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"Trump's Crimetime Preview." (Live from The Beacon Theatre!)

2022-06-03 | 🔗

Guest host Melissa Murray joins Jon, Jon, and Tommy in New York City! Politico unveils new details about the Republican plan to overturn the election just days before the primetime congressional Jan. 6 hearings, Democrats push for gun legislation in the wake of another mass shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and New York Attorney General Tish James joins to talk about her investigation into the Trump organization. Special thanks to MSG Entertainment and The Beacon Theatre.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The language supposedly has all these rules. Most of us never have to think about those rules hidden hand of language guides nearly every interaction we have. Other people tat are Whether we can act and attain confuse insult or dazzled the people we communicate with, in radio link, the new podcast do only go and crooked media. We explore how language shapes our world and how world shapes language, I am a deluge. I'm an audio journalists and james veered award winning writer. I am in all its complexity and its Felicity the way we can use it to create both distance and understand, I'm going to be your guy join us as we take you on a linguistic nature, from crooked media in go? This is radio starting the fifteenth on your favorite buck S. Epps.
The let the marie I'm john other item of these are then fibres almost recovered from covered, but couldn't quite make it, but we are so lucky to have Melissa here melissa is also the co host of strict scrutiny
is the best in america now part of a crooked family. So thank you for doing this if you have any shout out to my co host Kate Shaw is out the got. Some strict scrutiny super fans in the front over here. Here we go, get some custom, some strict heads, also joining us here tonight. Your attorney general Latisha, a year ago I get getting the news, I know their a depressing airlines,
right now, but we wanted to brighten up your night by starting with the very detailed and public plot to steal the next election real treat for thursday night on Wednesday politico obtained video of republican operatives in michigan plotting election day. Chaos with a network of mega loyalists who fall into four different groups, pull workers who are trained to contest votes in heavily democratic precincts lawyers who the pole workers workers can contact with fake allegations of voter fraud, friendly district attorney's, who could intervene to block the precinct vote, counts and trump loyalists on local boards of canvasses who could refuse to certify the election? The purpose of this strategy, which steve ban and has been talking about for
once on a time, his favorite pike, ass sure has big fan is to create enough confusion that the election then gets thrown to the state legislatures, which trump recently admitted to the new york times that he's trying to stack with loyalists, who will send slates of trump electors to congress, no matter which candidate wins. So that's where that's where we are right now very exciting melissa. Obviously, lawyers pull watchers even pull workers from each party or are part of every election, but how much of trump and bans election day strategy? here, is unprecedented in and is all of this legal. So it's not impressing because we saw some seeds of this in the twenty twenty election in your gladly exactly right. None of this is necessarily illegal legal. You are allowed to have pull watchers theirs. To be there to provide a sort of,
neutral observation of electoral processes, but you're not supposed to use pull watchers to intimidate vote is to generate fake claims, and your definitely not supposed to say Your trump loyalist lawyers to the courts to file these fate claims in your definitely not supposed to have the elections. owned by a slate, a fake elector. So that's a no no! We I mean that link in strict scrutiny. We call this sort of vine, not law and there, I think there's definitely sort of law issues vibes here, but it's not not really strictly legal, but they're, definitely trying it and it doesn't like having the da's rifts stopping the count and then having the boards of canvassers sort of stacked with people who are just going to refuse to certify that doesn't seem like the best, again, not illegal to run for office for these offices at noon. For a lot of years, the Republican He has been really assiduous since putting their people in these local positions, but this is where the rubber,
really meets the road. When you have the trump loyalists there, you can really do a lot of and their laying the sea? It's not only for the mid term elections, but also twenty twenty four years it seems like they're doing this is a twenty twenty two is a test drive for twenty twenty four with a lot of these places like a tesla like its hats, driving test. So this story, I wanted to look what's in it because it's it's happening the stories about michigan, it's happening in swing states all over the country. it sort of went, came and went yesterday kind of under the radar without a ton of media coverage or frankly, comment from a lot of democratic officials tommy. Why do you think that is? And what do you think the democratic party should do about it, knowing, as Melissa just said that, like none of it, is technically illegal but clearly very troubling yeah. It's also worth noting that their primarily plenty to do this, in mostly black cities, in precincts in michigan,
very deliberate effort. May I think the problem, the challenges? Democrats like we got you it's on tape. We're create chaos, you, to make people question the results of the election. You want to steal it again, throw to these new electors like how we got you in the republicans basically like at any rate, we are, you know like that they don't care. They are open about this effort. They want to use the coverage they get when people like us freak out to recruit morphine to help steal the election. So that's the problem, like the shame, spiral that the shame james viral the shame cycle of, like the typical scandal in washington, has been broken by the market types because they just don't care about, the allegation or the norms, institutions or what's right in what's wrong here and so the other challenges like it's kind of esoteric stuff. You know like what's a pull watcher, what's a pole worker, what's a board of election
All of this is easy to get just lost in a sea of kind of bureaucracy and that's kind of what they're coming like their counting on their people being brain. Why twenty twenty election was stolen and that they need to do something about it in taking action at this super local level, because no one's gonna pay because we're not going to talk about it and the stories are going to get covered. Democrats aren't gonna, complain about it and so they'll just keep installing these people and then they'll they'll win love, it yeah, but it's the same to malicious point. You know It's it's whether its legal or illegal. I think the point is that its extra legal, because so much of our rules of our law is predicated on a certain. assumption that. Yes, people are partisan and people are by us, but the need that there is of course, set of values and principles that generally be upheld and in the end, Those are not upheld that there is enough political.
Pressure inside of the system to keep people, if not completely honest, prevent them from going full fash and the end what time is making the same reason the same. trend that leads these people to be now. Unresponsive to shame is the same reason: they're going to overturn our elections there, not inside of a democracy with us there just not, and I think the the the answer to all of this is power. We can argue with them. You know we can. We can shame them we can. We can make enough lines about what they're doing we ought to go to new york times up at new york times up ads will not save us, and sometimes I mean really good ones, merely good ones buying hold on hold on. I listen for their part of it. I knew it. I can present company accepted no. But the answer is power. We have to win locally where these
but will where we have the right people in these local offices. you to worry about this. If we have a deal, in person running local elections, we don't need to worry about whether or not a trump judge is going to pull the case. We don't need to worry about what you know gore, so how what side of the bed gorsuch woke up on like we don't have to worry about, that'll, be the people in those jobs. We won't have to worry about this. If we keep the house and keep the senate, because we won't have to worry about the same insurrectionists who voted returned the election without a majority having the power to throw our election indicates The answer is power. It's the only answer, because that's the only thing these people respond to and its end.
