« Pod Save America

“Terry vs. Trump.”


Democrats schedule a vote on a new voting rights bill while Republicans run more Big Lie candidates, Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe talks to Jon Lovett and Tommy Vietor about his race against Trump supporter Glenn Youngkin, and the week’s worst punditry gets its due in a new installment of The Take Appreciators.

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The presented sponsor of this episode of POD save America is simply safe. There's not a weird scary shit going on in the world right now, there's some weird happening around your home, I'm sure, while it logical cats in the backyard, why do they not spell out shit and yeah copy and expect say it's a what were, whose eyes, without for saving us from seeing the S HIV words fully written thanks, thanks for taking the listener inside the Agraea behind, Don't you wish? You could just have a magic setup, innocuous binoculars posted up on your house to see it all and make sure doesn't get too close. We haven't defined what it is, but that's, ok, that's exactly it was trying to do with the latter. I was bad guys, bad guys, that's exactly what simply save is trying to do with the launch of their brand new wireless address security. Camera. Keep that weird scary, each away from your family. Your priorities, I read it know: you'd legates would allow star supersaver system that? U S news enrolled report names best home security system of twenty one, just got even better the brain to outdoor security
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come flash cricket, welcome, divides America, I'm John Fabric, I'm John of untie me later on today. Show Democrats will hold the vote this week. freedom to vote ACT, while republicans intensify their efforts to make sure yours doesn't count. Virginia but a total candid Terry Mccullough talks to love it and Tommy about his race against trumps, quarter, Glenn Duncan We decide how many politicos to award some of the weeks worse, pundit tree in a brain, instalment of e take appreciate? Is I'm excited by us? to play for their right at very x. I am glad to hear you and Dan play last week and I was Lopez. also love it's gonna mask that is made of the carpet from the shining. You bet it as well
land in the anti mask bourse. I think this is surely a mask associated with a prominent murder I didn't get some ambivalent lotta people are when he gets ambivalence, but I like the pattern, fairness, I the overlook hotel stealings. Do you before we begin an important reminder that this will be the last time we release this episode on a Monday afternoon, starting next week October. Twenty sixth we're moving to first thing, Tuesday mornings. the episode with Dan and I will still be released on Thursday afternoons this, which will help us cover news that happens, Monday's It will give us our Sundays back, which are very important because our work and no play mixed. They re their animal. What I will call back was that a callback was Arthur touched me that it will also give you on extradited. Wasn t
my brand new show offline, which premiers next Sunday October twenty fourth offline. Is us of unplugged conversations about how to improve our hellish online existence. John. I think that the his course around Colin Powell, death today is proving the fundamental premise. of your show wrong and that its very one full nuanced and thoughtful discourse online. Look the most effective way to prevent future wars is too cold dead people, war, criminals on twitter, and let everyone know that you called the more criminals are converging signal about how in TAT were you didn't? I just want to attack people whose views don't perfectly jive at mine, we'll eighty two is ineffective: it's an effective discourse. Every time it happens on twitter, every time someone dies and and people yellow the usual immovable forward is the important thing. Was the ball forward? It some? You can't talk about people,
who are to online without revealing you two are to Online Genoa, those party- I am doing the show- I mean that's if you guys us into the trailer both your prominently in it loved for making fun of us for monitoring every sweeteners Garlic, where air traffic controllers Tommy. Talking about the M his phone Screen time. Every indication you get anodyne judgmental screen it, I'm getting Johns actually doing the shall be as its actually one hour where he physically can be on twitter cause he's recordings That's the only the more I'm on the microphone the better gets. I talk to people. Monica Lewinsky Megan repeated with Gm Ballantine, o Peter Handy, dynamic, Essen and more show of already learned a lot from the people have interviewed, and you can find it right here and the POD save America feed starting next Sunday, who are worst guess so far, the worst guest pamby appeal, not even a heavy seat, because I know because what you thought you good friends of Peter out, isn't it. I recently quickly I sire lead rapporteur was a terrible you're out. I, let's get to the news church, humor
has announced that there will be a vote this Wednesday on the freedom to vote ACT, which is the comp as voting rights legislation that now has the support of all fifty Senate Democrats, including Joe Mansion, who helped right the bill. The compromise bill the bill would guarantee universe, early voting mail in voting automatic and same day, voter registration, it would make election day a national holiday. It would restore voting rights to the formerly incarcerated it would ban partisan gerrymandering essentially overturn a lot of the voters, suppression laws that states have passed and make it harder to remove election officials for political reasons, so does something on election subversion which the original for the people who did not do it also incur. a voter idee requirement, but not one as stringent as most Republicans have proposed in the past, mansion has been trying for months to find ten republican senators who might support the compromise, or at least even negotiate. He so far has been found those ten
means the bill will only pass if mansion and Cares and cinema changed their minds on the filibuster. Are you guys, like our chances? some a little like being the first person and squid game to look out over the bridge of glass. Oh yeah, scary, socket what? If ok, I got pitch what, if Biden, only talked about the election day as a public holiday element in just called it the day off bill Joe one is a genuinely out of the knowledge about a common denominator, think I will say by Virginia pigeon ideas for we're going to take a boat, the city or things dimension has been up to lately, but I'm pretty good piece of compromise legislation from damage- and I will say that totally there's a whole bunch of other democratic centres who worked on this compromise legislation, which is probably why it's a good cause it wasn't just left in Joe mentions, hands, Amy Cloe, Bashar Jeff, Marquis has been very progressive. On
that's right, raffle, Warnock Expedition, who we talk to hear and studio about this? So it was a good crew that came up with this. This compromise bill is my thing on this, like I don't want to get my hopes up here at all, because I have learned anything related to Joe Manchin Kyrsten should not get your hopes up. I just can't figure out why mansion and then all these other democratic senators would go through all the oceans and all the work of coming up with a compromise legislation. If mansion who all along that, once heating get the Republicans. He was just going to give up and do nothing about the filibuster yeah. The heading four On the contrary, there there's a bit Give you a motor idee, that's a big deal, needs a big deal, the Democrats giving up and as it is in doing something that is fundamentally not real, but we're doing it as a soft Republicans who claim they genuinely believe there should be variety, even though we know that these are bad faith claims fine. I agree with that I say that there is not a chance, there's not a chance of finding ten Republicans o yet no to pass this without reforming the Philippa IRA that they found my gun fire
five or six who were who didn't like the bell, but were at least willing to sit down at the table and compromise, but only five, it's five or six it. So I know yeah. Like his mother used to say he has high hopes for living. He would say that a lot and you would share- and you didn't do it like a tik, Tok dances, I deplore the way they were I get. This done is not by finding ten Republicans doesn't matter how many invites they have received to deal with, as, what's in the Amazon, the almost Heaven docked on the sea whenever this matter, but I do think that hopefully, Joe Mansion views this as a necessity to get to a place where he'll do a little car, but for the lesser evil, if you think that'll Garda, even if you think the Joe Mention is a annoying asshole, which my ends up in the air, I will go with Idiot Idiot, He he might have like a selfish reason for wanting to reform the filibuster here, because he will look like a fucking moron if his The thing was like the Senate can work and we can have bi partisanship, and so I'm gonna spearhead this compromise.
Legislation. I'm gonna find Republicans to get it done with me, and then he doesn't find any. And then he just lets to die like he looks like an asshole just for selfish reasons, not even Joe Mansion being altruistic. Here I don't know he's been made him like a schmuck many times in the past and has really faced him. I agree that we were you're saying I mean I think I d have to hope that, like the failure to find ten republicans for a vote, reasonable compromise on voting rights when fifteen years ago, They voted unanimously to authorize the Voting Rights ACT and you look at the shenanigans over the dead ceiling and you'll be the fact that they blocked a one six commission, you start to add that all together and you start to see an argument that may be may be mansion and then Cinema can get behind. Do some kind of filibuster reform. Mansion has been all over the place on the filibuster. He is issued, really strong assertions that he would now.
