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“Monsters on the Hill.”

2023-01-26 | 🔗

Mike Pence joins the classified hoarders club. The MAGA House grabs the third rail of politics. Donald Trump is on top of the polls and back on Facebook. Congressman Ruben Gallego stops by to talk about his run for Arizona Senate. And later, Jon and Dan test their knowledge of Trump’s posting habits with a new game called “Truth or False.”


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With the Democrats, maintaining their senate majority in two thousand and twenty three Biden can continue to nominate federal judges, but with a g o p, led house, we also have a newly split congress on strict scrutiny. We're here to give you all you need to know about what the new congress means for our democracy and the courts. So join me. Lel at men and my co host Melissa, Marie and Kate Shaw every monday for a courts focused discussion, we've got hot, takes few jokes and the in depth legal analysis. You need to stay sane, this winter, listen to new episodes of strict scrutiny wherever you get your podcasts. Today's presenting sponsor is simply save home security. Here the question tommy were more than half way through january now, how's your new year's resolution going so far. You you were on print, leave during our resolutions episode. So we can get one from you. I did one such great. And then we walked. I had a good answer. Yeah. I think that's a perfectly welcome it's not too late to resolve to protect your home and family. in the new year, we recommend simply save with advanced security technology powered by twenty four seven professional monitoring. Simplisafe is there when you need help the most
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and how do we? Just? How do we pass up under treacherous and allied suit truths? We have to truth. fake. We have to take in a fake to truly taken effect that threats you hated our aim to truths and alive either. What does it matter? Look, it's all! It's a narrow banned. There were ideal in IRAN. Use of eighty eight, the tec as the text, I say feel they are it's the same game anyway, grab some crooked coffee to start your day, right army, as a portuguese? Actually, I'm here armenian conducts when our specialty a delicious and ethically source, just like my duncan best part, every order supports loads of american every last vote fund duncan does not. You can't say that about dung down. That's not yet, at least if you guys want to sponsor the every last one fund. Let us now
but anyway, right now you can get crooked coffee, which does sponsor the every last vote fund and is delicious. All you have to do is head over to cricket dot com, slash coffee, to give it a try today. Do you think that the endorsements that the marketing team, I think I think it is very likely that Elijah is going to spend this afternoon trying to black. The giant cup of dark him. Coffee recorded that from whoever riot. I called that. Let's get to the news former president mike pence of hang my pants fame finally might be headed to the gallows. After the f b, I picked up a few classified documents from his home apparently, where you stash all the state secrets that all the cool president's and vice presidents are treating like white house souvenirs these days, everyone's duet pen, initially said during an interview that he didn't take any classified documents, but after the end of
You gotta get a lawyer to look around just in case and sure enough. There they were like Biden and unlike trump pension. if defied the authorities immediately and has promised a full cooperation, though the whole situation has put his rightwing pals and a tricky spot here is a esteem journalist. Jesse waters react. Owing to the news, a maintenance? I seriously have this great thing going which he had just come on man. Well, what are we going to do that? Then you confess to adjust destroyed it. We never would unknown and we have to be fair and balanced and show boats. I know now we have to show both obviously alive. just says that boat, that that that is one of the best known licence, the five as one of the bananas, the life out of the five testify. That Jesse water shows different than the five while china five is great dedicated to the meanest. Let me explain you how this works.
there is often its end where there is the iron man movie, the thought movie than they get together ventures that Yes, of his own show, jesse waters has his own show, but it's all the it's all there. They all come together for the five. It's all part of the fox cinematic universe, and the five has now beats Tucker carlson a regular basis and is the most watched non sports show on cable tv. While I brought that up, because you know a points for honesty be just that thoroughly entered, Thirdly, there just admitting it- which I think is great- I what the hell is going on here dad. Why does everyone have classified documents by the way before we start. Recording there is, there is breaking news, no, the national archives has now formerly in a letter to all the living pray dense and vice president saying hey, could you re check everything?
did you recheck your homes for any classified documents or any other presidential records? You may not? have returned so now they all got a letter from Mitchell buck. It's like nine. people send a groove tax like dan, woke up and got a letter this morning and he hears that spreading first time, anyone remembered quilt is Dan quayle aren't. Yet in quick mental check like he was trending on twitter recently. Does that mean something dumb or is or is it a murphy brown anniversary or is he dead? I think he's alive? Okay, apparently presented us with a for the living president's. Now have all already told cnn have returned all classified documents mean, of course, that's what they say. Who knows? The reasons makes sense, obama's he's incredibly response. When assiduous george w bush, he doesn't red, it gets Iraq
No, you asked a question in there somewhere and I think it was so what's going on what the hell's going on here. Why does it and keeping classified documents? The only the reason I can come up with, is are remedies run by secret cabal document, orders that silly. But if we look at what has happened I mean, I do think. Probably we are going to find out at some point down the road that over classification is a problem which people have been saying for a long time, and perhaps some of these documents are not a super top secret and do not Spain, the nuclear secrets which trumps may we could, but, as we learned with the great Larry every email fiasco the original classified documents, order of twenty sixteen, as we learn from that, but, like you know some of her, emails that were marked classified were like a new. Paper article that the government decided to mark secret, for some stupid reason
I mean it. It's it's really. I guess everyone over learn. The lessons of salaries. Problem wishes. It are classified. Documents on a private server gets in trouble, so they go. No we're gonna, we're gonna, keep hard copies, and then they get I print them out and put them in our fucking garage. She didn't just suggest for the record. She did not keep classified documents on her personal server just want to stipulate. That's because that's because she used the bleach hammer to destroy it so Donald had a surprising reaction to the news, flip flopping from his position that his former vice president deserves to be hung to his new position. That quote my pants, isn't it man. He never did anything knowingly dishonest in his life leave allows alone from girls that the leave britain loaned. What do you think that was all about were not a clue Selina? Maybe I think he reflexively defends fellow criminals this The first item is ever felt a connection of any sort with my pants and it
like pretty funny that he hears the cancer may have committed a crime, so he rushes to his defense, but he endorses hanging for refusing to commit a crime on january sixth yeah. Well, that's very! On brand I mean I was going to say. My guess is like the conspiracy that the deep state is after trump and his maga crew is or valuable to him right now than picking a fight with pants who he seizes week. I'm not particularly a threat. Finally, if calling for my pencil hanging was more valuable to trump, he would do that. That sort of my guardian has enhanced and has had may again. Do you think the pants revelation changes the politics of this issue for either Biden or trump here's my lukewarm tank. The politics of the documents. Stuff is dramatically overstated, forbidden antwerp, sort o my lukewarm take as well
I guess it's not really that we wanted to take a you'll do to you tell everyone why why why you think that I think that you, caviar to that lukewarm take are one if trump were to be indicted. Force his handling of the documents is absorption of justice. Then the politics would matter I move that think think an indictment of a former president current front runner might move the needle only a little bit. To be honest, I think that it is poor Isobel that the the way to handled it, the looming. Legal investigation could be in our that someone can make against his elect ability and republican primary, but it fast forward to the general election it just hard to imagine This is an issue one where the other and allow the way we will talk about the political problems for Biden. is that it has no more some advantage. He has ever tromp, as if you ever gonna run his campaign in the fall of twenty twenty four. hell donald trump, a man,
