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"Climate Change of Heart."

2022-08-02 | 🔗

The fate of the Manchin miracle lies in the hands of Kyrsten Sinema, Democrats' prospects of holding the senate may be brightening with just 100 days to go, and later, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin talks to Lovett about protecting same-sex marriage and democracy.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Weekends on progress are about to give a little more profit That is right! Crooked media, the tina brought you pod, save america is bringing their noble conversations to your airwave. Every week and in the lead up to the mid term? Elections be during the autumn. one hundred percent, correct opinions and politics breaking, and all of the issues that matter this november. Do the right amount of worrying with crooked radio every weekend, through the election starting october, first subscribe now and get up to four months free of serious act. The offer details at serious act them dotcom, slash cricket the presenting sponsor of today's debate. is simply safe: home security, home security shouldn't be for the privileged few simply save offers advanced twenty four seven protection that puts you and your family first with cutting edge technology and highly trained monitoring professionals at fair prices, with twenty four seven professional manner. I simply say its agents call you the moment. A threat is detected and dispatch police or first responders in an emergency, even if you're, not home or campi, reach,
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Welcome applauds america, John favour. I'm drama that Tommy thither wheel. Together for a partner while in this room said slowly, you feeling better. So great. Did you get it from by Officially another word flight hold an audience it. It actually think I gave dimension men You have to buy. That makes sense one of the. What about Schumer Schumer had it too yeah I think, one of the one of us one of the symptoms of covered is making deals. You know: we've got one in there, yup leave it in
on today, show the fate of the mansion miracle lies in the hands of kyrgyzstan. Cinema Democrats, prospects of holding the senate, maybe brightening with just a days to go and later was constant, senator we baldwin talks to love it about protecting same sex, marriage and democracy, but first epoch, two of another russia is now out this week, Jonah and dive into boris nam stops political journey, as it becomes deputy prime minister I have russia and discovers whether his idealism can trump money, power and corruption listen to new episodes of another russia. Each monday, wherever you get your podcasts, it's such a good show. I was listening to the first episode a couple days ago and Janna is talking about how hurt her parents, when she was a kid would when they went out to dinner or whatever would just leave her home alone and then tell her. There were wolves on the grounds that she would stay in her bed. So I know I'm going to try that quite a cultural gulf between universities know of our russian friends but a fascinating story. We do with coyotes,
yeah yeah I gave you love it has carried out is everywhere, though, unease and that's fine to brood, and he just pack my enough about your problems, another russia share paraded. I can download it subscribed before It's your last chance to see us live, and on toward this summer for these last two shows we have some. We saved. We save some incredible guess. For the end, we got stacy abrams in atlanta on august thirteenth. And tenancy congressional candidate, odessa, kelly and national. On august, twelve got some other guests coming up to the remit. Big out, and we will also be joined by Josie duffy few rights, who you know and love from our what a day podcast crooked she's, gonna co home for both of our shows ticket we're on sale now and selling out fast, so go get yours at crooked dot, com, slash events come, say, hi. Alright, let's get to the news. This is the week we find out whether the mansion miracle is real or whether
here's to cinema yanks away the football one last time our From west virginia, who we have always told you would come through in the end, how many times have we said that on this programme times, hundreds of times, I always said that he was out in the sunday shows this week and trying to sell what there now calling inflation reduction act of twenty twenty two I like it. I mean simple, simple, easy to remember: whenever have to say the other, the other free again, I don't have an alberta and weren't, No nothing exists. This was Joe mentions message to his good friend from arizona this week and I think that basic when she looked at the door and sees the whole spectrum what we're doing and all of the energy we're bringing in all the reduction of prices and fighting inflation are bringing is down by having more energy. Hopefully she will be positive about it, but you know she'll make her decision and I respect that yeah, hopefully she'll be positive about it. There's an under.
It just so I know tommy went over the deal's headlines on thursday's pod with a de SU, was fantastic gotta get a dc back on the anytime great great, but there's been a lot more reporting about the details over the weekend. Love it. What's the what your general reaction to the deal we aren't gonna. Let we left gonna take your eyes if america from you that that, thank you very opportune. I know you had your variety show. We talked about the yet here that here's a day I so first of you know they is a well we're. Gonna dig into the details, devils and the details, and you expect fine like call museums and national mall houseboat subsidies. It's really good hope it would be. A fine I would have no more all we're here that we are united, the size, Spielberg's hideous world war to morrow. We obviously support the veterans
but it still shouldn't be in the middle of the mall. I didn't do a good job designing it is it's a good cause memoria I officially quit the show. We will obviously be fine with it, but I thought, that's what would it with wood? It would be a nine, but it's actually really good but it was rather than it meets four fifths of the goals of build back better one one climate of I. There is one on climate expert, professor, who just shouted. social media. This is real in in relief estimates policy experts, This it get you anywhere from thirty one to forty four percent of the reduction of climate pollution relative to two thousand five that's a big leap from where we are now in about twenty thirty, two by twenty thirty, that's a big. leap from where we are now and the Biden administration goal the re. The goal is fifty to fifty two percent, so it it puts that in the
of the possible. We have to do a lot more to get there, but getting to forty four percent on our way to fifty percent is a pretty amazing step forward, yet in the Biden goal of fifty percent by way was a goal that he arrived at after really being pushed in the primary by both other candidates and climate activists, so that in itself was a it was. It was a pretty laudable It's a huge reduction like this. If they are not very big deal- and you know the tax credits in the deal or more like direct payments. You get the money guaranteed for ten years. If you build a plant, the generates carbon free electricity. Up until now, it's been like a year to year the tax cuts last, which it harder for businesses to make decisions around tax credits for electric vehicles of seventy five hundred dollars, though their means tested to you. If you're super rich, you can get it rebates for people who buy energy. Efficient appliances are make their homes energy, efficient, yeah. It's there, It's the biggest climate investment in history four times bigger than the climate investment from the recovery act,
in two thousand and nine, and that was the previous leader of the biggest climate investment in history and one other piece of this too, as it were obviously focused on climate change. This is a bill. That's focused on reductions aimed at coming climate pollution, but the knock on effects of that on the kind of humble pollution that causes asthma. The causes premature deaths that cause a lot of illness. They just causes are communities, especially poor commute it should just be worse. Places to live in like this will make a huge difference as one line it's a it's a small piece of this. It's one billion dollars for clean heavier vehicles like buses and garbage trucks, and that's that's not that's just one line. It's not a big piece this, but just making those changes to put clean vehicles on the road would reduce a ton of pollution that just harms a lot of kids every single day. It would just make. Places. May community safer and better places to live to retire, but the shitty parts. Yes, Tom, you under the shooting parts, I mean their shitty, but there should, in the short term, shortterm shitty look at our work. Required alone, has gone terms to insult them. It will require
This government open new locations for oil and gas leasing in alaska, the gulf of mexico, and it will permit the government from selling leases to install solar wind on federal lines or see floris when it isn't also open. Gas and then at some point in the near future, we had been written yet literally, there's going to be a build up, permitting reform that will probably make it easier to create fossil fuel projects, but it could also make it easier to create wind farms in renewable project. So there is some bad to take with the good, but I think, on balance, almost every expert I read thinks this is while the important bill unwillingness to an because that was my question too, about or of what is the impact of these leases. These estimates that the reduction that could be as high as forty four percent those incorporate the effect of expanded oil and gas leasing they are trying to include the effects of
this kind of all of the above our visions in making this estimates. Yes up. Some calculations on the national resources. Defence counsel ran the numbers. They said that the emissions cuts would be ten times greater than the effects from the support the deal extends to fossil fuels on other. I think about it is for every one tonne of carbon emissions at the deal puts out it takes away. Twenty four tons to good deal is a pretty good deal and also you know it's a good deal, because the coal industry says that it will hurt the coal industry, the head of a trade group. There said that the west west virginia would actually be one of the states with the largest number of coal retirements. Due to the wind and solar tax credits, they're upset about that but that's getting feeling within this permitting reform like it. It's a big question like how will they come together to make this work, but it's also that you see a lot of nimby types who won't let solar farms or in a wind farms go up in their property or in their area, and we need to make it easier to create those projects or elsewhere and get stuck in bureaucratic morass in every.