right clambered up the power like paying attention to like what you know here is one thing that everyone can do you go to votes aid, american dot com, to sign up to be a pole worker with our partner power, the poles twenty seven thousand of you signed up and twenty twenty in recruiting even more pull workers ahead of the twenty twenty two mid term elections. Look, we have to pay attention. We have to sign up for these jobs to whether its becoming a pole watcher worker, whether its secretary of state races, whether its age erases all these down ballot races are incredibly important, even if they don't sound like the sexiest right now like this is where the power gets built, love it was saying so go to vote motive, america, dot com and, while you're there sign up for a mid term madness programme where well connected with a lot more ways to get involved in volunteer ahead of twenty twenty two. So that's it are important. We are also now exactly one week away from the first prime time can
actual hearing about january sixth and outward well yeah. Let's applaud for that. The congressional dive hearings- everybody we did- it is going to lessons the mueller hearing them so more comes of this just some zimbabwe adults dolls. So, just this week we found out, we ve got a lot more about the mega plot to steal the last election under the former trump aid, Peter Navarro became the first white house staffer to receive a subpoena to testify in front of a federal grand jury for his role in the attack on the capital. A federal judge also released a memo from this lawyer that looked to Rudy giuliani,
That said, he quote. Pushed a strategy in the federal judge said this: that the memo pushed a strategy that knowingly violated the electoral count act, namely the plan was to get senator chuck grass who's, the eldest member of the Senate and thus the most senior member of the senate, to take over the electoral certification process from my pants so that he could just throw out a bunch of Biden electors that was one in a long list of plot. They kind of cot, tossed aside at one point that they had a whole list of things that are going to do. Most of theirs obviously been a lot of focus on the january sixth hearings themselves. But what do we know? But this federal grand jury like what does the navarro subpoena suggest to you like is: is d o j looking at charging people beyond the riders? Maybe trump officials, maybe trump himself with potential crimes and what are those potential crimes? So, let's back up, this is like the
can't subpoena that Peter Navarro has. How do we use collecting and use the be a cheetah Is that a lot if he gets one more, he gets a free sub, so the first subpoena is important cause that came from the select committee and he refused to comply with that which then prompted the house to hold him in contempt and refer his contempt charges to the d o j, which then sparked this news. he now from the federal grand jury said. This is coming from the department of justice's investigation and know one of the things I think it's sick rules is that the d o j, which has been moving, I think very deliberately, is a generous way to put it. Do you went with it very nice pair of with all deliberate speed. They ve been moving towards theirs it seems like they're, moving away from the actual rioters from january sex and starting to join up the riot itself with the machination
that may have been happening in the then former presidents orbit on GM sex and Navarro is very much in the thick of this will lead to criminal exposure. Criminal liability for navarro, I dont know, will lead to criminal law. ability for anyone else further up the chain. I don't know, but it seems, like things, are moving closer to the white house and is it this law is like it: obstruction of congressional congressional proceed is that, like a law that has been, I haven't heard of it being used in the past. But I mean that's kind of what That's going on there, I mean it probably when used in the past, because no one ever tried to do this before. Can I ask you something because a whirling hey, merrick, ireland, get going like you know, charge trump if you need to charge from, but I could imagine like if america, ireland and you're, the d o j, and you have to make a decision about potentially bringing chart criminal charges
against a man who may be your boss's primary opponent in the next election like that goes sort of beyond unprecedented into this other, like how do you even make that decision, but they said that they've telegraphed that from the beginning with the way they came in to the administration was with this idea that they were going to restore morale to the d o j sort of strict the department of this veneer of partisanship that it had been in bed, with during the trump years it and get it back to our being an independent administrative body outside of white house, and I think that's a really hard thing to do while you're also balancing this investigation, that goes to the former occupant, and you know, by some accounts on the prospective new occupant. People have their way of the white house going for its. I think it's a delicate line to walk- and this is not to excuse the glacial pace with which he has moved. But I think it's a lot to balance its gonna be hard
I feel this fucking who thought it? Here's the thing we're we ride. The call me method and call me method is the call me method is worry. First about the appearance of partisanship and let your decisions flow from that that in crashed into the fucking mountain does not work does not work. Let's try the other thing of just Following the the the law to where it leads and when they were met, but can you imagine the ipad yeah I can but, like you imagine, the op eds, if Merrick garland does that? Oh boy, one thing that has been signal, though again and again it was- and that's happened here too. They keep making this point over and over again, because I think it must be a sensitive question right. They keep saying Nor do we believe this This is evidence of lawbreaking but believe. It is knowledge of evidence of lawbreaking with knowledge
we're doing was breaking the law and if you like, that's important, especially here, because we are playing with such kind of fun. mental questions of what really means to break laws that haven't really been considered broken before right, like we are playing at the kind like foundational level of how our government is supposed to work, which also makes a trick here, which is why it's interesting they keep coming back to that idea. It's just that these are laws that haven't been broke. Before, but so much of governance isn't about law, but about norms, and it's the norms that were eroded. Road for the past four years, and now the question is: do we need to promulgate laws to fill in what was lost when we strip these norns of their content seems like we do but seems like we who needs to get get by a few things to get that majority freaks to allow any thou confusing. There's. Also there there's a green jury in georgia to brad rapids burger. The republican secretary state testified, I guess, maybe in monday, in front of them. What's he talking
same kind of shit will dre what trump trump trump trying to overturn the election there? But I do. I do think the intention what you were saying: love it they're, trying to go after the intention here, because in that random, the memo from that random lawyer to redo Jani. They said that one of the reasons that they want to gradually- and there is to quote insulate- might pens and donald trump any criminal liability, which means that they certainly thought that there was criminal liability there. If my parents just decided to overturn the election- which I guess proves intention You think Rudy found this where, like up- billboard on the west side highway very late at night, until I think I think is where he's a cigar bar he's got he's got. This he's got three fingers that page. So, what's up, its differ. Bucket vicious, don't drop I'm talking about his drinking such a good job, though I had to bring it up, it was mine. Anyway, you say now
I finishing my point: that's your fault, though, so keep going John Tommy clearly, as you could all tell there's like too much information about january sixth to digest right now the hearings haven't even started yet like just today we get another tranche of mark meadows texts. I had to check the articles as like. I thought the texts already came, but there were more texts it was my favorite out of my favorite texts and representative marjorie taylor green to mark meadows. Senator Graham told me that if I found one hundred names of dead voters in georgia that he would object, I have one hundred dead voters names And then, and then women and later to mark meadows, just in case you probably didn't respond within that minute- tell president trump exclamation sir, you she asked in that text. Ass, mark meadows, fur lindsey, grim cell
