Donald Trump inches closer to another run for the presidency at CPAC, Representative Katie Porter talks about President Biden’s new executive order targeting big business and big tech, and Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy discusses the Delta variant, vaccine mandates, and the potential need for booster shots.
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I welcome the POD save America John Fabric on John of it and Tommy between one year in four months later we are back in the studio and I ve never been happier to see all of you smiling face. Look as I was good look at this stage the day. What a thing where'd you at my boys, it does feel very. Does nice, but its very strange and used to talking to you through a computer yap. Recording
as a private thing, something I do a lot and you're not anymore. John on today Show Donald Trump interest.
Closer to another run for the presidency. Just like we never
a year later, so that sucks Representative Katy Porter chats with Tommy and love it about binds new executive order that targets big business in big tech and later I talked a surgeon, general doktor, Ervic Murphy about the delta. Very
booster shots, vaccine mandates and more but first
you haven't already don't miss out on our new podcast Edith, a scripted comedy starring Roseman play about american Secret first female president, or about halfway through the series, but it's not too late for you to catch up new episodes of Edith
every Thursday in the first four out now check it out I've loved Edith of every episode so get very, very funny, and so on
love it arrives. I Travis was tweeting photos of himself posing like
and back over the weekend, who also is holding up a book, the biography of Edith Wilson, I think at sea back for some
because they're doing a whole Joe Biden has like Edith Wilson thing
now, there's thou ruin on the right job, vines but another drink
he's got the marionette now rice. Oh, yes, was the worst reason that could be. Although the other work
reason, puzzle Joe Biden, Joe Biden, the nicest human being on the planet and lit out our shared sitting. Joe Biden, Joe Biden, has the night shift comrades the day shift Vera operating
Joe Biden like weakened Bernie his will be used on bench, Piranha, hi, hi, everybody. I was getting
news, Donald Trump, unsurprisingly dominated this year's conservative political action committee or see pack that was held in Dallas Texas over the weekend.
get the prime speaking, slidy crush the strap hole of attendees and every other speaker. Basically, pirated olive trumps lies and grew.
Even so, did you hear him crying about his time? Slot
It was all a two and a half minutes of his speech, whining about getting Sunday a match, lap he so give me
Where's times we actually dead, blah blah blah. It was that he was going to really must happily was angry, that he didn't get Friday night or Saturday night, and he really is just a tour. I got that was the prime enliven holograms Sunday after
right now. I am going by his penis biscuit Gulf soaring
We will have a lot more in the former president a bit, but I do want to start with some other notable see pack moments like a painting of Trump hugging and kissing the flag that went for twenty five thousand dollars.
the founder of the Insurrectionists militia, known as the oath keepers was seen, enjoying a beer and
here's how the audience reacted when they heard the federal government didn't meet its vaccination goal by July. Fourth, they were hoping that government was hoping that take it sort of soccer ninety percent of the population into getting vaccinated and at an end, and it isn't happening right there.
there's a younger people
are well aware of what the risks really love it. Do you get the sense that a lot of republican politicians, and especially republican media figures, are more open
The anti backs lately like. Why do you think they're going down this path? Frank Frank once told
Andy slab it on his part today that from is sending out
fund raising mailers, claiming that people are dying from the vaccines.
You mean they are. I think a couple things are happening. One. This is an extension of covetous overblown, so implicit
out of this is oh, if you're older, if you're in a risk category should get vaccinated, but no one else needs to get back.
Because they're lying about how it still a bit, they don't recognize how can sell her younger people and they?
recognize mutual
obligation. I guess even if you accept that premise like why, wouldn't you get this vaccine is harmless, obviously, and will protect the older people who are more vulnerable. The other piece of it is that we sort of hit the the kind of threshold will remove from scarcity in this country. To now it is time to go to like local persuasion. Now it is time to go to like trusted people in communities to get that last group of people vaccinated. So then they put that gives them an opportunity. They can prevent bite from succeeding. That's a goal. They can feed conspiratorial mindset
That's a goal then keep the attention of like their broken, will viewers who are easily pulled by oh and NEWS Max, which are more conspiratorial. And then, when you talk about things like eating to go inside of communities, they can have fan the flames of this sum door to door effort to kind of force.
People to get the vaccine and because Tucker Carlsson and Lord Ingram don't care people live or die and are completely valueless. It's an opportunity for them to so chaos and the Republicans just follow them along permission to float a conspiracy,
here from a generic LULU. That's anger, Deasey Madison Catherine said that the reason they are going door to door for vaccinations was to prepare to eventually take away your gun in your Bible. I did not see them
This I knew that I saw matters are something that stupid Madison Catherine said was trending, but I did not yet do not look into. It is a good one.
there is a good one, while nobody like the governor of moldova- that let me like I'm way working through to target very John, so bright part of whatever things like fancies that new bogeyman rags binds boring hears. You wanted that they may conspiracy theory for you, so Christie NOME, may this oblique attack on republican governors who say they didn't lock down, but they really
lockdown shitstorm, viewed as an oblique shot around the Santas
think she's doing this as a stocking horse for the Trump family, whose now worried about the Santas, while your deepen. All of these
I'm gonna see Packer. We can. I miss the Christie known thing, though, that yes, the as yet it was. It was like
see nothing it's so many um
so many levels of bullshit deep, it's like hey. You may get the impression that some of these republican governors did the wrong thing.
don't let them lie to you about how wrong they were. Exactly some of them were right and we should hold
account of what's right, that's the gnome position like I
sure that my state
with leading the country in per capita deaths. Can RON Desantis say that no, he cannot be. Cannot I got to think it's. The anti vax sort of trend now in the Republican Party is now that it's becoming more mainstream republican Party really does fit with the larger story they're trying to tell which is you can't trust? The radical left in the radical left is not taken over all of our institutions and now they're in power and they're, going to constantly make you do shit that you don't want to do they're going to force things in your life and if they give you a
You can't trust that vaccine from the radical left just like you can't trust them, teaching things in schools, and you can't trust them. They're going. You know, they're gonna try to take away your free speech. Rightly,
is all of a sort of that's all peace here that that's overwhelming theme that the liberals are gonna, take stuff from you in the far right
there Republican Party or we are the only ones who can stop them- guns freedom of speech. If Facebook feed covert restrictions funding for cops the boar
her and then eventually got two tromp who is like and they took the result of the election. For me right, the M there is somebody wants
Washing imposed found somebody wandering around steep back, which is in a book to be any really any big political gathering has this sort of person it. You know, backpack covered in buttons, lotta red string, a big sign with strings from George Soros to champ by it, and you know like back and forth lines all over the place, and that's that is sort of was always taken as this sort of status quo ante like there are these fin fringe figures,
conspiracy theories, but now, like you have former national security adviser is doing events taking pictures in front of the same kind of thing. Donald Trump is like a red string. Guy now standing in front of this whole group of people and Madison Catherine,
saying that, like they're gonna, go door to door to take your bibles in your guns like this vaccination effort, which there, obviously there is no national door to door
hey, but this is a dry run for some future nefarious act like that is like the that is now
the centre of the Republican Party. That's it, but it's also like you know everything. Everything new is old ray it's. It reminds you Brian Boiler wrote about this in his newsletter last week. It reminds you of the death panels and the fury over a bomb care and twenty tat right, which is the government's gonna decide where they live or die. Now it's the government's going
the door to door and make you take this vaccine that we're not sure we know do we really
what's in it, do we really know if a day but dominated our credit, for it regards observes greater for yet in the in the classic grievance politics chair and its highly racial and Trump made more explicit than ever before, when he put yet was saying horrible things about Mexicans during his absence speech, but it's basically like hey white republican base. Liberals are gonna. Take things from you:
them to other people worry by your status? Did you see dummy? Were there any other non trump see pack highlights that stated with from the weekend before we get to the men
self here that vaccination thing that that balmy out me up. I got it. I was not thrilled to see the keepers afar militia. There was, and others are far right group there next went as those grippers who are the people to the right of this Muggah people who
like the cast of super bad of storming. See back, but I do think, like you know that is usually like the fringe of worthy see back of thence are is where we kind of, though the majority Republican Party ends up in a couple years, suits you now it's scary to see these like breakaway militia groups. In there I mean that stuff is terrifying. You anything else on its electors thing. How many conspiracy theories involve like practice runs governs, always practicing. You know like their common for
bibles, but first they're doing like Jade, how, like the press, yard Jade Home, was a good example like their cottage. This idea that, like a right, there is a pandemic. We created a vaccine in record time under a public administration to practice for the Bible taking
like? We finally have the opportunity to do our bible taking practice. Will they be the governs return? It tables guns, white fur, like twenty thirty years. Another very rarely failed. Not yet really only succeeded a couple times. So, of course, them
that was done from speech on Sunday afternoon, which touched on all the latest threats in grievances and the right like critical race theory and cancel culture. He also played some of the old,
