« Pod Save America

Ron’s Boulevard of Broken Streams

2023-05-25 | 🔗

The DeSantis campaign launch explodes on takeoff. Political Strategist Tim Miller stops by to break down what’s next for Tiny D and the rest of the GOP field. House Republicans are feeling so confident about the debt ceiling negotiations that they’re bragging about holding the economy hostage. And Jon and Dan dig into one of the week’s weirdest stories: why did Marjorie Taylor Greene pay $100,000 for a used tube of Kevin McCarthy’s chapstick?


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Break down. What's next for tiny d in the rest of the republican field, then how republicans feeling so confident about the dead ceiling negotiations that their bragging about holding the economy hostage? And finally, we dig into one of the weeks weirdest stories: why did marjorie taylor green pay? A hundred thousand dollars for use tube of Kevin Mccarthy's chopsticks, just the
ig stories. Pod, save america quick reminder. Before we start the party of america will be live in new york city on june. Twelfth at the tribeca film festival. Alex Wagner will be joining us as co host, as well as very special guests attorney general tish james in the hilarious roy wood, jr tickets are almost sold out grab yours today at cricket dot, com, flash events and if you haven't heard already check out pod, save the uk, which hit number one on the uk charts this hilarious insightful new podcast is your go to source for everything. Uk politics hosted by comedian, Nish, kumar and journalist, coco khan. It's everything you love about cricket podcast, but with a british twist from strikes to scandals the cover all the topics that matter listen now, wherever you get your podcasts dan. Let's get to the news. Here's a question if a presidential case
the pain launches on twitter and no one can hear it? Did it really launch ron Desantis, he could have announced his white house bid with a big rally or a splashy prime time interview. Instead, he chose what was essentially a conference call with elon musk and one of his VC fanboys. That was meant to show ass, the governors dulcet tones and the billion are medium moguls technological prowess. If you didn't get the chance to tune in here, so the first twenty minutes or so went, but not those of us who is known are working for
it'll be a quarter century his commitment to freedom and put his money. Well, I think we've got a just a massive number of people online to its services. Training somewhat and are super excited to have covered status because a stark announcement, As for the strikes, it's just trying to get a guy on an auspicious start for MR trump, without the baggage trump without the drama dan. You have seen quite a few campaign launches in your day. You felt organize a couple of yourself. Do you remember any announcements where you can actually see the candidate or here
them for a good half hour into the announcement was gonna think we're all being a little bit unfair to around santas because for a bow a century. All of the campaign- announcements Only that is true. Then then the was inventing buzz. Not since then that's really make amerika great again. Can we talk just like free civil rights act. When is if they actually mean pre television. Worse potential campaign launch of all time. I was trying to figure this out and end like going back areas in my poor memory about what could have been what was a worse launch than this. There were certainly worse campaigns that ended in disaster, but the actual and
in spain is a tough one to really fucked up there. I would say the eia chat boss were not helpful and transfer of data for this question. If you think that's it, that's like, like I'm thinking back to west clark after he announced but he's an actual speeches. Ok and then here that famous woman on the plain where he was asked about his iraq war position in here and he in the middle of the court, and turned around to his press person and asked what his position was mary mentality. He said he said, help mary help mary get out there, That my mind so far with that was back into It's been three that was like the runner in the running for the worst launch of all time I mean Donald trump did come down an escalator and then start screaming about mexico, sending rapists and criminals, but that by all accounts, was a
a stellar performance compared to well as it turns out, we were all a bit naive about the republican party base and twenty. Sixteen that's true, that's true! Now it is probably true that most republican voters won't hear about this, literally and And- and that is the best possible news for Ronda santas, because everyone who does hear about it will learn that it was an absolute disaster and a joke including republican voters, who hear about it from right wing media, which is a rarity because, like fire, the news was dumping on it. I mean real problems, real problems he even round his aunt has even lost catered catered, not the cataract.
also read cat turd for you. That's that's, MR cat turd to you buddy, Mr Sai, it's at at cat turd to mister cat, and he said that it was like watching paint dry and so that he left he left the mean. I guess he I dunno, if he voluntarily left- or he was forced out like most of us, were most of the time there were about five hundred thousand listeners when twitter spaces crashed only about two hundred thousand came back once they finally turned it off and turned it on again. Average fox primetime audience is about one point: five million. What On earth was the descent is campaign, thinking in choosing an audio, only platform with a well known history of crashing. earlier. I knew not so suddenly called me all by pointing out all the can announcements, that I see overtime. there their epoch at the carter announcement. I believe you
I wasn't born when Carter announced. I would point them to the math in my head and I'm not sure, but look when you planted announcement, you- and I have been apart of a couple- What should the way to do that? As you pick the candidates greatest strength, then you build the strategy on highlighting that strength. Forty one in four to say is that is clearly his voice, his voice. It annoyed ass. No one is not offer in all, so you, at the center the voice in the announcement, because that's what you people are going to want to hear from right, they're gonna want to hear around us and us just focus on that voice for years ago, like this is an idiotic strategy campaign. Announcements can all things in politics can go wrong there on one or two ways. One is a good idea that is either executed poorly. Suffers from bad luck like take the example of TIM scouts. Microphone going like that's not maybe that's advance persons father. They hire the wrong vendor, but that's not a sign that there was not a bad idea of an announcement
and then there just straight up fucking terrible ideas in the idea of doing an audio announcement, be interviewed by two silicon billionaires on the fourth year feature. I a third tier social media platform, like, even if it had gone perfectly. What was the upside? I now that's right. You say like it's hard to put the glitches aside, but even if we try to put the glitches inside The ideas fucking terrible so just think about like when you do this I'm going to focus on it. We will make fun of him for the three hundred thousand people or the one hundred fifty thousand. It's That is sort of a very, and I would say this to any person or a politician. I was advising The numbers of people watching in real time is an anachronistic way of looking at it. What you want to look at is the tail effect of anything you do well. How does it get picked up? So just Where do you care about? I wanna hear south carolina. What are they gonna play on the news to say that runs has entered the race audio without pitcher, of you on mosque in a picture of rhonda santas like what does
furthermore, the voters can consume the regular voter who is not on twitter inspection on twitter spaces. There are going to hear your is it so bizarre, and the audio thing is just so. We are in this example how just than done? That is since reagan for a long time president's got to give a weekly radio address every saturday. and he recorded on friday, that whenever you want in regulations all across country would air at a certain time, all too well, yes in two thousand and nine so Reagan did it. Bush did Clinton. Did it bush? Forty three did obama comes in sort of first internet prisoners like this is done, Why would we just as is already radio, so we videotaped it and also put it on youtube soap? in two thousand and nine more well more than gotta go, we're like audio only is dead and rhonda santa's is bringing it back. Is Davis access, probably gonna give fifty
million dollars to his super back. Maybe, and even must could do the same, and so it's you can't use your fight. Your campaign announcement to raise money from super factor in our since just stupid, stupid, idiotic way of doing it. I've. Last week I talk or how terrible I we should fired his entire team. This is worse. He did not fire them. He got an actual worse idea than that weird interesting kelly craft minutes before she lost by thirty points. Yeah, the the young generational change candidate decided to take us back to the days before television, something that everyone has in their homes. He should have been. He could have. He could have potentially reached lots of people on a piece of technology that they have had in their homes for quite some time, and that is the television and actually they can have. They had little televisions on their phones to see that,
yeah. That's happened also, but you know audio only is fine too, and again, when you're doing your residential announcement, you don't want the stage to yourself. You want to share the stage with an erratic billionaire and his fuckin Wonky david sacks ryan said his name has no one fucking knows who David Texas right he's just some some random. You know he's like the sixth guy at paypal and now he's rich and has some opinions. That's David succeed, that's that's! Who run the santas wanted to moderate his announcement. Also, you couldn't really tell the difference between when David Sachs was speaking and run to santas cause. They both have terrible voices, and there were times when run dissenters couldn't even get
A word in edgewise, because David and Ilan were like hugging the whole thing, and talking too much I mean I'm trying to get into the minds of the descent his campaign of the people who of the yahoo who proposed this idea- and all I can think of- is that they are all way to online. They seem to have actually bought into this idea that ellen. Musk is the new rupert murdoch. This is where the media is going and the right wing media is going and maybe somehow they're going to take it to trump by announcing on the platform that helped him become. President and twitter used to be trump's platform, and now here comes to santas and maybe they'd get a lot of elite media attention which it certainly did certainly did get a lot of media attention, but it all seems like real.