I think tommy. What else do we know about her, but how this thing came together? I mean there there's a couple couple of big pieces about that over the weekend. Yeah it looked, victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan and so you're a lot of your taking credit here and mothers. Sure- and you know just parents, yeah, okay, you know non binary, people create political victories to town. Okay, that's all that is, So there are so the white house is out there talking about our brain d. Soon runs the national economic council made a trip to west Virginia keeping open line dimension every senator or member congressmen who talked a joe last six months is, is dishing whatever they did. You know sometimes I fredo was similar and how they were printing out climate change. News for him in passing, I think it was one of the both of the delaware browser taken credit for this coon's and yeah. and carper theirs. They here's a flood both of both of dance potential opponents
you know were hearing. I see I see yos like bill gates, calling him a dogma. Jobs be creating west Virginia friend, larry summers, liberal lion, liberal hero, liberal icon, Larry summers called the talk, but how the bill would not lead to more inflation. I think when one of Larry's points is did theirs is out. vision in there that would give the ira more resources to do it's job and get taxes from people who owe them and Larry thinks that the congressional budget office and the way they've scored the impact of that additional spending is, is wildly under the estimate that he thinks the impact he thinks alive. He thinks it'll recoup lots more money will be better yeah. He thinks it's better than the cdss. That's a nerdy point. Ultimately, I do think we have to take mansion at his word that he was worried about inflation. He was worried about the deficit and that this current bill is vastly different than the three trillion dollar build back better bill that was basically the entire buy
the stuffed into one package? I also think mansion was genuinely worried about energy security and he didn't want to just phase out fossil fuels immediately and a cynic can say: that's because he's a fossil fuel state residents. He has you, know, fossil fuel donors because he makes money off of coal himself, but I think there's like a fair conversation to be had about whether, if we're gonna need oil and gas in the short term, do you want to get it in the? U S, would do you want Joe Biden job on a plane to saudi arabia, to lavish attention, I'm ombudsman to try to get them to release more oil. Obviously had? Rather, we have all went in renewables today, but you know after the vote it's also its. It is funny to that like this is, Everyone when I talk to Jan saki on the in january, was there. It was at a pure time when it seem like this might all be kind of lost and We were joking at the time saying. Well, why? Don't we just let Joe manchin go off and write the fucking bill, and then he did and it the obvious answer the whole time
But what s interesting about is in its this sort of irony that then ok, this west virginia coal senator gets it take credit for the biggest investment in clean energy and climate change policy in american history, when really what he has done is just made his yes vote. The hardest vote to get are the second hardest vote to get so far yeah and he gets a frame it how he wants to frame it, that's right, which is writing inflation thing, but even at the end, even as he was writing it himself or or working with Schumer, to write it himself. It almost fell apart because the cause of the inflation numbers- and then I do think mansion felt a little it does seem like mansion- wants to be seen as a reasonable.
Oh yes, person right, not necessarily by us. People like I hate, but especially not us, but certainly by sort of like, though the broader institutional set in Washington DC and end. I think it felt like he. He might have worried that he was seeming unreasonable towards the end and look, I think it seems like what happened here was that Joe mention was a persuadable voter and who genuine like you, that genuinely wanted to do something about climate change, one the solution that would help his state and his own politics and was genuinely worried about inflation. You can disagree with him. I do we do on a whole bunch of issues. The guy is a just a conservative democrat who has conservative positions on a bunch of issues that I don't agree with at all. I think where I know I made the mistake It's like getting assuming that someone is operating in bad faith, which I, by the end, did I didn't start there, but by the end I was definitely I was convinced he was operating a bad for you started by calling him dumb dumb
I thank you. I think I think, hey hey John, a high ambush, we don't say those kinds of things by french. I did I started by car, the whole night. The whole time I was like, is he just dumb or is he? Is this a bad faith play and then, by the end I was like. Oh it's bad faith, but the mistake their job. I know he says this. You should never assume people's motivations is because, if you assume people's motivations, then you give up and trying to persuade them, and maybe they are operating out of bad faith, but what if they are not- and you just gave up on trying to persuade them clearly a whole bunch of senators that work with Joe Manchin a climate activists, business leaders and a bunch of other people that he trusted. Larry summers, economists all work together to get him in the right place and he was clearly persuaded overtime, and that is, I think, a good lesson in politics in general, and I also think one one piece of this as we we, we sort of you know lamented that his statements had been confusing and sometimes contradictory and- and it turns out one of the reasons that at times it seemed
into a building at times would close. The door is because he got pissed it wasn't that he was operating in bad faith. He admits it himself. I got angry too. I think he should have gotten angry by that. And now he should not. I was also played latest politics really well his approval and from forty to fifty seven percent approval and estate. He played this brilliantly for himself, though. I really wanted to be like. I do think that politically for him, if he did no deal at all, he would still be in a great political position. You know, which was I the that's exactly what you're worried me. The politics are definitely in his favour here, but, as you just heard, however, that coal mining industry group say like a bunch of westwards, Coal mines are gonna get retired. Does this bill of Joe mention really wanted to just play his politics at all I've done no deal and he didn't do that because there's something multiple motivations of player- and I didn't like it will- you know you can play the counterfactual would have sent a Democrats had said fuck Joe mansion. Let's take away as committees, I meant rent. Who cares if he leaves the party we would have