Ruby for reforming it. Then he has entertain all kinds of changes, whether its car bouts or requiring the the majority to show up in full to block bills. I require a talking filibuster, there's a bunch of reforms that he is at the very least entertained. While talking about basic and suppose about wanting the minority of the Senate to have a voice in there's a way you can maybe get those things that Vandyke I'm too overlap with some kind of change, which Smaller Nebraska question than already know. The answer: do you know you'd hope that in this case mention would not go down. Right is path without knowing that there was an outcome that would look successful. That's the optimistic case. The pessimistic case is we ve been talking about whether a bill will be three point: five tonnes three trillion or to or in the whole time Chuck humorously sitting on this letter, apparently from donation. This as one point five trillion is the cap in his mind, and yet we had this huge expectations
management problem yeah, which is a perennial problem for Democrats, were very good at that spending, even successes into feeling like failure. So I don't know I'm gonna try to say hopefully not a happy hours. Gazelle all add to your pessimistic is because I do think we should lay out both cases for everyone, since clearly, the Democrats in power have not done that. Do Tommy's point about expectations, management, the pessimistic cases that Imagine in Cinema were willing to reform the filibuster to avoid a default which would have caused a catastrophic global recession. They're not gonna, do it for voting rights right! That's that's the pessimistic lino, it's that was one aspect of the debt ceiling, fight that I think was under discussed, which is I remember early on before mansion, basically came out and said, I will not do filibuster reform The question for mansion was always: why would you come out so strongly against filibuster reform when just allow allowing for the possibility that you might support it, frees up frees up republican votes and
freeze up negotiations to get some people along. A bipartisan compromise was interesting about the dead ceiling. Is there were these two precepts that couldn't both be true? If Republicans didn't budge on voting to the debt ceiling, which has mansion said, we will not default, and I will not reform the failed us. If those two things you want, you gotta pick one so Republican saw that and the moments the possibility of Phil. buster reform was real. They fucking caved in my home. I think that, like the optimistic version of that when a man the Democrats are gonna, live detailing, the reconciliation gonna happen, but the A meeting is like, I think, there's a pessimistic version in which mansion doesn't say: oh well, we can't do it because I once more, the filibuster, the pessimism version where he says something like I just need more time. This was too soon to have the vote. We gotta give the process time to work, there's an optimistic version of this not happening where he starts to entertain. He wants to entertain the possibility of filibustering, form and hopes that that cudgel
give him time to get those ten republicans? Neither one of these regular there's also by the way, an outcome where mentioned, supports a talking filibuster, and you know you see ten crews in some of these grandstanding assholes just stand on the floor for a month trying to filibuster voting rights, legislation which I just think you can t can't count to ten in five ten willing participants and even these negotiations, I, like my guess, is that someone like Mcconnell is smart enough to dispatch some of his deputies to
play. Acts in pretend to negotiate as a way to just kill time and will be smart. I was as I do on the way to work. Listening to you steal abandons fantastic by gangs. This morning you can it become rather I'm getting into early. I thought it was interesting now, if you keep you listen all the time, I'm a little bit worried about those. Doesn't it isn't a lovely that some of the little if a little concerned ideologies? Don't you guys marginalized me in what he was argument? What bandwagon with mark meadows is the need to use the debts healing fight to just take as much time as possible eat up the clocks. Are the Cancun anything else them that their black? That's it. I'd, so republicans are widely expected to filibuster this. On Wednesday. What should job? and do after that happens, listen I don't want anything on the first person said several pivot Bazin gentleman who had wherewith direction or pivoting we're given to a voting rights.
anti filibuster on these and other Washin term might be time for full or press. I may have been ten debate is going to be. You're you're reading of the articles are alike, demands for Joe Biden to give a big speech or make this the focus of his external messaging and yadda yadda. I don't know that's the right move. I think it's like Joe Biden should get in a car drive to Capitol Hill Good Joe Mansions Office, locked the door, and so when I leading into you figure out what you can before. I think he should announced that he is for a carve out for democracy or from other Philip, I mean my abode so who gives a fuck and somewhere or I'd like your aunt, Jane and sentiment all these people actually vote on the reason I think he should. I dont think that him saying that publicly is going to move mansion and cinema. I think we are at the point now or Joe Biden should fuckin, throw the hot potato to Joe mentioning Cares and cinema so that they get the blame, because right now, when voting rights advocates and progressive, say Joe Biden fight hard hard enough because he never came
velvet reform? They are correct. Tossing the smouldering coal member, I think that I think you should end and looked jumble. Of course. He should, of course, is a bit like in terms of like things that we do eight, whether they really will make it and get it done or not. This is where those times which I guess he should do that, but also doll, volley actions and Senate. Yes, but I do think there activist pressuring they want to know Joe Biden is with them in this aspect of the fight and, I think sit there is, I think, very little cost at this point to coming out in saying we have tried everything to get these republicans economise. They have failed a protecting the majority Voters in this country is more important than protecting a group of minority Republican so that it is wrong and it's time to do whatever we can to protect marking the country he can talk. He can, but in a very Joe Biden way right. He you know, like we tried, bi partisanship, Joe Mansion tried, bi partisanship,
Nothing in this bill would inherently favour. One party over the other are all non partisan provisions. I ran for president because I thought democracy was at risk. This is central to my we'll prosperity say like while getting ice cream at a naughty are like a very design. Well, that's fine to look like you know, like Joe Biden of Course, legs bi partisanship likes the Senate is a creature of the Senate, bi partisanship in the Senate working doesn't matter if we don't have basic democracy in the country. Right, that's comes first yank debts. and- and I you know, I understand why activists and people were pay attention. Are you know pressing the red button be like this? Is an emergency: this is a crisis there, absolutely right. They are right. We are in a crisis. Our democracy is at risk. What is not clear if whether or not Biden making that the centrepiece of what he talks, but every day to the detriment of other important issues like getting his bills through in Immigration, a host of other issues, were down to the benefit of his political prospects, are mid term prospects
even the ability to get something done when we ve actually success. We made the case on democracy or form. There is a big majority that supports it in the house. There is actually a fifty all Democrats, support protecting our demands. In the Senate. The problem is not making the case. The This has been made. The problem is to human beings that I've shown himself in just the last couple weeks, not receptive in a ways to ordinary pressure mansion, because his politics are different and cinema, because she's Kirsten and she's on some kind of a fuckin soul journey involving wine and Europe and on Iron man's improving she's John Mccain, and that is something that Joe Biden making this a kind of, Well, I will all national fight, I dont know if it helps I wouldn't really magazines again that drove up to the job. I'm talking about all those other issues do much good, either etc. Like that's trees is there. fallen, nihilism has also what I'd like there are plenty of people who are still people dont pay attention a politic very closely involved in these very closely
they say they don't say anything get done and there, like Democrats are fucking up, and I want to be like actually whose fucking up is Joe mentioning Ayrton Cinema, not Democrats, but the more I think about it like been deemed more Democrats in off. In the White House should say what you just said, love it? You know that like yeah, we to do this in the region are not doing this because of these two like fuckin, it's time to turn the attention on these two? I know they haven't up until now, because they are very concerned that they were going to say something to pieces, the two of them off so bad that they dont vote for build that better or even worse. They leave the party altogether. So I get the sensitivities there, but I do think is tend to tend to turn up the heat a little bit. sailor Glenn would say how does like that in turn- We have one another look. I want it again, one above its essence. that's, why they never would have. Obviously the famous mid January slogan turn up. The he turned around
Firstly, did you make that idea? Now it's a real slogan was not there. Also, if you can't stand the he yet as in Ghana, kitchen obligate Omnific that that was new firms and those were by no other work about and there was removed from the island. I believe those are from the I would Jake's their member that there were going and yellow sign is acting turn up. The turn out the, and on the other side it said turn America around. I believe, but ya gotta turn the sign around we. Thus we bus people in from Illinois Are you wearing squid game? Colored sweatshirt? I write about that Furthermore, as the squid game, outfit more read that yet it is an audio format. It's it's a bright pink for number. I M writing with some re aware in bright right bank. The people know it's good neon. Sweatshirt did you know the swinging colors are, but I need more pink. you bet- I recognize it from your Abbe on Twitter. Yet is my God, my God, it is it in today's rabbits.