all galaxy brain shit like one who is the audience? Was donors? Was it doge coin fans? What's it was an elon musk fans which, at this point, you could fit into a small building like what what what was going on. I dont want to be cynical about this john by. run his answers. His campaign plans to rate the other superpowers plans to raise and spend at least two hundred million dollars, and this problem to be more than that and. Rhonda santa is like chief political guru, was a guy named Jeff roe work, protect crews who help get and young can elect. Did He also owns the ad buying company that will be used to place the ad spent by the super back and he a cut of every single dollars spent and Who can give a lot of money to that super back its attitude in the mosque.
and this is the same thing we talked with us last. This is why he endorse kelly craft, who was also a Jeffrey client who also is a billion error who plans to give money to the dissenters effort, and so This is being like he is no grey. texas, a canada or politician, and we can talk about that with him, but his campaign is pure idiocy right now, absolute pure idiocy, I mean it's just a bunch, of like reactionary republicans, who have been read pills by being too in line just like elon, just like ronda santas, it's like the things they care about and are all just like these very niche concerns that, like you, have to be way deep in the comment section to understand and right wing media and in speaking of right wing media just before he just to go off to santa for a second, there were some it's floating around that you on musk has displaced rupert murdoch as the king of right wing media think the coronation might be delayed now? Yes, seems that way
in the end, just the numbers here make it as very clear that twitter, the scale of twitter and what people who can actually consume. Why have political content on twitter? Is quite small compared to fox Frankly, any cable gentlemen. Those are seen in numbers not to be worried about it by their we're talking about here in that should probably give Tucker Carl Some pause and his plans, you advances empire on twitter. Having said that, let's put aside who's, the king of rightly median here doesn't matter, but I think there is a lesson here for progressives, which is I don't care about the twitter space generally by what even musk has done is he has bought one of the major distribution mechanisms of content in the world, and he is now using that to tilt the content. That's such tribute. He owns the pipes not media, put us on a media company. It's me distribution, company ad.
If you're on twitter, it is becoming a trolley. Wars are worthless in the atlantic, its becoming a right wing platform, the content choices being made by elon musk, the other algorithm is pushing more right. In content he's using his ownership and his platform to highlight no democratic candidates. Gonna go on there and do it, but there will be magazine That's what I mean. That is an argument not that we should care that much about twitter by this is the The future of media is media distribution. How you get content in front of people. and even musk, as it is a new found, redfield right wing or now owns one of those who owns the pipes in that matters and in its democratic. but how we're going to compete against that going forward. It's not going into solely be by buying the atlantic or even building media companies is, but we also have to think about distribution, how you get content front people's eyeballs, and that does matter, and that is important and we can make fun of it and laugh at the glitch by and that's all funny and the platform is I repeat we now when it dies, it's gonna, have an impact in can have an impact.
On the terms that the must wants it to have ya know ruth all of that, except it may not have the impact that iran wants it to have, because he's got out he's got a pipe maintenance problem, yeah he's going to exist types. Yes, he's not he's not running the thing. All that, well, I mean like look. I don't wanna, do the whole thing about elon but like this is a guy who thought that his success at building rockets and cars would translate to success at building a media platform, but the guy has built robots with better people skills than he has he's a shitty manager, shitty leader with shitty politics that came from being read pills from spending too much time on the platform that he p forty four billion dollars for and all of his engineering skills couldn't stop the thing from crashing. constantly because he doesn't have enough people working for him because he sucks look he soon a shitty job. There is no question about that and there is
and if I were a little bit tromp ass, like a smarter, more focused rightwing billion our own twitter, It would be much more damaging than unaided as it is unreal on. I think the point is that there is lesson in this for democrats that we should understand and airline is I'm not here to judge his overall intelligence, but he knew what he was doing when he bought this platform Yet he understood that in an age where a cable tv is going away, broadcast media is going away. Newspapers are dead, the internet, as we know it is dead people, not gonna websites, anymore, owning content, distribution matters a lot and he bought it. Then that has got thou have an impact. It will not be it in the same way
Facebook or tik, tok or something else, but it is it is. It is a thing and is going to be yet another headwind. That progressive message is gonna push. It gets in twenty four yeah and I just I think, there's lessons to be learned in his purchase of twitter and what he was thinking. What he's trying to do and then they'll be lessons in the the failure to actually make it. Yes, a real bit you now just now, for I think so something thinking our glitches aside once they get back on. Their conversation must have gone pretty well right
well so after dissenters, hops on the call he reads. A short version of his stump speech again just reads: a stump speech like if you're going to have some fun informal chat, that's new and different than your typical stodgy campaign. Launch! Don't just read the speech. You would have read the rally with applause, but that's what he did for a while. Then he took about an hour of questions on voters' top concerns from david sacks, a maga congressman, Thomas massie, few maga, pandits. Here's how it went. I pledged to be an energetic executive that will take on the important issues. The whole book ban thing is a hoax and I think it's part of a political agenda when we're taking on things like d, die you get blow back from legacy media and the far left we believed you jamming gender ideology in elementary school was wrong. You have every right to do bitcoin
The only reason these people in washington don't like it is because they don't control it. I think this whole e s, g movement, is really trying to do through the financial sector what they could never achieve through the ballot box. The legacy media, these corporate journal that they're in their little bubble and look I'm a blue collar kid. I grew up in the Tampa bay area, working minimum wage to get through school, and my grandfather worked in the steel mill in west sylvania and I just know instinctively kind of what, like normal people, think about all this stuff. Here's the thing: here's the thing legacy media is in their bubble. Ron Desantis knows what normal people care about. Then he knows that the republican primary will ultimately be decided by bitcoin enthusiasts, who are angry with asset managers for investing in renewal,
