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"New Year, New Biden."


Joe Biden marks one year in office with a two-hour press conference, Run For Something’s Amanda Litman joins to talk about the local races that could help prevent the next coup, and Donald Trump’s legal troubles pile up.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Mummy and Ben interviews, Secretary of state, tony blinking, just hours before he jumped on a flight. to make a minor incursion into Ukraine. Greater european attention, their great Ukraine joke workshop amount. All morning, Also time you ve been over some tips about how to respond to what about ISM in foreign policy. In this case, talking about comments by a solar Silicon Valley, billionaire who said he didn't care about the genocide against the workers in China also check out this week. America dissected were Abdul talks to former CDC director Tom Friedman about the past present and future of the agency. He once ran episodes of America dissected drop every Tuesday, don't miss it. Let's get to the news of which there was plenty on Wednesday, so Republicans, filibustered the Jean Louis Freedom to vote at forty. Eight Democrats voted to break the filibuster, but failed because Joe mentioned,
Carson Cinema refused to change. The Senate rules and during the longest presidential press conference in history, Joe Biden, rejected that Russia would invade Ukraine express confidence. The Congress will pass parts of build back, better and or the Electoral Count ACT took responsive ready for being slow to ramp up covert testing said that the prospect of illegitimate, mid term election is possible. And tat. It is administrations, progress on the pandemic in the economy, guess he will win, he has to do something it depends on what it does is one thing for minors version dont carbon. We get the pieces chunks of the bill back better law signed in law. I predict you you get something done on the electoral reform sign, continue to make the case white so important to not turn you like to process over the political persons who were set up deliberately to change the outcome.
should we have done more testing earlier? Yes, we're doing more. Now I didn't The promise it but I have probably here perform when everybody thought would happen journey, I want to say, by pointing out that reporters were tweeting complaints during binds opening statement that he had taken any questions yet right before you. He held the longest press conference in history and took a lot of questions just like wait, a couple minutes for the fucking opening statement to end before you. tweeting your complaints, I mean how many times- and we saw yesterday as well, where reporters like why won't the president answer our questions wire, his answer so long, just the livable? How do you think it went? What was good? What was less good? Indeed, think it was a net positive overall, cable. First
I love the energy, and here here is the context reporters had been complete. nearly four months that your by doesn't enough press conferences. So binds attitude. You fucked when a press conference I'll give a press conference. Two hours you and ice cream, unique ice cream to your puke. That's what we're doing that three! Get that he gave them he gave them like was that positive. I think it absolutely was. I think it is incredibly important and what our resolution The purpose of coming from the people see more of job and it he You see, they're gonna, tell this story or something to tell it form and being. out there was the right thing to do. Was it perfect, of course not. No, it has given to our press conference in history and no, press conferences are perfect. I thought the good. The good part was people seeing by being in command, delivering his message. That is worth Some problems, luck I don't want to be an expert in Ukraine. all right
nor do I dance, but with the low someone from my head ready for that. All I know about the issue is: that is what Tommy and tell me on parts of the world good after really wait till next week's episode to fully understand what would happen, but I at this end, since gents Aki tweeted afterwards a clarification and then clarified it again this morning that The message delivered was not exactly what sort of tea or agency process would have won him to deliver, but all at all think it was a good performance. He'd, do you know he it domini, coverage going thing about this right s, ear the coverage going into the one year anniversary is going to be about Joe Binds Press conference Joe making the case for what is done, or it's just going to be a bunch of videos. Carson Cinema getting her oh hi, fights and Republicans as voting rights goes down, and so this is proper able to that for sure, I thought on the good side of the ledger.
Like you said, energetic Mostly a happy warrior few moments a few moments where he got a little annoyed, but mostly a happy warrior, which is where you want Joe Biden to be here speaking to the most annoying people on the planet, asking questions designed in a lab to be annoying like there. We all know that we know that he took off, questions, even the dumb ones too, responsibility where he needed to. There were a clue. They prepped him on this and there is a few times where he Pointed out over and over again the Republicans have no agenda tax said: what's your plan match, I thought that was brought me some of the strongest messaging. from him during that press conference, look on less bad side. Outta you put out the Ukraine thing, but I think the Ukraine answer stems from a larger issue with press conferences in general, like people
leaders they care about answers to their problems right so you're in a town hall. They ask you questions like what are you gonna do about inflation? What's your plan to end the pandemic report? care by making news. So there a bait you into political analysis and hypotheticals and Biden, took that bait way too many times right you take a wonder Ukraine answer. He got himself into the messenger you know. Do you think mid terms will be illegitimate if we don't pass voting rights to second annoying question. But you know he sort of went down the path when you really read the transcript at such a mess that I dont at he'd inaction. They say the midterms are gonna be illegitimate. He said, if one tries to overturn an election nor throughout votes it could be a legitimate which I get obviously, but it was like all messed up and a lotta jumble there, but the problem is I think when you, when you start engaging- and this is why every staffer tells their boss to not engage hypotheticals with the press, because, when you starting date. He hypotheticals, you start sounding like
analysed, you start sounding like someone who is just like us. serving events as opposed to shaping events, anyone His biggest challenges right now and is one of the biggest challenges in the last year? Is that he's looked like someone at times who has been? Who is just observing events instead of shaping events, what you supposed to do with the president's Think Ashley Parker with this This piece in the washing oppose the other day and so did some focus. Group it's a Linda Lake, did whose democratic pollster who worked for the Biden campaign, and why person, like I think, one suburban mom in the focus group. As a swing voter said, sometimes Biden seems like the supporting actor and so when that is the view, everything about using language. That's more like I am going, to do this. We should do this, I believe- and this I won't let Vladimir Putin do this like you just need to speak and more active language, and not do so, analyzing, which I think what happened in this press conference.