Why it's always on? Because in my car I can mention, is also reportedly told. The way has the opposes, including a clean electricity programme in the building better bill, which would reward utilities. The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, penalized. Those who don't. This is a policy that would do more to cut carbon emissions. In anything else, Biden has proposed and really anything else. The federal government has ever done, how big The deal is the them mention opposition to the clean electricity performance programme, which I believe is the EPA can edit. I think it's a huge huge deal. Ah, the question is how bad it will be is determined by what is allowed to replace it because mansion has said pretty frequently actually and has now reiterated that he is against rewarding utilities for doing on clean energy. What they would have done anyway, which is
interesting way for him to describe this because he's talking about the carrot, peace and not the stick? Peace young about the carrot for awarding renewables as opposed to the stick? Peace for making companies for not switching to renewables, which was as easy as both well. Yes, yes, it is playing, but the carrot peace, but he was also complaining about that. He doesn't want call companies penalised. While the question is. Will he be ok that the focus being on not wanting to reward renewables. Is he open to any kind of a car? tax, as I say that I am worried that we will see a statement of him coming out against a carbon tax by the time I get to the end of this affair. In fact, when we are pressing for the pod, I was looking for just such a statement cause I'm like. I get that, though New York Times broke the story and then develop story about Democrats. Now, looking into a carbon tax a couple days later- and I was just written story like look, why would you mentioned support a carbon tax which would also require companies too?
a more if you don't like the clean Electricity programme, because it required call companies to pay more urgent luggage. There's some. The modeling of this bill suggests that this clean energy performance programme would drive over fifty percent of the admissions emissions reductions that we need to see by twenty thirty Annette again between thirty five. So right now forty percent of lecturers In- U S comes from clean energy sources that include Nuclear Biden, wants us. Could eighty percent by twenty thirty? how to send by twenty thirty five. This is the key driver and getting getting clean. Electricity is the linchpin to lowering emissions generally right, because if you have clean power, you can then plugging Europe, your electric vehicle into your clean power, your home and you're, not burning fossil fuels. the whole thing work mansion coming out or then your time reporting that mention opposed this part of the programme made me want to put my fist in my
through a fucking while it is the key to linchpin of the bill, it's an existential issued for the planet and I think one of the frustrating things is. We often talk about climate as a coastal problem. like all my enemies can be screwed out in this part of New England can be underwater. There was a big report, in the New York Times I believe they talked about how vulnerable West Virginia is to flooding, because there's narrowly rivers and streams because I was residents have nor to really go in for mountainous regions, half of West Virginia powers, things are risk fire stations police station. So it's a real existential problem for the state of West Virginia see are left to wonder. What's Joe mentions, motivation here which brings us to his financial, personal financial incentives and the investments he has in the coal energy industry and so yeah. I don't know it's a whit spits, exhausting Eustace, an idiot. I know that you have. You got a good idea that we are talking about before the shell. Yes, what here
idea there, fourteen thousand co minors in a state of West Virginia thousand, I think, work guy in the mind the think there's some some several thousand that work at the surface level the export of mining I'm? Nor am I gave you from my own, neither here nor there, those are mutually exclusive You buy me a gauge you from oil and mining calling West Virginia. We continue this complicated reviewed or if we love it with some would be getting back. It up proof of your work. While the point I was making what we mining, guaranteeing thousand people wouldn't give each one of them a million dollars, one million dollars in the bill, that's war, and then I started half a million negotiator. I earlier on code buying off just executives will do it Try it off, but damn that's my pitch. I like webpage, so they lose their lepage theirs.
carbon tax is being floated in again. The carbon tax would also include rebates to consumers and particularly to people would like who work in the coal industry, because energy prices, because corporations could respond to the carbon tax by raising their energy prices, which could you know, affect consumers, and so there's rebates involved in that program. Also key to that, would be the carbon tax that, if you, if you're, producing gasoline that wouldn't count towards the carbon tax and then it wouldn't raise gas prices on vehicle, so that be one way politically to get it but yeah, that's. Why did Jeff Merkley from Oregon who's been a climate hawk forever in the Senate? He would not vote for reconciliation package that did not have significant climbing provisions, but he said he was open to any option to cut carbon dioxide emissions in half by two thousand and thirty and produced carbon free electricity by two thousand and thirty five.
Suggested additional wind and solar subsidies or proposes to speed up the transition to clean energy vehicles. I haven't seen any proposals that would get us those reductions, this that similar to a carbon tax or clean energy standard, just through incentives and TAT grants, but they can fears about great and also by the way, all this is predictions about what I'd incentives will. Emily do and actually there ve been plenty of times in the past, where the incentive was small, Then people wanted, but in the end it caught a moment where resonated with what the markets were doing anyway and all of a sudden, you could hit your targets anyway, ABC even said. There are many ways to do it, but we cannot. to give up? Everybody is kind of recognising that look. What were fundamentally talking about as we need incentives for renewable Binny disincentives for fossil fuels, How do we do that? There are a lot of ways to do it and a lot of ways to turn those dials to achieve what you would have achieved in a clean. clean energy programme as they had previously dropped. Will they get all the way there? I don't know anymore, I just don't know
important. The bounds of cares versus takes me like a phone, a friend like you, we conference in some from vocs too, like tell us exactly other policy works, but I mean they think of the other part of this heading people you understand, is that Joe Biden goes to this big climate summit in October. Thirty first Glasgow: it's this big international summit. It's the latest effort to bring countries together to take urgent action to stop climate change, the! U S is responsible for, I think fifteen percent of global emissions, but we ve overtime, were released more you're too than any other country. If Biden goes to Scotland with nothing to show the invoked the rest of the world about how the U S is, is doing things that are difficult politically to deal with. Climate change can be very hard to ask the Chinese or the Indians or p and allies, or anybody else to do two things there. is it bring Joe Mansion with them and say you fuck, and it's a later shall not everyone death. So what creates, can't seem to get centrist like Joe mentioned, to help save democracy or the planet, republican,
busy trying to elect only the most extreme candidates were willing to help overturned future elections. If necessary, big lie believe cars are running in Secretary of state races to be the top election officials in Georgia, Nevada Michigan in Arizona where the republican front runner for Governor is a woman named carry lake who has called for the twenty twenty results in her state to be de certified and for the democratic Secretary of State various journalists to be imprisoned, that's whose run for governor and whose a front runner in Arizona right now also in Arizona the guy who may have started the Cuban on conspiracy RON, Watkins, has announced he's running for Congress and last week, Donald Trump himself release a statement that said quote. If we don't solve the presidential election fraud Only twenty Republicans will not be voting in twenty two or twenty four. It's the single most and Orton thing for Republicans to do what he does make a Trump statement there: new scary news, or both I don't know
reading Good NEWS into the Republicans or vote on twenty two and twenty four. I think that's fantastic, oh yeah, sure, but look. I think that that is cudgel for telling Republican Canada's all across the country that they need to mimic his language and say yet. It is the most important issue that's what Glenn Duncan has now said in Virginia. That is what is trying to get even people that are not particularly trompe when they start out to end up looking like trump when the time comes to vote. Yes, but that's it yeah I mean that the Good NEWS part of it would be a kind of its both because Republicans, who don't embraced the big lie, or both better for democracy and easier for Democrats to beat because they will come from Paris to stay home. There is evidence that happened in the Georgia and apparatus but you're right. The pessimists occasion, embroiled moralistic cases, that every Republican will take that statement is signal. I better fuckin embraced the big as a big deal the thing it does, though, in the near a term. Is it just a creates a series of of incentives to go further and further to the right for primary candidates?