no chance of a climate deal right now, I'm not going to say climate deal cause. We don't have it yet, but we would have no chance of a climate denial of the invention, smart enough to know that that coal power plants are going out of business, be at the economics, are no longer working for them. That is correct. You know natural gas does other cheaper forms of energy. I do think the lessened the meta lesson for me, as it's always better to be in the majority and have power no matter what re we have. A lot of people got so frustrated with the mansion and they said: let's kick them out of the party. We don't need him. That is dumb, is dump be in power. Then you can do things, you get judges past. You can pass this bill out of nowhere pass. The chips act passed, the the the roads legislation, the infrastructure bill, like we've, got a lot of things done now. In hindsight, it was just like look at your choices right to I wish the Joe mansion was replaced by a more liberal center from west virginia. Of course, is that possible right now? No, it's not so you work with what you have. I love it. We haven't heard from from careful
cinema, let's talk about a future albums as of this recording. But what do we know about where she is on these provisions and how much trouble she might cause here that those are two different things, and imagine you played part of a clip, but would also he has been saying in the sunday shows he's basically trying to put her in a position to declare victory. He said pearson cinemas, a friend of mine. We worked very closely together. She had tremendous tremendous input in this legislation. She basely insisted no tax increases. We ve done that. She was very, very adamant about that. I agree with her. She was very instrumental on prescription drugs, so I think he's trying to give her the space to say, yeah you're, taking the credit, but this is this- can be your victory too. And the only I think, she's setting they ve been like serve as we ve been getting towards this recording just waiting to see if we hear more from her, but I think the hope has to be- and we don't know, I think the hope has to be that you know she's in a position to get something, and that is not something that can have on does anything. That's part of this deal, but some
additional funding for solar or other kind of technology for arizona, some kind of victory for cinema that she can do get her pound of flesh, and you know then go celebrated hot topic or whatever The thing we think she's gonna be mad about is the fort a billion dollars in tax increases by closing the carried interests loophole, which basically makes hedge fund guys pay their fair share of taxes. Well, it's the russia tough fight the pic for her. The question is whether she calls that it increase right that it's not an ink. It's a closed loophole right. It has really upset about rate when you work at like a private equity fund or a hedge fund, you get paid by a man. my fee, which is usually two per cent of of assets under management, and then something called cared interests which is twenty percent? They treat that twenty percent, which is primary way they make money as a long term?
little gain and not as income, which is what it really is, and so they pay about half of the tax rate than any one else pays on their income taxes, which is outrageous even like the super rich. The richest of rich bill ackerman hedge fund guy is out there saying this the crazy loophole that should be closed. It, like I, don't know how she carries, will try and think right. White trumps eddie was in the closest. I don't even think this provision clauses it completely either it like comes halfway to which may be gives her space for to declare victory to its also by the way, but you said, Tommy's fourteen billion dollars out of three hundred and eighty nine billion belgian needles. Three per cent of the deal ran right must not now she said: she's gonna wait for the parliamentarian to score this right. The centre parliamentarian for everyone who remembers talking about this last year has to go through and make sure that every provision affects the budget and that there is not provisions in David. Don't affect the federal budget so that
commentary and will score the bill say how much it actually raises? How much it and you know will affect the deficit, how much taxes all that kind of stuff there's also like you know the. I think that cinema cinema basically has agreed to all of these energy provisions. In the past she helped write the prescription drug reform part of this, the asea subsidies she's on board, so it can only be in the taxes. The other big tax part of this bill that we haven't talked about is the corporate minimum tax, which is another crazy thing like right. Now there are some mega. Preparations that basically move their profits overseas or they can avoid paying taxes at all or certainly less than the twenty one percent corporate rate? And this is basically saying hey. There has to be a minimum fifteen percent tax for all for all corporations that have over one bill.
dollars in profits and by the way you know right, even there there's two exception because they get to take advantage of discredit hotel. So look the question I think is: can cinema claim she has successfully prevented the tax increases? She claims she was against, because these aren't rate hikes. These are kind of loophole. Closing policy shifts that that she could, she could get behind like as their is. Can she can t and were and republican? She not be saying: can this not be her, making any kind of concessions? Can she cleaner and republicans already out, because you know the joint committee on taxation scored this and said? Oh, there are some people who are under who make under four hundred thousand dollars that will feel the impact is right. There, taxes won't go up, but what will happen is even there they're saying they're calculating that if a some corporation is paying no taxes now has to pay a minimum tax rate that they will then have lower wages. They will they will they will cut wages for their workers. Ultimately, so, let's just cut the the
corporate income tax as your friend, that's, why it's ridiculous now say I've got it taken to affect the health care subsidies in the bill, the energy subsidies that will help lower people's energy bills. The prescription drugs does today I count any of that would glow ridiculously also when I they also the narrow. You know they're not running around, saying, abolish the iris. They don't want anyone, anyone wealthier or to pay taxes at all. That is that the core of the republican opposition to this bill they hate when rich people have to pay taxes they hated. Can we just married in one fun thing, what this whole mansion of it all, and then him going out on the sunday shows the units out, politico politico playbook, their their flagship news product focus not on what he said, but the logistics of doing five sunday show interviews our. One time on one day the full ginsburg they used to be known and renounce their earlier. Mayonnaise does all this was then. I love that their dissent. We can't even really dumb lame debate about like whether that was technically of organs. Regret then just dan quota being like, I would say, don't do it it's not worth it.
