« Serial Killers

“Warwick Slasher” Craig Price


Growing up as one of the few black kids in Warwick, Rhode Island was not easy. By the time Craig Price transitioned from child to teen, the years of racism and bullying had already made a huge impact on his developing psyche. By the time he was 13-years-old in 1986, his anger had reached a boiling point.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised this episode in foods, discussions of murder, assault and racism that some people may find offensive. We advise extreme caution for children under thirteen, on a calm evening. In July of nineteen, eighty seven Rebecca Spencer fell asleep, while watching tv in her living it had been a long day let twenty seven year old mother of two was in the process of packing up for big move, the glow The television set through a kaleidoscope of colors across Rebecca sleeping form, as she dozed hulking form quietly entered the room. Although he was only thirteen years old. Craig price was bigger than some full grown men and much more
dangerous the tvs, dim light illuminated Carvingknife Craigs hand taking care not to wake Rebecca. He lifted the blade above his head, And then he thrust it into his unsuspecting victim. Hi, I'm Gregg pulsing. This is serial killers parks, original every episode we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Today, we're going to discuss the savage murders committed by Craig Price, one of the youngest serial killers U S! History, I'm here with my co host Vanessa Richardson for everyone, you can find episodes of serial killers and all other Parkhurst originals for free on Spotify or wherever you listen, Haug casts two streams. Real killers for free on Spotify, just open the app and type cereal
killers in the search bar. This is a one part episode covering Craig Price, but a tortoise Warwick slasher first will discuss, withdraw this seemingly shy mild, mannered boy to commit his first murder at age. Thirteen later will focus on the end of his murderous rampage and how his frenzied attacks were brought to an end stick around for more details. On the Warwick slasher right after this ever since he was a child, Craig Price was used to drawing attention in nineteen. Seventy eight, when Craig was five, his working, a family moved to Warwick, Rhode Island, where black people made up less than one percent of the population. However, Craig skin color wasn't what really made him stand out. It was his lot you're than average build Craig embraced his size using it to become a skilled football player. He was so
strong his teammates called him iron man, despite his intimidating bulk enough, let it price Craig was also soft spoken, his affable Comedic nature, ensuring was always surrounded by friends. He was known it's joke, stir then loved making his family laugh, but he so had a dark side that looked just below the placid surface. As a preteen Craig found a new hobby dressed head to toe and black, he scour the neighbourhood at night, stealing from houses. Sometimes he prowled alone, sometimes with a group of friends. This robust aside didn't go unnoticed in nineteen eighty six, twelve year old, Craig was arrested for breaking and entering the charge
handed him in juvenile court. The judge sentenced him to six months of family counselling, but they sessions had little effect to curb is criminal activities. Once the six months or up Craig returned to his thieving ways. His troubles only deepened when his friends introduced him to see looking and drugs, even with all the negative influences in his life craigslist laid an innate talent for schoolwork. He frequently tested above his grade level, but rather than use his intellect to succeed in the classroom, he used it. Putting the least effort possible. He often cod class Vanessa is going to take over the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note: Vanessa is not a licence ecologists, just like high interest, but she has done a lot of research for the show thanks Gregg many experts associated skipping school with juvenile behaviour issues,
according to see our sea health, not going to class, can sometimes result in drug and alcohol abuse, high risk sexual behaviour and banned wisdom, Craigs, rebellious behaviour may have also been a sign of a deeper problem: deft, deceitful ness, truancy, substance, abuse and impulsiveness are all symptoms of conduct disorder the adolescent precursor to anti social personality disorder. The DSM five mine's, conduct disorder as a repetitive and System pattern of behaviour in which the basic rights of others or major age. Appropriate societal norms or rules are violated that description fit young Craig pretty well. He didn't display much remorse for his actions and failed to rectifies behaviour, even when he was warned about the consequences. If Craig did suffer from conduct disorder, it
been something he was born with, but it may also have been triggered by an inability to regulate his anger at situations which were beyond his control. Whatever the underlying cause of cracks truancy, it came back to fight him in nineteen. Eighty six, he was forced to repeat seventh grade after missing too many classes for someone like Craig being held A key year could prove devastating and have a strong mental effect on him. Developmental behavioral pity friction. Laura mug found that repeating a grade can affect a child social and emotional development. In one study, sixth grade students described being held back as the most stressful life event, they could think of, but repeating a year of school was far from the only trauma in Craigs Life growing up. He experienced several instances of violent racism.