So the unease radicalizing the apple running and republican primaries, like air grains in Missouri right he's one of the first people to come out and say he wouldn't sport, Bitch Mcconnell as leader. That I heard about on my favorite Picasso, this you ve been in war room, whatever the fuck you show, and so like that's. What he's doing here like a beast, he's further radicalizing the republic into a running for office in whom air may not when these partner? I think it's really scary about this? Is that nothing in any the propose voting rights protections would prevent some trompe governor or secretaries. Eight from refusing to certify an election so then the question is like how to Democrats handle this development. These candidates and I do think, look. I think they have to make
a centre piece of their campaign in twenty two was the year when we have this debate before, but I think its common emergency and the emergency is keeping the house and all the Senate that if we lose both the House and the Senate, the ability for Republicans overturned the election becomes a far easier. How do we, as a country deal with the fact that one of our two one of our two major political parties that wins roughly half the elections, no longer believes in basic them? Reddit, norms and precepts. So one of the greatest threats we ve ever faced. We have to win elections, we have to make it easier to vote yet to do everything we can and we have to soon, by the way that they will use all the means. These institutions such as cudgels, they will stop the courts and they will use the courts against us. They will feel secretary of state roles and then those people will come, become trompe and refuse to certify election results. They don't like. We have to be honest, I think about the threat first and foremost, yet the good thing about the freedom to vote act as it prevents the firing of election officials
little reasons the the disappointing part about it. Is there isn't much that would prevent election subversion, which is clearly the greatest issue or the thing happening it. The state level in these gerrymander state legislatures, I'm not sure what I didn't land. Well, the bigger the elections version proposals. What you just said. It's makes it harder to fire election of a right that there has always taken the authority away, there's nothing to yeah. I mean ideally because there's nothing there, something federal to do, but it like state by state, because states have so much power of elections and have since the beginning of time, like one Basically, every state would have to say: ok when it comes to elections, no partisans, no Democrats, no republic, involved in the running of elections in certain certification of elections. It has to be all non partisan from the top to the bottom, so that gun You shouldn't have the ability to certify election right, like secretaries of State shouldn't be part of that. Right, like you, have to be pretty fundamental reforms, but you're right like there's, there's nothing, no proposals to fix that in a lot of these states,
is quite scary hand, but also by the way you look at like what the conservative, like intellectual, like legal mines, have been cooking up and begging, use laws that have nothing to do with subverting in election to creates a new precept, new principle. Around state legislator should be able to overrule the courts as Embattelld ever electors. They want the rules governing that six step plan from Might pence to overturn the election, Fundamentally, we have to defeat these people. There is a ashes in its either of art yet again to laws, don't matter the rules, don't matter to these people, so we can wreak. We can craft all kinds of restrictions, they will blow right through them sky added. I have been to beat them that it and Ruby Kramer, Haddest or in political today that way democratic legislative Campaign committee called out republican state legislative candidates who took part in the January six insurrection it raise their profiles and help them raise money. I realize like you, you could take from that, like while don't elevate them. I totally disagree like we ve been talking about this for months or not, if not years, about marketing
green, some other other people to mean them when they say things at or crazier outlandish, where they make in discussing a person's the Holocaust or savings that raises the at some point. You have to call it out and talk about it. was gonna raise money for them, but it does mean their effective legislator. I totally agree. I also think part of this, too, is like we're. Gonna were introduced with the term of about Virginia, like we had to figure out how to get based Democrats as enthusiastic about defending democracy as republican based voters him to be about overturning it and the way we were not right now, because they are not yet they are not, and so a lot of I think this out that we talk was in the first seven. We talk about Biden not doing enough to rule voting rights. I think a lot of the activist frustration is fair to be pointed at Biden, but the re end often is also pointed out, the media fine, but when you go back that the real problem is actually we need to get the american people vast numbers of Americans to care about this more the the power of negative partisanship and polarization, as well as like the clear and present danger of these maniacs
Taking power means that that's how you should run your two should run your campaign, making sure voters know about their extremism, as has as their I mean again. It just brings you back to the power of Fox NEWS and conservative media because fights over what's being taught in schools or what textbooks are acceptable, etc. That are like, that's all. Times, but Fox NEWS for that. Goofball of Christopher Rufo, I think, is his name manufactured a new term for critical race theory, and now it is all that republicans are talking about. They are very creating like a demand, a thing to antagonize their base getting worked up, and then he
see bands of the world who are telling his listeners ok. Now you need to go to school board meetings or run for school board or shop at these meetings and in that other affecting change I yet night. I totally agree that the conservative media is a huge part of that. That's that's why they can do this so well, but there is this debate on the democratic side we ve had a before that, it's like. If we deliver results and talk about the results we delivered. That's gonna be enough and I think, when you're gonna talk together, Newsome about his recall effort in what he had to do with the end to make sure he won. He talked about his opponent. What could happen you guys would, like the term call about this, he's talking a lot about land young. Can he had hung about all the things he delivered Virginia like at the end of the day. This is a more effective campaign strategy to talk about the threat we face than to only talk about the goods that you ve, delivered as sitting on my critical race theory. Specifically, I think there's, like We end up in this sort of kind of cul de SAC or were like it's actually not critical raised here- is actually illegal scholarship thing at the highest level in reality, what we're just tongue that Republicans
not one, our kids to learn history in school? They are afraid of american history. We need like make our version the other of what is actually a far more accurate way to describe what is happening and drive at home without speaking to the terms that they constantly use are at when we come back. Junior gubernatorial Kennedy, Terry Mccall of Toxic, JANET Tommy, about the final weeks of his race against Republican Glenn Trump again, is that That is something we are. We already knew. It was Guph ask about that about its positive merk has brought you by magic spoon, world or any better, but healthy breakfast doesn't have to be borne magic spoon as the amazing flavors you love, but without all the bad stuff- and it's amazing is a midnight snack right before bed. That's when Tommy legs at them. I wish I had some before I came to work. I've been having a ball of peanut butter, magic spoon, virtually every single with ominous by limiting frosted I'd. Rather not
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forty five percent of the vote? The guy ran against Mark Warner, got forty. Five coochie only get forty five Gillespie at forty five. Your presidential turn up huge turn up we're off off no federal candidates, so it always dropped dramatically and you gotta raiment and forty four straight years in Virginia the party that wins the White House, the other Party Windsor governors managed, I mean We're gonna break it. I wanted thirteen of course present bottle. One in twelve, so we gotta get We call us federal voters out it announced earlier, but we're gonna. Do it this guy's, a trump wannabe but endorse by Trump six times, is so much for the reason why I'm runnin is because it down he's your ban abortions, he's very public and that he must get rid of gay marriage. I mean these guys out there and so government said there's a republican rally in Virginia recently, where the people there were asked a pledge allegiance to a flag that was carry during the January six terrorist attack,
a Kapital, I know we talk about young kids, your connection to trump or or how conservatives, but what does that say to you that the kind of campaign he's trying to run, especially given that he reportedly thank the organizers of the rally profusely for being there, and he did in this- was his rally for the ticket and Trump called in and said Glinda Camel do quote. Whenever we on him to do, but but the most pathetic thing for me in sickening was that they actually brought a flag up that would used and January sex the symbol of democracy, the american flag. That flag was used to destroy the very democracy that its poster symbolise and I can t I was sickening and they all stood indeed the pledge of allegiance to this plan. This was and young can rally and when asked about it, he didn't say anything. Then we push me came out and said it was weird what we term this room, a call of surrogate rally- and someone had done that- I wouldn't say it was weird I'd- be a lot more forcefully.