it's like windmills are evil. We love windmills are evil, that's an old hat, but the heart of what
it was a long
incoherently rambling speech, was trumps. Continued attack on the legitimacy of the twenty twenty election by spreading lies about voter fraud. That never happened, take listen
Do we all one? We will never give up our search for truth and justice for what
finding the corrupt presidential election of twenty twenty, because without that truth, we cannot have an honest election in twenty twenty two or two thousand and twenty four, no matter what they wanted. Are you
in our country will soon stand proudly for free and strong and proper elections again the election fraud of twenty twenty is the single most requested topic for me and others to talk about two thereupon, the backup trumpet
but why do you guys think that, as Trump just said, the big lie has become not only trumps. Number one issue, but the republican bases number one issue as well. The most popular person in the Republican Party has been saying nonstop since they lost in core to court. You may Corti see back Korda Donald Trump as a political figure, a quarter. What animates the people in that room is this idea that there is no information that can run counter to our world view that that that this is easy, that everything should fit with. What were saying everything should feel good and the election results don't feel good and he's give
permission to say: that's because they're wrong, that's because there are lie. Climate change doesn't have to be real; whatever we need to make us feel good in the moment will be true to us, and so of course they faced a crushing defeat of their movements. They see Joe Biden as pie as a popular figure in the country. Now they're Democrats control the Senate, the House in the White House. So what is the only explanation that they could possibly have for that defeat? It has to be fraud, and so they ve all embraced it, and you know that the I think one of the biggest one of the biggest, I think I'm some pieces of conventional wisdom that I think it
wrong? Is this idea that, like misinformation, is happening to the people in that room like this information is hitting those people and then they absorb it, and then it becomes something that they believe that they are not that they are for that they are being kind of. You know hoodwinked by what Donald Trump and right wing
Ganda is doing, but one thing you see by the way the audience response throughout this into some cliffs will play later. Is they are agents of this? They are choosing this. They are part
of this game. They know what Donald Trump is doing and they love it from everything
So I thought was interesting. Watch, difference, fiend, Donald Trump Senior and Donald Trump Junior speech, so Donnie Junior, my friend in years,
starts at the one lab he had. Then he attacked Trans athletes. What the gas prices by dementia something about Russia took a little.
or to bash Michael Lava Naughty, which you now you gotta clapping.
What a settlers you know fighting the lib sitting over naughty while he's very well down getting, but I've not east whatever. Then you like ripped on fancy and then Timmins is the speech someone chance. Trump wine, the whole place goes nuts. They stand up. They applause
its shuts down Donnie Junior for a minute, while he's like accepts the applause and donging your kind of deflected it he made a Jew.
About. How is entering that binds margin among black voters was higher than Obama's. Isn't that interesting. But then he just went in attacked Hunter Biden for a couple minutes and then went back to his speech. Rights like
even Donald Trump Son, doesn't really want to talk about the election lie stuff that much he just knows it. Everyone knows they have to get out from senior. Is that is the core of his entire speech? All of his grievances have now got unfolded in that rubric. Right like now, he hates the tech companies because they rigged the election against him, do not just because they sensor dimmer because their liberals, or whatever else so it's like its it like love, was answered by force of nature by force of will the entire base messages becoming about this big lie things not going anywhere. It gets getting bigger. I also think this is in
dream, is movement fuelled by grievance and the ultimate grievance is that the election was taken from the brain, and you understand why trumps number one issue, because it's about Trump and Trump losing everything is narcissism everything's about him and so that, but for the base is not just about how they feel about Trump. What he has turned it into him with the republican media has turned it into is it is about something that was taken from? You is the ultimate thing that was taken from you and the law.
Just trying to take a lot from you were just talking about that, but the ultimate thing is there now saying that you and even have a voice, that the people you want to lead you that you can't have them, because the Democrats
steel, the election aware, and you are right all along by
did when you are right all along during election, now you're right, you
you are the majority and it is also, I think and second, but I think it setting up twenty twenty four as a vengeance came
right, like we're, going to avenge the fact that they stole the last one from us and that's gonna been because everything is about a cold
war and it's not really but policies anymore. The ultimate thing is, you took our country from us, and now we want it back. I mean that's what this Kyoto
today. I too the vaccines him, and that is that is, I think what Lord Ingram turn Karlsson. That's that's a lot so much of what they do now, as they take issues and translate them into identity. Right like none is getting vaccinated or being in favour of mass vexation is now an identity issue wasn't identity. She do. People are lost to persuasion
What's it may becomes agenda, you can persuade them to crack and talker just looks for all the little areas where he knows the people like us we'll get mad and call em out right in your time stories about him any any lift those up and run to them so gently wants. I also want to play one club that I thought was one of those rare moments where trumps as something very honest and revealing with play the cliff. I understand
I didn't become different. I got a beach twice. I became worse. I became worse, that's really a joke about it. This is a good job. Just money, just tell a joke. From the perspective of the Democrats, trying to stop and like you to make me better, you may be worse, I think that's great good for
It's also just such a fuck. You too, this using Collins's of the world right who said o after the
Impeachment future he's gonna, he's gonna, learn his lesson and it's me
it's it's a reminder also. I think of why the only thing that works with Trump is taking away. His power deterrents doesn't work appeasing
doesnt work ignoring him doesn't work rate. The only thing that works is beating him. That's the only thing he understand, and it is worth noting that think that was a what he was. He was comparing himself to Bill bar his attorney General Bill BAR who was a supplicant Donald Trump for virtually all the time he was attorney. General believes and basically, unlimited presidential power did a tonne to like to try to do what you called in football in your blog posts
but he run blocking sure, run blocking past blocking run without locking for him what kind of player we like we're way. It's when this somebody's in front of somebody with the ball, Canada, like I'm so Bill BAR, was the full back in this and now and not run out, and what will result in option. Would you call like your blog is blocking you're bonds is more, you had. No, you know that you're, the first I'm here to something more is put in the comments, this more specific thing,
the point is what we have is a failing day. Lesson here is mate. He is, he is again. He is now saying that bill bar go. Give peace. Few still fears that that land again
appeal bar Mcconnell can have betrayed him on behalf of the Democrats, not because they thought it was not because he was doing what he thought was. You know a hint of the right thing, but because it was a part of the deeper betrayal by directly does the same thing with break Havana, right, research, metering, bright Cavanaugh, and he said oh well, because Brett Cavanaugh was almost not confirmed because the Democrats when after
that's why he didn't vote too. You know believe all my it. Of course he does it that's what he voted with the Democrats as if, as if everything is like an election in a competition when you really meant that, like the Supreme Court, rejected the absurd fucking claims from Donald Trump and his right
legal team about voter flung easy Bill bar got intimidated by impeachment threat out of doing a whole bunch of things punishing a bunch of enemies, including, I guess
lasting, he said the women who slandered in defamed Brett Cabinet so like did the people came for to accuse break Havana of sexual assault Trump suggested in this speech. Should
been punished in some way. It was really a dark mark factor the whole and
whole point: it is making his dark witches Democrats play tough, they don't play nice, and maybe now we need to play Mammy
we can't we shouldn't plain to see. I lay when she gets up. We tried to they try to burn the fucking cap right. I thought I was tough for that's. Why so fucking scary ass? He saw them like no. No, they still play dirtier. We gotta match that. That was the point of that part of an end. It is also he went on that that you know the obviously EEG thinks cabin. I was mistreated during the hearings and then he makes the point that the reason that did the conservative scream court is actually behaving like a democratic or is the threat of court packing because he can allow even that they have any kind of power. You can't tell this
like at least we have the Supreme Court with Joe rule to protect voting rights on our behalf. There are now to be ended around her and everything's grievance and no ran. Yes, that's right! That's his accurate there's, there's one more clip. That's that's kind of funny were trumpet admit something about pulling up. Now, it's bad! I guess I say it's fake. If it's good, I say ass, the most accurate all. Perhaps
it's great to celebrate, but like the audiences,
the joke, and you know there's this piece of what it means to be a trump supporter which is another way of being a fascist in its you have to both, by into it aunt you to be so naive as to buy what trumpets sang and so cynical to think. Actually, I know he's Fulla shit, but he's, but I'm with him and were pulling this
dance on everybody else. Anatomy is like the most chilling thing over all about c back, which is these are all these people, and you know whatever power we can keep them from attaining, however unsuccessful they were in overturning the previous election. Thankfully, as a few people manage to stand up against this kind of a mob like, it is very clear that
and this ought Euro cents hope fascism. It has a hold on their hearts like this is a fascist group of people who would like to attain power by any means necessary. They do not accept reality. They do not accept truth. Do you accept the limits of democratic power and the only thing preventing them from turning America into a full authoritarian regime? Is the last bits of our institution standing in the way all across the country and like it weak its?
