The Biden Administration grapples with the Delta surge, Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) talks to Tommy Vietor and Jon Favreau about the January 6th investigation, and the Top Five Wildest Moments from Donald Trump’s speech in Arizona.
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slash crooked. Welcome the positive miracle. I'm John Favour on John Love. It and Tommy Resource on today show the by demonstrations grappled with the Delta surge representative. Adam shift chat with Tommy Amoeba January six investigation in the top five that shit craziest moments, Donald Trump Speech in Arizona, but first we have a favorite.
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and yet you wasn't noise. I was greatly I want. I only take it if you have nice things once our views are my king. I, let's get to the news
We are all sick of this fucking pandemic, which we are still dealing with thanks to the incredibly contagious delta variant and the fact that about fifty one percent of the country is still on vaccinated. That's about
vision that seeing well over ninety percent of the new cases, hospitalizations and deaths that have come from this latest surge to bind administration officials told the Washington Post over the weekend at the White House is quote growing increasingly anxious about the stated the pandemic and are gravely concerned about the situation spiralling out of control in some areas of the country with low vaccination rates, the country seems to agree a new ABC news. Ipsos pull found that only forty five percent of Americans are optimistic about the direction of the country. That's a twenty point drop since their pole in May. Other polls show that this increase pessimism is
and almost entirely by the view that was articulated by doktor photo on CNN over the weekend? He said it. When it comes to the pandemic, quote, were going in the wrong direction and quote it's not going to be good gent Saki, get it
about this? That was very annoying at the briefing just now. Let's play clip
doktor vows, you said, is we're going in the wrong direction? Whose fault is that? Well, I wouldn't
first when he was referring to is the fact that, because there are still large population
people in this country are on vaccination and we have the most transmissible variants that we ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic, that more people,
our getting sick with covert and
those numbers are not moving in the right direction. I think that's accurate and you can see it by data peer. Do you want to know whose fault it is? That's what people do she wants to know,
so fucking that seed enter into view. Of course, when on to repeat the bottom ministration line that this is now a pandemic of the unveil needed. Is that how you guys were characterised the situation right now because we're all vaccinated and these few last? Lastly, we still feel like we're all in this
bullshit together, if Koper vaccinate, I don't make it. I have to disagree with a scientific consensus about how to do
I ve been Democrat. I do think that, like the Steve Juicy question is very very stupid, but
actually think captures the larger way in which even more sophisticated outlets I've been trying to cover the surgery. Member
when we did their correspondence dinner, for
present Obama like two dozen eleven or she hasn't. While we did those fake political headline all the time, they weave cause Trump to run for office building, one of the other ones, one of the other, less notable once got it
We did these vague political headlines in one of them was via you know, Lincoln wins civil war, whereas the balance and a lot of
headlines. I have have that feeling, like we're dogmatic, deeply serious situation. All the reporters understand that, like, unlike the previous administration, this is in administration like trying to make the best of it.
impossible possible with the information they have in the limits of the media and the struggle against vaccine vaccine hesitant and all that, and instead the cover dislike. Basically, whose fault is this and how will the political implications be right before you ever had the converse like the question whose fault is, it is obviously a third class,
then that would probably come after what can we do just change
situation, which no one seems to view as their job to ask. First of all, fake news, brows Peter, do see where the matter asked. The question is a beard
deep? I did this decision. I may have said Stephen when I know what you're saying there's another doozy in Arizona visiting unrelated we're gonna days later, and we had a lot of uses, and I just want to turn us, while in either do see, got the job not at all, because of his father, Steve, dizzy facet friends, my Ronicky Steve Deuces been pretty good
this is part of a get vaccinated, piassaba fondness bodies like the good part of gold star fifty on this one day, a hearty meal, broken deuces right twice a day, London in love. It makes the point about political implications being secondary work, which I do agree with me like. I have found throughout the course of the pandemic, that, as you sort through terrifying tweets, headlines new segments about this, it's sort of hard to separate what is real from what is sensationalize. Obviously, there's been a lot of coverage of,
breakthrough cases. Do you think? That's been too much too little like how? How do you feel about this stage of the pandemic right now? You're, a fax, fifty one thousand new cases yesterday, nearly fifty two thousand two hundred and sixty nine deaths, those are preventable if the majority those people were vaccinated. As reports of some hospital systems being overwhelmed, there's got to be an economic impact, and then I don't know about you guys, but my old friend anxiety.
has come back for a visit and decided to stay for a little while so like the reality as there's. This is a problem. It's a growing power were really lucky that the delta varying hit us when it did not earlier before we're of acts. I do think this is a problem, the political implications. I think you have to separate out even more, but I think go cats can be challenged,
I have some way of getting rid of my anxiety house. Guess that's an abominable set up the river
but, as I always actually conferred immunity boost, is that real
not really have not real here's, how they do things one I think you're right and like the treaties Delta is different like Andy's live. It has done really good coverage of this. The ways in which it is actually different in the ways it shouldn't feel
or or actually be covered as being different in their in there are genuine ways in which delta is more
miserable and is causing more breakthrough infections? That said, one
see a lot of like debate which is not covered.