Just wait a bit raining on their bread. It did this for two days. Two days goddamn it boring. I come back for vacation in reading playbook, unlike put what has gone on two days of a discussion, but wilkinsburg jokes on me, fucking too early nineties, no one remote! No one knows we're talking about right. Now, all right Allen, Ginsberg reported late, ginsburg lateness back to the republicans in congress? They are outraged about the deal but they're not just playing on voting against it. They wanted to revenge on democrats by voting against other legislation that they previously supported. Most house republicans just voted against a bipartisan bill that will help the. U s compete with china for jobs related to the semiconductor industry. Susan Collins told reporters that Senate republicans might sink the same sex marriage bill over the mentioned deal in twenty five republican senators, who had previously voted for a bill that would help veterans who have been exposed to burn pits just voted to block the final version of that bill. Last week, tommy, what's going on with the burn pits legislation which has got a lot of attention over the last several days
and why do you think republicans are doing this? It is there a political reason or they just morons. So here's the background that the? U S, military on bases abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan, would burn trash, basically that that included toxic substances like plastic, rubber pain, other things that when even want to know about there's a lot of evidence now in research. That shows that people who are exposed to the smoke from the burn pits have much higher incidence of cancer. In other really nasty medical problems in paying for that treatment has created a bureaucratic nightmare for a lot of these veterans who had be and was just grossly unfair and so congress finally got its act together. They put together a bill to prove add millions of veterans with expedited healthcare and disability payments for these illnesses. Related burn pits in june that bill passed. Eighty four to fourteen then went to the house. They did some technical fix to it. Sent it back to the senate for final passage, and last week it was twenty five or twenty six, I'm not sure of the exact total was of republicans changed their vote and voted against the bill. Pat Toomey, the republicans.
Senator from Pennsylvania, who, I don't think, coincidentally, is retiring. Ah, is the one out leading the messaging charge on this? He trying to claim that he opposed it now, because some budgetary loophole there are these impenetrable videos from ted cruz. Where he's trying to talk about mandatory vs disc missionary spending, I'm not an expert in this, but none of their arguments make sense every single veterans group and is calling bullshit on it. It seems like what happened was Mcconnell was going to hold up the chips, build this china competition bill in because he didn't want democrats to do anything via reconciliation, which is how he passed the mentioned shimmer bill. Then he allowed the chips. Though the past then mentioned shimmer announced their deal on the climate bill and they got that and so mcconnell. I guess had these guys vote against this burnt. It legit,
action- it is a long story short. This is one of the most substantively outrageous and politically stupid things. I've ever seen. It sounds like they might fix it tonight, monday night, and but I I just for the life of me. I can't understand what they're thinking you're, truly up, that. Can you know, I think that they decided to take a dumb vote in a fit of peak and try to come up with a fig leaf justification for it that doesn't really work and ultimately it very very bad politics, but make it. But it's true the worst politics that we may have racine you just it absolutely. These people are dying, despicable, despicable or dying in weeks of this vote, and so I didn't regular. They will. They will be for they'll be fort very quickly, and this will ultimately kind of disappear as a kind of weeklong vial
gambit, but that I don't on us to make it not despair. Ba ba veterans, literally sleeping on the capital steps, as we speak right now, will not leave until they get about so patch him. His problem about the four hundred billion dollars is whether you put it in the mandatory discretionary bucket. What that means is doing. Sure that there's this source of funding to help veterans who ve been exposed to burn pits every year or do every year veterans have to come to congress and sleep on the steps and hold hearings, so they can get it into a bye right now. The only thing you can save up had to me, as he's at least had that problem since the beginning. This is why its twenty five or twenty six so tat to me. It voted against it before because of this programme is that this problem is a bullshit problem. That's the problem, the other twenty five republican centres voted can for it when the four hundred billion dollars was in mandatory spending and then just change their vote because of exactly what tommy said, because they were just piss. This idea of mandatory verse discretionary spending, its is a dollar spend as a spent,
made up this day, literally decide whether this distinction exists or not. It doesn't matter yet more owner it does. It helps no you wanted you wanted to. I want wanting arrogantly, and I want to refund it in the future, but I'm just saying like it's not like more money is gonna magically beastly. He just bullshit is my point. He is totally flush it, but his eyes as it, but the even more full of or the other twenty five republican centres who voted for when it was met? Its work is spending ultimately voted like how could we possibly vote to have mandate where is spending for veterans year after year that the ability to cut it eta? You know fund a tax break when this is all just that the technical reasons, that you all know, but to tommy's point. We have actually like make the argument here in the argument now head of a mid term. not be easier here. Like you know, democrats tried to pass a bill that make sure that corporations can't move their profits overseas. So that they don't pay any taxes at all in order
who lower people's energy bills in their healthcare bills and republicans didn't just block it. They then, to spite Democrats voted against a bill to help adventure. Another. Crazy raising gather really hard vote. Was you know side, mccarthy whipped like a hundred seventy five republicans and force them to vote against the big china competition to which, like their legitimate power, I see criticisms of that bill. The reasons you could vote against it, but politically that's a very hard vote. Also. I I I actually don't understand that decision either it's very clear that it was going to pass either way they had all been for it before they got out before and look everyone's been surprised that democrats have discovered strategy it's been shocking ets to change a lot of it has been hard to kind of process effort for republicans as much as for us, but ok, your pic that they they they got one over on you and you going do this reconciliation deal. You gonna make a point
we're having some, but not all of your members. Try to stop a bill. That's going to pass anyway. I don't look. I think their strategy going back as far as the early obama days is. You know. The the party in power democrats are in power. Democrats are in the white house or in congress we're going to break everything, we're going to make sure in the works, we're going to try to stop them at it. You know they can't pass anything blah blah blah and that's going to redound to our political benefit, because Joe Biden and the Democrats don't succeed, but I think they are and they were a little too far the same, because everyone knows now what they did. There was an open question about whether progressives might vote against the chips acts because they felt that goes corpora welfare. For understandably zoellick, multi hundred billion dollar businesses getting huge tax breaks to create semiconductor manufacturing back home. I think it's good long term policy too
I'm sure this kind of manufacturing be as it would only exists in parts of asia like twenty two percent of it is in taiwan, and if taiwan gets invaded that weren't big trouble but um yeah, I Democrats I'd get line as they know, we're gonna go for the same. They voted against protecting american jobs and helping sick veterans. That's it there's this. Does there you go? That's all you have to I don't think it's a good thing, it's not good for them. It doesn't like the the burn it all down. Thing doesn't work. If you don't have a house- and things are getting pass out, I was just going to say as a marian sixty they tried to break things that in succeed if it got past and they don't get the political benefit from it, because now they voted against protecting american jobs and helping secretariat headed and now. Well, though, you know they'll, though so guaranteeing they still take credit for that for the the relief, though they did vote for they'll take credit for wherever they can structure Billy. I go home to their projects to take pictures by its been a it's been a tough weak for showed, show no