mix of how silly and stupid it is while, along with how dangerous it is, and not very american brand of fascism yeah could hit, could either of you detect any other messages or themes in trumps speech that could
the basis for campaign arguments either in the mid term so or the next presidential. I think you can always hell what they want. The message to be which is what's on the teleprompter in that define the police, its demagogic emigrants in pretending the board and border, has been just opened completely. It's all the grievance up. We talked about take your guns away, big tack, Bob LAW and I think that's what they want him to say and then he just goes on.
Scrap and complains about an aircraft carrier not having steam propulsion needles are now store. I that's it, I think that's an old did. He goes back to you and then there's like the election fraud stuff in your back two words about love it
Adam software, as talked about this, I think, put it well, which is like liberals here, Trump Talk and we think he's being dishonest and conservatives here trump talk and they think he's being authentic cause. He might not beginning right, but he sang what he feels and it's just pure id and rage and grievance at others and like that's, what does drawn them to him since the very beginning and twenty fifteen I hate when he went on that diatribe about the steam on the ship. It just made me think about like the horrible. Obviously it's all made up or not,
they made up, but there are some colonel there, which is. He went on a tour and started telling these people about how their ship should work, how to run an aircraft here an hour. They were interest indulging in four, like that, twenty minute meeting for for the pictures were taken in and out, he's turned it into this very intense story about how he tried to em
steam power back on an aircraft care handling by Magnolia in Vila get your item you that what they put on the prompter with its it was written in the speeches. Certainly what his advisers think the message, be it sort of what republican politicians pretty what Kevin Mccarthy in which my colleague chemistry it started
Immigration and the border was the first topic that moved into crime now either in Rome they get you fund. At the other said, you know how nothing ever happens to Antigua and be alarmed blacklist matter. It only happens to innocent republicans.
like Trump Ladys and might actually Babbitt the woman who was shot on January says so. The new theme
dark the government uses its power to punish Republicans, but not go after any the people who are committing homicides at a record rate right? This is another theme, then again, because it First amendment in cancer cultures they want and then ultimately it builds up to the big lie, which already think some are relevant:
Rather him not talk about, but to Trump. That's the centre of it all right, miss as like. This is even more important than
the border than anything else, because that is the that is that the big grieved? Yet I do think it some, on the one hand, sure there's some ways in which trumped going on about the big lies, not helpful, but it's also open the door to all these border restrictions at their passing all across the country. So they don't measures they need to address it, they don't to embrace it. They just need to have him out there fanning the flames of this conspiracy to so that they can pass the voter suppression, while the other
the two things he say. So we did talk about crime. The other quota Hegel here again and again, is that Joe Biden is turning American to a sanctuary city
the Americans. One big thing: I've always it is welcome that that is going to be the core of this even started. Preview areas like you haven't been seeing the caravans, but they're coming back. You agree,
grace or just meet what he's real programming on programming. Twenty twenty twenty twenty two- and I think preview in that his attack on Joe Biden- will also be that he is corrupted his family's crept. He mentioned Hunter
entered the paintings re issues as we are line about Joe Biden got a lotta toothbrushes needs a gay Lui Gomer to bet you got one to proceed with the fight was selling. It was so patronising. Burma is yours down. Tromp multiple houses super rich guys. I gloomy Burma he's got one house, one tooth brush one room one yet near the other. Big thing you could tell us of a plant messaging strategy was their peddling. This website take on big tech, dot com where he suggests you can join the Trump class action lawsuit against the tech companies really just takes you donation age, who tried to harvest your email and your information for its continued drifting path
whatever you know, new political infrastructure, I mark Zuckerberg, see call them are locker box out now just say: I knew
That was new to me because I'll take my fuckin anti semitic aiming amateurism. Alarm went off full Fuckin Blair in my house. It went off and, as our do you can't
loud and go out, for that is how to turn it off. Given that the crowd chanted former use multiple times during Trump speech, I shouldn't have been all that surprising that the former president, one me
the unscientific, strap hole of sea back attendees with seventy percent. Second places, Rhonda Santa's with twenty one percent might Pompey. Oh Tom is Canada's choice at five percent on junior at four percent. Everyone else at one percent
trumps approval rating among see, Peck attendees was ninety, eight percent of which could only reinforce
world renowned, Narcissists Donald Trump belief that his people wanting to run again a decision he took a few inches closer to during an intern
with Maria Barter Roma. Before his speech on Sunday, here's a clip you ready to get back
rang and one from president again, Sir
I do know my answer, but I can't reveal it yet and because it has to do with campaign financing and everything else, you know that's how I can reveal.
Yeah, but I absolutely no my answer.
