Donald Trump hits the campaign trail and his potential rivals. Democrats revive their calls for police reform after the murder of Tyre Nichols. State Department Counselor Derek Chollet talks to Tommy about the latest in Ukraine. Then later, the guys try to decipher the latest Fox News rants in a new game called “What Are They Mad About?”
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sometimes it feels like american society. If not, the whole world is falling apart. The ocean is on fire,
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well, replied, save america, I'm john fabric, I'm drama that Tommy later on today show Donald trump hits. The campaign trail in his potential rivals. Democrats revive their calls for police
born after the murder of Tiree. Nicholls state department come,
Derek shall actually talks to tommy about the latest in ukraine and later we try to decide
Some fox news, rants in a new game, called what are they met about? What
What about him about this time? We're gonna find out we're gonna, find out. I let's get to the news, the twenty twenty four
republican, primary has begun, and it already feels like twenty fifteen again donald trump.
The twice impeach loser of the twenty election, whose under investigation for multiple crimes that include an attempted
who, in a violent insurrection, kicked off his third presidential
it over the weekend with a pie
small, low energy events in new Hampshire in south carolina where he announced
endorsements, talked about its potential rivals and played the hits
during his hour, long rambling speeches,
the president who is ready to hit the ground running on day one- and I have boy in- I may grant they said- he's not doing rallies- he's not campaigning babies,
it's that step by we didn't I'm more angry now and I'm more committed now than I ever was gonna have a lot of competition too. We had no competition and I don't think we have a competition this time either. To be honest, you know very,
fighters, the taliban, but they never fight at night because they don't have binoculars. They want men,
the tory and people that are caught some that much of it,
but the cooks are saying gases betters being being born.
I want to see whether or not I could award myself as president de congressional medal of honor, I think, of the united states. Every day is April fool's day investigation investigation I've been going through for seven years.
Is being bang. I don't know I watch that meets these back eyes,
beth areas here now, in fairness to MR trump, the part where he
as he deserved the congressional medal of honor. He was joking
joe you you're having he was. He was saying that for for being brave for eleven years, one landed in Iraq. Yes, he was joking that had been brave man, not elaborate, ranged good. You guys detect any sort of message or strategy in either of these speeches, or is this just vs same shit? We ve been hearing for the last eight years.
I would say: ninety percent a greatest hits album donald trump legend. You gotta play that you you go
donald trump card. You got here than the other here, yeah yeah. They are the best. He does incorporate every stupid culture where fight so the gas stove bit, as we heard a new
New culture war just dropped here to get that in there there was a rant about electric vehicles and everyone's gonna run out.
power on the highway and get stuck on the freeway use very for here is that what you're looking at you? And how are you looking for a plugin, because I really is I just like he has just sort of tapping into boomer anxiety, just eat, yeah sure he's sure he's just a cable news enough in the thing love was like that of the congressional medal of honor.
Story was like ten minutes long. It was about landing in Iraq or something, and then it ended with some rant about leaving the equipment in afghanistan so again back to the hits get there
It was mostly greatest hits the parts where there were settings strategy to it, one he was trying to kind of come onto dissent as turf with the school policy stuff and
when, after the swimmers and going after critical race theory to there was,
kind of like
the strange for this to be something trump is doing, and it is for, I think, up defensive position like a place of weakness, but he was really trying to prove to republican elites that had the backing. A lot of important figures in the state
It is both in the events were really much more about, like local republic and officials and competence
destructive kissing laying it that's why he started with because when and why. He sorry, with these two very small events, as opposed to rallies, which he is known for
yeah I do. I do think that I do not think these were events very much aimed at sing.
Linked to republicans to either hold off on making endorsements or to jump in and make endorsement of him cause it. He really did line both stages with local officials and talk about how much
and how good he was to them. And how did they were to him did in a third point in me.
Was actually made by lindsey gram about like sort of the message he was trying to convey, and it was the most direct and honest thing. Anyone said which is after trump spoke.
In south carolina, linsey ground gets up there and says that a lot of
we'll saying? Oh, I really like trump and a real like trump policies by love trump policies with somebody,
and then linsey grounded a bit a line by line list of of achievements were tromp saying you couldn't have gotten these trump policies without
Tramp tramp is what makes them I write. A world sat a simple my book. I had a murder note about that. Like I don't think, that's true
I swear, I saw John groups, we know it.
A trip struck me as like a really shitty argument from Wednesday grim like you actually can have from policies without trump you can have some like.
Whatever republican candidate do all the same. Shit trump did without being as fucking crazy, but that, I think, is what was bad. I mean we would all hate that obviously be horrible for the country, but you could conceivably do
But I do think that that's like the debate, if there's a debate that trumpet
try to make happen, I think other than the greatest heads and other than trying to kind of crowd to santos on some of the issues that the scientists would run on. This to me was like the core of what trunk was trying to do in these speeches, which was basically the you know that the
that the very long aside about landing in iraq was part of a larger
action about me
king deals getting them
a terrier, a kind of do at the military does best despite the washing and generals
oh shading with the taliban negotiating with mexico negotiating with china, and he was basically telling these ridiculous made up story
You know I called him up and I said you're gonna give
three billion dollars and I like we're. Never gonna give you three billion years. I've got the three billion dollar mexico there are taken over immigrants. Is that we're not taken unless oh yeah you're gonna do have calling the taliban leadership, Abdul though it is, is like sort of fan fiction presidency? Thank you, and I do think that was that was arguments. Do you
the speech was. The stay republican parties annual meeting so like
Yes, it was a small audience, but at the good audience to speak to you, it's a bunch of activists, elected officials and the
going state party chair is now joining his campaign. They announced at the end I'm sure
they could have like using salem, I think not not the biggest, not the best town
I guess they could have cruised up to a kid park manchester or something and they rented out a commodity rink, but like you're, not doing a big outdoor rally new Hampshire in january. That's, that's, not a good idea. South carolina was in the statehouse right next to a statue of john c calhoun.
an ardent racist and defender of slavery, so that was also not subtle but again, like elite opinion.
I dunno. Maybe you could have done a rally in south carolina, but I dunno he didn't want to yeah. I just think it's a it's. It's weird
that this time around he's going fur like establishment support, which is also ironic, because he is the party establishment at this point, but like
in sixteen was, like the great outsider, didn't give a shit about a lot republican elected officials anywhere and the peace
loved him were the base of the party that often didn't even
dissipating elections and then vote
and now it's like he's doing this insight or thing which I thought was interesting. I also that to your point, love
he did a lot of reciting his a cop policy accomplishments because I think the twenty sixth,
campaign was
starvation, of it of a time that never really existed in america. This is sort of remorse
bird, the days of the trunk presidency, in how wonderful they were re hunky once can paint this picture, and that is when you weep. We played that clip it
We need a president who is ready to hit the ground running on day. One like
he leaning on experience like you, fuckin, Hillary Clinton is going to tell us strength plus experience. He calls change strength and looked on look with as it as a you know, some issues on again pay. I'm always said that strength was experiencing equals change and live long and always said, obviously also change. Minus strength equals experience.
The radically. Rather, you guys
This is the other one biden running makes every day seem like April fool's day. Donald come up
we're running for class president wears off where he just he would do a line that it's a fool's day. It's athos who is finally whereas it was losing, is also linked to one of the really thought about the golf course than you, gonna tested it out with the buffeting people seem to like it. I like hey my aunt event. Look kid you're market is it's late january uranium close, keep that could ever erroneous short. We will not get a great. You can do that you can you had in april to reach a well who comparable guide. You mentioned his education stuff, his
applause line. Was his proposal to cut federal funding for any school? The teaches critical race
your gender ideology, which is part of his education policy plan. That also includes quote opening civil rights investigations into any school that discriminates against asian american students.
and promises to any also promised to keep men out of women's sports. So it does
seem to me, like those policies, are coming from a place of weakness, because he is like following two santas on this kind of stuff win back.