It is happening and not even coats of scientists who have fears about what could happen but, sir,
Marie sentences inside of news coverage that suggests that there is more and terrible things ahead like could there be long covered? Some scientists fear that could be the case
yeah that's. It is important to say that, like some questions, we will had about this. If you get a break for infection, can you pass it on to some? One else was vaccinated. If your
Send it to the science is still out on that. They think you are less likely to be able to pass it on, as you were. If you weren't vaccinated report
Little more likely than with the alpha variant, but the science is out on that. Could you get
hope it. If your accident have a breakthrough inspection, we do not know, we don't have enough science, yet there have been almost no cases of that detected so far, but it's early, but again no science on that, and then the second piece of this that I think is influencing all of this coverage is the cohort of people discussing this on twitter writing about this covering at are vaccinated and their families are vaccinate for the most part. They are all there in the kind of you know, liberal enclaves that have have a greater degree of vaccination, and so they are covering what, if what about breakthrough impressions? What,
the Jewish, with break their actions are not seeing that that's not important. Of course, it is important, but the larger story is a pandemic of non vaccinated, which is, of course true, but the scale of the coverage isn't matching up because
the people writing and reading these stories are all just concerned about the impact on them and their families as vaccinated people. I think the scale the coverages appropriate. I think that there is a lack of specificity and there is like a fear first lead which is leading to huge swathes of undocumented people, thinking that
axing doesnt work against the variants which is giving them another Lee Orderly, not to get vaccinated, as opposed to the last Niger they needed, and I think that's really damaging. I mean period looked the key thing that ever need to know that vaccinate people are almost guaranteed not to go to the hospital, not
die. That's the keep as vaccines are. For that. That's why we are where we are now in our India was couple months ago, when we first learned about that other. I think I think the the key piece of advice is too. When you hear these stories cause you're almost guaranteed Wilson vaccinated people end up in the hospital. Some, yes will we hear about that? Absolutely because those are gonna be cubic stories, and so you really do have to look at the numbers and the math overall, like even a really really effective vaccine, which we have one
you have a ton of people who are vaccinate once you get two hundred and fifty million people, and you have a vaccine. That's anywhere from eighty to ninety percent. Effective that still gonna be a lot of luck and people who have breakthrough infections- and again, you
hear about it? We're Publican hereby even more because of what you said: love it, which is what we're all in that same bubble together. He added interesting because I do think there is this. There is a business rise of kind of coverage around breakthrough infections. What to be afraid of what not it hasn't been specific enough. It has made a lot of people afraid my text messages suggest that that fear
is spreading, but at the same time adjusting the more important shift we ve seen over the last two weeks. As you know, Rupert Murdoch from his yacht gave some kind of a fuckin dick taught, and it came down to like be more,
vaccine on all of his channels, and you see a big up too and I think that's. The actual coverage of the deltas were just combined to mean that we seen a rise in in vaccinations,
the greatest increase in the rise of Ex nations or earth, but the thing most responsible for the increases, the delta very Alfred on clean the. Why does she must have treated this? Yes? Rating seventeen sixty thousand people, God vaccines and a twenty four hour period, which we have to think is due to this rather reporting biggest number since early June, the allied they haven't been there in a wild, and that is good news. What more can the bottom ministries due to get the delta surge under control? What tools they haven't the toolbox? So here is where I think again, precision is hopeful. I think there are things that biting can do and then their demands
Biden, say things and one is effective in one is useless right. So if we lived in a rational world Biden could announce that
mandate a two to three week mask mandate and we would rush the delta variant in its tracks, but we live in a stupid, broken polarized country, where one political party acts like that would be an act of oppression. Trying to save your life is an act of oppression, they wouldn't fathers who gets complicated, I
Were you start to hear people saying bind should go out and say more gives speeches. Do fireside chats, that's worth its actually counterproductive. So yesterday political core,
The historian saying we will look back on this period and say Biden. Should it be doing regular dresses, the american people, what a missed opportunity- and I think that's a dated view of the country
how communication works because, like you were saying earlier, love it like Sean Hannity, talking of the vaccine, Steve's police, getting vaccinated republican radio hosts who had a change of heart like those are the messengers. We need to reach this big group of people that are unboxing, aided and republican and dont
leave that binds actually the present in United States refer. You like that of fundamental the mistrusted,
looking governor of Alabama said your letting us down. If you don't get vaccinated, those are the
dangers that we should be elevating in trying to get covered right now, like John you, but I think that the things it Biden we would like Biden to do, I think, are probably more likely to happen on a local level like even talking up the need for a delay to say, hey if you work for the city give vaccinate. Yet no New York announced today that New York City workers are going to be required to be vaccinated. San Francisco has allay, of course, has not, even though they are forced out of the gate on the unremitting, the mask mandate, which tells you everything you need to know about what it's like to live in L A during the pandemic. The Sultan
but look out so what can bite and do in terms of accessing requirements? I look on the requirements now and I cannot help new meant not knowing where to in terms of
requirements. He could require vaccine requirements for all travel great cause, that's the federal purview,
for our air travel ordering travel. He could also required for walking into a federal building. He could do that soon. The other big thing love it. I know you can have something to say about. This is a lot of vaccine requirements either on the local state or federal level or in the private sector would be on even firmer legal ground. Many of them are on firm legal ground already, but they would be uneven, firmer legal ground if the FDA finally approved fully approve vaccine,
Even though the FDA and leaders of the FDA have been telling us for months, it is absolutely safe, its approved as an emergency use authorization Ella.