We do very well people gotta be very happy. What do you make those comments? It is. It is time to start taken Trump seriously as the lead
the Republic of Germany and twenty twenty four as a first went, one other piece of Donald Trump future that was in his message, was that he started going after eastern Sanctum incoherent things about
prosecutors in New York, because I think a little bit of MR is these pre viewing his message if he has eventually charge or something it right to. That was part of a photocopy. The documents and just handed them to the North Korea that process what I took away from the straw polls is like these fuckin people, the nomes and compels- have been robbed, willing and rolling over broken glass to beg these people to become a constituency like. I know you
trumpet, I'm here too, and I'm really try to be something that you want me to be I'll, say anything. You need all do one in
you with MP, are in a year and then take them out like whatever you need me to do, to be your guy I'll, be your guy and they don't give a fuck about anybody. Exception
and round dissenters? That's it. That's it. Seventy percent and other good, though some surprises me
most Muggah Base Year, although I think once he I mean, unless ain't gonna lose its just like that's a pretty decent
of the ninety. Eight percent are proliferating. Amanda outlined DNA, let alone to run again. That's that's notable other Maria bright aroma. I mean just to Lhasa threat, so Longo, she or
it actually Babbitt again, the woman you climb through a window was shouted the capital and in your sex. They wonderful woman who went to a peaceful protest. Trumped then asserts that the head of security for democratic shot her and called for his people- I believe you said to me-
least that people custody was very, is again a very bad dark, dark exchange. The insurrection was good. Is the new branding from
drop it wasn't. It wasn't a big deal. That was the first thing. I wasn't that big of a deal now it's it was good and yet
like I, we, the expecting a revisionist history in on the election, lies in the fraud and all these audits going on or helping that case but too to watch the images of always on January six and then come away. Saying wonderful people at a peaceful protests just shows the facts, don't matter, it's all just what team IRAN, but I do, I think, these other republican candidates, but were potential candidates. I dont see the path. I don't even see the path verandah Santas, I think you get seventy percent Nepal, like that
like in crushing among a big field like that, I think he clearly loves the adulation UK everything he said in that speech. Every
it sounded like a man who just cannot stop himself from running again. He fucking loves it. He needs it. It's gonna happen, and then I don't see how he gets being, even if he,
he's indicted. Like you said, Lovett he's got a story for being indicted and charged. It was like, oh well, then his businesses, you might be broke cuz. It is visible. He doesn't care if he's fucking broke
broke to doesn't matter how to make money. Donald Trump has been Adam, Sandler and unconscious for fucking years. Now that he is here
is he is Norton Outer all and keeping his debtors at Bay and breaking the law and barely escaping, but he has escaped every single time why on earth wooden he run against the best they could possibly do him if he is indicted and like regardless. First of all, I am interested to see just like Rhonda
and is having these kind of you know have poking his head up. You know out of the out of the trench, getting a little bit higher in these poles plus sitting around the table with Joe Biden did not trying to personally
throttle him has created a moment. I'm interested Seaward Donald Trump does, because, if doll tromp does not care, verandah sendest lives are
can dies and if he's worried about someone else going to challenge them, he's gotta he's got a terrible
figure out a way to make drawn his aunt s, life pretty miserable, but regardless, like ok, let's say Trump in some fluke doesn't run for whatever reason: what did we just watch? We watch see pack and this whole propaganda machine, which is a machine for turning politician
into little trumps. There. There will Donald Trump we'll be the nominee, whether it's his name or not. That is done there pub. There's, no there's no ideological debate in the Republican Party. There is no conservative rearguard action against what these people have
built like this is that it has hurry hurry. It has world, I would still argued he's where he still more dangerous than all of them in a just peace, proven P, a pretty good demagogue right, yeah yeah,
I don't see that, does it have to do what what what we'd like taking him seriously? The nominee look like. Do you think that the idea that he is getting closer to running should affect the White House a strategy? The democratic strategy are our mid term strategy. Do we elevate him? Do we not talk about him like what? What would you guys think about that? I dont know quite yet, and I think the binding,
will continue just try to run on accomplishments and try to get this by partisan deal done. It was interesting. One of the only strategic things he did in this speech was Trump came out hard against the thousand artisan infrastructure deal. There was one of the few sort of political positions he took that seem design.
To harm by and the other thing he did that I really took notice. I was he criticised Biden for getting out of Afghanistan, but leaving equipment there, but then
like, but now it's time we should be out of their right. He, like kind of tat, was way from the Republican Party, any criticism of
withdraw, although I guess I'll just refrain it
yeah. You know it was. It was right. He was saying it's him, either chimera the vaccine. Like you know, I deserve credit for the vaccine, but the but dont get it. It's like, I believe, wish I'd
it is your credit for ending the war of the ending the wars, but the way they are doing it is terrible in some sort of genoa, Morpheus of improper kind of way. The vine wait a strategy in this of their political strategy along. It has been to rebuild trust in government by proving the government can deliver and change your lies with better. I think that is essential. I think they have to do that for sure. I don't think it sufficient, though, and that's where I think that the trumped incomes and like I
the Democrats have to have answers for the critical race theory. Fear mongering the cancel culture, fear mongering the immigration stuff. The crimes of all the Trump said that if it doesn't just put them like rats on the defensive, that's not just a response but puts republicans on the defensive on some of these issues as well and starts telling the story about it, because I don't think we will be able to just ignore all that and okay they're going to do culture, war, stuff, people, don't care about that people, care about checks and pockets and in shots in arms. That's all people,
because in an age where we have a very powerful propaganda machine on the right and a very powerful propaganda machine through social media, like I dont think that we can just put our head in the sand and think, ok, we're going to focus on improving people's lives and that's enough because I dont
gets enough. Yeah. It's some and I do think one lesson like you're right, Donald, you dont, want Junior, didn't need to say the lie because lie
already fully embraced by the Chinese that before a court, not of course, but you know, Republicans saw something that no one had ever heard of critical race theory and aid in say: that's not what they're interested in hearing about I'm gonna talk about healthcare, that's what they want a minute. I want to talk about pocketbook issues. They said, let's make something from nothing, let's, let's, let's say something so often, and so, and so a hum conspiratorially that it becomes an issue and then it then the work is done for us. Now we have a new thing. We can talk about and everybody understands what we mean and I think democrats we are, I think, George W Bush.
This is this. Is this our old Soft George W Bush got a lot of heat for someone administrations had like wherein the reality creating business ran the reality distorting business. Then it was obviously correctly. I think he knew they were criticised for having said that, but there are some kernel of truth in there, which is when you are at the NASH it when you are
I have a platform at the national level. You can distort what people think you can change. What people think can you can create issues from nothing? And Democrats? Don't do that. We do not. We do not take things that are three per cent of four percent
let's make seventy percent the country care or the other thing we do. As you know, these steps pedal lobbies lies about critical Ruth
and our reaction is willing
are all lies and here's the truth about what's going on in schools, but Andrew Lawrence
for media matters said. You know, one thing, Democrats could say is Republicans wanna put camera
in the classrooms to watch your children all day right because some of them have said that they want to do that to make sure the teachers aren't teaching critical areas there and like put them on the effectiveness of a healthy dealing, put them on the fucking defensive and talk about the crazy shit that they
want to do is opposed just be like they're lying here is the truth. Yeah muso, seeing you again Saki trying to do a bit of this messaging to say they are actually a few voted against the code relief bill. You voted to define the police, yet, as there is a bunch of funding for
sounds like you. I dont know if that will be effective, but it's interesting that it really pissed off a bunch of the speakers at sea back and it has led them to repeat our charge for once and not us repeat, there's got to let you know that the debate on Twitter today was whether Biden speeches are boring, and you know whether that matters like what swing voters watching an entire presidential speech, zero. There's a bunch of like an anticlimax nonsense. It see Peck every republican job. You know from Ms Mcdonald Kevin Carthage. All them should be yesterday. Why don't you fuck and speak out against the entire ex conspiracy bullshit in your own, like divide their party on us right now to put them on the defensive over there? I know it's something it is. I think it's both like it's at its constitutional issue, like Democrats, just aren't Bildt's to do these kinds of relentless campaigns to keep at it week after week after week, and it's it's a systemic problem, because we don't have a Fox news that will drive this message for the Democratic Party, even when their politicians on talking about it.