is a problem that all presidents double into our former boss currently did its product and this was this was the guns and religion thing right, These, like analyzing voters in Pennsylvania, you never want to be doing that. You never want to do some sort of psychology, diagnosis or sociological Dana's if a person or a population, but or Vladimir Putin rule for the press and Sudan says: if question sounds like something that Anderson Cooper ass David Axelrod. You should ask a question and if your answer sounds like what David acts rubber telling Us Cooper, you shouldn't have any say: you're not a but you're, not put in chief. Everyone falls into this presents fall into it, but I do that the hard part like obviously I do want to say that I am sort of selling myself short as Ukraine Export, because. I still to this day, I believe,
banned from entering Russia, because I talked about Ukraine on me- the press and twenty forty, so that's an credentials your way, you in roads ray you going abroad as Russia Tommy. Don't you just go to Moscow? Everyone who, but I think, we're the promise for binding giving this like. I was a. He was a senator for a very long time. This is our senators talk. and so they re because their night there they're not used to being executives with power and and can take action. This uneven vice president's right. It's similar am but also the problem is, He knows a lot more than the rest of us there, so we knows was likely to happen. So it's very hard to be like dude, Do this thing I know one can I happen. I know how limited. My options are, and so the answer was not but I sort of understand the contact. The president's can find themselves in those no situation. Takeaway. As a relates to Russia Are we look? I think overall, he probably had to
it is good and done a press conference in so long and in a reporters wine and says only about it this week. be part of my strategy and twenty twenty two. I would not do these these press conferences again, I would do interviews. I would do some shouted answer. Some shit questions here and there from reporters every time the press wines about having another press conference, I would go to a town hall with voters. I think they ask It's not like voters, not voters. Even asking softball questions. When voters ask tough questions. They are still questions that force. An answer out of you that is speaking. To the concerns that are relevant to people's lives and not speaking What's going to make some reporter news, so they can get clicks. We tell the halls, is clearly Biden, favorite format a bunch of them, he didn't know larger in the campaign. He we prefer them over about press conferences as we want what press conferences are one of the worst ways to get your message out
He also prefer some over one on one interview, she's done very very few one on one reviews and am sure Jack with resists the problem with the town hall strategy. Is there see it and there's MSNBC That, like there is a limit to the number you can do that every maybe everyone's or you could give its abc. Do you want to address an obvious, but the idea that can't be the centre piece of a communication strategy, because they're just a limited number of times that you can do that? Did you get We ought to get any sort of traction year. Will you you'd have to make use of them? So I didn't you could you could have a situation where you go to a town. because you have a piece of news to make and then if it's not like the whole exact cover live you still making some news of the town hall because you're announcing something and then you're still just taken questions from voters, Maybe they cover the thing- maybe they don't, but at least the headline, as by The town hall when he announced something from the infrastructure bill some grant right, so
You could argue that this press conference was a microcosm of president binds first you're, an office which had its share of ups and downs His administration vaccinate over two hundred million Americans saving at least one million live so far. They oversight economic recovery that led to the biggest drop in unemployment in the most jobs ever created in a single year. They pass one of them, This economic relief plans in history that led to the lowest, poverty rate ever and five million more Americans with health insurance. The largest invest an infrastructure since the Interstate highway programme they confirm or judges in their first year than any other president on the other. Two new variants of prolonging the pandemic into its third year in sparked the worst inflation and decades, while a deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan kicked out The final months of the year were Congress failed to pass legislation on climate, healthcare, immigration, voting rights, criminal justice reform student, the minimum wage gun, violence and much of the rest, Joe Binds agenda, leaving him with an average appropriating. Forty two per cent in a country
where seventy percent of the electorate thinks we're heading in the wrong direction. First, question listening to this list, why are you at the press conference yesterday? What are you listening to me from the press conference? Why do you the bad news is crowded out the Good NEWS in the media in people's minds. While I think the most I just want to say one thing that sort gets left out of the conversation about this past year. Donald Trump is not fucking. President. Yeah, that's a big deal. You think! That's you think that you think people need that reminder. You don't think people know that why does take is thinking about things in your line accomplished ever really good for America in the world, that's one of whom he beat him be baked into the baseline figures. I got so sure, given where the baseline as these days that baselines will be lower than ever. People who very much want adopted not be president. Ok, to question is: why is the bad news crowding out the good
So the answer that question in your question, which is We are in the end the third year of I wanted to say Can I make an inflation at forty you're right? That is a big deal, so it's very hard to make the case about all the things you ve done things over have if it's over the long term, the fact that the accounts he's doing better when can't leave your house. You worry about your kids. What a life screwed up because of the pandemic and you're. cause of groceries gas into how much other things have gone way up, so your doubts are growing less far. That's not Joe Biden. I'll bet? He started imagination, but because he is the one in charge is paying the price for it. So there's just not with be given Those facts. The public is not open to arguments about why things are good. Hopefully Gonna change in the coming months, they were open to. I argued for why things were good. A year ago, when the map We're getting vaccinated, pre delta before us, it
no gas prices spiked up which have come down and a lot of places. but that's the that is the primary promised put political atmosphere ex suck and there is no message. There is no slogan. There is no press conferences on Fire Prescott. Do our press garments no doubt without my minute solves that, probably you need it You need the clouds to recede to be able to tell people get the weather is, what about another CNN, whose, besides dominant, without which it would not do it? Where was the Danube Ashdown allergic tapetum? I made No, I mean you're right. It's it's negativity any bias right making things are needed if the only two problems make it but like when there's also good thing that ever that the media, the media's brainwashing people, think everything's bad. No, when, when there's high inflation, we're still in a pandemic, negative feeling stick in our mind more than positive or neutral feelings, that's a psychological.