Obviously look the most important thing in what makes people trust a process is knowing that, like some fuckin arcane procedures was followed, even despite all common sense and knowledge
and actually we really want is the FDA to treat literally. What are we at now to build
in human beings as guinea pigs for their trial. That's like the most important thing, because what are the two fucking options for the FDA? This point they do they really
that like not approving a now and approving them in a month or two months or three months whenever they get around to, it, is going to improve trust in their process and then the alternative
Imagine what happens if they come to the conclusion it isn't safe for you re like. While you know what big would see their thank you after a year or so proud of. You made a big mistake that eight hundred and fifty million Americans have now made with a suit. I just told you to do it. We told you to take it. Don't yell at us it's very silly, but like its is very its idea that, like
reason. The FDA is the gold standard in his trusted, because they follow their prophecies without exception and actually like the reason you trust the FDA is because you trust the process are smart and built to get a good result. We already have the result, like common sense, should apply here Lithia. It is so stupid and counterproductive that they haven't just approved it. So I can pick most of the
she has taken the vaccine. You work for us, your our health representatives. We ve already done it. We trusted you yeah. I think, unfortunately, the CDC the FDA they ve taken a bit of a hit when it comes to trust in those institutions. That's why, when I hear about things like the NFL saying you know,
if you are a member of an unfair team and you don't get vaccinated, you have to cancel a game because bunch we will get sick. You forfeit that game and you forfeit your pay. That kind of shit is on eight people. Hate
in or when campuses are like guess what you want to go to but say Duke whatever some school you can come back and canvas until your accident. I think that at scale is gonna be highly effective. So this is my one more big thing that the binding ministration could be doing is to more fully and forcefully get behind those moves that you're describing so like someone asked Jen about this at the briefing about the inefficiency gathered their right to do, and they can do that's if, like that at their sort of tiptoe around this,
They know that their worried about the politics of vaccine requirements and they're, probably looking at France and ITALY, were now they have axing requirements and were like massive protests in the street. I'm sure the plenum restriction doesn't want to see that here, but, like you, have the NFL doing this, you have college campuses doing this. Now you ve health systems. Doing this, you have business, is doing this crooked media. We so you can come back into the office unless you're vaccinated, like that legally binding legislation could be leading a national effort to really encourage businesses all over the country to put in place vaccine require.
Louis was like I don't want that five g in my fuckin body chauncey you again. Yes, I know actually not Tracy. I disagree. I don't agree there. I wonder what actually Obama era theory of leading from behind I'd like to see them like poking, proud people quietly to announce how things and then do exactly which ended in shut up about a good about Joe Biden, make about Roger Fidel's, overpaid obnoxious lying ass, making
genetic operated was even when they are putting pressure on them in behind the scenes. I think that's probably find too, but they should be put right
because these member we're not try new, this isn't about convincing vaccine sceptics. This is about convincing the business community, who is probably all vaccinated. The leaders of the business community are probably much more
providing and willing to listen to the White House. Then a lot of people who work at the vaccine. I think there are two tracks her. There was a persuasion track that should continue to go on where people you know try to persuade vaccine, skeptical vaccine hesitant people to take the shot. I dont want to classify them all as like mega lunatics right, there's a lot of really good people who just are worried about inhabiting: it's a! U gotta, persuade them, then there's another track. That is a vaccine requirement track that a lot of countries experiment and that a lot of businesses are experimenting with here too, and I think we have
you expand that as quickly as possible in the bottom initiation should do whatever they can to get behind. You haven't, I dont think Joe Biden getting up there in saying I am in favour of vaccine requirements is going to mean we end up with more vaccine requirements. For these axiom reason he's not a story. The right messenger to tell people to give accident at this point is more important to lift up look.
places and people and an I'd like the right optics that people that the vaccine sceptics my trots, like we
the bidding already these aren't you either there already out there on this, the ideologies that five she's on tv thing, yet there should be more local mandates. There should be more this like this. It's not like they have been. I do want to talk about it there already a little bit out there. I just look when you innovation, ounces, this step. I want a bunch of businesses to read about the edifice doing this. I dont want them to read a subsequent story that gets topped with a Jensen. Your Joe Biden comment about how yeah they should do this. Never one should be doing something I want to let that story. Marinate out their people read it and try to follow suit, but like look it it's a matter of degree, I just think it's. This is not a persuasion thing to me. This is not about the coverage. The vaccine requirements. Gotta get done. They gotta get on fast, because by the time we, if we put them in place in December after everyone's decided they like what the NFL them and put in place. It's too fuckin lane a bunch of people have died so like as fast as we can. We gotta put in place if they're doing it behind the scenes. That's fine, but I gotta do
at some point binds message about. The pandemic in governing record will sharpen into a campaign message for the mid terms. We get a preview that on Friday in Virginia when the present campaign, for the first time with former Governor Terry Mcculloch in his race against Republican Glenn, Duncan Biden focused on his work to end the pandemic and save the economy, but he also call the drunken and acolytes of Donald Trump and said quote: I ran against Donald Trump, and so is Terry. I wish Donald Trump in Virginia, and so,
Will Terry. This is interesting because timing. I recalled her interview with with congressmen Schiff before we start talking about this. He basically said: if Kevin Mccarthy is speaker if the Republicans when the house it'll be like Donald Trump Speaker, what are you guys think about this clear strategy on behalf of Democrats now to tie all of these Republican
it's too Donald Trump this evening and I in California their ads running non, stop saying, stop the tempest recall of
a new some really IRAN? Last night, the like first to edit it you know. First, they tried to overturn the election now
the insurrectionists have set their eyes on California and galvanise them. So I need, I would think.
I was like ok, maybe I'd like yeah sure. Why not? Let's go for it is the trumpeting, I'm sure I'm search of jurists pulling off
No, I think it's just dumb, don't drop is not popular.