It is no one to catch. Carry that battalion. The truth is that foxes creates the message. Yes, they care it right. I mean that the critical rest, your guy think emerged on Tucker Karlsson, nor on Fox somewhere and then was brought to the White House. To result, the others does the symbiotic relationship between Trump and the railing media, which is he both reflects an shapes. The message on Fox wrote so, like his speeches are interesting to listen to and then that you know this is what's happening on Fox in this is, what's gonna happen, not vocs. Let me look at a colonel Donald Trump calling Mark Zuckerberg, sucker bucks. Imagine if a Democrat had done that you have a week of stories about it, it will become an issue it would grab hold and we just don't have that infrastructure I mean imagine if fought like it is so inconceivable that four days from now cover Mccarthy is being ass. Like do, you believe, is an anti Semitism problem within the Republican Party after Donald Trump said Zuckerberg,
and hear these five other examples inconceivable will not happen, not the where politics worse. Ok, when we come back, Congresswoman, Katy, porters, Ireton Khatami Unloved about President binds new executive order, the targets, big business and big time
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On Friday afternoon, President Biden signed an expanse of executive order targeting anti competitive, and
ballistic practices in agriculture, airlines, healthcare, broadband and banking. Here. To talk about these executive order in the larger
it against monopolies in corporate consolidation. She is a representative from California, forty fifth district. She puts the trust and anti trust that doesn't work,
congresswoman Katy Porter. Thank you. So much for being here. Welcome back hundreds
to be here with you off whiteboard enthusiast. Thank you. So much
when Present Biden announces plan, he said capitalism without competition, isn't capitalism, its exploitation or forty years into the experiment of letting
Diane corporations accumulate more more power, and what have we got from it? Less growth weaken investment, fewer small businesses. I spec Thou, get up and amen
from use up the present. By saying you just want to say one that, yes, the pointed out. Capitalism without competition is so important
yes, and so we really need to understand. What is all by is about is about making sure that the conditions for healthy, stable capitalism or match I do. I just at one time
We disagree with the president and I would say it's not just the last four years. This has been a problem- it's probably the last fourteen year, in other words, that it should go out worse under the trumpet illustration like what didn't get worse under the problem instruction. But some of these
roots in decisions that radio and others made, and so your ip. If anything, I would say that people should understand. This is a now spilling generation problem in our economy. That needs to be addressed in your when there is less competition. What happens? Income inequality, racial equality, wealth in equality? They all why Europe and that inequality drawing power container from eating her from the German, that is our number
one threat to our economy. Jani Bind was pointing back to two rubber Borg. I figured I say that there are decisions may during the Obama administration, where we were not tough enough on.
Yours and acquisitions and editress issue so to point well taken so ill binds had this plan could help us get cheaper, prescription drugs
fund for that thirty dollar airplane wifi that that never actually login for you. For me,
the one the jump out of me was maybe no those of us who pay a ton of money forgot
for cable internet. You might be able to get some of your money back.
Spectrum, Ireland, all American! All. Americans find me. The American who feels like you're, getting a great value from their internet company, doesn't want to sign up
They provide meets you so again. That's a huge broad set of issues can help us understand like how does this executive order actually work, how to tackle all those things,
Yes, it is contained. Seventy two different initiatives within a lot so focused on a couple of key style. Major fundamental principle:
you're within those seventy two initiatives- and there are two I want to start with. One is robust public enforcement again
and trust lots, and that means that, owing to deal J and Trade permission, the IPCC
we their job, but also
in writing, given the pervasiveness of monopoly power across our economy,
agencies, including the FDA S, DNA with the US. You see this is a cross government across agency initiative.
To pay attention to the concentration of economic power to monopoly affects public enforcement is really important that the second part of that always strengthening private investment, and this is where, for example, competitors who may say that their that a larger company will not be our engaged in actions that squeeze them out that prevent competition, and you have to have both its building into our antitrust laws, that system of both public and private investment. So those are really really important things that the word or does it do
worse than government, to change its frame, and I trust the hand to me whether have on with taking on more look at what is going to reduce competition about this
action, whether it's a merger or whether it I'll uprising change. Whatever his approval over drug asked, the question will
this produce, competition does not mean the deal should go forward, doesn't mean that the merger should not be approved, but you gotta that perspective on you also have to be looking back,
the other big part the deal J has long had the power the artistic has had the power to wind deals that create monopoly power and create an interfere with fair competition. So when companies apply for mergers, pre merger approval briefly rights to merge. They make assertions. They say it's ok, we'll still compete. This will cause any harm in the marketplace, turns out not to be true after the fact, which has often been the case in recent history, and the government has the existing authority to go back and unwind about merger, and so the executive order directs government you to look hard at these past deals not just to set a new path forward, but
also to wines with the mistakes of the past. So this this merger plans relating to me so that the executive order was also released without this background on how they're all these merger induced price increases over time, and that shows a clear harm to the consumer. I think
but a lot of what we're talking about when it comes to big tech companies are acquiring competitors in some of those cases like Facebook, for example, the product itself is free. So how does the government demonstrate that those mergers cause harm for consumers and then make the call
to walk back excellent questions are two points I want to make your wine monopolies are not necessarily all be. Businesses are not monopolies
Ok, virtually all monopolies are back in the system.
It could fall out of the market,
without their they're, not gonna hold. So that's important for people to understand this is not an attack on big is an attack on a certain.
kind of big business. That's engaging in behaviour that lessons competition in ports are a common. So that's one thing understand was regarded in check. Your question about won't be stuck his freedom me right. How can there be a competition problems,
is it not just about the consumer is also about become Henry Spaceboats. Competitors are not us as customers, facebooks competitors or other companies who are trying to develop competing
forms for speech to sell digital advertising on and the way that some of the actions of Google or Facebook or some of these companies
have lessened the ability of new start up companies to enter the market place and what that does is ultimately, even in the case of free product coming Lessons Europe's what's so even if it's free Europe faces in the market price for free product, that's the image in our overall economy, because we're not involving the best products that became so a lot of this. He always aimed at these specific consumer harms right. We talked about a few with theirs others the right to repair. There are these
competitive practices that affect workers like licensing requirements, actually something conservatives this appeals to conservatives to? But but you talked about addressing the underlying conditions from which these abuses com- and it seems like there's pieces of
yo that are aimed at stopping these merger.
or making it more difficult or more bream or scrutiny onto these murders. Divine administration has some has put TIM whew
and I mean a con into positions to oversee alot of this. That's it that people take that as a really good sign. What does it look like to you
the administration to actually be begin, addressing some of these underlying conditions that led to so much consolidation in the first place,
what is going to mean as why much all agencies. This is not just the responsibility of the order of the IPCC. All agencies need to be watching for anti competitive practices and by the way,
and because violation doesn't mean the to eliminate the competition. It means that uses stand, surely lessen the competition but ass the relevant legal stealer of Europe, and so I think it means that we have or entails up about whether this might be occurring.
Government agencies. We do need to actually be happy and I trusted forces at work since two thousand done about eighteen percent. We spoke about eighteen percent, less an entire enforcement today than we did in two thousand, even though the competition is has gone up. So I did for different one of the biggest anxiety was I thinking of borders, but do is get the attention of every single combat secretary, every deputy secretary, every principle. First gotta be everybody. They're gonna happen
start thinking about? Is competition, a problem in the market places of the areas that we were where we are trying to accomplish policy- and this is something hundreds has to be about, for example, support for president by his boat, that better plan were tightened and by providing for structural were talking about expanding broadband.
Terrific, but we need to look at the lack of competition and consumer choice
broadband market waiting. That's a perfect example of Congress. As we go to pass a bill that expands broadband. We need to be recognising. Broadband is a market place where there is a problem with market power and consolidation and lack of consumer choice and lack of competition and how we re.