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but the political environment might might might be. Shifting in the Democrats favour our friends over five, it dot. Com still say: republicans are favorite to win. The house, though they're now basically tied with democrats on the generic ballot after being two to three points ahead for the last several months, but in the race to control. The Senate democrats are now slightly favored to win five. Thirty eight has their chances at fifty six per cent, which is up from just four per cent on june. First, all right with the obvious and important caveat that polls are just a snapshot in time and not always the most accurate snapshot of the movement here is notable tommy. What do you think might be going on with the center races I mean I think it's you know you guys are go raised by raising and tell the story in pencil. India. There was a poll that had fetterman up ten points on DR oz, which I don't believe that's too much, but it was jaw dropping. I think again, like we talked about veterans on such a good job of defining. Dr Oz and pennsylvania republicans really worried about
I was standing we'll talk about that. More later, I in georgia warnock running a strong race he's he continues to do well. Hershel walker continues to be a gaffe machine. He won't debate warnock, there's a bunch of coverage. You know, children out of wedlock in criticising others. In the same lying about work. If the fbi arizona, we might see blake masters when this peer teal stooge, who is a bonus wacko, he's got a running its more kelly. An astronaut is very popular cortez masses. Better and about maggie happens. Looking better new Hampshire, there's, grumblings J D, dance struggling in ohio, still pilot, tough state budgets out of individual races, are breaking in a better direction, so it just, I think, you'd better with a lovely. Thank you
I think, like stepping back from individual races, rose, overturned and democrats are putting republicans on the defensive on marriage equality. The january six hearings are a kind of low hum of republicans being stream. Gas prices are down a bit. You have a bipartisan gun bill. You have a manufacturing belt. We had this mansion deal deals out on the polling, yet, hopefully it happens ah and news coverage just isn't where it was a few weeks ago. It's still not good and it's never good, but there was a period of time and it was just sort of president It's a stock plunge grid lock of its stock. Plunge robinette Biden say that Joseph stock plunged gridlock, covert stock, plunge gas prices, robinette Biden, I forgot gas prices, gas price has fallen, I value the gas prices so and draw sucks, and that's it if just took that one off the table bit? Hopefully one? I think to that point like tommy, going through the senate races, there's a difference, the difference being the senate in the houses is a house candidate. It's really hard to separate yourself from the national political party in the national political environment, because these are smaller races and
I have as much money in them, senate, races or statewide races. There's a lot of money spent on making sure that every voter knows who the Senate candidates are, and that can be a good thing if you're a good candidate, and it can be a bad thing if you're, a bad candidate to candidate quality matters, a lot more in senate races than it does in some of these house races, which is why you can sort of distinguish yourself, as John fetterman has, as DR oz has in a way, that's not helpful, or two more has, as you know, herschel walker Yang. Ah, how can you accuse me of thing I might have done when I was dissociated that it's not like. best message. I've ever had also was any f b. I know it's time will tell to find out if it really hard to deny a thing when you just said it anything, those in the f b. I love you mentioned
but the I think, the issue environment changing matters too. There is a recent suffolk poll where vote. Voters cited abortion as the second most important issue to them, of course, after inflation, which is still a big issue, though, as you noted, gas prices are have started to fall, and you know in that same poll, like so few voters mentioned, covered that it wasn't even in the top twenty five issues. that people said they were concerned about that had obviously been a drag on Joe Biden's, an democrats, proof, reading and just sort of the general mood of the country at that point, so there are probably you're a little nervous about this. I would be too especially about pennsylvania political restore this weekend that has multiple donors, those Only have donors talk in his own reporters, yoyo, loveliness Republican doesn't always democratic done. It shut up democratic donors. So the? He has multiple donors, saying that the national republican senatorial committee is quote, sounding the alarm about doktor oz and quote freaking. everybody out about his bad pulling? Why do you think he's doing
poorly tommy? Is there anything Democrats can learn from this race, or is this a unique situation? What do you think the inner alarm sounds like like a european fire hydrant smoke detector sounds like I said, motor boating. A statue of Margaret thatcher allowed perfect. De facto, given that we are proud of you. If you just came up during apple readers, kept running go on his adventure? Piero makes when he sees a gay kiss. A marble levy is like theirs, as I did the problem lies. Is the sound of trump cheering when he realizes he can save on taxes by burying ivana on the golf course story. Dog and republican alarm is a sound judy. Thomas makes when she's asked under oath if she was involved in the dobbs leak. Okay, okay, yeah, the other ones. If that's true thing the, if you want any more, did check out my subset, I ireland, for you a rusty, bowers sounds like something you looked at.
Urban dictionary and you dont like how gross and complicated it was kind of data like try. I I know rusty viruses, echo, the doktor ordered you don't know you don't I I like that we just have moved on turrets, but just moved on to just talk about that comes up, and I don't care yeah. But I'd put this anywhere I'd be like DR oz is. He is unique it is an apa research average streak. First of all, don't run for a senate seat in a state where you are not a resident. That's that's! That's just a rule of thumb. Gotta live in the place. How insulting is it to the state of pence? vain. It proved to be one that primary we're not from there to run for the senator
whatever is real. It will be for a fucking carpetbagger fat like every. Not as yet I mean listen. Look at its heart. Raillery couldn't get a move their first, though, like doctors still lives in new jersey, it's it's a holding him. He should have issued. A move is even if not just that, he's from other state its it there's so much because he's a celebrity there is so much footage of him. Just basking in the glow of in new jersey resident talking about how much he loves being the jersey like it is. Today I mean all these filthy, rich and just wildly out of touch with most of the there's, a video the fetterman team put out today, where they have doctor as saying that it's hard to discern the difference in happiness between someone who makes fifty thousand dollars and fifty million dollars I don't believe you at all buddy, I'm learned of. I would love to be as unhappy as someone who makes fifty million. Let's just increase its critics, you think they are. This makes he makes mitt romney seem like a working class here,
I got so bad, so bad they're like why didn't we go with the hedge fund manager from connecticut know, we should have gone with that private equity guy then we'd have a shot. I mean wait, till dodgers wins this and they never have a patch on time, Turkey also his campaign is always running a bad can be. They went to one of the two. Like tourists, trap, she's dig joints in philly and then he tweed his about it like he was. You know. Visiting from russia like he looked like a boring. Well, you know like tourist and, like it just gimme, flashbacks oven on carry eating the cheese steak with the tomato hermes IRA's. Unlike him at a time of sakharov. Well, once you're too, it's really the disobey, I think you know, there's federal. The federal campaign has been so good about this because once you tag someone as a tourist, a lot about a politician does when they go. taken, but they looked like a tourist and he's got that fuckin rich guys skin. You know he goes.