And I think, twenty fifteen when he was running, you could argue that, like he was the candidate most in touch with the bases grievances and he was like out front on
extreme immigration policies, for there is also there's something about that too. That does also just it does speak to how much has changed, because ye go through
of those right. Those are obviously things that test really well with republican voters, but that specific part
asian americans, that is a inside republic in serve conversation about trying to
peel off asian americans by using
affirmative action as a as a wedge issue, and so it's like
and then there is another part later in the speech where he says
about. I think I in this
section of the enemy
What were you search? I met the wall and he said you know these aren't
in the crowded republican. These things are just common sense was the most like wrote, kind of, but clearly a message tested line. There are a lot of message tested pieces of the speech. Yeah, look it's it's just bigotry with the slightest of
was about your item into santas is out ahead of him, banning what ap black history courses is putting christopher roof
with the guy who created the hysteria around critical race theory in charge of gutting some florida colleges curriculum. So, yes, he he's following santa sir yeah, I mean there is it's it's a it's going to be a competition of dissenters gets in of like who can be the ultimate culture warrior. That's the
but this this round is gonna, be about so it could get. It could get pretty ugly and even more bigoted pressures. We continue to go on because you're going to try to appeal to the most extreme parts of the party
yeah. I do think that the way the trumps lang involved in the speech in something that's gonna, be, I think, pretty menacing an awful is you know these people
america the way he waves of the wave waves away, the entire the entirety of.
Position is that the the marxist, the racists and perverts? So that's going to be, I think, the yeah. Those are the three. Those are the three, the the the the three horsemen. He also took a direct shot at the santas who
The Washington post reported over the weekend has been holding meetings about twenty twenty four and has already identified multiple potential hires in early primary states, trumps descent
has been trying to rewrite history over his response to the pandemic, accused him of peace,
holding the vaccine as much as anyone and criticized
these. These are criticisms and criticise him for closing some beaches and businesses in some parts of florida because think this fight
were the pandemic, will matter to republican primary voters Linda.
I think so. I mean hating fouche e thinking
is evil is now like republican cannon. Is that the core belief? I think the anti backs moving?
pretty firmly embedded in the republican base trouble right about dissenters, flip flopping on this
in twenty twenty one he was telling people to give access
using vaccines, protect you a year later he's hosting anti vaccine news conferences. He put together a committee to called for an invest,
creation of the wrong doing in florida with respect to covet nineteen vaccines, so
yeah. I this answers will argue. He fought the woke laugh.
in the lock downs in the vaccine, mandates while trump cave to them and hired, found she or didn't fire it. Let me they both. They both have done a couple switches on on the vaccines.
This whole point during the vaccine. Rollout was look good. I am at this out on the best of growing. This thing out trump was like Joe
the onstage about how, like, oh, my god, this fucking vaccines, a boo, your boon, the vaccine, all right, I guess I think you should get it. You know he was like he. He felt that changing for him in real time. I think it as an issue,
I dont know how important it will be, but it really is sort of you know. So much of the fight is gonna be like who stick in it to the
to the fucking squares harder. You know which one of us going,
to the nerves in the fuckin jews the hardest, really it's all in a global and not love, it does John love it sets out here is gonna mendicants as I'm his eminence sick it as good as up there as it does those new yorkers, but that vaccines scepticism is increase in euros of seeing it among, like a lead opinion makers. Remember there's the dna.
David, sacks insufferable, venture capitalist douche bag, whose brought it to twitter by you and musk he's a podcast cas with the guys that I don't care about genocide. They did it
episode the other day, whether our bragging about how they're not gonna, get
booster anymore. I like this is a growing. I figured you might swerved to hit them all that I have it here. Insufferable, air insufferable, horrendous people who yap alot, I think on one end
hard to make a primary fight.
A two year old issue that has little bearing on the future. On the other hand, primaries
historically about really dumb thinks that yeah anschluss anything. It is also unclear what else they're going to fight over, because what other policy differences do they have or like differences, unlike what issue positions they ve taken, etc. So, like you look for like the tiny,
difference between you and your primary opponent, and you make it into a big deal that happens in primaries. All the time
Disable I'm a little worried it could get personal up
here it is, it is a stand in for like whose more establishment who's the bigger outsider, nay, I'm right. That's that's gonna, be the fight between two whore who will tell the woke left sue. You know
the basi around now and also
If you are, the idea, like one of the biggest applause lines was in this part, where he kind of raw
through all the people he was gonna, keep taking on and incubator
we need a fighter can stand up to the left. Who can stand up to the swamp stand
to the media stand up to the deep state
am, I allowed to say, stand up for the rhinos too. I thought was one of the biggest applause lines he got in both speeches, and I do think that that's like you know somebody
at a time before disasters is arena and he's, like speaking rhinos, lindsey gray, hair about that's like, as I owe you taken on the rhinos like the rhine
was extinct.
There's, like one rhino left in a fucking zoo somewhere, it's a moving target yeah! I I do think it is a setup for de santis is probably going to have the support of more of the republican establishment, the Mitch Mcconnell's of the world, even if Mcconnell isn't actually indoors, but back that type of person, who's, not a rhino, but trump would call the marina for sure, and so trump is setting it up so that when DE santis gets all this republican support,
It gets more of these republican officials. He can say: oh they're, all this they're, just as bad as the Democrats and I'm the real outsider yeah. You know, so that's probably what he's doing there. So when trump was asked about the santas, he said,
when I hear that he might run. I think it's very disloyal. I got him alive,
I'm the one that shows him, but when he was asked what hayley in other tromp officials potentially running like my pants nicky, hey, we might pump here the calf. His cabinet is running
and some he said my attitude is: if they want to do what they should do it. I have good relationships with all them. So what do you think? What's with the different answers, so it's voted so transferred, so great is well dissatisfied.
maybe not abolish. Other people run
I hope they do that, because then they and I'll be divided. As the anti jumpers then- and I can do the same thing- I did in twenty sixteen yeah- that's the smart explanation. I think the the
are all done. Explanation is that it is very sad for Nicky Hayley. It's like in
Its rivalries when one team hates the other and the other team is never thanks
Then it's like chicago bears fans who hate the green bay packers
aaron rodgers is like I forgot, you guys were stony. I thought
maybe a mean so long you're. So bad. I forgot the? U existed in that kind of how I think about a nicky, hayley, kinsey yeah,
also ten and advertisements on thursday, but he had at nice truth about my pants after
pence classified I remain thinking. I leave my pens alone that without sarcastic knowing tat is to say things like he likes mighty, but he's not threatened by my pants. If he was turned by my pencil,
convert hanging. I think, train. I think I think trumps narcissism can be big enough to envelop humans
in the vicinity of it, and so
He he like.
Be genuinely things, it is funny how much of a rule foller might pencils, and these appreciated that as a horizontal, do you think it might pence broke the rules he's like me, I stuff some documents. My bazin, oh marilla, go, give its depends. You know it's not gonna make me president, etc, but we are going to fuck and hang him still like cooling disguise awesome. You guys know we talk about what dissenters is book. That's coming out of february is called the courage to curve
it'll be nailed it both of you wow I'd, be very well because I preordered of it I you've got to get my brewery of cards
now the free state of florida so damned balls.