but how exactly you do? The work are expanding round began to reflect that concern. So one went one. One aspect of this he is is using make. Does this helper reduce competition as the centrepiece of how we think about about anti trust about monopoly? We ve spent now decades watching conservatives build up this other idea, which is
can you point to harm specific harm against consumers. Do you worry and all about what will happen when this EEO kind of goes into the buzz saw of right wing courts? And what do you think Congress needs to do too to kind of prevent that outcome? Yes, pursed up mummies person, we see agencies take action, that's got one, and the agencies are doing a good job. I think reaching out explaining what is and is not ok, point given examples, regulatory
guidelines about what they're gonna be looking for. That will help we let the business community now what they need to do to stay on the right side of the antitrust boss, and yet there are enforcement pieces, brought your correct way:
a very conservative judiciary right now and it's possible
They will not you're full of fact too,
fishermen had a trustworthy Clayton, I trust wash and about it. That's what happens if we get those interpretations that are under enforcing concentrated
Henderson Intent in passing those laws almost a hundred years ago in Congress needs to be ready to go back to the drawing board and pass additional antitrust regulations unless someone whether due to shorten it, has already been working on doing so it does. We, like
Anti Trust is having a moment nor its anti trust moment in the sun you have there is a set of closure, has
Josh Holly noted monster. He also sees an opportunity for himself I have used by party
those you mentioned, the Anti trust subcommittee. You been focusing on this for a long time centre warrens been focusing on this for a long time. What does it look like to you to see Anti trust and promoting competition, reducing corporate power, where it should be at the centre of our
I'll take a cat. How do you make that happen? And what do you think that needs to look like the relevance happening, because when I went to run in twenty seventeen, this was what I said I wanted to ask if they want to run and consumer protection. I want to run on the fact that big business has is flaunting basic law, as they make sure our capitalist economy stay strong
you know of no, you you're my cable telecom operators. At our thanks a lot me so honest stop, but you're supposed around inside. You are wrong email that you want to run on everybody here right. You want to run so when I was a trust, a promise that while I sat suddenly, we do know how
ass. It is something we need to be doing period as policymakers across party lines. You just can't make good economic policy in Congress Cunning, TAT law, including issues when the infrastructure is useful in transportation. We just get me wasn't hunger, as if the bones of our cap was to me, are our atrophied,
are weak and that's what's happened with our trust system? What do you say to critics who argue that binds efforts, increase airline competition are misplaced and that we should indeed
focus more on getting blue checkmark twitter users to tweet their complaints during travel delays, so the whole has let alone
words, your diverting almost no one now can't I trusted is going
eliminate nor is designed to eliminate
consumers individually lifting up their voices took.
Out wrong. Doing that continues to happen is gonna happen,
one of the things that airlines are gonna screw. You would be, and I'm not gonna be
first violations are only just there to say now,
Really, that's really uncalled for
My best friends are airlines. Yes, like people should continue to raise our voices, how bad experiences of the children they need a key
I would urge colleagues growing competition according to their
Gee order transmission, that's what it means to have to compete for consumer
but no amount of consumer competition or consumer complaints.
I should say: Norma Consumer complaining have addressed address any antitrust violation because part in Europe in the term antitrust violation. Isn't there is not enough
what position from the consumers to shop with their pocket box tat needs to go, find a company that treats them where most people read your own houses have one choice of an internet provider, so your choice is get ripped off or don't have
wifi around beyond so you can complain all you want. I know Carson
background of the other one, mostly spectrum,
where, where we want the guy who does not know, none of them were good. You, you are you're not able to choose what you're going to make that consumer choice to pick a different company. That's one of the things that the executive order will do is make clear that
You can laugh why onwards into only allowing one internet service provider service Bell, isn't as democratic choices for consumers
they will choose the big companies, that's fine! They may well choose big companies and complain about them. Count on my phone like less automata but thats the nature of the company
You were talking about you're, the only person who could turn that dumb trolling question for me into a smart, thoughtful point, and that's why you are our favour. Guest final question,
they were now we really down out of an emerald hyper fucking boring theirs. It was this unfortunate, violent, incidental, your town hall over the weekend. I just want to ask what happened. Is everybody
Okay- and you know it is a concern about this risk going forward because it is
four frightening to see the normalization of political violence, whether is generally six, the capital? Whether was people acting out event? It's it's a trend that seems to be on the rise.
Yeah, that's very, very troubling in for a couple of reasons, regardless of what your viewpoint was when you came out of that, you worry your ability to get information to here. What's going on in government to get your questions asked, an answer was reduced by the violence that occurred there, job it wasn't just then it was disrupted for me, mister sucker, for everybody,
that was involved by this happen. In our I know, what's real largest safe lifesavers, largely in the United States, something
eighteen years running police presence was there right. Measures were in place to make fun of the crowd was twofold. I said the very beginning. Everyone is welcome to be here were here to talk with each other and listen and learn. Everyone is welcome right away. I better laws.
As to what more we can do to make sure that these events are safe for every single person to a tense, and he was your principally from me. I mean there are people in the crowd, people with disabilities, people with mobility devices, very young children who were not able to get up, and
and away from the islands- and so you know, I will just say the people, if you
really serious about having a debate, but what's right, what's wrong, you condemn this kind of violence and the fact that some people on the right are not you done. It tells you that they don't want to have a discussion they want to as the organizer revisit this counter about said, confront right and that that is not an civil dialogue right to fighting. Someone is an aggressive at its none
an act of mutual respect and inconsistent with democracy yeah? It is on you when you're out there doing these tunnels your practicing democracy and you open to hearing from everybody that everybody be part of that conversation, but some people in our politics don't want to do that anymore. You say you re having better professor, you I'm going cognizant of the problem of wanting to call on the snark here. So let you call on the time either your college,
How could you no one's everyone's, not jumped out that's a real phenomena so as to avoid any any actions like this that might be pursued.
Your actual war, in terms of who gets to talk whose washing its asked, who gets information we and by every attended to put a question
into this huge, been overall spirit that we have
and we have a member of our Youth Advisory board. Spin and questions are gone at random. So I'm done everything it can to make sure that every possible attendee from every walk of life in a report-
perspective? Has the opportunity to participate in a similar way, and so on
the large number of people make it impossible to create-
unsafe environment to engage in violence. Its deeply deeply disturbed
Jim. It presents very real challenges, brought democracy. So sorry that happens gave them terrible situation. But thank you. Thank you. So much
from being out there having those town halls in for joining Us Gaiety, Porter, congressmen, Katy Porter. Thank you so much
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Welcome back, it is always easy to keep up with news about the pandemic. Every day is a constant flood of new developments, scary headlines and seemingly contradictory studies that leave us with all kinds of questions. Like how worried should we be about
dealt a variant. Will we need booster shots? How do we make sure everyone else gets their first shot and when can kids under twelve get there's here to help us answer some of these questions
United States, surgeon, general Doktor, Rebecca Murphy, Doktor Murphy. Welcome to the pot
well thanks so much and thereby to be with you. So I know that Pfizer will be holding a briefing with you and other public health officials to make their case as to why there seeking FDA authorization for a booster shot for cover. Nineteen doktor photos on a Sunday shows yesterday saying he doesn't believe booster
required at this time. Meanwhile, countries like the UK and Israel have already announced plans to offer boosters to certain populations in the fall. Can you talk about why there's a difference of opinion here
as a great machine gun, and the decision on boosters really has to come from abroad
the data and the data has his back at the we tell us that immunity is waning. I ain't among Baxter
people and waiting to a significant degree that you're seeing breakthrough infections, and that's the point at which you would consider booster
Now I want to make a distinction here, they're certain populations in taking a compromise individuals
There have been questions about whether they should receive a third goes just as part of the routines.
here is a most people get to you. I am already that SR one. If you get a job and Johnson Betsy
the questions they should get a third shouted Miranda to those regiment to give them. So
There is an extra stems from the rabbi production that major
what happened? It's Israel has decided to build a others may follow. The net is separate from this question.
Is everybody's, a general population who stressed
So what we really need to do is look at the data from the United States, other countries in the world and see if, in fact, inertia is waning. Breakthrough infections are
and it s a case and will soon be recommended, but at the end of the day the FDA in the city Sea will make the decision to start forest
Companies may opine destiny for authorization for booster shots, but they didn't make the recommendation.