could she do not his taxes incited insurrection, rigorous courts, oaken overturn roby wade that issue. That would be them. This or piece of his campaign would be document management in the year. Twenty one I just don't think that was ever going to really are when is when? Is that ever been at central? I think that that is, I mean it I mean like. There were the push back to that that your hinting at is well. Hilary is emails, were a problem for her. I just think it's a very unique situation with a very different candidacy in a very different race and trump is a different candidate in two thousand and twenty four than he was in two thousand and sixteen, and in many many ways, yeah,
when I I totally agree with this right now. Most voters think that both trump and Biden did something bad, even though that they think that most voters think that trump did something worse than Biden, but they did not happy with either of them have over this, and I don't think that surprises voters, because voters tend to believe all politicians do bad things and don't have a lot of faith in politicians right now, unfortunately- and I think mike pence to voters is probably just another politician who a bad thing and not a politician that most voters think too much about ever since he escaped the gallows it may I should be good, for my task is to simply would if it is ever to reiterate to be reminded that he exists ya, know pompiers wishing he had some classified documents that he could die turnover. So he gets in the news in my case, for why it might matter and politically is like you know you can imagine in a story about how both a Democrat and a republican who were found with classified documents
You know alerted the authorities pledged cooperation while trump obstructed an investigation, lied, etc. So you know you can make that case. I don't particularly think that case will stick. People, but you can make it now sure. Why not? I mean just fair to the takes that the documents that matters, the one place where it it matters. by mrs just a distraction? It's an opportunity costs they have to deal with in the white house. It sucks up. Oxides, you can use rather things, but I think, as I did, what is happening now going to matter significantly when people actually are starting to make decisions about how they're going to twenty twenty four, I find that unlikely yeah likely at all They all cancel each other out, and I totally agree with you that the advantage over trump on this issue was never really much of an advantage anyway, because there's plenty of other things to prosecute trump. Overdoing it
pain or in court vs, bronze prosecutors, the irony of urban areas, yeah, ok, so here's some painfully predictable analysis of the document mess from the new york times is peter baker quote, even if nothing comes of the new special council investigation into binds teams mishandling of classified documents politically, it is effectively let former president donald trump off the hook four hoarding secret papers agree or disagree dad. We think it may be letting him off the hook, because we are writing that its lending I'm off the hook, ma Political analysis of this sort is a self fulfilling prophecy. I know Peter baker who will unite for conformity it is a very smart, well respected journalist, but each view themselves as passive observers of what happens, but there also they influence. What happens because they right in the most powerful media entity in the world that access have,
therefore makes acts more likely to happen. This observer bites. You are By saying something is happening, you're, making it more likely to happen. Yeah, I mean even more simple, like the only way to judge the political effect of this is to know what voters think, which is already an imprecise science, but to the extent that we have data about what voters think it doesn't suggest that Peter baker's analysis of the situation is correct. It suggests that voters, very much. Thank donald trump did something bad and and and more voters the not believe that he should be criminally charge for it. And what happens if the extraordinarily charged he's really not so and I would say that peter doesn't even try to offer any data to support his assertion in peace, so it falls to me. Yes, I there's them in this is just a another example of why these points go analysis, columns that are supposed to be seen as objective
b on the opinion page because its peter Here's opinion that that is what what is going on, but instead it you can have that opinion like that is obviously it take. You can take, but there's just that irreconcilable tension between this idea that we, as political journalists, are reporting on what happens without fear or favour we're just telling you what's happening and idea that were also this incredibly powerful unimportant force for accountability? You can't have no impact over here in all the impact over there, so everything you write affects what's going to happen in politics and so have you. Offering analysis without facts without proof. Without data then you're offering opinion- and you gotta do is put on the opinion bitch yep exactly so. There is now an immediate consequence to this drama in terms of present binds ability to govern a tom cotton says he's blocking all by nominees until he gets access to the trump Biden pants documents which the special councils are currently withholding from congress. While the investigation is ongoing,
can be done about that. Just we just stuck with Tom cod being ass. All again, oh I mean we are perpetually stuck with Tom caught being an asshole as long as he walks exploiter right to adjust to the fact that the existence of Tom cotton as long as these life on this planet he's gonna be in this area. He could not actually stop all of these people from getting jumps. He can't truly block them. You only need fifty votes to confirm in executive branch nominee thanks to filibuster reform. That happened over a decade ago, but what it can do is dramatically slow down the process where it becomes a virtually impossible, get all the people who work is now. He won't consent, which means they have to have thirty hours of debate here and adjust it here. grinding to a halt on now It also says you have to go through that whole process for high profile nominees, but this is, for you know under secretary, is debbie
secretaries, thinks it normally can sort of fly through, sometimes in a big tranche of them at one time and slice he's doing this. That won't happen, which makes it harder to legislate harder to governance. Just annoying as all get out, which is very, as you would say, on brand tom cotton and he knows that Biden can ask the special council to release the dogs, because it would be interfering and investigate and into his own actions, so like it's not up to bind to really do that. The special council are going to do that. The deal jays are going to do that as an ongoing investigation. You can't be just like giving all the information to congress while the investigation is happening. That's not how long enforcement works so he's just using. This is a way to stop. I'm from staffing, the government that which is which is what tom cotton has been doing for many years now for many many many many times. So
when republicans in congress, art busy launching investigations they're using the debt ceiling to hold the economy hostage only problem is they can't seem to agree on what the ransom should be. The republicans from donald trump, Kevin mccarthy to random freedom, caucus yeah, who say that Are against cutting social security and medicare, but the washington post reported this week that house republicans are weighing legislative proposals to do just that. What's going on here to these people not realise that the legislative proposals have to become public. Eventually, I think, did they are really conflicted. on one hand their desire to remain in public office and on the their hand, their desire to take money in health care away from working class people in this country yeah. How do you think that's gotta resolve itself. mean it's all gonna come round the debts healing, because
there is no, they could put up. Legislation too, he's the retirement age or a private eye. Supporters of security or privatized medicare like they did under when Paul ryan was in the house by David prob can't even get a majority of this house for that, let alone a democratic senate in a democratic wasn't like that can happen. The one place where they have. If they really want to do this, the one place where they have a chance to do it is on the debts healing are, going to say, a great constitutes get security, medicare guarantees or will default.