Can a wrote, a peace where he said the best analogy for this republican primary is the two thousand
primary between obama and hilary republican pollster, frank lunch also said that too
It is so far ahead of we're. Barack Obama was against Hillary Clinton. At this point, do you guys
it's a good analogy, and what do you think is similar to two thousand and eight and was a different time for him, as I just want to say. I do think that Dan Balz writing a piece saying that trump is the hillary of twenty twenty four combined with pence trump
and Biden having classified documents in their home is a real strategy to have Hillary Clinton. Do a kind of full breakdown
like an airplane ass. I was, I thought, is absolutely lives like saying beetle juice through tax, which is really she's, gonna go she's in overall joker
she's, gonna, she's, gonna, absolutely ridiculous. This is ridiculous, mean her. I mean
I don't know I've set it before. I say it again. Franklin snail
I could dissent is right. I got the climate change. That is the guarantee that they will take. Another deceit is in a way better position than obama was at this point, that lake with the caviar
that is probably hearted running into former president. We don't really know dissent. This is it up by twelve points in a new hampshire pole.
And I will pull that had descent disputing trump without cockers gore's. He raised
a hundred million dollars for his governors raised. I beseech you fundraiser differently for a fellow
lace, then state race, but like I don't live trump, wasn't trump
and this would be the clear front, runner
yeah, maybe you're right. It's interesting! You can't it's sort of like it really. What what the analogy says is that
it, depends on who wins, because you could just as easily make it the other. You may go the other way and say dissent, as is the stout with other than the fact that trump, I think, I think, probably too
sadly, in a way that will end up having to run away from his serve doing this establishment campaign early on
said, is is gonna? Have the establishment support dissent, as is in the lead? He is a sitting governor trumped. Does his absolute
well, is the best most fiendish work, as an outsider he's not necessary, and it's it's similar to the obama Hillary thing where dissenters is not necessarily in the lead nationally. I think if you took an average of all the polls trump still winning but you're right and like in new Hampshire and iowa, he is ahead.
Some of these early poles in the south carolina pull his not, which is interesting
I think that the similarity is he's taking on an establishment front runner who's, leading in the national polls likely with a message that is more about generational change than policy change. I think what's different is,
knock em have the problem. Obama did with lack of experience. Is the governor of florida
just won a second term by a member of congress before that right, a member of congress prefer that, but we also don't know it doesn't seem like he
has a brac obama's orator
I'll. Tell you about the what exactly inspirational figure out if they like that, what they are mainly to them. He has made to the republican basis like that. I don't yeah. I've come on, I mean like a frog. I got the big every one kind of always a kind of just sort of gems over the once in a generation political talent, part of it that braga mama brought it. I can't beynon right like
you know, there's some any dance at a couple weeks ago, it's like no,
heard Rhonda santa's his fuckin voice. You know it's like I'm, not letting you barely see em. You barely here from airliner he's not like what
the little heed of endless two dozen for conventions beat yeah the full colleague lights of trumps. Evil charisma has not been directed at him on a stage that gets things change quickly. Ask has the courage to be free. Roller tour has yet to be gay anytime, enjoy your wary of hope to make sure you proud order. They're gonna go and they're gonna. Do their little should have an irish very order every once it has made. The pandemic fight could be like Iraq fur
you have an eight hour. Brains are just
doc, india hermits, that's like the one presidency becomes a judgment thing. You know that the one of them
judgment would have its of its content. I like fight like like just the two of them just argue
like who did a better job of fuckin killing the elderly for the complete mirror, a complete mirror image. Renault, unbelievable its debated are the them, so the other big differences, just the difference between the democratic primaries and republican primaries, and we talked with this performance winner- takes all verses. Winner takes some. I also think
I developed a base of voters that was closely matched to Hillary, so you had. He had college, educated, whites and black voters and she had non college, educated, whites and latino voters. I think the santas he could get a lot of these college, educated, republicans and republican leaning independents who dislike trump and are more concerned with electability who pay closer attention to politics. I just don't know if there are enough of the republican electorate right. So much of the republican electorate non college, whites and those are such trump people like trump voters, were not people attending the new Hampshire event, the south carolina event. They probably don't know as much about the scientists. They are low information voters like
Those are the people that surprised with the pull out by also do think. Like one thing, the democratic, the primary voters and republican primary voters have in common is the first question: is electricity and to do they think can win? Who do you think is the best person to send up against the democrat
and the hasn't been that electricity conversation. Yet I think I think that there is an assumption. I think that the report
and I think, if internalize the idea that Joe Biden is very weak, but I
I wonder what happens when you know? There's one one. You know damn balls makes his point when he compares donald trump to Hillary Clinton in a way that
if you've seen this but most of Chapo always got his capital has gone. It's just a big crater. Now she saw that she saw the posting of that sad, a lot of good people. There,
I'm not the other way round. The fuck
north metro north about ethics, but now the effects of the figures
it is money never should also, but but the point that and the fucking donald trump sang
Oh you're going to go with this guy. I will destroy every person on this stage. Whether I win or lose, I will never accept his electability or comment gotta start signal like I'm not going. I think it's coming. I didn't think that that you could use that as sort of an electability or cause. I think Donald trump has a very shitty wok to believe it's implicit I'll run as a third party that was his done. Teach me argument to think it starts to get more the more under fire. He gets the more explicit. It was interesting, though, that the santas, although he has been very quiet, he did decide to weigh in on the republican national committee race and come out finally and say that rano
mcdaniel shouldn't get the job again, which obviously she's
they have had a horrible couple of election cycles in a row and it didn't matter she won. But it was just interesting that he picked aside in that you know. Even with the chemical,
at the stuff. It's like, he dips his toe and he does puts out a kind of lukewarm endorsement. Then, when it starts going his way, he chimes in and says he was the orchestrator of any sort of he's always afraid to kind of put himself too far under yeah. I don't look. Even I go back and forth, like gut instinct on this alike, as trump can
what again could dissenters to? I just don't know I don't I dunno it's too early. It's too early.
Here's these hi michelle time will tell time will tell
yeah. There's our analysis are the other big story. This week is the followed from the tragic and infuriating murder of Tiree, nicholls by five memphis police officers, who beat the honor
Twenty nine year old so severely during a traffic, stop that he died in the hospital three days later in the police body, camera footage which was released on friday. A nicholls could be heard crying out for his mother and didn't appear to ever strike back spite with the police officer said, the officers have been fired and charged with multiple crimes, including second degree murder and the Memphis police department has disbanded the undercover unit they were part of which had been cut
size for aggressive policing, so there were protests in memphis and other cities over the weekend. The question now is
whether tiree murder will revive the national push for policing reform and actually lead to action. This time, coy booker is expected to reintroduce the george floyd justice in policing act sometime this week, which died last year after his negotiations with republican senator TIM Scott fell apart. Maybe we should start by walking people through why those negotiate
fell apart and what the sticking points were Tommy yeah I in this didn't buy was she called qualified immunity which shields police officers
from civil law suits. The Democrats wanted together,
qualified immunity that protection for police republicans wanted to preserve it. I think you have to get rid of qualified immunity,
part of any reform, because it so thoroughly tells the scales in favour of the police and protect them from accountability
that it was criticised by both justices sonya soda, my or an clarence thomas, so
if those people can agree on something I think congress should be able to, but please
unions are very against getting rid of qualified immunity protections and have lobbied hard to preserve them federally and in the hope of two states
If the bill didn't even fully eliminated, it reformed it, it got rid of a lot of it, but and then there were like compromises, floated back then, like at some point, TIM Scott. During an interview had said he was open to the idea.
that you would reform qualifying immunity so that you could sue police departments are meanness
holidays, but not necessarily individual
officers lindsey grand by the way just over the weekend, floated that has potential compromise well, but
never really when anywhere that potential compromise, I think, because TIM Scott just walked back what or just decided that he wasn't going to embrace it
and mine enough republicans to write well. They were so far apart. They were for their part on that issue, but also the the the the george for justice policing act is just was much broader and a few other ways.
