Joe Biden is officially running for re-election. The Republican primary is still Trump’s to lose. The Supreme Court protects access to the abortion medication for now. Fox News fires Tucker Carlson. Bud Light succumbs to cancel culture. The Atlantic’s Mark Leibovich talks to Lovett about his weird breakfast with Chris Christie. Then the guys make some predictions about Joe Biden’s campaign announcement video.
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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Well. Replied: save america, John, favouring I'm drama that entirely due to our own today show Joe Biden is officially running for reelection. The republican
primary is still trumps to lose. The supreme court protects access to abortion, medication for now fox news, fires, tucker, carlsson and bud lights. A comes
hence our culture. Then the olympics mark leibovitz stopped by to chat about his weird breakfast with Chris Christie and the report.
in primary and later we get back into the prediction business just in time for Joe buttons announcement, video but first be sure to check out the crooked store for all the latest march. Inspired by your favorite pod
progressive causes. There's some cool stuff in there right now and every purchase helps benefit vote. Save america is no off years fund to support the work of organizers across the country had to cricket dot com, slash store to check it out. Also crooked media's hiring we're hiring people. We have a ton of great job openings right now across content, marketing, digital and more including right here on the pod, save america team. You can replace la
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recording this late afternoon on Monday. By the time you all here,
Joe Biden will have almost certainly released a video announcing that he's officially running for reelection in two thousand and twenty four. There are multiple reports that white house senior, official Julie Chavez rodriguez will be his campaign manager and he set to meet with donors in d c this friday to start raising money.
her, what's estimated to be a two billion dollar race who so much money too much money binds approval is still stuck in the low fortys and most voters don't want him to run again, including about half of all democratic voters, but because of his significant accomplishments and his.
Parties, history defying mid term performance, only marian williamson and anti vocs conspiracy theories. Robert Kennedy, junior, have stepped up to challenge him in the Dnc has no plans to hold any primary debates.
tommy. We were in the white house when obama ran for reelection. What are the mechanics of how that works, who's in charge where's the campaign? How does the president and the staff split their time who's? The big boss, so it seems, like Joe Biden, probably making this announcement tomorrow via video, so he can create a campaign find and start raising money because, as you pointed out his catteries to build a billion dollars that so much money. I think they said to billion
isn't that with a toilet, that would count outside super pac spending, and this was just for the Biden side yeah, but this allows you to to start an organization hire people start getting staff in place. You mentioned that
I named julie. Travers are rigged to be the campaign manager. She is currently the director of white house office of intergovernmental affairs. So I assume she moves out of that position into the campaign.
It's likely that decisions will be made by a broader circle of people than includes white house staff like needed.
and mcdonald, and bruce reed, steve or shetty Jeff science, chief of staff, jenna mali Dylan. His deputy some way to staffers can coordinate with the campaign. Others cannot so it'll, be that kind of group and they will decide how Biden splits his time between
his official events, ah at the white house proper or campaign events out into the in the states and, to some extent I guess everything you do is is a president- is a is campaigning. It's helping your reelection, but campaign staff set up the big rallies campaigns have to reimburse the government, for example, for the price of air force. One rides to campaign events, so it gets a little complicated but seems like that's what he's doing here yeah. I think the way they do it is the staff that is most directly connected to like Biden's personal actions. So, like his scheduler speed,
trader. People like that, like vic vague, can be both campaign and white house, because it will be hard to split those people in half because he needs them for both, but I think Ben rhodes could coordinate with the campaign, so there was like some policy.
Can you get on certain areas, yeah foreign policy, but a sound like they might put the campaign office in delaware yeah for tax purposes.
it's interesting to do that. I mean I, I guess we had our reelect in Chicago.
While we were all in d c, but um yeah Wilmington, the argument was that it was good to get a campaign out of washington, because then everyone comes together as a team, and you can avoid the d c chattering class bullshit. I wonder if that's avoidable, any more with twitter and social media yeah. I do
Don't think he would have hurt the Hillary Clinton campaign in two thousand and eight for the headquarters to not be in Boston yeah. I mean before your before you're in the white house. I'd say: definitely don't have a campaign anywhere near DC, the reelect. I think it's it's a little different, I mean, but, as you said, tommy like for for our campaign, it was
Is Jim Messina was running the campaign in chicago, but David blough was in the white house and essentially running the campaign. David was really running. The camp David is really running. The campaign Axelrod had left the white house at that point, but was still a very important adviser on the campaign, so it's very sort of amorphous where the the lines are on the edge, but it seems like making everybody drive.
Two to three hours to have an in person meeting seems like a pain in the ass for good reason. If you put in wilmington lot one of them no offense dan, there's great delaware's great, we love delaware, dense gonna run know. So I think, as you said, the the most important reason to announce now are two reasons. Really. The money thing is the big one. There were some fundraisers quoted and some of the stories today saying like you, you just can't get
the extra month or weeks or whatever back at the end of the campaign like, especially when it's going to be this much money that you have to raise. You have to start now and also doing this puts to bed. All of the stories.
What like, will he or won't he, and why is he taken so long and all that kind of shit you have salmon diana reelecting? I assume yeah. I mean it just seemed as though temperamentally Joe Biden would want to wait as long as possible, and this is as long as they await. He loves to chew on decisions. Yes, but I think he also likes the pot is, I think you know he likes the the in premature of being president without all the pesky politics around with it, he can go and do the infrastructure events under a purely a admit. You know official label and now he's a candidate and all that that entails. That is historically the incredibly silly distinction that I think politicians think about when they wait to announce,
reelection yeah. You know he hasn't been holding back on the trail. When he's doing those events on talking about the you know, mega mega trickle down republican people really are your magic trick of that he is. Nothing sounds like like a lottery sounds like you can say: you win big and this sunday, the mega mega trickle ventricle down trickled down like a power, bob,
tourism is still that. So we ve talked a lot about by challenges.
There is obviously a lot of factors he can't do much about most, notably his age and the economy. What can he do to improve his chances? Any advice on what kind of camp
and he should run love it. Are you live in a you? Can do a lot about your age? That's the atlanta
I think he has, but I dunno visit advisor just like how I'm like I talked about this with leibovich a bit, because he you mark, wrote a piece that was basically saying what. Why is no one challenging Joe Biden and the conversation had with with mark, which will here is just about the fact that, like this risk, aversion to challenging Joe Biden is because I think age really is the most salient and and and weakest part of his candidacy, and that's a very tough thing to launch a campaign based on right, because I think there is a pretty wide consensus that Joe Biden played his hand as president as well as any person. Could he has done as well as a human being could in this job. Given the circumstances of a closely divided senate, have a post, covert economy and all the challenges that he faced, and that means it's a generational argument without the heft of what you had in two thousand and seven, when Barack Obama was launching not just an age based campaign but of a campaign about culture, about politics that was broader and so
In that context, I think basically Joe Biden can't argue his way to being younger, but what he can do is a swayed to the people that have that very real and legitimate concern by showing not telling interests being a our dear heart wheels yards. I say back handspring into simple, triple dutch, shaming figure, bobo Dona willie won't show at the byproducts out and let us go, but I do think one thing that was really smart in is a small piece of advice. He look
so young and lied when he was talking to those holocaust survivors. I think the more
We can get him next, just truly the oldest human beings on earth. He seems you'd like help. He needs that help. Diane Feinstein across the street, back to the senate, needs to look like a young. Vital person looks like we're only
Nay, I joe this year. So that's it one idea. Another page: you problem no bad ideas in a brainstorm. You probably can't go to a hot war zone every week, but that you weren't europe was very good. I think he looked in command of not just the country by the way.