right, that's, what's going to determine the next president. Look when you go to those near times, diners, all across the country. You don't you here. First d, I yes g hetty s. Gdp is just so many letters coming out of their about they're, just chanting, letters just addition d, the I d ye, point does coin like davits acts as a huge crypto guy, he is I'm sure. There's a lot of bitcoin carries a lot about it. He keeps asked about bickering. Anyone mosque has some sort of truly relationship with pumping and dumping dose pointed he keeps you. He keeps break up who's going awkwardly about that, and I know very little about crypto, but I dont think do bitcoin is the right way. It's described. We want the people do bitcoin. They also like these. A lot of time, bitching about the media like elon musk as like yelling about it
early wurzel atlantic peace that you brought up in Davis, exits, yelling about vanity fair- I was also struck by like to see it is he not only has it like is, is way too online. He also sounded at times like someone who has spent too much time in washington, like the establishment figure that trump is trying to frame him ass, like at one point he went from doing his woke mably. thing to talking about omnibus spending bills and the power something executive power under article two of the of the constitution and how he would do reg nations it I'm just like this- is so fucking boring He oh bore. I think you are discounting the appointment he announced as support for the reins act which came out of committee yesterday. Tat we are a bit we came out of committee. What is going on? What are you doing? What I think and was time is with him, but his he is a typical politician and that that is the contrast.
it's not about it, who has baggage? Who doesn't who can speak mega better? It's wander typical politician. One is not in rwanda, santa sounds exact like a typical politicians want who speaks mega fluently, but a typical politician, Was it a single mention of donald trump until about an hour into the conversation, win right wing radio host from iowa, Steve dese asked about trump, not finishing the wall? The closest scientist got to come. Isn't the guy who's ahead of him? By thirty points was quote, our voters are sick of the empty promises. They want to see action. What do you think
never back down enough for you. I think it is fitting that the candidate who announced his campaign on twitter thinks is best. Strategy is sub tweeting. His way to the nomination, like maybe they're, waiting for the first debate for that first exchange between trump and dissent as the people are going to see, although I have to say they might never get that moment at this point, you just got my just skip the debates. I mean there's nothing that people like us want more than to scientists and tromp to fight each other right than is absolutely one woman who issues as the alien versus predator battle. Run dissenters, clearly alien in that situation, but there is no point in his announcement, however, stupid his the format for which it was to directly go after trot, but that this is not the moment, for that there. What that moment is coming very, very quickly and is coming faster. It would, I don't think, he's our
man is a sharp enough implicit contrast to achieve what he wants? But yes is never the day for explicit contrast, I think that's mostly right, though, vows run to scientists, and I just realized that my campaign announcement fucking exploded, because no one could hear me for the first thirty minutes I might think to myself on the spot. Maybe I should hit trump because me that will get some coffee within that kind of crowds out ve. No one could hume campaign announcement speech because IRAN must platform broke his audio only Radio show this conference is conference, call that he got on, I mean he's not he he could have just done a podcast interview. He could have done a pocket. We would have put that shit on youtube we have to see what would happen. What would it look? Nice, ok, break, and then we are bringing out the big guns to talk more about two sentences. Announcement in between twenty four republican primary tim Miller will be.
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I wanted to trigger you to start with a tweet from when I know you ve seen a street of course cause you're a twitter attic. Me from national review, editor rich lowry about me, balls, announcement, tech debacle, aside to santa's, knowledgeable, a fluid speaker and has command of details. Tim is the woke mob just to blinded by twitter, shout and proud to appreciate the rhetorical power of yesterday's performance. I don't think so. John everyone people might have meat body derangement syndrome. That's possible that I got to say that the duration syndrome might become from inside the house at national or the year. Not enough for this nurse who are unaware. Nash review is basically like our dissatisfaction gene and so what happened yesterday is pretty noteworthy. Actually, I was prepared for this question and it knows coming like over the beginning of the russian invasion.
crane. When I got state tv there are a couple of anchors. We're like I don't know how well this is going before they were silent straight. Moment happened yesterday, ass rosea, because riches on colleague, Jeff Blair, I pulled this out- I figures and bring about later. But you stop, the pleasure of you. So here I am here is because general air said this: isn't the bulwark this incident, never trumped tedious suggests take on the announcement to say this will hit powerful points out its border record? You know its national view without throw clearing, but
I only ten to twenty minutes, apart with gormless air, in between devoted to discussions of esoteric technical issues of interest to absolutely nobody except crypto currency speculators, twitter users, checking into here from the new republican candidate about his plan for america. Instead get to hear VC guy david ball, sacks blab, texas, me blathering ten times as much as his hosting duties called for and thomas massie calling it in to rhapsodize about how much he enjoys his tesla. That was that was published in the national review yesterday. So I think that is a pretty clear sign that we are not blinded by our woke ness. Never trump, you know resistance, buy cds and- and I think that it was really just a total disaster- show that that rich was was trying to. You know he's just trying to polish the turd as best he could TIM, but you Didn'T- I were just talking about this. Do you not think that the republican primary will be decided by
coin enthusiasts and yes g opponents that not the gazelle, nothing weighty and republican voter window in my favor. Moment of the announcement was when David sacks meet all the kid David's brought up doge and then spread like a penny dolls until this happens. I guess I even any even and realize I'd. Maybe idlers might not written a catch, the reference about the dose coin. No, I don't think so, and these guys that run this this all in bob cast that that, for some reason round, his aunt is handed over. His campaign announcement to like the air is a in the concentric circles. There. Some there's some overlap between the king signs of conservative, contrary billionaires, who live in silicon valley and are annoyed by their liberal colleagues. and the concerns of an average mega voter that lives in spartan burg, south carolina,
has never heard of what an hour s. U s right like they have a couple overlap and concerns like they pulled dont, like woke capital, you know like they'd boy, don't love the pronoun stuff right, but There is also a whole nother bale of concerns that these rich white brows have that the ick regular people have no idea walking about and they seemed to have completely infected ron de santis, his entire announcement and- and I you know, I think that the campaign required somebody who, like didn't, go to college and maybe one time attended. A trump rally is a fan to be in their meetings. You know to just vet like whether that stuff was going to land, because I just I just met multiple times over the course the announcement. He was mentioning things that I that regular people maga folks. We listened to and in borg, groups, things that they never mention. Yes, g is never volunteered by an actual voter. I guess I'd be the the digital currency mandate is never something.