And the republican bill, so they were always very far apart. They remain far apart, but it does seem like this. I mean well.
this conversation be revived. That has been revived right here. Talking about it, we have cory booker talking about it. We have lindsey, graham talking about it. Jim Jordan, saying it's not necessary, tells you where a lot of republicans in the house will be, but I don't you know this happens to be. I think an issue
where the fact that we went from a narrow, democratic majority to a narrow republican majority in the house I dont think makes it made me
they make it harder and may make the bill more of a compromise.
I dont think its less likely. You know that if you figure
possible. I think it's possible think remains as possible because I think the same problem like if it can pass the compassion,
I parson way in the senate, I think it is possible for someone like mccarthy to bring to the fore. I think the challenge was so qualified immunity becomes. The sticking point that you know all the pieces in the aftermath of the negotiations. Talk about us is one of the big sticking points but scott statement and when he said in interviews afterwards was he he started making these claims. That did you know them.
crap. I couldn't reach a compromise of them, because democrats wanted to defend the police right, which he said that if you tied grant money to reforms that was to funding the police, which is nonsense while its especially nonsense, because that provision right, which would it was, it would give law enforcement agencies.
Grants only after they met these certain standards and by his training, no knock warrants the use of force, etc. This was caught a fine, an executive order from donald trump in July, twenty twenty heard of him, and that's what that provision was doing so first made scott at the very the very least, was being somewhat dishonest and how he
scribes that that provision, but if he's not gonna, go there and embrace that, I think that tells you that, like yeah, there were never ten republicans in the senate.
who were going to embrace even a compromise version of the George floyd justice and policing act, but the I think so I think the only hope then becomes that the debate has shifted.
Well. We are just outside of an election where we went through kind of a huge period of debate and conversation about this and twenty twenty that led to republicans using it as a cudgel and using to fund in a big way as a
that led to months and months of inflamed coverage of crime on fox music. That is all kind of faded, which I think makes it a little bit more
possible that you could have some kind of a compromise that would obviously not go nearly far enough.
For not knock nearly far enough, as as what Democrats would want to do, but that to me is why you can use
are the reasons why it's gone harder, but there are a couple ways in which has gone easier. I wasn't
we were a little bit about what trump will do or say about this, that it is not the same issues or by a related issue was the passage of the first step act
which was a criminal justice reform. Those very narrow that tromp past initially was celebrated the chair cushion or push really hard
and a couple years later, trump talked about it like he was embarrassed that had happened and regretted it, and so I bring that up just say like where a trump is looking for ways to.
flank of the republicans. By being more, you know programme
prolonged order. Whatever you want to call it, I could imagine him being incredibly chaotic and elsewhere so
edition to booker reintroducing the bill. A Biden will be meeting with the congressional black caucus this week to talk about reform. They've also invited terry Nichols his parents to the state of the union, which means
president Biden meal for consumer. We will be talking about this in the state of the union. I do to your point about how the politics of change live. I think that obviously there was the sort of political debate around to fund, especially in washington
for people paying close attention and then there were, like you know, crime rates than necessary
has been violent crime rates and a lot of cities did- and I think you have this dynamic
the country where an
overwhelming majority of americans, including black americans, like want police to protect them from violent crime, and they also want to be protected from violent police, and I think that, like there's, not a simple set of policy solutions to do both freight like
It is it's not just about like more funding or less funding it. You can't just like throw money at the problem or take money away and fix the problem right. There's like a lot of solutions that have been tried in cities and states that improve this on the margins, but I do think there's it sort of starts with the way our politik
there's a dress. Like last time, Biden gave a state of the union. You know he said we shouldn't define, please we should fun fun, fun, police rate and, like I get why he said that, but
Do you think there is a more nuanced way to talk about it that I hope he talks about in the state of the union, which is like people want to be protected from violent crime? They also deserve to be protected from violent police, and we shouldn't have violent police. Not only should we have them on the force but like we shouldn't hire them in the first place. That is why I think on the politics there was this incredible national focus and a shift in public opinion on this issue that was very dramatic and opened up a lot of new avenues for reform made. A lot of changes possible
hadn't met, lead to a lot of local bills being passed led to this national debate. But then the conversation around to fund put republicans
exploited by republicans, even though it was a position held by activists which act was always going to push for the for the for the for the most progressive policy can be used as a cultural against democrats, which then I think, in order to get to a place where
you can. I think that is why you see someone like Joe Biden feeling the just say that, because they need to kind of make a break from that debate about the fund, which I think ultimately makes more more reforms possible. I would suggest that everyone read 'em radley balko as new york times piece about this, like it just sort of proves the point of how difficult this is. You know in memphis
The police permits as like. We done de escalation, training and other reforms had body cameras, obviously, but these these elite police teams this unit,
the elite police for being unit as erica so yeah, and they have these in cities all across the country. They operate in high crime areas, with less oversight than other police units and in memphis the reporting says.
they tend to hire younger and more inexperienced officers with a propensity for aggression. The training for this unit consisted of three days of powerpoint presentation and one day at a firing range in like these these units are
they're like militarized. They treat civilians like enemies in and we in four years the departure
offence has been giving local police departments like left overs gear from a rock like basically tanks and things right. It's a complete.
The back ass word way to think about how you keep people safe in detroit. This kind of unit was disbanded after they raided, and apart
and with sheriff's deputies in it and killed one cops killing. Other cops
I've seen this debate about these elite units and hope, like people see it like this conversation about letter of this? The way
like concentrates some of the most like dangerous per issues in policing,
given. These sort of videogame names gotta, give
identity that they give him
power. They remove this oversight. I I do think it important that if it's worth disbanding these things, it says,
clear that their dangerous. It is clear that it sort of engender sort, the worst instincts of people, but, like you,
You can see it as a as a stand in for like some of the key.
internal issues that have been exposed because of body campfires them exposed because of this pushed to attention on the issue of police violence, but clearly has been there for decades and decades and decades, if not forever, and
that, like you know, body cams may mean that may be. The reason and cameras may be the reason these guys are all indicted, but even with body came the culture that that lead these guys to be so callous to be so violent that led them to test
This kid up and then sit there and then have the the medic that that the medical help calm and not address it like that culture that dehumanize as the people they are meant to protect like that is such a deep.
That has been there for such a long time and it can take such a long time to untangle and get rid of it. I but like how we,
focused on that the kind of the way in which the people that go into the police and once in supplies are trained, took it
lose that connection with the community is so bad and is the core of so much of this that all of these reforms are about trying to protect against all these forms. Body cams qualified immunity
it is about trying to figure out how to make up for the way in which becoming part of this police forces,
humanizes people and leads them to dehumanize. The people they're meant to serve, but it's also like with the why these units are created in the first place is part of why this is such a difficult issue right, because these units are created in the first.
because they're the guy we're gonna, send the special unit into this
crime area and we're gonna, give him
or leeway,
and we're gonna, give him less oversight than other police units, because we feel like the violent crime, is the important crime to stop, and so, if we just send a bunch of police in there.
just let him do their thing and have debt? Let them do. Protection will stops on this. If it's gonna work and guess what, in some of these units, they do take away more guns
and they do make more arrests, but they're also killing a lot more people and they're killing lot more innocent people, and that's the the key point there's this is a unit. That's supposed to deal with violent crime and they pulled someone over allegedly for erratic driving right now, there's no evidence that he was going out and they gave him. Seventy one commands in thirteen minutes to do various different things, we're all contradictory, while pepper spraying him in for the you know, sometimes you'll see people reply to stories like this like. Well, if you don't resist, you're, not gonna, get trouble
the giving pepper, spain, the phase or beaten up and you're gonna run away. You you don't like it. It's a human instincts of that's ridiculous
strong, and I do think, though the good news is late. I have I am
last hopeful than you are about what a kevin Mccarthy lead has represented as means for the fate of police reform, but
a lot of good, as happened in states. There are some at some like three huh
policing bills pass and forty five states or last couple years,
some of them govern use of force. Some are created programs to send civilian teams to respond. The mental health crisis is instead of cops, who are armed because at least
comes. Some cities have banned these kinds of police stops for low level traffic offences because, as we just saw, they lead to violence in police shootings number
data try to get rid of qualified immunity. Those efforts are mostly,
by unions and again I do think that's critical.