The challenge that every limb to keep the regularity wasn't ready. Now, I'd like to
I think that the problems,
every stutter or verbal slip is going to get added down in some attack video and used against him, but I, I think the only way you defeat, that is, with volume just gotta, be out.
Hey yeah. I could not agree more like I would take the occasional it may be more than occasional Biden gaffe over the stilted teleprompter reading. Where then he sort of he when he sounds older and mumbles it's because he is, I think, reading from the prompter, but he also, as he's been through his entire career. One
to ad lib wants to say so, and I think when he's they also when he's unlike an interview, that's kind of like what it's a tough rapporteur requests. I think, when he's talking to people and is in town hall settings when he's connecting
people one on one. Absolutely when he's doing non, traditional press he's really good and he should just go. Do that? Did you guys see Joe Biden speech to the canadian parliament? No,
we gotta. Do the drug beggars guy anyway, I can yield I'm paying serious question that I think you're gonna make fun of me so leaving spaceport I didn't leave. I won't have you, ireland, you addressed in french, located both the doktor, the irish parliament do
Just a couple of low information voters. Yeah politics stops at the water's edge during this great moment in canada, where he was addressing the canadian parliament and he said something about how he and trudeau had reached gender parity in both of their cabinets
and all the liberal stand up and they applauded that in all the conservative canadians remain seated
jabez the hague
is that whether or not you disagree you might want to stand up. This is just about like equality is, is a great moment where he was kind of like sharp in screwing, with these kind of maga right wing. Canadians
I thought you guys might like much. Are you telling us about it? Much like it did can't wait to learn more much like he did during the state of the union. Did you have any poutine? I don't see. The same event happened right here in america that I watched the fuck that was a while ago. I remember that reminds me of the city. He was very good. That is very good. So that's all styles of I also think he humor like he should joke about his age and he's already done that a few times like just lean into it. Everyone's thinking about it, you know, do it is no
reason to avoid it at this point and then more like don't think of an elephant bullshit ever it's it's there. Everyone knows I'm trying to think of an elephant figure out and enjoy like that,
first of all he's going to have to make a choice between Joe Biden himself and whatever extreme right wing members of the republican party. He runs against probably donald trump, but if it's the santas, it's about you know fighting it's a candidate who wants to permanently ban abortion in the entire country and was more focused on preventing one transgender kid from playing sports in Oklahoma. Then job serenity. You think that
that he should be compared against the alternative and not the almighty. Yes, it is it's his saying. It's a really. It is at an end and great line is truly
never been about him, he's used to say about Barack obama, but it's it's yeah, even tour about him, and I do think like me, like Democrats me, like he's just got to let people know about all his accomplishments. We go through this all the time. I think he needs to frame the accomplishments as a choice right like in within the context of the choice it's like. We can keep investing in clean energy or we can. You know, outsource those jobs to some other country. We can keep fighting to protect abortion or get a national ban right like you. Just every accomplishment has to be framed as a choice between moving forward and going backward, and I think that's you know he did finish the job during the state of the union. I think we'll probably hear a lot more than canada are here now here domestically
What do you guys think we're gonna get a good kind of, let Biden beat Biden new cycle, we just started one but yeah. That was us, that's an acquainted. It will now usually comes after some sort of mistakes are made and we blame some advisers and then some other advisers say you gotta, let Biden be by its cycle about. There has been a news cycle about how he's in washington he's has been on the trail very much. His numbers are low and now he has to be unleashed to the world. There's also going to be like an off the cuff moment where everyone likes it and he gets a lot of applause for it, and then people are going to say, oh, why can't we see that Biden more and then all the advisers going to be in meetings and they're going to say remember when you did x, we just need to let you do that more
the irish had to communicate that iraq brag about loved hearing that with something that job it's on the edge obeyed and will will be saying on the campaign trail every day for six months will break through, and then everyone on twitter,
where is this Joe Biden been? That's the classic that
while also happens in concession speeches everyone's like oh, that version of x politician. Where was that John Kerry? It's like his stump speech pistols, usually the stump anyone nervous about Rfk Jr, pulling up fourteen percent in a recent poll. I didn't like it. No it's bad,
yeah. I ended as obviously the kennedy name. You know, there's something. Probably people don't really get that he's an anti vax conspiracy theorist, but now I love it and I mean this is why I think for Biden to that
in worrying about to talk about kennedy's? Don't often this, this rfk isn't one to embrace a boost, know what I mean: okay, okay, I get it again and again it didn't. It took me like a five count to get sure. Yes, I do think that the even the better trump does, the better it is
for Biden in the bite, the case that Biden's making- and you know I remember in one of our interviews with RON Klain he was like. I know the republican party thinks it's going to be someone other than trump like they're delusional. Basically, and as Biden can tell people look, this is going to be a choice between me and donald trump than the
better. It is too like push the hour of case deficit. Inoculate have pushed the push them
third party, no labels bullshit aside rate, like there are no other options here. Obviously, voters are grumpy. A lot of people, don't want a trump Biden rematch, but if that's what it is and you have to decide between both of them there you go, that's probably buttons as kiss. You know, and it was a good game
in twenty twenty had helped them, when times got a joke race? I know as west waiting for you to have another one and out over in the republican primary, it's still donald trump's nomination to lose the new NBC wall street journal poll basically says the same thing as all the other polls. Trump holds a double digit lead over ron de santis, forty six to thirty one percent
though there is some evidence, his indictment bump is fading. That's right! That is a phrase the indictment bump.
What a society we ve,
tiny! Only art over a tiny, the also still has higher favour ability ratings than tromp, which is interesting. Putting fingers with just asked about as Paul numbers.
Here's what he said: I'm not a candidate, so we'll see refer. If and when that changes we have to show the village
Oh, are you to see the video this because he's basically like rocking his head back and forth, like he's a bubble head doll while in Japan
and and aren't even aware. It's a wonderful, I'm not mad face where he just is like twitching with rage israeli, where he looks super fucking weird and is basically the point and here's a here's. The new super pac ad, the super pac from
from run dissenters? Steel is and forged overnight, but after all the mining blasting casting is done. Its strong, lasts ass, governor dissenters, stood up to doktor function when other stood aside and see our tee and got a smart out of schools refused to let walt disney push our surround and put media leads in their place round. His son is never backstop because its backbone was forged overnight. It just a truck ad
the truck add with, though with a political script. Is it made me laugh to think about, like he had the courage to stand up to doktor faulty
It was like a little more or less in the arctic. Linear citizen created version reads like a game: internet brain. Do you have to be it's like see? Our t does even say critical review, their desire to make the point that this is just for the posters just for the comment- sexual, it's like an on them.