the guy's, the white house chief of staff sensibly, one of the most powerful human beings on the fucking planet. and he is sending little he's. Attaching contact well he's getting he's getting getting a string of text from jenny, thomas he's getting them from mtg. Now I would have given out lindsey graham's number in a second. I would have been graham's number. Here's Donald trump's number here remember when trump read lindsey graham's number allowed at an event yeah this precedent. For this anyway? We're getting was indeed a ranch tommy. If you are in charge of choreographing these hearings, what is the essence of the story that you would want to get across to people? First, I want to second, whatever love. It was going to say. I turned in terms of the hearings I think, like big. We make a case that this not just about real indicating the past, but about the future in preventing a worse outcome down. The road is, I think, one of the lessons from impeachment and in guatemala and that'll morass, we sucked into was what voters ultimately heard was. Washington infighting. You know like typical,
Part is in back and forth, needs didn't love it and so on success here. Is you lay a bunch of facts that are reported and become informed is. There is potentially referrals to deal J and some sort of accountability for people. They did conspire to overturn an election, and then I saw so you're, just waking everybody, the fuck up to say this is happening now, I mean the work we're talking. Thou january six in the in the twenty twenty effort overturned the election as they are due. in a better job, organizing for the future and like that to me. Is that really scary part that just seemingly isn't breaking through love it? What about you yeah grew that I agree with that. I do think it's about
Republican extremism- you know there is that poor. We talked about a few weeks ago. The most salient quality people think of when they think of republicans is extremism, the most setting quality when they think of democrats. His weakness not ideal, but I do think that, like years of coverage of of tromp years of coverage of these root of these are rightwing. Republicans that has landed with people is a real, in that president Biden has started, referring to a kind of you know, mega republicans and I think pointing out that we are trying to use fight against stream at and the day Extremism pose to our democracy, to women. On questions of reproductive care and abortion, extremism, guns like that is a thread that ties together. A lot of the threats were facing where we have a very big majority arson most. So what about you? What he thinks, the main? What should be the main? Take away from the story
I think part of this is about showing the american public how these pieces linked together, because, like right now, the two narratives are sort of these disembodied events, the riot at the capital and then these machinations alleged machinations are happening in the white house into show that this is all part of this same thing like an and that the thing rots at the head. The rocks. Started in the oval office and it then led to the capitol they're, not disembodied, they're, actually completely joined up and they're still joined up to this day. Yeah. I think that's important and then taught to love at tommy's point that rot is sort of political extremism, that's turned into violence and it has turned, and it turned into violence on January six, and it could turn into violence again, and this is no longer just a debate about republican vs, democrat conservative versus liberal. This is about a faction in this country that has incited violence and will again if they do not gain power
in that it's just you know, and I think it's going to be. It is going to be a tough struggle, because I'm sure all the Democrats on the committee and cheney and kensington are all alike. Of course we want to focus on the future. The media will naturally gravitate to the explosive details that are revealed, which will all be about the past. So it's going to be a constant struggle for the people in the committee to sort of push the narrative forward to be about the future, because all the coverage will be about. Oh then, this happened, and this happened in the past and I do think one other piece of this- I know we're a bit inured to it, but it is striking even in seeing these tax and we saw another tranche of the many of which I think repeated what we had seen in the past. But no one. understood the connection between what was happening in the capital and what was happy. at the white house, then trumps biggest support, earth. Lord Ingram understood at Sean Hannity, understood at dawn, junior understood it mark rights. Previous understood yeah? Eventually they came to decide that it was antigua but isn't strange? Isn't it straight and misery? They thought that the anti by the capital would leave if from told them to, is that
interesting contradiction. What we all have motion sickness From the non stop whirl of the twenty four hours, we're seven new cycle, so let's say, let's setback, take a breath and give ourselves a chance to say Ok up, you all know the rules of play. A video wiggly yell, ok, stop we're gonna, dig our little clause in like a pigeon. When did this had added pigeon and a rat fighting over a sparrows lies slice come on but the slice is lord ingram saying marijuana causes school shootings, but this
we're going to focus on is, is marjorie taylor, green? Let's roll the clip! You have to accept the fact that the government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life. They want to know when you're eating. They want to know if you're eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because bill gates wants you to eat his fake meat, a peach tree. Ok, stop! I do want to say I, that she knows it's petri dish I think she's trying to make petri dish. Sound foreign and scary arabs cause it's like what is what does she think that a peach tree dish looks like that's where I'm most and that's my biggest question. draw me a peach tree. Did she she's also reading
so this these were prepared to pay this bob. Let's keep going say, you're probably get a little sad that inside your body, and that say no, no, don't you real cheeseburger. You need to eat the fake. The faint burger, the fake meat from Okay, okay, stop! So the zap is from the space laser. Yes, yes, it is yeah, it's a jewish base, layer of course, or we will not be a race. We didn't spend all that time. At our secret jewish meetings, developing plans for a space to have our accomplishments b b, a race. This isn't my see tv right were allowed to. I don't know I'm so sorry I got excited and the point is that that is not a state
I mean it could be a space laser, it's more likely just indigestion. I mean this might be like the. This might be the five g vaccine microchip talking, but I kind of like fake meat once in a while yeah. That's I mean he's got me. He got me, there's there's something so funny about like the the fact that there has to be like an ideological violence on every fucking thing. It's like hey, like impossible. Cars are cool there, trying to make fake meet the tastes like real me. It's like a cool accomplishment, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not it's not liberal, theirs the liberal about it, no one's pushing them on. You know, let's making the companies that make them yeah I mean. Eventually, we will reply all the meet with the fake me. We'll be on tat guy. That's like somebody on tuckered out it's a faintly like Sally green and it's actually made of people. Wouldn't. What's you? I know it's it's. It's
saw you naked people. Its own green is people for people all right. Let's keep going and they probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom and if you're babble movement are our own time are consistent This is the same woman who wants to obliterate reproductive rights like actually what people do at their bodies, but she's complaining about this You know this happens with the with the five g microchip being it happens in moments like this health. Looking interesting, do you think you are marjorie taylor, green you're fuckin, be I'm cycles are of no consequence us up a new area of us idle
care. If you shit before cross bit or after cross or during, does it matter she's? Also she's, always like a good point adjacent, you know like so you sort of want to know the n s a bulk surveillance and collection, the fires, of course, there's a lot of seems to be worried about governments or that it's not as people cates. What's unknown, took a ship, it's the fucker talking about bill gay. How did we get here at it? Bill gates wants to know when I'm pooping. It just has to ask I'm happy to tell that. Why is the secret information and the answer is in the mornings, are never just that await your dick, now that the body? I guess there is the right answer- that's added that out of the park. That's too much cut it!