is brought up voluntarily by a voter. It's it's it's weird! It's it's! A new concern about the of of these losers. The enron decided that that's what he was going to center his campaign announcement on which, which seems like a mist to me dan and I were trying to get inside the minds of the people on the dissenters campaign. Who decided that doing this would be a good idea like what's your thinking about what led them to this idea? Well, I think there are two things at play. One is you have to the deceased. His team is really kind of new and- and I think, not aligned right. He thought he had a very small tallahassee group, the people that never done a national campaign, there's some people that he flown in a lot of whom people I know that are not big trump people are not maga. People are old establishment, republican consultants that he's brought in, and so and I don't because lack of trust there right. So I think that they're, just for starters, like this campaign, like doesn't have a clear northstar.
with a candidate and and staff that are like all working towards that says one one problem that that I think is pretty obvious at this point I, like the other, the the the thing I was also trying to put myself in their shoes, like you know, as a plan that we're all You wanna not overreact, right in know, you gotta, unlike I'm the comms person, for The santa shiver when, in the room someone propose is that you on mustang initially, unlike this is stupid, but then how do I taught myself into right? the answer. Is you get this lift right that I give? The other This is where you have a week day announcement and tell a happy that turned out is not going to be anything like a trump rally. It's not gonna look like spain. field. When you guys the journalist announcement twenty ago have along that was now it's it's gonna
You know, it'll be a nice crowd and jobs announcement was really nice. It was the best day of our campaign. So having a good announcement doesn't mean it's going to be a good campaign in the inverse is true. That's worth marking, but yeah we had four thousand people in a small basketball gym was full. Was nice the the the New cycle lasted six hours. You know had donald trump and out some next day and it was our rights, so I think that they are. They were considering well that we could just do this sort of average florida thing not make a lot a buzz Who are you learn well ask is open those same people in the world. We can kind of at them residual, glow and and boost after this and make it seem bigger, and I think that was theirs. Thus I assume that was their thinking and that just utterly backfired in every possible way, because the opposite happened right. He looked smaller. It felt like the eli and show not the run. The santa show right and- and he didn't get any boost in coverage- I guess, unless you count people making fun of him,
as the numbers I didn't at any I it was smaller than it would have been had he just announced an laura ingram. Shell, then, could you imagine a scenario that was like something in between what they went with and the traditional stodgy announcement speech? That is typical, like what what would have shown that he was like a younger new generation. All candidate reach, a new people and new places tone over complicate the simple. The campaign announcement is supposed to be the best day of your giving us the easiest day. The prey did the dear you'll get it the most press coverage. It is the day the pie will cover your message. They will give you headline you weren't, even if europe lose or candidate the press will treat somewhat seriously. Emmy just listen to the carnation you tommy above it had on tuesday TIM scot, I was like you treated him ass if he was like
but one of the races etc. So why is it a little love love it developed areas, the average man really under the item. Scott, you love it mike murphy urges the encyclopedia just done the jail washington for them. In turn, the smaller states, Scott, triple bank ethic, I'm sorry to interrupt you do it. Do the simple get the thirty? it's on the local news of you with your message, get the headlines. You want and no one's going to remember that he fucked this up. That's not going to count some posts, but there is a cost, a screwing up your announcement because The day you should have your best coverage the day. You should be your best fundraising day. For probably almost a year should day that you're on the phone with all the folks in ireland in Hampshire in south carolina trying to get the new endorse you and when you fuck it up you the aid? It has an opportunity crossing it in that matters, and so there is no watching this through the normal announcement and then do the quota quote and energy. This word triggers forever. The buzzy thing, with elon musk the next day right through your announcement
it's on Macedonia, rich and then later on. Do the thing I get you additional attention. The fox prime time interview the morning show in our view the union must twitter space or whatever this one small, I fall open. It that that proves this point right is in addition to the announcement right. Not a lot of people are going to tune in to the actual announcement speech is right, it'll be you'll, get super fancy, but what else do you get out of your announcement? What did about it? What does every candidate get right? The the images right you have, the visuals, you take the three best the leper lines you package them, you can permit, an arab people seem under instagram than there were in a wet where they are engaging stuff to citizen. Have that it was just his voice and the man voice for news of the threats not is spread and instantly justice voice, and so they put out. Did you see that I ask you know John did my dad? Did you see the video they put out with a friend?