And all of it's, like you know, it's it's like there. It's like it's like it's like, there's train it make. You think that you're, a guy,
fury restaurant and that you got a bucket nachos, but then they with a bucket
nah notches under their it's like a little campaigns in this whole ron granted. This is his super pack, so it's not like round dissenters his campaign, but it still cannot sucks. What do you do to turn this thing around if you're, rhonda, santas.
Anyone have advice for the disabled in our doing advice for dissent behind, so you run the descent this campaign- here's my
here's what I am still waiting for, just as I just as a fan of republicans ripping each other to shreds and it's free
throw throated well made cases against each other. I want to see a speech.
With a beginning, a middle and end, then walks through the case against donald trump, like, I think part of the issue here like I, I try again like leibovich, wrote a piece about he in november about how people are going to like Ronda centers once again
no I'm so far bearing out, but I do think he's in this kind of lemon all space where, like he's hinted at
an argument against donald trump and talked about his strengths as a candidate, but it's just a lot of empty sweet space to be filled in with all of this sort of machination process stuff and like make a fucking case or don't or go back to go back to disneyworld whatever, but just gotta do something. Yet this was a boxing match. We just watched the first round and ron de santis has kept his arms by his side. The whole time and donald trump is pummeling him in the face and he's not defending himself he's not fighting back he's not doing anything. It's early. Now it's the second round, but he should throw a punch. Stop. Looking like a wimpy,
looks like a wimp he's, not making argument against trump, or is it these oblique things on policy like guns and abortion rights com, a loser? You asked to Joe Biden
You're on your mother, like that, how do you think that, as an attempt to say are when, when
florida. When we found you try to lock down florida run, wouldn't let em they Joe Biden, listen doktor, Patrick ron de santis should be the
they're saying that if you want to make that argument, but not giving her hard to throw a punch, veneer hands stuck in the pudding fiasco,
and thought about that. It's really good science, hardy loading with a glove on bodies diamond. I point dont europe is we love donald trump policies, he's an undisciplined loose cannon who caused the republican party control of the white house?
and congress. That's it. He can't win another general election. You want Joe Biden for four more years, enjoy donald trump. Well, yes, you have Chris Christie kind of making he's starting to make some version of this argument.
going down hurries hinting at it here in their everybody's dancing around it descent isn't. Chris Christie are the closest actually making an argument and the overseas make
If you cannot say he's like what I mean, I call him a loser. He's calling about
Is there but he's not like he? You know he's dancing around it when he talks to mark Lee, which has want to lean into having the fight. He sort of saying it a bit here and there on the road that pissy asshole he's just doing the sl a corridor that that's the problem with chrissie. It's just like doing a little chris Chris,
We have seen running around in here like the Nicky haley's, and I meet him scots and none of them are
gone in. None of the other announced candidates are polling above single digits. You Nikki haley's, your tim scott's they're, just sitting there you know, do you think, there's room for any candidate to have an announced. Yet, like a chris Christie,
Glenn, young kent and I realise those two are not very. Like I dont think Christy
he's really running in his heart of hearts, using things even when I make these desperate to be relevant in this is his constant way back into the conversation,
Young can maybe he's a great generalised candidate some day, but I've zero confidence at primary voters will like him more than trump I get out. We can predict the future cry trump. Could he could go away? He could go
jail, or maybe tucker carlson will run, maybe or maybe trump will take over for Tucker carlson that'll be his new jam, but no one's really seems that they're trying to get Nikki haley
saw that she has not got enough for corporate boards. I thought what hedging your bet sneaky hell. It won't be easy, should smart
as a smart move from her like that or runner or don't a classic. Nikki Haley announced that she's going to give this big speech about abortion, but then has it said on background, but there's not gonna, be any policy she's going to talk
the way forward on abortion, but not to a policy which is a symptom of their kind of food
you to go all in. Like remember. I was talking to some guy. I was talking to a got a neat I had new york real estate, like rich person, who'd been going like he'd, been around donald trump is, is sort of like ridiculous figure, new york real estate for twenty thirty years, and he was like these people- don't get it like donald trump, never
quits. He never tires. He never wavered like. He is relentless. He will wear you down and like if there's going to be any person can be the person from this list. That could be the one to put up a real fight, but they have to be tireless and they have to be ready to really have that fight and none of them, even Chris Christie, the closest
not none of them want to have the fight been don't wanna to own the fight Ivan cruz crisscross. You will want
when the fire. I think that in his heart of hearts, like you says, I'm out of the hearings he can win, I do think his hatred for donald trump,
genuine, because Donald trump dear almost killed him tell him, kill him as they allow me like sure its relevance to, but also he tried to kill him. Now he tried to go and then, when he was in the hospital, almost dying dodge
I said you're not going to tell him. It was me that gave me an exact around to see your face that you doing. Okay, yeah, don't tell any money buddy. I think the odds are chris
it's the heading down to mar lago to suck up to trump to get back in. His good graces are much higher than chris Christie winning the nomination, but that, but I do think, that's part of it. Like the the person
does it they have to believe they can beat them at the believe they can win. I think the santos believes he can win was out, so I think the problem with both Chris Christie, england, young kid and all the rest of them is, I think the only candidate who has anything close to trump's connection with the maga base is
run descent absolutely, and you cannot win this primary. A republican primary without a real, deep connection to the maghreb. Sucker hasn't got Tucker Im, sorry Tucker has it yeah and, unlike does the scientists, have it as much as trump? No, absolutely not, but at least he's a a possibility. None of the rest of them have that connection. They matter they have a connection with, like some college, educated republicans dc republicans, strategies were all
I wish casting for someone to save us from donald trump right, like the people who've you new york donor to new york donors, the dc strategists all these people, but like when out in the
real america tomorrow
villains were in that movie with riddick the like the death eaters who keep what they kill. You remember this. Anybody ha the chronicles of
yeah who can ever go with a villa catch it at villain. Anyway, there are living anyway. There was big
an abortion frightened, I, the supreme court, ruled that the four per stone will remain available for now. While we wait for the fifth circuit court of appeals to decide the case, but the fifth circuit and the federal judge, you heard the case wanted to restrict access immediately, but it turns out only clarence, thomas and SAM Alito agreed with them. The new york times said
was a quote powerful message from a chastened court. Would you guys think at that time the court does not seem to be remotely chastened
strict scrutiny did a great breakdown of this ruling of the elite
descent, but they that's worth listening to for just that, but they also talked about how
I listened to your arguments in there is zero sigh of embarrassment or contrition from clarence thomas in anything he said, or did I didn't it didn't? Since the harlem crow disclosures came out that he is taking all these private jet flights were taken up that upset yeah, as are the hosts of strict assent on the show, the fact that it was even a question as to whether or not this ridiculous ruling would be stayed
The testament are a legitimate and not chasing. This court is the fact that it's not nine zero, ah, is, is a sign that the court is not chastened at all and, like cod, a lido is such a fucking just
pc pieces nibbling, creepy fuck. He is the worst one. It is disgusting ice on interview with wareham airbus. Sarah
said he might not uphold everything and therefore not issuing a stay me. I fuckin hate him leaders.