you're gonna he's got that you gotta for marriages, we'll sponsors year, wales. We got that you're going, but one, and they just want you to think that all of a sudden, the entire population is steadily turning gay or turning trans, just generation generation problem about four or five generations. No one will be straight anymore, odessa. hey ma marge marge, don't threaten us with, It's I'm easiest a bloodline, rather territory. Whenever he says does- and you know it's twenty thirty eight, kermit and father your fuckin I
It was the labs with piggy. What those are the last few kermit fozzie, I'm saying they're gay now that they were the hole that they are, the holdouts that keep rolling the club and will be either gay or trans or nonconforming or whatever this list Fifty or sixty different options are are, and I think ST will probably say on that list amounts. What I've example knew. You gets a fifty fifty three straight I'll be there, and you can pick it you may have to live where else somewhere as for you, but it'll be fun I will bring you whatever you need this. maybe clothes episodes at a bachelor you live in downtown boston the bruins hands, as you can
your gender reveal parties breaks, sort of forests by area. The point is the point: is we're not I'll go get, and until that day comes please help. Crooked dotcom, slash bride there. You can find all about what we're doing all virgin we're fund raising for trans lifeline, trans education, network of taxes and equality florida three organizations that provide incredible support for people on the ground and do a lot of active, isn't a change laws there doing great work so go to cricket our complex ride to support what they're doing right now coming up next morning is The.
the alright. Let's get back to the news! So just an hour before the show started, president Biden gave a speech urging congress to address america's gun violence epidemic, an epidemic which now sadly includes yet another mass shooting just on wednesday, that left five dead at a hospital in tulsa, including the killer. So house Democrats are going to try apparently next week to pass a law that cracks down on ghost guns and large capacity magazines, while raising the gun purchasing age from eighteen to twenty one nancy Pelosi said also separately, they will take up an assault, weapons ban and the,
and, I will say from Biden speech he also advocated for all of these measures as well, unlike unlikely that any of that passes the senate. Unfortunately, but there's a bipartisan group of senators there who say they're making progress on a package that might include expanding background checks, funding for mental health services and school security and incentives for states to pass red flag laws that would allow authorities to confiscate firearms from people deem to be threats to themselves and others so love it. There's a lot of work closer than we do. Urban talk coming out of congress right now in this house. Skeptical or hopeful are you and what do you think about the potential deal that's coming together here. I would say that I am sceptical about them doing something hopeful, but I am hopeful about something. I'm quite sceptical about
The last time we were this close to passing. Something was after sandy hook. That was a background check bill that failed in the senate. Even that was a bipartisan compromise all, but a few republicans were against it. For democrats, who are from states like at the time, north dakota montana arkansas also vote again I think that there you do feel even now there has been a shift. Writing all Democrats, be united in favour of this kind of a compromise, and even that compromise are discussing in the Senate goes a bit beyond what was discussed back then. That said, you look at what being discussed in the senate, and then you look at what some lonely Mcconnell has been saying right. There's conversation about mental health conversation about hardening schools, door there's gotta get the gun, unbelievable your doors. You know that was the senator from can coon
I said yes, I adore control, that's what we need door control, but you lobes mcconnell. I said, as he peas open to a conversation about things. Mental health and beefing up school security and then talks about the importance of upholding the second amendment, I am very concerned. I think it is possible to get something on mental health, it's possible to get something on security that you can secure the world from these things. It is unlikely that we get a very strong obvious. We're not going at a ban on assault weapon it is hard to imagine even getting the age raise the twenty one, even though that would make a massive difference, but the question is: can we get something on red flags and background checks? I think we honestly don't know. I think right now we don't know. Possible- and we also don't know what Democrats would do if it became clear that we couldn't even get something as paltry as that is it worth keeping is
worth doing just something on mental health in school security. If we can't get something on red flag, we can't get something about contracts, I dunno it feels like a mama. We have to do something, but I think it's still reasonable to have some hope there can be something on red, flag laws, something background checks, yeah. I think that the challenge you get in the senate is because you have you have mentioned in cinema who are going to get rid of the filibuster, so you need to count to ten on the republican side. Once you get past your susan collins, Murkowski romney, republicans, who are retiring, you basically get into either extremely conservative republicans are republicans who want to be the next Mitch Mcconnell and none of the republican senators who want to be the next Mitch Mcconnell want to get to the left of any of their other competitors. So, like John corner has been talking to Chris Murphy a year about red, flag laws and stuff like that, but if John through
or john brass or entities of these other republicans, who want to challenge junk food for leader, see that he's for red flag laws than you know. Bill they'll give him shit raised with the rest of the caucasus, the caucasus, the republican carcasses so extreme that it is very difficult to imagine ten republican senator. getting together to agree to even the most minor reforms. Unless it's already- and I don't know, maybe you set up a red flag law so that it is so broad and I dunno how you might do this- that, like it somehow pleases, republicans, because I'm sure they're going to be mad, that some judge is going to take away people's guns well and also just your point like the same, the the the question then isn't about getting. Ten is because some of the pressures inside the caucus you're trying to think like okay, what's something that would get when you republican votes, where they feel they have some protection to go along with that actually and that that doesn't seem like a very stringent gun law that would get twenty melissa
while congress debates doing like literally anything about guns, were also waiting for what might be the supreme court's most orton. Second, amendment ruling: in more than a decade, can you talk a little bit about what that cases about and the implications of the ruling could have nor so currently, pending before the court is a case called new york state rifle epistle association, verses brewing and it is, challenge to new york states concealed, carry permitting regime, and this was our in the november sitting, there were about eleven cases in the november sitting. This is the only one for which a decision has yet to be announced so hold onto that, for a minute very clear at oral argument in november. That there were definitely five justices who are ready to expand the scope of this.