We have fought and died. I mean I'm, the son of an army captain, the Father of Marine captain. This is sickening. People fought Diver the right to vote and then the idea the trump calls in and then you can profusely thanks the organised from being a great over it one great event: it was an embarrassment to this country. It does Emily Young Uns trying to have it both ways. So in ads and in speeches he's trying to seem like a norm, core business dad and then he needs to whip up the Trump or least not pick them off is doing. Election lies is doing critical. Race theory he's encouraging people not to get vaccinated even. And, as you said, to restrict talk about restricting right to choose. How do you think about beating an opponent like that? How do you get less engaged Democrats to understand the stakes when so much of their messaging is trying to get them to see him as acceptable yeah? That's it shall he
tossed out of his firm Carlyle Group and he walked out with like five hundred million, but she spent sixteen million when the the seven thousand thousand in his his drive through through thing they they. He's trying to run. These deviates brutality sought me snap, but we will release tape. Seven saint Aubert abortions, but we're not gonna tell voters, because if they find out the independence from the wood for me, we ve got him on tape, saying you're the most important issues facing Virginias election integrity. We ve got him on tape, say of it. Donald Trump represents. So much of why I am running, we gotta put all of his crazy statements. You always know Experience in politics in Virginia doesn't know anything about it, the speaker of the house fiction. do the other day. He had no idea who she was first woman, four hundred two years he just quality We got tossed out. He had a lot of money, but you know running for governors not a consolation prize from getting fired from your private equities company, but
he's dangerous and so were run. It adds we're up. Mass of digital programmes going on. We did knock out over a hundred thousand doors is weakened. People talk about people say I just allows ever reach forty five million. But ours with a hundred I wasn't donors seven times what he was able to do. No governors race has been able ivories too, we in hours just on line on top and every kind of recent, like fifty bucks, since ones they night, so people are paying attention we ve got people hit the doors with back there. One million were so far. What is always going to be tight? This is Virginia. We got to get those federal voters appleone stay here that you know he's anti gay marriage. He is anti choice and I got to tell you when I became governor inherited a horrible calmly for the Republicans too, and I am delighted that our deficit I got to work are recruited. Eleven. Our companies left a huge surplus created. Two hundred thousand new jobs personally come on up. Fourteen percent unemployment dropped in every sitting county. That's what you
would Democrats but Glenn Yoke, and I wrote the bid for Amazon was the biggest young. Fifty years we wanted your Virginia Amazon com. Or Facebook all came to Virginia, I negotiated these dear they're not come into a state to discriminate against women. Gazer anyone Glenn Yoke and will destroy our economy will destroy our education system. Forty three thousand teachers will be cut and washing posters endorse me number times they ve gone so far as to say if Glennie Uncle is elected, governor would be a grave mistake for Virginia You guys know they dont Roma. Do that network pages? No, they do not up. So even in this answer, you talked a lot about what your record, what you do for the state of Virginia. We also talked a lot about young uns recorded in what he might mean for the state to be selected. You're you're on the trail every day, you're talking to voters which part of that message resonates more as it is at the past, the message about what you can do it for more years or is it that the damage the young man and his allies art are trying to do or could do these? I think Democrats across the country are true.
To figure out. What exactly to run on was the Biden agenda. I is it near the return of Trump. What what are you finding all of us and where people are very happy, went out when I was governed vacuum several dozen republicans just endorse me, including bill Crystal: they don't want tromp off the mad. They don't want to use as a kick offered. Twenty twenty four. So think it's both! You know everybody was happily when I was governor. I get were created to come back to the leadership of the black caucus, the House and set it. Everybody said you don't area Sabre our economy before any. I know I restored more Volney rice and any governor in american history to six thousand. I got soon taken a Supreme court sued for contempt. The court. I won, you not bad eyes, executive authority, I ban the Confederates lag Virginia license plates. I kept the sixteen women's clinics are open and the first governor to perform a gay marriage after the ruined. I just wanted my state to be an open and welcoming state and treat everybody with dignity and respect, so they are happy, but also they need to be scared because they need to know that he will ban
Orson. These against gay marriage is lecture integrity. He said is the number one issue, but you know we got everybody come and Anna adjusted Doktor Biden here on Friday I and Stacy Abrams at the marijuana. I got personal by come in on Saturday. At the present United States come Annapolis. We get everybody, the playing field for all users. If you could check me tax tarried, all sides IVO get in the aims. We can't let Donald trump off the map he wants using. This is endorsed with six times. He wants the users to begin as come back for twenty twenty four. I've beaten them twice here. You know I've been overseeing both presidential I've beaten Trump twice. I will beat him again. I love his Terry Mcauliffe's Ray Donald Trump's, you vote. If they text you will you personally text back cuz? You haven't written back to. The last couple times we're trying to get together in Brasilia goes to me like that. Ok, thank you. You would after midnight, when I get all the seas, are drowned out. You'll be do it after midnight. I ve got to do is a lady
Actually I write you up costs when you're dead man, I don't believe having sleeps a poor wasted time. Yeah so guy that a lot of you have people come in to campaign for you, you So talk a little bit about being pretty annoyed with national Democrats around us on this legislative wrangling. How is that back? How that playing out for you in this race on the infrastructure bill. The reconciliation bill shall come out from places as governor and you, don't we don't have filibusters all this kind of stuff they got up and up in Washington Euro we gotta produce ever You know I gotta run a budget. I got a balanced budget. How do I get to build roads? Clayton? I run educational run healthcare in Europe, yes, and I'm the term of office walkin go now without some action. I want this infrastructure bill passed its seven, billion dollars erodes here a pass. The Senate was sixty nine votes to I'm I'm hopeful they can get both of Don. I also on child care. I one family, medical I want elderly care, so let's just get it done, and I, like you know how I would
business. I get everybody in a room Democrats and Republicans whatever. When I was governed the governor Connally, close the door, I locked the door and we ain't Laban until we get resolution, like a squint incited by that's what governors generally have to do to get things done, and I get seventy four percent of my bills passed with a republican legislature. giving bind should be doing that more with, like you know, your Jos match in your Kirsten Cinemas, your game squid. I up. I hope that that's what they're doing today it yet everybody in the roman saint? Ok, what do you need? What you need you're? Just we don't need all the press conference is in everybody's negotiate in the press. You just can't do business that we get a Roman. Let's get this thing guy. I know Speaker Pelosi and she is work on this very hard to get everybody the table get to a place and do you know this and I'm very happy President Biden Goddess in Virginia fourteen point: three billion dollars through the american rescue plan. Three aren't Billy. I got for education, so we
we're close, but you know people want to see us deliver and I want to see us to them. This is a historic moment for our country com. It has been so tough. They want to see leadership, they want to see action, they want people, see people get things done, yeah you mentioned earlier, but you're you're on yanking. I was caught on tape, saying that he has the women his antiabortion rhetoric in public because he wants to appealed independent voters, but there with you like that he will go on offence against abortion rights if he wins office. What do you think that
means. What does it mean to go on offence against abortion? Rights of young can be selected, yeah good, quite so he will ban abortions. He has said he will do that in heresy issue. That's why every person Virginia needs to pay attention a selection. For over fifty years we felt that the Supreme Court would protect Roby Way so was always backstop. We talked about abortion rights and women's reproductive rights, but we always knew the court. Would protect it? That's over its contacts with the new Tromp Supreme Court abortions are not born and reared in Texas. It's over women doesn't know their pregnant within six weeks. You can now see doctors and over drivers. That's the law in Texas chain. They're gonna have the Mississippi case coming up when they're gonna go after viability, and I'm just telling you a governor and legislature in specially southern states, they are going to abolish abortion. Glennie Duncan will abolish abortion.