A changing Virginia and the way which Donald Trump has been covered has never treated him like a normal politician, but as a normal politician, Donald Trump is a deeply unpopular, divisive figure that turns off a lot of people, especially the kind of people. A republican needs to bring back if they are going to win and a state like Virginia in the suburbs. The place
We're Trump has lost in the places where some of those Republicans could come home to a more moderate or kind of less less uncivil figure, and I think they're trying to make sure that what was interesting about thereby messages, essentially them
message because as watching the turning point USA, then that became despite the Trump Arizona speech here in that little Schwab, Charlie Kirk, who runs the organization, said if you were so
what about what happened to twenty twenty get out of the party and run as a Democrat. So these members are gonna, get squeeze on both sides and essentially get forced into taking this position and its police state by state thing in terms of how poles and what will mean for Terry Magala versus someone in running in Arkansas or whatever, but it interesting it
take the strategy I haven't seen as anywhere, though I'm sure it is everywhere and dismissed at but like
calling him Glenn trunk and is just like right there for the taking like that seems like that seems like it's in a fuckin, yeah democratic funding
an email right now. I'm not saying it's a good idea, I mean it's probably can happen if you just get it, I just did it.
But I am worried about his like. I don't want it to be too simplistic like. I could tell loved that sort of what you might have been shaving. I would you have like. I don't. I think, one of the one thing that we didn't do as much in twenty twenty is we didn't define the Republican Party in the threat from the Republican Party. What we said is Trump is the biggest threat to democracy right now, so Joe Biden needs to be done trumped. That was the right thing to do, and twenty twenty because trumpets effect, an existential threat to democracy. Well, all these months later, as all the Republicans have sided with Trump on the- u know, insurrection and potential potential coup there. I do think that in twenty two we need to have a message about the Republican Party and its not just what does it mean to be like Trump? What does it mean to be republican Party that has remained itself in trumps image? It's like a very subtle difference, but I think you need to describe Republicans and what's wrong with them was bad about them. That's not just oh there I'll drop. I think it's one of the debates that kind of place out over and over again in terms of them
messaging is there's an impulse on the part of democratic campaigns to focus on kitchen table issues, because those pull really well for Democrats, they pull really poorly for Republicans than you have. I think another argument that's also valid, which is like. We cannot simply ignore the assault on democracy, even though there is this, like kind of surface level pulling. The tells us is not the place to fight Donald Trump when the moment of his lois popularity. After
Four years of fuckin misrule was and is trying to overturn Obamacare. That was just true right, unlike painting Republicans, not just as Trump EST, because we don't like him personally, but because we don't, like his beat a low tax rates for corporations cuts to social services like we have to figure out a way to make this a message that
eyes, the Anti democratic and the kind of incivility that people hate too, that the policy agenda that that's harder to kind of get me to focus on. Certainly, yet by saying that there are like Trump, your calling them extremists, and I think that there is a way to define what a republican extremists means today and that can range anywhere from voting against covert relief checks, which they did to voting against a bipartisan pale to investigate an attack on the capital right there. All sort of of appeal
But again I took trumpet the terms the debate here because he said at this speech were about to talk about that. The election lie that we owe him feeling the election was stolen from him is the biggest issue there is, I think, that's a direct quote he says is bigger than the border is bigger than inflation is bigger than to him. This is the core issue that Republican should be talking about, so they'll probably get there, so we should meet them they're, not just
just should be talking about- have to be talking about when you're out. Unless you have your you're out and let anyone be punished. When we come back to me, I will talk to Congress.
Adam Smith,.
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The House of Representatives Select Committee to investigate the deadly insurrection against Congress on one six will hold its first hearing tomorrow July. Twenty seventh husband, already leader, Kevin Mccarthy,
is boycotting the hearings, because speaker, Nancy Policy refuse to let him appoint members who said they wanted to sabotage them, but there will be two Republicans on the panel thanks to policy representatives list Cheney and had him kissing her here to talk more about what we can expect from these hearings is one of the democratic Committee members, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. In a long time front of the pod congressmen, Adam shift congressmen welcome back excretory with you, so you have said that the goal of this committee is first and foremost to uncover the truth about the one six attacks are their additional goals. Will there be recommendations of some sort after
committee, finish its work and, more importantly, how can the work you're about to do be used to help make sure there's not another one sex? Will? I really is the entire point, which is so. We want to conduct a thorough investigation folly.
evidence, but make a series of sound recommendations about how to protect the country going forward.
How to make sure that there is not a next attack on the? U S, capital of one state capitals
You know we were just doing some preparation for the hearing tomorrow.
Any number of the insurrection said ok next time, they can't do extra, why
Also, there was certainly an intention among those who attack capital that day to continue
the unfinished work they set about, and so those recommendations about how to protect our democracy at our capital,
Our people, as can be among the most important parts of this controversy
trouble, lings or rewriting history. Where Republicans,
are more more willing to suggested the insurrectionists on one sex for freedom fighters. Your beer, trying to put together this committee with the Speaker and Kevin Mccarthy,
is calling list Cheney, Adam Cleansing, urge to republican members of Congress, Pelosi Republicans suggesting
that d, the committee isn't bipartisan because they aren't real Republicans, presumably because they dont support trumps election lie unfortunate, we're seeing parts of the mainstream press, even kind of repeat
spin? How do you had a we all push back on? These are Kevin Mccarthy, political playbook,
definition of a republican or by partisan as trump sycophants as people who support the insurrection,
or will repeat his lies uncritically. Well, you know. I think that this change is really the case in point, because he or she was the number three person Republican Party she's, more conservative, then at least the funding for more conservative war within the tradition of the GEO Big, but she stopped
out of her leadership position and replace, was the panic. Why? Because you refuse to carry the president's big lie and Kevin Mccarthy's big lie and
that cost her job and she was replaced with someone enemies. The planet
was willing to carry those big lies the report.
Party. Sadly, right now is a cold around the former president
it's an anti democratic, anti truth cult.