It's the one place where it's going to come to come to a head and we don't yet know how that's gonna play out. I mean so they have prom. It has what we do. Nose house republicans have promised to release a balanced budget proposal in the next few weeks or so and again they are saying it will not include cuts to social security or medicare benefits for current beneficiaries, which we can get into. Why that sort of a sneaky way of saying it so, let's say, doesn't include cuts to medicare and social security, a summer what kinds of also ruled out cuts to defence spending, particularly of republicans who are chairing the committees that would decide. Yes, they have all ruled out tax increases. How do you balance the budget with all that stuff rule that you would I have to cut all the other, well, two options, one you could do it Kevin Mccarthy suggested, which is to eliminate all funding for woke assam in the government, which is his plan.
didn't realize that was a big lion. I know this. Is it it's always its biggest foreign aid, that's ambiguous or the other option is of young rare, the rare foreign aid joke this summer. just staring rock well, The other thing you can do is cut all other spending education? How care, fema homeland security by eighty five percent, you feel funny that number. I remembered that number, because I wrote that line many times in many own obama speech in the in the twenty ten twenty eleven like time to get to that. The part of the speech where we get to how much cut non discretionary domestic spending by in order to balance the budget we ve ever got it when I speak to circulate in the end. That era- and I did time to like a line by line throat. I would control f discretionary, its life
the idea of an item. I never put the fucking word discretionary merit our boston, that's exactly that it out. If that was the point at which I do controls discretion, as that would allow your desk so anyway. Yes, this whole thing is a shell game. The republicans are an you wrote a great message box about this this morning. Lick republicans are terrified of people, knowing that they want a voters knowing that they want to cut medicare in social security, and so the one
hide the ball on that. I don't think they can hide it forever. You know when they say they don't want to cut benefits for social security and medicare and medicare. You know what they could do is say: we're not cutting any benefits for current social security and medicare beneficiaries, but we will raise the age offer, people who will retire someday, which is all the rest of us for both medicare and social security, or they will cut payments to medicare providers, which is just another way of cutting medicare, because if the providers have less money they will raise costs and there will be fewer resources for medicare beneficiaries or they could do a whole bunch of other things. So there there's plenty of other cuts. They can do to social security and medicare that don't touch benefits. That would so that would still be a bullshit way of doing it and we'd and we'd rightly accuse them of cutting social security and medicare. If they do that or if they truly don't touch either program, then yeah, then they have to massively cut spending everywhere else, and I think that
I mean you talked about how cuttings security medicare unpopular, I think massive massive cuts to education, transportation, clean energy, border security, public health, scientific research, repealing the ac, ay medicaid agriculture student loans law enforcement, and got me pretty unpopular to their equipment, hovers virus weakens always lose these budget battles over the funding of the government, because their position is deeply unpopular. They just go a little bit deeper for the ninety five percent of people. Currently in this way yet message back subscribers the polling austrian medicare is mind. Boggling cbs you gotta, pull from earlier this year, so in ten voters think that protects us getting medicare should be a priority for this commission that is exceeded only by fighting inflation and it well exceeds the number threatened, which is reducing crime, But that's not something driven by independence and democrats.
Seven and ten trump voters seven intense off, identify conservatives and seventy eight percent of white non college. Educated voters, the core. The republican party base one this congress I ask you to make your that number. The number of white narcotic educated voters who believe that exceeds the number of self identify. Liberals who believe that protects us getting medicare should be a priority politics of this are deadly, which is why Democrats hold such a strong hand and in this I come out out no matter what they choose, they
anywhere near grabbing. You know what is referred to as the third rails of american politics or scary medicare. So obviously we're not the prediction business here, but I do want to entertain the possibility that, for the reasons you just cited, republicans do not propose cuts to medicare in social security and tie those cuts to the debt ceiling, not out of the goodness of their heart, but but for pure electoral self preservation. And because the people who really want to cut their scary medicare, just can't get a majority for, and not just a majority of third, like the regular order of governing here, but even a majority around the debt ceiling using the debt ceiling as a m as leverage here and theirs. The roll call story. Yesterday that said that Republicans considering now a short term extension of the debt ceiling that kicks it to the fall
is that the debt ceiling deadline lines up with negotiations that will already be happening over passing the yearly budget and funding the government, and so that way they could sort of suck the democrats into negotiating, because democrats are obviously going to negotiate over the annual budget anyway, and perhaps then they get their cuts. That way and maybe Mccarthy thinks that he can like shut the government down instead of holding the debt limit hostage. I don't know I feel like, and I also think that, if they do, you know they want, then they want to get the whole republican caucus on board with what their proposed budget is.