an amendment on which had been expanded by the court in two thousand eight and heller versus the district of columbia. To allow for a second amendment right of individuals to maintain fire arms for the purposes of home, defends this, would obviously expand that further to allow for public carrying of weapons and the only question that appeal Third, in that oral argument, was whether states would still be permitted to court and not put on coped sensitive areas where there could still be restrictions. On public carry like stadia or school campuses are things like that, or the new york subway as alina kagan inveterate new yorker cap mentioning ensue. I'm going to come back to this idea. That this case seems pretty clear, back in november, and it's been a long time and the court is winding down now and trying to push out all of the left over opinions in this way, still outstanding
wonder if they have this in the can ready to go, but there finally able to read the room and realise that they cannot release an opinion blowing and the second amendment in this political climate you're going to wait for like the twenty four hours, where there's not a mass shooting to get it right or, Maybe they think that the temperature will lower a little bit and there'll be a better time, but they were supposed to really opinions on monday and nothing came out which is really really surprising, given that weren't. You meets its go time and now and so I just wonder if you know even they are weary of being incredibly ghoulish and less moment than I feel like. What are the implications of this ruling because I read somewhere like? Could it mean that that states that pass laws to prevent people from carrying handguns in public like they would. It would overrule that like they would not be able to pass those laws. It's not a media
the obvious that all concealed carry regimes would be invalidated. New york's was especially discretion he gave a lot of discretion to policymakers and the officials to decide who could have a permanent who couldn't, and so I think it would depend on full of discretion, but I think what it would entail is that there are going to be challenges in other states and my strict scrutiny, co host Kate Shaw had a terrific bad add a bed and they're so important right now, this one was really started with great tyrant guess. So this is not bad. The key role with bash. Who was the scalia clerk who worked on the heller opinion, Kate, clerk for justice? vans and was the clerk who wrote helped him right that descent and basically they argue that
Heller is not to be construed. It wasn't intended to be construed as this sort of in a bomb that you put on any kind of gun, reform legislation and republicans are great at this, but heller but heller. The second amending but heller and take john, I think, lay out the case very well that you'll heller does exe, and the scope of the second amendment to some degree, but it is not intended to eliminate any prospect of meaningful gun reform and, in fact, justice Scalia specifically says that there can be reasonable gun, reform and enumerates the kind of gun reform that you might and so what heller has we die now. In addition to expanding the scope of the second, amendment is actually served as a really potent deterrent to doing anything and that something It shouldn't be allowed to go and see if that were so Tom it you know, have already become a big issue in the mid term campaign democratic candidates, like john fishermen, who's running for senate,
That's albania vision. He recently said that the party needs to be ruthless on gun control and get rid of the filibuster to pass it meanwhile republicans, like mo bricks of alabama, recently said that the second amendment exists to quote: take back our government should it become dictatorial. This is someone who's running for senate in alabama, a north carolina learn carolina lieutenant governor mark robinson, said he owns, and air fifteen quote in case. The government gets too big for its britches he's rumoured to be running for governor of north carolina and twenty four in pennsylvania, gubernatorial nominee, doug mastery onto said this about gun control. Just the other day quote, we saw hitler. Do the same, thing in germany in the thirties hitler references always always great in politics. Tommy
you think republican candidates have landed on the most effective swing state messages on nearly veto so beto o'rourke, I think, deserves a shout out for yeah fighting the good fight on guns of texas, and I do think lifting up examples like you just did, is really important, because it shows how extreme the republican party is on guns and for a couple of reasons. One it just shows their utter indifference to the events around them and children being murdered? But it all shows you as part of the broader store, that we are talking about earlier about extreme is mother gnp, because you these these guys go to these crazy places like everything, this. Like paranoid fantasy were like a minor modest gun. Control law is a slippery slope to tyranny, or they get into this weird, like vigilante cosplay fantasy, where every Teach is one block away from being rambo. You know it's like they also. mark wahlberg when he said he would have said
the nine eleven hijackers. Yes, member this. Our glauber gave an interview reside. If he had been on that plane, shit would have gone differently, that actually our that anyway, these are not free. people there like doug mastery could be the next pennsylvania and he's not the first guy to drop the fucking hitler argument. Ben Carson did this in two thousand and sixteen and had to apologize for it, and so like. The point is like rising with these people is going to be really hard mitch. Mcconnell has spent two decades blocking any kind of meaningful gun reform, so the only was year is going to be making sure that people wonder in the stakes year, communicating to our base and turning people out. The it's also like yes and voting voting is good. It's it's also like back backers. Second and you look at what their answers are and its give police tanks make police. More heavily armed police with even more and more powerful weapons turn our schools
The jails put secured everywhere they want. They want guns to protect themselves against the police eight and then they want us to live in a police state to protect us against the guns that they but in our society with I avails, I think it's time you went to it. It is worth noting the shift in rhetoric from a lot of these republicans right, like the argument about god. In gun rights used to be want my gun for hunting, and maybe I want a handgun to protect my family and now it's very openly saying no, no, we want guns to overthrow the government if we need to look like that. Is it just like it's the same shift on abortion on gay rights on almost every one of these cultural issues, they are now so overstepping insult. Going so far to the extreme, but I do think that they have lost the pulling the plot in terms of like where most of the country is
Most people, don't own guns, because they think they're going to overthrow the fucking government right now like that is crazy or that they're living in red dawn in like a couple of random. Well, armed citizens could fight off either the german government in german, german military in the late thirty's or the u S, military, what what the fuck are? We talking its outside aid? Look they also in their in their feverish imaginations, one hundred scent of the members of their little militia are whites and they would not be so happy to see a group of armed black p threatening the government. They are worried about their rights. Their right to exist without without being living in fear, so it's all eyes are fucked. I think
dorothy speaking, that was the only time the energy started to come out and supported gums control. What am I raised? The question of course like what which a democratic candidates and the rest of us do and say about this issue between now and of ember. How big of an issue should we make it in the mid terms? I mean pretty central, I'm my question. I have a question back for you, which is the you guys. Joe Biden did a a prime time oval office address this evening about this issue, panacea going to solve the problem, good good way to communicate badly. Do you think speeches always helped rethink speech writers like I'll, say what you know? Cornell belcher has been talking about this and I think he makes a really good point which, like. There is a these issues. There's there are tens of millions of of women in this country. They are who helped democrats win. The house in two thousand and eighteen are helped to deliver the white house in two thousand and twenty
and they are motivated by access to reproductive in bali autonomy. They are motivated by safety for their children in schools. You know That is a coalition that we can bring together. To kind of. Comes from the obstacles we knew. We were always going to face going into this matter. Also, dont need to make them too separate issues like raising your children. in conditions of safety, is of reproductive justice, and it's good to see like people are gonna like thing off their desire to god in the streets to march to go to rallies right. There was a big pro reproductive rights rally was that two weeks ago, three weeks,
there's another big gun control rally on June eleventh, yet permanent our lives are fertilized across the country. That kind of direct action is really important because at least a two year point levitt, like should congress bang. a law right now, even if it's really modest and doesn't solve the problem, my vote would be. Yes, I was a bank. Whatever we can bank cause, if you can save one life, you save one life and then keep going and try to fight the next fight, I think the reason that all of this organizing, like what marked for our lives, are going to do said or the eleventh everyone should and a rally or march in your in your local city and the reason it's so important, is because we are fighting against just shortening attention spans from all of us and from the media. There was like a really depressing chart that showed sort of.