and from way back what is just like. We focus on the negative, that's what happens, and so that's that's where we are now. What are you Well, there's nobody ever have one too of course, there are there. I mean the media, I'm going to defend the media here once again, there doing a great job as they always happen there it is the media covers bad news more? They have a good news, that is always venture of its exercise more true now that much if the media depends on referral traffic from the Facebook algorithm, which, as we know, is a fucking hellhole of toxicity setting people by news added. So, oh, my God supply chain crisis, the stores are empty. We must cover that story and as our own No one right stories: what peoples this arriving on time and no that's been cherubic for a long time, but it's even more true now in a sort of social media click bait, driven digital advertising, world. so knowing all this. What do you think president
the White House Democrats in Congress. could have done differently over the last year? and what was beyond their control. The biggest, I would say that eighty Ninety percent of Germans political problems are beyond his control. I guess roofer most president's eighty two and if a sense of Donald Trump political success. The first four years had nothing to do with Donald Trump he was exceeding in spite of self because he was governing the time of a great economy and relative peace and prosperity around the world, though in no pandemic, and it was until the pandemic, in twenty five, the consequences of its disastrous leadership came into play. just because you can control. Most of it doesn't mean you did Obviously there are things around the pandemic Europe directly we're crawling around stately velvet testing and masks and Clear or guidance from healthcare. around boosters.
Master where and when you're safe and when you're not in winter quarantine went nuts weren't. You would make things easier. but even if they did that perfectly, you would still have a huge political problem. I think the biggest mistake that everyone made over the last year politically is expectations, management, they more about that. While we have continually made promises, we cannot keep ends, we knew we were unlikely to keep- six trillion dollar bill back better plan three after a dollar bill backwater plan. Now we were set People were out there saying that we think we're going to get this big Billy. With all these things include, expansion the child tax credit, while senator humour was walking around with a sign note from donation in his pocket with Germanic. Upper limit of like a train and half in what she thinks he wasn't going to do that we Do you never told people that you have done ass neck? Who is who was bulletins put correct or in a really smart political buys remember years? Had a
in that same washing up a story that you mentioned where he said: he'd bitter. Similar point of Anne S british management? So there is a saying in Washington where it's not what you win or lose this, whether you beat the spread- and we can- initially put ourselves in a position where Ethan that would the huge gigantic successes in any other situation or devalued, because we promised something bigger. And that is in its true in the Senate, Nestor from the White House that, if that's true from some things, we said on this park asked and we have not really reckon with the reality that we live in a world with an incredibly near house majority and a Senate where Joe Mansion Estate, problem by forty points and cares Cinema who seems to be The real challenge in all sorts of ways sign off on everything and thought they're just limits yeah I mean for those of us not on the inside. You know There is plenty of times where you could part.
Joe Mansion statements, which are if you ve noticed not very clear all the time and think like. Maybe he's willing to do this, or maybe this and get maybe there's some give here about by and to a lesser extent same with central discussion. Talk as much publicly as dimension does, but I always thought that, on the inside. If you are Schumer or the White Ass, a sudden like they were having conversations making them a bit more optimistic like still don't know why you don't just bull mansion and cinema side very early on in the year and be like hey it's possible, what's not possible with you. to just? Let us know now, so we can plan accordingly, the IDA, I don't understand I mean, maybe they did have this conversations. Maybe they were lied to. Who knows? Who knows? But I do I don't know. four things beyond their control delta. Mccrone Mansion Cinema
Violation of those are the unemployed. Well, economic crime led to the inflation. That's without the end, action is coming from covered. We buy about inflation, at least not this badly without a pandemic, and I think so what within their control is how they responded to those four things and I think you're right. There is an expectation management problem with mansion and cinema, and there was also letting me ill, back to the same thing. I'm sang for the press conference, which is its it's too much. letting other people drive the narrative and on the legislative side. That was like all the goobers in Congress and the pandemic side. It's like book and came to the White House promising to follow the science. Unlike Donald trumpeted bite and I dont think like he. He should have ever put politics ahead of science when it comes to, like you know, sir being over CDC recommendation stuff like that, but in
of communicating to the public about the pandemic. That is the bite administrations, job and I think that like I'm sure I'm sure they are not so happy with the CDC signify in some other, the proclamations that came from the CDC and I think like Taking over messaging from the CDC again, not disagree, with them not trying to say. Oh, this is more politically important. So I'm gonna! U ignore the science on this. Don't do any of that, but, like The coordination of the message about the pandemic has to come from the White House and and the cdc and everyone else has to be on board, and I think probably in the next year, I hope that we're not talking about it in a year's time like messaging about new, very new waves, new restrictions, new tools are, this kind of stuff has to come directly from Joe Biden himself, much more that's coming from the cdc in these other public health agencies. I think that is one of.
The big problem is that, I think, is being we're, seeing it being addressed as the counter year turns because worse, by gave that big, generous speeches that big voting rights which he chose to give this product. So in that it is not The other is a tradition that President's gave press conferences the day after elections. If there's no tradition that, like you, give a one year, press conference that just happens if the day that the Senate decided to run directly into a wall repeatedly he didn't like is that I think there is an acknowledgement that Joe Biden has been overly absent from the political conversation over the last year and are trying to change that and that It is not because it it was true in the campaign, the more people seizure bind the more they like and they haven't seen enough Joe Biden over the chair, and I look, I am sympathetic, you wanna gazillion things are doing it in the most challenging situation possible. By made the point when he talked about getting Washington that the pandemic has made things much harder, it absolutely has.