And then other cities and states of banned no knock warrants chokehold, including memphis. So there has been a lot of progress at the stately
Well, I'm not saying there's anywhere close to enough and I think it'll take some time to really measure the efficacy of what's been done, but you know that just means that washington isn't the only answer here yet, and I do think that that the best hope at nationally is
You know work on another bill again work on other compromise, and I I agree with you today. I don't, I don't think the republican house will ever take it up at all, but should we get get get it to a point where if we take the house back and and reelect a democratic president in twenty twenty four
Then. Hopefully we can. We can pass an argument like we we, let's be honest. We Democrats gave up making the argument because they felt like the politics changed because of violent crime. Statistics went up because it seemed politically disadvantageous. I think
with every argument. You don't make so start doing that well, and I think that now that I think what happened is democrats over corrected rate, and so there was a
genuine concern about violent crime that wasn't just made up by the news or by republicans that were happening.
Cities and instead of saying well, we can have reform where people are protected from crime, but also protected from violent cops. It went too far in the direction of like nowhere funding
These more police, great! Please. We love the police. You know there is a. There is a message somewhere, that's between those two poles that someone that that I think would be if I get
and to be clear. Obviously, I think it is very unlikely that something gets the republican led house, but in the same way, when we were talking with a keen jeffreys about-
torrents of pudding have mccarthy on on the spot, to get him to try and introduce a clean debt lama bill, even though, obviously nobody expects me do the right thing. I think when we just
by saying. Oh, that republican house will never do anything. I think, should be pushing them and act as if we can get.
we can get some kind of negotiation. The point where he'll have have to bring something to the floor up the other. Just one other point about all this too, which is, I do think that there is a there is a parallel
between the way in which the national tension focuses on
police brutality
and then reform in the wake of like just these monstrous unequivocal connoisseur of conscience.
shocking events, in the same way that the kind of national tension focuses after mass shootings. But there is this. I do think that, like the fact that it takes
thence like this to focus the national attention on problems with policing in the same way that
national attention on gun. Violence takes mass, shooting, tells us about just how much we ve
had given up and how much we ve already lost and how? How much more of
daily mayhem and of abuse and injustice.
Of tolerate and expect, and my kind of that,
all generally inured to and like there's, no real great answer for that, but
We live in a violent country and at one time
when's of having a violent country is looking the other way for a lot of police violence
police brutality, and I think we do that on a sort of constant basis,
and figuring out a way to not just wait for shocks of the country
it's to get. A national debate on these issues is really important in one way to do. That is to, I think, making sure that we don't sort of lose sight of these topics in between the most heinous and despicable examples.
Our rights when we come back tommy talks to states, burma, counselor, dare actually about the later,
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I m very excited to welcome to the pike ass, my friend derec chalais. He is the counselor at the: u s:
department. He serves at the rank of undersecretary. That's a big deal for those are not familiar with. That said, the current protocol is a senior policy adviser to the secretary of state. Tony Blinken derrick is great to see it great to see tommy
It's so fun too, to bring real world are content to the parts of america audience here, and I think it's really well timed, because it's about to have been a year
since russia invaded ukraine, and I was hoping we could start there and a horrible year by the way there and just get a you know an overshoot in sort of overview from you of what the united states has
done to date to support ukraine in their efforts to defend their country
and then your sort of sense of I don't have the state of the war.
Alpha where we are
It really is mind. Blowing have it's been less than a year, still
that about love a little over eleven months since russia invaded ukraine a year ago, if we were sitting here talking I'd I'd of course be saying about time at the intelligence we were seeing build up of russia's intent, but there are a lot of people who just couldn't believe it just because it seemed so
rages self defeating and terrible, and of course, everything we seem transpired has just confirmed
the thing we knew about putin, but it's also confirmed everything we knew about the ukrainians and I think, first of all, all credit goes to them for their incredible courage of resilience. Tough,
yes, I'm and they been really taken. The fight to the russians and.
our policy, hasn't changed really much at all tommy since the beginning, which was the
the kind of nor stars, were punished and isolate russian.
Working with our allies and partners and work with allies and partners doing everything we can to support ukraine them
what we ve seen do- political,
economically, but by most poorly in terms of security assistance providing ukraine with weapons over the last year,
It is remarkable. We really not seen anything like it since the early nineteenth forties,
and the way the. U s came to the uk support in the early days of world war. Two! It's it's really remarkable
yeah. It's rare to see Europe this unit
well yeah, so speaking,
Last week, president by
in german chancellor. Olaf Schulz decide
descend these heavy tanks to ukraine. They ve been sending armed,
infantry vehicles and lighter tanks, a gun before that, but not heavy tax. So initially defence department had said
We have just heard impractical descend, these modern. U S, tanks, they abrams tank, that the heavy duty
it is? U s model it requires tough
of training to you. Yes, it uses, I think, hard to acquire
jet fuel and a lot of it hard to maintain you hard to maintain
understand what watching,
and what you might say to critics who say: hey, you know the? U s, you, you get to the right place with decisions like the tanks or the high mars, but it takes too long while look again it it's
when a key perspective? Here? It's we're not even a year into this war, the? U S has provided of itself near
the thirty billion dollars in security assistance, and just put that in perspective for folks, Ukraine's defense budget, it's entire defense budget in two thousand and twenty one was about six billion dollars, so
but we ve just what the u S is done, has given over five times the equivalent of their defence budget from before the war, and that's just what the? U? S is doing we ve got around fifty countries
are contributing in some way to ukraine's defence and
what we've been providing ukraine as evolved as the conflict has evolved in the early days of the war. It was all about stinger missiles, the shoulder fired.
Anti aircraft missiles? Then it became javelin anti, take missiles, special missiles at the? U s makes which are great a killing two
eggs. Then it became howitzers in air defence and
bradley fighting vehicles, which is an armoured vehicle. That looks a lot like a tank. That's not a tank, and now we're talking about tanks and look
All a lot of our allies in europe have the kinds of tanks. It can be used more quickly by the ukrainians, because their easier to use their not quite a sophisticated there, so very effective
The leper gave the tanks elaborate tanks, the challenger tanks, which is what the uk is giving its here
so we can get those to them or they can get those to the to the ukrainians.
enter the m one day. One they abrams tag is is very sophisticated tank. It we're going to start
rain, ukrainians item and then they're gonna start getting, but it's gonna take a while. So look as the conflict has evolved on
and as the green asks have evolved,
there are in a war in every day there are learning new things about what they need and we're trying to do our best to give him advice of what they need, but then also to try to meet their needs, and so this has been an ongoing conversation about the tanks for last several months really and weak,
a really important decision. Last week and they're not just getting one tank they're getting thirty one m one, a one abrams tanks, but then they're getting hopefully up to anywhere sixty to ninety of these other kinds of tanks, the challenges of the leopards that are made by others. It again, I think, that's just really important for
for listeners of the pod, to keep in mind is that obviously
we focus a lot of what the? U s is doing in the? U s is doing more than anyone else, but this really truly is a collective effort and you have countries that are spending a large chunk of their defense budget on helping ukraine for the. U s, we've spent roughly four percent of our defense budget total. I mean equal to our defense budget on supporting ukraine, given what ukraine's doing to the russian military
it's a pretty good investment in terms of our security interests, but some other countries are doing much more as a percentage of their budget, and we just won't need to acknowledge at that contribution that they're making yeah
in those I think, those thirty one and one day, one tanks will basically make up a ukrainian battalion rights of a full roger, significant greedily absolute. So
Eric, as, as I know, well, it's, as you know, the fun part of working
government, as you get attacks,
on both sides. That issue so as to do that to you now
the ukrainian anonymity, that's usually assign when I'm doing something right is what both sides are attacking, potentially
the boy. Was he what you think after escutcheons caution, so
cleaning government is now asking for modern sixteens. There's reports that that president Biden is considering that that ask as well here's what
way. This is there and then what do you say again to people myself included frankly, who here
about these announcements, the yemeni ones a high mars now, maybe have sixteen to feel like there is this earth inexorable push towards escalation, more weapons from the
asked russia's drafting more men into service, etc, etc, and the just gonna make you nervous. Yeah
look in and were very focused on escalation as well, and look at everything specific to say on the sixteenth other
As the ukrainians requests
continue and it is their needs evolve. Ardor are
ability to provide them. Certain kinds of equipment are go to evolve and it's an ongoing conversation we're having with ever mean. This is something that was
in place a year ago, but now sit in the last year. We put in place a really robust, integrate government word.