the number of clicks. You know social media posts, sort of like attention on gun violence after a different mass shootings and the last ones like they would spike And then they would sort of go down slowly, like parkland, spiked, really high, and then it took a long time for it to finally die dial that die down and after buffalo it was like three days and then already after after last week. It was like down after twenty four hours, forty eight hours like art. So we are not going to it's good. That Joe Biden gave a speech, of course, is Joe Biden's speech going to fix this. Absolutely not, but like Joe Biden in semi every single democratic official and every single democratic candidate and every single activists, and all of us should be talking about this issue in reproductive justice and all these issues every single day, and we should be out there on the doors talking to people because
We cannot count on the media to give these issues attention all the time. That's that's not gonna work. What's gonna work is, The pavement knocking on doors going to these rallies day after day after day may download in parking didn't stay in the news, because it was more interesting where people cared more. It stated the news, because the students, network activity that horror their everyday there on the news there doing bus towards around the country. bringing in kids from other parts of the country who hadn't been a part of the violence and they led a massive march and like that's the gotta, be the next step. It is entirely up to us. It is entirely up to us and before Bring out the attorney general, we do recognise another example of very successful org rising, particularly here in new york. It began last august up in buffalo, with two stores they wanted
organized for better pay and working conditions and here's a clip of Bernie sanders telling us what happened next. That union organizing episode starbucks is spreading like wild boy all across the country. In fact, last friday, workers in new york city successfully voted to form the first starbucks union rose three and ten union starbucks coffee shop in the country and in the coming weeks and months, starbucks workers in some
hundred and seventy of the coffee shops in twenty seven states will be holding union last starbucks workers united in huge milestone, its plunder store, voted to union eyes. We can expect anymore in the coming months. To tell us more about their success. Is: will Westlake a recent and organizer from just outside of well, we'll come on up the rear irian So thank you guys so much for the introduction. Thank you. Bernie sanders can't say that enough. Yet this is a really exciting movement. We now, as we just said, have more than a hundred stories that have organised across the
tree where winning in buffalo, where winning in seattle and starbucks his home town, where winning and deep blue vermont, ember, winning and deep red oklahoma and you know I really cannot stress enough just the resilience and the amazing people that I work with shoulder to shoulder everyday behind the bar and in open. If you didn't know about this movement, I'm really excited to share this with you, but I also want to talk about how hard it has been to be a part of this movement, because but we have seen from starbucks from the company- is one of the worst union busting campaigns in recent. U S, history and you know when forty four of my fellow greece does- and I wrote a letter to you- you know, then see cabin johnson. We asked for a fair election. We asked for starbucks to respect the law just in the last couple of weeks. The national labour relations
It has found Mary and over two hundred violations by starbucks in buffalo alone, of the national labour relations act, and you know this from a company that claims to be a progressive company and in a minute
hobson, who was just honored at moma this tuesday in new york city who's, the chair of the board of directors and claims that there hasn't been any union busting going on at all from the company. And but when we wrote a letter to her a few months ago, she didn't respond to us directly. Instead, she used littler mendelson, one of the most notorious union, busting law firms, the same people that walmart employees to bust burial workers' unions and to send a response that further attack. The union further tried to say that this wasn't the worker led movement and the inspirational campaign that it has been, and you know this is coming from someone mellody hobson, who actually has made millions off of union pensions herself, and so you know, I think
trust enough. Just the amount of pressure that breeze does have been under and the resilience that we ve had. We now have over three hundred stores that are going to be going into elections in the next couple of months and without making so much ok. When we come back, love it and militia we'll talk, you attorney. General attention name. the joining us now, she's take The gun lobby andrew cuomo, over the trump organization,
one more together reserve, is welcome. The attorney general, the state of new york brooklyn on tuesday I did the see well It was nice to see you is brooklyn house yeah. We call you general. I want to call you general loaded, do that Andrews tisch from brooklyn
Just that's that's all we were instructed to plant or an agenda. The land scientists tissue in brooklyn high, very hard Y all free generals? Do that why, like merrick from chevy chase- one sounds too militaristic. I two. I want to be reminded of my humble beginnings and where I come from, and so that's why I don't want to change. I just want to be the scrapping person. Who stands up to police. Told me I could put
Now they want yeah. Let's, let's dive. In last year, new york passed the public nuisance bill which allows the state to sue gun manufacturers, and sellers connecticut has a similar law that allowed families to sue manufacturer. The manufacturer of the weapon used in sandy hook has the gun industry change any of it's business practices and responses. This law in new york- and you could talk a little bit about, how your office has begun to enforce the law sure. So, as you know, the state legislature created this public nuisance locked because, unfortunately, the united states congress established nudity organ manufacturers and distributors. They benefit from all of that so the legislature decided to create a gun, loose nuisance law. An exception to this community law, Bobby decided to sue the state simply saying that we were pre empted, we defended the law, were successful.
And we are developing, and so we are looking at some fact patterns and so stay to other states are looking at this right now, especially the possibility of exposing gun manufacturers to civil liability. Are there any lessons learned from new york and, in particular the legal challenge where you successfully defended? Does that other blue states can use as they think about how to do that. So I'm looking working with other democratic attorney generals across the state and across the country, which is why it's so critically important for all of you out there to understand the role of democratic attorney generals, particularly under the former administration, where we stood up democracy at a time when the united Congress was paralyzed was democratic, attorney, general's won over
over and over again, eighty five percent of our cases against donald trump. We were successful. Eighty five percent and we need to make sure that we elect democratic energy. So I need all of you to support it. nestled in michigan aid. You ford in that. A g towel in in wisconsin O keefe ellison minute, so what we learn, learn better that certain weapons in certain manufacture as we learned a lot about their marketing tactics We also learned that its tied to the mark to children and young people into inner cities, and so looking at their practices not only in new york but all across this nation and again
as I mentioned earlier, just stay tuned. We have this statue. We defended it were successful and now to make sure that we put it into use, and old individuals, these gun manufacturers and he's gone distributors responsible and accountable for all the carnage causing all across the nation. So do lawyer on guns. Let's switch to abortion, so we've all looked at the leaked draft, dobbs opinion. Whatever happens, it's kind of going to be a shit, show it's going to be a
yeah right, that's the legal term for it, yeah, that's illegal! What's new york going to do and what are other blue states going to do to shore up reproductive rights for women and pregnant persons in this state, but also in the country? Can I just say that the attack on trans rights, the back on reproductive care. The attack on immigrants, the attack on voting rights in all of this, sense of the gun industry there all tied together all tied together. You can't separate them out and it's important that individuals understand that and so what you ve gotta. What we are doing here in the state of new york is one we are. We ve passed a law, it is enshrined in the law on the state of new york. We hope that the state legislature ryan's it in our constitution. Today is their last day. I know that we are going into the middle of the night. I hope that they pass that law and
and is shrouded in our constitution worsen. Rushing every productive fund so that individuals who are under insured or lack insurance can come to new york and see abortions. We will provide for them transportation, childcare. And we're standing up to those bake abortion that that harass individuals, crisis pregnancy fund are exactly those centres that harass individuals who basically come and were seeking on abortion, listen you! Everyone knows my story, abortion as a city council. Member and I don't make a path: he's too anyone. It was. My decision was
decision between me and my god, and no one else and people need to tell their stories they need to tell their treats. They need to talk about how difficult was a difficult decision. It was how you, girls used to come into my office in fort green young girls, who obviously needed donnelly reproductive. Who basically needed health care, and so it's really critically import that we stand up for reproductive rights. That would not be treated like second class citizens that we have decided. Over our lives that we not be held hostage to individuals, primarily men, no excuse who wanted to control over our lives is unacceptable and we ve got to stand up and fight back, and so what we gotta do it's about autonomy. It's really out about our town of me, and so I urge everyone we ve got to organise.
pull the vote like never before, not only in new york, but all across this nation and under and let people know that all of these issues are all inextricably tied to one. Another I refuse and all of you out there. We are back in time of individuals? Now we got a vote, I am sorry to say: I dropped it, you're tests for me rustling, you can say whatever you want. So whenever you are so in december, you subpoenaed donald trump company for written documents, notes, calendar entries and so on data he did not comply, so your office began finding him Ten thousand dollars a day have a hundred and ten thousand dollars and s ground nice arena money market? How? How interests are we getting on this thing?