This sort of now going to have to work around some of that stuff and he has to be sure. You know want to see more of him making its own case, which I think would be good. I should say that there is no shortage of advice for the White House right now. It's do is click any new site. There's a lot of you know what Joe Biden should be doing really so, which is always always funds advice to get when you're sitting in the White House making all these decisions I wish to say that, like I dont think, I don't think you believe either that more Joe Biden and better messaging can fix a lot. These fundamental challenges, many of which are beyond his control, but you're sitting in the widest everyday need to do something you need to have some kind of message and communication strategy and legislative strategy and policy strategy, and even if it's not likely to fix everything, you gotta, try right and so I think you saw Biden do that. As you mentioned the under the press conference, he was asked some question about what he's gonna do differently said he wants
leave the White House more, so he can talk directly with more people he said bring in more outside experts and advice. Staff loves that one staff loves to hear that more expert advice are coming. and focus on campaigning in the mid term- one does that all seem right to you too. if you are sitting in the White House. What would your memo to the president's say about twenty twenty two, the famous Dan Pfeiffer, Mammoth AMOS, infamous, The hearing it sort of gave me a little bit like unfortunate, deja vu to hear Biden say those things he was no differently because it is part of it well, worn DC will they. Whenever a president, it's really really really rough political waters. They have to publicly each shit for the pleasure
of the washing establishment and it's always the same things they should eating tasting menu. It is, but I gotta get Washington different kinds of shit, different flick. I gotta get out of Washington. That's a very important issue on the menu I'm going after took it out of my bubble and talk to exports and to be clear, give Dick get close to the ground. Gotta go to host the ground. Yes in exports means a very specific think. It means people who Dinah Cathay mulatto in Washington and people who frequent cable news, green rooms. Those are exports, we're not gonna, get out your bubble and see real people, don't forget, to any person who works in a diner is right at once. It increasingly way you gotta talk to different Washington people, that's very, very important You all save broke David Brooks, writes a bad com about you. You go talk to demagogues their David somewhere, David Gervinus, walking directly
from the carnatic. We see a cry of chamber when she lives. It seemed to the White House for meeting the german right now. Is that from then the other thing that they want? And there are some questions about this as well as the Washington. I was once a blood sacrifice right. You gotta fire, someone in job, I'm very wisely resisted that I don't think he always very loyal. That's a mistake that it would be done. They know you. Can you bring? If you want your team, can you think they do this? If I absolutely but firing someone just so you get better. Cable news coverage or better political story, has the full support now. I was ready, another Joe Biden and then I would say the following things: number one more Joe Biden. He's gonna be out there. More he's gotta see my keys in. One of the reasons for that is the rub. begins have with some success, use their huge media apparatus through sort of mega megaphone, as I too call sometimes to dry. This narrative of jobs, being misused. An observer of events to all too weak, tired, not
to the huge challenges we have and we in people say what they do. Then the campaign and Joe Biden, one which goes in the campaign. You people Sol Joe Biden in high profile moments, seem like a leader convention speech. Three debates it also buttress with a billion dollars in television advertising showing people remain on the tv urban Urban, their phone job. I'm not the Fox news. Caricature turbine Joe Biden himself, and he just this part of the both the presidency and a little bit over the summer, the decision making they made earlier that there is going to do the work. people see so much less turbine. Now these present at them he was running for president. There aren't a billion and that's are these high profile moments at every one turns into Everyone is Joe Biden number two less conquerors your president, Prime Minister, I might say, I'll try to pass what remains of bill better or get that competitiveness, Biller nor somewheres undressed.
Wes, publicly associate with Congress. Do the negotiations quietly no more going up to the Senate? No more going to Miss were Connell's office. We know one thing from this year is that making congressional negotiations, and I understand why they made that bet understand whether what we are doing we can say without a shadow of a doubt that making public- can grant making Gresham negotiations like sort of a major public spectacle. doesn't guarantee success in, is hurt Israel, politically, try to do. I look I think, that's right and you know, You saw this today as by an express confidence that piece of shit that better would pass gotta mansion They morning ask him about it here. Well. I want to take care of inflation first and debt. We're gonna start from scratch. My other offers on the table and then it see an imaginary stocks report. Is the report's gotta. Wait us what you think about your mansion, saying this and then now you're in the back and they went and they want to do as they like, the white and civic we're having negotiations. We have
negotiations? Will let you know when we have something to report? It? No more forget elections. No more updates number call redoubts like what they were is one day call protocol the press into the briefing room, Joe Viands, gonna, walk and he's gonna noughts go back there we have a deal and their capacity to more predictions. That's it just away from Congress publicly And the last thing is focused on the Republicans: started this, which in general that is every like every statement about Every issue, particularly on the economy, has to be one part what we ve done. Well part. We adieu and more power. Republicans, will do they that we have We have to begin to drive that narrative and make them own some of the problems, and it's not easy. It's hard is incredibly. And a bit election when you control com,