It was a yes lips, but what they were sure? Yes here they were. They thought where decisions is best lines from the twitter space and end compelled him to like it. What art show of of raw eve on looking. We doing. Weird. I thought it was a parity account. I couldn't will ask: why do they have? It was like old pictures of elon musk. That would my love in the video when he was ball, you what was going on there photoshop at sixteen into the photo, around don't understand, overlooking the governors mansion, which the reporters nuke as they use that exact, imaging and add before with ldf sixties, and it couldn't just heavy announcement. With the sign behind him florio's where woke goes to die or whatever their message is. You know and had a nicely package thing, but they they couldn't do that because it in many video there was an audio only just it was again You can overstayed how important announcement has there been people with? I don't I don't
Roy Joe Biden denounced at last. He became president to sell. You know, I'm sure it wasn't a ten out of ten whatever it was, but the bit it is its noteworthy, that it was this bad, especially when your contribute, when purportedly that a scientist contrasts with trump is like he's normal he's competence in you, too. You can get the maggots stuff done trumpet out. I end up. without the baggage exit. Now he's got some. You start with some baggage announcement. Aside TIM, like you, ve, heard longer versions of dissent assist stump speech many times before. Is there a compelling message in there for republican voter? Once you get past the bitcoin, yes g bullshit, that sort of saxon and elon foisted upon him. There's a job, only david saxon, to show you a little more time related crushing at easter, became a full time political strategy, these guys I don't want. You want more he's a new brand of of political figure. I heard he's the donor influence her
the donor influence. This is why I left the bay area's guys like this. We need like a neko baby term for people who are the fifth employee at a company that made up the ones that did well, and today I made a billion dollars like it was. I kind of I don't think. Gee line and teeth. Peter T, I can t see you guys had ideas like david sacks was just like in there but boy and he got a billion dollars out of it now absent That's the end of my David Sachs acted to the santas. I did. I went to see him at the villages accurate, so I saw it in three d in the republican you know in the core republican. You know where that, where the base voters are these older kind of mix between rich folks that moved down the florida son, birds and floridians have moved to the villages and- and he had speeches really long- is eighty minutes, but Twenty really good minutes- and this is the third when I I about how it doesn't they seem confuse like they don't have a north star. They aligned, like the scientists, is line about that
in the same enemies, ass. The republican base, voters right, like the media hates me falcon, Hates me I I I thought them in one like we were in a state that used to be a swing state and we won by twenty points and that's why these guy is line and complained about me all the time right, there's some material there that I think really does resonate with the base the reason why the sanders and trump were tied around christmas, and these pulls right that there were people who, like like trump, but this I won my key showed that you can do it and- and you know he did. shut down. Schools like these woke lives did and right that there are. There are a few areas ro, where, where the santas like, I think, can really resonate with these base voters, the problem is, we gets done, into the micro it it's a has been ass. And also his personality has been off an end. He seemed to be a bit of a beta right, so it's like if I was on his campaign team I'll, be thinking how
We put him in a position to just maximize the sense that he's a winner. He took on the big fights and kind of avoid. All of of this other. You know all other stuff that have weakened its candidacy and they have done an opposite. They ve leaned into all of his. You know weird pick Adela us dear. How do you think his message to send this message at its let's at its best compares to trump and what trumps find it? So, there's two elements The first is on the culture war stuff. Their messages are sort of the same this industry actually think a little smoother in it like. I agree with him in that sort of twenty minutes. Core of the message me put aside all the other sort of fox news marginally around woke capitalism. He has a cultural war message that is, he is the person who has done the best job of that other than trump in the party. Since my sixteen the problem since has two problems. The first is trump marries
your worst off with economic populism and two scientists marries culture war with either no economic message or Paul ryan, economic messaging, which is an anathema to everyone, for particular the publican base, and the message is only as good as the messenger delivery and dissent is as of right. Now is a shitty messenger. He's gonna we're personality. He has no charisma mobility. Deliver it dynamically he's dead. He is not good. It actually getting his message heard in the way the trumpets and troubles out there. Just kick in his ask is trump. Is a weirdly compelling, bizarrely charismatic message? particular among the republican base, and europe has one more advantage of dissent as it does not have the trump as an absolute thirst for the jugular and when he finds it. Candidates, weakness and tim knows this, unfortunately, all too well, he hammers and in hammers and in hammers, and he's been doing it too. Aunt s for months now. Incentives is not shown enough. Inclination to fight backs were girls,
The message is it's not getting heard, because Donald trump is dominating the space you like as much as we do. You note was talked a lot about the CNN town hall, but think about like trump's performance at the CNN town hall, all and him just sort of like steam, rolling, Caitlin Collins. You know every wanted of owning now doing what he wanted to do. Verses dissenters, like struggling to get a word in edgewise with EU law and musk and david sacks as just that serve, tells tells you everything right there. You know that countries that isn't exactly the trump people put himself in this position and that seen in town hall to be held right and caitlin, I do the best she could and was jack checking em right. But if you're watching this you're, like oh man, look at this problem, The lions den people are cheering for em right and any other is trump, is weird and weekend. You know you've spent seven years on this podcast talk about how dangerous an awfully is seeking in itself, sometimes of ignore that when you
getting down into analyzing the campaigns, but the trumpet tax feel like trump. They might be like You know they might be exaggerations, but you kind of like this is what this guy really really believes right, and did you see his insane attacks on the santas on truth? Yesterday, like they put a video that no real campaign would ever put up. It's like a fake twitter state It lives in there and the devils George Soros is in there in the truck and turned to see it. This is in there in front then is like guys are all terrible and my job is great. Troops should win. I mean any of this, of any stafford ever pitched it in any other campaign. Republican or Democrat, I did you like. Never into the office. Again I could ever pet what about isn't what about? His first truth is. First truth was rob. My red button is bigger, better stronger and is working in parentheses. Truth. Yours does not
and then in parentheses per my conversation with Kim jong boon of north korea. Soon to become my friend I mean that is, like I said and I I'm like that is fucking derange. I didn't know what it meant and then I was like one. How is this guy the front runner again how? How is this guy the front runner going into like? I wanted to ask you guys this: do you guys feel at all guilty about how much you're enjoying that to the trump the santas content. If I'm covering my laugh up, while you read the tweet right now, I don't want to laugh in this, like some of my friends. Did this to be intimately sixteen like they laughed at trump's hits on JEB. It's not funny, like even ass. All the knights, I determined to put myself in that mental spades like is even dangerous. He's an asshole, don't laugh at him, that's it it's like real and is it is he's funny and is weird way. Sometimes you laughing at him and then suppose he doesn't get neg. You know, I remember one time I did laugh and just unwillingly during a debate when he
like made fun of rand paul's size in the middle of a debate, and I was like in the war room and I just couldn't help myself. My laughter was like. Oh, don't do that too bad tim didn't laugh so, but it's real, then you have the dissenters, like the flip side of that. Is it's just like it's so like these? It's it's poorly packaged campaigns to erect a vibe is oh. This is a traditional campaign done poorly, like is what the scientists is putting out, and I got trap is putting out is like this is weird and crazy, but it's real its trump right in the end is what the republican voters like about trunk. He doesn't seem like that. He's running a real campaign, and so every ten percentage points out. One of these limp push back attacks its birth. It only helps trump more that ricochet back, that's like any other.