When he was thirteen Craig challenge, one of the kids in his neighborhood to a bicycle race. The two boys were poised the starting line, surrounded by cheering, Neighbours Craig gripped the handlebars tightly, ready to x, load with energy over the noise. Craig heard somebody, a racist taunt at him. He had experienced racism before, but nothing quite so vulgar is this a cold fear twisted his stomach and a nervous lamp grew in his throat. Unsure of what might happen if he responded Craig ignored the slur, he figured the best approach would be to focus on the task at hand. He was sure he and his brand new road runner bicycle could outpace his opponents huffy. Unfortunately, the racist interloper wasn't done ass. He waited for the signal to race. Craig was struck in the leg with a golf ball. This time he turned around one.
To see his bigoted attacker. There stood a young man around nineteen. He and two friends. Leered had crag the leader of the group opened his big mouth again, he asked Craig if he had stolen the shiny new bike. He was sitting astride. Craig may have been big for his age, but the older boys, basically adults, had an paralyzed with fear. In that moment, he had one wish that earth would open up and swallowed the obnoxious bullies. Crags wish didn't come true. Ali God was another golf ball pelted his way it was fun by more hateful barbs about the color of his skin. Luckily, it seems The races had no interest in sticking around for the bike race, Craig watched, tents and furious, as they made their way to a beat up muster. The engine gave a loud, distinct, roar ass. It revved
relief washed over him as the car drove away. At last, the contest could begin for the first few moments of the race. Craig felt nothing but exhilaration look and he heard a familiar sound over his shoulder aggressors work back no longer armed with golf balls. They were now driving us three thousand pound weapon. Leaned out of the windows of the Mustang, dreaming more hateful slurs at Craig. They seemed determined to run him over Craig was no longer racing. A friend he was racing for his life, the car barreled alongside him, edging closer and closer. Finally, he was left with no choice. He hopped the curb. He threw his bike onto the ground and managed to get away from them. Hang on foot when he felt it was safe once more, Craig cautiously returned to where he
dropped. His bike. The coast was clear, the Mustang was gone, but his brand new bicycle had been trash the chain. Guard was mangled and the seed and handlebars were busted in that moment. Looking at the twisted remains of his bike, Craig may have felt a deep desire to punish those who tormented him as one of the few black people and his and it's likely that Craig experience this kind of violent racism many times and it seems to have had a drastic effect on his psyche. Psychologist AL be Feinstein later examined Craig price. In his assessment he wrote that years of experiencing both overt and covert forms of racism appear to have had a significant impact on Craig Psychological, functioning and ultimate acts of aggression, but for the moment Craig swallowed his rage. He returned home, hoping to find safety a reassurance from his pair
instead, his father chastised him for racing and spanked him unsure of how to react. Craig good please sit there and cry when his parents refused to listen. There was no way for Craig to x ass. The emotions are running through him is only a turn it. It was too bottle up those feelings of anger and hatred. Craig tried to distance himself from his troubles by having fun with his friends, but The bike race incident had shown there was no escaping the racism in his environment one day in late July of nineteen, eighty seven Craig was playing football, but the neighbourhood kids ass they tussled. Heard someone shout another racist epithet at him. This time it came from a man and a white car parked at a neighbour's house. Craig didn't respond, but underneath his calm exterior is rage consumed him. Craig later said that this was his typical response for years. He
all of his emotions. Under the surface clinical psychologist, doctors Spencer Devolved, who later worked with Craig described him as a young man, limited in the available resources for coping with stress and vulnerable to being overweight, by stimulus demands both his own emotional pressures, and on the environment and one it was unleashed. The consequences were disaster