I guess I sat on his back and louder who's. Gonna ledge,
Nothing Alito and homeless do or say, surprises me at all.
they're, the most extreme members of the court. I don't even like think that they just write trolling to sense. They are also people, I'm interested in, like Cavanaugh, beret and gossage on this one, because you had the three liberals, plus roberts on the right side of the dobbs case, but cabinet beret and gossage didn't join thomas and Alito on this one, and I'm wondering if it's just because in the original dobbs decision they made such a point of saying that, like this, should be left to the states and blocking access to miff a pristine would certainly not be leaving it to the states. I yeah I mean, I think also like this is a truly like the fact that Alito and thomas didn't join them. Is it just a sign of like they are obviously beyond the pit like I don't care how far right you are any any like any judge that puts any faith or stock in any of the words that they have ever said in any hearing ever should not be participating in this mythic personal thing like I don't think you have to go so far say like oh, they believe it should be.
If the states like these guys don't have standing it's a ridiculous thing. Of course, it should be stated will create chaos if it's not that's it. So what happens from here is we may seventeenth, I believe the fifth circuit court of appeals hears oral arguments. Then the fifth circuit will rule, and inevitably this will end up back at the supreme court, because either side that loses a from the fifth circuit will probably appeal to the supreme court. We don't know what the supreme court will do, but it's obviously a good omen.
On what they just did on friday. What will happen so the timing of this all the guarantees that a final ruling will come this summer, as the republican primer heats up trumps latest position is that per dobbs abortion should be left to the states, though there was a time story over the weekend that rip some republican state legislatures,
don't agree, they are in states like ohio, trying to change laws to prevent ballot measures that would protect abortion access to guessing trumps position. Here
will fly in the primary and or general that you know what dobbs happened and now abortion should be left to the states and that's the compromise and that's it. I think in the primary that will work for him, because ah trump can signal to these right wing anti abortion groups. I'm going to say what I said when you know I'm with you look at all these wacko.
is. I gave you like wink nod, don't worry about it. These right wing evangelicals people are always like. Oh, how can they vote for him? These an adulterer he's this he's that is, venal is a liar. They don't care he's their scumbag. He does their bidding for them. They're, they're, psyched about it in the general election. I think that all of these positions are incredibly toxic and will be damaging to the republican nominee, whoever it is, but a long way until they're yeah, I mean other than you have pen.
It's basically staking out a very anti abortion position, and then you have a lot of these republicans who don't want to piss off the of angelica base, while also trying to avoid saying anything concrete on this issue. Nikki Haley was asked about this haley signed a bill in twenty sixteen banning abortions. At twenty weeks when she was asked about this, ah she said
What we have to do is we have to be very loving in the way we do this, but we also have to figure out that we ve got to figure this out. So, let's do it like us and
think that tells you a bit something about where the politics of this are, as does tim, scots, salad and so even
you behavior, giving this big speech. That's about staking out the fact that, because she is a woman because she has given birth, she is the best person to lead the party and abortion she's afraid take a position should if she wants to leave it to others and avoid taking. So I think trouble be safe in part, because no one is going to make any kind
argument, either way against him yeah. But I do think in the in the general, it's gonna be a real fucking problem through home, and I think Democrats can very fairly tag trump and new tyre republican party. As abortion extremists, who will not stop until they get a national ban, there is plenty of evidence for that. I would
constantly put them on the defensive that, over and over and over as these are your judges. They made these rulings you own this right and they are continuing to make rulings that try to do things like block abortion, medication, access and and look what's happening in these states. When people try to put ballot measures on where they're trying to vote to protect abortion, access, republican legislators are just saying no
it died from going to disagree with those republican legislatures, probably know every statewide race in the mid terms and in wisconsin wasn.
referendum on a anti abortion candidate, vs, a pro choice, candidate, every single one and every republican that tried to you know, take some kind of a compromised position or, or you know emphasize, that there are exceptions.
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free postage and a free digital scale. No long term commitments are contracts, just go to stamp out conflict, the microphone at the top of the page and enter code, crook it so. The best and most shocking news of the week is that Tucker karlsson has been fired from fox news, effective immediately
The decision came directly from rupert murdoch himself. Reportedly tucker find out
the morning and will not have a chance to say goodbye in a final episode. So sad, now, no green day for him.
What do we know about why this happened guys? Well, as the the Washington post's said that he was fired because of some tucker's comments about management that came out in the dominion lawsuit? I don't really buy that. Ah the l a times said it was because a former senior producer for tucker show named Abby. Grossberg has filed a federal lawsuit against the network that name's tucker and also she says a fox. His legal team coerced her into
misleading testimony so that the there's two suits? One of them claims that, while working karlsson show she endured an environment that quote subjugate women basin, vile, sexist stereotypes, type cast religious minor?
he's in the little their traditions and demonstrates little to no regard for those suffering from mental illness. So it seems like Tucker as the leader of the show had a horrible culture.
Exactly I mean shocker shocker. I mean we know what he says on the air. God knows what he does off the air, while in the a that same l a times. Report also said that another big concern that rupert murdoch had was about Tucker's january sixth reporting that not just all the all the footage that he has been showing like SF, but that he he basically thinks it was a false flag operation that the men attacked the men from texas named ray epps, who showed up at january six but did not enter the capitol tucker suggested that he's an f
I plant apps just told sixty minutes that he's had death threats as a result. So, apparently Murdoch was concerned about that. I will say it's a little odd that, like he's concerned about that, for
many. How many years has Tucker been doing about a year ago you eat, let him run a documentary
as I ran the line today, but it was the same sourcing from the abbe growth and there is less but there's other losses so coming down the pipe their smart, matic. There's other legal threats related to the authors of the ongoing defamation seas are not over yet
and there's a chance that put Tucker is talking about running. I just don't know that we have an mc be interested to see what else comes out because, like we also know that he hadn't multiple tuckered, multiple producers who he had to fire busy came out that they were prolific. Posters on like super racist. Far far far far
right message. Boards mean there's been like a churn of stuff like this for years, yeah, I'm really interested in some kind of a tick tock about what actually, what was the final straw here?
because you're right, a lot of this stuff, has been building up at the network for a long time and now before we move off of this topic, and I will tell you what my first reaction was, because my brain is broken, which is an logan's bodies.
in cold. Ah, so are Andy, would you mind bringing the the the the documents? Ah so here's now here's the deal, my gosh look at how much typing limited I I have. I have have in my hands a conversation between kendall, roman and shiv about replacing Tucker Carlson. Ah, there's a part for each of us
great. Would you like to be who'd like to be rugby, kendall, roman or should I think you should assign us or you're the casting director? I like a hussam feel like I have kindle energy. You want
I would give tommy's initiative sweet
I'm going be roman and tar and john can be kendall
I think we're ready. So what's the move here? What's the play? We do the roman colosseum thing thumbs down
Keep your dick in your pants little caesar.