in general. It will put women's lives at risk, so there either forced to get in a legal, dangerous abortion or they leave the state and doctors could be put in jail and is I'm saying, there's no business is welcome this no longer a scare tactic, people just say: oh you, women's reproductive rights will go away because we, but we always felt the court was closed, but the court would protect it. That's over. This is trumps court, six, three! It's all abortion is over. So the only protection we have is a governor who will be told bad legislative bills that want one of our borders, and I was a brick wall. When I took office, Virginia was anti women. Antigay anti immigrant intend vermin programme legislation. America, I stabbed other nonsense item record hundred in twenty beetles. I never lost one actually at thirty four Democrats in my house out of a hundred
That means I did not lose one Democrat for four years, all of their insane defined plan parenthood and you could carry shot guns in your back your truck. I got rid of all that nonsense and made our seas open and welcoming for air the border health and kept all sixteen women's Burnham women's clinics open. I was a brick wall to protect women's rights. Tired, a man tell women what they ought to be doing with our bodies want it and they are getting at some of the kind of extremism and people are sort of a little bit complacent about another place resources on voting rights. I e we are. We just had his big conversation. I hadn't getting people to wake up to the threat NASH. Anybody right, I'm just curious. Does you as a kind of message guy and on the campaign trail when you talk to people about the threat to voting? What is working for you? What is begging sense. What is getting people to click on how important and serious it is great question. So here we are in Virginia. Were Forty two states are now rolling back voting rights, as you know, make it difficult for more people to vote. We are
the few says it actually expanded voting rights to ensure we have We vote here Virginia forty five days, no excuse absentee ban, and yesterday was historic and Virginia first time in Virginia history, you could vote on a Sunday when I tell voters our time, you gotta get their early validity because people say if they don't take advantage of it. We will take that away from people. When I hear what's going on. This is voter disenfranchisement. They are trying to make it more difficult for them. Eric Motors to actually vote? I'd? Stacy Abrams here with my yesterday? Don't forget: the governor of Georgia disenfranchise one point: two million voters in Georgia before Stacy's gubernatorial election. If people vote we win at a good messages sent, and therefore we have to do here is absolutely critical that we do it. I mean job voting rights is the fundamental bedrock of our country and they can't win if people vote. So
That's why they're trying to roll back, make it more difficult for folks- and this is clearly on control message- I mean he said the other day. Let's audit, the Virginia Voting Machine central plenty of them said really guess what the day before membranous rally, audit voting machines. What I hate about this is it runs down our country around the world. It makes us was like a cat. the record. Oh, they don't even know how to have elections. They are doing such damage to the prestige of the United States, which was a symbol of democracy. Donald Trump Glenn, younger people like I'm, making our country look disgraceful yeah we ate until yet bitterness idea in a previous life. You are known as one of the best fun razors in the entire democratic party,
Why didn't you tell me? Doesn't ever piss you off when you see the kids, these days is like clicking a fuckin Lincoln get money on the internet and me come on. Let's seems to that too easy to stay hierarchies, be a typewriter involve well, you know I, I travelled I've dissolves volunteer, yet I've always helps in you. I never got paid for always outdo and helping candidates. I believed then, but you're. On the one hand, Tommy I enjoy going out meeting people having fallen yet all convinced. the writer jack I actually enjoy there. Now is a candidate for governor. We have raised close to it. Ten million dollars on line this year- that is what it gets dark for. Government myself as a candidate you're right, it's pretty good, it really does matter. I mean support. Goes remember, I'm running it's a private equity guy who said he was not spent seventy five million of his own money, and what did he do? He was a sea of a company.
they would go and buy nursing homes caught stamp would elderly lie. I was in jeopardy. They bought demo clinics in performed a hundred medically unnecessary Romania and babies, some of them without Anastasia, and he made the company billions. That's wrong. So that's why people are helping me. I think in such degrades disgraceful, what went on any ship thousands of dollars jobs overseas. So you talked about a meeting people now I think ordered a wooes, some people from the beer industry, all its efforts to create jobs. Virginia you put in a keg in magnitude governors magic. Then you offered beers to people at rallies. Then a couple people actually showed up at the gates to them to the governors mansion, but you're at that, at the time, and they did not have an appointment, but you still made time for them to come in and have some beers with you. I feel like that. Sets a really really terrible. Precedents have ran
people showing up all the time seeking beers with you is not sustainable, and I want you to respond to that. It is sustainable a great cause. I can get I'm Irishman nationally and allow them to get out. I did. I was the first got report accelerator in them and every night I would have a different crap brewery. I think when I was governor, I opened like a hundred sixty cramp breweries. I love the crab brew business number, one rate for tourism, great for employment I've been locally source, all the rag products and it's good Let me go on the record here. Let me get Jonah record. I would get you on the record here: Ip Asia suck suck. They are bitter. Terrible. Pierre is desirable that about five year business. I like look, I like a pills. No, what do you see roundabout shower name, thereby like a rosy? I, like a sparkling rosea diet, coca beers, you rose. I tied at all, I'm a rosy red wine I am rather die, but really the first governor
a greater in the manner in which I was great but you'd all we're outside but I did. I was down a Browns island at a huge contrary I'll give you a brief remark. I said combined, have a beer, everybody laughed blah, blah blah, well sure I was at the gym, which was next door. The governors mansion under it has come back. The clock in the morning reporting apes, Edward digging up in the police officer who guards the man sorry outlook. Wiser now, there's a deal's a deal. Roman and at that back in the morning age at a beer, I might get ready to about twenty minutes and I was happy to do up feeling a little. They secretly recorded the whole thing which I usually here, I'm invite you and the house, that's not cool, it did Matt But whatever but you're, all I'm cool guy a minute is ok at length. They don't what guy generosity gives your beard, nine o clock in the morning at any rate, is only walked out. I didn't care, but you know, come on come on
Why wasn't, I think so? Last week loss it don't work, of ours renew cobbler, they will learn where's your lines you want to be here at last, we got including the head of the coach, LAS Vegas, raiders resigned after emails he's enter eleven came out where he had been emailing with Bruce Alan, the GM of the Washington Redskins at the time now to wash in football team that use your racist words, entail GB, T words, etc, etc. Is it time for Dan Snyder to leave that organisation turn over the reins of someone else at an end and give peace Virginia and the Washington DC area, a football team. That's not racked with scandals every other year is a time for some, to go? I think it's time for the world's oceans about James Starr women we just last can save you. As you know, I don't tell allows now that's up to the NFL, but I want teams that win
I think that's important force were what to inform out. An army is knowing. How can I noticed governor. I wouldn't know what I wanted. I won. I was being all Superbowl rings. That's what I wanted as the governor of Virginia now. Sixty percent of the people who go to the washing forget averaging Erasmus, every player lives in Virginia because we're low tax rate in all the world You know we have an Infiniti but you're I'm going to be governor again. Let me make it clear: I don't care how to do it. I want a shoe boring to guarantee a hope guaranteed by well on the way the governs mention guarantee. I'm gonna get their superbowl. One where the very okay. This is always a parisian camp. I throw the ball round, I received. I mean this and I was a great inspiration. You'd have Lattimer prudently stealer, like guy, like you did Bob craft. This is too grants ring and never gave it back that sucks by the way is ocean. Administration was like don't say anything, don't say anything like that sucks, that's it
wrestling match with a right that right there. I know I just arisen in itself and that monopoly got lumbering back. Second, a ring of Irving, oh by the way. This is, as you know, this is. Are you went off year, a chicken in every part, and I'm gonna give you Superbowl ring? I love, I see how you do it. I see why are good Did you go governor, recall of thank you so much, and if you I beg you got rubber tax test t, our wide bivalves, I've, I've all the gave demagogy in a game of down we'll call of three zero, don't good God Younger gone Bengal attacks, Buddy Party America, is brought. You buy square space, scarcely some powers, millions of dreamers makers endures by providing them with the tools they need to bring their creative ideas to life on square spaces dynamic. one platform. Customers can build a website claim a domain sell online and market a brand. You can turn your cool idea into a new website in a different way
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We of course I'll know. Eighty five it worked with them before and dumb he's been a source of comfort from either the pandemic. When I have pandemic questions vexing questions I gotta undecided, I love Anti seismic guest There's a boy were any side. It was literally burping John. They want to eat just how hugging aims get back pats just just like, right to my dams and he's gonna be ok. What should I do? How many arise very good? Will I be magnetite? Little Suzie will facilitate our genes. Little fuzzy here d from Andy and his guests, like doktor folk she heard of leading doctors trusted experts, many more minor microchip guy made microchip guy named one of the top underfunding like those made one of the top. I guess the year by vanity, fair, many more in the bubble, can keep you in your loved ones, safe and come new episodes out Mondays and Wednesdays was in the bubble with anti labour from women out of media wherever you get your podcast crooked own chief, take officer. Eliza cone is back for another round of pod. Save America's new hit game. Take a priest there's taken away. Elijah hi, guys, welcome back to the take up rate
traders and then the shares, notably bad poetry with you, the producer have seen these tags? Johns Tommy have not me, haven't opened a reaction in real time and read them on a scale. Wonderful poetic goes there with us as we continue work. the case of the second in real time, John John Tommy, are you ready? Marriage? Yes right, first, one is thematic for today from the Washington Post titled. How Glenn young Kin come to education, governor. We need, oh, my god, oh my god, We need give us I hears it is required if young can when it will be because he convince parents that he would tackle the malaise that affects so many public schools, his appoint since in that area, will be his most important? His legs the priorities has most urgent and if he succeeds, more than Virginia will be winners. We first have to play the game of hers,
the stake is a sort of a yes or like can we m is it a writer for though the post isn't like an address there are gathered. Writer is not as good as it is, yes right or is it a regular contributor? I'm not sure, but he'd is deeply trigger until you guys Sunday Mark season Now my friend one of these days is getting in Asia levies on about like supporting the torturers and for war crimes brine on work here is it I'll say about that? Take I think there is a malaise in America schools and Fundamentally, it is that we are learning too much about what happened in America between the declaration of Independence and Elvis, and we basically why get rid of them allays? We should just skip right from we hold these days to be self evident. All the way to like hippies in the sixties and maybe NAFTA We can skip all the other stuff that happened in the middle. I think kids would be a lot have.