This coming up. Craigs anger pushes him over the edge through the hustle and bustle and stresses of life. Finding the path to positivity has never been more crucial at the more fulfilled. You feel. The more grounded you become well Parkhurst has a wonderful new series that can help you in this quest. It's called daily quote, and it's a quick two to three minutes: Dingley Podcast for you to get inspired by every day on daily quote you'll be given a quote, meant to motivate uplift and renew your outlook on life. You also died deeper into the context surrounding the coat learning more its origin in the meaning behind it. There have already been so many inspirational quotes featured so far, but hands down. My favorite has been by singer, songwriter Leonard Cohen, so whether you jump
darting the morning searching for that midday pick me up or trying to finish the evening off strong Dingley quote: offer some of histories most inspirational quotes whenever you need them. Three hundred sixty five days a year followed daily quote free on Spotify or wherever you get. Your pot casts. Now back to the story in July of nineteen eighty seven thirteen year old, Craig Price was at the end of his robe. This His intimidating two hundred forty pounds frame Craig wasn't immune from racist attacks as one of the few black teenagers in his predominantly white neighbourhood. He felt like he walked around with a target on his back unable to deal with his feelings in a constructive manner. He repressed his pet of anger and frustration, but it sat there boiling
under the surface. He was a powder keg waiting to blow. Studies have shown that when we force ourselves to keep certain emotions locked up, we can experience or term mental and physical reactions clinical psychologist Victoria tear it states that you're stewing in your anger, not saying a thing you couldn't, ridge and emotional outburst, the mine in body can overreact to even the slightest situations resulting in a physical explosion. It's the body way of releasing pent up emotion, unaware of the harm he was doing to himself. Craig continue to ignore his rage. He tried to focus on friends football things that made him b, but eventually is underlined. Emotions got the best of him as the sun was setting on the night of July, twenty seventh nineteen, eighty seven, the local kids, took it knowledge of the warm evening. They decided to play. Man hunt a high,
at version of hide and seek crossed with tag the playing field, spanned the whole block of Inez Avenue, backyards, driveways shrubs. Nothing was off limits. Craig had just smoke to joint with some of his friends and was eager to join in the aim while he hid, he noticed a car rolling down the client street. It was the same when that was parked at his neighbour's house the week before the man who had yelled slurs at him was behind the wheel, the driver spotted Craig once again zeroed in on him. He rolled his window blasted his horn and shouted more hateful things he even swerved towards Crag Craig was furious, but he didn't do anything. He just stood there and took it even though the man had practically run him down the street afterward Craig was ashamed of himself. Why had?
He defended himself after the game concluded Craig in some of the other boys continued to hang out, but Craig remained quiet. His friend had no idea what was going on inside his mind. The powder keg was sparked. Craig was fixed It is on making some one pay for him humiliation after everyone went home Craig sat alone in his room. He tried to calm down, but he couldn't, as the minutes ticked by Craig slowly surrendered to the beast within he was done being a victim crags up, walk to his closet and pulled out a black magic, aluminum baseball bat. He was going to take out all
his anger on the white car, dressed in black. The two hundred forty pounds. Seventh greater made his way to the house where the car had been parked, but it wasn't there anymore. Still. Craig was desperate to lash out. If he couldn't expel his wrath on the car, he would do it on the racist neighbour's house, leaving the bat behind Craig hid in the neighbors backyard watching the darkened house. He noticed a flickering light from one of the windows. Crept forward to investigate inching his way up. He peered through the window. He saw that the living room television was on surrounded by moving boxes, but that's not the only thing that caught Craigs attention. His neighbor, Rebecca Spencer was fast asleep. On the living room floor, Rebecca a twenty seven year old divorced