Maybe I'm just saying. Maybe we take the gloves off
Make it easier to warm our hands on all the burning books. We still have hannity and ingram. You think they need uniforms very.
Funny, I'm saying we go full red meat? Lions eating air sea bone in black lives matter cannot be happy to every citizen
machine in florida, clogged with gifts Jesus no
Other recent jesse waters to wait outside public gardens of the big net do next to a patty wagon naval trans people. She wants to do fuckin sixty minutes, but make it feel longer is one hour of news
prime time, a terrible idea is the news channel. You get four million people who want to see.
on the blood of their enemies. In your like did someone say: salad have used
Hello does golf cart. Are writing this people could use a couple sounds
is a crazy to bring all riley back. Is that whole thing had enough time to cool off cool off its six sexual harassment, settlements on a cartoon pie out a window sill you for hake,
Ok. Rubber meets the road. What our actual real world options waters got field- barter romo, oh, I think she's in dumps europe
given chimpanzees bread bear one of the other human reputational condoms we keep in the knights and because our brand makes are uncomfortable our brain,
is scaring old races, tuna for life, insurance and applebee's. You said that, like the bad thing does, even matter
Before Tucker there was o'reilly Beck Kelly. They are all replaceable people don't come to the circus to see the ringmaster. They come to see the fucking elephants way way way guys. I got it look at what just broke. You have to show us something on your phone that it's audio. I know but yeah there you go, you know I don't,
prodigal son angle, shift the narrative dot, adding a great
so I want to know that was first.
Tom you ever read that would never act as their mother was.
That's great love. It thanks for doing that. So much I was going to ask how big of a deal do you think this is, but I think
I think we answer that. I think we I dont I'd, buy honest on venal thing is that the new musical chairs at fox news are hyped by media reporters
Ultimately, the issue is the audience they created this audience. The audience needs to be
fed and wandered, and they ve slowly radicalized these people after over twenty years on hand, it has been in the same chair for since ninety. Ninety six o reilly was a b. He meant that was irreplaceable until karlsson came along people glenn back. We went through a new cycle that how monstrous Glenn back was. The problem is the
overall, the overall network and what it does to the people that watch it every day and those people now are radicalized and if they don't get what they want from fox news, they will go to Newsmax or they will go to daily wire. That will go somewhere. I agree, but the network- and I agree but the audience. I do think that not all right wing propaganda, sir, are created equal yeah and I think that Tucker was especially.
skilled at what he did in a way that, like I don't think Hannity is, I think, is just sort of a goof. I I kind of think that like and I think that Tucker not being there do. I think it's like him.
A big win for democracy and everything's, going to be great, now know of like you're right, someone's going to be horrible in that seat, and that's going to be that but like Tucker is a pretty dangerous guy and I don't know that he will find a platform as big as fox news. If you look at the
History of other people who left that network other host megyn kelly bill, O'Reilly Glenn Beck. They haven't, found that kind of success anywhere yeah. I I think that Tucker is a big audience. He's influential, but I do not think he's a stump sort of
generationally talented broadcast, or even all that out. In the reason, I think that is guess he was on CNN Msnbc in pbs before fox any sucked ass on all of those networks and got fired and so
I saw someone compare him, leaving fox to leaving espn in thinking you're better than that
and they never ever are lots of people decide
I outgrew the bien and then they leave and then they they do fine, but they don't do better. So I'm sure Tucker will do other things. He'll have other jobs. My guess is that fox slots in
he waters or some other blight just as fine at the job. You know, guy, who read a script.
In the same way, they replace bill o reilly, and no one really gives a shit in a month. I think for tucker that showed up on fox, especially in recent years in the trump era, is very differ.
tucker on here in an hour and then more raises. But like is that a function of the network or the individual items, don't title VI operated. Show I think Tucker Tucker's great scale throughout his career is that he had the ability to kind of
understand where, like the report, where a big chunk of the right was going in,
if either follow them or lead them there, and he was very he he had a. He had an approach and a philosophy that was deeper than any approach that a sean, hannity or jesse waters or greg got felt or any of those
for half an hour did make him creative. It made him innovative and it made him dangerous. I dont know that that work was
already done. I dont think like. I don't know that there is more to add to the end of that play book. The jesse waters can pick up and run with
Look, I think the damage has been done is shown people he like showed people new ways to kind of access the fuckin fever swamp of the right sonorous. I say I think there are such goose. I think the glory anger
I got you if you want to pick. Someone is like a little closer to Tucker hit me in that and that get here, but I think the rest of them are like fucking goose
meters is more comedy. First, did it Tucker got into real right wing racist agitprop like I'll, never forget the the segment he did where he claimed that, like white farmers in south africa were being killed. But again that's like ark ship. It's dark ship. It is not about him. It's an editorial choice to like go to those places, and I think the next person will go to those places too, and the audience will be happy. I'm just saying that other fox hosts haven't been as successful and going
places or haven't even tried is hard to go to those places as much as much as for neglect of shining entity show is just stay, isn't mr trump
Wonderful and we love mystery around for all this kind of bullshit and Tucker's doing his own thing in his own philosophy, which is you some more illegal entrants yeah and I- and I do think that, like rightwing, probably
There's a lot like therapy in that, like it just has to be good enough,
and then you get a lot out of it? You get the voters, you need you get them angry. You get them turned off the republicans inoculated against democrats. All those things Tucker was doing. Some was doing that, but then I do think something much more dangerous on top of it. He did this philosophy around elite is the better. They really resonated and kind of connected him more. Like turn, karlsson was more connected.