it just another jab. You know it's just another, marco right, it's the same old same yet I don't want the guy doing the weird you know I ain't going for the jugular, as Dan said, with a weird devil. George soros, video and memes dandy. Think and it says to any bit of a political problem for that he may get charged with a few more crimes between now and I are wall street journal reported this week. The jack smith is rapid up his investigation into the classified documents. This january six there's georgia, stormy, Daniels, hush money. Trial was just stir. The date was set from march twenty fourth, which is right in the middle of the republican primary. You think it's possible for trumps opponents to persuade voters that may be multiple criminal charges make the guy less than an ideal candidate ticks descend onto the general. It's actually likely. to be in the middle, the primarily by the very first week of the general election
because you have to wrap it up by the florida primary is march. Nineteenth that if this is a lot of this kind, right, you tuesdays part about the strike, the tim Scott, if this comes down to live with, this comes down to trumpet It is, if trompe citizen florida it's over, and his next move is quite you pete show up in new york for a criminal trial where one of the outcomes is, he goes to prison you see if you were trying to like what is the possible case for this answers to bounce back from yes, let everybody to be the other person standing when tromp collapses under the combination of his own crimes. His own looming elect ability problems because of those crimes. and possibly a billion dollars and adds spend against him by anti trump forces, but on both sides
now. That's the same strategy that everyone put in place in twain. Sixteen that resulted in trump ending up in the white house by its aid. Tromp has now lost right and there is a so maybe that's what happens- and it's gonna be incredibly weird that there can be all these pretrial motions happening dominating the news is trump is trying to walk up the nomination in a battle for all the marbles, with rhonda santas in florida on march native? Isn't it over if trump beats the scientists in iowa, no, the I was a terrible predictor of the gnp nominee yeah- I guess my thought on this aware, like I'm back we'll, yet where does this year? Where is this? I kids two scientists wins iowa its clearly over right, like I think then trump has plenty of Doesn't he can also bought whatsoever in south carolina? You lock up insights after one year mean the absolute go microbes. so that the order here as you have those three supervising embargo has ten scott emerge yeah
Dan Dan, doing aaron gordon tomahawk dunk, the favor once and awhile. Well, now, now tim, I want your take on on the tim scott announcement. What what and not just first do TIM Scott's announcement and then do. You think that any of these other candidates can emerge as a legitimate challenger to trump? If DE santis keeps doing twitter spaces with a david ball sex, I didn't tell Jim scots announcement was- I would have been really a nice serviceable b, plus announcement and ninety. Ninety nine, you know- Can you advise us not only to our really honest frack, to be george, that abuse BP after that announced I think that he would have been one of the leading contenders. Just it's nice, some themes appealed to me, obviously been other. They feel inauthentic right. It's like when you talk about her responsibility like well, don't you ever doesnt donald trump?
do. I have to have responsibility for tromp, don't you have to be responsible for your enabling at him with a capital is stormed and- and you did nothing is that it wasn't rumsfeld. So you know his traditional conservatives theme start for england but hollow in the context of the donald trump presidency? But I got paper I liked it. It's obvious these running for vp. And how did you get inside Donald trump's deranged mind and to think about like what can a vp he might want and march for it like it's some some days, it's probably like, I want Kerry lake. I want a loyalist ina and then other day, as you might have someone in his ear that it's like. No, you need a black person might help you do better than you did last time. The suburbs, and so many victims, guys in the next white and scale, would want to be donald, trumps, vp and why pod save america would yes m for still do that. Those are too open to question this for another day to me, look there along the road for bulwark, a really good thing about how everything I trumps going The escalator is like zero, zero bc, a d in the republican party right and anything that,
like its from the old testament, it's not gonna happen right and so If someone else could emerge, they could beat drawing the scientists. It would have to be somebody that feels like their from them. I got era and that's nobody else in the field except for august dismay back man which either doesnt seem which debt write so timid, fucker. You know what I mean now we're getting into the fantasy politics. I can someone else come off the sidelines, who's more from the last eight years doesn't have the stench of you know the pre trump party on them. Could somebody like that emerge? Maybe, but like the clock, the clock is ticking on that, and I do think that I agree with Dan that in theory, this thing could just fall under the santa's lap like against. All if the trumpeting totally implodes, but it's just the longer. We go the less and less likely that seems excited as if he hasn't already been indicted once what other just great thing, if you don't mind me taking over the show, around thirty nine and I mentally for performance coming next and I dont know you're. Did you see what this decision, as did make some news today so
again. It is the first acts of his skin and its campaign, but due to disunity, sat on the clay, Travis podcast miss that miss just happened. He said that he is open to pardoning january, six participants were politically targeted all the way up to president tromp. So you know so now we have day. Two of the campaign, I think, is the cleaner. Newsmaker is that is that the theaters will be open to pardoning donald trump. For the insurrection, which I I get a lot of data, I just found out alpha way, those like when I press I might consider pardoning got around to the asks me for it's. Ok, then baby now you're, so to give it that their term that doesn't seem to be the path to decide to take. So you again, how do you contrast rate? self if it's like, hey trump, has all these all these legal baggage and so like go to me. Who's gonna carry vicariously all trumps. Legal bag
with me into the general election, but not have the charisma that he does not just he's really iq put himself in a pretty small box as far as, whereas, whereas lioness yo yo, is why your campaign to start by jenny afflicting to elon, musk, david sacks and then ultimately Donald travelled, to put you are trying to beat for the nomination for president dan, I notice that even terminally offline Joe Biden weight in Last night, with a few dissenters dunks, he tweeted a fundraising pitch. That just said this link works. he tweeted, no matter what happens, you can hear run descent agenda loud and clear included a video of dissent as bragging about his most unpopular positions and laughing like a fuckin weirdo Do you like the idea of Joe Biden becoming a bit of a twitter troll for this reelect? I don't know that twitter trolls persona that I was suggested, but I do think his digital team has been very nimble and aggressive, and that's what you are right. That is as predict
in this period here, where republicans are going to be offering him all kinds of points of data points about his argument about republican extremism, so have fun with it make a compelling do it? the key and use it to raise money and recruit volunteers, and so that's great. I was impressed with it it s if we're going to get going back to the descent of contrast right. It's a typical political campaign response right, but it well executed. It's like here my opponents weakness as I'm gonna make fun of them a little bit to try to raise money off this. Nobody thinks it's really job it isn't behind the you know, pressing click on the tweet right. It's like here's, our campaign's message to this and we're going to use Joe binds platforms to do that. I that's like the best descent. This could do right. You would want the dissenters to have that type of role outright like not.
yeah he's never going to be donald trump. Exactly do a weird I'm coming down the escalator and saying strange things: it's like okay, this is a competent person that can execute an announcement, will deliver a contrast against his opponent, deliver a clear message and he totally failed to do that and Biden did it. You know he just perfectly adequately yesterday and I think that that's you know how how they should continue to position, and you know for the next year and a half yeah. I hadn't thought about the advantage of Biden being able to sort of use all the republican primary candidates attacks on each other like to benefit himself in this, partly because, like last time, this happened and twenty sixteen hillary really couldn't do that, because she was embroiled in the Bernie sanders fight. So you didn't have like
on democratic incumbent or democratic candidate, who is able to just sort of like take advantage of all the fighting on the republic inside and now Biden can do that and is it was good to see him taken up. You look a lot like a guy who isn't between twelve campaign with me When we deal with it I mean I'm all that was before twenty six again. This is bc. Politics was annoying. I wish our with abolition, John five euro, who was the one on the cap and not the other ones, tacoma romney asia. Anyway, really rude, two minutes and right now, there's no like were cut me regarding that's part of the bargain. We all know we are. We all know about vision with dignity left on the republicans side to smear. We all know that the big bird attack and finders full of women is what did it? That's what swung that election
And heard over those are the term. Thank you for joining. This was this fund as always and when we come back then, and I will finally get to the fun stuff debt ceiling negotiations, the party of america is brought you by Monty cora. Did you know that the best tasting honey on the planet comes from new zealand sure? Did it's called manticore a honey nice in the remote magical, forests of new zealand? These feed on the nectar of the molucca teachery, making a super honey that, unlike anything you ve ever seen or tasted before monochord, has absolutely mastered the art of beekeeping, their super money is always a hundred percent raw a rich and creamy texture. That's, unlike anything, you've ever tried sarwan before hundred per cent raw nice hundred percent raw. It's super honey because of it's unique antioxidants and prebiotics, as well as natural antibacterial compound called
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Hi folks. It's me chris gathered and I host beautiful anonymous. Every week I talked to one anonymous person on the phone for an hour. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's inspirational. It's heartbreaking. It gets dark. All of the above. I've talked to somebody found love in a mental hospital, talk to her He was about to turn herself over the federal authorities, a mother waiting on the results of their daughters, cancer diagnosis. So many more look out for new episode, beautiful anonymous every tuesday. This need subscribe to beautiful anonymous on stitched apple pod casts the serious exam app or your favorite podcast up, Are we all had a few laughs said, rob two sentences expense, but now it's I am to turn those smiles upside down and talk about the debt ceiling would just seven days too Oh, until treasury thinks the u S will default on its debt dynamics.