Their of two was in the process of moving. She had recently gotten her g d and wanted more for her family than her five dollar and our job could offer so she her brother and her kids had, did to move out of the house. They'd been renting for the past year. By now, it was mostly packed up with most of the furniture gone Rebecca, didn't have a bed to sleep. In that night, her brother was working, the night shift and our kids were staying with their father. She was all alone Craig didn't know any of this. He just assumed that Rebecca was somehow related to the big it in the white car. He kept gazing into the house trying to get a better look. Crick nearly jumped out of his skin when Rebecca CAT cost a commotion outside them monetary panic subsided ass soon ass. He saw the feline scurry into the house through a slightly open door. Craig followed right behind. He found himself in the kitchen
will disappear into the living room. At Rebecca S sleeping form. Their didn't seem to be any what else inside the small house overwhelmed with tension, Craig try to sort out his jumbled bots. He needed to remind himself of the plan vandalized the house and maybe just maybe burn down to, but he couldn't find matches or a lighter in the house. So we abandon the arson part of the more I thought about it. The more vandalism didn't feel like enough. His rage was demanding that he kill because he had ditched his bat Craig needed a new weapon. He grabbed a frying pan and gave it a few practice swings, but it was too heavy. That's when he spotted a ten inch carvingknife the instant he held the carver in his hand, Craig knew that is theoretical vengeance plan was becoming more and more real by the second Craig crept into the living room. He stood over Rebecca staring at her
even though she wasn't the source of his anger. The memory The man in the White car came flooding back in them, by the televisions, throbbing blue light. Craig was over with a strange feeling of awareness, every motion he'd been bottling up was now driven to the surface and with that awareness came a savage sense of anger when Rebecca stirred Craig was consumed with rage at a terrifying frenzy, he stabbed her fifty eight times with the tenant blade once Craig realised what he done. He bolted out of the house knife still in hand before climbing offence. He carelessly tossed the murder weapon. He then sprinted back to his own yard. He barely made it back to his house when it hit him the frying pan his finger prints were all over. It cry rushed back to Rebecca S house he slipped in through
the open door grabbed the frying, pan and darted out unsure what to do with it. He threw the pan and some nearby bushes back in his room. Craig shed is bloody clothes. He couldn't let his parents see them, he packed them in a bag and carefully hid it in the attic. He frantically cleaned himself off in the bathroom trying to stay quiet then, as if nothing happened, Craig returned to his room and smoked more marijuana ass. He lay down, to sleep, he held the family cat to his chest, letting the vibration of its purring soothe him. The next morning, Rebecca S, brother, coral returned home from work and found her life was body. Drink in blood it didn't take long for word of the brutal murder just spread through town. Unfortunately, for police, Craig hadn't left any physical evidence.
They had very little to go on and the investigation to find the so called Warwick slasher stalled in their search for the killer. No one suspected Rebecca as thirteen year old neighbour Craig had gotten away with murder coming up the will week slasher strikes again now back to the story on July, twenty, seventh, nineteen, eighty seven thirteen years Craig price viciously murdered. His neighbor stabbing twenty seven year old, Rebecca Spencer in her sleep in the aftermath of the murder police, had little to go on Craig had covered his tracks. Well, when nobody came to arrest him, he realized that is life good, carry on as usual. He continued been class wasting his days, smoking and drinking at night. He wrapped up more incidents of petty theft. He followed this pattern for the next year.
Until he was busted in the summer of nineteen. Eighty eight for a scoping, outhouses burglarize. This time the judge ordered Craig to juvenile detention. However, the sentence was suspended instead of family counselling. Craig was given probation and released His probation report listed his condition as improved since his last arrest because he wasn't considered a high risk. The fifteen year old killer was free to roam the streets It was only a matter of time before Craig was set off again in August of nine In eighty nine, he encountered a woman named Joan hidden who was out with her two young daughters for a by cried ass. He passed by Craig notice that the chain on one of the girls bikes had slipped off the gears he stopped smiled and offered to fix. The problem Heaton agreed to let him, but Craig felt there was something off about the woman ass. She watched him replace the chain. She was staring.