The Joe rogan kind of ecosystems, whitefield and then Sean Hannity has ever been like the JD vance's and josh hawley cars get their inspiration from Tucker and they're. All like tweeting about how sad it is, but that's bullshit, I think that's because Tucker is he didn't invent this movement. He is part of it and he understood.
dead and saw an opening and kind of help. Private opening open. But, like your data events is you know the peter teal kind of universe like they are investing in these kinds of. I forget this,
alton from arizona. What was his name blake masters is another candidate that kind of trying to access this kind of think so too, like crowder slotting into the slot pretty easily and there's a lot of people. Yeah there's a lot. I that's, I think, there's a lot of outsiders that could probably do something like this. Alright. Finally, a culture war update bud light has decided to put two executives on leave because they sent a personalized bud light can to transgender activists, Dylan mulvaney as part of a marketing promotion that caused the
of right wing weirdos to lose their shit and call for a boycott of but light, including a video where kid rock shot cases of bud light with a rifle. So should we now call for a counter boycott of bud light because they coward to the to the mob waiter?
cancel culture, everybody we did it. I mean with what was pathetic to watch about. This is Republicans dome of any gets, essentially swag mag commemorative beer can
the right entire right wing flips out until someone gets a call from a lobbyist? That's like hey in ice bush gives a ton of money to republican causes in the twenty twenty two cycle alone, in as a bush gave in its employees, gave the end our c c. Four hundred and sixty four thousand dollars, members of the bush family,
if huge amounts of money to republicans too that's when you saw donald trump Jr come out and say actually, let's show with the boycott stuff re cause. They heard about the money, but it was too late in a bad light, decided to essentially fire these people, but let also put out a statement that it never it doesn't it. It said nothing, it just sort of it it it tried to
tamp down the controversy which actually and in a way that I think other companies have done worse. But they tried to tamp down the controversy without ever apologizing or suggesting they shouldn't have done it, but to try to kind of tilt towards recognizing the controversy which got them. Nothing is like you mentioned how you sleep at night and you're, just like I had to make a decision to put someone who works for me on leave because they thought it would be nice to just say.
a beer, can to a transgender activists with their name to make them feel includes. Who make them feel included? That's that's uh! I'm mad now was so bad that I had to tell those be you're done with the company. It's out, I used that's it. It's also a its ultimately eight. What were where a month passed? What was one sponsored and swam post and if that's what it has one post from a month ago by one person, megan mccartin, who is a conservative who writes a lot of stuff? That's quite terrible wrote about the right in its approach to
persuasion versus bullying- and I thought this was an interesting thing to come out of the right on this and I'm not going to read the part where she, where she caviar the fact that dylan is trans, but at so I will skip the cabbie, I'm skipping a caveat, but you re
it's easy to understand why she's accumulated more than ten million tik tok followers over the course of her online transition. She makes life and being trans seem like such fun. She tropics on an anger or cruelty.
in whimsy enjoy, were met. Walsh offers enemies. Dylan ovine aspires to exuberance. She suggests the possibility of making yourself and the world into something better, but whilst promises at best only the dour set
faction of being right about how terrible everything is, isn't surprising that the kids are choosing mulvaney over that, ah- which I think is a really a very, very good point, and why I think, ultimately, these politics backfire and had to me, is like that that captured from
the feeling of what is like to watch this unfold, because you know even calling Dylan mulvaney a transgender activists, sure that is what she is, but really her activism, for the most part, has just been making video videos describing her life and trying to bees say what what she's going through through this transition, and it is enraged. So many people not just to see someone unapologetically do that, but to build a following. All to me: will you think about how this hits the vast majority of people who do not pay close attention to politics, culture, wars? Any these issues were like see now have certain feelings but different, it most voters rate and they, like. Oh there's, a big. What what's the big fuss over that day that they centre of it center but but but light can to somebody
transgender and everyone's mad about that. That seems fucking crazy. Just that's how most people would think of the whiplash of spending years crying about cancel culture and then doing then literally shooting your machine gun at a beer. Can it you know it's a. I know. Hypocrisy doesn't seem to matter in politics anymore, but it's
exhausting and heads, and and now the like, they're pretending to be popular, sounds like the attack on the woke corporations when they just basically got got a got a corporation to fire, a bunch of people.
well. They do to its also just such an admission of failure right because all of this there defensive why they have to do all this now is like. If we don't do this, not basically what they're saying is. If we don't stop companies from saying it's, ok to be trans,
eventually it won't be ok to have our views right. That's what they're trying to say their thing. If we don't shoot up the bud like hands and fuck disney over and make them pay,
we're representing a view. We don't agree with they're going to at some point force their views down our throats. That's not happening right at this moment, but that's what's coming they're coming for us and of course it's it's conspiratorial nonsense, and so they look just they just look out to lunch. I still think that in the announcement, video Biden should shoot a can of bud light himself now
What about that? I don't know, I don't love it. You know there s a good idea you mean like, but like but and indefensible donald
Right, that's rooms. They will not now we're in an hour to encounter boycott because now love light without exception things. Nobody can rebuild lady more now, that's it it's done. While they really step into a dead person. I met by load, unfortunately, are when we come back. Lovett talks to the atlantic mark leibovitz about Chris Christine.
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joining us now is the republic in primary heats up at a nation has turned its gaze to Chris Christie. He just he just published a a great profile of Chris Christie here to talk.
It is the atlantic mark, leave a benchmark. Welcome back to the pod John there's got to be on the pod. Thanks, read me
We don't write in just moment
ago, and I am curious you, your question to me: was you think that posts tucker fox news is gonna.
Worse and doesn't it feel like it has to be yeah?
it's kind of like the
media the kind of trump era version of moors law which is like that that entails,
gordon maria, that idea than chips get faster, doubling
I bet we didn't double the amount of racism in an hour or two every two to three years, like Roger ailes, you know, gets forced out and bill riley gets forced out, I'm like oh ding dong, the wicked witches are dead and
get out, then you get her a worse adoration. Yeah trump begets descent. I don't know I mean there's just it's always a spiral,
in these areas. So yeah. I have no confidence that the tucker carlson. First of all, I don't think we've heard the last of Tucker carlson, maybe we'll run for something but yeah. Now it's it's just good the deviants who will continue to be defined downward and yeah, I'm not expecting that the improvement will be pivoted to.
Yet it is if each house leaves the audience and were shape and they could not. Have you no pick pick up the baton from?
how well they ve train them yeah, exactly the kind of bizarre version of the democratic messaging when this is over
the generation that isn't better off than the generation before you know, yeah and people are always saying that it's actually both parties who to have to do that in the past, but yeah. No, I mean there is. There is always sort of a new level. I mean it was.
Tucker Carlson at least had some skills. I mean there are some. I mean there are some versions of him that are probably objectively stupid.
It may be. The last more
it's just I dunno I mean look. All the benchmarks are always can always get lower in a worse, so yeah, I'm never optimistic when it comes to so so I want to set the stage. Chris Christie claims to be the only person who can beat trump in the primary he agrees to meet you.
for breakfast at the slinky: hey Adams, hotel, genteel, anymore, need or nace
when you mention the name, Donald trump to Chris Christie. He seems to get upset with you,
what would happen there? I entreat by him only because you know
It is interesting. He is nimble. He potentially could. Finally, after seven eight years turn his bullying brawling,
argumentative tone against donald trump, which he had resisted to this.