and if they can get the social security medicare stuff out of the way, and maybe just kick it to some commission, then they can propose massive cuts to other government spending and perhaps believe that holding the government hostage to those cuts will be more popular than holding the debt ceiling hostage to medicare and social security cuts good news about. The fact that we, particularly I are quite old, is that none of this is new We did this exact same play in two thousand and thirteen. This exact with their public instead is. In two thousand and eleven. The debt ceiling crisis that everyone keeps talking about was all about the debt ceiling that we had already. The government for the year at that point we ve had a brief showdown. Shut down, but it went right up to basically past midnight, but it was resolved Was only the net ceiling and die? kind of sort of advantage, republicans in that battle, because the debt limit is esoteric. It's hard to explain to people
it's terribly named in the sense that it makes it seem like not lifting. It is good for debt deficit as both the opposite, so that place but then twenty thirteen, not by choice by the republicans by they decided to shut down the government at the same time that the debt limit was coming up over the deaf. They said we will not find the affordable character rented essential Repeal the affordable care act a year after the country had reelected the president to pass the affordable care act and that the that the bill was basically named after and it really disadvantage the republicans in that fight, because a government shall down is palpable and ease to understand- and you Visuals like there are signs at parks, they closed and signs of museums and the federal federal government employees are not just in washington there all over the country ever
the community in america? Has some federal boys, a fema office and a local ers office, a military base, all the things where there are people who will lose their jobs and be furloughed, which will be fodder for local news? community conversation and so on. that is a strategic mistake on their part of it, I want to have a fight over the budget later to dispense with the debt limit and then have a fight over just the shutdown doing both at the same time, I think, makes their life a lot harder. what it tells me what they want is, like you said, somehow avoid these social security medicare fight, and I think what they were, Try to get to is some sort of spending control plan along the lines of the deal that we struck with the products in twenty eleven that we regretted at the time we regret more to this day that puts caps on growth in spending. So you know, Nancy mace was on the sunday shows last weekend and I think she was pressed on like okay, What do you want to cut jungle, nachos, sturdy, medicare or managing aside from saint or medical or medicine medicate to see that
ok, right, which, by the way, is something that you can see them coming fork as if they do want to touch her time and programmes for everyone? They can always kick poor people off their health care now think that that's a little bit more popular right as at least with with some of their voters So then she was ass. Ok, we'll just name something that you want to cut and she thought she couldn't do it. then do it and none of them have been able to do it, because I think what they want to do. What you're saying, which is eric? We want to cut ex billion dollars from the budget over the next ten years and then just leave that top line number have passed. And then make all the agencies actually make the hard cuts. So the people don't see what the cuts are. So The only reason any of this matters, because the who knows what's gonna happen over the next several months is on offer. The for Democrats, Democrats should keep pressuring republicans to detail what they want to cut every single day and pressure reporters to ask them what they want to cut every cent
they so that they don't get too just name a top line number and get away with not detailing the cuts. And yes, sir, skirting medicare would be very unpopular to cut, but I think we have to make the case that any of the cuts that their envisioning would be incredibly unpopular across any of the issue, areas that we just mentioned, as I don't wanna put all our eggs in the social security medicare basket, because I do think republicans could wriggle out of that and just decide that it's too unpopular to do social security and medicare. Who knows, though, could be that stupid. I guess we may never know, never got rich betting against republican stupidity, but this one, what like we're gonna blow up the economy. If you don't, let us stick to your grandparents, it's just. This is just too easy, it's Who is you mean we here? Let's take it to the only cohort of voters that we win in every election right yeah, stick to that news view of so
We talked about trumps, big south carolina kick off on tuesdays pod, but since then, there's been a few new developments worth talking about Mehta announced yesterday that they will reinstate donald trump, facebook and instagram accounts arguing in a statement that quote the fact is people will always say all kinds of things on the internet, actual line from the statement. Meanwhile, our fell journalists at axios took a look at three polls that show barely any movement in the republican primary and concluded that trump has quote fresh momentum heading the weekend, calling him quote the lazarus of presidential politics. Just when you think he's tapped out, he returns from the political dead. The poles do show trump with about a twenty point, led overdue, santas employee. Go reports that all the other potential candidates are so scared of trump that they ve talked about announcing. At the same time, because quote a group launch provides them protection from trump
lesson not learned I have not learned. Let's start with meadow letting trump back on facebook and instagram. Are you at all surprised and how big a deal with before trump. I am not surprised at all. This was basically inevitable when other platforms took tromp off african respects. They announced permanent bans, facebook very poignant very vocally said it was a temporary suspension. They can read this review. over time? There visited it for the first time back and I think twenty twenty one, and now that he's an announced candidate kind of a present. Of course they were in a it wurzel who writes on technology in politics, the internet for atlantic ferry had a great sub pen on the story which is facebook. Finally, as user, it's just so fight he made up way, which I think sort of underlines. The fact that we're talking about this now that the beginning of the show is that since twenty twenty, both facebook and tromp,
have declined so much in cultural relevance that this doesn't seem like as big a deal as it would have a long time ago, and I think that's probably right with one, exception is right in the sense that when trump wasn't on facebook, there are a lot of pro trump accounts on facebook. There is of negativism on face, but that didn't really changed. The sort of people enforces ever done, we're trooper there were dominant when he wasn't there. It has not wrote in his connection to his base per se did not beyond facebook, where it does matter is now that he is allow back on facebook. He will have access to facebooks advertiser technology and now get too in the weeds about it. Facebooks add technology is dramatically limited since apple it harder for facebook to track you on other apps, but where it they'll matters in one matter to trumpet lot. Is it still very good at monetizing your existing audience We can use facebook adds to raise money to get more
email address, as he can get more money on it, so that will help him keep his grass roots fundraising base. That was that that the big deal that will matter. It's not the same persuasion, tool used to being necessarily in politics, but for a guy running into primary, once a race as much money as best as possible, be mcafee was, can help him a lot unless you think that then met is letting him back on with with no guidelines. They have said that he is allowed to lie about the last election but no lying about the next election as where their drawn a line. Facebook facebook is such a ship every underpins corporate citizens. really face, which has such a galaxy brain group think that flag Aha, we got them. I'm just excited for that. First post in the first tweet, the first, the first step cause you're going to get back on twitter too. He also you could tell he he truths and we're going to get the.