Him a little too intently Craig wondered if Joan would be scrutinising him so close IE. If he were a white teenager ass, he finished fixing the bike. The two young girls began giggling to themselves and Craigs anger flared further. He, but they were laughing at him. For the same reason, their mother was watching him like a hawk. The color of his skin Craig had experienced repeated in and violent racism during his childhood because he felt persecuted. So often he may have been particularly son. It into the issue and, as a result, could have suffered from confirmation bias during his first and count, with Joan. Hidden according to Arthur Doktor Shiraz Hash, Matt Confirmation Bias
just that we don't perceived circumstances objectively. We pick out those bits of data that confirm our prejudices. It's possible that the hostility Craig sense from Joan was the product of a misunderstanding rather than racial bias, regardless in the moment Craig. Let the slight go but a few days later, while he walked home, he thought he saw Jones staring at him through her window with the same intensity. He felt the owl familiar rage wash over him, he had gone his way to help that woman and her girls, and in return he was treated like some kind of danger to the neighbourhood. In that moment, he resolved to show Joan just how dangerous he could be. On the September first, nineteen eighty nine Craig strolled through his neighborhood toward Joan Etons House. He was high and lsd as he walked down a shadowy alley. Then something caught his eye, the dark it was Jones.
In his home and the windows were wide open. It didn't you Like any one was home, but Craig felt it was worth taking a look. He quietly took off his shoes and then climbed through one of the open windows in the dark kitchen. Craig helped himself to a carton of orange juice. But ass. He drank he heard noises from another room. Some one was home before Craig had a chance to hide or escape, thirty, nine year old, Joan Heaton entered a kitchen and turned on the light. The mother of two stood there Rosen face to face with the imposing form of Craig price. In a flash crags hands were around her throat. He wrestled or back hallway the sounds of the struggle woke up Jones, two daughters, ten year old, Jennifer and aid, year old Melissa, seeing the hulking teenagers
strangled their mother. The girls had no idea what to do as they stood there in shock Craig dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife Joe I tried to tell her girls to call the police, but Craig was too fast. He stabbed Joan before anyone could move just tried to fight back desperate to save her daughters. She bit her attacker and he bit her right. Back. Jennifer militia screamed in fear, afraid the noise, what alert a neighbor Craig pressed his face against the window to check for police when he had finished with Joan Craig turned to the two young girls, he stabbed each them dozens of times his blows were so brutal that he broke several knives, leaving
the blades inside the bodies of his defenceless victims. He was so crazed. He even stabbed himself leaving a deep gash in his hand. It was a curious rampage. He stabbed Joan almost sixty times and at bludgeoned eight year old, Melissa with a kitchen stool in all the mayhem Craig wasn't sure which of his victims died. First, he later said that he just kept stabbing until the house was silent, despite their screams. No one, to help Joan and her daughters in the eerie echoing silence, Craig covered up the bodies with linens from around the house. He couldn't bear to look at what he done. Then he It is a tension to hiding the murder weapons. He grabbed a trash bag from the kitchen and tossed the knives and broken off handles inside exiting. Through the window we entered from Craig hurried back home. He tossed the bag of knives into
backyard shed. He stuffed is closing shoes into another bag and hid it in the attic justice before after getting with murder, two years earlier, Craig felt confident he done it again yield forward to getting back to life as usual, but, as Craig settled back into his routine delinquency, Joe Higgins, mother was worrying about her family. She hadn't heard from Joan and day Eventually, she asked her other daughter to go with her to check on Joan using a spy our key. They let themselves into Jones House as soon as they opened the door. The ransom smell made it clear. Something was wrong, Joe His mother had already imagine the worst for her daughter, but she could never have envisioned a horror like s walking further into the house. They saw the blood, splatter floors and walls, and then they found the bodies still tucked,