It was not a set of rights system to like to
sword through what they need and how we can best get stuff through them. What and what they can use most quickly therein a war. So I fully understand from their perspective like this is existential for them. Their country survival is at stake,
I understand that every time they get something it's thank you and we need more. Thank you and we need more now. Our job is to try to make sure we are being as effective as we can as partners getting them what they
but then also- and this is kind of our overall objective here like what we're trying to achieve- is a ukraine that is independent, that it's sovereign, that is democratic, that can defend it's territory. That's clean, meaning, it's ukraine, that that is freer from corruption. That has plagued that country for too long and, I believe, presents Alinsky and his team
very committed to fighting corruption. By way, what fired, like five people were legs out in their top officials? Resign air well well aware, and are well aware that that the world
being generous with them- and they have just they have to be good stewards of all of this assistance. They're getting
my view is: is we don't want ukraine just to survive? We want
it's come out of this stronger, more democratic, closer to europe, closer to the united states, but Ukraine has to has to survive. First, then again, it's important for people to remember this was not a war that was provoked by anybody
as a country that violates the most basic principle of international politics. Crossing aboard
gobble up parts of another country and an that's what ukraine's dealing with so it feels it seems to me that its important for ukraine's future is important for for our broader interests that russia not succeed. I dont think russia is succeeding. I think there they ve already suffered a profound defeat strategically, given the assistance we been giving ukraine, given that the hum the humble
that had its military is taking on the battlefield, given the fact we have finland and sweden coming into nato. That was not something again. If we were talking a year ago, I would say: that's not are to do list for twenty twenty two is to have been announced. We come into NATO
are you the turkey is gonna block sweden's,
strengthen it always seems like he's, are the ones really making some noise about that officer? This has been tough. A lot discuss, tough discussions with the swedes in the fence with the turks and I'm optimistic they're, going to we're going to get across the finish line. We've got a turkish election coming up in may that's going to be a factor here clearly
but I think we're gonna get there and I think it's important yet again did not the first time data's large did its history. This has been a record setting time already, even with this delay, so important. Keep that in mind as well,
among some capable militaries owed, beatitude gaps, only any thing, but get viewers, purview, viewers,
synergistic above above both
may not be aware, but Finland and sweden have already been great. Nato partners mean they ve been the very capable militaries are very strong democracies
kinds of countries we already do a lot with and so having any alliance will make us all stronger,
There's been a lot of pressure, understandably from parts of washington more from progressives too
president Biden to sit down for talks with president putin.
curious: if there's any, you know like: u s, diplomatic contacts at any level with the rest,
government and whether you guys feel like Putin is, is willing or able to have
real talks, you know sort of like sit down as a way to stall for time. Yeah I mean look, I'm sitting here in the state department,
The policies are those how we make a living.
so we never rule out talks and, of course, again
ago we were engaged secretary. Blinkin was engaged with intensive zenda conversations with iran.
is to try to find our way. We can prevent this war from happening. It was pre clear in those conversations and frankly, I have not seen anything
in the last year to suggest the putin is willing to contemplate anything.
Other than his own maximal, lest objectives which is he wants to own ukraine, rep ray you will stop.
and look linsky has said: he's opened a diplomacy, let's talk, but you know Putin's made certain terms for preconditions as they call him for tat,
in which our possible further wants you to accept, including the fact that citizens who would have to acknowledge and recognise that the territory that Russia's gained by force me that
non starter. So I haven't seen any evidence acuteness serious at all about negotiation.
Yeah unless anyone think that the year your point there just about territory, I mean we know that there have been russian war crimes committed against civilians in those occupied territories units its
ten hundreds, if not thousands, yeah, absolutely
could be that way. You're lacking is some strategic, creative genius
an idea. Former president trumps,
that if he is reelected, he will build quote an impenetrable dome over the united states to protect us
from russian nuclear missile attacks? I know you don't do politics, but you did work at the defence department
in a previous life. What do you make
the feasibility
building said impenetrable missile defence dome over the. U S, a lobby
israeli iron dome system technically, probably not feasible, gonna back to that.
you're the reminiscent of early nineteen eighties in star wars.
If we called star wars, space laser, because we've been agreed within their. We ve been there as an old idea, yeah bad okay, moving forward
speaking of Israel. So you know there were reports over the weekend that Israel struck some military sites in iran over the weekend. Yeah I know Tony blinken is over israel now for meetings. There were some sick,
questions on twitter so consider the source that he's real
government, but it done this to
help ukraine may
You know they refute. The israelis are refused to offer ukraine weapons or assistance, but IRAN has been a key source.
Drones. For russia, for example, they have used against ukrainian military are decreasing targets. I should say
near times later reported that the strike was unconnected to IRAN. Support for russia is curious if you know what
thing about this strike in iran authority. We talk about publicly yet another
you talk about publicly. You will be surprised to hear that of did say said. Secretary blanket is in
Israel right now today will be there. Tomorrow is well intensive talks with the new
government there and a new
old government may ways you privileged and on yahoo is well known to too many all of us here and as well as members.
Senor team? Iran was first and foremost unease
they discussed, and we share with the israelis- are determination to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon, but also to take steps to try to address the runs behaviour
then that the nuclear talks have nothing to do with like, like IRAN's proliferation of john drones.
Is like russia and I think, that's a dimension frankly, going back to ukraine of the ukraine war that is is quite concerning, which is the deepening of the cooperation between
russia and iran the willingness of around a bride russia with sophisticated drones that are being used to kill civilians in you,
I mean it's something we should all take notice of and it's important, you know you're kind of defined by your friends and you look where russia turns for support. It's. Turning to
of north korea and IRAN and that's a big problem. That's a big problem for us. They problem for ukraine's, be proper israel as well
Annabelle I've been calling that israeli coalition old but new is perfect to
even in yahoo, who we all have a great pleasure of of getting to observe in and work with times, but
you coalition is this hyper
analyst ultra orthodox
group of individuals. That includes four,
Your ex convicts,
open, racists? I minister,
positions and the
There is concern from people like etude brok, the former israeli prime minister, that Netanyahu is pushing forward policy proposals that he said peroxide would quote collapse: israeli democracy yonder.
that kind of his on the conversation to there's any concern from the state department about the trajectory
of this new govern
coalition in some other things are pushing for yet well
up. There were watching closely secretary blinkin, has been very clear that workers focused on policies, not personalities and
in Israel today. The reason why he wanted to go so early since this new government has taken office was to talk about some of the policies and
Look up- and this is not just about this moments- gonna taking a step back which brought the? U s and Israel so close over the last
Many five years is the fact that we have shared values were driving democracies. We ve seen the device
israeli civil society, inaction over the last several weeks and
We want to always try to stay true those principles and remember that would fundamentally what brings us together and the other point we ve made. Is there
What do we believe that is,
normally normalizing of relations with some of its arab neighbours. That's happened in the last few years, and and and there is a big step taken in previous administration- and I give credit
the previous administration for that, because
those positive thing to happen in the Middle EAST. They quite some time and want to talk about. Is Israel's normalization? Were the united arab emirates in morocco in bahrain, and that's it that's not good. At the bottom up, peace at such as governments do in its businesses, private sector, tourism, people to people, education, sports, Allah.