So if you're someone who was vaccinated back in December January, say you know, maybe are over sixty five or you haven't underline condition. While you guys are looking at the data, can you still be confident that your protection against the Dell,
The variant haven't waned at all your resources of the six month mark. You certainly seen that protection remains pretty strong. It particularly protection against death, an insidious disease including possible as Asia, and he's in point. If you look at it, that's that are taken.
where's the United States right now, more than ninety nine percent of them are taking place among individuals who are under
so it means again be back stated. Individuals still at this point in July, a high degree of protection
Linda, that's gonna! Last for ever that's. Why were really closely following forwards?
people in the United States. In talking to our counterparts round the world. Aren't you see,
If and when that immunity does way and if it dies, we will be prepared to give those boosters. We ve already been working on ensuring, as I will be ass you I had a question about her
meaning, if you all decided boosters are needed, will Americans who need them be able to get them in the fall like that,
and the Israelis are we gonna sort of be behind the ape all on us?
waiting for a variety of circumstances into this should be there, and you know any good news is we got good supply right now?
in the dialogue with the companies that manufacturers to ensure that, even when we need those blistered, we will happen, and ethics applies here
the self interested question that I'm gonna ask anyway, because I've been also hearing it from a lot of other people. I got the Johnson Johnson vaccine. There have been some experts who said it may not be as protective against.
Malta is the MRI, Nay vaccines. I also live with an on vaccinated one year old. Do you think I need a bit
As I said, this is a really important question and we
yes, but a lot from top to bottom. The gods to Johnson Vaccine, so here here's what I would say if you look at it,
actually from Israel from the UK
What we see is it with the package are met
There is a high degree of protection right Brazilians, oppositions indexed. Now we don't have seen the equivalent data.
real world eighty well worthy J, J vaccine with Delta. Part of the reason is that far more people in the United States to proceed.
The danger that seen the vast majority of received the other two
takes up a bit longer
We see a signal where, but there is reason to be hopeful that the protection is quite strong number one
Jane Jane, has actually been very active against all the other variants we have seen today, particularly with hospitalizations and that's. The second reason is that land
three studies that had been done now from multiple sources with people who had been in.
You ain't municipal, Jane Jane. We then take their antibodies and look at how its activities
utilizing the doubted hearing the laboratories in these,
while the boy and since it is there in the lab, they found the danger? I swear it.
and you said about the right of accurate neutralizing without an area, and the third reason to be hopeful is
there is a causing a few well out the danger that seen that you asked resented the vaccine been on a similar platform that
the real world. The and the UK shown to be very effective in reducing ask limitations are due to delta soap.
All. These points in the right direction does mean we're gonna happen. It continued along
the big data and make sure that this carries
in the real world among those relaxing Jane J, but you ve got reason I to be hopeful- and at this point that's. Why do some official recommendation being me? Origin, J booster? So I should wait for the day
Basically, you wait for absolutely ended there. Some people may decide they wanted
their doctor and I really want to go ahead with with the relevant with people
make individual decisions. You know in those circumstances it are you know.
There are higher risk. You know in terms of their own immune system where people are living within me understand us
the official recommendation will be made. Are you know
a summit that the broader data, but working or other protection, will continue to be strong against other
You mentioned that in all the extremes offer very strong protection against severe illness and hospitals asian, even against the delta variant. What do we know so far about breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated people? If you have a mild or a symptomatic breakthrough infection, how likely are you to pass it on to some one else? Can you still suffer some of them
conditions associated with long covered, a decision in relation to any points to the fact that, while these vaccines are highly effective- and I mean it
Is the amount of vaccines we're talking about greater than ninety percent? If second preventing symptomatic infections, you're, not a hundred,
so there will be some breakthrough infections,
Seen that not just in the United States and other countries, they tend to be rare and calling me
and about breaking actions. One is
in addition to being infrequent? They also.
Tended to be milder
You know that people who are on that,
even fine. Actually they will. We try to check the box
although the amount of virus in some assistance
it also seems to be much lower eyes.
All of that is good because it means that not only is the infection milder if you use every throughout the
If we had a passing it on to someone
this is also lower.
Now we have enough data yet to be able to put specific numbers around the transmission rests,
but to transmit it. Just someone ass. If you were in fact the EU both meet a gas set yourself, which again the risk is love.
And then had a virus in your system, be transmitted to someone else and again there too, for fighting
Maybe you get sector of our alone is low, so all there's a reason to be optimistic hearing which shapes
but here's what I would say- and I see this as a fellow I got lucky
it- young, kids, it all were not old enough.
Vaccinated. Yet let's
people in those circumstances living at home. It's no somebody's on vaccines. In the compromise
himself living in an area where there is a high degree of art
virus inner circulating because the vaccination rates are low. We may make certain decisions like they want to keep wearing mass in order to protect themselves, and you have is a low risk of transmission. They do they wanted the extra ashes
if some people want to make. This decision is absolutely right to do so.
I'll bet you, where you should know, is that your protection from the vaccine is high needed. Since I got there,
Many that seems over the years. This is really on the high end of the spectrum of data protection you're getting from the covert nineteen vaccine so that something to be grateful
So obviously the only way to truly crush the pandemic is to get a lot more people vaccine
both here in the U S and around the world here here in the United States, what have you found to be some of the most effective strategies for persuading people to get there?
shot, who may have initially been more hesitant.
Consider whether that is the question at the moment, because we ve got.
now to the heart of the destination everywhere.
The vast majority of you, I'm vaccinated I'd, say about two thirds of vaccine or now pretty inclined against vaccinations are about a third of those were evacuated when the wait and see
war is so toppling. Ethelwyn doesnt work we doesnt work is going to absorb,
concerns have been vaccinated and trying to all the others.
You know where your knowledge about data and trials and such I would also doesnt work- is ridiculing people for their concerns. About being that said, it would
The fact that I believe is a wild pausing to listen to
understand where their concerns are coming from and everyone's isn't the senior people.
some people, may have an explicit misinformation online. Others need had bad experiences with the healthcare system that enables the distrust things like
I've seen some live births. Listening is credible. The second
is to share your own experiences.
How did you decide to get the taxi? What with delight when you actually got it
The thing is to realize it
process really bad currency that matters here it is.
How much I know about the vaccines in the data on how much experience I have is
If somebody out there doesn't trust me than it did
it's really not gonna move the needle in terms of how they other thinking are helped make a decision so that we are engaging with folks were trucks in messengers matters about eight years
people are saying that they want to talk to their doktor about making a decision about getting vaccinated and ass. I that's one of the reasons we ve been working very closely with doctors and nurses and other professionals to make sure they got the tools they need to have conversations it's out, but about
he presented people sitting Wanna talk to the handling of her friends, again someone they trust to make that decision.
And his wife. Finally, I just said if you don't have to have a medical degree for public degree, but would have to agree to be helpful for the assassination effort to help.
attack our country in your committee against Toby nineteenth.
Will you need is just a recognised by virtue of having trust in relationships of people. You have the power and you can use that power to help people yet accurate information. They can make decisions about how to protect themselves and, by extension, their families,
doktor photos said on Sunday that there should be more mandates at the local level for businesses and schools to require Kova. Nineteen vaccinations do agree that I certainly
think then
you're gonna, see more mandates, happy and requirements at the local level. The hospitals routinely Requiem may require their workers actually have the flu vaccine
I am assuming that many will also make a similar decision radically. Nineteen accident, we know better
more than a hundred universities and back nearly two hundred hours. Talking about having requirements for about an issue for their students and workplaces are placards letting it as well.
And if the FDA doesn't bath and their review,
the data from Pfizer. In return, I ended issuing a full approval for the
the vaccines, and you will see even more local institutions stepping up to say you know what we're gonna require this
So I think it's going to happen and I think it's not it's not an unreasonable thing for institutions to make requirement pretty
the hospitals, where located
working in a hospital as a as a doctor is that there is an evil,
responsibility to protect the patients that are coming into four carry, some of whom may have been vaccinated if may not have built up. The protection does not respond to that. Seen some.