their sheets when news of the Grizzly triple homicide hit the airwaves. The town of Warwick went into a state of panic. Thinking back to Rebecca Spencer's murder, locals were terrified than a serial killer was living amongst them, the police can did the two attacks as well. They were sure that whoever had killed Rebecca had also killed, Joan and her daughters, but, unlike Rebecca murder, the killer had left behind more clues. This time, first bloody size, thirteen footprints were all over Jones House. Second, the police found blood in the bathroom. They believed that the killer had cut his hand during the attack. The suspect profile described the killer as young and living in close proximity to both Rebecca Spencer and the hearings. Crucially, Their profile also listed the potential suspect as being white, given that the police believed they were dealing with a serial killer. It's not surprised,
that the assumed he would be white according to the internet, national Journal of Police science and management. Syria killers are generally white, males who primarily kill, strangers within their own race, for studies show that most serial killers choose victims within their own race, because that's the group there most comfortable interacting with therefore or they consider it easier to release their darkest urges, but Craig bucked, both of these trends, p, wasn't white, His victims weren't members of his own ethnic background. He had in it suddenly thrown investigators off his trail fixated on fire being a young white man, the police, scoured Craigs neighbourhood. Still, when a pair of officers on patrol saw Craig walking down the street and saw the bandage wrapped around his hand. They took note he didn't fit the profile but it was still worth investigating when they asked him about it. Craig said he'd gotten drunk
unites earlier and punched a hole in a car window on Keeley Avenue because they believed they were looking for a white killer. The officers were inclined to believe him. They lead Craig, go on his way, then drove to Keeley Avenue to check out his story just in case, but instead of finding shards broken glass or even the vandalized car itself. They found nothing. They also check their records and saw that no one had file to report. The alleged incident. With the police unable to verify the story of his injured hand, Craig became a suspect taking into account considerable size, including his feet. He quickly move to the top of the list. He and his parents were brought the station for questioning Craig insisted that he had told the truth about his hand. A polygraph test, however, showed otherwise, when his finger prints match those at the crime scene, police had enough evidence
to get a search warrant at six, a m on Sunday September, seventeenth, two weeks after The heat murders, police, swarmed, the price house, Craigs parents, watched in horror as their home was ransacked Craig seemed unfazed by what was going on. He sat on the couch, occasionally falling asleep. Amidst all the activity. It didn't take long for officers to find Craigs bags full of bloody clothes in the attic. They also found murder weapons stashed in the garden shed after being hauled down to the station a second time. Craig's parents insisted that he be completely honest with police following their instructions. Craig describe the heat and murders is calm. Recounting of the attack was so disturbing that Craig's father left the room to throw up when questioned about Rebecca Spencer Craig confessed to that murder, two.
With Craigs confessions on record, he was tried in juvenile court the judge sentenced Craig to the legal maximum for a fifteen year old five years in the Rhode Island Training School that thought of remorse, the murderer being back in the street, so soon struck. Fear in the hearts of victims, families, a citizen action group called citizens opposed to the release of Craig Price formed to lobby against judgment within a month of his sentencing. A new law had asked in Rhode Island that allowed minors to be tried as adults for serious crimes, but and additional legal action was needed to keep Craig incarcerated. To this day. Craig remains behind bars. Over the decades is sentence has been extended repeatedly or fighting criminal contempt and attacks on foot when maids. As recently as two thousand nineteen, he still had twenty five more years to serve given crags complete.
Lack of remorse over his killings and his terrifying pattern of frenzied killings. It's easy to hope. He never becomes a free man. Thanks again for turning into serial killers, we'll be back soon. With the new episode, you can find more Besides, if serial killers and all other Parkhurst Originals Freon Spotify Not only does Spotify already have all of your favorite music, but now spot of ice He had easy for you to enjoy all of your favorite park. Originals likes you he'll killers for free from your phone desktop or smart speaker to stir serial killers on Spotify, just open the app and type serial killers in the search bar we'll see. Next time have a killer weak.
Serial killers was created by MAX Cutler and is apart, cast studios original executive producers food MAX and RON Cutler sounded by Dick Schroeder, with production assistance by IRAN, Shapiro Carly, Madden and Joshua Kern, this episode of real killers was written by mad Clifford, with writing assistance by abbot cannon and Stars Gregg Paulson and Vanessa Richardson.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-08.