New jersey and tim into the upper east side for all of his treatments. You know, and he just he looks riddick. He just looks ridiculous running for senate. He made himself look ridiculous. I think the fetterman seed to their great credit, they're, hitting all the right notes right, they're, relentless but you being at a town ending at a touch like years hears doctor as kissing is hollywood walk of fame star, but the turn their make. In your tongue. Museum more aggressively is this: guy doesn't give it, shit about you, didn't care about inflation or anything else. He just wants to job, and you know I like it, there's a lesson here for other races, because I agree that I think both oz, amphetamine, art unique candidates, so you can't just replicate parapet personalities everywhere else by We spent a lot of time talking about how republican candidates are a threat to democracy we it, which we should continue to do. We should also probably spend time talking, but how republic candidates are like a threat to working people because they are out of touch and they care about rich people. They're all about her, you know they're they're, they're, outraged about a bill. It's gonna make a billion dollar
Corporations pay a dime of taxes. This is who the republican party he's been where we ve always done well, when we run against republicans like that in John fishermen is doing that against doctors and pennsylvania and their unity, Republican targets are not going to be as rich in there in both both imposes doctors but they'll? You know that their positions are fetterman had a straw, it hasn't been able to campaign for a months and still up ten points. That is remarkable, that that's a campaign team and staff that is doing incredible work, especially the one hundred percent, the video team and the two other things too as well as as did Elsa oz's digital team isn't doing any work. They haven't run digital ads in about two months now. I don't think it'll help the two other things one. They are also just, I think, having fun they're, making the campaign something fun and you'd want to be part of, and we talked about this on any times. Nobody wants to be part of a sanctum, onerous and sour movement. They are they are there making politics seem like something you want to be a part of their making the ferryman team, a team you wanna, be a part of
I think that's really exciting a good plan. The second point is: they have been relentless, and so often I think one of that one from Democrats make that republicans, don't barbecues republicans. serve so well by their rightwing propaganda apparatus. Is Democrats. You often look. It poses some. We need to live by rather than something they can potentially change. The federal campaign wanted to make doktor oz look out of touch by pointing out the way in which it was if Rebecca are making that connection and they've been relentless and they've made it important. They made it salient and like finding ways to just drive something like to be relentless about it until people connected with the campaign the candidate and make it important, I think, is another lesson in they've connected the carpet. Bagger attack to the ass hutch cause he's rich attack rate, which, like cars, will you originally said if it was just that he was from out of state and he wasn't out of touch. That might not be enough. You know it's. The whole package to political, also reports at the inner acy is apparently so nervous that they start making the case that they can win the senate. Even if oz loses two feder men there telling donors
Their path is to hold ohio, north carolina and wisconsin flip nevada and then flip either arizona or georgia love it. What you think is that a realistic path, yeah, it is, of course it is. We can wait. they can do. Doktor hours can go back to his mc mansion and republican. And so in the senate is absolutely possible. It is obviously shameful that someone as unfit as herschel walker could get within a mile against senate, but a lot people who should get a mile lotta jobs seem to be start stumbling into the more and more in politics? So yes, of course, that can happen. Of course it can yeah. I actually might my reaction when it was laid out like that was oh yeah, I know this good cause. Nevada is tough in nevada. In the last couple, elections had started drifting in the wrong direction and I think the catherine cortez master has a really tough race on her hands and then I think that, like you, said, mark Kelly and Raphael. Warnock are both running great campaigns and they're great candidates, great senators, but
both of those as we remember in twenty twenty, both of those states were decided by a razor's margin. So I think it is very realistic that they could do it without pennsylvania in a tough political environment, at a time in which, even when we're seeing these these sort of shifts that make us hopeful about the polls can't really trust them. Yeah, and I would say, on the other side of that, you know they. They sort of assume they'll hold ohio north carolina wisconsin. I don't assume that at all, I think now we have mandela, barnes and wisconsin very strong candidate, TIM Ryan, a very strong can in ohio, cheri beasley. great. Can it north carolina, so I dont think they'll necessarily hold those either. We'll know more about some of the most important midterm races. After today's primaries and arizona Missouri michigan kansas in washington state tommy. What results will you be most interested in? I am very interested in arizona, rather I'm very worried about her as an okay because you have really election deniers and truly fringe candidates are up and down valid, yet carry lake the trump appoint.
its election denier running for governor? Hopefully she will lose their primary, but we don't know blake masters. Who is basically you peter deals. Ghosts. Writer has running for the tendency, likely to win that that primary, and then you have a guy named mark marks income whose probably gonna be the republican nominee for the arizona sector, if state race, who is an election denier and very, very bad. So a lot of disconcerting themes there for democracy, really or for the ability to run a fair race and twenty four march finch him. Member of the oath keepers, yet terrorist fringe groups get that I like what I I didn't know that until I was actually reading about this to a relatively to me by us. Unbelievable, and then what will become of? Of course, what will become of rusty bowers earlier this week, the arizona house who has to be judged for the committee has. Did he flipped lot now? He said he would say.