Apparently I'll. Have your teacher be lot happier and you know what, because I'm giving loves, take three political. yeah she's is absent. Gents man was first tell us who it is to have closer to this, helps with it, but the rating I ask you hear Fuckin guy. I believe it is better that might have increased might have increased? My rating am, I think, I'm I think everything thriving to give three between two and a half and three do we could do point five sadness sure to enough you get half a political, The actual Springer will be sent to your contract. You have to sign about what you are allowed and are not allowed to say. I will say that Macao campaign. There are some story, but there's Mccall's campaigns and the like in all, internals, even when the races really close, like they're, just not finding swing, voters who actually and undecided voters who actually care about this issue,
debates. This has become like a media fascination more than anything else. both save american items? Less Virginia guys aren't noses to warm up. Is nice one is an absolutely It's a he's from the Washington Examiner, titled armed insurrection. Colin. What weapons did the capital riders Harry. Oh, my here's. Some highlights from a tweet thread by the other. He point now that only twelve percent of people charge that day had weapons charges and here's a quote. The problem with the armed insurrection talking point by any standards civil disorder January sex was a riot, but look at the OJ prosecutions does not the case of January sex was a quote armed insurrection
I have to say, like I do not appreciate this. Take because the saying that admitting that twelve percent of the people were armed and then saying it's unarmed desertion isn't even a that's. Not even you need to make an effort there. point out that several of the murder weapons in the game clue included candlestick rope led pipe. So This term dovetails with. I think it might have been a rich Lowery tweet over the weekend, where he was cast icing people for suggesting that the gallows that were built outside the January six insurrection were workable and his. his beard was that they want to. Thank you. Could not have this couldn't have supported my pencil waits, yes, stukely what he was saying, my wasn't it ritual allergy right for this, its Byron
Work exerts a big differently siren York Enrichment Maidenhair inside IRAN was admire him, you already good its whatever it's like. I said the same person yeah. I think he might have said the stupid thing about the yellows. Let me read this: do you guys? Some of you point to the gallows is evidence that the riot was harmed and stretching called a thread called ugly symbol? Call it what you like, but it wasn't real gallows was. Was it real like what did he measure that? Did he look at the cross being like what are we talking about here? I would say to amend a raid. The armed insurrection take as to politicos. If it you gave us the gallows one I might have gone up by a few political see. I've been ago, three politicos for the armed and yet the gallows thing is a full playbook, etc. for our part are elsewhere
Wednesday three and a half after a full playbook is gonna. That's where we're going to new. Thank you knew her labour that lets you the full play, but our railway speaker, the devil onto the next from Klaiber Glassdale title compete. Booty judge have it all I know is ongoing Here's acquired people, judges am I n y. U S ports face anchored at anchor trap, in Congress. Nearly melted down over the president's infrastructure bell in recent weeks, the usually the present transportation secretary was lying by your thoughts. So the context is that peat maybe so intent on paternity leave. Twins premature so they were home. Take your image or twin, also keen chastity rich, trusting the teacher PETE's been in politics. For us all, life is public servants upon not like yet dripping with
nannies and things is not down. Navvy does not someone who walks a little kids in after the end of the day it says, you're the picture. You kids drawn your patrimony. I may go back to correct a boarding school now. That said, I would like to see peat in one of those big machines. Where is personally offloading containers and ships and stuff the like jamming. When we all secretary Peat, has faced many kinds of criticism. leave. I can't think of anything that is less likely to stick or seem real than someone who claims. It is not a hard working life. So this is These controversies that I serve caught the back end of the controversy when it was fully in the disco, but I didn't know how it started was that pulp without book, saying that it was that a republican attacking it like what who who's, who actually was responsible for that garbage, take that is possible labour wrote about take that he was missing and I got is knowing what they know. While I thought it was some republican that started this, kit, freebooters I'd another playbook called. missing in action. Look turning to leave is fake.
and men should not do things with babies, that is, for women and facts. That is the fundamental point. Tucker Charles and is making. That is the point a lot of these republicans like touching care, You bet your children changing diapers B, kind of emotional engaged in the raising of your children. This is gay shit Rainbow rainbow flag. Steering Stephen cracker is a right wing likes to I: don't you two posts or something he said quote he tweeted paternity leave is pussies there there. I don't even know that. I also like predicted that I'm not trigger affair. You made this point this morning and she said that in Australia they don't call like family leave or paternity leave or maternity leave. They call it like paid time to go care right because the temperate, like the idea that it's about leaving in leaving work instead of emphasising the fact that you take that time to care for another human.
And that is important work that should be rewarded in society, including your spouse, potential right, exactly realise that as a I actually like that re framing of unbelief, that's for fuckin politicos. That is a full play book in which is fitting for this year, while the common to rights itself on its already in place the political will. I'm I'm now disappointed. I didn't tweet angrily at play book about Julia thought. I would have helped again just like worker Marietta that moves at along, they move that yeah move. The debate forward stops the next person. Look if you don't say that Colin Powell was dead, It is the body of a dead war criminal, the next day intelligent. Another thing I was holding up a little fit photo in it. That's what happens right steaming right along its head to the next one near. I want to give credit to producer Olivia Martinez, for this one, a piece for the water, the journals, title,
Claude Dave. Chapelle may have helped tame openness is a quote from the majority by the special is ahead and Dave's repulsive comparable, because he knows he has talked into regular people, not ideologues network. Ceo Ted surrender stands firm. It will be progress, free speech, one and the mob lost Stands for her, as that would be a disaster for no, no, he was talking to real people and that that would he, without the purpose of that I didn't notice, a a real or fake button. When I signed up for networks that is at the check that box I think I remember this. Take ethic remember someone tweeting about it and train magic who did it for the Wall Street Journal. I, does he, like other sure, He knew it was. Of course you know a union and it is
I remember one on that Fox NEWS person announced his comedy show on Fox used by saying he was finally get to tell the truth about Gonzalo got felt by these won't liberal skulls, there is money in it. king, Trans people and liberals and weakness- it is a cottage industry- very wise, just go David Pearl Journalism award for bravely taking on Twitter Dave, Chapelle, just spent thirty seven minutes attacking France people because they didn't like his jokes. He is getting tens of me means of dollars for doing this. They are about Joe Rogan and Dave Chapelle about it comedy shows together where they continue doing this. There is money. and being anti trans. It is not brave, it is mercenary that is It has been clear from the beginning what makes me fucking angry and nervous about all this. Is that like it is absent, True that there are millions of young men who find something very appealing being about the kind of masculinity defence being offered by liked by Jo Rogan and die
Chapelle right now, and it should be chilling to all of us monsieur figure how to grapple with it. But it's not an attack on wilderness. It's an appeal to fears on the part of millions of young men and theirs has been money enough for Pinocchio s orders. let it goes I just did. I think that pay union has been able to turn people even worse with even should I'm gonna gonna go with anger. Three I gotta three hat. When is last time. Peggy noon, and I don't really is it I'd interacted with a real person. Yeah he's been writing these fuckin. While there are many issues, greed signals from the Upper EAST side to the meat, the press round table and you probably sees people along the way. I am I come about one I dont believe for a second begging and watch the Dave. Chapels special social is regular. Those as that I did watch it. I would say my reaction: was it made me very sad because there was someone I used to love and respect and enjoys comedy, and he just you. like a bitter old man who can't take criticism.