lot of truths in our inner and our game later on, but he truth this week that it was sort of like farewell to truth, social kind of three. You know he because he responded to the facebook news and he was I social. You ve been great, even wonder. I'm so absolute them. So grateful to you, like he's like leaving LEO yeah, get ready he's coming back he's coming back I, let's talk about the the axioms piece about trumps. Fresh momentum, by axioms josh. I'm really hotline Josh does Do you agree that trump has freshman phantom heading into south carolina. Is the momentum fresh because of those three polls that show him a twenty points over dissenters? feel like. That was a leading question of sorts
I have- I don't I'm not going to argue yes I'll argue or whatever and I'll do both. I hit me on any side of a take. I don't want to pick on Josh, whoever you may be. Or- and this is going to be a bit if I probably, but this story does or of embody everything that's wrong with political journalism. Forget it it is all the more because even on this by gas, for What then have a decade together. Twenty years there is the the problem is horrible journalism is that the need for new narratives exceeds the speed at which politics changes and so on nothing has changed in the last month, Donald trump. It was around holidays a front runner great vulnerabilities republican nomination and a deeply flawed generation candidate,
donald trump today, but there before just be after gives us food for the hurry. My master, endorses m or not is the same thing f for with great vulnerabilities is deeply functional, should get it. Nothing is fundamentally changed by you. Can't you you can't get attention if you No one ever closer union says: nothing's changed right. That is better a story that he's gonna drive traffic or dry that revenue, so we have to like squint things with one eye to try to find a new take, and this is one of those examples, the other the m, the new take in this peace. The. Why, if you will was Boy did Joe Biden, hand, donald trump political gift by having classified documents in his house, because Somehow Joe Biden document issue made trump more palatable to republican primary voters who had been thinking about de santas, which is why together gallop brain. Take man, it's that is connecting allotted lives, but I do not think can be connected, but I
look into those polls, because I was like hm and sure enough, like the all these polls that showed trump with, like a twenty point, lead under santas. The last polls taken in the same set of polls had basically either the same margin between trump or dissenters or actually a worse margin. So it's like the idea that trump is it has. It is doing better is just not a it's just not doesn't bear out in the facts. Delia of the polls, it's based on vibes, it's based on vibes, it's based on, but I continue to think we won't know until we won't have a hint until at least the first debate, how vulnerable trump is as the front runner and whether how much of a threat to santas or to a lesser extent, a brien camper our young can, or someone like that is to donald trump. I think we just won't know until people announced and until we have a first debate sometime in the summer. Speaking of all the other candidates, what do you make of all these other potential republican candidates waiting to announce?
Brilliant strategy born of courage if the people that these people are are neither clever nor courageous, I mean I have I and in the spirit of getting on any side of a fun taste I cannot understand what they're doing like it, they have a collective action problem where it is in all of their collective interest. For someone to get out there and start running against trump It's just in no other collective action problem. Since twenty ass, his deed, yes, example, adjusted no one's collected. Will I really am year eight year, eight of the courtyard that some problem there about what? This is, why it's hard to run against someone who has a third of the party locked up, but, as you know, individual interests to be the first one out there to have to take trump on themselves. So they wait but the prom, as they wait and they wait anyway. By the time they get in it's too late
he's an almond aim are once again like forty thousand votes and four states away from fucking lunatic mean president states. I do think that the governors who might run against him all have an excuse like they have spring legislative sessions where there be trying to rack up. Some wins against woke is gonna, say yes, that they're going to they're going to they're going to take to all the maga media fans on tv to raise some cash, get some primary support. So you know It is young again, though there there there waiting around but like what the fuck aids not get any better from my bumpo, but yet this right, I mean that that is. That is a true statement for MIKE pompeo's not to not to bar not to dip into a world or territory. Here we don't have the prediction game, but I'm kind of betting. This is probably the high point of MIKE pompeo's presidential campaign right now. Alright, one more fun trump story from the palm beach post, so
trump truth the other day that he won the senior club championship at trump international golf club, only issue is he didn't play the first round of the tournament, because the diamonds funeral, giving a eulogy where he had did that he didn't know who silk was and complained about me. In the tournament, so instead, instead, Members showed up the second day of the tournament to see that trumpet the trump edges given himself up five point lead over everyone else wishes. The tournament organizers he had done because he played a strong ground in the courts, earlier that we, so he just to save, give himself a five point. We had an end of the second day the tournament in any one. He said it was a great honour to hit What are they gonna win? It was evidence of his fitness for office that he could win. Governments. Have you
ever heard of a more perfect trump story than that. I think that's decades from now. If people won't understand donald trump I'd be like forget about the presidency: the campaigns, the impeachment the insurrection just look at that story in the palm beach post. That's all you need to know. Yet it's is no notes. Perfection embodies him exactly just love. It. Actually want every bit about it, I'm so let it happen that way. That's just throw you all deserves and fund for the weekend, When we come back to in talks to arizona congressmen, reuben guy, I go about his campaign for kyrgyzstan cinemas and it is this episode is by better help when you're at your best, you can great things, but sometimes life gets bogged down and you may feel overwhelmed or like you're, not shown. up? The way that you want to working with a therapist can help it closer to the best version of you.