Well, it's hard to see that that get
that circle getting wider if Israel's new backyards on fire right and so that something that, to me
is self evident. We wanted you big things with israelis. Primacy Netanyahu's got big ambitions.
For Israel, a region. We share those ambitions in there. We want
work together to try to achieve those, but it is hard to see how that happens. If you know Israel's mired in a in a in a major crisis,
in its backyard. Jamming is only concerned that that the official you
military aid or funding for
sounds like the iron dome system might be support
I don't know idea D s, military units that appeared be providing cover, for
settler violence or
I don't know, there's potentially innovation of the west bank. Is that the kind of thing that's getting talked about? I mean we ve. Look
been very clear. The israelis that president Biden's for his entire career support the two states
and we want to continue with the casino uphold that were also continuing to urge both sides to take steps to achieve that. It important part of a blinkered, striptease,
will we have to go to the west bank and it will be in the west bank. On tuesday of this week I talked to the palestinian leadership, which is under tremendous stress right now, as well.
so look as always, the middle east puts a lot lot lot on your plate and why was important for fur
again as a nation's cheap diplomatic get out there sooner or later to begin getting to work with these guys
I'm glad there I mean, there's really scheme
the cycle of violence there is horrible on people in the synagogue or the week terrible week and then replies with attacks on palestinians. Civilians are the ones being harmed last question for aids to turn to china just to grab
the hardest issues like a thing ass himself.
we're star, airforce general, named Michael mini han cinema tooth
and worrying that he believes the? U s will go to war with china in twenty twenty five, the house foreign affairs committee,
Michael Mccall agreed with that.
I spent on one of the many sunday shows this weekend, I'm sure-
that you in
in Biden's. National security team were thrilled to read about an air force general kind of riffing on war with china. That's always a it's always one day, always a fun fun. Saturday morning, reading the newspaper on in the press office yeah put your dick, like I I you hit. This talk is like we can,
suggest that he should not put that in a memo or that mccall statements are irresponsible, but this is
The talk you always hear about china rights is lucidity trap
Powers are always gonna get into a conflict. Talk like war is treated as inevitable.
What is hit a to listeners who hear that all the time at a washington and think boy,
that doesn't sound good. I would prefer
void a war with china, and it can tell us about anything that the diplomats at the state department doing to twitter released
steam here shored up, so I mean we want
void of war as well.
it is the most complex, inconsequential relationship that we have right now and I am sure the united states is not alone in feeling that why many countries
around the world phil outweigh any role in foreign policy. There is, there is often a
desire drive it among the chattering classes to come up with a bumper sticker like what are you he's a containment, or what do you call her aunt rent? Well, if you wanted to try to sum up our china policy, you would need
a really long bumper, because its
it's hard to boil down into one word, because it yeah there's elements the relationship that are
if we're not afraid of competing with china as long as we're planned by the same rules there is, there is a key element of the relationship and conceited
small element. Right now, that's cooperative. I mean we ve gotta cooperate with.
On an issue like climate change, and we were the? U s is a responsible, fitting peace
global emissions. We gotta work with others to get the eighty five percent.
Draw in china's a big jungle that so there are elements we hope to be cooperative and
there are always the relationship that are conflicts while they're not does meet the conflict, but we are fundamental differences and we need to push back here.
Where necessary and try to change china's mind and working with our allies of partners along side. Us here in this house
Oh look: we have an intensive amount of diplomacy with china, its president Brian present. She about multiple. Conversely,
friends, including one in person late last year, in the margins of the meeting in indonesia, circular blinkin
In short, order will be visiting china to follow up on on present binds meetings with present she and fire way that we can put a floor on things
like we, we do not. We. We believe that this relationship matters greatly to u S, interests, involved,
lively but negatively as well, and we need to work with them to prevent things from spiralling out of control me coming into a conflict that I think we
They would want to avoid the inspector yell ethic, which is there, the treasury secretary, that that's it
deal right, because I mean with covered with china's covered restrictions. I believe
only John huntsmen, the u s ambassador to China was maybe the only person having meetings with chinese officials at an unbearable for, like so nick burns.
little bombers embezzler in due time, and when I use Christ man, my brain is it's irish, nor leaving it in
it burns was the only one who had meetings with chinese officials for like a couple of years right well in china, ancient china, we we would meet with chinese officials outside of china. Separate blankets, had multiple interactions with his counterpart and now he's got a new with shakeups who's got a new counterpart as well
but you're right burns was the only one meeting with them in china. So now china's interesting also to think about it. We we had, we had a huge challenge with covert chinese, even had a bigger challenge with covered. As you know, the last few weeks they ve been hitting
with waves- encourages exposes a we dealt with. You know
or more
so now I mean this will be surgery, blankets, first trip to china secretary of state, so over two years in the job, is finally get their mandates. Remarkable derek. Thank you.
This tour, the region. I really appreciate your time and in all the good work you don't thank sammy appreciate
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Alright, we're back before we go. The great halle kiefer is here
the lack. Of course they were here. I guess I've only other option b I
the swiss government when we had the same anyway,
get the game for us. I do gentlemen, we have a new game, it's called what's a bad at.
We ve got basically the premise that we play a clip from new facts, news, a few selected words. We believe down.
We'll notice discreet S, familiar can't if you will, because all fox raids, follow sort of the same formula sort of a deranged
mad lib. If you will, this is, of course, what we call
Up again does so we're having fund, but we are also examining other eight manipulated listeners by tapping into their feared rage and emotional level. You'll need only this elegant pattern, no snow. Let's see the
webs over in jeopardy. Do all that ok, anyhow solely bleating other specific thing each particular he is mad about
and you'll need a reliant context clues to guess what the topic is about. It is multi
choice. Don't worry because a lot of these sound pretty similar also,
king earlier. I love jeopardy. I'm kidding again, I think it's time louis for tells to be up
I will fight him. Are you all ready? You never met him. Let us play the first
This is bigger than any of us. This is about freedom, it's about america, about the right to have its at, which is what we do and now to take that away, because a particular company or a particular political party has so much power. I mean this is one.
things in authoritarian regimes. It doesn't happen in america, so we ve gotta fight. This could be anything
equally the comforting over think it's about a social media ban that makes me think it's about a social media man. What's
at about here here you're out of the a rumor
the bite. Him is she's gotta get rid of gas stoves how
Loved news max is losing its contract. Directv. The release of the so called twitter files or
time an olive garden, waitress refused to say merry christmas backed him sure was
of january, but that's how this works. First, liberals limit christmas to a single month, and then we I mean they
abolish it entirely. Gentlemen, what's your mad about at ease and adding new ideas, news max? That's my as we think that is merely closing squash mount missionary, disney riders. Think its news max too was a first reading and we have
the roominghouse gas doves news vaccinated
The directive we twitter files not say and merry christmas in january
I'm going to Elena aggravates egg and got twitter fox. Ok, again, tommy
be more wrong. It's actually be. It is newsman
By this I am a writer directv, and they just to give you can't
Is it home of case you again there's so much gorgon congress.
andrew and other publicans feared. The loss of news max would rob americans of the right wing viewpoint, but don't worry directv immediately replace news mags with a new rightwing, cable news channel called the first,
which of course has given billow riley a television show. Yet again I haven't heard this even allow thanks for educating us about
oh it's like I- had tune in its like on my local poison store closed. You know
worried, but luckily a big, beautiful gigantic point
emporium open right down the street, a craftsman targets save them.