And decided to spend an hour of his life lashing out at people on Twitter, who decided to criticise him into me that had just kind of a pathetic thing and I This is where all this the free speech anti. I work warrior rhetoric on false flat on its face, which is the same They want to be able to say whatever they want to say, but you can't say anything back or else Europe older, your annoying earlier this year that- and I think I find it varying, but we also need to recognise that there is like level saying, like some power in this rhetoric, these sort of that the feeling of Agreement- especially among young white men, where they feel like they ve been suppressed in some way or can't say what they want to say or problem the law. It is a rallying cry. It's like that. It's the only thing that the Don juniors of the world talk about, etc, etc, and it's like a real sir
Irving strain of republican politics. There is a genuine challenge. Your masculinity happening right now. There is a real and genuine change happening and I think it is scary for a lot of people and they don't know what comes after it, and people like Dave, Chappelle and Joe Rogan, and Donald Trump Jr and Tucker Carlson and however, that crowd or guy's name as they are all feeding off of that, and I think our question has to be less about like what do we do about Dave, Chapelle and more, with more. What do we do about the audience laughing along or India? Also, like it be great if, if Netflix came out of this thinking, like ok a second inventory of how many transgender comedians that we pay to release a special or you know, writers or act like you, don't think about balancing of the letter that way produce more content. That is, for the people want her. Those voices I have been avoiding the whole controversy around it and watching it, and then I started watching a Saturday night, and I was like stealing myself for the part, which was most and I M really most- I have to say, like thirty seconds into inside the jokes- I was I cringing so badly. As I know, this is not. This is
funny suffers it's not like. I was. I turned off as again I'm gonna handle such as at ok wounds. I peggy all right. Let's bring it back to some more typical planetary here, Maggie remain responding to Bernie Sanders. His criticism of the prosperity cover Bilbil, This one is sarcastic. She tweeted, it's always the press. small, and never the bulk of the people, communicating something that one or one. Your thoughts. so I'm an egg. I must say that I, like Aguilar Maggie's been friend my for long time, efficient great rapporteur. I would like to ward her one New York Times reporter always circling the wagons, because that's the thing they always do. I get what what what drives me a little bit crazy about racism of journalists,
twitter or other forums? Is it almost never comes with a little bit of introspection, whereas criticism of people who worked in government or government officials, odd, introspection or self doubt or self criticism is demanded, and rightly so. We should. We should look back on a records and the things we ve done in critique ourselves and try to improve and do better that never happens in these conversations about coverage. Despite this sixty failures and sixteen and and during covered in that, if a mass, like all the things, are happening right now, and I would just I would love to see a little less defensiveness out of journalists, in this area especially the New York Times political desk. They are there order scrape re reporters, but they are among the most offensive eighty one incident. They deal with lots of criticism that drive me crazy to, and I will save you just. I was as it is. The New York Times job to sell the big Bilbil better bill. She is correct about that, but the wave it not
in Europe have been all the media reports about politics and political fights has been broken and has had their systemic issues with it that we ve talked about ad nauseam here for a long long time ray. I the word it think they do. You know it's not about the coverage and it's not about selling the bill. The fundamental issue is that all political cup- age in mainstream outlets in his country is predicated on the assumption that there are some other coverage happening somewhere else that actually gets into the substance that political coverage is really existing to evaluate whether the real news that real people saw was affected not in helping people understand what's going on, but there is no real news. There is no substantive coverage is political. all the way down. I will I will. I will say that the the your times in the Washington Post and even politico has some like very substantive policy reporting
It is overshadowed by some of the more garbage shit, especially the politico does like, like we forget about play of Alla time, as we should, because it's terrible, but this let us good pulsing averaging political. Yes, there is a lot of good policy covers its actually true, but the vast majority of news in his country does not educate people as voters as to what is inside of these legislation. It is coverage of the fight, is coverage of the divide, is coverage of the conflict and come to the key It is important, but it should be a part of the news, not ninety. Ninety five, ninety nine percent. This is the point of John Soros. Wanna make this weekend unseen anywhere. You Brian Stealth Ernie made some point about how like they fill the need some
I think they ve NASH, gain a stand. Story was about like who it will benefit or are not in the mid term. In the problem with stewards point was, I think he got the publication wrong. You criticise politico and it might have been an roll call said earlier. You should probably, like you know, a cross teased out the eyes. If you know, you're gonna unleash tat kind of a critique, but I do think the fundamental point stance, like weather was saying like. Sometimes the lead story on a bill or political item is about how will impact each party and not about what it would do for people, and I think that's one of the fundamental failure and it gets back to the roots in the origins of political that we all criticize, which is worth like. I did yes beatification political coverage, gamesmanship sheriff of objects, cynical observations of how these all policy will impact people's lives instead of putting that France her that's. If a policy is good and Democrats fail to say it, sell it and immediate fails to convey, despite the fact that Democrats fail to sell it effectively why it would be better than the alternative. That is not just a failure.
Democrats that is affair of the media, to because everything is not in the lens of political strategy. The goal is actually to make the country better place. Learning the girl Yonnondio mentioned today that this climate legislation, but no one Republican, could decide that climate change is an existential threat to the: U S and the planet and support the bill. What sort of like its priced in that's cynicism is pressing and Anna eight and sadly this point the cynicism about the press. Communicating it clearly is us who priced because for every like deeply reported piece on climate, that the New York Times runs, which they do like there are many many more bad tweets about the gamesmanship that you know that the political porters will write and terrible cable segments and all the rest of it nuts. I think we are getting it I'll, give Maggie's take to block us. You know what, after what we ve been too
one. Yes guy, oh yeah, that's that's where I really rewarded yeah, you haven't, you think you know a circle: the wagons. Ok last one, this one is disparaging squid game from north korean propagandists, Quote: schismatic there's only spoilers you're right now. Ok, no spoilers air. It is on the fundamental premise of the show: aggregate worker, squid game gain. clarity, because an exposes the reality of south korean capitalist culture, world roaming, money matters, how light core guys could take for North Korea? I'm entities under while I'm in a word that a vocs that's gonna, take a spot on hundred percent accurate good for you Kim Jong on that will I think they are. No premise of take appreciated was to have takes so bad that you appreciate how like truly, they are that's like up. It's such a good troll from North Korea's. I will give that for regular foot brook efforts.
I appreciated in the Bin, the in the truest sense of take appreciated shaman. The two of you for celebrating this start this terrorism I want to spend it. I word Elijah for political for politicos. Are you guys thinks you're playing take appreciate? There's a gamer re arguably always know. Arguably nobody thank you to Eliza Refer gives. Another round of take appreciated and thank you to tearing the for joining us today. We will to enter, and next week will see a Tuesday morning. First thing in your phones: POD Save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer. is Michael Martina are produced. Hey we muse and eleven Martinez is our associate producer. Its mixed in did by Andrew Chadwick Kyle. Ireland is our sound engineer. The tiniest terminator Katy Long, roman, puppet Dimitrios, Brien symbol
Carolyn rest in medicine, foment ingesting file for production, support into our digital team, Niger, cone, Phoebe Bradford in my look him who film and upload these episodes as videos at you to dot com, flash crooked meeting. hi, I'm Phillip, Picardi, former teen vogue, editor, creator of them and the host of and holier than thou a podcast about the triumphs and tribulations of spiritual reformation, no matter how the last year has treated you I'm here to help guide you through navigating a new wish world by sharing the wisdom of everyday people falling down and getting back up again, because we could all use a little pick me up. This isn't I'm joined by an outstanding line up a friend's celebrities and everyday listeners to talk recovery. Rediscovery resilience in mourns I'll, be sitting down with best selling authors, renown, journalists and even Michel, William suggest any child I mean after this year were all survivor is right.
Can I get any man it's time for us to absolve ourselves the quarantine negativity, forgive the world for how it is wrong to us and return to life? It's gonna be El spiritual moment this into new episodes of holier than thou every Friday. Wherever you get, your pie casts. twenty twenty two is red round the corner and both in America is working to raise one point: five million dollars. There are no offers fun for voter registration efforts in Arizona Florida, North Carolina Pennsylvania. It was content in Texas. These are states work. Boucher today or helpful, and early organizing efforts to reach new voters make a difference in our ability to next year and beyond Raymond, to reach six hundred thousand dollars by the end of October a lot of money. They help us get there if you can go to vote, save America Doc. funny.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-19.