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Can be nerve racking and in is new. many you people things get downright uncomfortable. This film follows ezra played by John. hill and a myra played by law in london as they navigate the treacherous waters that link family and romance. If they want to make it to the altar, they have to first get past their families, as well pseudo woke parents play by Julia, we Dreyfus and david to company, and is unyielding unconcern parents play by eddie murphy and the long while what a casket cast a man you people is star pact, clash of culture and comedy written by Jonah hill, and can you, baroness and directed by kenya, bears you people is rated are in only on netflix january. Twenty seventh sign me up for that. joining us now's, the congressmen from phoenix arizona, he's just announces one percent reuben gag up harrison, diego welcome back deposit america now things are happening again. you're right into it. so you just entered what could end up being increased
the unique centre She went just be running against carry weight or blake masters or some other republican. You could be running three way race. It includes cursed in cinema, the woman you are trying to replace What would you say to people who are concerned about Democrats ability to prevail in a three way race? it's, a democrat Republican and a former democrat, number one the only way for us to keep this rate is actually for me to run cures and cinema has killed herself. So much for numbers with voters, and especially regrets and independently voters the she's real in like them, so low right now that she is very, very, very little support riding, she turned a family and consultants in terms of her pain, barrier gauges, children and it's not coming back as maritime cargo, independent, finally dropped her numbers even further so our choices either we run a strong democratic and keep the sea or we don't
running a strong democrat and what happens? Is we end up splitting the vote and a Republican does get in? This is the only way we can keep the seat on the character. Do it whether it is carry lake pierced, the cinema or any other republican. We can win it, but when I couldn't be rewarded. If we don't run a strong democrat and right now, it's it. I read a quote from you and politico: If you took on the notion that you cinema would split the vote and you've thought that it might actually end up being cinema and the republicans splitting that, could you say well more about that for pizza, maybe address some of the concerns. People may have about this three way. Race thing Yes already we ve seen some pulling whether she is taking more from the Republicans, and I think, once we actually are running a full state like campaign for democrats. No that we are, the current were ranged from campaigner going to keep moving direction. She's already if her numbers are solo, with replete with Democrats and will make sure they go even lower, because you know of a lot of her stances and I think, at the end of the day, that's gonna continue moving that direction. Also the republic
going to be in a beat up primary from now until august of twenty twenty four and in that time period a lot of moderate republicans are going to swing overmore towards cinema and then, at the end of that phrase, you pray republicans are basic, can be boeing it out with cinema and will be very happy with our coalition the other side, ready to win this is there is no real strategy for cinema to even get out of second place. If she stays She is in third place, no matter what and it's going to really move voters away from the Republican occurred to her For many many years, Democrats did not Wednesday white narrows arizona, We ve had some success. In the last three elections, there has been a little bit formula for how to do that. Curtains twenty eighteen was a moderate Democrat very different than she was after that it certainly is now to your point.
Kelly wine in twenty and twenty two with a moderate persona, Joe Biden, more moderate democratic zombie running its primary. You are a proud progressive. You ve been very vocal, progressive How do you like? What is your strategy for winning in a state where republicans, independence actually outnumber registered democrats. How you thinking about building coalition, similar to the one you more kelly, had twenty two to win well yeah. I remember a lot of those independent lieutenants right airs we blew over for quite a while, so be when we say This is a one in twenty eighteen, that's true, but we also want to J whites back in the day and all things about. You know your progressive to progressive. They say that about every Democrat, their runs for office in arizona it doesn't matter what you do. You are communists in whatever they wanted. They call you nowadays right now says and eighteen twenty years in twenty twenty two right, so it's all about talking to the borders, making them
voters, understanding you are aligned with their values, and you dare to work for that. If we do that, well, we're going to get out there, but we're going to get people to come. But for us that maybe are Democrats republican pleading order, your truly independent. Lastly, what has not happened in whoever is working to excite the latino right, we're going to that vote out to a point where no one's ever seen it about. I thousand latinos turn eighteen every month in arizona, gonna be talking them as soon as they go and we're going. two other that you know that we lost the last couple years, not republicans causes I bought it because they haven't been communicated to, and then it's not outweigh its think. But every time I've ever ran I've always or before the tablet ticket, because I also bring a lot of luck. You know males back into the democratic cop column because of mobility closely connected them. The fact I'm a better it,
did. You know, I understand what it means to be working class and trying to figure out how to pay bills. the pay, a mortgage in a hostile, As always, these things are skills that have not been brought to this campaign. To this day how does europe, especially on throwing a software right across the plate for you by I was secured in cinema. Does things they didn't have infuriated people in your state, infuriate progressive democrats on the countries of europe, myself many of our listeners by she, thoughts? Most of the time of president by inch confirms most of his nominees I'll. Give you a chance to talk a little bit about how a senator you're innocent, specific issues. How a senator reuben guy ago would be different. People. Arizona than a senator kirsten cinema will lead. Ledges began with where there are the problem. three thurston. Why doesn't speak to borders in arizona anymore? She hasn't had.
Public town hall, where she's your sector into questions in and ask people what they care about and which is when You start making some these other actions, for example negotiating, we're pharmaceuticals and make sure that actually had more powers. rage, ices of drugs, She didn't go back to a resigned, talk to senior european say well, you know we could I had a better view, but I decided you need to water down there. Why did you do that? We don't know right because she won't. She won't talk to. She won't talk to you You have a check in hand or close, meaning and your reply. A part of a very powerful groups right, and each other in the closing daily impression reduction act. your private equity managers, Hence my managers we're gonna, have to pay more taxes. Further, not you know heavy labour, she went to negotiate a deal to make sure they were carved up. Why did you do that pearson? You never told anybody,
You didn't actually beforehand. You didn't go back years under explain why you say, use your time and effort to fight for the rich instead of for those, are looking for more how this is. Consistency is that when we now her the most cheese there, the least ripe, and if you look at with some of the biggest times. We need her. The boy rights acts when arizona has been consistently under attack on public authorities, take away the access to you, for it early voting and things of that nature. She did. She ran away to use a filibuster to stop the John was going to reject. Who supposedly, was her friend and mentor very good weight by the way to treat a friend and meant left as I take as users are enemies. Were animals rightif, just met- you just may ask now, then you know
in that year that, just like you know one of lists of so many too many grievances when we needed her ample back better It wasn't a constructive position. She touchy basically destroyed a very good program. And we ended up having a very watered down version, and yet even the infrastructure deal that we all love- was strongly watered down to the point where it's good, but it could be a lot better Why do we water adopted? We have to win votes, we did it. We have fifty one. We could have got a great deal. The really will revolutionise our economy are a yo yo Bring in renewed green energy may part of this state, but instead she chose to have the ceremonial the position of Bi partisanship we got more votes, but we got doing ensuring the dollar's last in infrastructure and the idea of a day again
Where we need her. She wasn't there, it she's for the easy stuff. It's were once there, which is a hard stuff she's missing in action, so just it zoning while specific site take it that you would vote to eliminate the filibuster. If you are the senate, you would be part of a in, as I feel, a buster majority in the senate. If we needed at the pass image at exactly at a minimum. We should be looking at reforming the purpose of the filibuster reform, the tons and tons of times right. It's not just some secret law. It will be too, obviously it's being abused. Being use all the time abuse all the time. We need to figure out how to change. It or you can change it to actually be able to punctually and minister decided, then you'd, then we can look at getting rid of it. When katy porter Our colleagues in the house was on the sheriff renouncing her campaign for senate. She express an open
as to the idea of adding supreme court justices in terms of expanding the court. Where are you on that plan? not there yet, and I think we have to break the workers due to the court to have an ethics. Since some ethics standard egypt bring more checks and doubts as to the court. seem to think that they have a right, to now. Legislate also, but you know that moving into an expansion of what I think is a step too far for me, but for now now, if they continue to go down the road where they think that they are part of it Is it a branch or can do their own legislation with their shuttle? Dockets and yes, there's something we we have to explore. I got to ask you because you have a new neighbor on Bravo as I understand your office, europe is there aren't Gabriel. I don't know of an active at all. That's your office next door, santos, his office have you guys hung out? Are you friends?