I didn't money market. What are you getting on within escrow? Can I would help them we're successful? I could take those funds and distributed to a homeless, toward them. Our domestic violence and you say maybe take anybody, as it changed the way, trumpet hitler's cooperate with your investigation cooperating, he's, appealing and he's gonna, I'm going to allow them to exhaust his appeal at the the day. I am confident that it will be successful at the reality is that he used he was fraudulent in the end value value waiting his assets. We all know that use bunny numbers in his financial documents. He often use different financial documents and then he got caught The evidence is clear, and this is nothing
with politics and has to do with the law, and the reality is that this organisation should be held accountable in some people. Describe it as corporate death penalty I don't want to go that far. All I want to do is make sure that he understands that He cannot use different assets for different organisations for the tax department for to obtain a more good for insurance purposes and other purposes, and he to be held accountable images corporation. You are not the first person to investigate donald trump, although you ve, probably been the most successful person in investigating em what did you learn from those previous unsuccessful investigations and how did their work help you strategize and draft a strategy for pursuing him in this The asian will. As you know, there was a there is a criminal investigation. That's ongoing by
the manhattan district attorney, oven, brag. There were other investigations that we're ongoing, but the reality is that we, just We should subpoenas we just doug into the facts into the evidence. It was common, Hence, if it was thorough, I mean we ve got a great but the attorneys in the office of the attorney general and we just got to Faxing, the end of the day? I am confident one hundred percent confident that we will be successful in our civil action. I do you and fannie willis ever get together and have like black girl magic discussions about how you're going to nail him to the wall. I don't, I know who she is, but I've never met her work on that meet up one. Are you excited about building block you're running for congress and do you have it de the a bumper sticker on your car the number of candidates in attempt congressional district.
That answer next question The nether maloney raised turns into a violent conflict if the war goes hot, as many fear it might. Are you pair to intervene will use and peacekeeping troops is a farce. We reject the the west and the upper east. It could come to blows. The famous agent age, verses, essen, ass, big ass, a big I could have had a history could repeat itself. If we don't learn from history or do we need an adult in the room. I know above candidates every spoke, respectful candidates and up to the voters, but I will say that w F p party do you know which I began. My start.
Divorced during admin just three days ago. Last budget year we have to do to put you in a governor's race, wrap up these cases. You know he frogmarched donald trump down a wherever you're ready to wear. What do you think I'm running for reelection as the attorney general, the great state in the world A general tis from brooklyn before Let's go. We have to go to work, legal minds on this stage that doesn't happen to John of timing and I very often so weak. We would be remiss weapon. You heard me
lab with me, but I'm sorry, I presume, but we wanted you you you agreed to put us to the test is if we could understand the law as well as you do so, John and tommy combating out. If they're going to come back out to the greatest see it? Thank you for him to see you, as what did you know it's illegal to blow up a balloon and public streton in new york. It's not that's made up with a real indictment of our society that it could have been true there. obscure arcane bizarre allows floating around the new york penal code attorney general james and militia here are gonna put out. legal knowledge to the test in again we're calling law and order. New york, trivia
I don't know, we have not seen these. I have not seen these melissa scientists from brooklyn. Please take it away Tommy this one's for you, it's elite to walk around new york on sunday with an ice cream cone in your pocket, true or false. I feel I can being tricked us. I heard you pack it in your pocket with It happened once things went to hell, there goes love, it's next sunday, ok The truth is that it has been going to my background is habitable. Don't clapper that far too easy solution you're up next to her false.
It is illegal to own a ferret in new york city. True. That is correct. This agenda for innocent It is a movie. I've seen it. Maybe I don't want to admit it John, and a follow up in the same vein. Oh it's legal to own a horse in new york city, true or false, through yeah you go yeah. I know my network la animal law, very big on the animal life- love it this when it's for you true or false, these legal to release twenty helium balloons in new york city. Twenty ominously, false! That's enough! situation? It is True, but twenty five balloons, would be a. We are so close.
the extra five as a problem. Ok timing, this one's a little trickier, it's illegal to hawk at lagi looky the following year in new york city, what the hell, if, if you have a ten year old boy, what is it hot? It's like a b. spitting when you gave your all you know You were gradually they might get more about. How dare you wait? The question was its illegal to hocker woogie. True,
nice, no movie hawking, and you can't do that. It seems like a good role manner. It's ok, a weird one for john it's illegal to hunt moths under a street. Like in new york city. That's a serious question, guys serious question, true or false. The sweat true, It is true in los angeles, but for my interest that we can't take the california
we are speaking of weird an esoteric love. It yes, homophobia apart. This let your alley. It is illegal to take a selfie with a tiger in the state of new york. True or false, you are the tiger king users. I want to say it's true. I think you should be allowed to do that that time, yeah that very day job. Do that? Ok, a modern one for John, it's illegal to dance at any new york city bar or restaurant without a cavalry licence? We all know the answer to that is ever re is false,
false, oh, but that law was on the books until twenty seven like a guy for should get a repealed. He was on it. You got for me. I want to be earmarked for that. I want to get my license. I couldn't make it over here the powers that be tat this one is for you and perhaps the weirdest one, I'm losing too sure false. It is legal to sell dog here in new york. True far it is illegal to sell the fur, hair flesh or skin of a dog or a cat, What's that. The last one that makes me emotional. You could be lawyers whistles got setting repugnant,
Yeah that's game. The winner is the attorney general james. Thank you so much for about one more time for new york any general taste from brooklyn thank so much new york. can make it here. You can make it anywhere as long as you're. Not to do for the squares between Pasadena Impis got away. You see where they are. That's? What makes the experience of making it here in new york so exciting, and why so many who have made it then been unmade by it? Try so hard to make it again. That's right we're talking about all these fallen new york politicians clawing their way out of their political graves covered in dirt, against all reason, staggering back The spotlight for a vote today show hit a shred of attention
who here and the audience things they know all about new york's, famously unstoppable freaks, because its Here again we call I'm coming back from the dead over here appears works, we're gonna go around the horn. Raise your hand if you, like John Tom you're melissa, put you to a tests, fair warning. Some of these are hard. Questions are, is out in the crowd, Raise your hand. If you want to answer questions come over hi. What's your name, rachel Rachel John pic us off our rights. In April, Rachel Rudy giuliani, made his mask singer, debut dressed as a jack in the box clown singing what song. I refuse to watch fox, that's incorrect. We don't want your life story wrong and incorrect. You could have found this information on twitter. It was bad to the bone spat unless you're