And, if you're, not really
a part of that then you're essentially cast aside, but Captain Mccarthy Look were determined to get to the truth. We
a great body of members now on the secondary Democrats and Republicans nor wedded to the truth, and that's what this
calls for the workers to requires in this circumstance, what are some of the most important questions that still
haven't been answered in your mind about one six that you're gonna be looking for answers to us on the committee. Will I'd like to know what did we know in advance in January six? What do we know about those who were planning this? What do we know about the potential for violence
was known within the administration of the participation of these. So why Ashland groups,
Why were we so ill prepared, and why was sir, why would reinforcements so slow to arrive? These are some of the questions. What
of financing was involved in this. What plans to these groups have for future attacks on the cap about them?
who shoot, but one an overarching questions for me is ended.
I think was really summed up by one of the officers that day when he asked after being Senator Rachel
epithet since these people attack their civil over democracy
is this America. Is this what we
to expect now, when one side loses an election, that they don't accept the results
that is now ok to use violence to achieve a political and an
stop bigotry, division, further answer that violence and I
One of the recommendations we need to make is how this country is going to once again solidify our support for them,
accuracy and make sure that this experiment self government continues.
And will thrive because its now, I think, a greater risk than through any time my lifetime, I'm sure, they're allowed a conversation.
debate around the witness list. Obviously, potential for witnesses include former members of the Trump Administration members of Congress, even potentially Kevin Mccarthy himself, potentially Donald trump himself. How are you deciding who to call as witnesses and then how are you making sure that if they don't voluntarily comply that they were
in fact answer a subpoena, because, obviously this is a challenge during the impeachment hearings, but we are very much in the early stages of the investigation and one of the four steps is developing the scope of investigation. What issues are we gonna do
I am. Where is the evidence that we be in terms of resolving the questions about those issues? You know
usually start out at the top. You work your way up, I enter
so the seriousness of the issues on the witnesses. Hopefully you get those blood. The dock.
Battery evidence that you can follow up. The question of witnesses were so. I think this point.
premature to resign precisely who will be brought in by
It's going to require, I think, at the end of the day, the use of compulsion
Yet some of these answers, I will
make sure that what we request documents will get them all and if you do it simply on a voluntary basis than people can refuse,
there's no repercussions. So I favour the uses penis. Normally we would start with voluntary compliance and goes Sabena, but I don't think we want to wait
in terms of witnesses
this is a relevant and they refused and wanted. You subpoenas I if they said
refused them. We need to figure out what to do. We have to compel him to come in and we may ass more tools now than we did in the last four years, its trump as a witness on the table
I'll determine their Ben Thompson, who said? Basically, everyone is on the table, and that includes the former president. According to one of the Trump books, Ivanka told someone she was standing by that MIKE Pence is a good man and that she thinks this whole interaction. Thing is bad, should we call the Trump family cuz there? Are there any pictures of themselves in these books? Were everyone looks like a bit of a hero,
I'm curious. If we can get some of these courts under oath well, as you say this with a tremendous amount of revisionist history- not just about January sex but about the actors within the Trump administration.
never to rehabilitate damaged and destroyed reputations,
where its relevant to January six, where witnesses have important information,
I can rely on Social Republic statements we will want to bring in
those Robin? I don't wanna say that's true of vodka
I simply don't know and we have made specific decisions,
can rely on the self serving accounts? We're gonna make sure that people are put under oath that have relevant testimony slightly different topic that there's a lot of concern is growing concern. I think, among activists have voting rights attorneys us about voter suppression. Efforts were seeing in dozens of states, along with the likely gerrymandering that will happen
lot of states. That could have the potential to essentially rewrite the maps and, in so doing hand Republicans the majority in twenty twenty two,
gerrymander. How concerned is, is leadership about that potential and is there a plan to try to stop
but we deeply concerned- and I know I feel this is an existential issued for our party's pro democracy. I think
We effort has to be made and pass age are one to pass the channels voting rights ACT. You know one thing unconvinced of, and that is if
situation was reversed and which were was running Senate other Publicans control, the House,
will the white House- and there was something they felt existential. Macao- would find a way to get it done.
and we are well need to find a way to get it done. Also,
Time is running out, particularly when it comes to the jury matter. So
a real sense of urgency? I think the president
states need to be working on this every day in Israel.
would you mentioned to find a pathway to carve out other filibuster when it comes to this foundational right to vote
and you are failing to get that done. We are so
gonna have the amount they most massive turnout operation in our history over
whatever obstacles they put our way, including these bigoted-
crow laws that are being enacted around the country, Jimmy just one.
will follow. On that I mean there's been some reporting that suggests at the White House, thinks that maybe we can just sort out organise a gerrymander as one of the people who would be potentially
to do that or you on behalf of colleagues who might be asked to sort out, organizer gerrymandered, you think that's
feasible or even possible in wonder what? How your reacted to that,
well. My fears are only we contemplate the possibility. I just want to make sure we do everything to prevent the gerrymander first place.
One thing I am utterly convinced open out is: if they're allowed a gerrymander, it will be the most severe gerrymander ever either
It's feel they can gerrymander their way into majority, and they could be right about that.
I don't want to simply rely on the fall back.
will do everything we possibly can
That becomes necessary
But right now we should be focused on whatever it takes to get legislation passed required,
instead of using the commission, Sir, like we do a California, I think
cheap, but I think it will require the president's personal
and daily involvement in this fight to carve out this area from the sole buster
and I wouldn't I wouldn't give that has anyone else, because the success of his presidency also ultimately depends on doing way.