Only those glasses he's wearing a real have yet in contact with him at all. I have not had any contact with them. I don't. Those glasses are real. I dunno. If Israel, by crisis, There's there's a lot going on their site. I don't. I have not had a personal experience. Does it anything to you about the save the motto republican party that they are willing to keep george santos there in exchange for one vote, I this is. It says a lot about Kevin Mccarthy too, and you know he's devoid of type of values- or you know even real choices- that he can make me he's here, trying to keep it a martyr to agreement on his side. I try to keep your gilbert mac age from jumping ship and you don't erratic. A con man around at destroying the reputation of the republican party in billions really of congress enough. So he can keep his word. The opposition as speaker of the house
I can tell you in general, where the republican party is an and their candidates. I mean there, they aren't you get here a fraud. They all knew that he was lying about his his background. And they just decided to go for it was number one. All I care about is that he was a republican, and it was a way to be really stick to the Democrats rising. What an nothing more and have a gay with tino member which they could say see we have one of her own and screw you guys. You lose a fraud on all fronts, On this show we often talk about controversial, takes we our the internet, we look for tweets that at night I was at the time they are from Canada who condense crazy, magda republicans, fox news people, it's very rare that elected democratic, good standing has one of their takes bubble up to the top. for us look like when we flatly which will then yes,
I bet you are. We abide. We have a recent. We of yours, Need you to defend in the last couple: You tweeted heartache, keep the guy stove and get rid of the air friar urban arenas use airfares. I need you to say what you meant there. Indeed, you know you had an error fire in your house when you treated that I didn't. That's about, of course, trying to be here is open air fire. no just a healthy, delicious food. If you had no idea where it came from, it looks like a crime. Pardon me I thought my, my wife was using a crackpot the whole time So when she corrected me on twitter, Do you realize I was wrong zone now, If you're not really is to be used in our fire, yeah you're you're perfectly
down to earth and you should be prime wearing a plan and wearing a girl, a car gear. If, if refugees I will we will take humility. ability to admit mistakes as a very important quality in our leaders, and so we appreciate that Congo reuben guy ago they for joining us later listeners now who may be interesting your campaign where they can go to find out more aid, you, if you can go to guy eagle for arizona dot com, I would appreciate we ve. Had we ve had a great first day. First couple days we need to keep the momentum going. This is campaigns can reach out to all parts of arizona but go take a lot of your individual support and were fighting a big fight against a lot of big money people. So please help us out. Thanks are joining us and we will talk to use it. Thank you the parts of america.
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Alright, we're back. We got a new game called truth or false, hosted by our foolish producer. Hayley means I am I right, so we ve already got a little bit into the true social stuff that I have been following trumps truths for quite some time, and I figured now before he makes his return to twitter. Facebook and instagram is flooding all of your feeds. We could go through some of his greatest hats on trousseau so with this aptly named game. True, there follows zau, as this hide eldest depicts you guys are going to hear three takes hooker and you're going to decide which of those statements he actually said and which ones I made up while sound to truth is a truce in one fake. We mix it actually makes it up keeping you on. It has Male outside I'll tell you beforehand how many are looking for a good deal.
to the mind of donald trump, yes deepen okay, so we're gonna start off with some statements about diamond and silk. As John my friends, we ve talked about how trump gave a beautiful eulogy this week for her. For the late diamond and I'm so of these three statements, which one d trump actually truth about diamond and silk number one are beautiful: diamond of diamond and silk has passed away. Silk was with her all the way and at her passing, there was no better team anywhere or at any time, It's number one number, two, remembering all the great times I had with one of my greatest supporters, the late diamond of diamond and silk, a dear friend who will be missed. Thank you diamond for your support. Number three the lame stream media is trying to say, I was rude to self another fake story to distract from Biden sharing secrets with china pay attention.
So there's one there's two rounds and one fake want now. One real won t make ones too faint on achieving, I gotta go under the answer. I think I do to the first month ruin that that's what I think see, I was trying to trick you guys a few days later. He eulogise is and says that he doesn't know self right after diamond died. He was just talking about the dream team, so there would, though it was closely because I thought the second one when he thinks diamond for her support that does amo trot lula does somewhat gloomy. Would you? I've been doing some method. Acting. That's good piece is truth round to trump is actually very and in a giving and loving spirit over the holidays and so which of these passive, aggressive holiday messages. Did he not truth? So too are real. One is fake number one happy new year to all the radical left democrats.
marxist lunatics, china, loving cocoa chow in her obedient, husband, mitch and clueless rhinos, who are working so hard to destroy our ones great country. More importantly, happy new year to the incredible brave and strong american patriots who built love and cherish america. God bless you all right number one number two merry christmas: everyone, including the radical left, marxists shifty shift and his sham investigation, the thugs and tyrants of the democratic party and, most of all, to my children and my beautiful wife, millennia peace on earth. Number three merry christmas to everyone, including the radical left, marxists that are trying to destroy our country, the federal bureau of investigation that is illegally coercing in paying social and, of course, the department of injustice which appointed a special prosecutor who, together with his wife and family, hates trump more than any person on
love to all. I guess to go with the second one is fake because he would never actually wish his family have a merry christmas. What do you think Dan I agree with that. Damn! Okay! Alright! Alright, though the the first one I remember but cooker Cho and her obedient husband, but I was I was, it was second and third were tough. yeah, of course, bananas got are able this or maybe a little bit harder so In addition to these beautiful words of wisdom from tromp here, for social way. More than twitter shares a lot of fan arts propaganda. so we have some means to share with you in and one of his favorite tests as this gal andrea, who goes by the handle, god underscore bless, underscored trump and so which of these three pictures with words.