and the White House by it. We gotta get started now and then he started that and we need more and more of that got the important point that mean you know fine says it all the time himself. We said it before you're, not you not run, against the almighty or and against the alternative. Literally everything he does or says should be framed as a choice, because now we are in an election year right right, look are in this for their job. And their own gay and their own rich friends, I'm in it for you, they voted against vaccines and treatments and testing. They voted against health care. They vote against middle class tax cuts. They voted. it's a higher minimum wage. They buy tickets, roads and bridges like just can can you to remind people of all the things that, like you, said that they have done and will do which right now we don't know They don't have an agenda which Mcconnell basically said fuck it. Are you my agenda after you elect us, which seems yet something we should remind people that he said over and over again, and then I think you should point out that extremism wherever possible right, there's some of these, but can can it's running for office Republicans I most of them running, perhaps in their public inside who
way way way outside of the mainstream. Who will be beloved by the mega base, but not the rest of the voters. They need actually, when some of these races. So we should point out too, I think Oda, two more things to your list like. He's. Gotta have another he's, have not just a message, but a new strategy on covered were covered, no more covered restrictions, no more covert. Inflation again, I said, is poorly cove. It may be part of our lives, it will no longer control our lives. We now have all the tools we need to fight this virus vaccines treatments and there's another waiver variant, we're gonna be ready, will have temporarily trends will have metrics to no one to drop those restrictions other than that go, live your lives right, and I think this should be a big part of the message and the state of the union and early March by then you'll have the vaccines for under five will be out of the imo? Crown wave will be rapid production of the covered treatments, but like people want,
get back to normal and they want to know the government is doing everything possible to make sure that they can live their lives. They don't expect job to say, like I pray, They will never be another very and again expect that they expect it to be like This is the way that you're gonna be able to live your life. Normally they do expect that and he should lay that out and then I think part of that the neck, you that the final thing I'd say is the economy right like an end to the inflation problems are stemming from the pandemic. But, like everyone is most concerned about the economy, not just like swing voters, not former from voters, independence. Everyone It is the number one issue for black voted. for young voters for women for every damage. If a group, its number one issue, so he's other talking about every fucking day. Everyone is people are, can learned about inflation. They have not been brainwashed by the media, they are actually concern and I think you should be there saying, like our fight every day, to bring
this is down to to help people pay for their gas and groceries I'll use, my power the pressure, ceos I'll call Republicans out to keep voting against cutting costs, for families I'll take executive actions the court wants to. break them down, go for it. You know, like every single lever. He can pull to help bring is down and to let people know that he's fighting to bring prices down, he should do and it should be an everyday things. Look looks, fury, see them doing this done. Some events on inflation at the beginning of the year has been talking about some of the supply chain. it's they did, they ve been doing like, but it's something you, ve gotta arena, messages are like you got a fucking hammer at every single day that you can see any time any one sees Joe Biden, they see the talking about getting the country back to normal, getting us over the pandemic and making sure the prices come down It is, as you know, one of those very weird times, The White House, which is Europe everyone's paying attention is, or what you're one year anniversary, but everyone as well and towards the state of the union as a whole. Bunch of
cards you're willing to play on the biggest stage, and so the it's like this weird Eddie water phase where you see your test some things out, you're doing stuff, but like the ring a moment when you too the coroner on these things you to lay out the new covets, Reggie lay out this. My message is gonna, be in a in the steadiness yeah and that's it first and part of the reason you do these things as look does the prey didn't? Have you no limit told that he can use to bring down inflation in the short term. Yes, of course, but as the pandemic receives an start to get better You wanna be out in front of a parade you I get already happening right, like you, you know, after the microwave things are gonna start feeling better. Hopefully, play Jane issue start easing inflation eventually starts easing and You want to make sure that voters give you credit for fighting hard to make sure those things are better and that I think, like you know, you gotta United,
Some reporting that they're, like our covered strategy for next year, is the same as it was this year and I get why there do not because they believe they have all the tools necessary, but you need a turn right either let people know we are headed into a new phase, and I do think state of the union, as you know it again, that's not gonna fix all your problems again at the state of the union, so it's gonna be very long. There's gonna be a tons of issues and there's gonna be Democrats ending clapping republican sitting on their asses, not clapping and blah blah blah. But it is a rare opportunity where you get to speak to the whole country or early speak to their cup. The millions of people who to tune in and you're going to want to use it to both sort of like mark that this is a new phase in the presidency. Antelope People know that you're fighting like hell for them when the Their side is just fighting for their own jobs, anything You do and say that of it now Oh, that's right. I think the state of the union is a launching pad. We tend to think of it in the old way of the speeches of the entire nation to them in their entirety.
Does not anymore, so it is run up to it is the speech and then it is what happens afterwards it it is it's the it is it is it actually a very its most? Only the most watch thing bind does or year, but it's us the organizing principle for the entire year until you get the entire governance avenue. Elsie ideas crop that come up a timelines and so is really boring. Think the up there either I would add to all of this. Is you sort of under The limits of what president do. You need a metric success, not just for bind but for all democratic. Are we Moving Anita, whether messaging- and I were a number that I would look at in pulling- is whether people think we're focus enough on the economy right, you're, the economy in inflation. And that number is well below where it should be right now for the entire party and how can we like. Are we moving that over time with what we're saying and how often we're saying and paid advertising that supplementing that and if its that we are in big trouble me gotta chain strategies, so you you always near like we can't just like yours, we're gonna. Do I'm going to see how it works on election day right, unique.