Both for trump. Now he now he undoubtedly, however, the play has some answer that was sort of left it open, even city Then monasteries or yea closing a close, our doors Missouri. Of course, they're brightens, when does trumpet orson could be happening in allow a recording? I know that one trump was saying he's going to endorse and there is genuinely bad person, love it any races, you're. Looking at the look, I emotionally, I just struggle to pay attention to which right wing, fascist goon is, is economic. These primaries. I am watching kansas referendum on abortion. Obviously it's important practically because Kansas is a respite in a place. People income from surrounding states really really employ. But also we will learn a lot about the power of arguing for reproductive freedom and access to abortion at the ballot box by whatever this margin is in Kansas will just learn a lot from an on its own without any candidate to touch it gets tough. Do that
the ballot, the language and that an amendment, it's real area of these areas too heavily tilted toward the right republican lying about it and fusing? So this is a tough set it in atlanta. Obviously, it's kansas by the way simply republican say there is a democratic governor there but of course, a very a very republican state. It's very tough and it's it's it's chaotic its confused, but whatever the margin is, I think, will learn something about where people out on us and then the images of the hope they ve spent almost a hundred million dollars in tourism already hundred in order to create a truly some other fringy as candidates in the country. I filling out your written for rusty, bower, arizona and pennsylvania are have air or income competition for a swing states with the fringes rightwing candidates there, there's michigan. The mission is good with michigan governors race for the other primary there. There's trumpet
worse right, wing media, pundit, election denier, tudor dixon, tudor dick, the name who also has the support of the de vos family. So between trump and the device family in a crowded field of nine candidates, I will see we'll see if she can pull it off. Right. So that's we'll talk about more than those results on thursday, also below them. In terms, thank you to the thousands of you. who signed up during our hundred days out week of action. We have now had as many What's your sign up so far this year, as we had an all of twenty eighteen carpet up, that's amazing, richer, amazing, which means that we have an excellent days to build on those numbers and, unlike twenty eighteen, we now have Let's have america virtual volunteer community that can help support our volunteers, go above and beyond so go to votes. If america com such volunteer, you can learn more. You can sign up join tee west and east west. Ok good rules to the job, but they re read that you can. You can find for fishermen we can help in new hampshire
in arizona. You just heard the problems there, it was content fetterman sign up, will give you plenty work to do plenty worth it. We gotta stop dead mastery Jana, not sweden sign up yet lotta you haven't yet here we are you love it. You were not at the portland show, but we didn't you would have yielded How many people we did a game and audience? I aim and we said, only raise your hand if you sign up for votes. If america and then a bunch of people raise their hands, are really. What region or you know like lime, signing signing up society tomorrow them area are when we come back. Lovett talks to wisconsin senator tamely baldwin about protecting sex marriage and democracy pods, eight amerika is brought to you by zipper cruder if you're a business owner. The last thing you want to do this summer is sort. There are tons of unqualified cannon as always when you could be doing something more fun like you know,
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and probably we need a couple more than that to avoid the situation where every senator can be identified as the deciding vote, so yeah it'll be great to have eleven or twelve right. Now we have five who publicly state that they will vote for the respect for marriage act and we have several others who are in that category of having publicly proclaimed that they support marriage equality but are always privately sharing, with me and others where there are leading or where they are on the respect for marriage out, and you know one that's the case,
I haven't said it out loud. You have to be a little cautious, so I I feel like we're we're at ten, but we're not a lot. We don't have a lot more than that, and so a big question is: do we need to firm that up a little bit more and and instead of debating it this week, maybe kick at all after the august recess or I can we can be fitted in the end of the week, because we have the votes firmed up So there's been some talk. I believe centres in collins mentioned this that the compromise, but Joe mansion and chuck humor make it harder to pass a bill protecting marriage equality. Why,
Increasing rebates for electric cars make republicans more anti gay and isn't the whole point of being a Republican that they're gay for corporations so be at the issues should have nothing to do with each other. I, and we should be adult enough in the united states, then it to be able to separate votes of conscience from votes the economy and boats about other matters, but I have heard repeated more than once, since the reconciliation agreement was reached.
it's odd that this has poisoned the well hip. You will know, I I just don't buy it. I believe that if you were going to support the respect for marriage act last week, you should be in support of the respect for marriage act. This so, one thing there's been surprising is some of the uses and also still can when compared to see the knows, I was surprised, to see your your colleague RON Johnson say was for it because, technically speaking, I consider him one of the centres biggest dip. Its but so then you have some of have to acknowledge that and then, We saw her marker Rubio claim thing was a waste of time. Even voting yes and no take the same amount of time. Do they He was frustrated. When the elevator door closed after, he said that to find himself traps in there
with the senate's? Only lesbian, so to be absolutely accurate? He said it was a stupid waste of time. That's right turn to his right and saw standing there looking at the elevator door, elevator doors, floods and we did I told him very frankly why I believe it's important to act and why it's important of people and interracial marriages and same sex unions, the
I certainty that every other couple enjoys every other married couple enjoys because of how significant the legal rights and responsibilities can bored with marriage really are to protecting one's family. I he pushed back, and you know, as these are not the first conversations I've had on this issue and said you know, the court is not poised to overturn Obergurgl. I don't believe they will ah, but there is a lot of reason why we should be giving folks certainty and frankly, for those republicans who have been applauding the overturning of roe vs wade and have been seeing how I anxious their constituents arab the act of perception about
losing access to the rights and responsibilities of marriage. Ah, you know this would be a great way of assuring your constituents that you are still for some freedoms. Where will I what I don't understand about that is ok clarence thomas to everyone now is recognising as someone who is kind of on the vanguard of where these right wing extreme judges eventually go it ain't. He wants to turn to these issues. Next, Rubio just says privately. Oh dont worry. This is going to happen. What is the cost of passing this built him? I mean that's, that's it that's a dodge: what's the cost, what what's the harm
well one of the things I've observed during all of these discussions. I've had with Republicans who I I think should be supportive because they have said at one time or other are inequalities. I don't think that I have a colleague of either party who doesn't now know someone who is Mary. Maybe it's the I neighbor. Maybe it's a relative. Maybe it is an old friend from college, maybe it's in somebody they gonna church or synagogue with, but this is now accepted and common place among american voters and salvation we have every reason to show that they are not on the french and you know it is
people in same sex marriages, are concerned about the certainty of their marriage. It's not only because of what clarence Thomas wrote in his concurrent, it's because the majority of the supreme court said there is not a constitutional right privacy, and there are numerous cases that have been decided on the constitutional right to privacy, contraception. Laureates Alberta fell, I, and so we need a sure these up. We need to tell people across this country that they do not. Me. Eleven fear so that the the house has passed a few. A few bills on some of those issues has been a lot of hope and part of of people watching us let's get these republicans in the senate on the record on a bunch of these issues where they ve kind of taken in extreme position on contraception, on access to abortion. On of hatred,
apple, which which there was a vote on on host of other issues, is the lesson so far on this process on the respect for marriage act that like we should be taking more of these votes, we need to get these centers on the record. You know for me this effort to get ten or more republican, yes is about getting the job done, and there are many issues on which I love to be able to have a ray of hope for a word and shovel side. People are, you know, are you on the side of tens of millions of women who have just lost? I am fundamental freedoms and have fewer rights then their mothers and grandmothers, but on this one I told all the republicans them working within talking to I just wanna pastness and get mad.