That's a sounding anxious and republicans are sounding cocky, so cocky that their openly admitting to holding the economy, hostage, here's kevin, mccarthy and then Matt gates It is exactly how we carry on your right now I don't my conservative colleagues for the most part support limits a and they don't feel like We should negotiate with our hostage. So there you go Kevin Mccarthy says the concession the Republicans or giving in they know. Good relations is raising the debt ceiling, which is also known as preventing a catastrophic default. That's their concession and Matt gates, saying we don't want to negotiate with the hostage those come and certainly didn't seem like accidental gaffes.
Why do you think republicans are so confident right now unjust, openly bragging about the shit candish yell about this for one? Second? Yes, you can that's why you're here in this package, Kevin Mccarthy put aside magnates he's can climb in catholics. Are the speaker of the house admit for the entire cabin oprah score that he is indeed, an extortion by threatening that a fault of united it's an potential global financial collapse. And almost no one covers it: we're just gonna longer what Let's get back to our discussion of the very serious negotiations that negotiation when a bank robber puts a gun, in the face of a bank teller and asked for an emptiness That is not a negotiation about how much money they give. It is armor. In its working insane, and I do think the press has done an absolutely miserable fucking job covering this. They have normalized a deeply dangerous behaviour, because the question we can Mccarthy
If not, what is your concessions or what deal are you gonna get us what happens if there is no deal on the state? Are you gonna? Let the country to fall are you? Can it pass a short term extension. That's only he can do that job. I Can't you that only cover mccarthy kid I'd, whether we default or not, and the press is putting all of the pressure and responsibility on your, and that is a huge failure. On behalf of the vast majority, the reporters covering this ok rant over sorry, buddy yeah. No, I of course, of course, I wonder the if Biden getting into negotiations, is what has allowed them the press to cover it as yours, typical negotiation with just this, you know, threat of default looming That is definitely true, but it is a poor fucking excuse in the process. We have. Your job is reporting happening. You can say Joe Biden is engaging in negotiations by the end of the day the dynamic drive, the negotiations of the Republicans, threatening,
This is not the negotiations over the shape of the budget is not a budget negotiation. If image negotiation, if everyone is truly agreed. They're, not gonna. Let the country default by Mccarthy statement is implying that they are going to let the country default if they don't get the deal they want, and that should change it and did the guidance that a first meeting between binding mccarthy and the negotiators, and all of that give them permission to that. Yes, better. excuse your jobs to portray what is having accurately not portray what you wish was happening. I mean it seems like their confidence in cocky, because their willing to shoot the hostage and that they
we're betting, that they won't get blamed for it and the reason they're betting they won't get blamed for it is because most americans aren't paying attention to this, and if they do pay attention, it's probably because we defaulted, and then the americans, who aren't paying close attention will just know that Joe Biden's president, when we defaulted, and so it seems like that's the the bet they're making and if even the americans were paying attention to it. You look at some of this polling. They think that yeah, it's reasonable to ask for spending cuts right. They think that's a reasonable thing, because people are predisposed to believe that the government spends too much money and then, of course, when you ask them whether they favor cutting specific programs, then they take the democrat side and say no. I don't want to cut that program that program or that program. We've talked about this before
but it it certainly seems like that's why republicans are or have the upper hand or appear to have the upper hand in these negotiations, because they're willing to shoot the hostage and Joe Biden? Isn't it absolutely they and it? The question of who the public blames in the immediate aftermath of a default is a largely irrelevant question It does not matter. It's really doesn't matter to me as a people who lose their jobs and the people who can afford things its interest rates skyrocket because of it or the people whose fur four one ks in retirement plans or nuke doesn't matter to them, but even if you just wanna focus on the politics of it, even let's say we default Joe Biden and every Democrat uses every available outlet and hammer the republicans you convince them that it's the republicans fault when people actually vote again in november of two thousand twenty four. You think we're gonna blame the largely anonymous groups, a fuckin weirdos who made this happened in the summer of twenty three or the guy sitting in the white house, while animal it has doubled
we're in a recession and the stock markets at half of what it is whatever they're the to by and republicans no donald trump out. There saying elect me and I'll fix it all, because the economy was great. When I was president until covert happen and scientists is saying how we can use those going to bring the economy back, but no one heard it because just there was only one that was crackled yeah, so there's obviously demo its are voicing frustration on the record off the record on background about how the white house, his handling negotiations, think I'm losing the message wore their worry they'll have to vote for she deal. Let's start with just the message. Republicans have been talking to a lot to reporters about the negotiations, been available to any reporter. Who ask them a question about these negotiations. The white house has not said much at all about the negotiations. Why do you think that is, and should the white house in Biden be out there more
at this point, where a couple days away so the ship has sailed on that, and the white house clearly made a decision that the most important thing here was to avoid default on the best possible terms and not understand those possible terms are not going to be, and so they were going to take any amount of shit in the short in the medium term to avoid the fate I just talked about for the country and further politics, and this is going to be rough for them if we default, it's obviously disaster for everyone involved, and if they get a deal, it's going to be a deal that most Democrats are not happy about. Some of them are gonna, be forced to vote for it, who don't want to vote for it? It is going to the republican it binds. It'd be limited in what he can say about it, because if he says it's a victory for himself that he's going to have to deliver more democratic votes because more republicans will peel off it. Is this Should you situation they made a decision at.