because I know that you're gonna change appeals are probably economy, but they can change whether they think you're doing you're fighting for them on the issue they care must about that's the key, but the gate. Ok, when we come back Dan will talk to run for something's Amanda Lippman about local races in twenty the two parties has brought you buy Sundays, the first and only air dried dog food about that? Hey, most normal dog food is hot. Extrude knew what the fuck, which mean put under extreme hidden pressure gentle air drying method, but Sunday gentle air drying up. It preserves the nutrients from their all natural ingredients. That sounds better better than whatever hot extracted means, if like any of us, your dog is part of your family. They might even sleep in your bed
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it is so mad infuriating that it was so predictable. It was so disappointing owes all of those things, and I think it really cemented, though we cannot count on Congress to save us and we cannot count on fire legislation to come through when it comes to acting democracy, so I am, so mad I'm seeing read. I am also very sore in some ways Oda grateful for that clarification of who we cannot aunt rely on and what the next steps are. well that's. Let's talk about that gives you when there is a lot of despair, a lot of cursing various central senators on twitter last night you took it to put together a thread to try to get people little, but I hope so help me Swain. to everyone. The role Congress place. I think, as you point out, everyone is assumed. The only way we were going to fight back was do Congress in other levers. We have to pull as it as a democratic party or progressive wing, that's better
coming out a moment, we do not have one national election. We have fifty state elections. then we have about three thousand issue county elections, and then we have thousands and thousands more town and city a municipality elections and each of those are governed by in some places the same laws but in some places very different laws and within a state you can have for them? Pennsylvania elections that are governed by the state legislature by the count yes and then also by the city's when think about the number of elected office as the United States, which, as I made has over there, are more than half a million of them more of them are not in Congress. Most of them are not federal. They are things like sky bored and City Council and state legislature, and many many many of those positions touch election administration. One of the things were
look party, and especially the worst part of the Republican Party, although there all pretty bad at this point but Steve Bannon Q and on proud boys, oath keepers and the like are investing a bunch of time and money into is recruiting people. Who oversee elections, whether that's us great of state, which we know there at least fifteen or a big lie. The gaiters running for Secretary of State things like city clerk many recorder of deeds. Election judge, you been in goes on his progress every week and talks about how every one of us, nor should run for these positions. Tramp went in front of a group of Republicans and Pennsylvania on the video and said he's more M M, invest did, and the supervisors of elections the people that count the ballots than the ones who are on the ballot that is to say that these are really critical positions for determining how these laws get implemented, and what
actually happens on the ground. How easy easier for people to register? How well funded are these office is how many different language it's early printing materials and am how lay and how often are pulling places open and how well they staffed the expense instead of voter has is really determined by the press. Administering that election. Now it is very complicated something like two thousand positions on the ballot in TWAIN why'd you, the textual, touch, election ministration, there's another thousand in TWAIN, twenty three, and anywhere from four to five thousand, depending on how you define it in twenty twenty four and includes even some positions that then appoint the person who actually runs the position now it's very, very messy which, make. It seem like an impossible problem to solve, but the fact is because, breaks down into such small pieces, and it's very easy. We, to find, as many pro democracy people as possible to run for these offices, and we need to do it
and as many places as possible and as many ways possible. We do it in our effort that has never before been seen, because this is the sport work, the twenties for election subversion. I hope it doesn't include another violent mobs forming the capital by my moral but it may not needed, which is the problem. It may not needed you more likely. It's gonna, be one county canvassing Board in Michigan, their refuses to certify the votes, or town clerk in Wisconsin that decides we're just gonna, randomly close a bunch of Poland places because they feel like it, a wave of red city in county clerks order, county reporters of deeds across a couple states that just undermine faith in the system. It is so important that at this critical part of the institutions, we are shoring up with good leadership. And so you talk about the focus Republicans have on this in a steep Vienna talks about a trump talks about it.
You pointed out a report. Aren't you brought? It pointed out twitter report the other day that the campaign organisation responsible for electing republican secretaries of state race. Thirty three million dollars last year and the democratic associate just Secretary states, the democratic counterpart raised one million dollars in the first half of twenty twenty one two questions that wine? Why do you think Democrats aren't more focus on this today and Has that you think I focus has is improved or have you seen additional intensity as became more clear enough in the recent days and weeks as that voting rights was not gonna succeeded. The two level I think likely Democrats have had a problem as a party with investing in infrastructure investing in the boring stuff? In asking in the things that that aren't flashy that don't make for good viral videos that don't catch him back to a cocktail party, but that do meaningfully build power, and we ve known this fur-
at least a decade or more now I mean this is. Why were in this mess with state legislatures in particular, and that the Republican Party invested hundred million dollars and two sailors in a racist after the m. after the head of the of the two thousand and two thousand and elections, and then but to withdraw their maps. They could control Congress. We are getting to a place where the Democratic Party, and especially the funding base, is getting better. It's improving by it is really really hard. I have tried, for I have tried really to make like a catchy video that will viral about action penetrators legacy. Look and it's difficult both to talk about and also to do, which is why a lot of places don't touch. These raises but I think we are seeing some momentum and was aid Sophie are January. Twenty twenty two is run for something's best recruitment month. Yet we ve seen
Thousands and thousands of people signed up to run for office and thousands more chip in to help us recruit them. So I am cautiously optimistic that the tides are turning back they say about making playlist That's very I'm very excited to hear you say that run for some things that this run for best month today. because I have always sort of you'd want for something as a bit of our barometer of the enthusiasm of the base post trump, who pre trump we're just not running candidates anywhere we're not recruiting. Candidates were not vessel, local races. Two dozen sixteen happens. Do you start run for something with this wave of people right? We some I've run in on everywhere in Virginia in this region you everywhere add is like thing I've worried about as the first place, where you would see that its recede would be here Is this is the hard stuff he asked it like? You said: if not the exciting is that it's always
twenty twenty one a tough year at it sort of changing is, as maybe people thinking or as or as the ever seen you no good here. You see a continue above all, engage among democratic activists who should have got into politics because of trump puss Trump? So we thought that When twenty one be a little slower like we build our programme, assuming it be a little slower than the insurrection happened, while and before that, winning Georgia happened and people shut twenty twenty one was our best recruitment year yet and twenty two as on pace to exceed that, and I think it's important to know why one is that the pandemic and the uprising of the summary for really indicated how important local government is an especially conversations run school boards, the council is in a way that are making decisions round, keeping places clothes are open and what our kids are? Learning you all about. It locally determined am, but I also think running for office.
tromp was never really about Trump and we did a study here. We found that only three percent of the people who signed up with us mention Trump in there and takes Ervay key was like the water folks were swimming in, but it wasn't the bait. The bait was wanting to make change. The bay was being furious at their streets were not paved while I, their state legislature, wasn't passing No justice reform debate was seeing out of touch disk acted leaders who or an engaging with their communities March, showing up at meetings weren't holding town halls. I think so safer young people who run for something primarily works with candidates. Forty and younger it is about seeing that enough is enough with the status quo, so I am, and a cell humped that they showed me better than the last, and it makes me really stressed. Their team is already so tired. Is people who are listening to this issue.