And that would make him interesting. So we got a breakfast and he got very defensive very quickly because I was dubious. Scepticism is warranted in a case like this I take. This is
actually opportunistic, but I also hope it runs that it will be more interesting than such a centre of any of the others less than one percent
and he started like kind of putting my head off and it was kind of a weird see nor to breakfast.
think he might have been acting too was kind of it felt a little sticky and I tried to write up the whole the whole spectacle. There's a quality. You know you've you've profile, Chris Christie in the past. Ah you're, you you a piece for the times about
Christine twenty four fourteen with a headline that I think in hindsight, isn't exactly accurate because it was Chris Christie is back here at turns out. He wasn't, but you feel in both of these pieces. He has this. He believes that has often tissue t should be a currency that you appreciate.
right that, like that, that he's that he's cool enough and he and hang enough to get a good profile out of you-
and dumb did you think that he's right or duty
he's finally learned his lesson. What do you think
no I mean I look either there is a form of authenticity to be full of shit in a way that is more transparent than other,
If the air I mean, I think in base level open when, whenever when someone, when every politician is performing for reporter for anyone there's a baseline full of shitless about it,
I mean his thing. Is you know I am a wise guy, I'm a jersey, tough guy, you know I you know I was really popular. He took on teachers, unions and stuff
You know I I dunno, I mean he doesn't it's not as if this is any great mystery. I I just think that his performance art is far more transparent than he might think. It is, and- and you know maybe reporters are smarter than he thinks they are, or at least some of them are so I dunno I it was a fun story lose for me. I don't think he liked it, though so one at one thing about Chris Christie, that's different than some of his other are not.
From opponents, as he's actually making an argument against trump sure about about his failures, but his failure to achieve the things he said he was gonna achieve. Building the wall, immigration covert, whatever it may be, is he is he
any kind of elected billy argument on the road at all. Or has it been focused on competence
First of all, he hasn't. He hasn't. I mean to correct you. He hasn't really gone into. Donald trump was a disaster in office. I mean none of the republican candidates have gone, have mocked him that much except for maybe the one
Well, but you know, I mean Biden uses this on him in twenty twenty in any republican should too, which is that he lost more job he's the first president in history to lose more jobs and leaving office than he did coming in now. Obviously kobe was not
entirely beanery, he screwed up covert but yeah. There are a lot of other factors, but that's it. That's a pretty damning thing and also, if you're, a republican, there's just the loser rap, which is you know, it's pretty hard to lose to Joe Biden and you know you're the first republican than one hundred years to lose the house, the senate, the white house, blah blah blah. So I mean I I think Christie would also be uniquely positioned to say, hey look, you know what he was a disastrous.
I because he could have overturned obamacare. If you really want that because he wouldn't have needlessly alienated reno, my pants or whoever, certainly major book
would not have alienated. John Mccain would probably done at much smarter, you know would have actually
This would have, actually you know not pardon my friends would have not certain insurrection would have not got unimpeached were so
The other thing is I mean I don't
the idea that, like oh, you thought you know you're going to get. You know thanks for the infrastructure bill, I'll, actually wait. That was Joe Biden, so I mean his his promises made promises kept thing I mean you can sort of. You know, draw all kinds of holsters
But now, but Christie knows where he's vulnerable and right now is focused mainly on the loser thing, but also
he's kind of nuts and
Instability is obviously kind of right beneath the surface of all that, so you wrote a piece in november about the santas. Ah, when he was white hot here are a lot of your sources at the time thought the santas would fizzle. One of them said trump will club descent
like a baby seal evocative. You also talked a fair amount about be interpersonal challenges that might come foreign descent,
S. Design seem to be bearing out now. Oh absolutely yeah I mean was usual. People should have just listen to me six months ago
But now I m not now amended the senses,
First, one after a disaster a start. I think I think, every time he goes out in public, including today there was unclear that when pretty viral of him in Japan,
looking extremely weird in the face of a glass poles or something like that, electable
Yes, and I don't want to add at samara strategy. If you haven't seen its pretty viral, so you can go, go find it, but it's weird is all hell and yeah. I I think he's going nowhere. I mean I think people compare
You know maybe two skywalker to repair all these people who were to have seen.
Like the obvious sort of heir apparent, but I think he might be worse
and but we'll see, I actually I mean I mean I dunno how a guy like him turns it around, because he's so unappealing objectively just to watch yet to me. I I the the comparison for me as he really reminds me of the villain from ghostbusters. He has real.
After pack energy like the going after disney, like I met up at a prison next to this amusement park like yeah. That's like act, three break into electric boogaloo stuff. I mean like it's just a villain tv style that is so true yeah. I know that is. That is brilliant know. That is a. I totally agree.
the republicans doing anything that surprises you'd, TIM's, gotten
he highly bike, pants isa, hutchinson, the white hot, the the
electric charismatic asia hutchinson wishes thought the best placed to now,
Presidential campaign was this week with george that monopolies. Anybody anybody surprising you at all. No, no I'm in pencil is pathetic. Witches
new. I mean you know he can I had this people critique of trump is off the record here, which was was either the gridiron or the alpha.
I always mix them up said I'd windsor. Why I'm dinner? No cameras,
the washington history will not, you know,
read him. Well, I mean like shut up.
and you know Nikki haley great. I see that
and people like the lamb, young kids. I think people ask someone asked young can about what he thought of tromp, whether you consider
against him and young and said I think we need
all learn to agree without being disagreeable and like ok,
yeah that that's probably not going to get it done in the republican primary. I dunno I mean that there, although I I do be nice if there was someone who was actually pretty relevant,
republican governance. Now, whether it say I'm your brand camp or something like that who had a pugilistic and sort of savvy
maggie, somewhat christie like side who could take on trump and be fearless in and really
and put a scare into him and make him uncomfortable on a debate stage. Yeah I mean you called Chris Christie, an imperfect kamikaze candidate, which seems to be suggesting that it's going to take two people, one person
one person to fly into tromp and the other person tat to win
I mean. Ideally that would be one person. I don't. I don't think that person, or I'm not sure of that,
exists, but anytime you have more than one among the maps gets really. Turkey does trumps gonna get his forty problem.
weighed thirty five, and then you don't, you start splitting it
it's never a clean one. On one I mean if it were cruz or rubio
the trump early on I mean he probably wouldn't have won in sixteen. But you know the math, absolutely favors him. You know an enlarger fields like this and it looks like this is going to be.
and so on, but yeah now, I'm its critical softened mark. But it's not like I mean tim scott
it coming in fit finish him off. I mean I don't I don't think TIM Scott I mean is: is the guy to do that? He seems to be running for vice president and we're not an imperfect kamikaze candidate is one that doesn't hit the candidate and explode
preserving, hits the kit, presumably with a perfect kamikaze, as somebody who loses by taking out trump yet
yeah or more wins and
but then there not a kamikaze. Oh, I guess that that's true other. Ultimately, the kamikaze could happen in general were to have to transfer to stay home.
I say to maybe that number could be a two step comp there's a lot of stuff going on, let him out of work around here, but you get to get over that the Democrats. A couple of months ago, you wrote a piece about why someone in the democratic party should challenge Joe Biden. Are you excited by a robert F,
his candidacy? Is he the person for whom you were waiting? I see the
we ve been waiting for our way. The ones we ve been waiting for you, I was, I was hoping for someone who is not a cage.
here or marrying williamson, but I still think the debts.