Well the fear and uncertainty, and I have no I'm not telling any games. I certainly think that there are some of the opponents who are playing games, but I I want to get this done, I'm very serious about it. So I was thinking about marker rubio, dodging this. an elevator in part, because I think his current position is unpopular. His current position is that a burger fell was wrongly decided that that we should be appointing supreme court justices that would overturn it. It's remarkable how quickly this has changed. You were the first openly lesbian member of the wisconsin assembly. People might not No, this that you propose legalizing same sex, marriage and ninety ninety four, which was a radical thing to do at the time. This is at a time in which you are pushing back against don't ask, don't tell even having gay people being allowed to openly serve in them.
terry: how does it feel to have been ineffective office during this immense period of of change on this issue on why it feels it feels great to have seen the slow march of progress on this? I had this be away back in the mid nineties when I was in the state legislature working out as an employee, I was doing this in parallel track with back then domestic partnership proposals and civil unions. I you know I just wanted ways for gay and lesbian couples to be able to protect their families, and you know I think too often, when we say the word marriage rethink of marriage ceremony, but we don't think about access to a loved ones bedside if there, gravely ill or injured, and we don't think about many of the rights and response
though, is that floor with that marriage certificate in subsequent marriage, I choose I wanted tools for people to be able to protect their families and I, I believed, or maybe naively, that I would see that in my lifetime. I now would it happened through the legislative action happened through the courts, a combination of both which was actually the the slow march to this point of sort of all of the above, and we took a lot of steps backwards before we took steps forward. By that I mean many states. I had constitutional amendments like my home state of wisconsin that banned same sex, marriage and define marriage. Yes, as a union between a man and a woman, I if overgrew folk were struck, we would have the federal law.
Sutherland would be the defense of marriage act and the state law of the land in my home state of wisconsin would be a constitutional amendment that excluded same sex couples, and it would be I it would be chaos kind of like it has been with roe, vs wade being overturned and people, not you know, people needing to leave their states to access fundamental freedoms and control their own bodies, in this case I'll be able to protect their own families, and we cannot let that happen, and this is the respect for marriage act is the way we prevent that
so you just described a lot of these progressive fights. Even a part of me for the better part of three decades you just enjoy endorse, was constantly tenant. Governor Mandela, barnes in his campaign to be a senator year, progressive centre is a competitive state. He has a tough race you're familiar with those. What is your advice for mandela? Barnes heading into the full: well I I am so excited tat, even before the primary has happened, that exactly of nominees and can I focus now. I'm defeating ron Johnson and for those of europe had cast enthusiasts, you don't know the leadings guy for each other
for candidates? Three, have suspended their campaigns and endorse mandela barnes and for those who want to know more and want to do more and they can come to askance and enact doors, add sign up at mandela, barons, dot, com or even with gems, tat or but we tough campaign ahead of us, despite the fact that I senator RON Johnson is viewed as the most vulnerable incumbent of either party in
U s? Senate he's sort of been in that place before six years ago and squeaked through his eye. I squeaked out an election victory, so we need to be ready. We need to respond to all the tat attacks that will inevitably come towards Democrats and towards our nominee in particular, but strike back because yup, whether it's ron johnson being I asking mike pence if he can deliver an envelope full of fake electors from wisconsin and pennsylvania or ill claiming all sorts
of the snake oil can solve the covered problem or denying that russia into a beard with our twenty sixteen elections or touting the big. Why I'm just getting started here? We ve got to do with what we ve got to win and very excited that would get a little head start on the general action hard to come up with a better upgrade. in two thousand and twenty two then ron Johnson to Mandela Barnes. It is hard to do better in terms of improving the representation that a stay would have. Ah, so one reason ron Johnson has been able to hold his senate seat is in part, because republicans have done a lot to make it harder for people to vote and have done a lot to try to hold on to power, and a lot of you will see the anti democratic moves republicans of using wisconsin concerned. Add on
on gerrymandering other other power place as a harbinger above what we're seeing. nationally. What have you learned in fighting to not just win elections but defend democracy itself in wisconsin that we should be thinking about as these fights play out in other states and and actually so, first as we come up to the new terms is not just an open. You ascendancy, but are governor the governor, our attorney general secretary, our treasure state treasure. All those state line races are in play and We need a governor with a veto pan
has its are overwhelmingly republican legislature that has been trying to pass legislation in order to make it more and more difficult. For people to move up next year will have a supreme court election, which will be critical in terms of what. rulings, the states supreme court hands down on access to the ballot box and the freedom to vote in our state, but I also said
is that one of the best organizing tactics is to tell people I the various ways in which people republicans are trying to make it harder for you to vote and make people make him realize it's damn that they want to stay home, and you know gosh darn it I'm not going to do that. I'm gonna go to the polls and nothing's going to keep me not pouring rain, not snow, not cove it as you've seen wisconsinites do time and time again, but it's going to be especially essential. This time,
We also have to sort of think about and what alternative, what the alternative could look like, making it much easier for people to vote absentee or vote early to be able to plan their vote and not have to worry about childcare and all of these things plus a host of other campaign finance reforms, would really bolster our democracy and it is on the line. It is on the line. So last question the beer institute named you, the twenty twenty two beer champion. Congratulations, Thank you. I don't know if it's my hammers rob that's in this shape of a tapir. Unfortunately, it's it's just trophy, and so when I moved the tapir, nothing comes out, but but I very very proud, so I am this feeling
I have this worry that you are one of those people that likes ip. Is that right This worry ideas are great. I knew it. This is this. Is it lesbian thing. I knew you were gonna like ip is it's it's bidders and everybody knows that and more people are talking about it and more money Of saying it into europe during a come on this showing you're going to say ip aser drinkable. Let me add that, as you have to be a delicious ok, ok about that. I mean you're gonna, that's that somebody's going put on the world at eight with everything else ever dealing with yeah, and we don't have to get into the history of ip and why a case like it does the there is that there is a person who said I ever having fun here. I have a different idea. I haven't you like. Do you like something that goes smoother. He wants me. Their tastes, like a bird tire, was dropped into a bud light. That's how I feel about it, while those fighting where I can't wait,
centres, hammy baldwin! Thank you! So much, for being here, damn look at you It's different, there's a whole bunch of microbreweries in wisconsin, a lot of beers that you can't get here. You can only get in wisconsin, but I will be bringing you a spotted cow which is not a pa but the same brewer. I also make something called moon man, which is an ita, and we can celebrate microbrews in wisconsin and. I got up we'll figure it out. Listen we get to the bottom of. It are right and agree to disagree. Thank you. So much senator. Thank you. The beg you to tell me baldwin for joining us today and will totally a thursday,
pod? Save America is a cricket media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our senior producer is anti gardener. Bernstein are producer. Hey used in libya. Martinez is our associate producer, its mixed in edited by andrew chadwick kyle segment in the land is sound engineer. The show, thanks to turn you some it, or sandy gerard Halley key for irish words, Andy taft injustice. How for production support into our digital team, Elijah, cones, Phoebe, Bradford, Milo came in Amelia monti. Are episodes are uploaded as videos at you to death come such crooked meeting. To presenting sponsor of today's episode is simply safe, home security offering advanced twenty.
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Transcript generated on 2022-11-06.