About and get your poison
absolutely thy memorabilia poison way, namely how to carry out our boys and then a figure was poisoned.
Featuring a bill riley, let's play the second clip compassion, which is at the core of the american spirit, the care for other people. It takes that care in a twist it
Two dark ends: you're, seeing some of the nicest people in Washington makes him
dumbest statements, because they ve been infected by this brain virus.
so members of congress are now trying to spend your money on it. This is crazy, so people back-
while ago could be anything, but so that, basically, how tucker that that is.
Tucker Matt, it's incredible, also the bleep. It makes it sound way. Cooler are actually talking about like filthy. It's like I wish, that'd be yeah you're, not crazy. The world is crazy, something to do with congress. Okay, let's hear
through the option. A more federal funding for the ukrainian army be more federal funding for refugees at the border.
see a monument of capital for ukrainian presidential linsky. Do I do
tougher hunter bite it because you know that guy is going to lose. It he's it on a park bench in delaware,
singly were you all aware, the delaware just stay bird is hunter Biden's laptop. Actually, actually it's not! But what? If it was your thoughts
it was. It was Dan was here he would love the delaware county, says he's going to run on that platform
for some grass out his change in the state bird takes takes on establishment, vigour, christians, given him the bird
the options of young, a more federal funding for the ukrainian army, be more federal.
for refugees at the border see a monument at the capitol?
president linsky Araby and a new laptop four hundred bite
as we should read and you get a free laptop of hunter bite is like the president, but you gotta find it somewhere it just loose in delaware. I think it's a. I think it's
its aid to love it
in a zig, zag, Brazil, whatever it is. I think the fact that there were two ukrainian option.
Which is why I think it's then you say you're all going hey. I also don't think we've been any more border funding in
Anyway, it is see actually a bronze statue, no e republican congressman
Joe Wilson, ass, the house, fine arts board to obtain a bust of the ukrainian president and fire quote a suitable permanent location for it at the. U S, kapital tucker's, on having it, but I personally I will fight,
entirely myself, and will find anything that specifically
Tucker karlsson enraged, as this segment implies. That's good
pocketbook because he's met a lot of stuff? What do you guys think about that? Tucker's right? We do not need a bust of president Zelensky in the capital we're ever going to put a bust of a comedian if we're going to cap
you're gonna, be a little more like they do. We just get like a babo head or a vote of candle picture. I got a big, but recognise, frame, picture predominate, be photo hunger, whether babo had run a kind of my mahler Babo had if we get the high resolution or is it my fault, she wasn't advocates, for
So you re weizman. Maybe I went out and battery wise man the resistance, voucher mauler. So let's go
Listen. I got some cigar tissue either that voters belgie unequally located. Prime minister bus,
I bet I had I do you should be. We listen. I don't! U. District is out of problems. We should focus on those Google.
Let's just wasn't said, you lie you manage out of you, play the slip,
first gas stoves. Then your coffee now you're gunning. For my crazy, though like when we were kids, you were a rebel. If you have like a leather jacket and a pack of cigarettes, I mean it's crazy, what they're doing, but we understand what this is they're trying to recruit
Kids into that an earlier age. I didn't put that you're right, there's that one after the show, of course they are. I know I don't say a word. I just I'm going to get it with. The
gentlemen. America's children are big, lorded awoke ism again. What means the culprit? This time? A book pot tarts inspired, actually bay, pride buns product, the knee and pink block party lemonade flavour. Ok,
be woke. Video videogame council, specifically the xbox, see woke disney for closing splash mountain and finally woke easy bacon.
inspired by a recent add that threatens the masculinity of america's used by debating a little boy, making brownies that little broadly loving boys. Clearly gay,
you could just tell kids shouldn't
exposed to that. What do you think the answers
above can be the xbox. I do think, though, in fairness to the Republicans, I think it is weird that the pride pop stars,
flavoured y know, and I didn't notice when I had. What are we gonna like gives us a pig limited, never had it
I want to know is this fatima:
America, after dark circular, wholesome
and said xbox yeah yom xbox,
going xbox. I know that it is exploiting. It is the xbox of wars. In case you missed its listened area, the deluge
shit that is every week in the news expectation
please, a software update, allows the devices to save electricity by going to sleep mode when it's not being used foxing. The new woke xbox is both ruining the fun of video games and making kids think about the environment much too early, and we could all agree the best time for children to think
I would change is when the salt water for the rising sea levels just destroys their xbox entire moment or its also its superman's at another level, because the actual xbox update is they just changed? How the power saving mode works, to save a little more power right, yeah about just as already terrible all it does. Is just like hey guys, it's that it's called power saving over not to sleep mode anymore, takes nothing away from your nothing from any my little, even the little bit of inconvenience amount at its mouth enough to last. While,
Finally, we got one more and we got one for the ladys. Let's play the clip, they were there,
here I mean why? Doesn't anyone put a stop is again just
completely clear. Is a crime
and certainly a moral crime and unjust amazed that people sit back and let it happen
I'm glad you mentioned the dads Tucker. Yes, there's a lot of the people that are single mothers. I don't know if there's a pattern there or what what now? I think this is important because he said it's a crime.
it s. A cartoon says it's a moral cry, because this is, of course, not actually cry. What he's got it? We just throw it other crimes goody and strive to incite his viewers to her people. Absolutely that's great yeah!
They are these single mothers. Taking the children to a a christmas themed drag show helping,
young daughter, seek abortions out of state, see bringing their kids to court echoed in tee for protests or deep, forcing their children obedience
they're up at an underground toddler fight club while online.
Watch watching place tiny bets a little tiny about the size, but I think d was was a in the game of thrones spin off for wasn't it in the face. It was like a little kid fight club in a show. I watched recently the trumpet
a whole dragon yeah amicably ghastly time into the yet he never saw them,
we were the the world war radiant see again taking their case. Your christmas themed all ages drag show helping
young daughters seek abortions? I've state bring their kids to quote a coat and teeth a protests and, of course, toddler fight club a feels most likely does. It does
but I feel like their train is generous with this by. I remember him saying, as this thing about about basely harpy will just letting this happen, and I do remember I feel like it was about drags. I actually thought it was about. I think it's about drugs story are that's what I think. I think it's a too.
tell me how you feel, and I'm thinking hey to all right. You are correct. It is a taking their kids to drag shows tiger was interviewing right. Wing, troll and self described, drag foam, tyler Hansen who were
in all ages. Christmas drag show in san Antonio texas, which he claimed was inappropriate. The venue
Had to cancel all of its tranquil, so there s ears, I've saved it. Concerns is just where the many examples of drag performers being targeted by the right wing acquire the issue you publican seen us as it is three hundred and fifteen anti l, GB dick you bills and twenty four to think for lily
and I passed a law, but that's twin. Ninety many but Tucker's I entirely
because, as a woman who doesn't have a man to physically control me, I do go to drag, shows a lot and if anyone
it's been record, one I'm happy do so, but I can tell you right now: we're gonna see me having the guy.
Damn time of my life yeah, that's our game! Thank you. So much for the back. I work here. Thank beg you for hosting another fantastic game. Thank you to the state department, councillor, Derek chalet for joining us today and we'll talk to you later this week. By guys the pod save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our senior producer is Andy gardner Bernstein, our producers,
or hayley muse and olivia martinez, its mixed in
did by Andrew chadwick, kyle segment and charlotte Linda sound engineered the sharp thanks to healthy for irish,
Sandy gerard anti tat injustice. How for production, support to our digital
eliza, cone, Phoebe Bradford, Milo, came in a million monday our episode
uploaded as videos at you to dot com. Such pod, save america.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.