no means did andrea, not make, and thus trump did not redruth. The first is a photo of trump giving a thumbs up in a car with the words get in patriot we're going to make america great again. It's pretty cool number one number, two, a collage of photos showing trump playing sports and holding various balls. That reads my president: is the coolest number three a photo of trump posing with his golf clubs, with a poem of sorts that reads trump's best on the course he's got a great swing. Everyone knows that he's the manga king, the goat, on and off the course which of these is fake. I think I have, I think,
I think the gulf one is fake. I think my prisoners, the coolest mistake, ok! Well, that was a trick question. They are all real eliven guise of photos you gonna, take in the beautiful artwork, god bless tromp, but go on and off the course so funny, we need more of us and our party to say if Andrea doesn't pivot over to twitter, along with trump I'm going to be very upset, I'm a big big fan that is amazing: okay, alright, next one, what random stream of consciousness did trump, not true, so just a random sentence out of nowhere,
number one way. Night shows are a waste of time and the hosts are not funny number two. Whatever happened to global warming number three true social is so hot, so one of these is fake to a real moves, a tough one, I think true social israel. I want to see the globe Warming is fake. This is a tough one because he didn't he when he was on twitter, sweet about the unfairness of way. Nato's. All that have any would read when it was cold. When Arabin a global warming so I'm just gonna take a stab, although I think, helios being tricky here in a very eliza like fashion that I'd go with true socialist, so hot o, the one that is figures. Night shows real, and I just want to note that the true social is so hot has four owes. It is true. Social
it's so hot yeah. I think I remember that one yeah I should have gone with the late nature. You are you're deep into truth, social, I'm a thirty by me and I could write these truth. In my sleep, I have to tell you. Billy has only this motion through social change at all. Liking questions about the election. I regretted year covert shots like what, if any
I feel like I got an ego boost, I my kind of taking on the trap, mentality and just feeling good about myself. So great, an out of the studio. Here we have a goat, renew their you guys who have now started producing. You knows, goat producer glean fear I live. I love it. Ok we're gonna round this out as the final one which of these pop lyrics did trump truth about himself. One Israel, too, are fake, I'm simply the best better than all the rest, of course, an ode to tina turner. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger and to collect, lurks in or
I'm everything I am because you loved me, a note to sleep. Indian saw wonders baker, terrific traffic or, to effect yet so one want israel when it was the first man, I'm simply the best better than all the rest number two is what doesn't kill me makes me stronger and number three is I'm everything I am because you love me, I would bet, what is or is not kelly israel as real, I think, number one, Israel, I think it's the tina turner, then it el the clerks and Daniel, why, I think that's a saying that it is not like a carton invented. That's where the he's just its happenstance, it's a killer cartons are known. He's was a huge of thinking play is that you to turn song at his about It is why included celine, because one of the most underrated stories of the month is that trump dj celine dionne at his new year's marilla go party
and yeah? I can see it and and the reason that he he truest. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger was in reference to the house January sixth committee is criminal referrals wow. He said these folks don't get that when they come after me, people who love freedom rally round me it strengthens me. Why doesn't kill me makes me stronger americans now that I pushed for twenty thousand troops to prevent violence again right, x and then I went on television and told everyone to go home. We do know that waiter who won this accident. We keep score. I think, Lastly, we may I once I workers, Yet we lost the same. I got that one right and we both guttural second last week, so I have no indigenous yeah undefeated in this specific game. Are we adding this to the take Talia? I was going to say that it can be. It can be a separate tally, like every difference was undefeated or walking. Going as long as truth is up and running sour. That's great, I mean that's a good idea who we thank you for this wonderful game are very welcome.
Before we go speaking of lyrics, I just want you all to hear what happens when you s senators try to be funny. This is from yesterday's national hearing into the debacle around ticket masters, handling of tickets to taylor, swift areas tor and which parent company live nation was rightly attacked for being a monopoly with listen. You have to have copies, shit. You can't have too much consolidation, something we know all too well with senator klobuchar as as chair, I had hoped to get the gavel back, but once again, she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers a purchaser of a ticket being able to sell it to someone else. I think it's it. It's a nightmare dressed like a date. Karma. A relaxing thought argue envious that for you it's not ticketmaster otto look in the mirror and say I'm the problem. It's me I don't know.
ok, so here's the thing that was Amy closure, MIKE lee of utah and the last one was dick Blumenthal, connecticut democratic centre. So here's the thing on us first of all, just bad bad all around that's just it s, just a travesty of, but here's think MIKE Lee. I appreciate How far he swerved out of the way with those lyrics like the karma lyric, the dress like that about the. If the pupil hung with music, none of those really made sense in context he really had to go out of his way and they were all sort of deep cuts Ivan. Closure and Blumenthal that was sort low hanging fruit, and There is nothing more embarrassing than watching dick Blumenthal. Try to get that out, because you can tell he has not heard taylor swift before
leads us. What do you think he knew what he leaves us. What measures leaves a real swiftly, and I think there are over here is probably real swiftly to release her daughters and sows Michael s daughter, I may here's my take job every one great after the staff who wrote those special to members who read then here's the thing we do The show twice a week we never talk about congressional hearings, adult involved. I would insurrection rise here. We are highlighting the problem of monopolies and ticket sales success attention is good grades, our people, monsters on the hill. That's what I say many years, it's her day ago for joy, today. Thank you to hayley for the game, everyone, a great weekend and out we'll talk you next week by everyone Pod save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez, r c, Producer is Andy. Gardener Bernstein are produced
are highly amused and olivia Martinez its mixed in edited. Andrew chadwick, kyle said and charlotte Linda sound engineered the shell thanks to Helsinki ferrari. fourth sandy gerard anti taft adjusting how for production support into our digital. Elijah cone, Phoebe bradford? My look him and Amelia monday? Our episodes are up as videos at youtube dot com, such pod, save america.
Transcript generated on 2023-02-06.