are inspired. What you're saying scared about what's coming in that country and want to do something but running for office, seems like a big step mainly in a really talking about is a top political environment. Every four we're talking about Steve Ban and in Cuban on improbable, is like what would your message people be? Who We are thinking about apathy but very nervous about the prospect of putting themselves out there so much to run. I think, ever too early to just start a car rotation. If you gotta run for what that night, you can enter information, you can finally offices available for you in twenty two. I too am you also start getting materials just to think about. Like how do you plan a campaign? What do you need I would also really encourage you to start volunteering locally. It's me really, hunting, the sheer and really important to go, knocked oars and may cause for our Senate candidates in our congressional candidates and the like and yeah, you should do that too. But when you have, you were very precious free time
go knocked doors for a city council, race or a city clerk grace or a schoolboy race in your community or the community an hour over keeping local? that will really allow you to understand what goes into a campaign. You'll get to know that candidate to which has really fun, you win or even if you lose, the it'll feel really personal and you'll get a life the results of that, and I think it's a it's. The best Wait you to get a good sense of what you're in four. If you decide to do this, and the benefit is that working on local campaigns. Trickles up the organizing, but you do locally the doors that you knock. The calls that you make will all help the top of the ticket and we ve got some really important topic. It raises his ear congressional gubernatorial, secretaries of State Senate races and the like, and the places where those campaigns are gonna be organizing might not include where you live, but the vote The! U turn out for Democrats will make a difference for them. That's as the phenomenon noticed. Rivers cartels are incorrect.
And you guys you have done some studies on reverse cartels that speak to the impact of a huge just, give you a little insight into that yes, and we have done this study twice now makes people didn't believe us. The first time we found that simply contesting state legislative raises in districts that were previously uncontested, meaning there is only a Republican on the ballot when you compare just what a Democrat on there and have them run a campaign. It increases too from anywhere to half percent to one point: five percent for the Democrat. Now those are. Small margins by me, so those are margins at the top of the ticket winds by an especially in a state like Georgia, North Carolina or was constant. These are very, very tight races sometime and what the local candidates trying to do is lose by less and beckoned feel illegal, weird, all to have, but it really meaningful because even just running up the score and moving a district from seven Thirty read to sixty forty. It helps and it also
The power for the next time around. So for someone who is listening here, neither wants to run for office or wants to help you more country, but a run for these offices saved marks a work and they go it. How can I help you gotta run for thing dot net, you can learn more about running for office. You can make a donation am we are gonna, have to field thousand of candidates this year, so every single dollar is gonna, go a long way am it is more money than we have ever needed and more money than we ve ever spent, and I'm very excited and anxious about an equal parts am because the impact is, is potentially huge. We are at a crisis for our democracy that requires an equal and an opposite force too protected so that some members are trying to be this year or trying to protect democracy. Winning small in as many places as we can, so that we can fight the big rights together amid eleven he's much. We are positive about that. That's everything you're doing things down.
Positive. Mercosur is brought by better help If something preventing you from achieving our goals, without fears with your happiness, John, you are Tom I mean I'm using you are ass. He left the room. In a way leprosy matters I would say. Yeah probably I mean I was a little visa for not specifically today What's, anyway, of our goals, I think I Anti Majority, Ariane aspects ever governance and the fact that they align perfectly where Democrats don't now to Votes virus that continues to evolve in perpetuity yet anyway, better, helpless, ass, your needs and match with your own licence. Professional therapist will take care of all this connecting to see in private online environment so convenient you can start communicating and under forty eight hours sort of crisis it's not self help its professional counselling done securely online. You can send a message to your account.
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and plays a hundred twenty billion dollars and coverage had deposit genius dot com to get. You Free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. Before we go some Deeply enjoyable news for your weakens. The law. May be catching up with Donald Trump in a hundred and Sixty page court filing New York attorney General Latisha James revealed that her civil investigation into the Trump Organization is based on evidence of fraudulent and misleading business practices, namely MR sending the value of its properties and assets for economic benefit, which would be wild, because the Donald Trump we know is just he's, not a corrupt cheater. crazy, the filing was in response to Trump's efforts to stop the civil investigation. Stop the attorney general from participating in the parallel criminal investigation and avoid subpoenas that asked for testimony from the former President Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka
apparently Eric Trump already testified and took the fifth in response to more than five hundred questions. which is also what he did on the authorities but wait, there's more just a few days you're lawyers dismissed changes. Investigation is a politically motivated, Parson witch hunt. Trump. Ethically motivated partisan Supreme court, gave him some trouble as well, with only Thomas dissenting, the other seven justice, is denied trumps request to block the release of White House records relating the January six attack on Congress records that are now thanks to the court's order in the hands of the one six committee, oh, one more than just broke today, Fulton County district attorney. Fanny Williams is requesting a special grand jury to assist our investigation into whether to bring criminal charges against Donald Trump and his goons. For pressuring Georgia officials overturned the election, a decision she is expected to make in the first half of this year
Dan is, if it did, we get him it is. I am curve, In writing. My Robert mother vote of candles. As we speak, the fuck up Nevada, my closet lining by my office desk is waiting for impeachment eagle. Stream court martial to come. Take him away. got it potential legal trouble is Trump facing her simple, a lot to make some people expect endeavour. In general, you d want to be under criminal investigation. Were one crime you don't wanna, be under criminal investigation, for three crimes in three different jurisdictions. At the same time, that seems bad. Any definitely don't want the Supreme Court of which you pointed to Very rightwing justices to really and steel when you know you're trying to hide records from the generous escalating three. Just three, I'm sorry three just you know,
funny, as I always focused on which I have an eye and bear it. I was forget that fuckin we a gourd such from him to emasculate, wonder three end: way yet something like civic egotism trouble does too well investigation the civil investigation and in ongoing by Parson congressional investigation. How big a deal is that cream court ruling on the on the one six tufty effect. it seems, like a baby deal important because the Applicants are in this strategy with the witnesses to the way testifying to try to drag was out as long as possible to make it. So the Democrats cannot finish the investigation. Do Thou report until after the elections were they may not have the power to do so so be getting first hand. Notes from tromp in his documents is hugely important to allow them to make the case on things that they,
not be, they will be able to produce money if they are able to depose some of these key witnesses who have as yet been unwilling to cooperate that you will have these documents is wait a frame those conversations and make those innovations worthwhile spots, weather actually important thing. Also seems I get the Supreme Court of saying that you can exert executive privilege over the documents. As a former president, I don't know what would shield you from. testifying get only they have highlighted the time right right so Maggie Haberman responded to the Tis James filing by tweeting. Any question of whether Trump run seem to have been answered this morning. His aids have always signalled that if the investigations progressed that he would run for president again, what do you think of that? Well per usual, the reaction to it was a little disproportionate. It's what back you people
calm down with the Maggie Harriman tweets she's done everything she tweets now Like the trump tell you are right that she telling you what trumps AIDS told her. You know it is. That's reporting, that's Maggie's, job spinster,. You can do if you have problems with the reporting. If you disagree with the reporting that fair but she's just reporting, it's your yellow, the weather, mad people is bought. It's raining. When you say the thing there tromp people telling Maggie allowed it sound, so fucking, stupid, sort of magic, look, devil troubles, not gonna run. He was happy with his life. Just live in a more alike of conducting a league. specks for a fake media company and then Latisha James. And I want to show her by running, for say I was deadly, not gonna do otherwise like it sounds idiotic. But There is one important thing to know. which is.