True it's getting late, but good.
Winner or governor similar wherever one to jump in
and then there would be hell to pay they'd be they'd, get a lot of abuse, but they also, I I I think they would be welcomed by a lot of people very quietly. Yeah I mean you wrote about Donald trump's presidency, paralyzed, ah democrats into a kind of risk aversion,
which are to be honest, it is something I feel as a democrat who has been paralyzed into a state of risk of hershey by donald trump. You know we're speak on the eve of
ireland's reelection announcements- and I my
this feeling about it is that of Joe Biden were five ten years younger there be no question. His record of accomplishment would make him unassailable. He'd like easy, a perfect president, of course not, but given the hand he was dealt, I find it truly it very difficult to imagine someone playing it better and to me that says this person is absolutely earned the right to seek a second term
so it really is a question exclusively about age, and that is a tough argument to make for another demo.
and the worry is of course someone jumps in makes. That argument, which is the only
elliot one really: maybe generation will change.
different eighty absurd age right, but
then wooed. Well, it would be of Joe Biden had been had governed like a conservative democrat from the nineties, but he hasn't
It would be more, it would be a more so it would be more than just age if it had more to it, but it doesn't seem like it really would. And so then you have your asking somebody to jump in two.
Get him on the most vulnerable aspect of his candidacy rights. It that's why
The aversion comes from and I dont know how I dunno how you score
I don't know you deal with that that challenge here. I don't think it would be. The democratic weakens the deep enough can candid ex who weakens Joe Biden. I think Joe Biden
is himself and very he's weakened. On on it's own, I mean look, it's two for one am in his poll. Numbers are terrible right now, both in general, but also I mean about like more than half of democrats, don't wander
and then you know eighty two that told when he's inaugurated
If he wins again, I mean that's really old and that's in habits. It's these two things.
Bid on themselves. Obviously but yeah, I
I honestly don't think it's the job of of any challenger to worry, about weakening him and by the way of Biden and overcomes this challenger. That itself would be an argument against him being weakened, because if he would have proven his mettle
and he would have won that argued. Jonah won the argument
argument on the weakest thing on the on the biggest weakness he faces yeah. I think so. I think that would totally. I think that would answer a lot of critics right.
So are you hearing anything that tells you are anyone serious is considering? Jumping in nope haven't heard a thing and yeah that looks. I guess I mean I. I think people are again it's sort of part of the risk of
but again, I think there's a way to do it in a way that could have great benefits to whoever does it and can in a greatly enhance a debate that I think democrats knowing deserve to have better
were due to have because they really haven't had a debate about their future. Since obama was elected,
in two thousand and eight, and that some, how years ago, at fifteen years ago, so that fifteen years
jeffrey blunders go so animals. I go: let's go
ok obama. Now it's turn in a border were really screwed. That's, let's do Biden. It's like. Oh now, really screwed. Again, let's stick with binding
and I am ready for the future one last question before we let you go,
Eliza who works on pod, save america. He treated at you that the only fly in your piece was it. There was no question to Chris Christie about the fact that trump knew he had come
and tried to kill him, but you said that it was cut it
asked him it was caught. Can you tell us, can you tell us about the exchange
yeah. There wasn't a strange about it. Just also. I was one of listing the indignities that the trump heaped upon him so truck
yeah. So, at the end of his administration, you know christie shows up what does a lot debate prep with with trump, and then he shows up at the emir
baron, super spreader party at the white house gets covered
Lastly, I see you and any now is he's- got some come morbidity so
maybe he was even bring up and tat. Therefore, while and actually now at issue in my books of anomalies guises,
This was in my book, but
frankly currently had covered, so he was being treated it. Walter, reed and trump called christie to up to give theoretically wish him well, but after about five seconds on a phoney pivotal to a christian you're, not gonna, say you got this for me.
Are you and I'm christie said you know, you're, never gonna change, but yeah
so here yet again covert, I mean he here.
The line was that they cut, but thank you for letting me do. This was getting.
All kinds of humiliations and indignities return and also caught covered from them, and I just repeat
This wasn't just like. I owe you know these things happen trumpet had a positive tests. He had that he knew he had covered. That's the most amazing part of oliver incompletely and subversion ma
We rich, thank you. So much for your time. I really go. Read the article in the atlantic. It saw is worth its it's it's worth or it don't you
I was going to be your thank you. Market sampson
before we go as of this,
wording. We still don't know what's in binds announcement video, but since we all consider ourselves to be close observers of the forty six president, we're gonna go ahead and guess which Biden isms made it into the final cut three phrases sentences whatever each winner gets to join the campaign love it
You start yet further. First prizes during the campaign for a month second prizes joining for today's mikey, my phrases
phrases were, I believe in america are best.
As it is ahead of us back over the soldiers nation,
a job is that more than a paycheck, it's about dignity for five billion, is for
article adds a lot of overlap. I saw the nation and I just want to get it. I just want to get credit for having folks in there like at least five times when, like an over under on folks and it's all I have my smoother one- would have he would if he does a detour to talk about how his dad told him it was called
two guys kissed that seems like right now get me in there will be a good my dad sought. You guys get, and I said it was fine. I was thinkin, we may get em, not your father's republican party, just maybe thing, but I must say I have finish the job.
A soul of the nation, obviously I think he's gonna- do a whole rift its. I ran for president to restore the soul. The nation to rebuild the backbone
country, the middle class rain and here comes to grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not from the top down beneath the script.
I think this is it. Did you we're gonna do than other austerity package? I swear to god. I swear to everything I have not seen
script, I've not at an eye to any about mountain by trading by also they were gonna, get light over darkness huh.
Over fear,
unity over division. That's what that says. Other riff, that is unity of her division, you another copy in there. That's a good one, yeah! That's what I'm guessing
Will you haven't got gases will see what happens. I mean how little of your listening to this. You know what happened, and you know you know what he did you. Nobody said as when it won't be so funny. If there's no video tomorrow
That's part of all of these. All these reports have been just little copyrighted like mia.
It's all but certain, but we never know. We could pull it back last minute and then there was a political story a month ago about how there was to be announcement until like the fall or next year. But it has been recorded apparently has been filmed, sounds like it. That's the southern. Can it somewhere here in the can his iron around a little back right thanks to mark leibovitz, thanks to the cost of succession
and we'll talk to his environment, pod save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our senior producer is in.
gardner Bernstein. Our producers are here.
use in a martinez, its mixed in edited by andrew chadwick, kyle
when in charlotte, Linda sound engineered the show, thanks to Hayley keefer irish worth sandy gerard anti tat ingesting how for production support
You are digital team, Elijah, cone, Phoebe Bradford, my look him and Amelia monday. Our episodes are uploaded as videos at youtube dot com such powers,
save america.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.