The jury manner and making sure that we and these disenfranchisement efforts you treated the other day that Republicans of good conscience, both in power now, must take their party back. So only seventeen Republicans in Congress voted to impeach Trump, the second time and the guy is currently front runner for the republican nomination and twenty twenty four. How is the republican civil war anything, but
over already and in what? What are the implications for that year? There was a brief moment. All too brief when Mitch Mcconnell flirted with matters of conscience after the insurrection spoke,
in very strong terms about trumps responsibility for the bloodbath that day in using the largest megaphone the world, a push out, these lies about. Electricity simply could accept that he lost, but it was only
two weeks after that he was ass. Their wealth is your domineering support him in his answer was absolutely that's how long those
matters of conscience held out for two weeks, which was really almost
weeks longer than it did forget. Mccarthy
and it's a terrible tragedy for the country, because there was a chance that we might turned a corner after that global day.
but the reality is, I think, is a long.
From his arm seen workers
with this in Europe
to say that in this initial,
round that that fight husband,
I invite all Trumpery owns that poor, lock stock and barrel, but
we're not gonna have a fully functioning democracy until then
The party stop supplying a culture that, in these immoral in a day and becomes a party of ideas.
and so our belongs, if it takes, is gonna be how long it takes for a country to cover just one question about the costs.
Mention has majority leader? Can Mccarthy he famously used to pick out the red in pink star births and give just those two President Trump, because he thought President Trump preferred just read in pink
starboard have you ever asked him what his problem is with art orange starboard, because I find them
like a good, and I find this whole charade a little bit insult me. Well, I think
maybe the probably one starboard is that you know it might add to the foreign press discoloration, but now I think that
Mccarthy view that some of its most important responsibilities is republican later, and I dont even get me started on when you probably would do with Yemen. Am I mean this is very funny
because Kevin Mccarthy is a sycophant? How concerned or you about what it looks like four Republicans to take the house again and what that might mean because it feels like the stakes are bigger than the usual mid term election were
Party takes control of Congress or not, and that now we have a party that has so frontal attack democracy so brazenly and openly in charge of the Hudson
are you worried personally? Are you word for the country like what is the level
concern you have about giving Republicans power again in this country
Why do a question? Because I don't think, there's been enough focus on just one. O clock
Maybe it would be to have come across the ever set foot in the speakers Office Chemicals
was made for a moment like this, a moment of a Trump presidency,
the presidency, when
no devotion in that party to truth
that was a moment, may forget democracy, Mccarthy, and it's not just that we would have Republican.
controlling one chamber and legislative gridlock, and we could make progress on climate or any number of other vital existential issues.
If not, we will, without someone
very much
mirroring the immorality. The lack of character of the former President
the speakers office, if it were cabin Mccarthy, this is a contingency to which all efforts must be made to avoid. I think of
We have given Mccarthy, arrogant, speaker, Donald Trump, we'll be speed
whether it was named speaker not, he will be effectively running ass representatives
His lies would be cabins lies
and cabins lies would be the lives of the House of Representatives and so
We need to make sure that never happens. Yes, we do everyone get ready to vote in twenty two congressmen shift. Thank you so much for joining and good luck with
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All right so the front runner for the twenty twenty four republican nomination took the stage at around
for election integrity is what it was called in. Arizona
on Saturday Donald Trump spoke.
Nearly two hours and he played all the hits-
He even led a locker up Chan about Hillary Clinton for old time's sake.
no one, but the news MAX audience had the pleasure of watching the speech in full and since no one could ever have to watch another Trump speech in full. We thought we'd bring you the top five bad shit craziest moments from trumps, Arizona speech. Let's hear number five have that the vaccine I came up with the vaccine
they said? It would take three to five years going to save the world. I recommend you take it, but I also believe in your freedoms, a hundred
said but you're. So you understand, but,
was a great achievement. It was a
It was a sandwich there. I'm awesome. Look what I did I have to take it if you don't want, but
Awesome that I did. I recommend you take it. I recommend think about like clearly does not
that clip alone doesn't want
are there alone. That's why I get so frustrated when you wake up in the morning and political playbook says wise and Joe Biden giving more speeches about this, because it is so clear that that's not can be effective. That's not the problem.
By and is not the solution here. It's Donald Trump, both sides in the vaccine.
in the middle of a massive new surge? It's like I'm, not defending bide, nothing that know that response has been perfect, but it's like if trunk him out said, hey we're all gonna die. If you don't get, this vaccine
tomorrow. You wanna be larder, my good do it. If you want to be part of this movement, there's one thing you need to do: first, we get this vaccinate you safe. We need you healthy. We need new voting, get the vaccine.
does this is I'm two hundred percent with you on this? One is a slightly different than my Biden should be pushing back
Nevertheless, I am against it. I was buying, should say not de right, it's in and say, like Chris Christie was actually saying this over the weekend. Talkies, like I talk to some guy, you know convinced me get the vaccine and what he doesn't. One hears like Joe Biden going out there every day and tweeting camel hair is treating like get vaccinated. Is it doing anything and he's right here like this
The way there's gonna be like get vaccinated is not are you know, methodology and the messenger it's gonna happen. Locally can happen in communities can happen from trusted sources like doctors or people. You know what people in your family, that's how you gonna get people vaccinated and clearly Donald Trump does not want to be part of that effort, even though he was vaccinated among these were among one of the first people vaccinated and did so in secret and once credit for and once credit for it. I little cell number four. I said why, wouldn't this governor Doug Jesse, you know when I get rallies when I did rallies, he always wanted to be in the front row circuit. You mention my name play sorry I mentioned, but I introduce them, and I wouldn't get much over applause, that they get alot of police, and I kept saying in disguise
popular, but now you know what he's not popular with me either. I came to see me they said sir. Would you like him to run for the Senate? I said he's not get my endorsement. I got the message. The Mitch Mcconnell there's another beauty by the way, the MID Mcconnell Republic, the MID Mcconnell.