You get one more question: save you redeem yourself, ready in the twilight at its no term. As mayor built oblige you used which food item to explain the concept of ranked choice, voting to new yorkers, the topping there were about it for a bonus points which pizza topping did the plaza rank? First, no, it was green. I kind of like come on, the guy loves being hated are. If I did, I Go to somebody else. Go to the reaction to our winters win anything! Oh yeah! You want a tommy, John gift card. Think you are, I always find somebody swerve hi. What's your name eliza, Tommy pick us up our right emerging from exile at the resigning as governor last fall. Andrew cuomo spoken gods, battalion, church
brooklyn, where he blamed. Why? For his downfall in answer woke ness judges, judges to you. It was cancer culture. The correct answer was his own behavior, but the culture as well. We are looking for john, give a woman at your next review and a follow up. You're going to power which former new york leader with a bright future screamed. You are a jackass and you are a brainwashed asshole at a stranger during a parade just last month,. You didn't say allowed enough, you does anything! I'm stand against ITALY,
You should have done so because you got real. Our is gonna work out. Hi, what's your name, my name is sorry traced. And I'm wearing tommy john underwear right now. You can begin yourself another pair louis, because of what did andrew promo famously leave behind upon his departure from a governors. Mansion dignity is the answer any sense of honesty, dignity. I think it was some kind of board game that I saw her. He was his dignity, but also his dog captain. Remember that
rather than making. Eventually we don't know me am I just fire I make it a follow up. Would you do online? Ok, thank you, Tom Europe. Ok, which, new york politician recently published an essay in the atlantic with the sub head when it comes to being unpopular, I'm unfortunately somewhat of expert With this proposal we gotta run wherever you're gonna get who's up next workers moving Are moving given up our everybody puts europe, I am erin higher.
who's up? Oh John, I'm up hiring in a in a now deleted, tweet, Rudy giuliani. I always get the giuliani questions. Rudy Giuliani posted a video of himself swinging back and forth on a golf course in enormous khaki shorts. In order to promote what Not the massacre, wasn't them as one of the most singer. anybody here now, Now, when I grow by good good, I like where it was his cameo. I heard you right, I heard you heard a cameo we're the idea of agro cameo do great days ago, great together. doesn't mean anything, I'm not the only one. They didn't know what roll the clip. I'm really giuliani? If you want to have a really nice conversation or my guide reading origins talk gulf go to the link below
I never seen before it's incredible. It's incredible. those listening at home, you, google, it and watch it. You have to see what your eyes. It's an extraordinary film is again the grid deep text is in seem. Is infinity. It's you there's a thing really Giuliani dares ass. The fashion question are these laws in short or short pants. Aren't you gonna give guard, let's go to somebody else here. hi. What's your name, hi Diane Diane. The next was your own time. We're gonna go back into the vaults for this one
after resigning in twenty, oh eight, Eliot spitzer ran again in twenty thirteen for what city position. Oh my god. I know we forgot about him hint. It's really boring sounding department of Oh, come trawler. You gotta tell me sounding sounding: don't don't relevant question this audience. Do people bernard to competition? Are we supposed to say controller? try these both thing. I want. Where controller? Are you sure tat? Are you sure, though, or I chill out, follow up, speak speaking of which sleazy republican operative, who looks the joker when he wears flesh colored, make up the jokers origin story was that the vat of chemicals was, after all, sent a letter to the fbi, alleging that spitzer saw prostitutes and had sex with catholic.
Socks on an allegation that has actually never been true, though largely believed since boy having on the spits are questions for me, Hmm, it was roger. So you took too long, but you still gotta give card ran. cheating in the audience. Let's, like somebody else, Who's yelling, that's amazing, already don't leave or go out now we're going to have to vamp. While I was going to say throw it like a t, shirt to wait. Where'd you go well. our left. Sorry is heading up stairs, so added donwell as any
We had the mexican here that I would I'm out of is right. Eye ryan take it away. Ryan you're learning about The current team goes the extra mile after spending more than one billion dollars on his presidential bitten, twenty twenty. How many States did former new york city mayor, Michael Bloomberg, win in these super tuesday programmes is a big fat, That's right! Corral! That's right! You want a total of fifty five delegates in the democratic, the tests in american samoa spending about eighteen million dollars per delegate. Quite a deal alright follow up. In february, Andrew cuomo began spending three hundred and sixty nine thousand dollars to air a tv ad making what case to new yorkers.
He's a decent being morals little sharper than that. Then he had been Exonerated and take it that he had been exonerated and taken down by political attack. But here I mean the exonerated. That's close them! Don't you know what? Let's get I'd, give it a generous. Let's get gift card, gotta go to somebody else at their great job. You did it. I would your name mark what is it mark? Marquis wow, milosevic Europe nags mark. What percentage of democratic voters back to build a blog geo for new york, tenth congressional district. In a new w p, I acts emerson college pulling the hill pull that was released last week, it just one little more little more lightly, more clothes tat
it was six percent margin of error. it has been in the murkier, with seventy seven percent of very likely voters undecided. So how bad could be worse, I suppose a follow up for you who express doubts about bill laws yossi ill fated presidential campaign calling the plan not quite race, everyone on a second: technically. Well, the correct it is in their his wife, you're right. I don't. what do the last one hour after twenty forty encounter with build a blog. You blank died from internal injuries. The ground on your daddy, I'm right. these are my urgent and give it up, or are you running around,
Before we were, you did people go, there's a. I would like to wish a very happy birthday to please bring out the k and everybody. Let's do it. Oh, my god. it, he's so uncomfortable so big five I have made you guys. Have you heard they John This is my forty birthday party. You may do also think that it was a james baker, melissa, Murray beg. You too, will westlake. Thank you at a special thanks to m s, g entertainment and the beacon theater and everyone for my birthday present. Please go to boats everywhere,
dot com and sign up right now, baby. So my by everybody, pod save america is a crooked media production, the exam The producer is Michael Martinez. Our senior user is anti gardner brings me are producer. Is here in use in the libyan martinez? Is our associate producer, its mixed and edited by you're tat. We kyle said linen charlotte land, a sound engineer. The show, thanks to turn you so many or sandy gerard halley, keefer, irish warts, Andy taft and justine file for production support into our digital team. Elijah cone, Phoebe Bradford, my look him and Amelia monti are episodes are uploaded it
youtube com.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-06.