, game gaze versus straight this time for a very gaze versus straight holiday addition. First up, we have our streets, you know, you know them John tommy and Dan. My sweet voice. Gotta go over here sam mind. Go over the yes, please,
it will be joined by the mayor. These gates for the win, the love responded going to go and we would love if somebody we bring the lights up for a second, and we would love if somebody from the audience whose sexual orientation is anything other than crate and barrel registry. That's, that's anything less straight than that does counts of libya. out there there's someone right up here alive, you and you're gonna be gauging come on, come on really about We gotta we gotta check hi. What's your name, bisexual
sure what what a beautiful name is that eastern europeans agreement. that way, you can you know you give any knobs it. Wouldn't you can just what's your name, my name is Hayley hayley great, Finally, we habitats scream superbly. Weirdness. Are you ready name to choice of an songs, o rush and be yeah. That's true that people's hard! What am I listen to him? But when you listen to middle, that's, bisexual and forget. Ok, you got it then account it. Here's I became work science only like fifty percent gay right. So did I get fifty percent of that answer? I can jump into that would thus for ya
The gay team will answer the straightest christmas questions we can muster in the streets and will naturally clean out with some gay questions. All right. Are you ready, is gay. Come on over mercenary mass got he's all right. My. With the gay government debts that easy time for the first question, with a gaze this season, a christmas song had number one on the billboard, one hundred sixty five years after its release in nineteen sixty five, the longest journey for a song to become a number one it. What is the song Hailing wrath and around the christmas tree, you got it yes,. barbarously brindle it or I boys my badge, stallions, sorry repay regretted outcomes.
Got to try stuff Brenda Lee's rocket around the christmas tree dethroned. What extremely gay christmas song from the top of the billboard holiday chart this year, mercury for christmas, you got it, you got it. Our gaze and bisexual mayor gaining social reality. You gave a nice, that's it! That's the guy, like I like that one This year shudder released a gay slasher film, in which the way this year, boys this year, shudder LISA, gaze, larger film in which the protagonists meets an evil angel in a play on a crass classic christmas movies set in Bedford falls new york. What is this queer? Ass parity called. I'm sorry, there's a parity gay fill all right. Yeah I'll give you as an old film, are right. There is a ban on it's a wonderful eyes. You get your so close to play. On it's a wonderful life is
We are all one s, wife, so all try rhyme it's! No! Yes Tommy you gotta have a job. We got a lot of help. There. You've got a lot of help from of it. It was it's a wonderful knife as treats do It's a wonderful man! I never heard of it straight culture, our eyes, gazing by then there's thank you and the dog and the dog. What goat, like anthropomorphic beasts from european folklore, reportedly assist ST nicholas each december by beating naughty children with a birch rod. The Mayor'S- or you know this haley. You know this. Is it What's the one in the line which the wardrobe known as they say, that's a tempest progress, that's got into twenty twenty lesbian christmas will be happier season, Kristen stewart plan proposal from a kiss.
Today, Davis is for a limit by working with the loved, bisexual actress. That's right I'll, give you a hint shoes on parks and wreck. Yeah they do get audience there. Straitness America, three wow wow. I think it's only for the next question are allowed to just tell us the answer parks Eric deadpan. Not a nodded, esplanade butter or replies incorrect area, famous delaware in reply, if you know a whisper allowed, there is nothing gayer to my gay team than making a cake that looks something else. What is a bush noel? And what does it look like? I may have set Iraq shut up, jewish, whose farewell boost to noel
log log, an ago That was our oil rich. They share what number One with a single op or brand new christmas, album titled simply christmas, meaning she has gone number one with at least one billboard chart in seven decades number one in seven fucking decades, that's cool shares cool. What is the name of this most recent song, I'm going to read you a few options for a dj play a christmas song b. I, like christmas, see drop top sleigh ride with taiga, yeah or d christmas dirty d. I know which monitors he
The third party got the data. Now it is a horrible song and I are limited area six. Ok, I give a shit. This is superior to the institute. in Jim carrey film, the grinch who stole christmas. I said that wrong. I, Because, in my god, Screw up aragon, farrago it's great to be in phoenix, are the grinch experiences a connection with who woman, That's actually correct that one just sounds weird Martha may, who yea she is played by what incredible character, actress.
This is not a game where you shot out things you yes it. What is it christy radiant rarely seen brands gets out was a straight question. I don't know what happened to the red heat, their gay question, all gay questions. Now the future liberals want this. Is this week of the roles of rich christmas on features, the lira don? We now are gay apparel. We Well, well,
war on christmas right. There, Jesus Christ, the worst rating, confident but wrong, yeah, that's right and reins whatever reason have coveted wrong rise. You have strength plus experience equals change. Remember that Hillary Clinton slogan back in the jack deepcut, so good strength was experience, equals change, change, divided by strength, plus experience equals one strength. Minus change equals negative experience No I'd final question: you ever gets right, wins the whole fucking thing we're already winning. What does it feel like Hayley? But what about us? What I've got We know the air of san diego were winning bad boy, ok I'll We're gaze though we have to win yet they secular and bisexual I voted for him.
Oh thank you. I love it in two thousand and twenty one netflix released a gay christmas rom com in which a man played by Michael urie as his best friend played by played by I don't even know who this is doesn't matter to pretend to be his boyfriend and his nosy family's christmas party with adorable results. Is the name of that wrong com. That's right, but it I'll do it I'll give you a hint if the title is a play on words rapidly a christmas on. I would just like that. Where's up with a mayor san, diego we want you want. You want your line fine days when do get nothing, that's our game, that's our show.
That is a very big problem raised thanks a lot actual photo. I love the pod. Save America is a crooked media production or producers or olivia martinez and David Toledo. Our associate producer is fairest, safari writing support from halle kiefer reach. Ireland is our executive producer. The show is mixed and edited by andrew chadwick. Jordan. Kanter is our sound engineer with. We support from kyle segment and charlotte landis madeline herrings is our head of news and programming met. The growth is our head of production. Andy TAT is our executive assistant. Thanks to our digital tv.
The logical, Hayley jones me comin, David tolls, hero pelvis and molly. Labelling subscribed to pod, save america on you too, to catch full episodes and extra video content find us at you to death. Come slash at pod, save america. Finally, you can join our friends. The pod subscription community for ad free episodes, exclusive content in a great discussion on discord plus its greatly. get involved with both save america sign up at crooked outcome. Flash friends.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-10.