the old ground. What did then the room? They all the girl
RO the old if reverie
It's important that clip eyes could not stopped laughing at the old crow. Miss Connell ruled crew is there are things that are saying
So, for some reason I also watched Arizona congressmen Paul, Go Sars speech, republican encouragement from the Fort district, so
no, that seen in men in black when the alien first comes down and he takes over the body of them.
panic. Young he's got that sort of like weird affects we're. Like you can like lurches around the Vincent
down, fathers are one of the great performance is postponed, its yearly think that he's wearing of incident areas it yeah, that's the whole thing about it, and so the number of theories that they're going through to get to this audit, like they think four hundred seventy thousand
were altered, he's recommending a documentary called kill chain was either documentary or twenty nineteen Nick Cage movie, but
I what I'm trying to get had his slowly.
that there is really no difference between this goes our speech and where Trump is on the audit and on what's happening in Arizona terms. The election lie in the progress of our speeches that one of the crazy things at our watchword was it might thy hearing that is without a doubt. Doug do see is the presents like the greatest threat to you, no mark healthy.
Or your young workers and Cinema in Arizona, because he is one of the few sort of let's call them establishment Republican sure left in Arizona.
Arizona republican Party is well known for all the rest of its fuckin kooks right from Kelly Ward
to show our Pio and the rest of the crew, and it made me think, like you know, we ve been sort of worried that the Donald Trump is going to remain the party in his image and endorse all these trompe candidates were Gunnar, like wreak havoc and a night. I still work a great deal about that, but like the fact that he's gonna go all in against duty when deuces clearly their best candidate, there is very telling- and you wonder how many different places around the country- one that will happen. Well, yeah, I mean look the only time.
the Republican Party and Donald Trump interests, have one hundred percent aligned, as when Donald Trump was on the ballot. Donald Trump want I went and they want him to read. But you know I think we will see a mix of trumpets and politics driving turn out of that base, combined with some of the kind of blow back. We saw in Georgia with Donald Trump Sewing chaos because he sees it is interest to be a kingmaker or I would get confused, but there's defenestration and his regicide.
Ass. Sometimes he wants to make kings and sometimes he wants to do. Regicide yeah anxious- and I was just wondering what here goes our talk about his like who killed actually Babbitt bracelet and anyone who needs it is again suggesting that insiders and the FBI, India, J, were part of the insurrection. It's like back. I was what one or two speakers before trumpet me. That's the parting, neither one place where Trump really smart on the politics is bashing. Mcconnell again, you can gather that unite the country, member that provide an super pack, and these are the the one politician that even the strongest Biden, voters and the strongest Trump voters all hated was Mitch. Mcconnell was like those like the one thing: every person in the focus group in all this
we found that MRS Merkel was garbage so runny against which Mcconnell in twenty twenty two again seems like a smart move. I whistled and number three, and I only wish that my friend my pants had that
additional courage to send to send the results back to the legislatures.
for nothing. It's amazing to me that Trump still think that mopeds had the power to send the results back fidgets. Why is this so that lick? It should be added
So there is a story in political over the weekend that pence is all but gone from the ticket, a trump rounds again that their viewing everyone who is considering running and twenty twenty four as a potential running mate, and it was interesting to relax. You don't often read about a former vice president being jettison from a ticket, especially not a successful ticket, but then do here that riff over and over and over again, like of course he's gotten can foresee hand water, he just gonna, but it's funny that pen still thinks he has a chance in Hell. He's here
the like Chicken dinner circuit going all these. I would dinners softened thinks he's. Like you look, I mean that's real, that's real optimism! Crowd of angry Maghreb supporters were what chanting for you to be hung, and then you still think you have a chance of them. That's that optimism. It's some hay MIKE if your date tries to hang out
that's a deal breaker. You know I mean like they don't want you, they wanted to kill you.
as they want you to tell you the old saying the people your campaign.
To win the votes of wanted to kill. You taught me to your point about a piece about repents getting denizen from the ticket and it really all of the contenders right now that a pretence
running and twenty twenty four are acting more like they are doing an audition for troms VP than they are candidates, Raynham, whether its Christie NOME, whether its descent,
any of them all their doing is sucking up to Trump as much as possible. They don't seem like candidates were running to win, may seek within its were running to be Donald Trump.
Sixteen dynamic Oliver and yet notes the job it presently Atalanta. It's the job, busher nomads, nomads basely bashing the other republican suit on a day like those people try to save their states from covert. Not me this one, that's why I should be vice president. Will she also wants an insuperable,
so once Trump to view the scientists as a threat, so that, of course exactly what. I also think that just they're waiting for the moment Trump decided sign to destroy bronzes anti semitic, won't make a point about what happens if you put your hand up above the trench we are, which is by render senses being super nice and not even obliquely, making any contrast with big and meanwhile had been watching, pose reporter
We can then trump Super back is raised. Seventy five million dollars this year and none of it has gone towards these audits. These attempts to overturn the election, so it's all bullshit, yeah wife on them. When you can t talk about them like a really important thing ever, but not actually spend your limited money
number to the. U S. Woman soccer team is a very good example of what's going earlier this week. They unexplored
Thirdly, loss to Sweden Threed enough
Americans were happy about it. You prove that boy before I even said it
America first he's gotta crowd rooting against America in favour of the socialist Swedes, while their white, the Swedes, away to figure out why country like that you're sunspots. We.