Me I'm not vaccinated for various reasons, then you ve got to make sure you're protected within. That seems to me your exposed self we're see more of this boy. You're not gonna, see those
I can see the caravan clean with iron out an axiom sayin over the population at large. Can I ask what the thinking is there because it feels like? If you know, vaccine requirements are the right thing to do for whether at the hospital system, like you said or or schools, and also we know, we have a long history in this country of requiring vaccinations for all kinds of things, and that that's in part of our history, why have you in the bite? Immigration decided that
you sort of want to stay away from any kind of federal, either vaccine mandate, or even this sort of suggestion from president by me in the federal government that, yes, there should be requirements for vaccines,
question, and I would say that this is actually in keeping historically with what I regard as a country that will guarantee you see around vaccination floor is in force on accidents on. This is something that happens at a local level where
school districts are in fact making decisions about providing these actions.
and so that they are only this time around, as well as the local level that again, these are locally driven
decisions that their federal government historically not come in and mandated
ass out the school level, our workplaces, the workplace.
The final document has, as you know,
Hence our mandate is actually for member.
The military. You know where you can read nor often required impact to take vaccines.
And so it will not happen again. Well, we'll see you know, the Department of Transport is considering a number
sincere, but they departed. Events is also at a fairly good job
I'm getting almost seventy percent of its active. You remember his vaccinated at this point, which is which is pretty good they're, not gonna, getting up there. I need to continue their efforts
So that is why I think that you're gonna see that seem historical patter. I here with the government
a supporting role here and outside the likely with local government and with institutions making decision
about requirements, and I think I will only grow at Times CBC last week urged all schools to fully reopening the fall. What can you tell parents or teachers or kids who might be nervous about this, especially since there aren't vaccinations approved yeah?
four kids under twelve one look I'd say again: it is available errant you're, looking at the fall at the prospect of your own, lacks any kids went to school. You can't nervousness, there's something wrong with
You know a lot of us. You know there are going to do
transition and trying to figure out how to make short. Kids are ok
the CDC in its new guy, it's actually gave us some additional tools to ensure that it will be said
and they do that impact by offering a series of layers of protection.
They are suggesting sores implement all which are all collectively help reduce the risk that our kids will get sick, even if they are.
Maxie. Those layers include casting my asking distancing or wherever possible and groupings, ventilation, making sure kids stay home if they get all of them
collectively can make a real difference, and the Good NEWS is that today we ve seen what precautions are taken.
The amount of transition it happens in schools is actually quite of, and so that's been reassuring that, with all that stuff
I remain vigilant and that's why his appearance as tourism
I've seen becomes available for my children. I visited
so the FDA review process and is given it
authorization, our approval economics, you're, making
get in and until then are you were close to engage with article nine right. My wife now with our kids, calls to make sure we understand what precautions are being taken to make sure that these layers of protection at the CDC released last week and recommended that they are being followed and implemented as well,
and in which your best guess honour on a timeline for vaccines been approved by the FDA for kids under twelve. I think it's
possible that we may see
I've seen available before the end of this calendar year arena,
the trials are already under way with children under twelve it
and you have been under way for months. I am you'll win
when there is a more infection in the community. The trials proceed more quickly. If it is,
It presents a more infection, you get a better satisfying, the vaccines are working on, and so we ve had enough
can we still on the Lloyd's infection ruin. You know with Eu Panic came down almost
thousand cases day, which was a low for the United States, but we have now increase than was recently over twenty six thousand cases. It.
So I think we will get the data
what did we soon, and I am optimistic that by the end of the year I will have a decision from the FDA about whether our kids under twelve can take the vaccine or ass doktor Murphy. Thank you. So
it's for joining pod. Save America really appreciate the timing and hope you come back since I was thinking
I was really get to be with you in your one lesson. I just share ends
it's on my mind, a lot is similarly, we talk about near these might, with this pandemic is
is really the cost to our mental health and wellbeing of this has been an incredibly difficult year?
almost a year and a half now for everyone in the country. It is matter of you,
a rich or poor. If you are living in urban and rural area, if you work, if
Toby tonight is an enemy
If I get all of our lives name in a profound way and turned it upside down through me, get some much much harder than others.
But all of us in some way, and what I worry about as I look to the future is
about how we're gonna contend with that impact on our out the mental health and wellbeing. You know the rest
depression and anxiety increase significantly during the pandemic, including among young people?
who were struggling with high rates of anxiety and depression and suicide. Before the pandemic began, citing we,
this opportunity, John Ass. We think about coming out. You know this pandemic
we have an opportunity to think proactively about two things: one. How do we really address men are happens? Country talk about really honestly provides
ass. Many prevention that we know works but happens actually made an investment. How do we provide real treatment,
sensible, high quality treatment of people living struggle was the second thing we ve gotta do
let's have a conversation about what we want. Our foes pandemic lies to look like
if we don't do anything differently by just keep moving
for real snap after twenty nineteenth how we live your life before the pandemic.
if you're like me, I, unlike many out there, you probably had moments where you factor in Spain. I thought is maybe this pandemic about how I want to live my life it differently. Maybe
someday. You realize about spending more time with your family. For me
it's something you guys about. Maybe one can move to be closer to friends. Had those
life or maybe realise a union more purpose armine liking.
your job or that you go back to school for their degree they even thinking about a pussy lobby, whatever it may be.
They are realizations. We will have to do this pandemic that we can incorporate into our thinking about were postponed
I think sites, but if we do not have those conversations we don't explore, what life could look like was pandemic
then I worry that we will lose a lot of potential several lines of this pandemic. Lessons. If you will
depend on its about the conversation. I'm excited too
only think about my own life and also set to support like in our
We had something in our office will be working on our support,
larger series of conversations around the first life, and if we approach should, I think in an open,
Tiana sway. My hope is that we can build a life that is more fulfilling that's healthier and sternly happier from any of us than the life he even had before. The payment again, I agree- that's such an incredibly important conversation to have about about mental health and well being- and I do think like I have to take the one small step we can all take- is to sort of give each other a break.
some some kindness in graced everyone else. Cuz I've been thinking to start the pandemic, as everyone is always going through something that you may not know
and they were, however, you dealt with the pandemic. You can't know for sure what someone else has gone through over the last year, and so its idea is a good opportunity to to show some kindness and it
doesn't fix everything, but it's a it's one of them at the beginning, and it goes a long way any need for each of you to flee highnesses powerful. It's one of the most powerful superseded hearing that we have, and I see that as a doctor's written prescriptions for many medicines that intended the eel over the years running short time
again then Henderson concessions. We really go a long way and if we learned one thing from this pandemic, China that we need each other
it is much as we need be to do in our own. We can't get through difficult times, pandemics, arches solely on our out. In fact, when we step up to half of one another
not only extend assistance and lived some in our supper. We remind ourselves that we have now you to bring to the world,
people walking around who feel like there
in other words, is, is not significant wonder at times they if there really bring anything to the world around. The I've suddenly felt like that. In our times
my life, but that is why serviced others you know fuelled by kindness and compassion, and sometimes it was powerful things we can do for others. But also what was reaffirmed,
we can do for ourselves and when I imagined it postponed any life when imagine
who's gonna make society we could build together. I imagine
society fuelled by kindness, inform compassion and one in which all of us, not just some of us will thrive, does very well said. Thank you, doctor Murphy appreciate it
offers a care- you deceive thanks D.
I just wanna, Katy Porter and surgeon general Mcmurphy for joining us today, good to be with you.
Again rationalizing, look at us not to be and will listen up, look above all things up, we'll talk to you get on Thursday, back
Pod save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez are seen.
Producer is flabby causes are associate. Producers are Jazzy Marine in Bolivia, Martinez its mixed in edited by Andrew Chadwick,
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into our digital team Eliza Cone, Phoebe Bradford, my look him yell Freed and Normal Coney and who film can share our episodes is videos every week.
Hey. It's John, fairer, whose deposit America, usually I'm the one, breaking down the latest political news in giving you my opinions, but right now I want to take a second to ask what you think you break it down you I'm here to you, give me the Fucking NEWS that Tommy, what I'm supposed to think
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-31.