Maybe we sort of memory wholesome of our real, deep dive legal discussions from the two thousand and seventy two thousand eighteen era, if you remember, there's I was of legal counsel memo that says that sitting President's cannot be indicted because it was there Andrews intention that the impeachment proceedings would be the proper form. I am for adjudicating presidential crimes, misdemeanours and Donald Trump knows that jury in Manhattan can victim. Yes, could a jury? Folding count can victim them. Yes, Will the United States Senate ever deliver sixty six votes to remove Donald Trump? Absolutely not. It is basically like moving down to legislative Amsterdam, there are no crime so little that not enough on its own is fine. Now,
I've thought about this news: nose like every we joked about bringing Becker Mahler Babo had dolls, but, like I dont think, people should view this as ok. These investigations are going to save us from another term of Donald Trump, as we found a before like even if he is indicted, he can still run for office people. Should He he might even be able to run for others if he's in jail these industries are the cat, I do think they would. They could be used, part of a story about Donald Trump. should he run again, which is he's a loser. He's a cheater he's scam, artists, who's running again to avoid jail time and bankruptcy. By that So just chaos right earlier happy resilient concerns. What we want, we absolutely you want live through, turned back to normal bridges, People are right now, which is part of the reason their upset with Joe Biden. They just want to lift her turned back to normal after Trump, and that's it that they're gonna get, and now you want this.
Jack Ass with all of his indictments and investigations following him? He's do it just yet. It serves to remind people of the drama around Trump again we're not tat, about the mega based or not. I can about his supporters. They all love it, but they are not enough to win an election. He still needs to win over a lot of those sort of middle of the road swing. Voters that that you know he has one before and those people you know them The targets for a message campaign about why Donald Trump is just too much drama for twenty twenty four on the Tuesday pod. When you talked about the Rhonda Santas Donald Trump, feud something I've never been more jealous. I know I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I know it was bad and I wonder what do we do? Last Thursday, a by minute breakdown of Kirsten Cinemas defensive to filibuster. What are you guys to assholes fighting? Who really? Maybe we can do this Thursday? Forty one?
fail at Joe Budden gave to our press conference the general. With my work. Eric trouble be indicted for a crime on Sundays. You can talk about it Monday evening. you're. You gonna pull a good new cycle. Eventually, I now eventually, but the series as in that conversation, you guys quoted some but from a loan? all the Magyar Liebermann story about that feud about how trouble Rob advisers and sorted said, chaos and drama around troubles, one of that their biggest concerns about him- and this is a bunch more chaos, in this report will come out theoretic around the time. Don't frumps can have to be generous s report Around the time, don't you have to start be seriously, making decisions about whether he's gonna run right, so stay tuned I tweeted yesterday towards the end of the press conference. I could have done without the last thirty minutes or so Does someone on Twitter replied to me? That's how I feel when it goes passed. The first hour of a pod save America episode
I am going to leave it there. That's a fair point. It's a very boy. It was a great retort, that's the kind of twitter it or get behind. everyone has a great weekend and thanks again to Amanda Lippman for joining Everyone go donate to run for something make. You feel better about yourself this weekend and we'll see next week. Fibre. One pod save America is a crooked media production. The exact producer is Michael Martinez, arse. you're producer is anti gardener. Bernstein are produced is failing use in Bolivia. Martinez is our associate producer, its mixing edited. Andrew Chadwick Kyle said one is our sounded. Junior to tell you so Maneater Sandy Gerard Housekeeper, Madison Homan ingesting how for production support into our built, a larger cone, Phoebe Bradford, my look him in monies are episodes are up it is videos at you to dot com, flash crooked media.
keeping up with the flood of news. Every single day can be stressful. There are updates on the pandemic. There is climate change. There is democracy at threat, hi I'm getting Resnick, Most of private media is what a day a daily twenty, that a pocket It breaks out the biggest news stories of the day in a way that, hopefully doesn't always make you want to cry. I'm joined by amazing CO, host Travail Anderson, Bianca, air bendy and Josie Duffy Rice as well knew that's what they drop every week day at five p m Eastern listen at subscribe wherever you get your progress, remember that last vacation you took or that less brunch you had with your friends, knowing that a once in a century pandemic was about to hit us, you didn't see coming and that's just it becomes. A nineteen pandemic showed us how a microscopic virus could up and our lives and how unprepared are
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Transcript generated on 2022-01-21.