Leave of in this action. He said workers and makes you lose ruined your mind, ruined you as a person than he accused the left, ruining baseball because the Cleveland Indians change their name to the Cleveland guardians. Then he attacked Lebron James and he said the ratings went up after his team was defeated. So I guess Donald Trump Point is that the ratings for the NBA finals were
higher than for the first round of the placid serve stands to reason, but as a real, a real rance, a real anti athlete anti american rant here. That is in stark, there's an eternity
transit? One point two: yet I was little Braun, the labelling. It has really worked trader under athletes. Wider journey cut a journey, but I ultra. I also think this, as you know many now we're talking, but some Thursdays pod, but an example of like a cultural war. The Democrats should not shy away from right, like this. Guy is now against american sports right rooting against her came athletes. That's not popular with most of the country again right now. Cairo
The Fox news of the left that doesn't exist for a full weak Republicans turn on America's athletic heroes for a full, weak
it would become a story and needs are seeing the poles. Are they had this anti patriotism problem, but of course that won't happen, because we have a way of writing an asymmetric
battle here, but yeah. Now, I'm going on it as a Cairo, yeah yeah.
The Cairo here we get our Fox NEWS of the Fox NEWS of the left, Cairum right, terrific.
number. The number one must bachelet crazy moment from Donald Trump Speech in Arizona here. It is the case
the ads, for whatever reason also refuse to produce that network routers. We want the routers study
When do we gotta get those routers Liz routers come on jelly
get those rather says routers in a lot it with Serbia
routers is so many fraudulent boats without the rat, but if you got those routers, what that will show- and they don't want to
up. The routers data want to give em. They are fighting like hell,
Why are these commissioners fighting not to give the routers? How simple could it be? That will tell them
you know that arises ever seen around her? Do you know that
story of what this, where they came from
I didn't intend to learn it, but now you re here and I want a louder. I found out about the Cleveland Indian, changing their names of gleaming guardians from you so vital, so that you, MR so I mean exports
miracle becoming rather dubious, it they're trying to subpoena the network writers used by the counties, election division. Does the audit leaders think the voting machines were online and that's how votes were electronically transferred from trumped abiden? This is a part of this bigger in
simple to follow conspiracy theory that alleges the election theft was orchestrated by someone working in the. U S, embassy in Rome
so the Italians are, I miss and they used italian military satellites to change votes from trumped abiden in this was apparently orchestrated by Obama. The former prime minister of ITALY premises frenzy
see I was basically manufactured by some website group entity called nations in action, and so the
with an italian job is shot by way of just italian military satellites. What are those in so, but what the people in charge?
actions in Arizona saying is hey.
give you a holler, router it'll cost a six million dollars to replace them, but this is like this is the distance from a Shin problem right he just every week scout something
it's impossible. What does he really is in? What does he think is in the router into every females? Are in the writer a perfect kind of our four dollars, a step on the road or he doesn't know what a router is. He sees it. There has some fine. Could it sounds technical? It sounds like something you should try to get. Some who knows you won't get. Em writer owes you dont Wendy. I had the router because he knows even without the routers. He still gonna make the same argument. It does like it to make a serious point like this. Is the new kind of conspiracy theory that is much harder to combat, which is its conspiracy? Without the theory like Tommy just outlined what
version of the story. There are, which I now believe, of course, they're calling in ITALY Gate Island. Hundreds of thousands of views on Youtube.
Videos by this, but really what their do I, but the microchip and the vaccine, that is to say the election, is fraudulent, and then you say the elections.
and it's a command to all of these people, to create a theory from the ground up back and help make that
comment, and so you don't need any specific case. Tromp doesn't need to latch on any one kind of case. Neither does evil. Dentist Paul goes our
and what happens is all these people from the ground up generate their own version of truth? Any one of them is fine
on any given day. If something happened with Benghazi, we're gonna see it over and over again. The same thing happen. I think, with some of the conspiracy theories. Around Hunter Biden grew Giuliani, generates these, and this is, and so it's it's endless, there's no way to start at it, because it's it's it's from the ground. Up, it's not from the top down are complicated
have lurid and detailed right now, so that Georgia remember in Atlanta there is a water mean breaks, I believe the building they came back in whatever now he says that water mean brake on election. I was fake that political, operative stuff, the bunch of bow to fake doubts that it were under a table. He said that people are so upset that they threw up watching you.
I think that's pretty. They ve seen you think of armor. They ordered out somehow it has not that the Italians hacked us, but again, like the fringe organization, knows I've heard of Youtube videos. Are it just comes out of the prisoners, its mouth and again at the there's scary, real life consequences here, in addition to the fact that this is all barreling towards another Trump run for president, but in Georgia today now because of the new law, the Republicans state legislature is moving taking steps to take over elections in fault. The country, which is the things that we were most worried about with some of these vote restriction bills, is the fact that Republicans there's gonna try to take over non partisan elections or elections where Republic
random, who are not sufficiently world at all else, was, as you like. This conspiratorial mindset like infects every aspect of our culture, including the resistance of the vaccine, and you know a lot of people- gave Sean Hannity. I think credit he didn't deserve for how he said how he pointed people towards the vaccine. He said you know research, it like crazy talk to your doktor many people. Vaccine
as a good option. Then, of course, he comes back and walked back as I never recommended the vaccine. I never recommended the vaccine because, regardless of any one instance of someone saying take it or don't take it, they have built an entire ecosystem. That is predicated on the assumption that no one is telling you the truth. Nothing you see is real. You can't believe any public official ever no matter what they say unless it's Donald Trump Sean Hannity, Lord Ingram, Attacker Carlsson and we pay for it in small ways and large ways. Every single day,
they are providers in time Erika. That's it notes the there's. The message are: that's all we have heard today. Thank you to Adam shift for joining us and
thought you guys, like Party of America. Is a cricket media production, the executive producer.
Michael Martinez, are,
you're producer is flabby causes are essential.
Producers are Jazzy Marine and Bolivia Martinez. Its mixed in edited
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is our sounded,
the tiniest terminator, Katy Long, Roman, Papa Dimitrios Caroline
an injustice. How for production support in Jordan
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-31.