I can't say whether that's the right decision or the wrong decision. We won't know until we until we see a deal that the best way to get the best possible deal was to stay quiet and try to avoid poisoning the well right, because again, Biden doesn't want the hostage to get shot and he's worried that if he goes out there and says something that pisses off Republicans they'll shoot the hostage. This is the I mean we, we dealt with this in the obama white house many times, which is this is the price you pay for being the responsible leader who doesn't want to see people hurt and the economy tanked, and it is not necessarily a fair fight when you're up against hostage takers, who don't give a shit and there's an asymmetric here, because republicans, you aren't worried about poison the negotiations because they do not care about the outcome on people and bind us. He is responsible, so he has to take on political baggage to try to avoid an absolutely disastrous. They notice it s ears, but for the entire world did you say,
The I think punchbowl had this this morning, that there's an emerging potential deal where debt ceiling gets lifted through twenty twenty four and basically they all pledged to figure out all the spending bills in the budget by the end of the year and if they don't ah pass all the spending bills and pass a budget, then there'll be like an automatic or automatic budget caps, which means like a cut. A big spending cut an event like a sea are continuing resolution that would just basically fund the government for another year with just one big cut on a whole bunch of programmes. So as I understood that reporting it was the following. Is that they're going to agree on budget caps as part of this negotiation and those caps at that exact top line? Number will go in place, one of two ways: either the appropriations process works and that this congress, with the influence of the white house, gets to decide how then the money under that cap is spent. Do you put a little education?
a little more into this under each of the, however, many appropriation bills are thirteen or fourteen, or something like that, and if that fails and a cr will go into place automatically and they won't have to vote on it. I'm not sure how that fits with the house and senate procedure. But that's what would happen anyway. When you don't have a union you'll have appropriations bills, you have two choices. shutting down or passes a sea are so. This is basically that makes us taking one step out of it What matters here is what those caps are, not the fact that we can be caps and are all scenarios any sort of budget remit would have caps, and so I think this is, the republicans want you keep putting out information and suggest a deal is eminent because what they want is for the markets. Do not react yet, because if the market start reacting, then pressure will be put on them by their donors by the chamber of commerce and others to move more quickly and in a road some of them.
Bridge, the white house would also like that, because what really hurts the economy is not just the fault. It's all the turbulence in the run up to potential default, and even when you revert to fall, you still pay a price and twenty eleven we set the economy back a while because we came so but a fault, and so was also in the white house. Interest to make it seem like a deal, is right around the corner because it keeps economy moving a pace as opposed to getting hit, and you know one of their ratings agencies. Just put u s, credit rating on watch on negative watch meeting like we could downgrade you careful. So I think that in the fact that even if a deal is right, Today, thursday, probably one is going to be reached in the middle of his podcast, because that's always what happens not not when we're recording cause. That would be too easy. It will be right, ten minutes after yeah, but even if they reach a deal today, it probably couldn't become law at the earliest until june. Third or fourth- and you know, they think the state as june one but like whatever you. We could have a couple days here and there, so it does feel like.
There is a lot of external pressure on both sides to just get something done like today, or tomorrow, and I do wonder if that scenario, where you use your agreeing on caps, the actual details of what gets cut, do get punted gas extent. Then I feel like both Republicans agenda grats in the white house at that point are like we're going to figure it out later. Let's just you know, and, and and and the bet there is- that it's not going to have a huge political impact, either way, but we won't- you will know that which areas right which agencies are going to take a hit because you'll know the delta between friday, twenty three and twenty four to twenty twenty, two, twenty three percent, work is important, though how the fiscal year lays out data republicans want to get this done by friday because they have said to our role as part of their house procedures, and they would
like that? Seventy two hours to be friday, saturday, sunday, moral they weekend or saturday sunday monday, Suppose everyone running around the cap around the capital ginning each other up about it and if they have a deal two things will happen. One there are ways to figure out how to extend things for twenty four hours or whatever to get there. If that happened about twenty eleven and jake sherman. Responded to a somewhat truly tweet, redefine ever greater earnestness to say that his understanding from the republican houses that, if a deal is being drafted or their very, very close or public health I would agree to a short term extension just get to pass the state and not have any speed bombs.
Well, everyone's workin really hard and capitol hill. There really focus on getting a deal before we go. There is one other thing that the repulse republicans have been focused on on tuesday speaker, Kevin Mccarthy's, a partially used chaps dick was auctioned off as as as part of a republican fundraising event, the winning bid was from none other than marjorie taylor green, who paid a hundred thousand. hours from her campaign account to get a taste of Kevin's cherry chap. Stick so she's decreasing a hundred thousand dollars to the analyses that elects house republicans. I dont know where the chopsticks came in. She got interviewed about this. Here's a clip asking about the top I guess, is it worth a hundred times
donated, will have given the current come to do? I guess that's: why can't you figure out why the fuck any of this happened? Oh guy, get them I get the donating from your campaign account to the inner cc. I get that right, that's it! They asked people politicians who raised a lot of money for themselves that might not. It all, please donate it to other pocan candidates, whatever where's the chapstick come in. Why the chapstick, who used chapstick? Look, I think, republicans look to the landscape and thought voters thought they weren't. we're too disgusting enough, and so they decided to look into it. It just shows days from default days from default. We're auctioning of chopsticks it shows just how weird it is. The merger taylor, green of all people, was defensive, about it. I did paper chopsticks are paid to bring him mccarthy to my district me with my constituents, because I'm a serious person who didn't just by chaps take that may be one to be removed from trumps ass.
budgets, because we now he's gonna children or district with cracked lips. Just it's really weird. These people really weird in that it's a rare thing: marilla, the that ceiling, destructive, dangerous and weird mirth if the debt ceiling crisis years ago, the way Kevin Mccarthy rally The troops was a show them the scene in the town. Where benefits I jeremy runner, the good old days John real Joe mozilla move there. Do you understand reference, our idea I think that's how I think. That's all we are going around, we ve done it all. Today we did it. You did miller for joining us we will have a great weekend. There will be no pod, on tuesday, because monday is memorial day, but we will be dropping in the ps, a feed a best of episode of
subscription only show terminally online, which is the most fun show we record here, crooked media. Where we all bring items that show how terminally online we all are. I am the host of offline as well, but I wear two hats for the show and if you wanna get the show every week which should go subscribe, a crooked dot com, slash free. and come join our friend, the pod community. So everyone check that out and then Dan and I will be back next thursday- have a good weakened by everyone.
Pod, save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martina. Our producers are Andy gardener, Bernstein and olivia martinez, its mixed and edited by andrew chadwick. Jordan canter is our sound engineer with audio support from kyle segment in charlotte landis, thanks to halley, keefer, madeline, herrings, irish schwartz, Andy task and justine how for production support into our digital team, Elijah cone, Phoebe Bradford me a common then have coat and David tolls subscribed to pod, save america on youtube to catch full episodes, exclusive content and other community events find us at youtube: dot, tk,
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.